White Wall (2010)

during the early 21 century
a virus destroy nearly all life on earth
it is called the VXII
a 50 foot walls built to protect
the non infected survivors
there is no life beyond the wall
internment camps are built to accomodate
the increasing number of orphans
only 5 children survived
the brutal conditions
Sentanza, kane, vitor
shawn and jude
they are known as the drifters
most of them have disappeared
and vanished from the public eye
except for one
jude black now leads a terrorist gang of
disillusioned youths called the vespers
they have taken control of 3 cities
within the wall
and are now trained on the
last standing city: hawthorne
It is about our brother
You know, brothers!
since two brothers.
both evil , both friends.
Jude,,? You hear me?!
- how much they pay to you?
- Not you just hear?!
so one day the
older brother dies
And the younger brother ..
price for a pastor.
and said : I have a condition
In the funeral of my brother,
should call him saint.
And the pastor ...
who make you doing this?
will you listen?!
It is about brothers.
It's all Sentanza.
Two brothers, one is dead
the yonger price for a pastor!
What are you afraid?
have always been close.
My brother would never
have come here today
Two brothers, one is dead
the yonger price for a pastor!
The pastor gives his word and accept the money.
to say say at the funeral.
This man was evil.
cheating on his wife
cheating on his children!
But compared with his brother,
Who is the saint?
The White Wall.
hawthorn city
The first time I saw the white wall
was the first time I heard about the VX2.
i grow up in an orphanage
camp behind the wall.
that was built to protect
us from the infection.
The only memories i have from my child
are from this camp.
only the strong survived
Sentanza, Jude, Vitor, Cane and I
were those who remained.
Are the unique family I know.
they call us the drifters
Eventually, we grew up
on a separate ways.
some of us never
escape the violence.
As Jude.
The last I heard
is gain of vespers and responsible
for half of corpses in the city.
I fear that when the time comes
only one who can stop him is one of us.
i have not heard for
many of us from years
maybe they found some peace
and quit, maybe not
i think everything happens for a reason,
But still I'm waiting
hawthorne , medic station
Never learn, eh? three weeks
and do not take the job seriously.
- need more
- you joking
You can hold a job for a few months.
ya i know, people talk.
everybody wants to give
their 2 sense about you
what is yours?
I have no one.
But see this.
if you ever find some wonder on what
you doing or where you going,
if some wonder why you are here
just stay quit and follow my lead
i will keep this in mind
If you're not taking this seriously,
Why you here?
why even bother coming
forget it is the Dr granddaughter
Why she will like a fool like you?
Work comes the captain
is coming over
what he gonna do
send me behind the wall?
wall ? what wall?
yes that was there
- he is right, you know?
- sir
witch one of you clean
the West Wing last night?
I was sir.
We received many complaints this morning.
you Forgot to put up
the wet floor sign
you did not bother with the
bathrooms on the second floor
and you forgot to unload
the boxes of the medics
you think that is a acceptable
behavior for the head of the janitors?
Mr. Sorry I forgot.
One of the doctors slip
little settles back a whole day
Excuse me Mr. I suppose to
do that this morning.
come here
- what is your name?
- Shawn.
- Where are you from?
- From Skins.
- you overseen a vespers up close
- no
i have seen myself, Jude Black.
he looks a bit like you
I believe not.
i can use a man like you
Posi Commatatus,
you Know what that mean?
i conscript you to catch Jude Black.
I can count on you?
let hope you dont
you do not have to do this
yes. ? Have no idea. eh?
none of this neither happening
if the wall did not exist
what did he say
He said none of this neither happening
if the wall did not exist
you here meant to be sir
? And who are you?
Shawn, I work here
they say that you are expert on vx2
That you've been here since the beginning
what do you want
I've been looking into this virus lately
but its been hard killing my
hands on anything useful
they say you the
meant to talk to you
Is it true?
can we turn down the wall
if we found the cure
Sorry, its just far too speculative
but the risk is paramount
there is no cure..
- And if ...
- I said that is it any
To find the cure we need a carrier.
We have none, because nobody survives
I'm a reasonable man.
If you want to research tell me your plans.
Le his book and I thought ....
Yes? Do you have any experience?
I have seen many
boys like you.
do you know the best
advice I can give you?
Go home.
Wherever it is that might be
And if you have nothing value to say
I have more important things to do.
Thank you.
spot did you hear that
i am not spiling you
You do not know what we are doing.
Elsa come back here
you are here this all time?
What? i am sorry
Did not know you were here
from where you get this
Do not touch it without gloves
will paralyse you.
You do not have to do this
- they laugh at you
- yes all i get is laughing
There is no cure. believe me
Dr. and I have gone over this already
- Sorry
- I know what you say.
its all been done before
i not gonna be the one to do
Go home, get some rest.
all I want in help for me
is . . . . in an empty fridge
at least here I have
something good doing
- The equation is wrong.
- What?
the copy is wrong
can not be
I think I can write it
is that
I get wrong the first time too
I feel in my duty and obligation
to inform you that among
us sits an impostor.
A man who has no recognise
papers from any institution
in fact that
man is a fraud
and is wanted by the law
in ckades, Hawthorne
and two other cities in the quarantine!
go get him
how did you come across
that information
or you are from ckades
I've never been there
where did you meet the guy
never seen him before
never been heard of him
you got great reputation shawn
I like that
what you want?
I've been watching you
My name is Dreiden
Did you see the cad see?
- did you see the corps?
- which one?
and you might recognize him
friend of yours I think
they say jude black did it
- you know him?
- no
I've seen you together before
Long ago, of course.
I dont know what are
you talking about
That is no way to talk about your brother.
he is not my brother
- I guess they did not bother you
- What?
That is a bounty on his head.
Not at all.
see you around
"It's me.
I need to talk to you.
You can find me also
in street in ckades
you remember right?
you have do already
ckades - vesper territory
Been a long time
I know.
You have not stop by
I've been busy.
I know you would say that
you too a good friend now?
with never had problem before
From where did you get it?
relax, was a gift.
so what you wanna do tonight?
I do not know. I am very busy.
I have an idea.
how about you and I go rapes some
bitches and throw them in the desert?
I do not think that's a good idea.
We will use condoms.
It was a joke.
Glad to see you.
so where are you staying?
doing what?
work in the medic station
picking up all the people trash
You've been doing the same
Shawn shit for six years.
When are you going to grow?
It's just a job.
did you hear from drifters?
no, did you?
I have really wanted to see them.
I wish I had earlier
Sentanza dead.
may Rest in peace.
Two brothers you raped and killed
I am going to say I
like sentanza
You remember, right?
jude Tell me you remember.
Tell me what you remember Jude!
Tell me you did not kill Sentanza!
Out of my sight!
It is common things in
nature? you Know?
things like Bribery
brothers stay helping each other
Sometimes till death.
I remember when I was young
i did not have a brother
i had a sister
where is jude?
well he left before I got her
you know I wish he get
out of here right now
what you want from me?
what you want for yourself?
- or you want to talk to my brother?
- but you do not know where he is
I can help with that.
Where is he?
No, i will not make the same mistake twice.
- I will take you there
- then what
we will figure this out on the way
What makes you think I'll go with you?
well the one
the vespers are coming
You can thank your brother for that.
you would not do that
he killed Sentanza
you do not know that.
and you do?
Come on, we're wasting time
lets go
- can you fight?
- Of course.
- You work for the militia?
- why I will work with for the militia?
how you know where jude is?
I am a businessman. I follow the money.
Who pays the bounty then?
Nobody important.
The deal is that Jude stay alive
I need to find out why he in
this mess before it is too late
you got that?
Just trying to help you
you know what will happen
if someone finds jude first?
- Stop the car
- what?
- Stop the car
- no
Stop the car!
Where are you going?
the nearest city is 50 miles
you hassle me
why would I hassle you
are you crazy?
The Vespers should be here by now
you try in gets us killed
get in the car
we will talk about on the way
We can not run for too long
but not in this way
you said you can fight
I lost my blade
what I suppose to do?
you think the militia
is gonna help you?
they do not care about you
Come on, give me a chance.
Why you still here?
Look, you dont know how to use blade.
I can train you
why, you do not believe me?
Come on, give me a try
Come on. hit me.
come on, I will show you
hit me
I was not ready
now I am ready
How did you do that?
Come on, I'll show you.
I have to remind you
if I did that in combat
you dead
learn easily actually
you have to fight
Come on, try.
, Go!
nice try
You have to feel it
, Yes!
Where are you going?
to find back up
I thought I was your back up
we do not need anybody else
anybody else wants Jude dead
I am gonna find the drifters
That is a bad idea
who the hell they?
They are my brothers.
the only brother you have
there is bounty on his head
you were as brothers because you
was in some children home together
some home by ya they were
with santenza dead and jude warned
there is only two of us left
You can put an end to this right now.
no forget it, never mind
deal is off
What can I do without m ?
What can you do without the car?
make it right
The last time. this motherfucker Sentanza
Came and ...
I thought you say you
do not know him
Well, I hardly know him
We were not friends
we just want to reward
it dos not matter
back to the issue
loyalty, character , integrity.
do I make sense?
You are right.
Sentanza was not intelligent.
but vitor was different
every one knew vitor like this
was one time vitor and I were
This story does not lead us anywhere
Vitor was strong, everyone knew
that but he have brains
- What?
- Nothing
let just test him
see how he will response
- what are you thinking?
- Sentanza betray me.
i am telling you
you can not trust anybody
you still mad of me
are not you?
I want you to take the keys
as a symbol of my confidence
- You sure?
- Yes, just park your car.
vitor bungalow
- kane
- shawn
so is vitor?
I did not know that you
were living together
A drink?
where is the brother
that way we catch from long time
I do not know how he will
react when he sees you
well I know its been a while
but I really need to talk to him
and tell him what?
you remember the internment camps
when the guards came around
and practically ran the place
it was shame only a
few was survived
we should stuck together
Do you remember that joke, two evil brothers?
Nobody say like Sentanza
he is dead
is not he?
jude actually did it?
I do not know
but they want to kill him
- vitor can
- vitor is not around
look I am sorry you came all this way
Where is he?
vitor can talk in sense with him
he is the only one
vitor come on here
you have visitor
what happen to him?
about a year ago
he went to see jude
I found him nose down
head and throat still open
you get any of this?
I now figure you can get out
I can not take him alone
- You have to ...
- Do not ask me
Sorry brother.
- How did it go?
- was great
We talked about old times.
couple stories and couple laugh
they are doing great
I am happy for them
they can not believe
how much I changed
they still think I am a
skinny little kid
They were a little busy right now
they told me they will back
me when I need them
Vitor told me to stay a while
but I told him I have to go
I dont want them to know
that you are around
so right now no one does
those guys they never change
Hawthorne precinct station
captain Troufeau office
starting I think you do not like me
Quite the contrary.
gentlemen here wish to extend
the hand of friendship
As friends, we would like to
discuss a issue with you
but First
How are your operations?
- Running.
- It's wonderful.
I like to say the same
but well
I let you in
on a little secret
nobody really knows anything
we all are just cover our
own bottoms
I know its surprising after
the raids a few days ago
you remember
What raids?
No need to feign ignorance
We are all friends here
Ah. the one you authorised
the ones that is occurred
a few days ago
I am surprised when my secretary
mention the extra body count
several of the heads were bound
with clothes on the eyes will gauge doubt
Is that funny?
you think that is funny?
are you laughing at me?
you think I am a joke
listen jude
I pay your youths every month
and I am sick to get in the short end
now I trying not to raise my voice
but you making an
end very difficult
you think I am some
punk you can scare
I am sick that you
come to this office
and expecting me to kiss your ass
It's your fault.
- I own you now
- that is right
jude black
Everybody is afraid of you
well there is a bounty on your head
some good Dr. Erick Lei
what Do you think of that
you got apex on your trail
and I am the only one who can help.
do You like the classical music?
To tell you the truth,
I have no time for that.
you should make time for it
its really quite good
do You like that?
you become quite liability to us
give yourself up
We will stage in arrest
You want to live your life
like a hunted animal?
I expect an answer tomorrow or
do not contact me from now on
deal only with my secretary
You're a fucking cancer
Road to Immogen Lar
we are gonna cross the desert here
thru ckades by taking that road
not to much going
looks like we got some company
they can not be vespers
you got any suggestion here
watch their hands
because of the belt
no hesitate
- you have troubles
- no trouble here
I know you?
I do not think.
My name is P
actually we could use some help
we are looking for jude black
I have to ...
I got 100 marks
for you guys if have any informations?
I heard he is heading south
you left the back track
See I told you
you idiot
I told him, i knew we
are going the wrong direction
could I saved a lot of time
man I kiss you if I could
take all the money
thanks a lot guys
really we appreciated
Thank you.
you can buy any of
them with money
I understand.
you see the weapons
they are carrying
- yes
- they are apex
stars of biggest competitions
Just lost 100 marks
this guys won several games
and I think to take them
out of the game
I guess anybody can be
bought for a price
what about I stir and you push
You have to be next to me?
all right
- Elsa, its me
- shawn
where you been?
They took him
They took Dr. Lei
- you sure?
- yes
your Positive?
She will come
She will brings water, right?
Your friends are dead
Troufeau is dead
You're the only one who left.
is the name VX remind you
of anything Dr. Lei?
I do not know what
you are talking about
you should
you created it
the virus Dr. Lei
no wait, I did not do anything
Let him go!
what do you want?
what do you want?
just trying to see you
I want to turn the generators
off on this quadrant?
I dont know what you talking about
I have nothing to do with it
You have the wrong man
just let us go
for anything you want
- what Do you want?
- to bring out to the world
Nothing out there
No, please!
Please, I beg!
they make me do it
they were just obeying commands.
you think I want this?
you think I did this to my own family
to my grand daughter?
they force me to do it
I do Not have a choice
I got nothing
same as you
what Do you want?
first Tell me how to turn off the generators!
are you guys ready?
- You stay here
- Why?
If something happens to us
you get off from here
It is my grandfather.
come with me
we will go to the back
- Ready?
- Yes
you wait a couple of
minutes and come at the front.
from here, come on.
did anyone else knows
about this place
shawn there is another room
down on the hallway
- What is this?
- What 't you think?
life behind the wall.
- No?
- Yes
- no you are lying
- no they lie to us
We have been in quarantine.
and we have left in
the desert to rats
now you wrong!
who can you trust, Shawn ?
I am your brother
is Sentanza did not trust you?
They betrayed me.
we'll leave the quarantine.
you are with me or against me
so you meant back down
they are all with me
you will die jude
well I am already dead
the apex
it is not your time
we gonna look at the Dr again
- what about the Dr?
- we got what we wanted
- you are coming with us
- vespers
come on
show me what you can
this why I wanna to come back here
its a blueprint
Is the power generator
its happening already
shutting up the power dam
they will target the
main official first
what left from them will rest or run
We have to get as far awa
from here as possible
- I have to tell Shawn about this
- I do not want you to see him Elsa
I never liked that boy
there was something wrong about him
he was hiding something
- you made the VX2?
- That was an accident
Create a biological weapon was not an accident.
What you want me to say?
about stuck here we are gonna die
- Where did you go?
- I thought to bring that thing
the amazing this week is
the go to wasteland
you know people will
take money for this
I'm thinking of starting my business.
In some place up north.
what do you think?
- you got your reward
- yes, I will fix my car too
What are you doing now?
I do not know.
I can blow away all my
new savings quickly
what about you?
how you gonna spend the
last of your days
What do you mean?
Jude will not get far.
he will gonna burn this place
down before he reach the outside
you think he want that they
trace to this virus?
i want to go with you
we both know I will be in the way
Shawn wait
- how is the Dr?
- is doing good
everything will be fine.
we need to help shawn
find out how to turn the power on
I do not blame you grandfather
what you think you are doing
go and get my papers
These are all my notes of VX2,
creation, intention, everything.
what suppose to do with that
even you could not figure this out
You are right
I could not figure it out
- should turn off the third generator?
- not yet
I do not want to draw attention.
Propaganda, lies, it all ends now.
we breach the wall
we force them to find the cure
Finally we are free
You should not have come.
I let you go.
You do not know what you do.
Do not know what I'm doing?
You will get yourself killed
whenever else with you
It's a risk I'm willing to take.
let it go Jude!
- Some of us want to live
- then get out of my way!
Who are you?
A friend.
Nothing has changed.
we are getting slowly smaller
nothing has changed.
Jude Black we are from NDC
we are armed forces
we ask you to get out
lets get out from here
come on lets go
you really took it this time
to find someone to fixed
up your bleed out
I'll take care of it
something to do paste for me
make sure they are coming and say
According Shawn?
Jude Black surrender now!
you will be fine.
what we will do now?
Live Shawn.