White On Rice (2009)

Japan-The Feudal Era.
Hordes of Masterless Samurai
roam the countyside...
...seeking employment
and horizontal refreshment.
Ambush at Blood-Trail Gate
This movie sucks.
This is the worse movie l've ever seen.
Be quiet! This is his big scene!
My big brother's a movie star!
This is the highlight of my whole career.
Even better than working in
the tuna canney?
Hey! Be nice.
l love this movie.
This is it.
Best scene in the whole movie.
(Haiku) Looking back at twelve
Iong years together...
See you tonight.
You think she'd go out with me?
Maybe if you took her husband along.
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Do you really think l'd hide
your birthday presents in here?
l thought l had 'em for sure.
Put your seatbelt on.
l need to talk to you about something.
ls Tak upset with me?
l'm not worried.
Why won't Tak give me a break?
He was probably just like me
before he met you.
Pizza's here!
Can you grab the phone?
Wow, is this Ramona?
She's not a child anymore...
How's the apartment search going?
Pretty well.
Not bad at all.
Actually really well because
l stopped looking.
Well, l've been thinking a lot lately...
...and l've decided that until
l get remarried...
...l should remain here.
...son of a....
Good idea.
These things take time.
Thank you!
l'm taking my time, playing the field...
l can find somebody better than my ex-wife.
He's weird!
No matter how you look at it,
it's not normal!
Don't you think you're overreacting?
No, l'm just angy that our son
has to share a bunk bed with his uncle.
So he should live in his car again?
What about the guest room?
But Ramona's coming!
So let's stum him in the attic!
lf that doesn't work,
give him to the neighbors.
Or the neighbors' neighbon.
Can't we just get Hajime remarried...
Can't we just get Hajime remarried...
...and out of here so
we can have some peace?
l'm going to set him up with Shiho.
That tall girl?
l dunno about that.
l'll find someone better than you.
Let me talk to Aiko.
She went out.
Are you sure?
l really need to talk to her.
She's not here!
What do you want?
Did you wash your hands?
Come say hi to Shiho.
Nice to meet you, Hajime.
l'm Shiho.
...nice to meet you too.
Call me Jimmy.
You go by Jimmy?
That's a funny name for a Japanese.
Yes, it is.
Can l speak with you in private?
What were you thinking?
You're so cruel!
Just relax. Get to know her.
She's enonnous!
l don't want to get to know
something that big.
She'll crush me!
You should thank me.
She's way out ofyour league.
She's gonna think l'm weird.
And short!
...Well, don't be weird...
and don't be short.
What kind of work do you do?
Do you eat a lot of protein?
Soy. Customer service.
Oh, really?
ls that fun?
The office ceiling is vey low, so l like it.
Much more comfortable that way.
Hajime! Eat your vegetables.
You like this stum, right?
Aiko tells me you like dinosaurs.
Yes, it's something of a hobby.
Do you have a favorite dinosaur?
Favorite dinosaur? l've never really
Let me guess!
The Brontosaurus.
You know, the huge one with
the really long neck.
l bet it's really convenient to be able
to reach things in high places.
What are you tying to say?
This is just one of Hajime's little jokes.
What are you tying to say, shorty?
See? l told you!
lt's always like this.
Men are always afraid of my height.
No...Hajime's just a little intimidated
because you're pretty.
Yeah, and l wouldn't
play basketball with you either.
l bet you can dunk, right?
What? What did l say?
Shiho! l'm sory, sweetie! l'm sory!
Are you okay?
How did an old fogey like Tak convince you
to mary him?
What do you mean?
Well, he isn't handsome
...and he dresses like a grandpa.
-Hey! Watch it.
He must have some secret though.
There's no big secret!
He just took me to things
he was interested in.
Museums, concerts...
He would even play the violin for me back then.
That's it? You gave it up for that?
lt was fun!
lt really was fun.
lt was fun? It WAS fun?
Oh, shut up.
Can you believe it? Almost 12 years.
Time sure flies.
Why don't we go someplace
for our annivenay?
How about Ishigaki island?
Just the mo of us.
We can't leave Hajime in charge.
You remember the last time?
Oh right. That carpet still smells awful.
l'm not so sure how l feel about this.
Why? Education is never a bad thing.
How's he going to pay for it?
l told him we would...help.
This coffin is just the right size for Hajime.
What? It is.
He can't do anything by himself.
lts just like having a dead guy around.
We're brother and sister, you know.
We're more alike than you think.
-No you're not!
Please don't say that.
But he's fun!
l know he's a handful, but...
...isn't it fun having him around?
l'm not fun?
You don't think l'm fun?
l'm vey impressed with Ramona.
What do you mean?
Nothing, l just think...she's great.
The last couple ofyears
must have been tough for her.
She had a hard time after Tim
and left town for a while.
So l was just a little worried about her.
Oh, l see.
Wait, what about Tim?
Don't you remember?
They dated all through high school.
Eveyone thought they would
get married eventually.
Wait...is this the same Ramona?
l never got the whole stoy...
but her mother said Ramona
needed to move on
so she left Tim for grad school.
lt was pretty sad. Poor Tim.
No! Not poor Tim!
Why is this the first time
l'm hearing about this?
Don't yell, he'll hear you!
l don't care!
Wait...who'll hear me?
He's downstain with Ramona.
Did you finish your homework?
And the police took 45 minutes to show up!
l could've walked to the station by then.
Did you ask Bob about his math test?
He had a math test?
l'm sure he's fine.
He can take care of himself.
The one l'm worried about...
...is the other, bigger kid!
Sometimes l wish l could...
be closer to him.
Even though we live
in the same house...
...sometimes l feel like l'm
living with a stranger.
What about this...
Take him out, just the two
of you now and then.
One week do something that he likes...
the next, do something you like to do.
You don't mind being left alone like that?
Of course not! l've got plenty
of work to do.
l don't know how you'll hold up...
Get ready to spend lots of time
at the dinosaur museum.
Really? Him too?
Of coune!
Ever since he was a kid, that's all
he ever talks about!
Wait a minute.
Aren't we talking about Bob?
Let's skip the concert and
go home early.
Jimmy and Bob are out for Halloween,
so we'll have the place to ourselves...
That's a good idea.
l actually need to catch up
on a bunch of invoices.
Let's go home.
Should we get this to go?
Hey gorilla!
Hey gorilla!
How was trick-or-treating?
All right.
How'd his costume work out?
l thought he was going as a ghost.
We have a problem!
l forgot!
-Forgot what?
l forgot l was supposed to take him.
Bob's gone!
He just left Bob here?
l have done eveything for you.
The one time l ask you for anything,
you go and lose my son!
Where did you go?
Eveyone was womied!
Remember when he worked on
a crab boat in Alaska?
He was gone forever.
That's true...
lt's just been so long with no word...
l can't help but woy!
Hold on just a second!
So how's school going?
l see.
What else were you doing today?
For all of the many troubles
l've caused you...
...l offer my sincerest apologies.
You've said that six times already.
Where are you living right now?
ln an apartment.
Actually...in the closet at work.
l see.
The reason l've come here today...
l've landed ajob showing dinosaurs
to tourists in Montana.
Until l start, l'd love to see Aiko and Bob
And l'd like to move back in.
One last time.
Your sister won't be home until later...
...so be prepared for the water works.
And one more thing.
Don't forget our agreement.
Yes, sir.
l've got something to attend to.
l'll be back later.
Let's get to work.
Not again.
What's going on?
l was just tying to make cuy!
Hajime, you moron.
What have you done?
l told you to clean the house,
not burn it down!
Look at this!
l'm on to you.
You screw up eveything on purpose!
But that's the last time!
Are you okay?
My leg...it's broken...
You bastard!
-Hold still, okay?
Hey! Cut it out!
Don't woy. l saved his life.
And l found a job!
Honey, can you hear me?
How do you feel?
Are you in pain?
You could have told me where you went,
you jerk.
l'm not ajerk.
After all, l just saved the day.
That's true. Good job.
lt hasn't been easy you know.
Since Nana left.
You don't undentand.
You have Tak and Bob...
But l have nobody!
l thought that Ramona was
the one for me..
l know, l know...
The place looks great, Aiko!
Thanks! You really think so?
Hope they paid well.
Big brother...how's your stomach?
You should be more careful
in the kitchen.
Did you bring them a present?
-l sure did.
That's unexpected. What is it?
-C'mon, tell me!
-lt's a surprise.
Hey...who's that girl with Hajime?
lt's freezing out here.
l can't believe it's fall again.
Are you sure you don't need a ride?
My taxi will be here soon.
Be sure to tell Bob l'll pay back
evey cent.
Don't wory about that.
Just don't get fired.
My dream job.
l hope you're getting a good wage.
Are they giving you insurance?
lt's a little complicated.
What is?
l'm a docent. Avolunteer.
You're joking, right?
-Don't wory!
l'll start om strong, all business.
They'll give me a paying position
in no time.
Where will you sleep?
What will you eat?
l've never really thought about that.
But don't wory, l always land on my feet.
This is my destiny.
From this day on, l'm a new man.
You're taking this car the whole way?
Don't wory. We'll be fine.