White Night (2017)

(gentle upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(mischievous music)
Good day and good evening
to you all as we begin
this occasion that
is Nuit Blanche.
As you prepare for this night
in your hotel rooms
and motel rooms,
(rapid knocking)
in your homes and
your offices we ask--
One sec.
[Stephen] What is it
that you have come to find?
Is it a love that eludes you?
A sense of self in your time?
Howdy howdy.
Good to see you.
Let me just get my
jacket then we'll go, yeah.
This night carries a warning.
There's a weight to
it, a ball and a chain.
It is not to be taken lightly.
(phone ringing)
Hey, I told you
I can't make it.
(muffled voice)
I can't, I gotta work.
(muffled voice)
Look, Peterson asked
me to stay personally.
(muffled voice)
No I can't, I'm sorry.
Have a good weekend.
[Stephen] And as you
go off into the night
be sure to keep this in mind.
The journey is not
about the destination.
Hi, how's it going
can I help you?
What's your name?
I'm sorry I don't
have a Melanie Boudreau.
Boudreau, Melanie.
Yes I'm sorry, we're very busy.
I don't have your name.
Sorry it's pointless we're full.
I can't help you.
It is instead about the
moments, the discoveries,
it is about the truths
we unsurface when
For you, the few true believers.
For you tormented souls
who do not sit content
beware of what you might find.
All right guys let's
stick to the parks
and the inner core.
The streets are gonna
be crazy tonight
and it's supposed to
drop below freezing
so always stick with a buddy
and keep each other in
eyesight, let's do it.
(mischievous music)
Two, three, four!
Now I'm cheap and you
were sold and I am sick
And you were old, I play
the fool, drown in gold
Time is money, so I'm told,
look I've come undone again
Darling I can't be your
friend, you were lost
I'll win it on my own
Oh roll your stone
Deep into the night your stone
You're blocking out
the light, your stone
But can you sleep alone
And now you're
old and not right,
It's not gonna go, your stone
Deep into the night your stone
Blocking out the
light your stone
Can you sleep alone
and are you holding on
Or are you just
starting to go, your stone
Your stone
Your stone
So even though
my hands may shake
I know the myth
is mine to make
'Cause all of you
just take and take
And bend my back
until you break my bones
Oh roll your stone
(dreamy music)
Hey man sorry.
Just give me, just this.
(clearing throat)
All right.
Here you go.
So it's bottom of the ninth.
We're down by two,
bases are loaded
and of course Greg
Wayland pops over nothing,
played the right field
for a second out.
And of course you're up next.
So the crowd roars as
I step up to the plate.
there must've
been 2-3000 of them
this was no normal game,
this was offset,
almost national.
So I watched that first
pitch coming for a strike
and then I waited it out as
he was beginning to count.
I could see it in his eyes,
he's throwing one
right down the middle,
so he throws it and I take
a full swing and crack it.
Deep right field, I
mean this is going.
The crowds on their feet,
you know will it make it?
It's going, it's going.
And Rory McCartney
snags the ball
at the wall ending the game.
No the ball sails into
the bleachers, we win,
I become a legend in our school.
I get so much pussy
it's not even funny.
Fuck off I'm not some bar slut
you can pass your
bullshit stories onto.
I was there, I saw
Rory grab that ball
and I blew him under the
bleachers after the game.
Northern boys always
have bigger cocks.
Plus you didn't get laid
'til grade 12 by
Lindsay Galespie.
Oh yeah.
I was kind of jealous.
What, you were never into me.
Girl can have a crush.
Maybe I was looking for
you after that game.
No, you couldn't
handle me back then.
Can't handle me now.
(low tempo music)
Camera, check.
24 to 105 millimeter
zoom lens and check.
50 mil primer to make everything
look blurry and pretty, check.
Foldable raincoat for
the inevitable rain.
Pack of beef jerky, Red
Bull, check, check, check.
Three caps of shrooms.
Don't pussy out on me now.
They don't know,
they don't know shit.
You're a fucking Beretta and
they believe every fucking word
because you're super cool.
And note to self
re-watch Reservoir Dogs
because it's super cool.
So it begins.
Batman Begins.
I'm Batman.
(dramatic humming)
(dramatic music)
Stop what you are doing.
You shouldn't be drinking that.
Jesus kid you startled me.
You know nearly 100,000
North Americans die
each year from
alcohol consumption?
No that can't be true.
Not to mention the
who experience
alcohol use disorders.
Oh no I'm just a casual
drinker, I don't really--
Less common side effects
from prolonged abuse
include anemia, dementia,
cirrhosis of the
liver and impotence.
You're like a walking
PSA, where are your parents?
I lost them about an hour ago.
What, there's like
a billion people here,
they're probably freaking out.
No no, we gotta find them.
You don't know how stressful
it is to be a parent.
And you have kids?
Well no but that's
not the point.
Look we gotta find them.
Is this your kid?
Where have you been?
[Man] We were
worried sick about you.
Thank you very much.
Oh, no of course it happens.
Thank you.
There's so many people here.
You're our hero,
you rescued our baby.
No problem, I'm glad
everything's okay.
Oh, thank the man.
Thanks man.
Thank you.
No problem, take care guys.
Oh, oh hey you forgot your mask.
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
Hey Mom.
I'm at my thing.
Yeah, I told you about
this for Nuit Blanche.
Yes, yeah I was
selected for the event.
Yes officially.
It's going.
You guys gonna make it?
Yeah, okay well it would
mean a lot if you and Dad.
No I know.
I know he's busy, just
it would mean a lot.
Okay, all right, well hopefully
I'll see you guys later.
Okay, bye.
(introspectful music)
Sorry, no French.
Oui, a little.
Sorry I don't think you're
gonna find one tonight.
If you're gonna spend
the night wandering Toronto
at least you picked
the right one.
Enjoy the art.
(ambient electronic music)
Oh my god this festival
is so mainstream.
Yeah you're so right.
Do you want a sip of
my organic soy macho
herbal organic tea it's organic.
Oh my god I thought you'd never
ask, can I have all of that?
Mah, Ozington, mah, pizza
Lauretto, mah, faux, ramen,
Dundas West, streetcar
transfer, mah.
Hey, I got a present for you.
Merry Christmas.
You stole this?
What can I say,
I thrive on danger.
I'd say you have pretty
mediocre taste for danger.
You remember how we met?
Y'mean when you baited me
out for shoplifting at Zellers?
I didn't bait you out.
You might as well
have, I'm shoving a shirt
in my purse, I look over
and you're staring at me.
And the security guard's
staring at me staring at you.
Bait out.
I apologize for that,
and he chased me too,
he thought I was in on it.
We had to hide in Bulk
Brand until we lost him.
I bought you Hot
Lips to apologize.
That was cute.
That's not how we met.
We had civics
together, Ms Hawthorne.
Fuck off, I didn't know
that, why didn't you tell me?
I could tell that you
didn't recognize me,
and I don't know, guess I
was kind of shy back then.
You were, had to
do a lot of work
to get you out of your shell.
Look at me now.
Work in progress.
Oh aren't you just
so goddamn funny.
Thank you very much, yes I am.
I remember you
gave this speech
on the disassociation of
kids with their parents.
You remember that?
I remember thinking
in that Zellers,
how is the girl that
wrote that speech,
stealing a crop top in
front of me right now.
Fuck, can't believe
you remember that.
Ah it's funny the things that
just sort of stick with you.
[Man] What in God's name?
Cardboard boxes;
this is embarrassing.
Yeah; oh, unless.
Maybe cardboard is
an allegory for how
shitty this installation is.
Maybe it represents
the inner suffering
of anyone who looks at it.
Like the feeling you get
right before you vomit.
Like when you know
you're not gonna make it.
But it's coming and there's
nothing you can do about it?
I got it, maybe these are
the boxes that they ship
the real art in.
I love how much of
a bitch you can be.
What are you ah,
what you making?
What is that?
Uh, it's, if you took, me
and bought it to the outside
and brought it all to.
It's kind of tough to explain.
Looks like a bunch of boxes.
It's more than just boxes.
That's why I asked;
the boxes are sweet,
I didn't mean it like
that, the boxes are dope,
I feel like the boxes mean--
Look it's fine,
seriously, it's fine,
it's literally no different
than what everybody else
has been saying, so.
What has everybody
else been saying?
Let's just say people's
vocabularies don't really
extend too far
past the word shit.
Oh my God, okay
does that bother you?
Do I know you?
I don't know man, it's just.
You put yourself out there
and you work really hard,
it's really disheartening
having someone
sum up your work in one
monosyllabic expletive.
Isn't that what being
an artist is all about?
No, I think that's what
people have turned it into.
Excuse me.
[Kyle] And then what happened?
And then I told that
pussy ass bitch that
if he so much as
looked at me again,
I'd knock his ass
back to last Tuesday.
Yeah yeah yeah then I
spent the rest of the day
at the mall, you know,
picking up chicks.
Yeah but weren't you in
Hebrew school on Saturday.
Shut up Kyle.
You shouldn't
be drinking that.
Oh my God.
Or loitering.
Shit man, you know, shouldn't
be sneaking up on people.
Is that a mask?
Yeah, it's, well it's
not important what it is.
What's important is that you
shouldn't be drinking that.
Did you know that nearly
100,000 people die, oh shit.
Every year from alcohol
and prolonged use
can cause problems of the
stomach and liver and impotence.
Too much information buddy.
You really think
that we're gonna take
life advice from a
random dude in a mask
who can't get it up?
How old are you guys
anyways, let me see some ID.
Woah are you a cop?
No, I'm a lawyer,
well sort of, I was.
I got fired today.
That sucks man.
Yeah, that sucks man.
Nah, it's okay, I
wasn't the kind of
lawyer I wanted to be,
I wasn't helping people.
I don't know
about the mask, but.
The world would
be a better place
if more people gave a shit.
Yeah man, go out there
and make a difference.
Thanks guys, I will,
starting with this.
For your own good!
Come on!
Did that really just happen.
[Man] Stay in school!
See I think this
showcases like the emotional
maturity of the artist.
I see balls.
Pain, I feel pain, suffering,
suffering suffering.
Suffering and pain.
See I think it's about
hope in the face of pain.
For sure.
This one I think the
artist is trying to show
how traditional imagery
and symbols don't convey
meaning in today's world.
I mean balls, I totally see
balls, do you see balls?
See this I understand.
Alright, well fuck 'em.
Like, like fuck 'em yo.
Eh, eh, fuck 'em,
no honestly, look.
Next time someone
criticizes your work,
you walk right up to
them, you press your nose
against their nose, you look
'em straight in the eye,
and you say fuck you, uh!
Or don't, whatever, I don't
care, that's what I'm saying.
Andy Warhol would not
have put up with this,
especially from a bunch
of hipster mouth-breathers
that couldn't think up
a better word than shit.
Although I feel like
maybe he would've loved
the simplicity and
frankness of that.
I don't know, I
failed art history,
I'm sorry I couldn't
be a better son, Dad!
I will say this, I
read the description
of your installation, Me
as I see it, in boxes.
It's simple and
cool and unpretentious
and it caught my attention.
Okay, well have a good night.
Okay look, maybe it's
just the shrooms talking,
but there's beauty in this,
it's real and so are you.
And I'm really sad you
couldn't tell me more about it.
You're weird.
You're beautiful.
Can I have one?
(tranquil music)
Breathtaking isn't it?
Ah, it's a beautiful
accent, you from France?
Chaunigan, sweet.
I really don't
speak much French.
No, sorry.
Cool, you two
look happy, happy.
Yeah I know what that one
actually means, you miss her?
Wait wait wait can I
see that photo again?
I think I've seen that
photo on an installation.
No no I swear, it was.
I think it was actually closer
down to City Hall there.
I can take you
there, if you want?
Come, come come come, come.
Come, I'll take you if you want.
You know this night, it
just is so unpredictable.
It's like it's about
adventures and new beginnings.
Wait, woah, sorry, no I swear
I just saw your mother's
exhibit, I'm being
sincere I'm a good guy.
Where are you going?
[Sully] So what
do you want to do?
I don't know, walk around
and make fun of shit.
You're so jaded; come
on, I mean some of these
exhibits look pretty cool.
What, what's up with you.
I don't know, I'm bored,
I want to do something.
We are doing something.
No like something
awesome, I want to get
in trouble, I want to
fuck shit up, I want
to grab the world by its balls
and shove them in its mouth.
That's oddly graphic.
Do you remember that
time we broke into
the condo being built and
climbed to the rooftop.
And you yelled
at a security guard
who chased us and I fell
and almost broke my ankle?
Or the time we went
skinny dipping and you
literally broke your
ankle hopping the fence?
Sensing a pattern here.
Let's go skinny dipping.
Gather up everyone we
see until we literally
have hundreds of people,
we'll descend upon the
Dunbath pool like a
flock of naked seagulls.
It'll be like our own
installation, completely
spontaneous, the way
real art should be.
I'm in.
It's too cold for
skinny dipping, isn't it?
Way too cold, it's
practically winter.
(acoustic guitar music)
I'm the one who is
scared of the situation
If I'm alone
please don't stare
I'm the one who
gives in to avoidance
I don't need your friends
My heart and thoughts
scream argue and chide
Complain of the differences
Initial thoughts, don't
think, just speak, go.
Okay, it's pretty
psychedelic, and
really immersive and cool,
something really inviting
about it, I don't
know, sometimes I think
art can be a little exclusive
and there's something
very inclusive about this.
What do you think of it?
How does it make you feel?
I hadn't really thought about
it or looked at it per se.
Okay well put the camera
down, turn to face it
and really take it in.
[Ryley] Huh, it's beautiful.
Am I right?
I can feel it,
it's like the colors
are reaching out
and pulling me in,
connecting everything around it.
See, now I'm sorry but
you would not have had
that experience if you had
watched it back tomorrow.
Am I right, it's like live music
or historic sites, some
things are just meant
to be experienced in person.
Can you say that again,
but this time louder,
and articulate with more
passion, here we go.
And, action!
No, you're just going
to have to remember it
for yourself, I mean
come on, this night.
We're surrounded by
an amazing amount
of original art that might
never be seen again, so.
Connect with it; isn't that
what this night's about?
(introspective music)
(phone rings)
(tense acoustic music)
Stop, criminal!
Fuck, fuck!
Dude what are you doing?
I'm stopping you from
committing a crime.
No the mask, what's
up with the mask?
I don't know, it's
my secret identity.
Sounding really lame, man.
It's not lame, it's heroic.
You having a mental
breakdown or something?
Why do people
keep saying that?
Whatever man,
it's not worth it.
Hope you find the help you need.
(gentle acoustic music)
[Sully] Jimmy Rathburne?
[Violet] Yep.
[Sully] Luke Chan?
[Violet] Yep.
Bobby Latan?
Alright yeah.
Jason Morganson.
Oh, yeah.
Oh no I don't think
I want that anymore.
Come on; alright,
fine, your loss.
Oh I'm a hypocrite
because I didn't sleep
with our entire
graduating class?
I was young, you're telling me
you wouldn't have done the
same if this was reversed?
Not Bobby Latan.
Come on, seriously,
if every girl in school
is throwing herself
at you, I dare you
to say you wouldn't
have made a pass.
Yeah but that's different.
Because why?
Because it is, because
there's a difference.
I'm digging myself a hole here.
Yeah, you are.
You're a misogynistic asshole.
Easy there Amelia Earhart.
That right there, that
was so misogynistic.
I don't know I guess I just,
I think that it's different
for girls and guys.
Okay but your slutty phase
in college, that was fine?
Fine, that was awesome.
Right so a couple
years after high school
when you finally learned
how to talk to girls,
you were right where I was.
So forgive me if I'm
just a little more mature
than you and used
that to my advantage
to sleep around with anybody
who'd pay attention to me.
Forgive me if that's who I was?
If you could go back
would you change anything?
Yeah; you?
Sorry I inferred
you were a slut.
I'm sorry you tried so
hard to be a slut and failed.
Friends again?
Friends again; coming?
(grunting, jibbering)
Excuse me sir, you look
cold, can I give you a blanket?
Back off, I fought for
this space, my right,
you got no right
to take it away.
I only want to
give you a blanket.
Ah, I don't need
your pity, your pity,
I fuck your pity.
Listen to me it's going
below freezing tonight.
You need to think about it--
You need to think about
it, I fought for this.
Leave me, they all left me,
get the fuck away from me--
Hey, hey; look at me.
You've been hurt, I can
see that, but I'm not here
to hurt you, okay, I'm not
here to change you or fix
you, I'm here because
it's cold and I'm worried
that if you don't take this
blanket, you might die.
And I don't want you to die.
Because no one deserves
to die alone in the cold.
I have a shelter--
Fuck shelters.
I know a lot of them
are dirty and dangerous,
trust me, I know, mine is safe.
This has the address,
and my name is Stacey.
You can tell them that Stacey
sent you by the shelter.
Now I don't need you to
go to the shelter, okay,
but I do need you to
take this blanket.
(gentle acoustic music)
We're halfway through;
for some, the night
begins to wind down.
For others, for the
brave, it has just begun.
(gentle acoustic music)
In the valley
Underneath the town
You will find me
Wilting in my
pit of golden hours
Waiting for the
sun to trickle down
I wait for summer
Drops from the wicker
tree down, down down
This too will stray, stray
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
When you look up and
it's not like a week ago
Not like a week ago
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
When you wake up with
those gray gray ghosts
Set my bed on fire today
Whiskey makes the trouble fade
Weightless as you walk away
No curtains but
the window stays
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
When you look up and
it's not like a week ago
Not like a week ago
Do not let them pull
me down to the deep below
Down to the deep below
When you wake up with
those gray gray ghosts
Branches from the willow round
I'm only certain of my doubt
My many hearts are calling out
And every one is
filled with sound
And dust is what
will build the town
And dust will always be crown
Do not let them
tell me all I know
Do not let them
tell me all I know
[Sully] Did you ever think
you'd live to be this old?
No, though I think I
always felt this old.
Yeah you did,
you had no problem
letting people know, either.
Hey do you remember
when we were in grade 10
you and me had a pact
that if we weren't married
by 27 we'd do it, get married?
I don't remember
that at all, really?
You actually
agreed to marry me?
Yep, well that
was before I knew
what a douchebag you'd become.
Man that was last year.
We missed our chance.
God can you imagine how
old that must have seemed
to us, 27 like the idea
that at 27 your life
was basically over so you
might as well settle down.
Yeah it's like that
moment where you realize
that some of your teachers
were in their 20s.
And they seemed ancient.
Ancient, like in grade
nine I had this smoking
hot Spanish teacher, she
must've been 21; miss Julie.
God, my 20s were a blur,
it's just getting blurrier.
Do you think my life is over?
What, no way!
We're in our prime, I
mean this is the best
age you can possibly be,
we've still got our looks
but we're
distinguished, worldly.
We've got an appreciation
for the finer things,
yet we can still fuck
shit up if we want to.
We do still fuck shit up.
Don't get me wrong,
30's gonna suck.
Oh fuck 30's
gonna be the worst.
I'm gonna be so old.
Well at least we'll
be old together.
I apologize for being a year
late, but Violet Rebecca
Spalding, who I have known
since the ninth grade
and who sat beside me in
science class and who claims
to have beaten me
at an arm wrestle
although she didn't actually
beat me at an arm wrestle.
Will you marry me?
Tell you what, if neither of
us are married by 45 it's on.
You're the worst.
Well it appears ladies
and gentlemen that in
a shocking turn of events,
the lady has turned
down what may or may not
have been a fake proposal.
The gentleman who was
clearly trying too hard
stands and protests
but to no avail.
Isn't that right Andy?
That's right Margaret,
what a shameful,
shameful performance on
display this evening, honestly
one of the poorest
attempts I've ever seen
since the great
rejection of 1867
when King Henry the
Eighth was spurned
by the rejection of
Princess Victoria
and then promptly
cut off her head.
That's right Andy, I do
remember, classic rejection.
That's right Margaret, what.
What, what?
Oh, oh dear, this
is not good Andy.
This is not good at all.
(heavy rock music)
Oh pretty girl
I let my ball out
I saw me so I
pulled her deep within
Soon I was passing
a lust for dancing
Saw my chance so we
flagged a cab from there
And a portrait stared
back from a bedroom wall
And I poured in work so
I'd get what I deserve
I'm not debating on whether
or not we were racing.
I'm just pointing out
the fact that I won.
That is all kinds
of infuriating,
that is 50 shades
of infuriating.
Alright, I know there's
some more exhibits this way.
You don't speak French.
What, I'm speaking French.
I'm working with about a
grade 10 level French here.
Can I have a beer?
Yes, right?
Where is at the bathroom.
Right, good!
Can I sit on your face; no?
Show me your genitals?
[Sully] No I would
keep those to yourself.
No big deal, just
a real life superhero
standing in the
middle of the park,
you got to talk to him,
you got to talk to him.
You got to talk to him.
Oh my God you're a
real life superhero,
you're a real life superhero;
do you have superpowers,
can you fly, swim, go invisible,
if I touch you will
I go invisible?
Did I do it, did I go
invisible, am I invisible,
hey dude, am I invisible?
No you're not.
Are you even a superhero?
Yeah I am.
What's your secret identity?
I, well I don't have one.
You don't have one, oh my God.
What about The
Golden Sparrow, or,
El Goldinho, Boolean's Revenge.
Of course, as your sidekick
I'm also going to need
a super dope sidekick name, I
was thinking just, Sidekick.
It's minimalist.
Sorry kid, I work alone.
Fine, one crime, but
let me do the talking
and don't interfere.
You got it El
Goldinho, El Goldinbro.
I know a girl that needs
our help, our first mission,
it's our first mission!
It's really impressive,
just the sheer size of it.
I mean Moshe Safdie
meets cardboard.
Hmm, it's really all it
has going for it though.
Yeah, I mean it's
a bit avant garde but
without any of the
intellect or meaning,
just sort of a
shell of true art.
Wow, this is amazing, this
is so great and amazing.
It's really just a pile of--
It's honestly breathtaking,
it's exhilarating.
It's pretty--
It's not that--
It's fucking
awesome, is what it is.
You didn't have to do that.
I wasn't doing
anything, I was just
appreciating your creation.
You were coming
to my rescue, and I
appreciate it but
I don't need it.
Nah I meant what I
said I think it's amazing
what you're doing here,
it takes a lot of courage
to make something and put
it out there for everybody
to see and to put
yourself out there.
We need all of this,
it's what keeps us
going through the bad,
through work, through debt,
heartbreak, fucking taxes.
We need to know that
something else is out there.
You know, something that's
outstanding, breathtaking.
I guess that last one
wasn't so great, huh?
What's with the mask.
It's stupid.
I guess I felt like
I've never really made
a difference and I thought
tonight I could change that
by being a superhero
for the night.
No response.
No I think that's
the coolest response
I've ever heard.
So you better get
out there because
crime does not rest for the
appreciation of art, right?
(inspirational music)
Well folks that
appears to be our show,
now I don't know about you
but I definitely learned
something, I was a little
worried about our hero
at first but in the end
he seemed to prevail.
As for the girl, I think
she's gonna be just fine.
She learned the true
meaning of self worth
and that nobody,
absolutely nobody.
What, I'm sorry excuse
me for one second,
just one second, I'm being
told that it's not over.
What do you mean it's not
over, I'm wrapping it up, so.
Right, oh, okay.
Well folks, looks
like it's not over.
I am in for the long one,
we've only just begun.
(upbeat folksy music)
My head feels heavy
with a tidal wave
My thoughts keep
coming like a tidal wave
I was lost but now I'm saved
Now it's safe
to get lost again
You walk like
you're falling over
And I'm caving under your hand
Oh, did you see it in
the corner of your eye
Black shadow
scooping up the sky
Oh, did you see it in
the corner of your eye
A black shadow
scooping up the sky
Something underground
has been awoken
It grew as it slept
for a very long time
And where will you run
when it comes a-rumbling
Yeah there's nowhere
to run from your own mind
You walk like
you're falling over
And I'm caving under your hand
Oh did you see it, in
the corner of your eye,
Black shadow,
scooping up the sky
Oh, did you see it, in
the corner of your eye
A black shadow,
scooping up the sky
Oh did you see it, in
the corner of your eye
A black shadow,
scooping up the sky
Oh did you see it, in
the corner of your eye
A black shadow,
scooping up the sky
Hey, it'll be okay,
you'll find a place.
People from Toronto,
we're not all bad.
[Woman] Emily.
Mom, I'm so glad
you could make it.
Run the numbers
again, no I don't care
if it takes all night.
Hi Dad.
If they aren't
balanced by Monday,
somebody's head's gonna roll.
Very impressive sweetie;
what, oh shut up.
Okay so I'm not done,
I still have to work
around the back and it's
going to be a lot bigger.
Yes it is quite, big.
I'm sorry honey, I'm not very
good with this kind of thing.
What're you gonna
do with it after?
He's going to be
the death of me,
he's going to be the
death of this company,
he's going to be death of life
on this planet as we know it.
Just gonna take it down.
Don't you want to do
something more, important?
I'm sorry not important,
I didn't mean that,
but you know,
lasting, or impactful.
What's the point of all this
if it's just so fleeting.
That's the, that's the
point Mom, that's exactly
the point, don't you see
the beauty in something
that's just so
temporary, it only exists
to be taken down?
No, I don't.
I got to get going,
Richard fucked up
the cost benefit analysis
and everyone I work for
is a moron and to be perfectly
frank, I need to take a shit.
Ew Dad.
Honey, it's so great,
it's so so great.
Okay, got to go.
Sorry Emily, good luck.
What was she saying before.
Uh, she said you're
very beautiful.
Aw, tell her thank you for me!
You didn't pay attention
at all in French, did you?
I didn't have to
because you always gave me
all the answers, perks of
being as awesome as I am.
I just felt sorry for you.
Whatever helps
you sleep at night.
Why do you keep looking
at me like that?
No, that way.
Shall we?
[Stacey] Alright thanks so
much for the help tonight guys.
[Woman] Yeah, you
want a ride anywhere?
You know what, I'm
good, I'm just gonna walk,
take in the sights; ciao.
[Woman] Bye!
(tranquil music)
[Man] Get lost.
(ominous music)
Back off.
[Frank] She said back off.
Let him go.
Alright, we get it,
you're big, you're bad.
You've made your
point, now move along.
Ooh, fuck, you can
do this all night,
I am not leaving,
and I am certainly
not letting you get to her.
Oh shit.
Go on, get out of here.
Look man we don't
need to do this.
Come on hit him.
Oh shit.
You okay?
Yeah, are you?
Lay it to me, tell me
exactly how you hate it.
And how I ruined your
night with my fucking
albatross of an
installation, and how
shitty of an artist I am just,
how it has no place
here or anywhere.
Just tear me to pieces because
trust me I've heard it all.
Okay, I'll be honest
that's kind of a relief.
My whole life I wanted
to make a difference
and I wanted to affect
people, I didn't know this,
I was so stupid,
that's all I wanted
was to change people's
lives and I never did that.
I never did anything
nothing I've done is special.
And it's a bit of a
letdown when you realize
that you are decisively average.
Especially to your parents.
Your mother was an artist?
You really love your mom, huh?
I've seen her
before; yeah, she has
an installation here, right?
This picture.
I think it was
somewhere over there.
Okay go, go find your Mom.
I literally got none
of that but, thank you.
(sedate ambient music)
What the hell was that?
All that conspiring
against me.
What, I may not speak
French but I know enough
to know that that was about me.
You're jealous.
Am not.
You are, you're jealous,
and it's kind of awesome.
How is that awesome?
Because why?
Because it is, because you
always have the upper hand
with your shoplifting,
and your spiked heels,
it's nice to get a win.
What did she say.
What did she say.
Really it was nothing.
Sully what the
fuck did she say?
She said I should kiss you.
She said that you were into
me and that I was into you
and that I should
just kiss you because
if I don't do it now then
I'll never get a chance
to which is crazy because--
She said you should kiss me?
(gentle acoustic music)
I want to watch
the sun as it pours
Through the door, and
lights up the cracks
In the floorboards and moves
Through the room
to where you sleep
Where it lights up the cracks
In your skin, near ears
It's at night when
the moon pierce through
My windows and heart
You're a doctor or something?
Sort of, I work for a shelter.
A non-profit in the
East end so I end up
patching a lot of people up;
can you do this for me?
Alright, well nothing's
broken but you should
probably get that checked out.
Uh, what's with the?
Oh, this.
I don't normally wear a mask.
Oh no?
I got fired today,
it's a long story,
I was a lawyer, but I
never really helped anyone.
So I thought maybe that
I could help someone,
thought I would try this out.
Probably look like
such a weirdo.
Please I don't care
what you look like.
What you did was heroic.
Honestly the world needs
more people like you.
Not lawyers, yeah.
I think it's
charming, the mask.
Listen if you're
looking for a job
and helping people's your
thing, we could always
use more people like you.
We could all use more
heroics in our lives.
Thanks; Stacey?
Thanks Stacey.
(crowd boos)
Shut up shut up shut
up shut up shut up!
Shut up.
Who are any of you to judge me?
What's given any of you
that right, nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
And you all stand so high
on your towers of anonymity
but not one of you spare
me your amateur critique.
Don't fucking laugh, right.
Because it's so lame and
mediocre and boring and shitty.
Well fuck you, fuck all of you.
And your bullshit judgment.
Because I didn't
make this for you,
I made this for me, not
because I wanted to,
because I had to,
because I needed to put
every ounce of me
into something,
and I don't judge it, I
don't try to understand it,
I accept it, the way that
I would accept any of you.
(tense music)
so you can all go
fuck yourselves.
It still sucks.
(crowd boos)
Hey folks, well I
guess it's about time
for me to say something cool
to end things off, right?
To sum up the evening and
bring us all a little closure,
bring us in for
a smooth landing.
Stole my Buddha, that
woman stole my Buddha.
I don't know what
you're talking about man!
But I say fuck
that shit; the sun
is about to rise, it
is no longer evening,
there will be no
closure, our airplane
is headed for the rocky shores.
Thank you.
[Grocer] Stole my
Buddha, give it back!
(tense music)
Let me guess, duty calls.
Yeah, looks like it.
Be careful; bye.
Hey, who are you?
El Goldinho.
Oh man that's stupid I'm going
to think of something better.
You are tired and
bruised and battered
and broken and bleeding,
you have seen the unseeable
and heard the unspeakable.
(crowd boos)
you have traversed the
masses, the upscales,
the socialites, the
lowbrows, the slum-stick
gutters of tomorrow
and for what?
[Grocer] Stole my
Buddha, give it back!
El Goldinho, he needs my help!
Art, love, just
words to some, not all.
And for those of you who
tonight have truly lived,
this is for you.
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a hit of something dirty
with the things we've done
(acoustic folksy music)
My sweet release, sucking
honey from the golden seed
The pit beneath
I feel like they like
your art after all.
Whatever, I don't
even care anymore.
Want to go get breakfast?
Are you really on shrooms?
[Emily] What, no,
you're on shrooms.
[Ryley] Oh.
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a hit of something dirty
with the things we've done
(folksy acoustic music)
My sweet release, sucking
honey from the golden seed
The pit beneath, oh,
filling up with bumblebees
Can't get that taste,
Your poison so sickly sweet,
Out of my mouth
I'm choking on my destiny
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun,
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a hit of something dirty
with the things we've done
This will not cease,
But I'll show you
I'm the one that bleeds
You split my seams
And I'm spilling
out into the sea
The more we wait
The farther that
I get from sleep
One lie a day
To keep the truth
from killing me
Bad dog, kick me
Bad bitch, bit me
Bad love, black crown,
break up, break down
Bad dog, kick me
Bad bitch, bit me
Bad love, black crown,
break up, break down
I cut you out
But I don't wanna I don't
wanna I don't wanna go home now
My heart never could run
Just get numb inside a
fifth of something sweet
To help me come down
when the feeling is gone
My heart never could run
just get numb inside a
fifth of something sweet
To help me come down
when the feeling is gone
My heart never could run
just get numb inside a
fifth of something sweet
To help me come down
when the feeling is gone
My heart never could run
just get numb inside a
fifth of something sweet
To help me come down
when the feeling is gone
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a hit of something dirty
with the things we've done
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
My heart doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of
something 'til the
My heart my heart
doesn't need a gun
Just a fifth of something
'til the next one comes
(birds chirp)