Whistle (2013)

'Your cinema.'
- Ready?
- Okay.
- Loading.
- Yes.
The place that we are standing...
...in the year 1993...
...an incident took place
and 30 students...
...died of MG Poly- technique
Even after 20 years after
this incident...
...this college has been
shut down since then.
The people of neighboring
...say that there are ghosts
in this college.
- Go carefully.
- Okay.
He is Mr. Kempe Gowda.
- Greetings.
- People fear to talk about this college.
He's the only brave man who has
come forward to help us.
Mr. Kempe Gowda...
...do you believe in ghosts?
No. When I had been to release
water from the pump set...
...I have seen 4- 5 times.
But I don't fear ghosts.
I've decided to stay here whole
night with his help.
According to what people say...
...ghosts and spirits...
...really exists?
We've come here...
...to know the fact.
You too join us.
Is it here?
Be careful. Have a look and come.
Look, this is the clock room.
- Is it the one?
- Look, it is in a mess.
Come, let's go upstairs.
- Come. Be careful.
- Come.
- Hold it tightly.
- What?
- Go.
- Hold my hand.
What is that?
It is a cupboard to keep books.
- That's a library.
- Let's go.
- Everything got burnt.
- Look here.
- There's only ash here.
- Oh.
Four guys were sitting here
and reading they got burnt.
- Come, let's go.
- Poor guy. Hold it.
- My hand.
- What is this, sir?
You are holding a grinding
stone in your hand.
It is not a grinding stone,
it is a meter.
- Quarter?
- Not a quarter.
If I have to tell you
in simple words...
...the needle will move if
the ghosts are near us.
Sickle will drive away the ghost.
Look here,
when the needle moves...
...and we shoot a video
from the camera...
...you can see the ghost properly.
Let it come,
I'll show you how it works.
Forget all that.
Will the needle move?
- There's nothing here. Let's go there.
- Did it come?
- Look there.
- All of you, come on.
Why are you scared?
Come, let's go.
You stay quiet.
You'll awaken the ghost
and go away...
...then I will have
to deal with it.
Come, sir.
Since you've come,
you're only boasting.
We can't see anything.
Are they on leave today?
Come on, let's go. You don't see
anything. Let's go. Come on.
You are too much.
You are getting scared and making
him scared too. Come on.
- Hey, who is getting scared?
- Look here.
First, do the work that
you are here for.
Do you hear that?
Somebody was here.
We learnt somebody was here.
We've come from afar to meet you.
Who is it?
Will you come before
us for two minutes?
He's talking as though he's
talking to his uncle.
You stay quiet.
You've only seen 4- 5 till now.
We've seen 40 till now.
Do you know, this is our work?
Can we stay here?
Shall we leave?
Do you want us to leave?
Give us a signal.
Do you hear me?
Or we will...
There was some sound.
It came from here. Come on.
Over here.
It must be the ghost.
Or was it something else?
Don't just make sounds.
You have to tell us clearly.
- Come on, let's run from here.
- No brother, we will stay here.
- What happened?
- Billa!
Here. It must be here.
Look here,
I saw him here just now.
- It just passed by.
- Who did you see?
It just passed
from my left and right.
- In this room.
- Let's go inside.
Look here.
It passed left and right here.
Let's go away. Listen to me.
Why do you want to do this?
Come on, let's go.
- Let's go.
- It was here.
It went.
Somebody is pushing from inside.
Hey, look at this. The signal is full.
Somebody is there.
- Wait.
- I'm scared. Let's go.
Let's go inside. Be ready.
Let's go.
Thank God, it ended.
Hey, do you think there was
a ghost inside the room?
I've been watching
the same face daily.
- I'm bored.
- Go away!
Go away! You act like insane.
What did you say?
You called me insane?
- You call me insane?
- Hey!
You are a sadist.
You ruined the thrill at the end.
Would the ghost come out of
the TV and eat you up?
- Hey!
- Idiot.
Hey, is this a house?
You've kept ghost photos,
dolls, and CDs everywhere.
I think you are in love
with the ghost.
He talks about devil.
I've told you hundred times...
...I'm not doing this
to kill my time...
...it is for the research
of my novel.
You show this to me every
time I ask you.
You've written a bad story.
You boast yourself so much.
Let my novel get published,
everyone will praise me.
Including that ghost.
I'll ask you something
...whatever they showed in TV,
was it true?
Do you think it is not true?
Oh, she is a bluff master.
- Juice?
- No.
You only boast.
You say as if you've seen one.
Yes, I've seen.
- Have you?
- Yes.
- Where?
- Last year...
...my friend, Rupa was with
me in the hostel room.
She used to be with
me all the time.
- Okay.
- One night...
...at 4 am, we both were
talking to each other...
...then I went and
slept in my room.
When I got up in the morning and
saw, she had hanged herself.
Have you seen people who's
hanged themselves?
Their tongue hangs till here.
After that incident,
I could never sleep at nights.
I always heard her voice.
I felt her presence and touch.
I was scared and felt as if
somebody is in that room.
One night when I opened my eyes...
...she was sitting on
my bed near my legs.
She was watching me.
As if she wanted to talk to me.
When I turned on the light,
there was no one.
Hey, did you get scared? Tell me.
No. You tell me.
The entire hostel was
talking about it.
I couldn't stay in the hostel.
I kept changing rooms.
So, I came here.
Didn't you see her after
that incident?
Are you out of her after
that incident?
I've seen her.
But I've got used to it now.
I don't fear her, but it has
become interesting now.
Do you know,
I once tried to talk to her?
But I didn't get any response.
Why only this,
she might be in this room too.
Look carefully. She may be
listening to whatever I am saying.
Did you hear?
Time out! Actually,
when we lose our beloved people...
...we get this sort of feeling.
So, you shouldn't take this
- Time waste.
- Hello.
It is not time pass, okay?
They do exist.
Approximately 700 people commit...
...suicide in a year in Bangalore.
Many people die in accidents too.
What happens to them?
Even now,
there are rumors that there...
...is a ghost in Ulsoor bungalow...
...they showed it in the same
program. Didn't you see that?
- No.
- Three years ago...
...two policemen died in
the same bungalow.
That case is still a mystery.
That house is in which area?
Why? Do you want to get scared
if you go near that area?
You've already scared me so much.
Hey, you got scared
just by hearing it.
If you see,
then you are done for.
Instead of getting scared
by hearing it...
...I feel happy when my darling
tells me stories like these.
Hey, I have a doubt.
Do ghosts really exist?
Everyone gets a moment...
...to believe what they
don't believe.
If something happens with you...
...then you'll believe it too.
All the best.
She always talks like this.
- Baby.
- Yes?
Your moment is waiting. Bye.
- Hi DJ, good morning.
- Good morning.
Who is it? Looks like insane.
Even I've been noticing him.
He writes something in the book.
I don't think he can afford
to buy a pizza.
He must be here for a
south Indian meal.
Go and talk to him.
What if he bites me suddenly?
You are right.
Even the boss is here.
Come, let's drive him
before boss sees him.
Come on. Watchman, you should've
handled this, right?
Sir, you shouldn't stand here.
Go away.
If you stand here, customers
won't come inside. Go away.
Hey beard man--
- Hey, we are telling you respectfully.
- Hey!!
- Ram.
- Go away.
- Come on.
- Ram.
Yes, sir?
I didn't know you would come.
I would've picked you myself.
Please, come inside.
Hey, come on.
Why do you talk to people like
this before enquiring?
- Go away.
- Sorry, sir.
It is said that God gives
from one hand...
...and takes from both the hands.
Sir, how was your life?
Don't know who cast
an evil eye on us...
...we have eyes,
but can't see the way.
Seeing you, I've got relieved.
Actually, I was trying your
number since 15 days.
Finally, I took your number
from LKB Chandrashekhar.
Did you have any trouble
finding this shop?
- DJ.
- Yes?
Are they looking for
an alliance for you?
I'm not so fortunate.
No, boss is secretly talking to
a man who looks like a broker.
So, I asked you.
Does he look like a wedding
broker to you?
He looks as if he's been
divorced ten times.
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
It is possible that he may have
a beautiful daughter...
...and he wants to get her
married to you--
Looking at him.
Does he look like Katrina's
dad to you?
I'm not getting signal.
- I'll come out and talk.
- Boss is coming.
Ask him what he wants
to eat and drink.
- Okay, uncle.
- Hello.
Hello sir, what would you like
to have? Coffee or tea?
Hello, sir! What would you like
to have? Coffee or tea?
I still haven't had my lunch.
I will eat.
What do I order for you?
Meals, steamed cake, or fritters?
One Margareta pizza
with double cheese.
And pepperoni toping.
I didn't know that he could
talk such nice English.
announce that you won't deliver...
...pizza to the people
having beard.
He is like a villain in a
suspense film. Who is he?
Boss, it is better you don't
know certain things.
First, take the order and give
business to the boss.
- Okay boss.
- Okay boss.
I can't say anything against you.
- Come on, do it. Come on.
- Okay.
Anu! Anu!
Come out!
Oh, always the same.
how many times do I tell you...
...to keep my clothes ready?
Look here, it is still wet.
What do I wear for my work?
Why are you crying?
Speak up, Anu!
Anu! Stop, Anu.
Anu, why are you crying?
What happened?
Why are you sitting here?
You always cry when
I say something.
Anu, you are very careless
in certain things.
So, I scolded you.
It is for your betterment, right?
You tell me,
am I careless in anything?
Tell me.
Am I careless in anything?
I'm pregnant.
Anu, don't joke.
I'm serious, Ram!
Oh God.
Wrong delivery--
Oh no.
were we careless in this matter?
Did you go to the doctor?
I'm planning to go today.
What if the doctor confirms it?
- What do you wish to do?
- What do you mean by that?
- No, the situation is such--
- Do you want me to abort it?
No. Yes.
Do you want me to kill it?
We both haven't got married.
Let's get married.
How long will it take?
- Anu, how is it possible?
- Ram.
My salary isn't enough
for our expenses...
- Moreover, this child--
- Ram
We got this house by pleading
the watchman...
- ...and we are managing somehow--
- Ram!
Anu, who will support us?
Don't talk about murder.
- It was an accident.
- Ram.
- Think practically--
- Shut up, Ram!
Do you realize now that we don't
have anyone to support us?
You say as if we met yesterday
and I became pregnant today.
You should feel ashamed.
Please Ram, let's get married.
We will surely get married.
Not now, but after two years.
First let's get settled--
If someone asks me who's the
father of this child...
...should I tell them that I'll
tell you after two years?
That's the reason, I'm telling you...
- ...get it aborted--
- Go away!
Two chicken feasts, ready!
Boss, order is ready.
Boss. Ram, what's the matter?
Come on, do the delivery soon.
Move, move.
Oh no!
Excuse me,
do you have change for Rs. 1000?
- Hi, sir.
- I don't want. No.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
- She's not eating. Will you make her eat?
- Okay.
- Have it.
- No.
Have it.
Will you have it or not?
Finally, you fell in the pothole.
We've been living together
since childhood.
We stay in the same house.
Something happened. That's it.
My salary isn't enough
for both of us.
this child and wedding--
Oh, I'm going mad.
I'm planning to get her aborted.
Don't get her aborted.
- It is wrong.
- Shall we file a case? On the company.
Which company?
- To hell with you!
- Shame on you!
you have to get married some day.
Get married today, I'm sorry,
right now. Oh, not now--
You have to marry her. What say?
You are getting married.
You are becoming a father.
Give us a party at Kalasipalya.
I've already become a father,
then I'm marrying.
- Is it okay with you?
- Yes.
That's the spirit.
Sir that is not spirit.
This is spirit.
- Come on, cheers.
- Cheers.
Anu! Anu!
Anu? Anu?
Anu? Anu?
You are sitting here?
Wait, I'll come.
Hey, this is the last time
I'm washing your clothes.
You don't have the
guts to marry me.
You are an idiot, fool, dog.
What is this?
Why didn't you receive my call?
Why didn't you receive my call?
Whoever writes a letter,
will they commit suicide?
Hey, shall we get married?
I will think and tell you.
I'm asking you seriously.
- When?
- Now. Right away.
Here? But no one is here.
Who do you want?
Grand dinner, party, friends.
Don't you want all that?
No. We'll marry officially
after we get money.
We'll get married for us now.
But still are you serious?
Don't you want us to see
for an auspicious date?
I like Rajkumar very much.
So, shall we get married on
their birthday day? Please?
21, 22, 23, 24? Okay?
Thank you.
- Love you, sir.
- Happy birthday.
Anu, this?
- At least this?
- No.
- This?
- Yes, this is the one.
- This?
- Superb.
I bought this from the money that
I had saved for our wedding.
Anu, shall we get married in
our style or your style?
- What's the difference?
- In our style, we put toe rings.
Your style, you put finger ring.
Is that all?
- Ladies first, let's do it in your style.
- Okay.
Love you.
- Love you.
- Thank you.
Now, shall we marry in our style?
I bought this from the money
that I had saved.
Tie it to me. Come on.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
I love you.
Hey, wife.
- What is it?
- Hey wife.
What is it, dear?
Will you wash my clothes now?
"Twinkling eyes are like
the morning sun rays."
"You came into my heart.
I lost myself."
"There's a fragrant smell
in your smile."
"You stole my heart.
I've become crazy."
"I was on my own.
Where did you come from?"
"I became crazy because of you."
"My eyes will always
look at you."
"When you look at me,
I feel shy."
"Twinkling eyes are like
the morning sun rays."
"You came into my heart.
I lost myself."
"There's a fragrant smell
in your smile."
"You stole my heart.
I've become crazy."
"You brought happiness.
I belong to you."
"I've got mesmerized by you."
"You are like a gift
of God to me."
"Let's enjoy this
shower of love."
"Show some love to this poor guy.
Show some sympathy to this guy."
"When I meet you,
give me alms daily."
"You give me permission
to follow you."
"Listen to my pleas."
"Fell in love and shall we start."
"Darling don't break my heart."
"I'm crazy about you."
"Twinkling eyes are like
the morning sun rays."
"You came into my heart.
I lost myself."
"There's a fragrant smell
in your smile."
"You stole my heart.
I've become crazy."
- Hi, your order, sir?
- Hi.
- Get me one diet coke and pizza.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bigger size.
- Ram!
- And, you'll have anything?
- Get me an apple pie.
- Coke, Grandee, and apple pie.
- You'll get within 8 minutes, sir.
- Thank you.
- Hello? Yes, uncle?
- Dhananjay, come here.
I'm doing the billing.
Shall I send Ram?
- Okay, send him.
- Okay, uncle.
Ram, boss is calling you.
if you are cheap, I am cunning.
I want the material. You just
send it. Hang up the phone.
- Good morning, sir.
- Yes.
- Ram.
- Sir?
How is it going on?
Sir, it is weekend, so everything
is going on smoothly.
I didn't ask that.
I heard you got married suddenly.
Yes, sir.
You didn't invite me. I think
you didn't want my blessings.
- It is right--
- What?
Sir, don't say that.
We got married at home.
Dussehra is round the corner.
So, planning to celebrate grandly
by inviting everyone.
You got married at home.
- Yes, sir.
- You did the right thing.
If you had called them
and fed them...
...they would've only complained
about the food. It is better.
- Do this.
- Sir.
- Go home and give this file to my wife.
- Okay, sir.
Tell her that auditor will
come at 1 o'clock.
- Okay, sir.
- I will call her.
- Okay?
- Okay, sir.
Happy married life.
- Thank you, sir.
- Good luck.
Oh no.
One minute. Hello!
It has got locked. One minute.
- Take her inside.
- Madam.
- What is it?
- File.
- Boss--
- Tell him to come home first.
Okay, madam.
Last time when I had
visited here...
- ...did anything like this happen to her?
- No.
No, it happened twice.
It was not so serious then.
What are you saying?
You had been to Pondicherry.
It happened then.
If you hide from me...
...you'll be killing your daughter
little by little daily.
Why don't you understand?
Priya, talk to me.
Only then I will know.
Why are you coming?
Why do you come again and again
here and trouble this girl?
Don't you feel bad for her?
Priya, I'm asking you!
Speak up! Priya!
You always tell the same!
Tell me something else.
Don't be dumb!
Do you want to meet anyone?
Are you angry with someone or
you want to take revenge?
Is there a circus going on here?
Who is he? Send him out!
Sorry, my mistake.
Who are you?
You go.
- Why did you come here?
- Okay, sir.
Tell me.
- Ram.
- Yes, sir?
One minute.
This is very sensitive case.
She is a girl.
Don't tell about this to anyone.
Okay, sir.
- Okay?
- Okay, sir.
Tell me.
Nithya! Tell me, Who are you?
that beard man questioned her.
'Do you want to meet anyone?
Are you angry with someone?'
Anu, he questioned the girl if
she wanted to take revenge.
She looked at him seriously then.
She looked. I was shivering.
"A big guy, but he's scared."
- "He gets scared by every little thing."
- To hell with you.
- "He thinks he will die."
- Hey, Anu!
Look, ghosts don't exist.
This incident took place
two years ago.
She went to her friend's house.
While returning home,
this happened.
They took her to every temple and
showed her to every doctor.
Our boss has endured...
...a lot. Poor man.
"She is an angel. Mohini Sarini."
"My heart pounds when I hear
the anklets noise."
I was having a smoke on my
terrace the other day.
You've seen the railway track
from my house, right?
I saw a woman walking
on the tracks...
...alone wearing a white sari.
How fast can a woman walk?
- She was walking on the pebbles.
- Okay. I was watching her...
...she was walking speed from
this end to this end.
You! Shame on you!
Hello? Good evening, ma'am.
What would you like to have,
Yes, one medium chicken delight.
One chocolate fantasy. Yes.
Anything else, ma'am?
Okay ma'am. Thank you.
It will reach in 45 minutes.
- Yes, good day. Ram.
- Yes?
- Delivery.
- Okay.
- Guru sir.
- Yes.
One medium chicken delight and
chocolate fantasy.
Delivery, sir.
Okay boss. Okay. Ready.
- Ram.
- Yes, sir?
- Me sir?
- Come.
- Sir?
- Give this at home.
Sir, I have a delivery.
Give it to DJ.
Give it when you are done
with the delivery.
No sir, it will be late.
I'm telling you. Go.
My daughter won't kill you. Go.
Not that, sir.
You should be ashamed.
Okay, sir.
Why are you standing here?
Why there's blood on your face?
- What happened?
- Ram--
- Where's Ram? Where's he?
- You come inside and see.
Come on, everybody.
You always trouble me.
- Hey--
- Sir.
What happened, Ram?
- Anu, sir--
- Why is blood all over your face?
- Sir, there juice--
- He's been telling the same.
What happened, tell me?
- Anu, sir.
- Tell me what happened?
- Don't hit him.
- Wait, boss.
Hey, give him a chair to sit.
I'm telling you,
give him a chair.
Anu, sir--
Sit there.
Don't cry. Tell me what happened?
Sir, I went to the bungalow
for the delivery.
In that bungalow--
Good boy.
- Good evening, ma'am.
- Very good evening.
Your pizza.
Oh, is it a 45 minute delivery?
Sorry ma'am. Heavy traffic.
Pizza is hot.
Okay, come in.
- Let it be. Come inside.
- Okay.
Keep the pizza here.
- Sorry ma'am.
- I said, keep the pizza there.
- Okay.
- Please.
What's the bill amount?
One second, ma'am.
- It's Rs. 435.
- One second.
It's okay, ma'am.
- Oh boss. Greetings, boss.
- "He stole the queen's heart."
"Naughty Krishna."
I don't have change for Rs. 1000.
You should've brought the change.
I thought, but I forgot, ma'am.
You've been saying 'Sorry' so
many times since you've come.
Sorry, ma'am.
Again sorry?
Okay, Rs. 435, right?
- Yes, madam.
- One second.
- "Come on, darling.
- No."
- "Sit down, darling.
- No."
"All we do is sing and dance."
Oh Ram. Be quiet.
- "I'm coming, darling.
- Oh"
- "I'm sitting.
- Oh."
- Madam.
- One minute.
You have a torch? Okay.
shall I go and get the change?
- No, it is upstairs. I'll go and get it.
- Okay, madam.
Oh, sorry.
There's no light.
I will light a candle.
Okay, madam.
- Ma'am?
- Until I look for the change...
...the pizza will get cold.
Give it to me. I'll keep it in oven.
Okay, madam.
- Take this.
- I'll be back.
She just disappeared.
Madam? Madam?
Madam? Madam?
Madam? Are you okay? Madam?
Madam, where are you?
Madam, are you okay?
Madam? Madam?
Hello! Is somebody there?
Oh no!
Hello? Is somebody there? Hello?
Is somebody there?
Oh no.
Oh no!
It is better to message.
I will go and message.
Oh no!
Oh no.
Oh no!
The number you have dialed
is currently not reachble.
Please try again later.
Call back. Call back, urgent.
Please Anu, call me.
Where's she?
Oh no.
Hello, sir!
Hello sir, help me!
Hello sir!
Sir, who is it?
Sir! Sir!
Look at me.
- Chinu--
- Smitha!
- Sir--
- Open the door, Smitha!
- Sir!
- Open!
Sir, do you hear me?
Sir, do you hear me? Sir?
Sir, do you hear me?
Hey, who are you? Where's Smitha?
- Sir--
- Why are you answering her phone?
I came here to deliver pizza.
Who are you?
Sir, murder.
I'm asking you, answer me.
I came here to deliver pizza.
You came to deliver pizza?
Yes, sir.
You are telling stories to me.
Sir, no.
You both thought I left the city.
- Sir--
- Where's she?
- Open the door.
- Sir--
Sir, the door has got
locked from inside.
Sir, I'm unable to open it.
How do I open it, sir?
Tell her to open it with the key.
Sir, somebody has murdered madam.
What? Murdered her?
Yes sir.
Are you telling stories to me?
- If I come inside breaking open the door.
- Sir.
- I will kill you for sure.
- Please, listen to me sir.
I will neither spare her nor you.
Please, sir.
Listen to me.
Scoundrel, open the door!
Scoundrel, idiot! Listen to me.
Sorry, sir. Listen to me, sir.
What is it?
I came here to deliver pizza.
Sir, you can see my bike outside.
- You can see it, right?
- Yes, tell me.
I came here to deliver pizza.
Madam received the order.
She went upstairs to get change.
Sir, I waited for long.
She didn't come.
Then I went upstairs.
Somebody had murdered madam.
What? Murdered her?
Yes. When I went there
after some time...
...I couldn't find the
dead body too.
Sir, there's someone inside.
- Sir, please. Help me.
- Okay.
- Do this, first open the door.
- Okay.
it has got locked automatically.
- How do I open it?
- Listen to me.
There's a TV in the hall.
There's a drawer underneath it.
- Go and see if there's a key inside it.
- Okay, sir.
Yes, sir. I'm going.
- Look properly.
- Sir, I'm searching for it.
- Did you find it?
- One minute, sir.
- Did you find the key?
- I'm searching. Sir, it is not here.
Listen, there's one more
drawer, check that.
Yes. One minute, sir.
- Did you find it?
- I'm searching, sir.
There's a small bowl.
Sir, I don't see it.
One minute, sir.
- Did you find it?
- No, sir!
No, sir.
Sir, it is not here.
Do this, go upstairs.
- Upstairs?
- Go!
- I'm going, sir.
- Go!
- Go!
- I'm going, sir.
- Where are you?
- I'm upstairs.
There's a room on the right.
The first room.
First room?
- Sir, I found it.
- Go inside.
Go inside.
- Okay, sir.
- Did you?
Yes, sir.
There's a wardrobe near the
toilet. Did you see it?
- One minute, sir.
- There's a drawer.
- I found it, sir.
- Open the first draw.
First draw?
- I did, sir.
- What's there?
Sir, there's a gun.
- Gun--
- There's a cloth under the gun and...
...there's a key under the cloth.
Get it.
One minute, sir.
Did you find the key?
- You found it?
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
there are a bunch of keys here.
Get the key with black
color keychain on it.
Take it and come downstairs.
- Did you find it?
- Black color?
- Get it.
- I found it, sir.
- I am coming, sir.
- Hurry up.
I'm coming, sir. One minute.
Sir, it isn't opening.
Sir? Sir?
"I'm the king."
"I'm the king."
Where's the gun?
Hey, who is it? Who is it?
If you have guts, come out!
Who is it?
Who is playing games with me?
Come out!
If you are a man, come out!
Come on! Who is it?
Oh no!
"Have fun in life. This is student life.
Let's enjoy."
Oh no!
Hello? Who is it?
Who? Ram, it is me.
Anu? Which number did you call?
Ram, I called your number.
did you call on my cell number?
Yes. You sent me a message
to call you urgently.
I've been trying your number
since then. It is not reachable.
Anu, it is not that.
Are you sure you called
on my cell number?
Are you drunk?
Oh no, Anu. I didn't drink.
I've got trapped.
I'm talking from a landline
phone, which is not connected.
Ram, don't play with me.
This is not at all funny.
Where are you?
Anu, believe me.
I'm stuck in this house.
I don't know where I am.
Two of them are dead.
- Ram?
- I don't see their bodies too.
Ram, just relax. Be cool.
Tell me, what happened.
Actually, I came to this
house to deliver pizza.
Please, do something.
you are at the Smitha bungalow...
...located on Lakeview Road right?
- Yes.
Yes, I am at the Smitha bungalow
located on Lakeview Road.
Okay. Don't panic. Just relax.
I will go to the police
station and...
...bring the police along. Okay?
Don't get scared.
- Hello?
- Hello, police station?
- Anu?
- Hello?
- Ram, are you in the police station?
- No, Anu.
You've called me again.
No ways, I called the Ulsoor
Road police station.
Ram, I think something is wrong.
Whichever number I call
it is getting...
- ...connected to this number.
- Anu, I told you that she died...
...her towel, change--
Anu, I'm very scared.
Ram, don't worry. Relax.
Take a deep breath.
Don't worry. I will go to the
police station and come there.
You stay there courageously.
Anu, come soon. Please, Anu.
Anu? Anu?
Who is it? Show yourself.
If you are a man, come out!
I will thrash you!
Come out!
- Ram!
- Hello?
I'm Kiri speaking.
- Customer is calling me for the pizza.
- Sir.
Laxmi is calling me that
you didn't go home.
- Sir, do you hear me?
- Where are you? What are you doing?
Sir, I've got stuck in the house
that I came to deliver.
What? Delivery?
Sir, I've got stuck in the house
that I came to deliver.
- Where are you?
- Sir, do you hear me?
Sir, do you hear me?
Which house?
Sir, I'm stuck in this bungalow.
What is it? Tell me properly.
Sir, do you hear me?
- Oh--
- What are you talking?
- I don't understand anything.
- Hello?
- Sir, the house that I came to deliver--
- Hello?
- Sir. Hello?
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Hello?
Sir, please don't hang up.
- Darn it.
- Hello?
What is it?
Sir, the door is open.
Turn on the light.
looks like there's no one here.
- Who are you? Stand here.
- Sir, blood all over me.
- Why did you come here?
- Sir, I want to go out.
Stop there.
- Are you insane?
- Oh!
Sir, don't stay here.
- Ghost is here. Let's go away.
- Sit!
- Sit there.
- Please, sir.
Hello sir, we had come for rounds
near Smitha Bungalow.
We saw somebody inside.
When we came inside,
there was an intruder. Okay, sir.
Sir, he has worn an uniform.
he is talking like an insane.
No, sir. Okay, sir.
- Sir, shall we go?
- Sit there.
Check if he has any weapons.
Okay, sir.
Get up!
Stand properly.
Sir, why are you checking me?
Listen to me.
- Sir, you came here as I called you.
- You called?
- Sir, did you hear that?
- We came here as he called us.
- Sir, not me--
- Hey!
- Sir,you came here as Anu sent you.
- Hey, sit there.
- Don't act smart.
- I will thrash you.
Sir, where's Anu?
Anu came to the station and
informed you, right?
No one came there.
Sir, give me your phone for a
minute. I need to make a call.
Sit there.
Sir, tell me something.
How did you come here if
Anu didn't inform you?
Do you want us to tell
you how we came here?
How did you come in
the house which...
- ...has been sealed by the police?
- Sealed house?
- Sir, people were here--
- Come behind.
Please, sir.
Sir, I'm not insane.
Sir, I won't go anywhere.
- Please sir, listen to me.
- Tell me.
Sir, I came to this house
to deliver pizza.
A lady came and received
the pizza.
She called me inside...
...and went upstairs to get cash.
The power went off and
I heard her voice.
I went upstairs to check...
...that lady was murdered.
- Where?
- There, sir.
Sir, I saw.
Sir, come I'll show you.
Sir, please come.
Hey, take him along and check.
Okay, sir.
- Sir, I'll show you.
- Come on, show me.
Sir, please come. Look here.
- Sir, what is this?
- You don't know?
That's a police map.
Police map?
Sir, come here.
Sir, this--
Even this is a police map.
Sir, come here.
I will show you a child.
Sir, the child was here.
Lake View, 8th cross.
Over and out.
Sir, he showed me the places
where the murder took place.
He is telling as if
he witnessed it.
Sir, he's not insane.
He must be the accused.
Go out and check.
Okay, sir.
Sir, what happened in this house?
Please, tell me sir.
This is the house where 5 murders
took place last week.
The whole town is talking
about it. Don't you know?
No, sir.
Investigations are on.
Evidence is inside.
How did you come inside?
Sir, I'm telling the truth.
I came to deliver pizza.
the places that you've marked...
...I saw all the three of them.
Sir, their ghost is here.
Please sir, let's not be here.
Let's go away from here.
Please, come sir.
Sir, is it 3 murders or 5?
- Who are the two left?
- One husband, wife, and a child.
Then a young girl.
And a guard.
Sir, I saw only three ghosts.
- More two?
- They were in the garden outside.
Who is that girl?
She studied in Christ college.
Christ college?
Sir, what's her name?
That you said a girl's
name few minutes back--
Anu, sir?
Yes. She's the one. Correct.
Sir, give me the phone for
a minute. Please, sir.
Why are you getting worried?
You spoke to Anu and
made us come here.
Yes sir, I spoke to her
just few minutes back.
Why do you worry?
Anu died one week ago.
What does this girl do?
Sir, she also studies
in Christ college.
- Which branch?
- MSc. Psychology, sir.
Tell me her address.
- Sampige road.
- Tell me the full address.
14th cross, 8th main...
...Mohini Nilaya,
Malleshwaram, sir.
Sir, why are you asking this?
- Sir, I'm really scared.
- How are you related to her?
- Husband, sir.
- What?
Husband, sir.
we got married three days back.
Sir, why are you silent?
Why did you ask me for the phone?
Sir, I thought she sent you.
Please sir, give me the phone.
The number you are trying to
reach is currently not reachable.
Please try--
The number you are trying to
reach is currently not reachable.
- Not reachable?
- Yes, sir.
- Your name is Ram, right?
- Yes.
Ram Prakash.
- Yes, sir.
- You are from Mysore.
Sir, how do you know?
Sit, I will tell you.
How can you contact a girl
who died a week ago?
The Anu that you are
talking about...
...died a week ago in
the same house.
She was pregnant.
No, no chance.
She can't be my Anu. No chance.
I've been looking for you from
five days to enquire you.
Where were you?
Sir, I checked outside.
there's a bike parked outside.
I think it is his.
Sir, I have a doubt on him.
He's Ram who we were looking
from past one week.
He did everything and
is pretending.
Sir, my Anu didn't die.
She sent you here.
- Sir, you talk like fools.
- Hey!
- Leave me, sir.
- Where's he going? Nab him!
- Hey, stop!
- Sir.
- Leave me, sir.
- Catch him!
- Sir, leave me.
- Come here.
Sir, don't hit me.
Sir, leave me.
Sir, leave me.
Sir, leave me!
- Please, I want to see Anu!
- Don't go! Please!
Anu, open the door.
Where are you, Anu?
Anu? Where are you?
Anu? Anu?
Hey, where were you?
Boss is looking for you.
- Give the phone to me.
- What happened to you?
- Where's the bike?
- Give me the phone!
- I want the phone. That's it!
- What happened?
- Give me the phone, please.
- Why do you want the phone?
- Anu is dead, the policeman said--
- It is not possible.
- Give me the phone.
- What happened?
- I'm telling you, give me the phone.
- Nothing happened.
- What happened to him?
- Nothing happened to your Anu.
- Ram, what happened?
- Hey!
Ram, where's Anu?
- Not reachable.
- Not reachable?
Try calling her again.
Where's Anu?
What happened to her?
Why are you acting like this?
- Hey.
- Please try again later.
Anu's phone is not reachable.
- What? Where? Let's go together--
- I want to see Anu.
- I want to see Anu.
- Ram.
What happened?
- I want to see her.
- Nothing happened to her.
- Ram, wait!
- He's going. Stop him.
Ram, are you playing a charade?
Hey, how dare you hit me?
Hey Dhanu, don't spare him.
Something is wrong with him.
- Hey Ram.
- Leave him.
- Ram!
- Hey.
- Stop him!
- Kill him!
- Ram!
- You!
- Ram!
- Leave him!
Shirt, leave my shirt.
Come on, hit him hard.
- I will kill you.
- Listen to me.
Hit him. How dare you?
Hit him hard.
She went to the police
station to save me.
But I don't know what
happened after that.
I looked for her everywhere.
please tell someone and save Anu.
Sir, I don't know where she went.
Please, sir.
Where's your bag?
Where's the bike?
Bag is in the bungalow.
I left the bike there and
escaped from there.
Sir, I would've died there.
Sir, there's blood all over
my body. It is hurting.
Sir, those three people have
done something to my Anu.
She had told me to be careful.
She said, she'll come.
since I've seen your daughter...
...I lost everything.
I lost my happiness and peace.
I lost my sleep.
Not only that she was...
...pregnant sir.
She was carrying my baby, sir.
- My baby, sir.
- Cool down.
Anu, sir. Anu.
My child, sir.
Sir, I lost everything.
Sir, I think the same girl...
...has possessed your daughter.
Yes sir,
I called that girl as Nithya.
When I saw her...
...the same way...
...she saw me like your
daughter did.
Ram, relax.
- Give him water. Relax.
- Okay.
- Sir, water.
- Here, have some water.
Have it. Relax. Calm down.
- Relax.
- Calm down.
Boss, I think you should
complain to the police.
Will you complaint against
ghosts to the police?
Is this a police case?
What are you talking?
Where's the bungalow that
he's talking about?
Smitha Bungalow,
near Ulsoor lake.
People call that as 'Ghost
bungalow' too.
if you want to listen to me...
...we'll go and see what is in it.
Don't do anything in haste.
Did you hear what he said?
I don't know what
he did to Nithya.
Even I got shocked when my
daughter stared at him.
He is sitting so scared.
What do you want to do?
Go and see if the bike is
there near that house.
We'll see whether or not to
go inside the house. Okay?
He was talking about Anu.
Do you know about that girl?
Yes uncle,
he has told me about her.
He even said that he married her.
He said she was pregnant. He
asked me the phone to call Anu.
- When we didn't give the phone--
- He thrashed us black and blue.
Find where Anu is.
We'll give police
complaint later...
...but see to that you
don't mess with them.
- Dhananjay.
- Yes?
Shift him to your
room immediately.
Don't let him be alone.
Take care of him. What say?
"In the changing seasons and
in the funfair of life."
"You got lost. Oh, friend."
"Meet and love everyone."
"This heart is a treasure
of love."
"What will you achieve
being alone?"
"You will hurt yourself
from within."
"If you ask for help,
you won't get it."
"There are thousands are
relationships which are nice."
Join to work. It is good for you.
- What do you say, DJ? Tell him.
- Yes. Come, Ram.
Come to work.
It's been how many months
since you got married?
- Two months, sir.
- Only two months?
Did you inform the girl's family?
Sorry sir,
she doesn't have anyone.
Why did you come late?
Sign this and go.
Cases of wives eloping are
increasing these days. Sign it.
- Hello? Okay, I'll send him.
- Okay, sir.
I shall leave.
"You meant everything to me.
I don't have anyone now."
"To share my happiness
and share my sorrows."
"You have a beautiful
smile like the baby."
"There's nothing superior
to love."
"This earth is worth
living only when..."
"...there is shower of emotions."
"Where is the affection,
I'm missing you."
"Though there are thousand
people, I am lonely.
Why do you think about it?
Start afresh!"
"In the changing seasons and
in the funfair of life.
You got lost. Oh, friend."
"Meet and love everyone.
This heart is treasure of love."
"What will you achieve being
alone? You'll hurt yourself--"
- You know what happened?
- "I can't get you out of my mind."
When I was coming on the bike...
- ...the wind blew...
- "You held my hand."
...it looked like something
went inside me.
- "Many desires--"
- I got scared.
will you send some other...
...employee for the
night delivery?
Go in, sir.
What is it?
Sir, it is inside.
There's nothing here.
According to the information
I got...
...the husband suspected
his wife...
...and killed her...
...then he burnt his daughter,
and he killed himself.
People say that there's
ghost inside the house.
Even the two policemen went
inside and got trapped.
Nobody knows how and
why they died.
The case is still open in
the police department.
I have only this details.
You said the child died...
...is her name Nithya?
Mother's name was Smitha, I
should've known the child's name.
Watchman was a drunkard.
He always used to drink.
He gave that house to Ram.
He keeps coming here.
But I've never seen the girl.
- Guru sir.
- Yes?
- Is it bleeding?
- What?
Is it bleeding?
- Blood? No.
- Here?
Boss, nothing happened.
I felt as if it was bleeding.
Why do you worry unnecessarily?
Go and do your work.
This girl was brought
up in an orphanage.
She left the orphanage
five years back.
No one in the orphanage knows
that she got married.
One more important
information is...
...she came here two months ago
and took the arrears paper...
...from here, but there's no
information about her contacts.
I didn't find any clue.
If we get any clue.
You know our style, don't you?
We will interrogate her.
Come here.
Yes, sir?
How is this guy? I doubt on him.
Poor guy, sir. He is not bad.
He's a very nice guy.
Hey, these days' people murder
others for mere...
...Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000.
You say, he's good and he
was in love. Be careful.
He stays normal.
He suddenly shouts.
He keeps crying remembering
that girl.
He asked me to check
if he was bleeding.
I am very scared.
I feel bad seeing him.
Did you find any clue
about that girl?
No, but when I went to
vacate that house...
...I didn't find any clue that
a girl was living there.
- Come on, get down.
- Sir, it is urgent.
Come on, sir is waiting.
How long do we wait.
It is check post.
Sir is calling.
- Come.
- Greetings, sir.
Somebody has thrown an
18- year- old girl after raping her...
...just check if she's your wife.
- Show the dead body to him.
- Move aside.
How many times do I tell you?
Move aside.
Everyone, move aside.
- Ram, is she the one?
- No.
Go to your right.
- Nithya!
- Daughter, calm down!
You've done something...
...to a girl named Nithya...
...knowingly or unknowingly.
Her ghost wants to take revenge...
...and is after you.
Do you understand?
Whatever happened till today...
...and what will happen,
everything is done by her.
She wants to pull you
in her territory...
...so she's playing this game.
I will worship God...
...and will perform exorcism...
...have to burn her.
Else, there'll be disaster.
- Not only that, in your house...
- His house.
...people will die
one after other.
If you say,
I know a Malyali tantric.
He is an expert...
...in exorcism. We'll call him...
...and will perform exorcism in
the next full moon night.
I was scared,
I didn't go to check.
Like he said,
the bike was outside this house.
So, as he said, the bag
is in this house.
Boss, I'll go and get it.
Close the door.
I know how courageous you are.
Boss, there's no other way.
Two policemen are here.
They must be inside.
Don't be in haste.
Priest will come tomorrow.
We'll perform the prayers
on full moon night...
...and then take him
inside with us.
he is telling him everything.
I don't think he is possessed
or is lying.
He has got very scared
seeing something.
Not only that, he keeps talking
about a girl named Anu.
If we don't find that girl Anu...
...it will be very difficult
to get him back to normal.
Have you seen Anu?
Does she really exist?
Sir, why do you ask so?
That girl may be his imagination.
Or she may be a supernatural
power. Who knows?
Hello? Good evening, ma'am.
One medium delight chicken
pizza. Yes?
One chocolate fantasy...
Delivery, okay, ma'am.
- It will reach in 45 minutes.
- Yes. Thank you.
One medium delight chicken
pizza. One chocolate fantasy.
- Okay.
- Delivery.
- Urgent.
- Okay.
Take the address. Hurry up.
- Guru sir.
- Yes?
One medium chicken delight and
one chocolate fantasy.
- Delivery sir.
- Okay boss, order ready.
Okay, sir.
- Ram.
- Sir?
Come here.
- Yes sir?
- Have a seat.
Sir, I have to deliver.
Sit down, man.
Yes sir.
- How's your health now?
- I'm feeling better, sir.
- Are you going for delivery?
- Yes, sir.
- Are you brave enough now?
- Yes, sir.
But I'm not going anywhere
after 8 pm.
That day when I was passing
by that road...
...I felt a strong breeze...
...looked like something
went inside me.
Felt like a heaviness inside me.
Come here.
This is Lord Hanuman's oblation.
It is very powerful.
Keep this under your pillow.
Keep chanting Hanuman Chalisa.
You'll come out of fear. Okay?
Don't cry.
Nothing happened to your Anu.
Believe me,
you'll surely get her.
Don't know what sin you've
committed at such young age...
...you are suffering so much.
Don't cry. God is with you.
Go and do your duty. Go.
Okay, sir.
Everything will be alright. Go.
- Hello? Anu?
- How are you?
I am good. How are you?
I'm fine. I got tensed
as you didn't call me.
Why didn't you call me?
I wanted to call you since one
week, but things got delayed.
Tell me,
how's everything going on there?
- Hello?
- Hello brother?
Why did you call me
at such late hour?
Brother, they are going to raid
your office in half an hour.
They are observing you from
outside. Be careful.
Why are you telling me
at the last minute?
You said everything was okay.
We'll talk about it later...
...but first try to hide the
stuff that you have.
- Be careful.
- Hello? Hello?
- Ram.
- Yes, sir?
Come here.
- Sir?
- Give this at home.
Sir, I have a delivery. Send DJ.
Give it after you deliver.
Sir, it will be late.
My daughter won't kill you. Go.
Hey, what happened?
I slipped and fell from my bike.
Oh, what happened?
Nothing, I met with an accident
while I was riding the bike.
I fell down.
My uniform got soiled.
If I go to the customer,
they'll shout at me.
Ram, you are bleeding.
You have rashes.
Relax, don't worry.
It is just a small wound.
Listen to me, relax.
- Are you okay?
- Nothing happened to me.
Don't worry about it.
Do one thing...
- ...just check how this pizza is.
- But--
Ram, I'll do first- aid--
Please darling, go.
- Okay, at least apply band- aid.
- Okay.
Idiotic people,
don't know to drive.
They ram into anyone in urgency.
They would've crushed
me to death.
Anu, hurry up. Are you done?
Is everything proper?
If I don't deliver
in 15 minutes...
...they will deduct the
money from my salary.
Customers won't know our problem.
Are you done? Hello? Pack it
soon. I'm getting late.
Look at this.
Wow, pure diamonds.
At least it will be
worth 2 crores.
- Shall we rob this and go away?
- Are you joking?
Hey, listen to me.
We'll become parents soon.
You can't earn so much by
delivering pizza and...
...until I finish my education
and find a job.
Ram, think about it.
This is a good chance.
We can go to UK or US in a month
and get settled there.
Are you serious?
You said, they don't give
money if you don't...
...deliver the pizza
in 30 minutes--
It is because, it is of waste,
if you don't get it on time.
What is the use if we settle
at the age of 50?
I've spent half of my life
eating the food that...
...was donated by people
to the orphanage.
Our life is just starting.
If not for us,
at least for our child.
Hey, my boss is like my parents.
Even we are becoming parents.
Okay, but how?
We can make a duplicate
...visa, degree certificate with
this money for 10 days.
We can board the flight
from other city.
Where do we go?
We can go to Mumbai.
We can get a bus at night.
We have to leave this place.
If they don't find
you in some time...
...they'll start looking for you.
What do we do?
We both won't leave together.
They'll suspect us if
anybody sees us.
They haven't seen you till now.
So, let's do this.
You pack the things
and go to Mumbai.
I can't leave the bike and come.
So, I will do some arrangements.
I will come to Mumbai and meet you.
- Okay?
- Okay?
What if you get caught
before you leave?
They'll ask me where I had been.
They'll ask me about the box.
But I don't know that the box
contains diamonds in it.
What will you say if they ask you
where the bike and bag is?
What will I say?
- Accident?
- Nothing happened to you...
...so can you tell that only
bike met with an accident?
- What if you say you lost the bike?
- No.
They'll give a police complaint.
We'll get caught.
We have to tell a
story that they...
...believe and escape from here.
- Ghost story?
- Hey, idiot.
Everyone has a weakness.
Some people want money,
some people worship God...
...and some people, women.
Your boss's weakness is ghost.
- Hey, you read my novel, isn't it?
- Yes.
Your boss, his daughter, and her
behavior one haunted house.
We'll mix up everything
and make a good story.
You said they showed
a haunted house...
...in that TV program that day...
...which bungalow was it?
Smitha bungalow.
- Whose name did Priya tell that day?
- Nithya!
What if they ask me where my wife
is? What do I tell them?
Say something and manage.
I have to leave immediately.
- Anu, have you taken everything?
- Yes.
Ram, you be careful.
After the nightfall...
...park that bike near
that bungalow.
- Okay.
- Come to Mumbai immediately.
- Okay.
- Call on my new number.
I think boss got
suspicious. He is calling.
- You leave immediately.
- Okay.
Take this.
Everything will go on
as per plan, right?
It has to. That's it!
You don't get scared.
Nothing will happen. Go.
I'll miss you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Anu, did you take the bus?
Yes, I did.
Are you safe?
I am safe. How will you come?
Don't worry about me. Call me
when you reach Mumbai. Okay?
- Hello?
- Hello Ram, I'm Kiri speaking.
- Who?
- Ram, what happened?
Customer is calling
me for the pizza.
- Sir.
- Laxmi says you didn't reach home.
- Sir--
- I'm unable to contact you.
Where are you?
Sir. Sir.
- Hello?
- Delivery house.
- Hello?
- Sir, I'm not finding the tower.
Sir, the signal--
- Why is he talking like that?
- Sir, listen--
Sir, do you hear me?
- Sir, delivery house.
- Hello?
Please contact, sir.
Hello sir?
- Go and see where he is.
- Okay, boss.
- Sir--
- If you find him, tell him to call me.
Okay, sir.
- Hello?
- Go.
Sir, please don't hang up the phone.
DJ, do we deserve this?
We are standing here at midnight.
Where did he go?
Did he go to
deliver or took his girlfriend out?
Anu is not here.
Anu is not here.
I have to make up a story.
If we find him, we'll go.
- Phone-- give the phone to me.
- Where had you been?
- What happened? Why are you so tensed?
- Anu is dead.
"No can defeat me."
- Please, don't hit me.
- Hit him!
- Go.
- You always trouble me.
"Everyone is a thief. Everyone is--"
- What happened to you?
- Sir--
Anu, sir.
Don't cry. Tell
me what happened?
"This is a bad era.
This is a small story."
- Sir--
- "The story of the haunted house."
Sir, it is hurting.
"Drag your legs and hands!"
"Also drag your shadow."
"There's a ghost."
Sir, there's something inside.
"There is something."
- There's nothing.
- "Like a shadow..."
Don't worry. You
are scared. There's nothing.
"You can't escape!"
What happened? Take this.
Mom, tell me.
Okay Mom.
Sir, is it bleeding?
- What?
- Is it bleeding?
- No.
- Here?
Show me. Nothing happened.
This is oblation of Lord Hanuman.
It is very powerful.
I wanted to call you since one
week, but things got delayed.
How's everything going on there?
As per we had planned
I came to Mumbai...
...from Cochin four days ago.
Our passport is ready.
My degree certificate will
be ready in two days.
As soon as you come, we'll take
the visa and board the flight.
When will you come?
It may take a week
or even a month.
I'll make everyone believe me
and leave from here silently.
What if somebody opens
the door before that?
No chance. Until my owner
is scared of ghosts...
...and his daughter is possessed
with Nithya...
...there's no chance at all.
Do you know something?
There's no girl named Anu...
...and she's a ghost.
Everyone believes that.
Hey, are you a ghost?
Yes. All the dangerous demons
are alive in this world.
In the form of humans.
Do you know that? You said that
the novel I wrote was futile...
...but now it is worth
2 crore rupees.
Hey, I am telling you the
same again, it is futile.
But only my narration worked.
Hey, you are a coward, how
did you manage all this?
Hey, only a coward can act
like a real coward.
...I have 2- 3 pizzas to be
delivered. I will call you later.
talk to me for some more time.
No chance.
If my phone is switched off...
...people will suspect at me.
I have to be careful.
You hang up now.
I will call you again. Okay?
- Why?
- I will call you in few days.
Hey listen, take care.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Anu, like we had planned our life
is going to be fantastic.
In 45 minutes. Thank you.
Good night.
- Pizza, madam.
- Come inside.
"The great Gopi."
Keep it there.
- How much is the bill?
- One minute.
"Hail to Lord Krishna."
Rs. 435.
"He stole the woman's sari.
He stole Radha's heart."
Nithya, pizza is here.
"He outsmarted all the thieves."
The same song.