White Girl (2016)

All right.
Stay right here.
I'll tell you when.
Back it up.
Keep going.
A little bit more,
like three feet.
Keep going.
Keep going.
You niggas crazy.
You got it?
Yeah, yeah.
What the
fuck is in this box?
Um, I think it's
like kitchen stuff.
Like plates and pots and shit.
You good?
You got it?
How many flight do we need?
Those dudes are still there.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Don't break the banister, dude.
I know, I know.
It kind of sucks that
we're on the m line, honestly.
You know how long it's going to
fucking take me to get to work?
It's going to take me an hour.
I'm just glad we
have our own rooms.
Yeah, but I'm going to
miss snuggling with you.
We could still snuggle.
I promise.
Have you ever
been jumped though?
I got jumped freshman year.
You did?
Are you serious?
By whom?
I was on my way to a show.
This kid fucking asked
me for a cigarette
and then he jumped
me for my skateboard.
What a dick.
No, I'm serious.
And it wasn't even my board.
Don't bring the
skateboar to a show.
Did you not have a cigarette
for him or something?
No, I had a cigarette and
i gave him a cigarette.
And then he followed me
and then he took my board.
I don't know.
I'd rather live in
dorms than, like,
live in a weird area like this.
It's a little
sketchy, I don't know.
I mean, it's kind
of creepy, but like--
I mean, seriously, when
i got off the train on my way
yeah, I think we're
kind of out of weed, man.
We're out.
They have weed.
They have weed.
So, I'm going to go get some.
No, Leah, really don't.
Um, yo.
I was wondering
if you guys knew
where I could get some weed?
Or something.
What, you think we're some
drug dealers or something, ma?
Uh, no.
I just thought you guys
might be able to hook me up.
Nah, for real shorty.
You can't be coming around her
asking strangers like that.
All right?
Are you serious?
Do I look serious?
Hey shorty.
Don't do drugs, all right?
Yo, she's tight, too, yo.
You straight
stupid, my nigga.
I can't stand you.
No, you wrong for that, son.
Leah, right?
You busy?
Why not?
Do you work here?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, i-- I just--
what are you-- what
are we paying you for, then?
Well, you're not paying me.
Guys, can I have your
attention, please?
This young lady loves
this magazine so much
that she will work for free.
I'm just kidding.
Hey, will you help me
with something real quick?
It's all right.
You won't get in
trouble, I promise.
- Ok.
- Watch the pole.
It's a killer.
Let me know what you think.
Um, what I think?
Well, I mean--
very interesting.
That is a very
interested answer.
I agree.
Oh, I'm sorry.
How rude of me.
Where are my manners?
Would you like some?
Do another if you want.
Well, there you go.
Uh, yeah.
Messenger came.
Oh, great.
What's this?
Uh, that is Rambo.
You know Rambo--
graffiti artist?
He's painting now.
I bought, like, 10 of these,
trying to drive the price up.
That reminds me.
Can we do a little
piece on Rambo?
Try to drive the prices up?
Good idea.
Do you know Leah?
Hey, Leah.
Yeah, she was gracing me
with her art history knowledge.
Were you saying something
about being more
visceral than the street thing?
We have a sponsor call in 15.
Uh, shit.
Can we move that
to 3:00, please?
That would be very helpful.
Thank you, Leah.
Can I get three?
Thank you.
What's your name?
I'm blue.
That's your real name?
Well, why do they
call you that?
Because I'm always sad.
Before I met you.
Hey, what's going on?
Can we talk for a second?
One second.
What is he doing here?
I have to ask to
invite someone over?
Leah, it's not anybody.
It's the fucking dude
who sits on the corner
because he's probably
a fucking drug dealer.
Of course
he's a drug dealer.
And he's nice.
Trust me.
My bag's out there
with my camera.
They look nice.
They are nice.
They put up with me.
So where are you from?
Oklahoma city.
The mountains and shit?
It's flat.
You can see forever
and it's a city.
So why'd you leave?
What do you mean,
why did I leave?
Is that your friends?
Yo, what's good, ma?
Come on, you going to front
on us like that, for real?
Y'all having a party
up there without us?
He just mad I got
in the castle first.
Fuck that shit.
We got to man.
Because you stupid.
You acting mad dumb
right about now.
What's good, beautiful?
How you doing?
Oh, my god.
what the
fuck are you doing?
It's good, my nigga.
Chilling, chilling.
Yo, ladies.
Y'all have a nice place.
Thank you for having us.
- Of course.
Real nice place.
Real talk, yeah, yeah.
Oh, snap.
I'm kilo.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to properly
meet you, Katie.
Shit, I haven't seen a
dime bag since middle school.
You guys got 'shrooms?
No, we ain't got
that hippie shit.
We got that killer weed, man.
We got that shit that
will have you going--
we got that yayo.
- Word up.
We got that yayo.
Yeah, I know you like
that shit, right?
We got that white girl.
You won't need to be fucking
with that shit, anyway.
You heard?
Yeah, but I really like--
She clearly really loves drugs.
You guys must like drugs, too.
No, we just spoke weed
every day, all day.
But you sell everything else.
Yeah, but that don't
mean we like that shit.
How much you want, ma?
You sell grams or what?
I got twenties, ma.
We got, yo, anything
you need, ma.
We got that yayo.
So what are you waiting for?
Hook me up.
What the fuck
you laughing at?
What the fuck?
Boy, I'm going to get fucked up.
God, this nigga's
always crying, yo.
Fuck, I don't get it, though.
Because he still sells drugs.
Holy shit.
You never seen a
real woman before?
Yo, son.
What the fuck is that, yo?
You like it?
I don't fuck with people
that do that shit, all right?
All right.
It's been our
spot forever, yo.
My roof is your spot?
You just can't fuck
around right over there
because neighbor's be tripping.
That one bitch-- and i
don't say bitch a lot,
but that one bitch,
comes out here bugging out.
Well, it's my roof now.
What's the matter?
You ain't never
learned how to share?
What kind of girl
do you think I am?
All right.
Come back.
What's going on?
Can you pull up the
guest list for me?
All right.
Can we take Jason
McDonald off there?
He's out of town.
And then, give Sophie
goodnight a plus 1 and then
cream should be in press.
So move him over.
Move him over.
You know how to do that?
And you just deleted him.
All right.
Well, it's all right.
Just fix it and then at 5:00,
lock it up and print it out.
And I'll see you there.
I don't think I'm
going to make it.
How come?
Well, I just moved and
I'm going to be unpacking.
Oh, unpacking.
Can you--
love, mom.
Can you not?
Thanks, mom.
See you tonight.
Yo, you got a man, shorty?
I assume a girl like
you probably got a man.
Why would you assume that?
I really like you,
shorty, you know that?
I think we got
something here, ma.
What you think?
I'm going to take
care of you, shorty.
You do not need
to take care of me.
Yes, I do.
I most definitely do.
Let me get some of that.
Yo, blue.
I need to speak to you.
Come on.
I'm going to catch
you later, man.
All right?
No, I I got
to speak to you.
This is important.
Real quick.
Real quick.
Real quick.
Yo, back off the lady, man.
Back off the lady, yo.
Shorty, I'll be
right back, all right?
All right.
Come on, man, what?
Sorry, man.
I don't mean to
be disrespectful.
I appreciate you, man.
Tata, this
is my friend, Leah.
She just moved up the block.
She's in college over here.
It's-- it's so nice to meet you.
We're going to go inside, ok?
Come on.
Don't worry.
So how much is this?
That's is $20
bag right there.
It is?
This could be, like, $60.
That's a $20 bag right there.
You know what?
You should come to a party
with me tonight in Chinatown.
I mean, you could
sell all this shit.
No, I don't fuck
around over there, yo.
What, in Chinatown?
No, like, in the city.
I don't fuck around over there.
What do you mean you
don't fuck around in the city?
Come on, it'll be fun.
No, I'm good.
Oh, my lord.
What the-- look at
what we have here.
I didn't think you'd come.
This is exciting.
Oh, uh, these are my friends.
Hey, friends.
What's going on?
My god, you look beautiful.
Let's go to the bathroom.
Uh, they have coke, Kelly.
Yo, ease up with that shit.
It's fine.
I'll take a bag.
It's $60, yo.
Look at that.
Hey, Jerry.
Does that look like
a $60 bag to you?
You going to sell it
or you want to buy it?
How you doing?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm good.
You all right?
I'm good.
I love it.
I love it.
I'll take three.
What's your name, by the way?
Baby blue.
What's your name, man?
Kelly, like the
girl's name, Kelly?
I was named after a woman.
Hey, unzip me?
Uh, yeah.
Pull my sleeve, please.
This is why I hate jumpers.
So what, are you fucking
one of these guys?
Um, well they sell
drugs on our corner.
What corner?
Oh, we just moved to ridgewood.
What the fuck is that?
It's, like, queens.
Well, no.
It's next to bushwick.
I mean, it's
practically Brooklyn.
You want another line?
Oh, yes, ma'am.
- Katie.
- Ow!
Wake up!
That sun is bright.
Let me show you
something real quick.
Come here and check this out.
That shit was
off the chains, man.
Mad stacks last night.
For real.
Do we have any water?
I don't know, girl.
Drink that shit.
Drink that.
That's good for your throat.
Yo, you imagine we get
that money every night?
That money, every night.
Every night.
Well, I don't know
about every night.
All night every night.
Yeah, yeah.
why not
every night, nigga?
It's out there to be got.
Someone's going to get it.
I'm going to get it.
I'm going to get it.
I mean--
I'm going to get it.
I mean, maybe once in a while.
You know what I'm saying?
- I figured it out.
You know what it is?
You scared of success, my nigga.
That's what that is.
That's what that is.
Nah, I'm just stupid.
You need to chill.
You just fucked up.
Your name is kilo.
Don't even acknowledge
this nigga right now.
Yo, Jose, turn that shit up.
I don't even want to hear
him bitching and moaning.
Shut the fuck up, bro.
He's scared.
That's what I'm talking about.
All right.
Have a good
day at work, honey.
You just want to
be broke your whole life.
That's fine.
Nigga fucking don't
want to make no money.
Wants to be on fucking
welfare his whole life, yo.
What the fuck you
scared of, my nigga?
What you scared of?
Oh, shit.
Oh, no.
She did not.
Oh, no.
Oh, kilo, stay in the car.
I got it.
Oh, my god.
I don't believe this shit.
She fucked up, son.
Yo, Jose.
When this girl get
back in the car,
we're going to go to wyckoff
and Jefferson, all right?
Nah, nah.
We're going to
myrtle and palmetto.
Fuck that shit.
I'm paying, so you go on
to wyckoff and Jefferson.
I'm telling you to
take your drunk ass home.
All right?
You're not going over there
like that so you need to chill.
You just want to be
broke all your life.
That's what you want.
Will somebody buy
me breakfast already?
You know what?
Matter of fact, you
trying to be a big boy,
you got to play with
the big boys, baby.
That's how it goes.
I'm not going to that crazy
ass nigga's house right now.
- Oh, you not?
- No.
No, you right.
You know what?
You right.
You're not going.
So why don't you get the
fuck out the whip now?
Baby, hold this for me.
Man, what the fuck
you talking about?
Get the fuck out.
Relax, man.
What the fuck you talking about?
Yo, why y'all
always fight--
what the fuck is going on, man?
Yo, what the fuck is
your problem, man?
What the fuck is this shit, bro?
What the fuck did I do, nigga?
I didn't do shit.
Get the fuck-- don't
fucking touch me, nigga.
Get the fuck out of
my face, butch ass.
Nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah.
Yo, you know what?
- You get the fuck out.
Yo, yo.
Yo, guess what?
We going to let you act up.
All right?
We going to let you act up.
And we ain't going to do nothing
about it and we going to hear
about this shit tomorrow.
All right?
I'm excited.
Then why don't you go
sell your little dime bags
to the crack heads
you dealing with
and we see how much money
you make then, nigga.
All right?
Yeah, yeah, all right.
I'm sorry, shorty.
I just can't take these
niggas' negativity.
Yo, my nigga.
Take it.
I'll be back.
What's up?
You good?
Good morning, sweetheart.
Good morning.
Can I have a smoke?
What you doing here?
What are you doing here?
This ain't the
place for you, ma.
Whatever that means.
All right.
Be safe, sweetheart.
Yo, shorty.
You got to come here real quick.
- Come on.
- Yeah?
Come on.
Yeah, leave that shit.
Come on.
Yo, be care-- yo-- yo,
look, don't be tripping.
Be careful.
Get the fuck out of here.
Dude, you know,
how long you known me?
You know i-- i
always come correct.
I-- I don't-- you know, I don't
want to play with your time,
your money.
You want me to do a line?
Sure, go ahead, mami.
That's good.
This could be good for
everybody, like I was saying.
This could really, you
know, change some shit.
And they cool.
I mean--
we're cool.
For white folks,
you know what I'm saying?
It's true.
You really
need this much?
I'm-- I'm telling you.
With these people, it's
going to fly out the door.
And I'll be back here first
thing Saturday with the money.
You're joking, right?
I could give you a g now.
I'll give you a g right now.
Don't fuck with me, blue.
I would never
do that, Lloyd.
You know me.
Now, here's the money now.
I mean, you can count it.
Thank you, man.
I appreciate it.
I really do.
We got to go.
Come on.
Here, now, we got to go.
He was fine.
That nigga's a maniac, yo.
He took my cousin's
fucking eye out.
No, he didn't.
Yes, he did.
With a fucking fork.
That nigga will kill
me for real, yo.
Well, at least I got the yayo.
You think you got that shit?
Um, yes.
All right.
You think what you want.
But yo, if I flip it to
your little rich friends,
we big time.
You know what I'm saying?
Like Bonnie and
Clyde, platinum club.
0-4 type shit.
You laughing.
I'm serious.
You know what I'm saying?
Yo, you like Italian food, girl?
Who doesn't
like Italian food?
That's what I thought.
Yo, I'm going to take you
out tonight, all right?
I mean, like-- you
know, dressed nice.
I don't want him inside.
All right.
- I'm going to take care of it.
- Make him leave.
All right, yo.
I'm going to take care of it.
Just chill.
I'll be back in a second,
all right, shorty?
Think about what you
want to eat, all right?
Be right back.
Yo, man, let me holler
at you for a second, son.
Get the fuck off me.
Keep away.
Fuck, yo.
Fuck you.
Yeah, fuck you.
Yeah, fuck you.
vocabulary, son.
Real good.
Your mother taught me this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yo, you see this?
Let's see what
you got here, son.
If I have
to say one more time,
you can all get
back in that bus.
I'm not about to stand here
and scream at you all day.
Stand in line.
Now, please proceed
in an orderly fashion.
Stupid nigga kilo, man.
He was right.
He was right.
A 20-- 20 year
minimum for 10 ounces.
Fucking amateur, yo.
Yeah, but I have it.
I-- I have it.
Are you fucking serious?
I knew they-- I knew
they were fucking with me.
You really got that shit?
Oh, yeah?
Yo, you serious?
You really got that shit?
I just picked it up.
But shorty, you got to get
this shit back to Lloyd,
like immediately.
You understand?
Man, he's going to
buck the fuck out.
Just tell him I got locked over
some stupid shit, all right?
Tell him I ain't going
to say shit in here.
He needs to know that.
So you'll get out.
Uh, no.
Shorty, this is my third strike.
If I talked, I could walk,
but I ain't doing that shit.
How the fuck could I fuck
up right when I met you?
I told you we're
going to figure it out.
Is that what you think, shorty?
I always figure it out.
You crazy.
Hey, sit back.
Fucking coke is pouring
out of your bag.
Maybe we should
have put it in your pussy.
I'm sure there's
much more room in yours.
This is it.
So don't be a bitch.
Just smile and don't
say anything, all right?
I hate this neighborhood.
This is going to
be quick, right?
Fuck, come on.
Come on.
Walk with me.
Come on.
Dude, what the fuck?
You just said we were there.
- Walk.
He's actually a really
good person, you know?
I mean, his grandmother
is sick and he
has to pay for her medicine and
he has to pay to support her.
And he was actually thinking of
stopping before this happened.
And it was an undercover cop
who set him up, you know,
with-- set him up with
an old friend, actually.
But he didn't actually
make the sale.
He just set it down.
So that's something.
But the thing that is
the most unfair, I think,
is just that, I mean, the lawyer
that the jail provided him with
hasn't even come
to visit him yet.
What's your relationship?
Our-- our relationship?
How do you know him?
Well, he's my lawyer--
i-- I mean, my neighbor--
so you just want
to help your neighbor?
Well, I can't just sit by and
watch him go to jail because he
can't afford a good lawyer.
I want to help.
Well, ok.
It does make a big difference to
the judge when someone's there
in court and actually
cares about the person
and is vouching
for him, especially
if that someone looks like you.
The quantity of heroine
and crack cocaine
that your friend was caught
with was small, but significant.
That, plus the two
prior arrests are
going to put your friend
in the unfortunate position
of doing some real time.
I would say he's-- i
don't know-- five years,
maybe more, depending
on the details
of the first two arrests.
But once I get the retainer,
I'll meet with your friend,
we'll talk.
We'll figure something
out, see what I can swing.
There's always hope.
Thank you.
And how much is the
retainer, exactly?
And then we'll see where
it goes from there.
Well, I can have but
to you first thing
tomorrow, if that's all right.
That'd be great.
Um, well, thank you.
I really appreciate
what you're doing.
It's what I do.
You go to college
here in the city?
Yeah, I'll start my
second year in a few weeks.
Good for you.
What are you studying?
Um, right now, uh,
writing and liberal arts.
What do you want to do, though?
Um, I don't know yet.
Uh, work in media, I guess.
Thank you--
all righty.
Very, very much.
Have a good one.
It's 10 ounces.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck is that?
What-- what, are
you trafficking now?
No, actually blue is
in jail, so I'm selling
this to pay for his lawyer.
Are you joking?
He got set up by a
fucking undercover cop.
Do you want it or not?
Do you want it or not?
Well, what-- what about
five ounces for $10,000?
Fuck no.
What about four
ounces for $8,000?
No, I know how
much he gets it for.
What about two for $3,000?
All right.
Two for $3,000.
How do we do this?
Well, that doesn't
look very scientific.
It's just, like, a little
less than half of half.
All right.
This is a gram bag, so we're
going to put 0.8 in it,
- you got it?
- Mmm.
Can you put
the joint down?
You're too fucking
stoned, anyway.
You need to help me.
- I can do it.
I can do it.
I-- I can do it.
Oh, you know what, y'all?
I'm feeling-- yo, I'm feeling
really tucking tight right now.
How the fuck this nigga
got us working for him?
Yo, he would never
do this shit for us.
What the fuck?
- Yeah, he would.
He doesn't
never do shit for us.
Yes, he would.
No, that's real talk, son.
This nigga would never do that
shit for me, though, for real.
Yeah, he would.
Nah, no the fuck he wouldn't.
Yes, he would.
Look, all I got to say,
shorty, is this nigga mad lucky
that he got you saving his ass.
All right, guys.
Smile for the camera.
That's fucking sexy, Katie.
Everybody say pussy.
What the fuck you doing
taking out this money, yo?
Relax, man.
My man, my man, my man.
Don't fucking
touch me like that.
Get the fuck off me.
Yo, what's up?
What the fuck?
What are you doing?
This is fucking bullshit, man.
Are you ok?
Yeah, I'm fine.
That was crazy.
Yo, I've been here
twice already, man.
Yo, I'm not fucking around
with this bullshit no more.
Don't fucking come close
to me right now, all right.
Leah, take that.
I'm sorry.
I-- I really didn't know.
You sorry?
You're going
to get us locked up.
I said that I am sorry.
Yo, shut the fuck up, man.
Leah, we should
really just go home.
Come on, everyone
is freaking out
about some random thing, Katie.
Come on!
We're here.
Oh, you scared me.
Where's blue?
Where is he?
He got arrested.
Did he have
my stuff on him?
Um, uh, uh, i-- I was actually
planning on-- on coming--
that's why you got
rats outside my house?
He talk?
No, he definitely didn't.
He owes me $7,000.
Where the fuck's my money?
I don't-- I don't know.
I know that you'll
get it, though.
You do or you don't know?
I don't know.
You don't know much, do you?
I'm sorry, I'm barely know him.
It's cool.
Everything's cool.
I have built quite the
strong case for your friend.
Clear evidence that he did
not technically make the sale.
That, plus the fact that this
undercover cop, Mr. macho,
has been hitting it
a little too hard.
Now, it took me every
connection that I
had to get that information,
but now that I have it,
I'm not going to let up.
That's wonderful.
Now, here's the
icing on the cake.
We have a sympathetic judge.
So that means this
whole thing may be
tossed out on a technicality.
Thank you.
Oh, ok.
All right.
Thank you.
Oh, uh, don't forget this.
Oh, thanks.
You got it.
What, mom?
Oh, yeah, the package.
Yeah, i-- I got it.
Um, um, thank you.
I'm sorry I haven't called.
I-- I've been so busy, you
know, with the internship
and getting ready
for school and stuff.
I got into this painting class.
Yeah, I know, it's so great.
But they were talking
about the extra supplies.
And-- and you know I don't
want to bother you for money,
but-- wow.
Yeah, that-- that--
that would be so great.
I know, i-- I know,
i miss you, too.
Today I wanted to
read the paper, right?
So I asked the guard
because he wasn't using his.
This nigga wouldn't
even look at me.
Like I wasn't even a
fucking human being.
You know what I'm saying?
Then, this boy-girl
comes through, right?
And she's like, hey,
baby, I got the paper.
You want it?
I was like, no,
fuck out of here.
I don't want no fucking paper.
I'm good.
Why not?
What, do I look crazy?
I mean, they ran up
on this Chinese nigga
yesterday for nothing.
Emptied his whole cell out,
you know what I'm saying?
All his food.
They tried to give me that shit.
I was like, I don't
want this kid's food.
Get out of here.
You have to eat.
I-- I mean I eat the fruit,
you know what I'm saying?
But that's it.
Oh, well, yesterday,
they made chicken
cutlets, so I ate some of that.
But you know, that's it.
It was all right.
Do you like the lawyer ok?
I mean, yeah, as a lawyer.
But shorty, I can't pay him.
Well, he's working pro bono.
What's that mean?
Like, for free.
Um, I told him about
what happened to you.
And he said he
wanted to help, so.
You serious?
That's fucking amazing.
I fucking love you.
You know that, right?
I, um, I want to
fuck you so hard.
You want some?
Come here, what are you doing?
Um, i-- i-- i
wanted to ask you--
Um, I wanted to ask
if you would, um,
if you would consider
letting me borrow for, like,
a very short time.
I mean, just--
how much?
How much you need?
What is that?
Jesus Christ.
Well, it's-- it's-- it's
$13,000 for the lawyer,
and then there's another
$4,000 for the dealer, and--
the dealer, what dealer?
I mean, I'll pay everyone
back, but-- well, the dealer--
the dealer knows where i
live, Kelly, so I don't
know what I'm going to do.
Ok, so then move.
What happened to you?
Just fucking forget it.
Hold on.
How much you have left?
Sorry, everybody.
I think I'm going to go dance.
You guys.
You guys!
Let's all do a bump!
I need a light.
I need a light.
What's up, guys?
How you doing?
$24 fucking thousand!
Yeah, I am a genius.
I am going to start telling
everybody that I'm a genius.
Oh, wait, guys.
I have an idea.
I have an idea.
I have an idea.
I have an idea.
No, I have an idea.
Give me that.
Give me that.
Ok, hold it.
are you all right?
You all right?
Come in.
It's open.
There she is.
You want an Espresso?
Um, no.
Holy shit, where have you been?
We've been trying to reach you.
Well, you left me there.
Uh, we tried to
get you to leave.
You remember
puking on my shirt?
I do.
You owe me dry cleaning money.
What do you say we get a
little breakfast and all
sneak in to work separately?
Oh, my god.
I was so fucked up.
What are you going
to do to celebrate?
Besides get a felon out of jail?
You're telling me
you didn't see it?
See what?
The money?
What do you mean, the money?
I-- it was gone when I woke up.
Are you fucking serious?
You're joking.
Holy shit.
You didn't see it?
Well, you guys left me.
Well, it's just money, huh?
You'll figure it out.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
I got to go to work.
You want to do
you make-up bong hits?
Um, no.
Are you sure?
You look really pretty.
Did I get
lipstick on my face?
Yeah, obviously.
Well, what I mean is, uh, the
preliminary is in a few days.
We, uh, we really
don't have any options.
Look, I'm very sorry.
I don't think you quite
understand how this all works.
He doesn't have
anyone else, though.
don't-- you just--
all right.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Wait a second.
Hold it, hold it.
It's not a tragedy yet.
Come back.
Just come back.
The '94 is actually my favorite.
It's got this, uh, combination
of burnt earth and plums
and, like, a incense.
Well, I guess you're
a scotch girl.
Well, I'd drink
nail Polish remover
if somebody handed it to me.
Well, I wouldn't compare
oban to nail Polish remover,
but what do I know?
This wine is, uh, amazing.
Thank you so much for taking
the time to talk more with me.
My pleasure.
You know, I don't too
many people who would help
someone the way that you did.
You know, I really think that
i can figure out the money.
I mean, it might
take a little time,
but I really think
i can figure it out.
Forget about the money.
Forget about it.
I'm going to go in there
and work a little magic.
I'm going to use
every trick I know.
And we'll see what we can swing.
It's a really fucked up system.
I've seen violent
criminals, sexual predators,
just get a slap on the wrist.
You could have a white
kid stab someone to death
and he'll get less
time than a black kid
caught with a minuscule
amount of drugs.
This is the way it is.
I hate to see a young man's
life ruined like your friend.
You don't realize how much i
appreciate what you're doing.
I do.
You all right?
Hey, babe.
You ok?
You all right?
You all right?
You all right?
You up?
Come on, get up, baby.
Yeah, you got to breathe.
You got to breathe.
Come on, get over here.
That's right.
Yeah, get up here.
Get up here, you all right?
Oh, yeah.
You all right?
What, you ok?
Oh, yeah, baby.
You all right?
Yeah, come on.
Get up.
Come here.
Come on, get me hard.
Get me hard, baby.
Get me hard.
That's all right.
You can get down.
Yeah, you up?
You all right?
Hey, you ok?
Hey, hey.
You should really eat something.
Your mom keeps calling me.
I don't know.
So I just told her you'd
call her back soon.
Do you know what your
first class is next week?
That lawyer saved me, yo.
Shit, you saved me.
You should have seen
the way this guy was
running around the
courtroom crazy telling them
what to do with me.
You should save
that cat's number.
You feel this?
I want to marry you, Leah.
Will you marry me?
Marry you?
Will you?
You're not serious.
I'm dead fucking serious.
Marry me.
But we're so young.
Yeah, but something
like this only
happens once in a lifetime.
No, um, it's just that--
you can't be scared.
Everything happens for a reason.
I'm back for a reason.
Where is it?
I don't know.
Tell me where it is.
You gave it back.
Yo, blue.
Yo, blue.
I'm telling you, he was
chilling around the corner.
I told you he was chilling
around the corner.
We was chilling
around the corner.
How are you?
Good, how are you?
Hey girl,
how are you doing?
- Good, how are you?
- Good.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
What did
you do this summer?