White Vengeance (2011)

(A military mystery that
lasts for 2000 years)
(12 years after Gaozu of Han's death)
(The grand tutor Liu Xuan took his students
to the site of Hongmen Banquet)
(To look at the place
where Gaozu outwitted Xiang Yu)
Emperor Gaozu had great reputation
and authority
His civil officials were
all of great talents
His military officials were all heroes
Look! Why are there are no characters
on these tablets
That's weird
Let's not care about those tablets.
A start to preparing
for the memorial ceremony
Let's go!
Gaozu cornered Xiang Yu
with a clever plan
He mobilized his forces to Xianyang
Which was unparalleled in the world
By ambushing Xiang Yu on all sides
in the end
Gaozu totally beaten Xiang Yu
And force him to commit suicide
by the Wujiang River
He... Tutor
Whose memorial tablets are these for'?
How dare you raise
such a random question while I'm talking?
Hurry up! Are the sacrificial offerings?
for the ceremony ready yet?
Tutor, where should Emperor Gaozu sit?
Kid, this is the result of not
paying attention to my class
The monarch should face south
Xiang Yu used to call himself the monarch
back in the days
So he surely faces south
Then Gaozu could only face north
Since it is impossible
to sit next to Xiang Yu
Come here now and prepare to bow down.
Hurry up
Your majesty Gaozu,
we are here to salute you
I don't mean to meddle
It's just that I saw you paying tribute
To the wrong direction
So I feel I have to...
You are a human being
Who are you'?
You don't think Gaozu should face north?
This is the memorial tablet for Gaozu
Sir! Then whose memorial tablets are
behind Gaozu's for'?
They are the most important people
in Gaozu's life!
Then why are there no names
on the tablets?
If possible, Emperor Gaozu would love
to write their names on
Whose tablet is it on the opposite for'?
No one other than Xiang Yu!
Why did Gaozu make a tablet
for his biggest enemy in his life'?
That's nonsense!
The story of Liu and Xiang
Should begin with the first time they met
First Qin Emperor was planned
to conduct imperial that day
Since he got independence with violence
Since people were angry about his tyranny
The guarding soldiers
were extraordinarily vigilant
Xiang Yu and his people pretended
to be Qin officials
And were prepared assassinate
the Qin Emperor
My Lord!
Who are they?
There's no time
if we don't take action now
Protect his majesty!
Who is he?
Take the assassins!
Let's shoot arrows!
Your Majesty!
Even though the assassination failed
Liu and Xiang appreciated each other
And formed the insurgent army together
If King Huai of Chu hadn't sown discord
between them
They might never become enemies
King Huai of Chu
was just a temporary king
How could he manipulate Liu and Xiang?
As the head of insurgent army
King Huai of Chu knew that Liu
and Xiang were quite ambitious
Once Qin was defeated
He would be useless
and eliminated by them
So he quickly sought help
from three goddesses of war
Your goddess, please give me some advices
to save my country
Even though Xiang and Liu are fighting
against Qin together now
Their powers have been fully developed
They will both surely covet
the Qin imperial seal
I am now offering a stratagem where
There's only benefits for us
in both situations
You could issue a decree:
Who ever take the Qin capital Xianyang
First would be the Lord of Qin
They will compete for that position
So you could benefit from their fight.
(3 days after the issuance of decree,
Xiang and Liu jointly chased Qin army.)
Forward general Xiang Bo is here
I find out that Jin Hu
Have already taken 100,000 reinforcements
to outflank us
They have taken off and will be here
within 3 hours
If we are outflanked
at both front and back
We will definitely lose
We have to take Chengyang Guan
before they come.
Left general Liu Bang will be here
any minute
Long Ju, Pass my order to him
Xiang Yu has thousands of soldiers
Why do we have to be the spearhead?
Fan Kuai, we are allies
And there's no difference between you
and me here
Xiao He, why do we have
to obey Xiang Yu?
Xiahou Ying, he is the leader of our army
He must have his reason for us
to be the spearhead
You don't need to go if you are afraid
My lord, I'm not afraid at all
But I don't know about the one
on my right...
Fan Kuai, you nearly died
many times anyway
What is the oath of our insurgent army,
Defeat the tyrannical Qin, save the people
Where shall we go after the war'?
Let go back to our hometown
What are we going to do
when we return home
Drink the local alcohol!
Shoot the arrows
Xiang Zhuang do it for me
Surround them
Liu Bang is seeking death by coming here
Why hasn't Xiang Yu sent
any reinforcement?
Obviously, Xiang Yu wants us to die
My lord, why don't you send out troops?
I'm waiting for one person
He may control the order,
but we control the war
Let's Retreat!
Trying to escape
General Jin Hu is here!
That's the person I'm waiting
for is finally here
Let' check the backside
Damn it! It's a trap!
We got ambushed!
General, look!
Lord Xiang
Go back!
Have you heard of King
of Huai Chu's decree?
Whoever enters Xianyang first
could be the Lord of Qin?
I've heard about it
Zhang Han leads the last troop
of Qin's army
He is preparing to travel fast and overnight
to Xianyang to provide assistance
Therefore I decided to send out
my troops immediately to prevent this
Once we beat them,
Xianyang will surrender
And it would be very easy
to get the imperial seal
How over the rescue forces are so big
That this battle will be dangerous
So I need someone to send Yu Ji home
Who do you entrust to do this?
(Peng City, 2 years 890)
Yu Ji, we are running late! Hurry up!
Flowers blossom in the misty rain
Spring breeze blows the small building
My home is another world
There's always an umbrella waiting for you
These are all scenes of my hometown
Wild wind comes... Stop!
Foreman How dare you?
Singing a Chu's song
in front of Qin's officials!
Yu Ji
Chu has been defeated by Qin
And Chu's people have become people
of Qin
Why shouldn't a song of Chu
become a song of Qin?
Flowers blossom in the misty rain
Spring breeze blows the small building
My home is another world
You sing this song very well
I'm also from Chu
if you say you are a civilian of Qin
I demand you to take your clothes off
So everyone could know
whether you are a Qin or a Chu
Or you only have Chu in your heart
If you don't take off your clothes
I will kill this guy!
Take off your clothes quickly!
Carry on! Strip
I don't want you to get involved!
Do you like me?
Keep taking your clothes off now
Or I will kill him!
Do you want to be with me?
Yes, I do
You are playing with fire
Hero! It's me!
How about we
become sworn brothers today?
Take care of your sister-in-law for me!
What's up?
Why are you so quiet?
Did someone piss you off'?
My Lord
Xiang Yu asking you to send Yu Ji home
It's clear that Xiang Yu plans to stop you
from contending for Xianyang
Xiang Yu is the leader of our army
He should be Lord Qin!
This is a world affair!
Why he has to be the lord'?
My Lord, a true man living in a time
of great changes
Should make prompt decisions
The first one reaching Xianyang
will be the Lord Qin
Besides, it is King Huai'of Chu's order
It will be too late to regret
when the opportunity passes
Xiao He! How could you be on their side?
I thought you knew me!
My lord, I know you the best...
What do you know about me?
You have changed
When I followed you and left home
I have told you once that
No matter what you said
I will believe in you
You promised to overthrow Qin
And save the people out
of their miserable lives
Have you forgotten the promise?
If you have truly forgotten the promise
Please kill me now!
My Lord, you are underestimating yourself
The country expects your benevolence
and clemency
If people are suffering
because of Xiang Yu
Would you sit aside and
do nothing about it?
The generals and soldiers
have been following you for many years
All they want is to become people of power
and influence and
Leave their names and legacies
in the history
If they know you don't have the aspiration
of winning the throne
Generals and soldiers may
lose their morale
Our years of effort would also be wasted
Brothers, it's my fault!
I promise to win Xianyang
I will give up the small benevolence
And fight for the major justice
Bring peace to the common people!
Great, My lord!
Yu Ji
Do you know how to ride a horse?
Riding a horse'?
Why are we changing directions?
This route is much safer
Have you ever thought of the reason?
Why lord Xiang asks me to send you home?
He wants you to keep me safe
I will never leave the woman
that I love
As I know
I could take the best care of her
It's a blessing to be able to trust others
But sometimes things do change
And you can't control it
Yu Ji...
Leave her alone!
It's Liu Bang!
You can take whatever you want!
There are some horses
I'll revenge for the dead Qin soldiers!
My Lute Stop chasing!
We'll soon be there. Hurry up!
Brothers, we have arrived to Xianyang!
We are here in Xianyang!
My lord, our army could enter
Xianyang soon!
My lord
Liu Bang and his followers,
in the name of sending Yu Ji home
Have taken the Xianyang city!
He has only several thousand of soldiers
How could he take over the city?
Your Majesty
I assume you do not understand
My reason to persuade you to surrender
That's because I respect you
I admire Your Majesty's love
for the people
And will to reform at such a young age
Unfortunately, your day has gone!
Our army lead by Xiang Yu
ls so huge and the soldiers
are so fierce that
there's nothing they cannot conquer
We have conquered most of the country
Xianyans is the only city left
in your Qin Empire
Now you're still protecting this city
against us
Do you want to further deepen
the First Qin Emperor's sins?
Traitor! How dare you to consider
our Emperor as a coward!
Our reinforcements will soon arrive!
Come! Take down these traitors!
General Yin, Stop!
General Yin,
if the reinforcements can arrive
Will you be talking to us now?
They've already been annihilated
by Xiang Yu!
You won't hide
this significant information
from his Majesty, will you?
Your Majesty, I've completed my task
Lord Xiang will be here any minute
I'll return to report to him now!
General, wait!
Where's Yu Ji?
She's... with Liu Bang
Long Ju, inform Yafu immediately
To meet me on the way to Xianyang
And help me taking Xianyang back
Yes, My lord
Liu Bang
Liu Bang, Do you want to be the Emperor?
Who wouldn't want to!
Do you think I can become the Emperor?
Ladies and gentlemen,
come and have a look
We have placed the Weiqi
Make yours bets now, my master alone
will play against ten people
And of course, if we lose
The bets will also be one to ten,
make yours bets now
For those who have got guts.
Come over and bet now
Let me tell you
The best Weiqi player is Fan Zeng,
Xiang Yu's military counselor
But surprisingly this person is also
so brilliant
He could control ten games at one time
It's amazing!
Don't miss chance, made your bet now
Folks, it's rather easy to beat them all
I'm just planning to make them lose
at the same time
First five games to go eight and nine
Yes Master
Lose again
I won't play with you again!
The other five games flat seven and eight
Oh! My god!
Master, we have won a lot
Sir, I'm Xiao He. May I know your name?
I've heard so much about you
My name is Zhang Liang
Mr. Zhang, you are the descendant
of Han State's eminent family
I am so lucky to have you to assist me.
Thank you very much!
Have I ever said that I'll assist you?
Right! It is my fault
to make such a rash arrangements
I don't know how to treat
intellectuals properly!
I apologize on behalf of my lord!
If you want my assistance
I need to know your
General Liu's ambition!
The only wish of my life
ls to save the country
and help its people!
Is General Liu treating me
as a three years old kid?
Your taking over of Xianyang city
Would never save the country
and help its people
But the other way round!
The decree of the first one entering
in Xianyang is the Lord of Qin
Was King Huai's of Chu's has plan to
Take advantage of the fight between you
and Xiang Yu
You have already put the people
of Xianyang
in danger of massacre!
But how dare Xiang Yu
to violate King Huai's of Chu's order?
King Huai of Chu is only the puppet king
of Xiang's family!
But aren't all the eight vassals serving
King Huai of Chu
None of them would offend Xiang Yu
for General Liu!
I can close the gates of Xianyang
There's no way we will lose to Xiang Yu!
General Liu's fight against
his 400,000 soldiers
ls just like throwing eggs against rocks!
Liu Bang's only wish is to
advocate justice
And save common people from danger
Please tell me the way to save them
for the sake of common people!
I do have a solution
But don't know if you will take if or not
I will do whatever you say
to save the people!
You must leave here immediately!
If you return this city to Xiang Yu
Xiang may be happy
and spare the people's life!
Xiang Yu's lobbyist
Yes, my Lord
Don't you think Mr. Zhang is right?
Who can prove he's wrong
I'll kill him immediately!
Do we have any other idea
to save the Xiangyang?
Xiao He and Fan Kuai,
you return the seal to Xiang tomorrow and
I will then leave Xianyang!
My Lord, please reconsider
Anyone violating this order
will be executed!
General Liu, you really deserve
your reputation!
You have the benevolence of sages
And magnanimity of emperors
What I said just now is to test you
It's about people's life. I have no choice
but to do this
Aren't you one of the men sent
by Xiang Yu?
Xiang Yu is replacing Qin's tyranny
with his own
If he is the emperor
The people will still suffer a lot!
Xiang Yu is about to surround Xianyang
with his soldiers and attack
Do you have any solution?
Put all the treasures away
Post a royal list to
let the world know that
You are only taking Xianyang temporally
And Xiang Yu will soon come
to massacre the people of the city!
Xiang Yu will come to massacre the people
of the city!
What does massacre mean?
It means killing everyone in the city
What shall we do'?
Let's protect our city to death!
Then we gather common people
And military force together
to protect Xianyang
The common people?
This is a tactics to buy time
Xiang Yu's military counselor
Fan Zeng masters the art of war
If he sees the common people
guarding the city
He will stop Xiang Yu from attacking
Xiang yang by force
I have a trusted friend working
for Xiang Yu
Who could send information for me
I also have six great warriors
Let me introduce them to you
Yu, I have found out that
Liu Bang has invited the common people
to guard the Xianyang
If we attack the city
He will gain people's support by fighting
against Chu for common people!
On the other hand, if we do not attack
Liu Bang will enjoy Xianyang's
geographical advantage
This is a very good move
It's from Zhang Liang
Liu also make a law that all Qin's
All Qin's treasure will be given
to the people
There's only one reason for him
to keep his hands off the treasure!
He has a bigger ambition!
He wants to be the emperor!
You have grown up, son!
Now that Liu Bang claims
he is taking Xianyang temporarily
We can set up a trap
We can invite him to a banquet
in Xianyang
Ask him to hand over the seal of Qin
And assassinate him on the spot!
It'll be a good plan
If we kill Liu Bang
How are we going to explain this
to King Huai of Chu?
I haven't thought about this!
In this case
We could send somebody
to assassinate King Huai of Chu first
And claim it's Liu who kills him
Because he wants to be the emperor
Then we can justify our attack
in the name of revenging for King Huai
I thought you haven't thought about this?
I still recalled the delicious braised fish
in Xianyang
I should eat more before losing
all my teeth!
This is the best plan!
Protect Majesty
Xiahou Ying!
Fan Kuai!
Xiahou Ying!
Both of you are quite good indeed!
Who is Zhang Liang?
Fan Zeng has deployed army.
And three days later
No one can escape from Xianyang
Xiang Yu will set a meeting
with General Liu
The place of which is still a secret.
So as general couldn't be prepared
Clearly, he wants to kill his lord
On the day of Xiang's arrival at Xianyang
Your friend will meet you
at Zhanshen Gang
You should know the place
when Xiang Yu meets with Liu Bang
I've found out that King Huai of Chu
will rehearse the throne ceremony
And Fan Zeng has already sent someone
to assassinate him
And then blame general Liu for it
Since they want to kill King Huai of Chu
We could rescue him,
and ask for a medallion
To spare our lives
Han Xin as you already know
Xiang Yu's assassination plan
I'll entrust you to accomplish
this important task
I used to serve Xiang Yu
But he doesn't appreciate me
This time I will help you
But I must get something
I deserve after this!
It's a deal!
How can you guarantee your promise?
How dare you
The destiny of all the people
Will be decided by the meeting
between me and Xiang Yu
But the result lies
in three person's hands
The first person is my counselor
Zhang Liang
Second of all is Xiang Yu's Fan Zeng
And the third one is you, General Han!
My betrayal to you means betrayal
to all my generals
Soldiers, and even the whole world!
General Han
Do you still need my guarantee?
We have strong military power!
Why don't we attack the city right now?
Yu! I've told you many times
You should see the essence of everything
What you need to take
is not the city alone
But the support of its people!
The one you should defeat
is not Liu Bang alone
But also yourself!
Yafu! You have been with me
once I was young and
You have always helped me
in solving any difficulties
and made decisions
I'm not worried so long as you are here
It seems that I have spoiled you
Does it mean that I have to retire?
so that you could really grow up!
Does General Liu mention the reason
he wants to see me'?
No, my lad)'
What a pity!
Although the lutes are valuable
It makes me to miss my old lute more
My lute! How did you find it?
Thank you!
I heard that Lord Xiang is coming
to Xianyang
Xiang Yu and I have set up a meeting!
Do you know the cost of going
to the banquet?
Thank you Xiang Bo for helping me!
You don't need to thank your sworn friend!
My only wish is that,
after conquering the violent Qin
Xiang Yu and Liu Bang can both survive!
They can complement to each other
So common people could have peace!
Then have you found out the place
of tomorrow's meeting yet?
It's the Hongmen Palace at Hongmen Ban!
My Lord
They'll be in charge of the weapons hidden
in Hongmen Palace
Time is running out
Please go back and to help General Liu
Counselor, the flag
fell down for no reason!
It's Kun Gua on the upper sixth section.
It is an ill omen!
Somebody will assassinate us tonight!
Warriors reside in Qian
while intellectuals reside in Kun
The assassin is coming after me!
Fan's wisdom is much better than mine
If we can eliminate him
We can defeat Xiang Yu without a fight
We should focus on the key point
And take the initiative to attack
I really want to meet this Zhang Liang
Send my order to soldiers that
They do not need to guard tonight
In order not to alert the assassin!
I will stay here
and meet the visitor by myself!
I have just cooked some noodles
My Lord, you haven't eaten anything
for the whole night!
You must eat something no matter
what happens!
The curly-beard man hasn't returned yet
He must have encountered something bad!
We've heard nothing about Han Xin's
rescue of King Huai of Chu
What should we do'?
My Lord you must endure
all the humiliation
to secure the bigger picture!
The more advantages Xiang Yu owns
The more likely he will be eaten up
by his pride
We should take this opportunity
To tempt him to make the key mistake!
My lord!
Lord Xiang's envoy asks Lord Liu
to attend the banquet now
All your military forces must stay
in the city and wait for order!
Xiao He
My Lord
Xiao He! The result of this meeting
is uncertain
You should get my seal
if anything bad happens
Make yourself the Lord,
and start the undertaking again!
My lord!
All soldiers kneel down!
My Lord, you're blessed by God
And I will guard Xianyang
till my last breath
I would rather die than surrender!
Never surrender...
Never surrender!
Xiao He, thank you so much
Very good!
Protect Majesty
The assassins are sent from Xiang Yu!
Liu Bang sent me to rescue you!
Who are you'?
I'm Han Xin
Be careful!
All the guests to the Hongmen Banquet
Are required to hand over their weapons
Liu Bang is here to meet Lord Xiang
Why do you betray me'?
I dare not to betray you
Whoever comes to Xianyang first
will be the Lord Qin
It is King Huai's of Chu's order
We have been in wars for many years
Who doesn't want to settle down
and lead a peaceful life'?
If your lord doesn't agree,
we would love to return the city
back to you!
Where is the royal seal of Qin
And where's Yu Ji?
She is so important to Your Highness
So I dare not to treat her carelessly
Now she is being taken care by my men
Liu Bang, who is the owner
of today's world?
Of course it's you, my Lord
Do you know you have made a mistake?
Yes, I do
Since Liu Bang knows his mistake
He should, according to the military
protocol, drip blood as the alcohol
And worship to the heaven, earth,
and man to apologize
Yes, my Lord!
Please be seated General Liu!
We'll talk later!
Thank you, your highness
Which one of you is Zhang Liang?
I am Zhang Liang.
It's an honor to meet you
Please have a seat
Mr. Zhang has been assisting General Liu
these several days
The attack and defense are
in a good order
The advance and retreat are
in the right way
Since we are sharing the same vision
I have some thoughts to share with you
It has been 26 years since Qin beat Chu
However, the nature has its own order,
and everything is repetitive
Now, Qin is beaten by Chu again
We should also observe
And implement the will of God
Since Mr. Zhang is so diligent and clever
Why do you have to
go through this trouble?
And act against the will of God?
Thank you for your advice
Yi said there are good and bad times
Sometimes we act; sometimes we don't
The winner could become loser
And the good things may
become bad things
This is why we say God works
in a mysterious way
And life is like playing a game of chess
In today's Hongmen banquet
Both sides restore
the good relations again
I've heard that you are excellent
in playing a Weiqi
Would you mind to play a Weigi with me'?
So we can find out whether
the God's will is certain or uncertain?
If Zhang Liang loses
I will send Yu Ji back my self
And apologize to your Lord!
Zhang Liang
I have to ask you again
Do we seriously have to play
against each other?
I'd be honored to play with you!
I lost my eyesight 4 years ago
If you want to play, you need to play
with your eyes blindfolded!
There are 361 pieces in Wieqi
How could one not see the pieces
but memorize them all by heart?
I have finally met
my right opponent today
Let's play for several rounds!
It must be the bravest warriors
to place the Weiqi pieces for you two
Long Ju! Tell Mr. Zhang your achievements
Let's see whether you are qualified
to serve for Mr. Zhang
I haven't made any great achievements yet
But in the past 4 years,
of all the 56 wars
I won all of them in the war of Chengyang
I buried and killed 200,000 Qin soldiers
in just one night
During the four years serving my Lord
I won all the forty-two wars
And persuaded 200,000 soldiers of Qin
to surrender
We conquered the capital of Qin
without killing anyone
Zhang Liang, you are a young hero
While I am old and blind
I should deserve the first move
You are a master of Weiqi
Of course I should take the first move
It is you who suggested
playing the game today and
So you are the host
As the guest, should take the first move
Today the host of the Hongmen Banquet
is Lord Xiang
My Lord and us are all guests
So we should take the first move
In playing chess, the one who
make the first move will take the advantage
We can't miss this opportunity
May I make a bold suggestion?
Long Ju, we can make a wager first
If you can guess how many fingers
I have correctly
Your side can take the first move
Do you dare to bet?
You lose, Fan Kuai
Liu Bang! Now that our followers
are competing
As their leaders
we should make some bets too
Though I don't know who is instigates him
This man actually dares
to assassin Counselor Fan!
As we are hosting the Hongmen Banquet
in the territory of Qin today
I will bet the five punishments of Qin
with you
According to the five punishments of Qin
It includes cutting off face
Cutting off ears
Cutting off fingers
Cutting off head
And cutting people into mince
If Zhang Liang loses one round
I will execute a punishment
Now the world is in great chaos
And people's lives are miserable
As you have said
We should observe
and implement the will of God
For the first round,
I will go four into four
Making it a dangerous situation
I will then go flat tour four
in the second round
For the third round,
I will go three five for the third
And up six five for the fourth round
This is karma
Hope peace will come to the world
I'll go up eight four for the fifth round
Wars and killing are inevitable
And acceptable in the world of chaos
I'll go up four three for the first round
If we love the people, we should attack
Then four four for the second round
Wars are applicable to end wars
Up four three for the third round and
Flat four four for the fourth round
No one likes wars
We use war to win obedience
I will keep beating you up
until you are convinced
The fifth round as same
as the fourth flat four four
Fan Zeng's skill is profound
Zhang Liang's game is
full of killing motive
I used different ways of playing the game
in the first four rounds
He noticed them all at once
I'm still thinking
how he will play the fifth round
Hopefully, Han Xin will arrive soon
I could beat him once I know his plan
This round I will go up five six
Two into two
Flat eight three
Zhang Liang is buying time
Flat eight six
Go up four three
Into eight four
Go up seven two
Flat six three
Into five eight
Flat two two for the second round
Troops are valued for their qualities
Not for how long they can last
I'll use flat eight six to
win your first round
Commanding of troops should be fast
as wind, strong as fire
I'll go down eight ten to
win the second round
Into eight eight
Xiang Zhuang
Let me perform a sword dance
to spice up the Hongmen Banquet
It's not interesting enough
to perform alone
Let me perform with you
Go up three four
Xiang Zhuang,
your sword skills have improved
Get away
Zhang Liang, I have beaten you
in the third round by up nine four
You've also been cornered
in the fourth round
Let's fight!
My Lord!
Yu, kill Liu Bang now!
Watch out, Lord!
I have said that earlier
There is only one winner on battlefield
Today god has put us together
Which means there is only one of us
can survive
Don't blame me, Liu bang
My Lord
King Huai of Chu's decree!
His majesty spares Liu Bang's life
Liu Bang should leave Xianyang immediately
and go back to Hanzhong
King Huai of Chu has invited eight vassals
to Xianyang
To celebrate Lord Xiang
becoming owner of Xianyang
Zhang Liang has sent people
to kill my counselor
You have to kill him
So we could call it even
then I'll let you go
I can't do that
Today, I win. You lose
Xiang Zhuang
My Lord! Please, don't!
My lord
You are making the biggest mistake
Liu Bang you do know how to survive!
We have lost our counselor
What should we do'?
Counselor said that
we have to tempt Xiang Yu
To a big mistake in order to win
I thought we've already lost to Xiang Yu
The game is not over yet
The real Hongmen Banquet
has finally begin
Do you know
The reason why Liu Bang
by keep you beside him?
He is using you as a bargaining chip
I always choose to believe in others
Just like you said you liked me
when we first met
Even though Liu Bang overstepped
his authority
He brought me my lute back
I was thinking
I could sing Chu songs to you again
If you still have trust me
Yu, Mr. Zhang's wound has just recovered
Do you think it's appropriate for him
to attend our meeting?
I could leave if it's inconvenient
Mr. Zhang has chosen
the right Lord to serve
I sincerely appreciate your help
Now the war is over and your highness
Becomes the owner of Qin Palace
It is only you to blame
if this opportunity is missed
You should take the supremacy now
What are you waiting for'?
The world has just settled down
And we don't yet have a good reason
to claim the throne yet
Besides, the eight vassals
would refuse to obey
We still need to wait for right timing
If the vassals disobey
Why can't I send troops
to fight against them?
Liu Bang has just
became the lord of Hanzhong
It is uncertain what his moves are
If he strikes us by surprise
while our army is away
We can't fight both ends,
and we'll lose
Based on lord Xiang's military force
We can totally divide the troops
Since Mr. Zhang is so knowledgeable
How could one conquer the world
on his own'?
Why do you give us
such an incomplete plan?
I do have a plan
Since Liu Bang has conceded
his allegiance to you
You could order him to invade the vassals
Then you could use the vassal's help
to kill Liu Bang
And be the Emperor
Do you still think
this is an incomplete plan?
Please welcome the messenger from Chu
Since Lord Xiang asks us to send the army
How can we disobey him?
Xiao He,
it's a not easy for me to be here
Please stay at Hanzhong days.
We'll be a good host
Bring up the best feast
He is the messenger sent by Lord Xiang
Treat him nicely
Yes! General
Serve the dishes now
Fan Kuai!
Why are you serving the best feast?
He's the envoy sent by Lord Xiang
Of course we should serve the best
If he is sent by counselor Fan Zeng
Of course it's alright
He has saved my lord
in numerous situations
My lord owes him
a great debt of gratitude
However the envoy visiting now
is just sent by Lord Xiang
There's no need to waste our best feast.
Put them away
We couldn't fully trust the envoy
What does Mr. Zhang think?
We should test Fan Zeng again
So as not to blame the wrong guy
Counselor! Our scout said
Liu Bang is sorting out his army
I think we should
take a preemptive attack
To spare future troubles
After all, Liu Bang has special amnesty
from King Huai of Chu
We need to find an excuse to
kill Liu Bang
King Huai of Chu is always a trouble
Why don't we kill him first?
You mean killing King Huai of Chu?
Didn't you ask me to kill King Huai of Chu
during Hongmen Banquet?
Yu, times has changed
Does it apply to your loyalty
to our Xiang family too?
You are making the biggest mistake!
Lord Xiang wants to see you
My lord
You and your family
Have always treated me with respect
And listened to my opinions
That's all our counselors' want!
The fact that you want to see me today
Means that you still cherish our relation
That's enough for me!
All good things must come to an end
I want to give you a bag of tips
before I go
If you experience danger
Or think of me in the future
You could open it and have a look!
Zhang Liang, you are here
I know you'll come
I can't wait too long
My apology!
I have pushed the limit too far this time!
Zhang Liang
You have made a brilliant move this time
I knew you were special
during the Hongmen Banguet
I can tell you now
You are just like the me when I was young!
Don't feel bad for me
I've been waiting for an opponent
like you my whole life
Enemies are like
the two sides of a mirror
Just like Xiang Yu and Liu Bang,
or you and me
Don't waste any more time
Let's finish the fifth game
Sir, sir
Zhang Liang.
There is a kind of chess game...
May I Zhang Liang, a survivor of Han
Present to my Lord that the general
Should be able to distinguish people's
qualities before he learns the art of war
Counselor Fan Zeng has served
three generations of Xiang family
But he was discarded like a homeless dog
We all feel bitterly
disappointed for this
Good birds choose the best trees to rest
I will go back to Liu Bang's camp
Hope Lord Xiang
will make careful decisions
So as not to die alone
Get the army and horses ready!
Let's act now!
Yes, my Lord!
My lord!
Liu Bang is at Hanzhong
Based on his army force,
even if he has Zhang Liang to assist him
He won't be a threat to us
as long as we don't act rashly
Xiang Bo
I know you are kind
Even if I don't eliminate Liu today
He will eventually eliminate me one day?
I said it was all meant to be
at the Hongmen Banquet
There is only one could survive
between Liu Bang and I
What if King Huai of Chu stops us again?
General Han
My Lord
Xiang Yu has killed King Huai of Chu
People all hate him
The eight vassals would like to help me
to suppress him.
General Han...
How many soldiers can my Lord
lead at most'?
Less than 100,000
Then how can you control
the eight vassals?
How about you?
For me, the more the merrier
Having completed the mission
I need to get what I should deserve
It seems like
I have underestimated Liu Bang
I know I can't stop you from fighting
But I'll go through the war with you
Stop chasing!
It'll be too late if you don't leave now!
How dare you all try and stop me
Please don't go My Lord
What's that place in the front of us?
It is Wu River. Here's Wu city
My Lord!
Your ladyship!
This is Liu Bang's secret order
He has ordered the allies
to attack tomorrow
He persuades me not to make
this unnecessary sacrifice
You've surrendered to Liu Bang?
I just want peace in the world
And good relations between the Xiang Yu
and Liu Bang
There's nothing I can do now
It's meaningless to stay in this war
Success or failure is all depending
on an attitude
There's only you, Yu Ji who can persuade
Xiangyu to leave
I really regret that
I haven't held your hand
like this more often
We could start again
Yu Ji
We have come to the end
Look at this land
It will be full of Liu Bang's army
very soon
I have asked Xiang Bo to take you
to a safe place
Where no one can find you, including me
But you have promised
that I could stay with you
I think...
You should have a second
Chance to choose
Prepare to fight
This song could beat the morale
of Xiang Yu's army
Hopefully we could win the battle
without killing more lives
What are you doing?
I want to go home
Do you think what you have done
will fail Lord Xiang
Don't Leave
This is the moment when Lord Xiang
need us most we can't Leave!
I want to go home
Go home, go home, go home
Anyone who escapes now will be executed!
You've all followed me for many years
Even though I'm your lord
You are all like brothers to me
Today, we are surrounding by enemies
All of you don't owe me
But I do
Please remember
All of you will always be my brother
Take care and
Yafu. You have been with me
once I was young and
You have always helped me
To solving any difficulties
and make decisions no matter what
Xiang Yu, does it mean. I have to retire
So that you could really grow up
No one can come in!
I had a dream on the way
I dreamt of a white haired couple
sitting close to each other
I envied them and so I walked closer
to find out who they are
Then I realized I knew them
It's you and me
I want you to spend
the rest of your life with me
I don't want to drag you into this...
Just like when we first met
I don't want you to get involved
Liu Bang must send his envoy
to persuade us to surrender
Wait until they are eased out
We shall start fighting
Liu Bang!
Xiang Yu, I've been waiting
to tell you myself that
Only one of us can survive between us
You are right.
But I'll survive
NOT you!
Both the world and people will be mine!
Xiang Yu! We used to be sworn brothers
So long as you admit your defeat today
I shall let you go back to Jiangdong!
Xiang Zhuang
Xiang Zhuang
My Lord
Please lend me your sword
I am the only one who can kill him
and let him rest in peace
I lied to him
Yu Ji
We'll never be separated again
Do you want to be with me?
I do
My lord! We found this bag of tips
in the camp
I've persuaded Han Xin to surrender
It is hoped that my Lord could last
for a while
Wait until for the reinforcement
of Han Xin to arrive
And save us
After winning the battle
I have promised to shared Han Xin,
Zhang Liang and others
Share the world and wealth
I shall wait for your order and hope that
you will take my advice
I could only play the game this way
Congratulations to Lord Qi
on taking the seal!
Xiao He...
Xiao He...
There's a game called
where both sides suffer losses
Get away! General Fan cannot proceed
How dare you trying to stop me'?
Where were you all when I fought
with your Majesty?
My lord! I...
I know what you want to ask
They plan to kill me!
If I don't kill them
They'll kill me!
I have to do this
I... I still want to say it
I haven't met you for a long time
I know something is wrong
and I'm worried about you
Therefore I am here to see you
When I left home with you
and fight the war
I said that
I will believe in whatever you said
But... I'm not well-educated
What you've said and done today
I have really confused me!
I am the emperor now
I can give you whatever you want
You are Emperor?
Could you take off you imperial robe?
Can you do this for me'? Stop
We have promised to help you
in completing this achievement
Now... Now I'm not useful to you any more?
Now I'm not useful to you any more?
You have promised us that
we could have drinks at home after the war
Do you still remember?
My Lord, Fan Kuai has to...
Fan Kuai has to leave
Sir, could you tell us who
exactly are you?
I'm just a person who likes playing Weiqi
Once I had a close friend
He hired me to play
with another Weiqi master
Then, I realised
my real opponent is my close friend
I won't see the doctor again
I thought you were dead!
I'm alive because I need to see you
I want to ask you
Is that the result you are expecting?
All these years
I'm scared each and every day
I feel everything they said
is a plot
All the food they gave me
is poisoned
Your Majesty! After your death
Which one of prince would succeed
your position?
I remember Yu Ji has asked me
a question once
Do you know the cost of going
to the banquet?
I know going to the Hongmen Banquet
Means I need to try my best to guess
and trick the other side
Who violate the order will be executed
The cost is that you'll lose the capacity
to trust anyone
In Hongmen Palace
I have already built monuments
without characters to memorize
Those who die because of me
Zhang Liang
I have no one to trust now
Zhang Liang
Could you do me one last favor?
Now that everything is predestined
It's unnecessary to be stubborn
and persistent!
Things are hard to predict
But you can't mix up right or wrong
Today I persist to do one
last thing for Yu Ji
Yu Ji My Lord
Thank you for listening
The Hongmen Banquet is finally over
I should leave now
Sir, where are you going?
I'll need to find another master
to play Weiqi with
And see if a win-win situation
is possible
Zhang Liang
I need to ask you again
Do we seriously have to play
against each other?