Whistleblower, The (2010)

I have to get home.
Mama's gonna kill me.
You are staying
with me tonight.
Roman wants us there
at nine in the morning.
Raya we've been over his.
It's just a few months
working in a hotel.
Yes, but...
You want to work at Copyshack
like your mother?
He said it was both
of us or nothing!
Fuck your mom!
I'm sorry.
It's 1:30 in the morning.
You don't understand!
Luba wanted me to...
If her mother lets her do
whatever she wants...
You graduated.
You're an adult now.
Do what you want.
Big smile.
Big smile.
Good. What will you
say at the border?
I am Natalya...
I am Natalya Verbova.
I am going to Budapest
to buy carpets for reselling.
I'm working.
Out. Out.
Hi, Kathy.
You're in a hurry.
Where's the fire?
- Hi, Mare.
- Hi.
Transfer come through?
You'll find something, hon.
- Hi, boys.
- Hi.
Why don't you guys go inside
and help your mom, okay?
All right?
Marie asked me to bring this.
Erin around?
It's nice to see you too, Kath.
- Yes, right.
- You can't hold this against me.
I gave you plenty of
warning on this.
It's not my fault you're
married to that job of yours.
Plenty of warning?
You just sprung this on me.
Look, I'm not going to do this
in front of Erin, okay.
Where is she? Erin?
And actually I'm not
married to my job.
I happen to like it.
I don't see why that has to
make me a bad mother.
Well, it's not my fault the judge
didn't see it that way, Kath.
Thanks, Kyle. Thank
you for bringing that up.
Look, I told you, you're welcome
to come down to Dalton...
It's really simple for me, you know.
I've just got to clear
my mortgage, find a transfer...
really a piece of cake.
Hey, sweetie, how's it going?
Come here.
- Come here.
- No, Kyle, it's fragile.
- How am I supposed to know?
- Hi, Marie. How's it going?
I brought the camping gear.
Thank you.
- Why don't you label them?
- Marie scares me.
I'll tell you a secret.
She scares me too.
Don't tell anyone.
- You okay?
- Yes.
Tell me.
When are you coming?
Sweetie, I'm having a really
hard time finding a transfer.
It might take awhile.
But I'm trying really hard.
I'm going to make it happen, okay?
I don't understand.
There's got to be something.
I have the experience,
I took extra forensic courses.
Kathy. You've done
everything right.
This is just how the cards fell.
Yes, story of my fucking life.
- Look, there's something I heard about.
- Yes.
I didn't think it would
work for you...
what with you trying
to get closer to your kid.
It's incredible money.
A hundred grand tax-free
for six months' work.
Come on, is it legal?
What is this?
It's the contractor that
the government uses...
to provide
peacekeepers in Bosnia.
You see the bullet marks?
Eye level!
You come here today
as a beacon of hope.
As representatives of
our highest aspirations.
You've been hired by
Democra Security...
to represent the US as monitors
for the United Nations.
In the next few months...
you will protect the rule of law
where lawlessness is run rampant.
The 1995 Dayton Peace
Accords ended this war...
dictating that an
international police task force...
you, would smooth the
transition from war to peace.
During your training...
you will see that peace is
harder won than war.
That every morning's
hope is haunted...
by yesterday's nightmare.
As representatives of
the United Nations...
we stake our highest values,
even our lives...
on the belief that
we can rebuild.
We must renew...
and we will witness
the rebirth of this country.
It'll settle down.
- You been here before?
- This is my second mission.
You came straight
from the Academy?
No, I'm not a cop.
I work in administration.
You only need
a high school diploma...
and to be over 21 to get in.
What about you?
What brought you here?
I heard the food
was really great.
I thought the war was over.
- You okay?
- Yes.
I'm great.
I'm serious. He couldn't
move off the mine...
for eight days
and eight nights.
So he's demanding time
and a half for nights.
Best part is that now...
sue me!
How about that?
You still seeing the little guy?
Kathy, meet Fred Murray.
- Hi.
- Pleasure.
Hi, guys.
We got a match.
High stakes tournament situation.
US versus Holland.
Come on, let's go.
- Yes!
- Come on!
Come on, yes!
What are you doing?
You suck at pinball and
you suck at football.
Who do you think
invented pinball?
Can you play?
- Can I play! Hold this.
- Okay. Alright.
- She's having the last one.
- The last one.
- You know? You got to pull it.
- Yes, she knows, okay.
- Okay, come on.
- Just watch this.
- Here we go!
- Shit!
Let's go, let's go.
Damn it!
Sorry, guys. I don't know
what happened.
Who's not going to
buy the drinks?
I don't know what
happened there.
I would love some whisky and...
- Don't use...
- Shit!
Sorry, you can't use both
flippers at the same time.
- Flippers?
- Yes, these are called flippers.
Well, this is
the way I was taught.
- With a man behind you?
- Girls.
See, bam bam.
Bam bam, because
it has to bounce off.
This move still get you laid?
Well, in Holland it does.
I'm really out of practice.
So where do we sign
to say we came?
You sign...
I think you have to sign
at the end of the session.
- No. Why?
- No, no.
It says right here, "UN mandate
requires you to sign at the end..."
Yes, but this paper is no good.
The new policy is...
Leave her alone.
They try it out with everyone.
You sign them in,
they bugger off.
McVeigh. You're Kathy?
- Yes.
- Welcome to paradise.
Follow me.
Okay, gentlemen. If you have
nothing better to do today...
I would like you to start
investigating two new stabbings...
four new shootings...
and a wee man
with a broken leg...
who can barely
remember his name.
First one. In here.
Gather around.
Why don't you take this, please?
Facial contusions...
from repeated
beatings with fist.
Lacerations on the eye...
caused by the
edge of an iron.
Left arm was
the first entry point...
of a large
kitchen knife.
Okay, Mama, I'm just
going to lift this up.
It's all right.
- Who did this?
- Looks like the husband.
Okay, that's the case.
Who's taking it and
what's their first step?
I will take it.
Very good.
I will take it.
All right. Calm down.
What did he say?
Say woman is Muslim
and she deserved it.
That's enough. Stop it!
Hands off.
Moving on. Next case.
Go. Everyone outside.
Kathy, you too.
Excuse me. What do
you mean moving on?
Who's going to investigate
and make an arrest?
This is a felony assault.
Okay, let me ask you something.
Can you tell a
Serb from a Croat...
or a Bosniak?
Because I can. Racial hatred
started a war in this country.
And as much as I'd like to be,
we aren't here as investigators.
We monitor. That's it.
Sometimes stepping back
is part of the job.
Zlata has been in the hospital
eight times because of her husband.
Each time she tried to make complaint...
my bosses send her home.
They laugh at her.
They laugh at women in Bosnia.
They laughed at mo mother even.
And they do not prosecute
domestic violence.
Yesterday you wanted to help.
Now you can show me
how to do this.
So this is the hospital report.
You have no police reports.
What you need to do is investigate
this as if it were a felony assault.
So if you go back to the hospital...
and get every single
doctor who treated her...
to testify, then you
might have a chance.
But you'll have to...
cross reference every injury...
with other cases...
where courts ruled felony assault.
If our court rule...
that stabbing a man
in a bar is criminal...
then the same should apply
to a woman in her home.
I have considered the evidence...
and rule in favour in Zlata Sehik.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Don't mind him.
He's a complete wimp.
You've been stirring things up.
Ms. Rees, if I
over-stepped protocol...
with the Zlata Sehick case...
Would you call me Madeleine?
You've just done in two months...
what we failed to do
in four years. Sit down.
- Want some tea?
- Yes, please.
Viko Mezovic
did a great job...
but you've just facilitated
the first conviction...
for domestic violence since
the end of the war in Bosnia.
It was very basic police work.
Thank you.
It's just my job.
You can't imagine how that makes
you stand out around here.
The IPTF have a
Gender Affairs Office here.
And the current head left...
and I think you're
the right person to take over.
Are you up for it?
- Hello.
- Hi, Sweetie.
Did you get the stuff I sent?
Did Dad say you're not coming back?
Of course I'm coming back.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- For Labour Day.
- Well...
Because my friends
are renting a boat and...
I have to stay longer.
Because they've asked me
to be the head of a department.
But I'm making a lot of money...
so I can move nearer Dad
and I can see you all the time.
That's cool. Hold on.
Sorry, I've got to go, Mom.
I have a game.
- Okay.
- I love you. Bye.
- Kathy?
- Yes.
Nick Kaufman,
Contingent Commander.
- Good to meet you.
- Great to meet you.
- How are you?
- Can I give you a hand?
- I'm fine. This way?
- Yeah.
Good having another
American in the mix.
Some people get pissed off,
saying we're taking over.
Makes my life easier.
Especially when it's a good-looking
woman reporting to me.
I don't mean to burst your bubble
but I report to Madeleine Rees.
It's a joint appointment.
And she's Human Rights.
But you're Democra. So ultimately
you're mine at the end of the day.
No, you can't.
Please don't.
Just don't touch. Just step
away from the table, please.
I've had my eyes on
this table for a long time.
This one is mine, lady.
- This is your table?
- This is my table.
I'm sorry to tell you
but this is my table.
I have a new job over at HQ...
with a lot of fancy diplomats.
And for someone in my position this...
- would have this table?
- Yes.
I feel very strongly about it.
- You don't care about my feelings?
- I don't care about your feelings.
- So you're just going to take it?
- I'll tell you what.
If you buy me dinner you
can have the damn table.
- Come on.
- Okay, let's go.
I was married twice.
- Like, two times?
- Yes.
- Two times.
- That's twice.
Yes, once and then again
I messed it up both times.
- What about you?
- Well, technically I'm still married.
It's complicated right now.
Because we are in the middle of
what I would call and ending.
But you're married.
Right. But we are
in the process of...
- Kids?
- Yes, we have two.
- Two?
- Boys.
It isn't that
complicated but it is.
If I slept with you,
I'm going straight to hell.
You are.
Let's get drink first.
I'm sorry...
Sir, put down, sir...
Total goat fuck!
Musical apartments!
Just hold the people back.
What do you need me to do?
The Muslim women are supposed to
get their old apartments back.
Serbs took them during the war.
Serbs don't want to leave.
And a lot of places
got sold to third-party...
Croats or God knows what!
And everyone's pissed. And I
figured it's a bunch of widows, so...
your Gender Office can handle it.
- Bolkovac.
- Yes.
They need you. Come on.
Murray, can you deal with it?
I'll take this then.
She was talking but I couldn't
understand. She's not local.
All right.
I'm not going to touch you.
I won't touch you.
What is it? Are you in pain?
Oh God, this girl is seriously ill.
Could you call a medic?
Somebody call an ambulance!
Raya, are you okay?
She was further back in the woods.
It's me, Irka. Wake up!
They make raid!
They abuse the girls.
Okay, calm down.
Take a breath.
Nine girls there.
Nine girls there.
- Help them!
- Where?
- Florida Bar.
- Florida Bar?
- What is Florida Bar?
- It's one of the bars in the hills.
I can take them
to the Zenica Shelter.
That's where we usually
take these girls.
Where is the bar?
How do I get there?
What's happening here?
What's going on here?
- IPTF told us to come.
- Really? That's interesting.
Since when do you listen to us?
Where are they?
I don't see any monitors.
Lady, what do you want?
I got called to come here
to take the girls to Zenica.
- So I'm here.
- What's Zenica?
Mothersuckers. I don't pay
you fucking Smurfs no more.
What's he talking about?
What does he mean, pay?
- What did he say?
- I don't know.
I am Bosniak and he is Croat
and I don't understand Croat!
I know you understand him.
Smart lady.
- What's in Zenica?
- It's a woman's shelter.
You know, the whores
get a good meal.
They can talk about problems.
It's like a vacation for them.
Very funny.
Oh my God.
Jesus Christ.
Over here.
- Is this the Zenica Shelter?
- Yes.
We have to be careful.
Sometimes they watch.
- Traffickers.
- Traffickers?
Yes. Human trafficking.
These girls were
abducted and sold.
They are told they must
work off their debt.
And then they'll be let go.
But they never are.
Since the end of the war...
sex trafficking has
spread like cancer.
Why since the end of the war?
Half our men are dead.
So who are these girls
brought in for?
This is our volunteer nurse.
She says Raya has bad infection.
- The nurse found objects inside her.
- Excuse me?
Like you saw,
they are not prostitutes.
They are slaves,
treated like dogs.
Do you have a doctor here?
We don't have doctor.
Try the Global Displacement Agency.
If they keep them or not,
I don't know.
Wait, please.
There were other girls?
The ones who were
from the Florida Bar.
The police brought them
here about an our ago.
Here? No police came.
Are you sure?
These girls never arrived.
I'm looking for Laura Levin.
Okay. We'll see you later.
I'm Kathy Bolkovac...
I'm the new Head of Gender Affairs.
I heard. Congratulations.
I'm Laura Levi.
What nationalities
are we dealing with here?
I presume these two women
want to be repatriated.
I don't know.
Actually, I brought them here
because they need medical attention.
We'll get them
to the medical centre.
As soon as we get clearance,
we'll know where we stand.
Clearance? What does that mean?
I'll do whatever
I can to help...
but I have to determine if they'll
cooperate with the repatriation program.
That's the only way
I can let them stay here.
It's not me, it's policy.
I see, policy.
One more thing
I just wanted to ask you.
The other girls from the raid were
supposed to go to the Zenica Shelter...
but they never arrived.
Really? Why don't you check
the IPTF message boards?
Listen, half the time
these raids are for show.
I'm sure the owner has paid off
whoever he had to by now.
You missing girls are
probably back at the bar.
Excuse me now.
- Murray, mind if I join you?
- Yes, have a seat.
- Not eating?
- No, I just have a quick question.
You know the raid
you ordered last night?
Local police said they were
taking the girls to Zenica...
but they never showed up.
Fucking mess!
It's the locals dragging us
into their turf war.
Some cop from another canton...
calls in a fake tip
about a prostitution bust.
But the bar is legit and
the girls just waitresses.
I doesn't hurt to be
thorough, though, right?
Yes, right.
Thing is I found padlocked rooms...
young women's passports and
there was a lot of US currency.
Where are we going, Columbo?
I don't know, but something
fucked up is going on.
Honey, it's like I say,
this is Bosnia.
These people
specialize in fucked up.
And speaking of which...
we've got another
goatfuck in Gorazde...
- so catch you later.
- See you later, guys.
Should have seen this place.
There were pictures all over the
walls of guys with those girls.
And almost every single
guy in there is ours.
I saw one of your guys there.
- You saw one of my guys there?
- Yes, he was wearing your flag.
You want to ask me something?
I guess I do.
Okay, listen.
I've heard about theses places.
I know they exist.
I know my guys go up
there once in awhile.
I figures for strippers or sex.
I don't know. I haven't been there.
I know nothing about any girls
being locked up. What the fuck?
I'm sorry.
At home...
I worked in a precinct
where there were 25 guys.
And I new them really well.
I knew them really well.
I knew every one of them.
I know their families.
I know everything about them
and I trust them completely.
I was dumb enough...
to think I'd be joining some
elite police officers here.
But I don't know
who these people are.
Three, two, one, clear.
- Is it okay for me to be here?
- Sure. Just wait there.
What's up?
You finally come
and see me in action.
I live to see you in action.
This is for you.
I think Fred Murray's taking
payoffs from brothels.
And it's not prostitution.
The girls were trafficked.
The problem is...
who investigates,
how to charge him?
All the international
personnel have immunity.
The can't be prosecuted.
But this is a good work, Bolkavac.
I think it might even deserve
a dinner out with yours truly.
Don't think I've earned that.
Girls, how are you doing?
Did you get some rest?
I went to the Florida Bar...
and I saw the room in the back and
I know what's been happening to you.
Good for you.
Can we go now?
What happened to the girls?
Did you see my friend Luba?
Is she safe?
No. The police took
the girls back to the bar.
But we can still help your friend.
I believe the bar was raided
because Tanjo, the owner...
was refusing to
pay this man money.
Is that true?
I know you're scared to talk, but...
if you can tell me that
this is the man, then...
Then what?
You put him in jail?
No, he has diplomatic immunity.
That means he's
protected by the UN.
But Tanjo can go to jail.
He can go to jail.
And if you both say in a court...
that Tanjo has been taking
payoffs from this man...
then his name will go on record
and the UN has to do something.
They can't knowingly have
one of their men involved...
in rape, kidnapping and torture.
How do you do this
if you work for the UN?
I'm an American police officer.
It doesn't matter who I work for.
I wouldn't let anybody
get away with this.
So if we go to court...
you promise you
can stop these men?
I can't promise I can
stop all these men. I promise...
If you cannot promise
then why do we agree?
There is too much danger
to go speak in a court.
Even this, to say anything to you.
How do I know this is safe?
You're a smart girl.
I have a daughter.
She was taken away from me.
And I can't change that.
But maybe I can change
what happens to you.
Will we be safe?
Do you promise?
I promise.
I'm calling from the
Global Displacement Agency...
in Sarajevo.
Do you have a
daughter named Rayisa?
Yes. Yes.
We have her here.
If everything checks out...
we will send her home
in a few days.
I'll come there now.
I'm sorry, we can't afford.
I'll pay for it.
Just tell me where to go.
Roman will be home soon.
Roman seems to be doing well.
I need to borrow money.
They found Raya in Sarajevo.
I want to go and get her.
I don't need much.
Does he still hit you?
You know I hate to ask.
But she's my daughter...
and your niece. Please.
I will get you the money.
But you have to go.
Roman will be home soon.
He won't give it to me
if he knows it's for you.
You need an armoured security
vehicle for two teenage girls?
What the hell did they do?
None of your business.
Okay, well, it's tough today.
They sent most of our
convoy up to Tesla.
Found some war criminal.
I can push for end of the week.
Never mind. Don't worry about it.
But I'll put it through.
You never know, right?
Is Viko around?
Viko, your girlfriend is here.
Come on, let's go.
The van just sits here.
It's no problem.
It is not armoured like you want...
but it'as heavy like tank.
So it's okay.
They don't build them like this.
So we go straight to the
safe house. Here's the address.
After they make
statement in court, yes?
I made the call, so it's okay.
Where is Irka?
I need to have a word with you.
Okay. Hey, Raya.
There was a problem.
During repatriation procedures...
we realized Irka had no passport.
Okay, so we get her one.
Where is she?
You don't understand.
She was trafficked from Grozny.
Her parents were
killed in Chechnya...
and she has no documentation.
No embassy will recognize her.
She is a girl without a country.
Okay, you're not
answering my question.
Where is Irka?
We handed her over to
the police a few hours ago.
How could you do that?
Viko, take Raya.
- So you meet us when you're done?
- Yes.
- Come on, let's go.
- Raya, I'll see you soon.
- Okay?
- It's okay.
How could you do that?
I couldn't keep her.
She didn't have the paperwork.
This is bullshit!
Every case needs to be justified.
I know what you think
but it's an uninformed opinion.
We have a system that works here.
Really? For who?
- Sorry, I look for Laura Levin.
- That's me.
Ou know where they took her?
The police take them to the border.
Once they've crossed...
there is one less
trafficking victim in Bosnia.
Taked the 761 to Visegrad.
Hi, I'm looking for a girl.
The police dropped her
here a few hours ago.
Could you check the border logs?
She's 15 years old, no passport.
Lady, I know what you look for.
Those girls do not
go through there.
They go through there.
To Serbia, if they survive.
Leave me alone!
Go home!
Irka, please wait.
You promised.
Stop doing that!
Just let me die.
I'm sorry. Irka, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Alright, alright.
Alright, alright.
It's okay.
It will be over soon...
then you go home
with your mother, okay?
Where's the other girl?
Where's the other girl?
She's not here. Let's go.
We'll do whatever we can
to get Raya back.
I'm truly very sorry.
What will they do to her?
What will they do to her?
I want to show you what happens
when you talk to the devil.
Now. Bring her in.
Watch. Make sure
they are watching.
Open your eyes.
Take a good look.
Look at your fucking friend now.
What happened?
The car must have
been following us.
- Do you know who they were?
- No.
Nobody at my station
knew where I was going.
Did you tell anyboy at IPTF?
Madeleine, I need to see you.
This is Peter Ward.
Peter's an old friend,
Internal Affairs.
So, Kathy, have you
and any report on Raya?
Kathy, from now on...
I want you to run your
investigation alongside Peter.
The best way to find Raya...
is to continue your
investigation into Fred Murray.
- You handed in a vehicle request to IPTF.
- Yes.
The traffickers obviously
knew where you'd be...
so there's a leak.
I know that cops don't like
to work with Internal Affairs...
but considering what just
happened, it's our only way.
I don't know how to move foward.
I've lost two witnesses.
Irka won't testify now,
she's too terrified.
Do you think Fred Murray is only
getting payoffs from one bar?
So ther could be other girls...
willing to testify
against Fred Murray.
It's possible.
Well, if you can get any of these
girls to testify in court then...
there'd be something quite
substantial to work with.
I agree.
Thank you.
I don't want to put any of
you in a dangerous position...
and ask you to speak out
against your traffickers.
I just want to know if
you recognize this man.
Maybe give them some time.
I'll ket you know if
anyone says anything.
Milena, would you show them
this photograph, too?
Just maybe someone has heard
something about her.
You look for this girl?
She is okay?
No. No, she's not.
Do you know her?
But I know him.
He comes in the same
group every month...
to take money from Ivan.
- He came in a group?
- Yes.
I want to show you
some other photographs.
If you could tell me if any
of these people were in the group.
That is Paolo.
He liked pain.
He liked weird things.
He wanted me to like too...
This made my price go down.
I know then, it will take me
two more years to pay my debt.
He buys girls for other men...
and puts them in apartments.
Soldiers pay money to
own girls for themselves.
Check it out, three grand
and she's all mine.
Luc got one for 25 hundred.
Turn around,
let me see your ass.
When we come through checkpoint...
he drives the van.
Him. He was the driver.
This man drove you
in a van across the border...
into Bosnia?
We stop at border.
See man in blue like you.
I thank God.
I think we have our saviour.
Then he jumps in
and drives the van.
Madeleine, they're
bringing them in.
IPTF are actually trafficking girls
and bringing them across the border.
And it's not just IPTF.
This involves all
kinds of internationals...
from military
officers to diplomats.
I thought I was only
going after one guy.
I had no idea what
I'd be handing over.
Get this off to Peter
as quickly as you can.
Are you sure you want to go ahead
'cause there'll be no going back after?
Yes, ma'am.
You work in two hours.
You sleep on whichever
mattresses are free.
They bring us food
in the morning.
You have to eat it all,
or you get fined.
Come sit down.
Don't let them see you like this.
What is your name?
Raya Kochan.
I've nearly paid my debt.
Then I can go home.
- It's all bullshit.
- No.
He sent a girl back
three months ago.
I was here.
What is your name?
She is Luba. Luba Pallch.
I'm afraid we can't keep
you here any longer.
I'll let you know if I hear anything.
We'll do anything we can
to get Raya back.
- Kathryn Bolkovac?
- Yes.
You're wanted in Human Resources.
- Now?
- Yes, now.
- Sorry to keep you waiting here.
- No problem.
John Blakely.
Kathy Bolkovac.
Nice to meet you.
Have a seat.
- So you keeping busy?
- Yes.
Your superiors, they tell me
that you're working hard.
I enjoy my work.
You're dedicated, thorough.
Thank you.
Tough stuff, though, your area.
Do you ever worry about burnout?
No. Never.
You must miss your daughter.
It's unusual that a judge would
award custody to the father?
I would imagine there's almost
some kind of a stigma around that?
What did you want
to talk to me about?
I'm sorry. I just wondered.
Because we award
special paid leave...
to folks who work
in stressful departments.
You know, parents specially,
we really encourage it.
And you'd have some time to
hang out with your daughter.
Nice little jaunt around
Europe, see the sights.
I'm going to have
to think about it.
You're not the maternal type?
Who the fuck
do you think you are?
Go home before you get...
We're watching you. You'd better
to shut your mouth, you fucking...
Kathy, we need to meet.
It's important.
And be careful. Make sure
you're not followed.
Kathy, we need to meet.
It's important.
And be careful.
Mek sure you're no followed.
The world and its mother knows
about my investigation.
I know.
- Would you like something to drink?
- No.
- Do you mind if I...
- Go ahead.
Kathy, Internal Affairs is
shutting down all your cases.
All of your files look like this.
I've been completely steam-rolled.
They've sent Fred Murray home
on some kind of leave.
And top level
military commanders are...
are walking into my office
and pulling your files.
I've never seen I.A.
Over-ridden like this before.
Over-ridden by who?
I don't know.
I mean, I can't be sure.
It's the State Department.
Or Democra.
You do know what they
stand to lose if they...
I guess not.
Their contract in Bosnia
is worth millions.
Globally, just this year alone...
billions of dollars in
US government contracts.
And now you
come along with this scandal...
I don't want a scandal.
I'm just doing my job.
I know, but it doesn't matter.
Nobody cares about you.
I'll get you the rest of
your files back from I.A.
You get them out of here,
take them public.
Or this will never
see the light of day.
I can't leave these girls.
You're not helping them here.
And, franfly, you're not
safe to walk around.
It's completely exposed you.
Kathy, accidents happen.
A car blows a tire,
a mine explodes.
We don't have to
report civilian deaths.
I'll get you the rest of these.
And you get yourself the hell out
of here as soon as you can.
Trust me. This is
the right thing to do.
I was so stupid.
I thought I could work
inside the system.
Like I knew what I was doing.
Like I knew how to play ball
with all these fancy diplomats.
I don't know.
What would you do?
I have to go home.
My wife got a lawyer.
I have to go home for the kids.
I'm so sorry.
But I'm worried about you.
Don't be.
I don't want...
I don't want to leave you
in the middle of all this.
I don't want this to be the end.
Please be careful.
What is it?
- We have to get out of here...
- Don't...
You'll get us in trouble.
I want to take you home.
Come. How much do you want
me to pay for these girls...
to take home?
- You want to take them home?
- Yes!
It's ten times normal.
It's three thousand each.
Sorry, not this one.
Sorry, not this one.
She's trouble.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, sir.
So just this one?
You bring the girl back,
I give you the deposit back, okay?
Venha, Ihe darei uma bebida.
Sign at the bottom, please.
- Yes?
- It's Viko.
- I can't talk right now, Viko.
- I think I know where Raya is.
We have a bit of a problem.
What kind of problem?
Where's the girl?
All right. All right.
There you go, Raya.
- What did she say?
- Names of girls. Raya.
Raya? Raya is there?
All right. Calm down, you're okay.
- We go to Oasis?
- Yes.
Fuck protocol.
We just raid the bar.
- You trust these guys?
- Yes, I do.
- They're going to listen to you?
- Out!
You sure?
I do trust them. Let's go.
We need to bring the owner here.
We arrest him outside.
I don't want him
threatening the girls.
Okay. Go! Go!
Okay. Go! Go!
We have a warrant
to search these premises.
Ivan Bradzic has been arrested
for human trafficking.
Get out of here.
You don't have to be afraid
of Ivan. He can't hurt you.
We're going to get you
somewhere safe...
and help get you home.
Raya. Raya. Come on.
These girls work here.
They have all documents.
And you can fuck off!
Fakes. Bad ones.
And you, too.
And you, yoo, fuck you!
Okay, Viko, get the blankets
out of the van...
and get these girls out of here.
Okay, girls, come on.
You're safe.
Just come. All right, come.
Let's go.
Don't be afraid.
We can all go now.
Raya, come on.
It's going to be okay.
All right?
Come on, Raya. Let's go.
Come on, what's the matter?
What? What's the matter?
What the fuck are you doing here?
We got a call about this raid.
From who?
Get out.
Come on, get out. Out!
Get out right now!
Get your hands off me.
Don't look at these guys.
Don't be afraid of theses guys.
Just say you want to go
and I can walk you...
Raya, I can walk you
out of here, right now.
You just have to say
you want to go, that's all.
Don't look at him.
Look at me.
I want you to look at me.
You are safe.
Listen to me, don't look at him.
Just get out! Fuck!
Okay, Raya, just
look at me. Please.
Just say yes.
It's all you have to do.
Raya, please.
Just say you want to go.
Just say you want to go.
Fuck! What the fuck is
the matter with you?
Don't you know anything!
We are supposed to
protect these people.
You're a crazy bitch!
...to protect these people.
- I know this girl.
- I know you do.
I know this girl.
I can't leave her her.
Come on, Raya. Let's go.
I can't leave her here.
I can't leave her here.
look at me! Kathy!
We cannot force them.
Nothing will hold up in court.
Please understand.
They will be brought
down here, punished.
You want blood on your hands?
- You piece of shit.
- Get out form here.
You piece of shit. You fuck!
- What is the matter with you people?
- Get the fuck out of here!
What is the matter with you?
My husband
arranged me for a job.
But his friend
bought me for $2,000.
With renewed funding drom USAID...
the Global Displacement Agency...
continues to be a pioneer at
international couter-trafficking.
My sister arranged
for my papers.
Her boyfriend did this
for 12 other girls.
Most traffickers prey
on those they know...
banking on the fact that
the girl will trust them.
Traffickers can be fathers,
brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles...
I wanted to tell you.
It's how you pay for this.
Roman, he does...
How could you...
sell your own blood?
You swine.
You swine.
You swine.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?
She is no longer your sister.
Stay away from me.
Where's Raya?
Where's the little bitch?
She's in the back.
I didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything.
Are you sure you want to see?
Excuse me.
Would you please cover her up?
Could you find a blanket, please?
Could you cover her up?
I am a police officer
obligated to report crimes.
I have taken
statements from women...
describing their physical,
psychological and emotional torture.
On arriving in Bosnia,
these women are sold...
and forced to provide
sexual services.
Their clientele
consists of SPOR...
IPTF, local police...
and international employees.
Worse, they have become involved
in the trade itself.
It is time each and
every one of you realize...
this is a serious
organized crime...
with enormous profits.
We are peacekeepers...
who came to protect the innocent...
but now prey upon them
in the worst ways possible.
We may be accused of
thinking with our heart...
instead of our heads...
but we will have our humanity.
Good morning.
I have to ask you
to surrender your ID.
What's going on?
You've been ordered out
of this mission.
You can't be serious.
I'll need the ID.
- Thank you. Guys...
- Come on.
Why do you want
to get rid of here?
Madeleine, I have to protect this
organization and so should you.
The UN is too fragile,
too important.
That's what immunity is for.
Immunity not impunity.
The United Nations was formed
from the ashes of Auschwitz.
The United States led the way and
it's a point of honour with me...
that the UN is not remembered...
for raping the very people
we must protect.
Those girls are whores of war.
I will not dictate for morality.
So what are we dictating for?
I'll go to Washington.
I'll go to the State
Department if I must.
Democra isn't even based out of
the States. It's based out of England.
It's a private corporation.
We work in the real world.
Thank you so much.
Really helpful.
I had to send that e-mail.
They killed Raya.
- They shot her in the head.
- I know.
She wanted to testify and
they made an example of her.
I'm responsible for this.
No, dear, you're not.
I promised her
I would protect her.
Oh God, I can't stop
thinking about her mother.
How do we tell people
what's happening here?
Democra is registered
in the UK, in Britain.
So you are entitled
to appeal your dismissal.
We've got to get those files
out of the mission right away.
Because you're a whistleblower,
so the press will want to know.
I handed in my ID and my keys.
I don't know
how to get in there.
We'll have to find a way.
Zoe. Zoe?
What are you doing here?
I need to get something
out of my office.
I was wondering if you
could get me a set of keys.
Kathy, I can't.
It's too risky.
I would lose my job.
I wish I could help, I really do.
I'm sorry. I'm just not like you.
- You scared me.
- Sorry, I didn't recognize the coat.
We don't have much time.
I can't go up there with you.
You understand, right?
- Yes.
- Make certain you get everything...
and that includes any files you
didn't send to I.A. Or to me.
If anybody's going to believe this,
the press needs to see it all.
- I'll meet you in the atrium.
- Okay.
You're an asshole.
You really didn't think you were
going to get away with this, did you?
Those look right to you?
Yes, it's all here.
You're trespassing.
So what are you going
to do, fire me again?
You going to arrest me?
I have diplomatic immunity.
Isn't that what you all
rely on around here?
You had immunity.
You don't have a UN ID anymore.
You're a civilian now.
You're on your own.
I'm sure the State Department will be
happy to hear from me when I get back.
Where do you think
this comes from?
The State Department
owns your contract.
They don't want you here.
Democra wants you out.
You talk to whoever you want.
They're not listening.
You're finished.
Did you get what you need?
The State Department
owns your contract.
They don't want you here.
Democra wants you out.
You talk to whoever you want.
They're ot listening.
That's good.
As soon as you get to London
take this right to the BBC, okay.
- Thank you, Peter.
- Go.
I can categorically state...
not one United Nations officer...
has been involved in the
trafficking of a single woman.
You believe all these
victims' claims to be false?
I don't want to make
accusations against those girls...
but I will assert
over and over again...
I run a Zero Tolerance program
for that type of activity.
Now we've just
set up a full taskforce...
dedicated to abolishing all
sex trafficking in the region.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
We spoke to Bill Hynes...
the senior UN official
in Bosnia at the time.
I saw that interview.
And as you watched it,
what did you think?
I think Mr. Hynes knows
that he made a false statement.
So you're accusing him of lying?
Yes. Absolutely.
We have considered
Democra's explanation...
as to why they
dismissed Ms. Bolkovac.
And there is no doubt whatsoever that
the real reason for her dismissal...
was that she made a
protected disclosure and...
accordingly was
dismissed unfairly.
You smuggled files that
belonged to the UN...
out of the mission.
Don't you think that was a
rather reckless thing to do?
Those young women had put themselves
at great risck by confinding in me.
And I led them to believe that
they would receive justice...
but we let them down.
So the least I can do
is let them be heard.
Given everything you've been
through, would you do it again?
Yes, I would.
No doubt about it.