White Noise 2: The Light (2007)

You'll like this. I guarantee it.
Oh, Abe, I love this.
Well, you loved it
when you picked it out.
- OK, open yours.
- I will.
- Did you know?
- No.
- He didn't tell you?
- No! I swear to God.
Like father, like son.
The two of you are from the same mould.
Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary.
Are you OK?
- You were tossing and turning all night.
- I know. I don't know what this is.
Come on. Let's go get some breakfast.
- Danny, are you hungry?
- Yeah, sure.
Come on. Let's get something to eat.
Danny, if you're gonna
play with your food,
at least you've gotta have fun doing it.
There. How's that?
- Are you OK, buddy?
- I don't feel so good.
Honey, are you all right?
Come on, let's get out of here.
Can I get some help over here?
Just relax. Sit down.
Here, let me help.
I'm so sorry.
It's the whys that are killing me.
Why were we in that restaurant
on that day at that hour?
Why did that lunatic get it into his head
to kill my wife and my son?
Why not kill me, too?
I mean, he leaves me behind?
It's just so...
Nice job.
I'm the king.
Here, Dad's gonna catch you.
- You better throw far.
- Don't kill me.
What could go wrong?
I see you.
My dad taught me to swim.
Would you consider Dad
tall or short? Very short?
We short people have thick skin cos
it doesn't get stretched over a tall frame.
The reason my wife and son
were murdered...
was because of me.
Because I wasn't able to help them
when they needed me most.
Happy anniversary.
I should've saved them.
I should've saved them.
Slow motion.
The winner. The winner!
I know this is upsetting,
but I have to be with my wife and son.
Christ, Abe, don't do anything
foolish, all right? I'm coming right over.
- Is this our OD?
- Yeah.
- You know how many of these he took?
- I don't know, man.
Get him on an lV.
Start him on normal saline.
Pulse rate 47 and dropping.
- Putting a line in.
- He's crashing.
Give him atropine. Saline wide open.
- Give him the full amp.
- We're losing him.
- Asystole.
- Checking respirations.
Starting CPR. Come on.
- He's dying.
- Come on.
- He's still in V-fib.
- No pulse.
- Did you give him the full amp?
- Yes. He's not responding.
Come back to us. Continue compressions.
No response. Do you wanna call it?
Could be fine V-fib. Give me the paddles.
Charge to 200.
Charged to 200.
- 300.
- 300.
- 360.
- 360.
- We've got a sinus rhythm.
- Pressure's climbing.
We're getting a response.
It's OK. We brought you back.
Check his oxygen saturation.
Oxygen saturation is good.
Blood pressure is 140 over 60.
Hi. You're awake.
I'm Sherry Clarke.
You're in Saint Elizabeth's lCU.
- Are you my doctor?
- Better. I'm your nurse.
The light hurts my eyes.
- How long have I been here?
- A couple of days.
Dr Karras has been keeping an eye
on you. You're his latest project.
Do you wanna watch some TV?
- Anything in particular?
- No.
Oh, dude, you lucked out.
This is my favourite movie of all time.
We belong dead.
Hello, Abe. I'm Dr Karras.
I'm just gonna have a little look.
- Are you OK?
- I've been better.
Remember why you're here?
You were legally dead, but, lucky for you,
modern medicine knows no limits.
- I died?
- Technically speaking. You had an NDE.
- I don't know what that is.
- Near-death experience.
It's my field of expertise. I fought to make
sure you were my patient. Let me guess.
You saw a white light that engulfed you,
almost seemed to beckon you to stay.
Yeah, that's exact...
How did you know that?
As many as eight out of ten people who've
had an NDE report seeing a white light.
- Freaky, huh?
- What about the light I'm seeing now?
- It's probably an aura, a type of residue.
- So it's normal?
I'd say we're well beyond
the bounds of normal here, but yes.
You'll see 'em less frequently as time
passes and eventually they'll disappear.
She's with us.
She's with us.
She's with us.
So everything looks fine.
No masses, no deviations
in your intracranial space.
But I've seen it three times
in the past few days.
- Seen what?
- The white light.
And there's something else.
You're gonna think I'm crazy, but, um...
I'm seeing and hearing
all kinds of electrical stuff.
EVP stands for
electronic voice phenomena.
Precognition, the light you're seeing,
all that is part of supernatural white noise.
- I've got a grant to study these things.
- So EVP, what exactly is it?
It's the recording of the deceased using
a detuned apparatus like a TV or radio.
Some people believe that EVP
is the afterlife manifest all around us.
Others think it's a charge
or electromagnetic fields,
still others that it's a means through
which the dead can communicate with us.
Frankly, who knows? As long as
we're not exactly sure what it is,
they'll keep funding my grant.
What are you doing down here?
This... is my EVP room.
These have been detuned and I record 'em
to see if I've captured any transmissions.
I suppose that's an important part
of your work, then?
That? Oh.
No, I didn't want to detune that one.
That's Change of Habit.
I'm recording it for research purposes.
I thought I might learn something
from Dr Presley.
- You're not a fan of this one?
- No, it's just...
I just saw one of those things
on the screen.
Transmissions are only visible
after they've been recorded.
On the last close-up of Elvis,
I saw a blast of static with
what looked like an unformed person.
- So what are you doing now?
- I've rewound the feed, I'll detune it.
Let's see if you really saw something.
There. There, that's it. That's it.
That was it. That's what I saw.
- I'll be damned.
- So what does that mean?
Maybe when you had your NDE,
you yourself became a detuned receiver.
You see white-noise transmissions, EVP,
communications with the dead, all that,
without any of this.
You're in uncharted territory.
There's a very good chance you're
going to be seeing some wacky stuff.
I've got to go.
I've got a doctor's appointment.
Sure. Take all the time you need.
Hey, I'm still saving all the clippings
and articles about the shooting and stuff.
I don't want to hear about the day my wife
and son were brutally murdered, OK?
I just can't handle that right now. I...
I refuse.
Hi. Dr Karras asked...
What's wrong?
Dr Karras is dead.
- What?
- He had a heart attack early this morning.
I'm sorry.
- OK, so this...
- EVP.
It draws your attention to the white light.
When you see the light, you think
it means... What do you think it means?
That somebody's gonna die. Like with
Dr Karras, it could be a couple of days.
With the woman, it could be hours,
just depending on how strong the light is.
I don't know, but I'm seeing it more and
it's driving me nuts. It's like being God.
- I'm worried about you, Abe.
- Well, how would you explain it, then?
How about, "l don't know"?
In a city, we probably cross paths with
people who are about to die all the time.
- We just don't know it.
- But what if I do, Marty?
What if I do know
when somebody will die?
- And now you've got this superpower?
- It's not a superpower.
Call it what you want, but that sure as hell
sounds like superhero bullshit to me.
Stop talking all this nonsense.
Come on, you stupid thing.
Get over the track.
- Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
- Come on!
You've gotta move!
Come on!
Get out of there!
- Get outta there!
- I can't! My foot's caught! Help me!
Help me!
Get off the track!
I'm so sorry.
- Yeah?
- How'd you feel about me dropping by?
Abe, uh...
Yeah, sure. When?
How does right freaking now grab you?
What the...?
No way.
Son of a bitch.
Excuse me, sir
- Dammit.
- You should get out.
Beat it, kid. I've dropped a couple
of lug nuts. I think I can handle it.
I don't think that bumper is gonna hold.
Look, I don't need some dipshit kid
telling me what to do, OK?
So you can take your metrosexual ass
back to your yuppie car and...
- Whoa!
- What are you doing?
- The bumper was gonna...
- Get away from me.
I owe you my life.
No, Marty, I swear to God, I am fine.
All right. All right, but maybe you should...
I don't know, take a little time off
or something, you know.
- I don't want you overdoing it.
- All right. I'll think about it. Thanks.
You saved somebody's life tonight.
- Would you consider Dad tall?
- No, no, short.
Very short?
- No offence.
- We short people have thick skin
cos it doesn't get stretched
over a tall frame.
Yeah. True.
There's the Austrian coach. Looks like
she's trying to throw him. Ha! Nice job!
- Two weeks? That's so far.
- I know.
- I'll have to come.
- Yeah.
Ugh! OK. Three-martini lunches,
here I come.
I'll be right there
to put the easy into listening.
- Jesus Christ!
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
- Don't worry. You can make it up to me.
- Just take it easy.
I might even let you pick up overtime
in my hotel room, you know what I mean?
- Hey, come on.
- Just leave it.
All right, that's enough.
- Stop it!
- Get him!
Stop it, you're hurting him!
Stop it, you're hurting him!
Hey! Hey!
- Hey!
- Shit! Guys, guys!
- Help! Help!
- Let's go.
I'm slipping!
Please, pull me up.
Pull me up!
Are you OK?
Yeah, he's gonna be fine.
Me, I'm not so sure about.
Abe, I missed you at work today.
I guess you decided to take that time off.
Give me a call when you get a chance,
all right? Later.
Playing God for another day.
- Hello?
- Hey, Marty.
I'm on my way to the hospital
to check on that kid I helped earlier.
- Would you meet me there?
- Uh, yeah. Sure.
Great. And...
that stuff you're holding for me,
will you bring it?
I'm ready.
- OK, sure.
- Thanks.
- Thank you very much for meeting me.
- No problem, man.
There are things in here
that are gonna reopen wounds.
- Are you sure you're ready?
- I'm positive.
- OK.
- Thanks.
- Hey, call me if you need anything.
- I will.
Hey there.
- Oh, hey. Mr Dale.
- I was checking to see how Kurt's doing.
Needed stitches, a few scrapes, bruises,
and we're doing a keep overnight
to make sure there's no concussion...
..but he should be fine.
Oh, come on.
Not a word.
You bitch!
Hey. Hey, are you OK?
I think you just saved my life.
Well, it's beginning to be a fucking habit.
Trust me, it's no big deal.
- Dude, it was my life.
- Well, I didn't mean it like that.
It's you.
Yeah. Yeah, you were my nurse.
It's busted.
I'm so sorry.
That's OK.
- You're hurt. Let me look.
- It's fine.
Let me fix you up.
It's the least I can do. Come on.
It's a superficial laceration. Nothing a few
stitches and antibiotics can't take care of.
You are either staring at my ring
or admiring my rack. Which is it?
- The ring. I was...
- I'm just kidding.
It's my old wedding ring.
My husband died a couple of years ago
so I like to keep it close to my heart.
You must have loved him very much.
He was a music teacher
at Sacred Heart Elementary,
and those kids adored him.
He had a unique approach. No doh-ray-mi
crap. He'd organise this recital every year,
have the kids sing Bowie, Pink Floyd,
Rush, The Beach Boys, Jane's Addiction.
- You name it.
- Sounds amazing.
Yeah. It was incredible.
But the end just... It came so quick.
One day we're just living, you know?
Then, boom, he's dead.
That's terrible.
I wake up
and it just hit me.
I had to let Tommy go.
I'll see him again someday. Until then,
you have to accept
what it's supposed to be about.
- Did you two have any kids?
- No.
No. But I still put on the recital
every year in his honour.
The next one's in a couple of days.
- And you should totally come.
- Maybe.
Take this. Think it over.
Call me if you're interested.
Hey, the cops are here.
Yeah. Tell them their timing sucks.
Is this the present you got Dad
for your anniversary? Can I see it? Can l?
I don't suppose your dad
put you up to this, did he?
No way. Just wondering is all.
I bet it's that watch he wanted, right?
You tell your dad
that he's just gonna have to wait.
Besides, it's just a few days away.
- Are you all right?
- I'm OK, Mom. That man saved our lives.
Thank you!
That's all right.
That's all right.
Henry Caine.
Should not
have saved. Should not have saved.
Should not have saved.
Should not have saved.
Should not...
have saved.
- Julia Caine? My name is Abraham...
- Abraham Dale.
I always knew you'd come.
Please, come on in.
Excuse the mess. We're moving.
I am so sorry for what my husband did
to your wife and son.
Henry was the most down-to-earth, don't-
question-things guy you could ever meet.
So, uh...
so what happened, then?
He, uh...
he had a near-death experience.
He was hit by a drunk driver head-on.
He must have died three times that night.
They finally revived him in the early hours
and then we brought him home
a week later.
That's when it all began -
the strange behaviour,
the weird ideas about life, about death.
He just got so obsessed
with the paranormal.
EVP, the white light,
precognition, all that kind of stuff.
He even thought he could save people.
At first I thought it was understandable.
This man almost died.
But then it just got to be too much.
What do you mean by too much?
I'll show you.
You see? I'll leave you to it.
Oh, shit!
Henry was always blowing fuses in here.
Really? Hm.
Do you have any idea
what the e stands for?
Would you mind if I took
some of this stuff to look over?
Sure. I don't want any of it.
Look, I am sorry again
for what my husband did.
I can't believe how far gone he is.
- "ls"? What are you talking about?
- What do you mean?
- You said "is".
- And?
Don't you mean "was"?
"How far gone he was"?
You don't know?
- Henry's still alive.
- I saw him pull the trigger.
He survived.
He's over at Belmont County.
The asylum.
We keep him up here.
He's been with us a couple of months,
since he slipped out of coma land.
If you ask me,
he ain't never gonna see a courtroom.
Old Henry...
he sees dead people.
Don't mind me. I'm just gonna stick
around and make sure you boys play nice.
My wife and my son.
Why did you do it?
Why did you kill them?
If save, must kill.
Jesus, you're even crazier
than I thought you'd be.
If save,
Responsible for what?
Horrific consequences.
What consequences?
It will never end if you let him in.
You cannot shut the dead out.
The dead will haunt you
until you put right what you've done.
If you save, you must...
you must kill.
Tria Mera.
Tria Mera.
- Trio what?
- Tria Mera!
If save, must kill.
If save, must kill.
If save, must kill. If save, must kill!
It's a three.
What does a three
have to do with the devil's signature?
- Hi, Abe.
- Hi.
So I just finished the rehearsals for
that recital thingy I was telling you about,
so I was basically in the neighbourhood,
and, uh...
- I hope you don't mind that I stopped by.
- No, no. I don't...
I don't mind. Um...
But why?
is the last time you drank
a cheap bottle of wine?
That's very kind,
but you really don't have to do that.
I know I don't have to.
I want to.
I'm married.
But thank you.
Abe, I read your file.
I know why you were in the lCU
when we first met.
I know what happened
to Rebecca and Danny.
You saved my life the other night.
I'd love to return the favour.
- I like the hair colour.
- Purple was good, but...
- It goes with the wine.
- Right.
This is great. It really is.
Thank you very much.
- To bad wine and good company.
- Oh, it's bad.
You gotta get out
and do stuff like this, though.
It's the only way you'll make it through.
Danny and Rebecca were my everything.
And Tommy was mine.
But you can't just throw in the towel, Abe.
- Come on.
- Where are we going?
I gotta kick your ass in a game of pool
to get back the 2.50 I spent on the wine.
You got ripped off.
Eight ball, corner pocket.
How about double or nothing?
All right.
Rack 'em up, big boy.
- Sorry.
- No, it's OK.
No, l, uh... I shouldn't have done that.
- Not tonight, anyway.
- No, it's OK. It's crazy, but it's OK.
Breaking news.
A tragic accident downtown
has left six people dead
and several injured.
An elderly man driving an orange van...
..crashed into a crowded
bus shelter. So far...
Are you OK, Abe?
Witnesses say the van appeared to
deliberately swerve for the commuters...
Yeah. Um...
Sherry, I gotta go.
- Is it someone you know?
- Yeah.
I'll call you, OK?
If save, must kill.
If save, must kill.
"The third day"?
Authorities found George Sutter in his
kitchen, no attempt to cover up his spree.
The bodies of his wife and children were
found in their beds, butchered so severely
that dental records
will be necessary for an lD.
Sutter has no history of domestic violence
and, when pressed,
could offer no explanation as to...
Beverly Ann Cloy,
a registered nurse for the past 27 years,
smothered 14 of her patients this morning.
She then clocked out and calmly...
There's no explanation
why Dickson lost control of the plane...
-..absolutely no reason...
-..offer no explanation...
Always on the third day...
after Caine saved them.
Authorities are confounded
as to why the man drove into the bus stop,
and we are told
that there is no obvious ulterior motive.
"On the third day,
Christ shall rise again. "
But what about the devil?
What about the devil?
What does he do on the third day?
What's the thing with the third day?
"Revelation 13:18."
"Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast."
"Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred and sixty six."
"The Bible written in Roman times
for Ancient Greek-speaking audiences."
"All Greek and Ancient Greek..."
"..Ietters have numerical counterparts."
Always on the third day.
But what about the devil?
What about the devil?
What does he do on the third day?
Third day...
after Caine saved them.
"The Bible written in Roman times
for Ancient reek-speaking audiences. "
"All Greek and Ancient Greek letters
have numerical counterparts. "
Tria Mera.
"Lucifer - from the Latin
meaning giver of light."
"The archangel
who was thrown out of heaven
for trying to usurp God's power
for his own purposes."
"The one once named Lucifer in heaven
is now known as the devil
on Earth."
The third day is the devil's signature.
That kid I saved on the bridge.
Today's the third day.
I brought him into the hospital
the day I helped you. I need to find him.
I really shouldn't be doing this, Abe.
Seems to be par for the course
with us, Sherry.
OK, Kurt Green.
- Sir Alfred Hotel.
- Sir Alfred. Of course. Thank you, Sherry.
- Abe.
- Yeah.
Are we OK?
I hope so.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Yeah.
- Abe, jeez.
Marty, listen,
I think I understand why Caine did it.
He thought he had to. He did it
because he thought he had no choice.
- Did what?
- I save the man, he takes out a bus stop.
I saved that kid.
I don't know what he's gonna do.
Terrible things happen on the third day
after using the light to save somebody.
- Are you listening to yourself, man?
- No, you listen.
Maybe it's Lucifer
or the devil or these ghosts.
Whatever it is, I know I can stop it, Marty,
before anyone else gets hurt.
You know you're my boy, right?
And I love you. I really do.
I'm not gonna stand by and watch you
do this to yourself. I can't. I won't.
We've got a business. I can't do this
by myself, man. We've got things to do.
This is the bus stop.
Marty. Marty, l...
Say that again. I can't hear you.
If save, must kill.
Must kill. Must kill. Must kill.
Kurt. Kurt.
I'm terribly sorry.
I sincerely apologise.
I'm sorry. I apologise.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Get down.
He's got a gun!
Let's go!
- Just put the gun down.
- Other side. Other side.
- Easy.
- Kurt!
Go, go, go! Now!
I got him. I got him.
- Keep calm. Slowly exit the building.
- This way, please.
Hold on. Kurt!
Kurt, what's wrong? Kurt!
Tria Mera.
I need you to go downstairs
right away. Call 91 1.
I don't think you should've saved me.
Must kill.
If save, must kill.
- If save, must kill. If save, must kill.
- Kill. Kill.
You made it.
- I've been worried sick about you.
- What for?
I heard what happened at the hotel.
First you save that kid's life, and...
You must feel awful, Abe.
Sherry, I need to talk to you.
About what?
- Outside. I'll tell you outside.
- You can tell me right here.
- I can't explain in front of all these people.
- Why not?
If save, must kill.
- What is it, Abe?
- Must kill.
- You have to come with me.
- What are you doing? You're hurting me.
- I have to do this.
- Do what?
Sherry, I shouldn't have saved you.
- Calm down.
- You don't...
- Calm down.
- You don't understand.
- Get away from her.
- It doesn't involve you!
Listen to me. Sherry!
Many will die.
Many will die.
Many will die. Many will die.
No, no, no. Not here. Anywhere but here.
Here's the menu.
I'll be right back to take your order.
The old man who killed all those people,
you saved him.
And the kid from the hotel,
you saved him too.
And then you saved me.
I'm so sorry, Sherry.
Don't be.
That man, he has a gun.
Police. Put the gun down.
Listen to him, sir.
No one wants to get hurt, right?
Put it down.
Please, just make it stop.
you have to die.
Please, leave him.
If save, must kill.
Kill. Kill. Kill.
I got her.
Kill. Kill. Kill.
She's going into shock.
Let's get her out of here.
Kill. Kill.
Come on.
- I've never seen this before.
- Note the time and sedate.
- 2ccs Versed.
- Shut her up.
What the hell?
Tria Mera.
Are you all right? Come here.