White Frog (2012)

Henry used to talk of people.
How society would never
learn to live without.
The love.
And he used to say
that we could be a family.
But not without the love.
The love.
Then he went.
To nowhere I know.
The picture-perfect memories.
They don't mean nothing
till you die.
I pick up the phone
but nobody's home.
Still I try.
And, honey,
I can't pay the bills...
Here you go.
Why do I have to do it?
It's called comparative
advantage, B.B.
We each do
what we're good at,
and everyone's happy.
You're good at school:
I'm good at taking care of you.
Who beat the crap out of the kid
who peed on your shoes?
That was in the third grade.
Who made it okay for you
to eat nothing but bread
when we go out?
Come on, we're a team.
What are you doing?
- Writing.
- Can I read it?
Sure. If aliens abduct me.
I'm around the corner.
What should I tell the 'rents?
Every Jewish parent's
idea of paradise.
Kaplan's over.
Way to rub It In, Mr. Ivy.
No wonder your parents
think you're perfect.
I'm not?
I wish I were retarded.
Hold on.
What, Nick?
I wish I was retarded.
Then I wouldn't have to
do your stupid schoolwork.
You mean, you wish you were
mentally challenged.
So challenge yourself.
I'm going to study group.
Where are you going?
Study group.
I'm not an idiot.
It's a usual Friday night thing.
Just gonna hang out
with some friends,
play video games.
Can I come?
Sorry, buddy.
Got to have social skills.
I'll join you guys later.
Be a man, Nick, come on.
You could've gone.
I've got something
better to do.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Come on,
that's all you got?
Your music is distracting me.
You have no taste.
This music is dope.
Come on. Here, boy.
That's all right.
You almost made it.
And he shoots.
And... Whoo!
I gotta go.
When... when do I get to come?
One day. I promise.
So for your good.
You'd better go.
Some things never change...
Try and stay in the lane!
Hey, that's much better!
- Walt, walt!
- I'll go out and get the car.
Please, just walt.
No, come on!
What did they say?
They didn't say anything.
He's in the hospital.
Let's just go, come on.
And though it is impossible
not to feel distraught,
even angry,
at this seemingly
senseless loss,
God has also given
a healing gift
to those of us
who are believers...
the knowledge that
what others call death
is not actually an ending,
but a new beginning.
This young man,
who we all loved so much
whom we will all miss
so terribly...
Chaz has begun the next stage
in his amazing journey
with a new life
and a new flesh...
more perfect than anything
we can even imagine.
Let us be inspired
by the life of Chaz Young,
to make our own lives
a testament to your glory.
He was with us.
We enjoyed his company,
basked in his spirit.
And now he's gone from us
in the flesh,
but his memory will remain
with us forever.
Let us all strive
to live up to that memory,
to live up to the gift
which you have given us
by letting us know
this remarkable young man.
In Jesus name, we pray.
Well, I know Chaz
would never want us
to sit around and be boring.
You know, he'd want us
to have fun.
Like old times, man.
Hey, man, you want
a ride or something?
Poor kid.
He wanted to come with us.
If he wants to come,
he can ask.
All right, man, see you.
Maria?! I need your help!
Oh, B.B., you're home.
Where's his stuff?
I threw it out.
B. B... Shh. B.B.!
Come on!
Come on!
B.B., please stop.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock,
tick-tock, tick-tock...
Three sessions so far,
and the clock's still ticking.
We used to talk, remember?
Don't skip the epigraph.
It's my favorite part.
"Verily, verily,
I say unto you,
"Except a corn of wheat
fall into the ground and die,
"it abideth alone:
But if it die,
it bringeth forth much fruit '
Gospel according
to St. John, 12:24.
It's about rebirth.
Take it home.
We can talk about
the book next week.
You fell asleep, huh?
It's all right.
Let's go to bed.
It's okay.
I got you.
Hello, this is the Young residence.
We're not at home right now.
Please leave a message.
See you in a bit.
All right.
See you after practice.
Okay, bye.
Hey, Nick!
What are you
still doing here, man?
Need a ride home?
I am not ashamed.
Of the Gospel of Christ.
I believe his name.
Brings healing in life.
These are the words of.
Dear mother...
Hey, Mrs. Young.
I was going to have
his father pick him up.
No, it's okay.
- Okay, thanks.
- No problem.
See you, Nick.
Your meaning and worth.
These are the words of.
My father.
Now gone.
I'll see you in a few.
Got cheer leading practice?
Debate team.
Okay. How boring.
Mmm. All right, I gotta go.
- Fine!
- Fine.
- I'll miss you.
- I'll miss you, too, baby.
What's up, Nick?
Wanna hang out with us tonight?
That's what Chaz did
every Friday.
I can clear it by your mom,
if you want to go,
drop you off afterwards, too.
I used to give Chaz
rides all the time.
Just wish I had given
him a ride that day
instead of, um...
Never mind.
Here, I'll call your mom.
Hey, Mrs. Young.
It's Doug.
Is it okay if I bring Nick
to Randy's tonight?
Um, I'm not sure...
Everything's gonna be fine.
It's just a bunch of us...
All of Chaz's best friends.
It makes us feel better.
It's kind of like...
like peer counseling.
Pretty cool, huh?
Hey, guys, this is Nick,
Chaz's brother.
Nick, this is Ajit, Cameron,
and you know Randy.
What do you think you're doing?
Love your neighbor.
Yeah, but, see,
that's the problem.
We're not here to babysit.
Nothing personal.
It doesn't matter
what you think,
'cause it's Randy's house.
Come on, dude,
it's not some random kid.
It's your best friend's
little brother.
Look, either you get it
or you don't.
Nick, this isn't the place for you.
He's not a baby.
Nick, are you okay with this scene?
You said it...
it's Randy's house.
Who cares whose house it is?
That's not the point.
I mean, the kid's got lots of...
He's a ninth-grader.
Well, if it's not a matter
of whose house it is,
let's put it to a vote.
Those in favor of Nick staying?
Nick, raise your hand.
No, he can't vote, man.
He's not one of us.
Are you crazy?
Were you good friends
with your brother?
Any friend of Chaz's
is a friend of mine.
I'll call.
What are we supposed to do?
Just play, and you two watch?
Why don't you show Nick what
Friday really meant to Chaz?
Boys, the party has arrived!
Rule number one, kid...
never interrupt a hand.
Yeah, and rule number two...
ignore this man.
I call.
Read 'em and weep.
Not so fast.
Mmm, you are so articulate.
Kid, you sure you want
to hang out with these losers?
Hey, speak for yourself.
You sure you know
to how to play?
I'll take this.
Here's your tip, bro.
Going all in, huh?
I call.
I'm out.
Come to papa.
You're broke, man.
Ready to go home?
Wait, wait, wait.
We can't do this.
I mean, what were we thinking, guys?
Here, just take it all back.
Hey, hey, hey, look...
Charity ultimately
disempowers the recipient...
this guy.
Okay, fine.
First lesson's on us, okay?
Thanks, but...
I'll be back next Friday...
And win it back.
I need some money.
For what?
Is this for the scholarship
in Chaz's name?
You don't need to get
involved with that.
Have you discussed
with Dr. King?
You seem better.
I think the peer counseling
on Friday nights is working.
Is Randy there?
He was a bad influence
on Chaz.
You should have friends
your own age.
Let's invite kids from church
for your birthday.
What's going on?
Come get a piece.
Do you want a piece?
No, thank you.
You guys? Cake?
No, thanks.
I'll set it right here.
Help yourself.
Oh, good, Luke.
You picked the game?
That's good.
Nick, what are you doing?
Come on.
I'll leave you alone.
You come out, okay?
Yeah, I won't bother you.
You just...
Come right out.
You guys want more juice?
No, thank you.
Hey, Nick.
Can we turn the TV on?
Yeah, that's a great idea.
Did you see that?
Where's Nick?
He's under the table.
Nick, come on,
mind your manners.
This is no time
for Isaac Newton.
You can be better.
Come on, Bemod.
Bemod, just like Chaz used to do.
- "...on the seashore... '
- Irene.
"...and then finding
a smoother pebble '
Mr. Young, can we go home now?
Your parents are gonna
pick you up at 6:00.
"...whilst the great ocean..."
Nick, come on!
Did that really just happen?
Don't you dare...
I'm no pushover like your parents.
Are you still getting anxiety attacks?
Except when...
Finish the thought.
I forget what he sounded like.
My mother died,
and I can still hear her.
"Ohh!" you so smart!
"Why you don't become doctor?
"Oh, shrink not doctor.
"Shrink just somebody you pay
so they pretend to like you.
"Yeah, you gonna be doctor,
then marry doctor,
"then have baby,
someday gonna be doctor.
Or mommy gonna die!"
Was it your fault that...
that she died?
Oh, who knows?
Maybe that's why
she's still on my case.
Dead people,
they come and go
like they own you.
Sometimes I feel like
taking a restraining
order out against her.
"Ohh, so messy!
"Oh, you gotta clean sometime!
"You know, every day
just a little bit.
"Little bit by little bit.
"Then one day...
Oh! Surprise!
All clean!"
I love you, B.B.
Good night.
Make room for me, Nick.
I'm coming in.
What are you gonna do,
police the kid?
Mm-mm. No way, man.
That's more your speed,
Mr. Ayn Rand.
Have you even read
The Fountainhead?
I figure I get
two cards for free...
So I ain't paying
until I see a pair.
What's so funny?
That's what you do.
No, I don't.
But seriously, how come
you've never played before?
I couldn't afford to lose.
And now?
I still got some of
the money Chaz paid me.
Nick looks like he's having fun.
But if you guys don't let me win,
my dad will beat the shit out of me,
and then I'll have to beat
the shit out of you.
Pick it up, tab on a date.
Never wanna be
comin' off cheapskate...
Checkmate, I am the queen.
Game of chess
So you won't beat me.
Sometimes he gonna pretend.
That he gonna be rich...
- Two and a half.
- What?
- Really?
- No way.
That's 201.
He's bluffing.
Maybe he caught
the flush on the river.
Why don't you pay up
and find out?
Nah, forget it.
Kid's got the perfect
poker face.
What'd you have?
Sevens? Really?
I put down my King for that?
Well played.
Bluffing is intense.
This kid's like a whiz.
How do you know that?
I memorized all the odds.
Nick, don't tell everyone
what you're thinking.
That's stupid.
Play the man,
not the cards.
Well, tell me about Chaz.
Your brother was
always jealous of me.
No, go ahead, laugh.
Laugh, guys.
Because seriously, I really do
feel like Chaz felt smothered.
Sometimes I even think that he wishes
he was born into a different family.
Are you joking?
I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.
Chaz said that Friday nights
were video game nights.
Why would he lie to me?
Maybe he didn't want
to corrupt you,
lose your respect.
If he always won,
where did his money go?
Nick, where...
Wait up, dude!
- All right. See you guys later.
- Later.
Am I the only one
who thinks this kid
is an absolute weirdo?
He's got Asperger Syndrome.
Like Rain Man.
No, no, more like Monk.
Chaz thought the kid
could be - more normal.
He was working with him,
doing bemod.
What the hell is bemod?
B- e-m-o-d.
Short for behavior modification.
Encourages him to open up,
discourages him from shuttling down.
Nick, what are you doing?
I looked everywhere.
Where would you hide your stuff?
School locker.
My dad cleaned it out.
Well, remember that time
when he screwed up
and he had to do
community service?
He never stopped going,
even though he didn't
have to anymore.
Maybe he has a locker there.
Do you know where that place is?
Randy would.
He's driven him there.
I'll call him.
And she said.
'What a son of a gun.
He loved to lie.
And lie...
This is the place.
Happy now? Let's go.
No. I want to know what
happened to Chaz's money.
All right, so go.
I got things to do.
If you go,
how am I gonna get home?
It's so good
to see you here.
I haven't set eyes
on you since...
This is Miss Lee.
She was Chaz's drama teacher.
Freshman year.
And this is Nick... Young.
Nick, I've heard...
heard so much about you.
Well, welcome to the Firehouse.
You know, your brother
suggested the name.
Before that, I called it the
Diversity Connection Center.
Lame, huh?
Why are you wearing that hat?
You've never dreamed
of being a flying nun?
Miss Lee, I'm out of glue.
I like the trucks.
Nice touch.
You didn't like the feathers?
They kept making me sneeze.
We've got our
big show coming up.
This doesn't look like
a real community center place.
Well, you know about
the library incident, right?
Chaz was gambling online.
It was either suspension
or 50 hours community service.
Even after he finished his service,
Chaz kept coming back here.
Did you take his money?
What he donated.
How much money
did you take?
He gave over $20,000.
He just kept giving
and giving.
Said that he had to.
It was his dream.
I'm glad you made it here
by yourself.
Why don't you stick around?
I'll show you...
No, no, I'm... I'm sorry.
Nick's gotta get home.
Chaz called the community
service place the Firehouse.
How do you know that?
Randy took me there.
If you want to do
community service,
I'll talk to the pastor,
but I don't think you should be
doing everything your brother did.
Tell me what it means.
The beach.
Honey, I don't think
you have to...
When you were little boys,
we would take you
to the beach on Sundays.
At dusk, homeless people
would get ready for sleep
next to their shopping carts,
and Chaz would always ask,
"Why can't we
take them home, Mommy?"
Do you remember, B.B.?
Years later, we were
driving through Skid Row,
and Chaz spotted
an abandoned firehouse,
old and charming,
squished between tenements.
And he said
he'd buy it one day
and he'd keep it open
for everyone.
He said everybody
should have a place
where they feel safe
and protected.
What's your password?
I didn't realize
we lost so much.
But nobody could read people
the way Chaz could.
That's gotta be more
than my entire family has.
My mom cleans two,
three houses every day
and the church once a week.
You gonna volunteer up there?
I'm not sure.
I'll go with you
if you change your mind.
Any friend of your brother's
is a friend of mine.
I'll be right back.
Hey, dude, where are you?
Uh, something's come up.
Yeah, right.
I took care of him yesterday.
It's your turn.
Try and remember how you felt
when you turned 15.
What do I have to offer
some 15-year-old kid?
Just look further ahead
and relax.
Bemod, dude. Come on.
Come on, shake it off.
Nick, stop!
Good job.
Almost hit a lamppost,
but good job.
Do you want to
volunteer at the firehouse?
No. But don't let that
stop you, buddy.
Did Chaz have sex
with that Miss Lee,
or was he in love?
Wait, what?
Did he have sex with who?
Didn't you see the pictures...
Of them dancing?
You can tell me...
Were they in love?
Why are you laughing?
'Cause Miss Lee's a lesbian.
A lesbian?
She came out in the school newspaper
before she left.
I... I can't crack
Chaz's password.
Chaz said I could
read his emails
if he was abducted by aliens.
Nick, Chaz was joking.
Nobody wants other people
to read their stuff.
But I'm his brother.
Come on, let's go again.
Concentrate this time.
Please don't hit a lamppost.
It's expensive.
- Okay.
- All right. Reverse.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Glad you made it.
Hey, do either of you dance?
Nick can play the piano.
How'd you know that?
How do you think?
He said, I'm your dad.
Look, I brought you a Barbie.
I hope you'll be as pretty
and famous as a Barbie
when you grow up '
Then he went to talk
with my uncles.
I never saw him again.
Lucy, I am so proud of you.
Let me know if you
want this to be in our show.
Otherwise, no one will see it.
What's in there?
Video diaries
Chaz was collecting
to show at our
fundraising event.
Chaz thought this would
be a good way
for the Firehouse kids
to get stuff off their chest.
Most of them have
made more than one.
Did Chaz make one?
I want to see it.
Sorry, Nick, I don't have it.
I was gonna ask you
to check his computer.
His laptop's gone.
Then it's probably gone.
He said he needed to edit it.
What would he talk about?
Sorry, Nick...
I never saw it.
Nick, wait...
You should make one.
When did Chaz lose his virginity?
God, you're one-track-minded.
"If I have ever made
any valuable discoveries"...
What are those?
Chaz's favorite cereal.
It was?
Pretty good.
You're not the only one
who knows stuff about him.
I'll take those.
Nick does it again.
Have you ever heard
of jamie Gold?
Jamie Gold was
a Hollywood producer
who won $12 million in
the World poker Championship.
And... I don't know, man...
Your brother was good.
Chaz was really good.
But you're... better.
You know?
Get these cards mixed good.
How do you do it?
I mean, I'll say this...
If you want to go pro,
I'll be your financial backer
and your manager.
Let's flop it.
Fold, too.
Randy! He's bluffing.
He's bluffing, bluffing,
bluffing, bluffing.
Can you shut up
for once in your life?
Ooh, I didn't know it was
that time of the month. My bad.
I call.
Let's see 'em.
No way. No way, dude!
Thank you very much.
Don't mind if I do.
Yo, I'm sorry, man.
I'm wrong.
And, you know,
it happens occasionally.
You know, just occasionally.
Knew it!
Hey, Nick,
come outside with me.
Come on.
Good job, bro!
What were you gonna say next?
You lied.
You're not stupid,
so what are you?
Willfully obnoxious
or just mean?
You threw the game
on purpose.
What, and you were
gonna tell everyone?
Seriously? How would that
have made Doug feel?
Answer me.
You broke the rules.
Doug's been nothing
but nice to you.
Since when are the rules
in a stupid game
more important than
your friend's feelings?
It's never just about
the cards or the money.
Tell me you get it.
Tell me you can
understand if you try.
Are you hungry?
What are you doing?
Good dental hygiene
is very important.
You can't do that.
That's gross.
Good point.
Chaz was the only one
who made me feel normal.
Now you have to
do that yourself.
How can I do that?
By practicing the things
that Chaz made you do.
Without him?
I... I can't.
It's not easy.
It's not gonna
happen overnight.
But that's what
bemod is all about.
You gotta keep trying until you
start to feel normal.
That was a really nice thing
you did for Doug.
I shouldn't have jumped
all over you.
I'm sorry.
Luke wants to play
chess with you.
- No.
- B.B.
Nick, what did we agree on?
We'll all have brunch,
and then you'll play chess...
We did this last week.
I gave him
the biggest handicap...
Queen odds...
and I still beat him.
Then give him Queen
and two rooks.
For the love of...
Why can't you just
try to act normal?
I am tired of you
making me feel
like you're
a ticking time bomb!
Try to act normal,
or else!
- Oliver!
- Oh, that's it!
Oliver, stop it!
You're making such a scene.
I started to wonder
If maybe the hospital
had made a mistake
and given us someone else's son.
I read about a lot of cases
just like that on the internet.
But what made you think
it had happened to you?
No one in my family
or Irene's family
has Nick's problems,
and as he grew older,
he started to look
less like us,
less Chinese, even.
To me, he looks a lot like Chaz.
It was stupid.
I had a D.N.A. Test done.
And Irene
is like my mother...
she has a bad habit of opening
other people's mail.
Must've made her very upset.
I know he's my son...
But still, I can't help thinking
of Nick as Chaz's shadow.
And now it's like...
Some cruel joke.
Chaz is gone.
That's my punishment.
For what?
Oh, isn't it obvious?
What was there?
B.B., you're back.
Did you go shopping with Randy?
Can I see?
He's spending too much
time with Randy.
Just stop it.
It's strange, don't you think?
Did you see?
He got orange.
Can you get him
to buy orange?
I thought you wanted him
to have friends.
I'm the one who's trying
to help him find friends.
At church, every week.
It's okay, Ken.
Don't worry about the cameras.
They're just there.
They're just In the corner.
Just talk to me
like we're friends,
'cause we are friends.
No one else will see this
unless you want them to.
Come on, talk to me.
When my mom signed
me up for camp In Malibu,
I was real excited.
I've never seen the ocean before.
But how could we afford It?
She sald It was a special camp,
free for kids affected by AIDS.
So I was, like,
"Oh... I lie and say I have AIDS?"
She sald, "No, baby...
I have AIDS."
Chaz made this video
of Ken a while back.
Ken said it was okay
to give you a copy.
Would you like that?
What's that?
Here, switch spots.
Let me see.
Hey, can you, uh,
hand me the manual
from the glove compartment?
I thought Chaz had these.
Are you gay?
Did Chaz know?
Yes, Nick.
That's against the rules.
Nick, listen to me.
No. It's not allowed.
"A man may imagine
things that are false,
but he only can understand
things that are true,
for if it be false,
the apprehension of them
is not understanding '
Nick, I loved your brother,
and he loved me.
Chaz was gonna tell you,
he really was.
- No!
- Stop it.
Just stop it!
You're a bad influence.
My dad was right.
You're a bad influence!
Nick, listen to me.
You're a liar... and a cheat!
Do you spend time with me
'cause I look like Chaz?
Do I turn you on
or something?
Nick, stop it!
Why didn't he tell me?
He meant to, but...
He kept procrastinating.
Chaz wanted to come out,
but he didn't want
to hurt your feelings.
Well, he's right!
Hypocritical... lying...
Disgusting freak!
Chaz went out of his way
to love and protect you
because you're
not normal, either.
Well, screw normal,
and screw you!
Me - a bad influence?
If you hadn't been
so damn needy,
Chaz would've ridden
with me in my car
and he would've still
been alive today.
I'm gay...
So what?
That's a crime?
And you know what?
We never even
held hands in public.
Because of people like you
and your stupid homophobic family.
You think you loved
your brother?
I loved your brother.
You didn't even know
who your brother was.
Yo. Where is everyone?
You guys hungry?
I want to order pizza.
I got in! I got into Yale!
What?! No way, bro! Congrats!
I'm so excited,
I can't even think straight.
Has anybody heard from Ajit?
No! Hope he got in.
I'm sure he got in.
His grades were better than mine.
Whatever, man.
Good news or not,
we're gonna get plastered tonight.
- Yeah!
- Congrats, man.
What's up?
You get in?
Yeah? You?
Wait-listed means half-in.
No, man, I haven't even
told my parents.
I don't know what to tell them.
I can talk to my dad.
He's one of the key
fundraisers for Yale.
- Really?
- Yeah, for sure.
God, I don't even
know what to say...
You guys are just like...
You lose all this money!
- You know why you all come here?
- What the hell?
It's to forget that
you've got no friends!
But then you can't
even get into Yale
without your
parents' money and...
Without them, you're nothing!
Shut the hell up!
Let him go.
How's he gonna get home?
He's not a baby.
There's a bus stop
down the street.
What happened
between you two?
He found out that I'm gay.
You're gay? Since when?
And Chaz was, too.
Whoa. What is...
What's going on?
Hey, Mr. A.P. Math,
can you not put 2 and 2 together?
Wait, you're saying that
you and Chaz were lovers?
What about the... the...
What about all the babes?
I wanted to create
a friendly environment.
You guys think
we can still hang out?
As long as you're
still buying, man, of course.
Hell yeah.
Yeah, man...
Any lover of Chaz's...
Wait, no, that's not
gonna come out right.
Are you getting ready?
Your Aunt May's gonna
be here any moment.
Leave me alone.
We're going to your
favorite dim sum place.
Nick, open the door!
Nick, I'm just gonna
get the key.
You're not dressed?
Are you sick, B.B.?
Stop calling me that.
There is no reason
to get upset, B.B.
I'm not your B.B.,
and I'm not your baby.
Please, we've got to stop fighting.
Sooner or later, we've got
to get back to normal?
You mean like having a brother
who's gay?
What are you talking about?
Your perfect Chaz was gay,
and you didn't even know...
Be quiet!
Stop it, both of you!
You don't like the fact
that he was gay,
so you slap me? I
You're the one
who needs beating.
You are grounded.
If you hadn't grounded Chaz,
he would've been
driving that day,
and not biking.
He would be alive today.
It's all your fault!
That is enough!
You know he's a gambler?
And the Firehouse...
the place he volunteers at...
is filled with illegal's,
and it's run by a lesbian.
He made video diaries there...
probably telling
everyone about Randy...
his boyfriend.
Let's get some lunch, huh?
We can talk about
what happened this morning.
I'm sure it's all
a horrible misunderstanding.
Nick, open the door, please.
I'll go get the key.
These permits are expired.
Miss Lee?
Mr. And Mrs. Young, hi.
What a surprise.
The show doesn't start...
Miss Lee, Where's nick?
He's not here yet.
Where is he?
Doug, do you know
where Nick is?
Hey, Mr. And Mrs. Young.
Why? What's wrong?
I think Nick's run away from home.
Should we call the police?
No, call the other guys
and see if they know where he is.
And if not, ask them
to go look for him.
All right.
You should wait in my office.
You mentioned a show.
Yes, I am sure
Nick will be here for this.
You should stay.
And, in fact,
we're playing video diaries,
and you'll hear Chaz
on one of them.
Video diaries?
I really think you'll be proud
of what your son accomplished.
Nick heard it, and he...
What's on the diary?
Oh, it's really about Ken.
Who is Ken?
Ken and Chaz
made some tape together?
A DVD, yeah.
Saying what? Doing what?
Ken talked about AIDS
and a first kiss, I think.
I'm sorry, I've heard
so many of the tapes that...
Miss Lee?
Excuse me.
That must be what Nick saw
that made him think Chaz was...
But they're showing it
in public.
This is not their property.
This is private.
Who are you calling?
Hi. May?
Yeah, it's me.
We have an emergency.
Can you be our attorney?
I doubt Nick's at school,
but you never know.
Does Cameron know
the way to the cemetery?
No. Um, and you're not
gonna believe this,
but Chaz's parents are trying
to shut down the Firehouse.
Tell Miss Lee I think
I know someone who can help.
Hi, how are you?
Thank you for coming.
Of course.
That's what family is for, right?
Don't worry. This is gonna be easy.
- Dad.
- Yeah, hi.
I need you to come with me.
Can't right now.
It's important.
I need your help.
You, uh, in a hurry?
Dad, I need to
tell you something.
I'm gay.
Is that it?
Wait, you knew?
Why didn't you tell me?
I'm supposed to
tell you that you're gay?
I think you're supposed
to tell me that.
Well, you could've
saved me so much agony.
So, uh, what prompted
this confession?
Nick saw pictures
of me and Chaz
taken in a photo booth.
Is that it? Hmm?
'Cause if so, I really should
get back to my work.
No, no, it's about this
community service center.
Chaz's parents want to
close the place down today,
just because of a show that
they think is gonna out Chaz.
We need your legal help.
Oh, friends in need.
Wind in my hair.
I'm feeling young again.
Maybe I'll even crash
your poker party.
No, this is not
about being... homophobic.
You are slandering
the memory of our son,
who is not here
to defend himself.
I think you've misunderstood.
There is nothing on that video diary
about Chaz being gay.
But you think he was, don't you?
I know he was.
Acknowledging the truth
is not slander.
You're just saying that
because you are gay.
All gay people think
everyone is gay.
Come on.
I don't know why
you're laughing, Miss Lee.
You've broken so many laws,
I don't know where to begin.
Expired permits,
unlawful assembly,
rampant zoning violations,
contributing to the delinquency
of a minor,
creating a public nuisance,
countless failures
to obtain licenses or permits.
And I'm gonna guess you never
got any consent forms signed
by any of the parents, did you?
So here's the situation.
Either we shut this
place down completely,
or you hand over
anything created by
or pertaining to Chaz Young
to his parents.
Sorry to interrupt.
Miss Lee, your attorney,
Mr. Ira Goldman is here.
Dad, you remember
Mr. And Mrs. Young, right?
I'm sorry we're not meeting
under happier circumstances.
Please, Mr. Goldman,
don't interfere.
All we're doing is trying to protect
the memory of our son.
How do you think
Chaz would feel if he knew
you were trying to
shut down the Firehouse...
the only place in the world
where he could be himself?
That's not true.
What do you know?
A lot more than you think.
You all want the whole world
to think Chaz was abnormal.
You mean gay?
Like my son?
Your family is your business.
Our family is ours.
Speaking of family,
have you located Nick?
I'm Jesus...
I can help you.
Hey, Edie! Edie!
You want to play angel cards?
Boy, you pay in for the story?
Edie, go get us some burgers!
Eat your burger first.
What's so important
in that computer?
Chaz said if he was
abducted by aliens,
I could read
everything he wrote.
Maybe I forced him to lie...
By the way I am.
No. Lying to others is okay.
But lying to yourself
is not okay.
I used to have an
angel card for lies,
and if I didn't want
to tell somebody something,
I would just kind of...
I wish I had somebody
that loved me like that.
Will you cry for me
when I'm gone, Nick?
Mother of God...
"I love Nick".
"I love Nick"!
That's the code!
You're... you're crazy.
"I... Love... Nick".
That was the
stupidest password.
I mean, the only person
who really loved him...
Inbox, 48. Drafts, 11.
Dear Nick...
I need to tell you something.
But I can't seem to
do It In person,
so I'm gonna try It
the Fire house way.
I encourage the kids
that I mentor there
to tell storles In video diary.
The kids, like you,
look up to me.
What you don't know Is...
Is that I'm a fraud
and a coward.
By definition,
I'm a different breed
from our parents,
and so are you, Nick.
You live in this bubble,
but you're always the real you.
But you don't pretend.
And I've always been
jealous of that.
They say that Aspies
can't communicate.
Oh, they are wrong.
You... you laugh, you sulk,
you roll on the floor.
You communicate,
if not only in words,
in moods.
Soon I'm gonna tell
the world I'm gay.
And when the shit
hits the fan,
I'm gonna need you
to watch my back.
I love you, bro.
Chaz needs me.
Wow! I should take
you to 'Nam, man!
They love orange there.
The sun,
the monks' robes,
row houses painted orange.
Oh, those guys really
celebrated life.
Too bad we had to
kill so many of 'em.
Thanks, Jim.
Grandma said a long time ago
that Vietnamese people
used to eat coconut frogs.
Oh, yeah.
Coconut and frogs.
They'd take a coconut
and make a small cut
and Insert a tadpole.
Then, a few weeks later,
they'd open up the coconut
to find a blind frog
with white skin.
It had the smoothest skin
and the softest
coconut-flavored meat.
For most of my life,
I've been one of those tadpoles.
I can't believe...
You're charging us?
By the hour?
What happened to
"That's what family's for"?
I'm giving you
the not-for-profit rate!
We're so sorry
for fighting with you.
Whatever you want to say,
we want to hear it, okay?
I found it...
Chaz's video diary.
That's great, Nick.
We'll watch it together
at home.
The lawyers can
settle this themselves.
Nick, your parents
and their attorney
are gonna sue Miss Lee if she
doesn't close down the Firehouse.
You're all acting
like we're heartless.
We're doing this
because we love Chaz.
We're starting
a scholarship in his name.
He was so smart.
Everyone liked him.
He had his head on straight.
We'll always remember him
as an ideal son...
But I knew.
Irene, no, no.
I knew.
I tried not to tell myself.
I thought if I didn't say it,
it wouldn't be true,
or it would just be a phase.
You know?
This is not about outing the dead.
This is pure speculation
on all of your parts.
Chaz isn't here
to speak for himself.
But I am...
I know.
Hey, guys, I'm sorry,
I don't want to interrupt.
But, um...
people are starting to arrive.
Send them home.
There's not gonna be a show.
May, you go home.
How can you...
You can't just give up...
She is billing by the hour.
I'm glad Chaz didn't die a virgin.
Nick, love the orange.
That's a nice shirt.
I didn't mean to say those...
It's all good, man.
All right, let's get this show going.
You know
how I, I, I, I do.
Don't worry about me.
I'm, I'm cool.
A II I need is me.
And my, my crew.
Feelin' like I'm brand-new.
You know
how I, I, I, I do.
Don't worry about me.
I'm, I'm cool.
A II I need is me.
And my, my crew.
Feelin' like I'm brand-new.
I'm brand-new.
Hey, hey, I'm brand-new.
I'm brand-new.
Hey, hey, I'm brand-new.
There's no way
you can't see.
Good evening, everybody.
As you know, we recently
lost one of our very own...
Chaz Young.
And I'm happy to introduce
Nick Young,
who has something
very special to share.
Grandma sald a long time ago
that Vietnamese people
used to eat coconut frogs.
Oh, yeah.
Coconut and frogs.
They'd take a coconut
and make a small cut
and Insert a tadpole.
Then, a few weeks later,
they'd open up the coconut
to find a blind frog
with white skin.
Go on.
After a couple of weeks...
You open the coconut...
And you'll see...
A blind frog with...
with white skin.
And it'll have
the smoothest skin
and the softest
coconut-flavored meat.
For most of my life...
I've... I've been like...
one of those tadpoles.
Growing up
in this strange world
that never seemed right,
but trying my best
to fit in, to grow...
Into a frog.
After spending time
at the Firehouse,
it hit me.
Our parents wanted us
to be perfect.
They had an image
of what perfect should be.
But in the end,
I don't deserve to live in a coconut.
No one does.
Chaz was gay,
and I have Asperger's.
But I agree with Chaz.
I am not a white frog.
And I will not be
a white frog,
even if I'm weird
or different or strange.
'Cause you know what?
Everyone is different.
Nick, dude,
that was so awesome!
Oh, I'm so proud of you, buddy!
You know what Chaz's
password was?
No idea.
Chaz would've loved that.
You hate public speaking.
This was important.
I could see that.
I feel like a boat.
With out a sailor.
I go where the wind blows.
Just moving around.
Like a lonesome stranger.
I got no home.
In search of a treasure.
Someplace I don't know.
It feels like forever.
I'm making my way through.
The hills and deserts.
I thirst for hope.
I don't know.
What I'm looking for.
But I'll know.
When I find it.
There's a missing beat.
Inside of me.
The rhythm of my heart.
Hits unevenly.
There's a missing piece.
Inside of me.
Trying to figure it out.
But it amounts to nothing.
I want to realize.
But nothing I find ever.
Feels like the real thing.
Can you empathize?
I don't know.
What I'm looking for.
But I'll know.
When I find it.
There is a missing beat.
Inside of me.
The rhythm of my heart.
Hits unevenly.
There's a missing piece.
Inside of me.
I'm lost inside.
A cold and bitter world.
I can't understand.
The need.
It makes it.
So hard to breathe.
We say, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Come on, baby, let's go.
Go, go, go, go...
We say, hey.
The party's bumpin'.
Hey, we got it bangin'.
Hey, we got it jumpin'.
Get your hands up.
People, bump it.
Let me take you away.
Just you and me.
Take you away.
For a good time.
Take a sip of this drink.
And dance the night away.
Ay, ay, ay.
Don't tell me your name.
We're just who we are.
Getting down.
Like rock stars.
Put your head on my chest.
And let me do the rest.
Est, est, est
Let the rhythm take you
up, up, up and away.
As the bass kicks in.
We're feelin' okay.
The heat is up, up, up.
Pin the place.
Let the people rock the club
Let's party away.
We say, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Come on, baby, let's go.
Go, go, go, go...
We say, hey.
The party's bumpin'.
Hey, we got it bangin'.
Hey, we got it jumpin'.
Get your hands up.
People, bump it.
We say, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Come on, baby, let's go.
Go, go, go, go...
We say, hey.
The party's bumpin'.
Hey, we got it bangin'.
Hey, we got it jumpin'.
Get your hands up.
People, bump it.
Baby, baby.
Tell all your friends.
That we're runnin' away.
Leavin' on the first plane.
Just pack what you need.
And we'll be on our way.
Way, way, way.
Let the rhythm take you.
P, up, up and away.
As the bass kicks in.
We're feelin' okay. '