Whisper (2007)

And it is not marvel,
because the same Satan you
it disguises as angel of light.
They look for the first-aid kit
There I go he/she suckles
Sid. bienvenido hears to the new world
They come you verify yourself this.
You know something Max...
I have to be honest with you
Do you want to buy this place?
I would not dare to steal of this place
He/she goes to be all mine
Of us
Not think that because you work in
the kitchen inside is the only option
Not Sidney max is a businessman,
we already have the menus.
You know that.
I also have a plan of businesses.
And he/she doesn't have to do with anything with caps
of paper, napkins and menus
Already finish with that shit Sid.
I have a sweet business with a type Jones
We grab the rich one tiny
he/she pays very well and we all win
Don't pay him/her attention
You know que. esto it is good idea,
but tweet him/her well him max, you don't have money
you don't have guarantee any bank he/she goes you to help.
I go to make this Sid.
I am for sure you will achieve it.
I call you in a couple of weeks for the meeting
Release you of here
Here he/she says that he/she has worked in the one
service of food.
Work small orders in Quincy,
Austin and even of places in Newport
You believe that you can resuscitate the restaurant
of the street you do Make him/her with a loan of $50,000?
It is a corner business in one
busy intersection with a lot of pedestrians
If Mister Trumont already revises that,
it is not anything but neither it is great thing.
As it was you?
Did they give it to you?
Not there is Sitco
I will take that work Roxy.
Not I have for where to go
OK. sweetness goes and get ready for your party.
Cloe will finish here.
But I like as you you make it
Is the party of the sanborne?
Truth that was brilliant boys?
This beautiful one not?
Not will treat this in their homes.
Are they clever?
We will see if we can make the biggest thing.
Happy navidad for all!
Not fight
That you want for the navidadeses David?
That what you want is Santa?
OK. we will leave the cake.
Cloe. where this David?
No. I am not sure.
My God
[We have your son]
[Not you call the police or we will kill him]
I missed you Sidney
I like the new cutting
This according one that you returned?
That he/she makes "yoko ono" here?
I am good with children Vince
Do I have 2 that you want?
Does he/she look. that carajo this is?
One left
Don't tell me
Not it cares. I arrive the boy
That well
I suppose that I grab the correct one
Soft calmly
All this very small ones?
If. we run out of gasoline
This well. we have a little one
Bobby where carajo these?
I have two empty tires in 128 o'clock
Bobby. that happens you answer me
Help me
That you dressed?
I believe that anything
Here not
Max goes up you to the they go. we leave
I believe that I don't go anything
Do you want me to get up?
Your never goes you to he/she got up
Mrs. Sanborne. I am the detective Witley
Mrs. as I told him/her for telephone
we are pursuing all the tracks
In fact all llaman. siempre makes it.
Mrs. sanborne is the detective Thousands.
me you that this happening
for a while difficult but I will need.
Can thousands speak with you?
With permission
I have this. so he/she observes and take notes
so that he/she sees like the things are made.
I thought that this was a summer camp.
As you got this?
I am taking care of it for a while.
The other thing doesn't work.
All have had better times.
Vamos. squenlo of there... it is cold.
All this frozen one
Well... I will put on this so that
ascend inside where this hot one.
It is nada. solo the wind
Outside of here!
Alone Que. es a dog
That god blesses the fifth amendment
Not be afraid
I have to go to the bathroom
You have your own bathroom inside
Inside where? Where I am?
Don't worry for that reason now
Alone you cooperate.
he/she thinks that it is alone a game
Will they injure?
No. reljate friend
Now I do bring you ice cream. would you like that?
Inside you go
You can take off the bandage David
Oh, now you are good mother!
Sidney. si warns me in advance I bring
the complete team, more channels were.
Me you that I don't have to notice it to you,
but don't become fond a lot with the boy.
I have this
For the next one I keep them.
Wi wi poo poo
that it is this foreign shit?
We are near the frontier
Frontier that frica?
Good here we are, now that that
we need it is a pizza for the great night.
Does Mother hear, done see the directory?
Hang it... they can rake Us
Hello mother is in camp,
I will have a good time a lot.
Everything goes to be well,
I won't let him to happen him/her anything.
I want that this finishes.
Already soon
I Found you esto. es for the cold
Because these using that?
It is so that you don't see who am
Is it about sleeping OK a little?
Leave I inconvenience,
I won't look at you if you decide to take off it.
Bien. Pero goes to make our secret
OK... I promise It
i Half night in the oasis
where the camels sleep /i
Do you love me max?
We will have the money to get ready that,
you that you hate it.
You cannot remove.
it is a deep scar
My love.
do you believe that we are bad people?
The kidnapping is not so bad
But we are stealing
Not it is lent robando. es.
The mother pays to Jones and
David returns tomorrow
Who this Jones is?
Not it cares who es. Sidney knows it.
If we all win
We all win
That I happen?
Anything was a nightmare
These well
Listen voices
See to see the boy
I don't like this house
I thought that it was in the bed
Because this open one my window, Max?
That they don't hear you the other ones to say my name.
Forgive me.
but sometimes one listens thing that he/she doesn't want
Vamonos. a the bed
Damned it is!
I broke the unfortunate one the insulin
Calm down.
It was in the trunk of the car,
I believe that he/she is stopped above
He didn't make it on purpose
Relax you friend.
when it is the next dose?
In the mornings... Right now, give me
the keys should see a pharmacy here.
There is one in the town but they don't know you,
he/she will bring us problems.
Then I will go to Portsmith.! Give me the keys!
Not we have time.
I have to meet with Jones at 5pm o'clock.
I told them that a single vehicle was bad idea.
The bad only idea was bringing to you.
Cuidado. calmate
Max accompanies him to Portsmith.
Do you have receta. todo what you need?
This bien. vallase.
Come here damned!
He/she saw our faces
Allow me to think a moment
Max, you assured the door
when you dressed him last night?
That she said?
That you made? him hablastes or something?
I swear that the tranque
Are you better than that. do you know that this means?
Perhaps he/she knows our names
A little bit ms. OK there, stay there
OK well. are you hungry?
We have to return
Sidney won't believe that we take a long time
so little time
We go to drain even of hours to cover
[Because they sowed wind,
and vortex will reap]
Boy you these behaving bad
Am I in problems?
Not the se. todo depends on you
You believe that you can forget of
our faces, voices, names?
I go you to make a story
Some years behind I made a bank work.
everything went well
until the cashier worked the alarm
And I noticed him/her that he/she doesn't play it...
But anyway he/she made it
My partner was forced to shoot him/her
in the head
The bullet crossed him/her the head.
Bang, there you have it
Anybody likes informers
Pretty. that is?
The cashier's necklace.
it broke and the drops were watered in the floor
As it is that that knows?
Me you many things
And me you that your partner that I kill her was not
And that was what you counted to the police,
he/she has told the same story so many times
that now until your you believe it
And me you another thing
That what you know is?
You that this about to a heart attack
These being about getting scared?
That bad that the car not this.
I held
That was the plan, a car.
less complications
It seems that you will die Sidney here
In this cabin. in the disgusting floor
I sit down it I mistook of I number
The boys arrived soon
No. we cannot leave them
to know where we are
Max is Sidney.
their heart, I sit down it a lot of Max
David this in the room. taenia fear to be alone
I sit down it for Mr. Braverman
There are many spiders,
I thought that in the winter they hid.
Where the nest will be?
The land this very hard one to bury him
We go him to leave here even of days
then we take it with us.
The portion is bigger
This boy is bad luck
That we make now?
We have two options.
we leave it in the highway
Then all this was for anything
and do we return to the poverty? For anything!
Or I speak with Jones and I finish the work
I assure that all this well and that he/she will pay us
If. and the portions are but big
Vince swears that if it was other.
The part of Sidney is for the niece of the one.
OK bien. ni way
Then you spoke with jones.
Espera. pens that this was for voting,
I choose us to allow it to go.
I have bad premonition with all this
He/she takes this... for protection
That?. the goblins?
[Small kidnapped boy]
[Son of the family Beacon hill
taken during their birthday]
Where this Sidney?
This muerto. muri
A heart attack
That unfortunate.?does the boy continue I live?
Of course
I have a picture just in case the mother
he/she wants tests
That carajo? I go to have to take out him/her another
Forget it. these preparation to communicate
with the mother?
Si. esta night
Do you have all that you need?
If an encrypted telephone
and an expert in electronic.
He/she is a professional
We will be in the art show
of Boston tomorrow to the half-day.
I will give them the money and the details.
don't trust nobody
Is this all the images?
With permission
Detective that good that arrived
The boy has the late clock
That model type is?
It is an American big car
And that of Van?
Without rakes. when this in the station
we will register it well.
Then we have anything
Not necessarily.
we have two different prints,
they should be in the registration.
Bien. muy well
We will give a turn
Where go
We have a couple of things that to make,
before returning you to house
But I am having a good time here
I don't want to leave
Friend that hablas. claro that you want
We should return
It is very late for that
Maintain it hidden
It excuses my love
You can look now at David
Well. telephone, clever mezcladora. estamos
Not they will be able to rake us
I am calling your mother David
That well
Clever todos. no still takes it
Mrs. Sanborne? We have their son.
I want tests that this alive one
OK well
David you are?
We go friend you tell him/her something
Make him to say something
Tell him/her hello
We go David he/she is not afraid
He/she should be afraid.
he/she should be very afraid,
you know what I can make you.
This well love... Alone you speak to him/her
Give him/her. curse tells him/her something
It is already enough
That these making?
Vince leaves it.
She said my name
That this happening?
She said my name
Because you made that?
Short the call
That these making?
We lost them
Could they rake the call?
I set it that you had to listen that
David this alive one?
It could not combine the voice, neither the location
This dead one?
Did they kill him?
Non sabemos. no has idea
That they want to make hour?
I would like to eat up an ice cream
OK... that is everything
Don't play it
This well
Not this well
That these making Max?
Something that should have made a while ago.
And he/she stops to use my name.
or you want to be a dead boy
Will I be first the?
Taken care Max!
That carajo that was?
Did they see that?
Not you can sleep?
Do I accompany you?
Non thank you. I go out for while
Please forgive me
Vince these there below?
It is your play
Who let you leave?
Where this Max?
He/she left to speak with Jones
I am happy that he/she stays a day
Where this Roxane?
Escchame. despus of that of last night
you should be in the basement with Sid.
You are not able to me matar. no this in you
Do you want to play?
Good morning love
Because he/she is not your girlfriend?
It seems that he likes you
And like it is that you know those things?
Last night I heard it through the walls praying
He/she was asking for forgiveness to god
For a secret. a secret that neither Max knows it
That I secrete?
"The body of a 17 year-old girl was
found in an abandoned" automobile
My God!
Not return to make that
Did you hear that?
Perhaps it is anything
That princess happens?
It is Sidney. poda to save him/her the life
Espera. no was your blame
Not it was your blame
Thank You Vince
At some time you have missed?
I sometimes miss you
You swore that you didn't go to say anything
A treatment is a treatment
But your these keeping secrets
Which secrets?
That of our bebe. yo you what you have made
As? I didn't say it to anybody
Si. pero had said it to me
Vince was an error
This well.
alone I want to be once again with you.
Roxy. if Max discovers what you have made
Do you believe he/she would see you like a good mother?
Our secret
Our secret
The call was a disaster
Him you. we had problems with the boy
I didn't request you a complete report
Obviously we don't go him to make today
Some reason for which travels 5 hours?
If you could provide the test of life
we would not be in this problem
Do you see that that this in front?
Do you see the square?
That was inspired by the death
And that he/she has to see that
He/she has to see everything.
hour there is alone an option, kill the boy
The plan went to kidnap the boy not to kill him
The call was not well.
we will call another time
The mother pagar. cualquier mother would pay
Not we have finished,
until you pay me, you understand.
No. entindeme to my Max,
you go to make what I tell you
get ready to come undone of the cadaver
Taenias that conciente of that possibility to be
I won't kill anybody
and less one 8 year-old boy
Obviously you don't know with the one who these trying
Jones looks I care a carajo who you are.
I don't go him to make
Better I cut him/her the ear and he/she sent it to the mother.
That is less effective of that than you think
It returns the telephone and we will be
tomorrow for it finishes time in your restaurant
Which the treatment is Jones?
Jones? Not I am Jones, not you of what you speak
And that carajo this is?
Not I am Jones. no I know any Jones
Then who my name is?
Somebody pays myself to take and to bring the telephone
Describe me the one that paid you
Because you made it?
Do you remind yourself?
That mono. regrsemela
I leave it to give to Max when he/she tells him/her
Do tell him/her that?
Of you and Roxane
Do you like the games?. me you of one
He/she walks toward there
Where we go?
To play my juego. quiero to become trained something
Hold here
Do you see the trees?
I don't like this game
That you will cry?
I thought that he/she went him to need
Do you have something more than to say?
Please you don't kill me
You the dije. no this in you
David returns here
It is your moved Vince
Very ingenious
Bien. te goes to wait here
You see, him more than he/she makes me wait.
Did you finish running?
Well very well
Because I will break the legs
Do you want to scream for Max?.
maybe the he/she can help you
But who goes to help you?
Me these threatening?
No. non Jess
He/she fell
I have you
It Is Marla.
the database of FDA has tracks on a
Vicente Demayo
it left Welshin two days ago
If, I will make my work, Where?
Pharmacy Regie 227 of the street Maine,
Welshin Maine will call to Whitney
No. you don't make it, I will tell it to him
See you later boy
Your lids are heavy
They are the nightmares David
If. but Vince is no longer
That was very horrible
Didn't you feel a little happy?
You believe that what I pass Vince
does he/she make me happy?
I see it in your eyes
You that the eyes are the soul windows
Allow us even of minutes
Not there is problem Max
Apologize that it was not
Not see Jones tomorrow
I have to look for the money
No. cada time that you leave raisin something bad
We go to return to David tonight
Rox needs the money
That is what passes with "all we win",
your friends are dead
Not you what we have but me insomnia
and I hear things at night
Calm my love. you look at me, almost we achieve it
Where this your ring?
I am cleaning it
Something walks not well here
We leave tomorrow I promise it
Are you looking for this?
Because it was your ring in the bed of Vince,
Your non entiendes. te will explain
He made me
Did he/she make that?
you were not for 3 years and non taenia to anybody
And I made an error. Vince left it to say
Can I go with you max?
Max please allows to explain to me
My love where you go?
To the meeting
At this hour?
I will arrive early
You cannot leave me alone
Does Roxane know that you will kill me?
Mrs. he/she doesn't move
Are how many?
I asked you a question
I am alone
Shake hands me
Mr. official you found me
I thought that they won't be
Everything goes David to be well
Sabes. la life is as a story
There is a beginning a mean and an end
The history is here Mister official
Do you want to know like he/she finishes?
[Police suspects that the boy this dead]
Because he/she has not told him/her of the cadavers
in the basement?
Not invent
Not there is he/she swims there below
To who you believe him/her?
Neither an it happened more
Open the door
You go to be contained by a lot of time
Mrs. he/she opens the door!
Better than you make something Roxane
In prison one cannot have a he/she drinks.
It is your oportunidad. abre finishes the door!
Last opportunity!
Take away from m. yo that man it kills
Roxane didn't have remedy
Not he/she wanted him to die.
Of course that not
He/she left
I have had that all my life
That you are David?
I am an angel
The voices in your dreams. that tell you?
They tell me that they kill Max but me.
Their soul Roxane. he/she leaves to the hell
No. the hell doesn't exist
It is something that the parents use to scare
to their children.
The hell doesn't exist
This sure one
I sighted it Roxane
The evil ones in eternal condemnation
God will punish Max to be evil
Max is not evil
Still no. pero their intention is to kill me
The murder of an angel
Not never.
Eternal condemnation Roxane
Please David will make any thing
Would you kill for the one?
To save him/her the soul?
Would you kill him to the one for the one?
While you decide you help me with the fire
I am very small to play with matches.
Sam. aljate of there
Our business this arriving at their end
You that me these watching over
I will no longer play this game
He/she looks. this is a treatment of businesses and you go her to
to fulfill a shot in the head
That is not the business that I did
As you dare to hang.
have you had 4 bad days with David, Max?
And that of the 8 my years?
Are you Jones?
Is it enough for an initial payment, don't you believe?
Not I will kill a boy
That is the last that is
Do you believe that it is human?
We have something in common your and me.
we have allowed to enter a wolf to our home
When I adopt it the he/she gave me the life
that I wanted
But he/she doesn't have neither he/she devises of what the one is
able to make
Or in the different ways in that
it can control you.
I will give everything to come undone of the one
He is put in the head and he/she murmurs
bad thoughts
and he/she paints visions of those that you won't be able to escape.
Their force this growing Max.
and I don't have idea that he/she goes to make in one year,
one week or right now
and he/she doesn't leave to stop
until we all are dead.
Who him this taking care now?
It killed their father and it killed their nanny
don't you believe that the mat to her?
Listen to me you the ruego. mtelo please
You chose the mistaken man
Not please.
Do you hear it Roxane?
I hear that love
The bad man comes closer
That you go him/her to make to David?
Max. dime that you forgive me
Of course I forgive you
Hide David!
Loose the rifle Roxane
We can leave of here and to forget everything
Allow it to go max!
David comes toward me!
Salt of here Rox!
Good I throw Max
My God Rox
Rox cannot leave me
Don't listen to it
Rox forgives me
OH not!
Not not not
I am beginning now
Poor Roxane thought that I was an angel
Not you can kill an angel
A demon if
Ah... a demon is a fallen angel
As you you will fall Max
Because you are so sad murderer?
These in the winning team,
without commandments, without blame.
They sent me for those that are desperate
I come to them when they are weak
When they don't have hopes
When those that love the it rejects
I go where them
and I whisper to the hearing and I convince them.
Because David?
Because all this?
Fishing souls Max
It is it I make
And me?
That that is do I make?
You are as weak as the other ones
So put on the gun in the head
Make it
Or you will hear me every day of your life
It was a good one I play Max
Good I play Max but it has not still finished
If finished David. ha
Not you can kill an angel Max
They will always be with you Max
Happy navidad!
God blesses you... Happy navidad