Whiteout (2009)

Anderson, P- 170. I have Stetko returning.
We'll be approaching in about five.
Am I clear?
It's all you. Come on in,
the party's already started.
Isn't it a little early for that?
First big winter storm
coming in later in the week.
We're swapping personnel
a couple days early.
Roger that. See you in a few.
Attention, flight teams:
Will the following pilots
please report to station chief ASAP...
Stetko, where have you been?
This is a 72-hour warning, people.
That's three days until the last flight for
those of you mathematically challenged.
I'm supposed to let you know that we have
one of those season-and-safety meetings...
...with Dr. Cochran
before tonight's station-closing party.
Everyone must attend. 1900 in the galley.
Hold on a second,
I was just handed a piece of paper.
Sam says that bag drag
will start at 0700 on Friday.
So all your gear must be in the hallway
by 0300.
Make sure all your personal belongings...
For those in the winter crew
who are staying on base...
...there will be a mandatory...
I'm in the shower, Doc.
I'll be right out.
You've been holding out on me, woman.
You wanna hear about my trip?
I flew three hours to talk to a Ph.D.
reporting the theft of a botany sample.
A botany sample?
Cannabis sativa.
Ah. Of course, cannabis. Weed.
Always a dull moment.
By the way, big storm's coming in,
departure's been bumped up.
Bathing suit and sunscreen
are packed and ready to go.
Well, all you need.
- Stetko? You there?
- Hold on, hold on.
- Go.
- The station manager wants to see you.
Copy. See you at dinner.
No, you won't. This is dinner.
Better than that mess-hall crap.
- See you on the plane.
- What? You're kidding.
- No, you heard me.
- Doc?
We'll talk about it later, okay?
Popsicle was spotted out here
at Haworth Mesa.
Pilot I borrowed from McMurdo
called it in.
Really? What was somebody
doing out there? That's no man's land.
It's probably a weather balloon or
an old tent. It's the guy's first year here.
I know you just got back,
but he reports it, you gotta follow it up.
Okay. Don't worry, I'll go grab Doc.
Hey, Carrie.
Sam, please don't waste my time.
Just tell me how many carats.
Well, don't gush until you see it.
Then you just let it flow.
You made as much on backgammon
as you did from the Marshal Services.
You should go pro.
Maybe that's what I'll do
when I get back to the States.
You're still handing in your badge, huh?
Yeah. They even have
professional backgammon players?
The same rules apply
to all winter-over students.
You'll have 90 days
to turn in your analysis.
I want proxies for the earth's
temperature changes from 1600...
...to present day.
Let's see how long
before they're surfing in Kansas.
Attention, South Pole:
This is a flight notification for Papa 282.
That aircraft has been delayed
and is now due at 1530.
- Doc?
- All teams, adjust your schedules.
- Good day, marshal.
- Haden, have you seen Doc?
Yeah, he's outside with the newbies.
Hey, marshal,
don't you owe me a strip search?
You were the second guy out the door,
Yeah, not interested.
In less than three days,
we begin the winter-over.
The sky turns black
and it stays that way for half a year.
Now, nature did not intend
for you to survive out here.
But here you are...
...and here I am
to teach you how not to die.
Come on.
Nothing to it.
Core body temperatures have fallen
to approximately 97 degrees.
Thinking is impaired.
Motor skills failing.
You are, in short, gentlemen,
well on your way to dying...
...and it's only been three minutes.
the whiteout.
An unholy set of weather conditions
...and the world falls away.
Winds over 100 miles an hour
skip off the ice out here...
...and kick up snow so thick you can't
see six inches in front of your face.
You can lose yourself completely
out there.
And be gone.
All right.
Never underestimate the ice.
Put your coats on now.
Now, class, give a nice,
warm South Pole hello to Marshal Stetko.
Hello, Marshal Stetko.
Hi, guys.
- What's up?
- I need you to take a ride with me.
A pilot named Delfy thinks
he may have found a body on the ice.
This engine is ice cold.
You can't put the goddamn blower on for
five minutes and expect to start the plane.
What changed your mind?
I thought you were wintering over again.
I got a card from my granddaughter
inviting me to her 5th birthday party.
You have a granddaughter?
I have a granddaughter, Carrie,
and I've never met her.
I've been down here way too long.
- You Delfy?
- Last I remember.
I'm Stetko. This is John Fury.
- Are you old enough to fly this thing?
- Certainly hope so.
Just try not to have a heart attack
on my plane, junior.
Well, I think I'm gonna like him.
ASB, ASB, come in.
This is November 178.
I'm five minutes out from Haworth Mesa.
How's the weather? Over.
Weather is clear.
Roger, ASB.
I'll inform you on turnaround.
You asleep?
I could fly down here the rest of my life
and never get used to how beautiful it is.
How did he get here?
Maybe he was climbing,
fell from up there.
Then where's his gear?
It doesn't make any sense.
How could he be all the way out here
without any gear?
He's a sticker. Give me a hand.
Are you all right?
Let's see who he is.
Weiss. Yeah, I knew him.
Yeah, we wintered with him last year,
played cards a couple times.
- He's the one that cheated.
- The geologist.
Damn. Damn, damn.
What were you doing
all the way out here?
- Watch this.
- Yes.
Got it.
- Million-year-old ice, right?
- Yes.
- Ten-year-old whiskey. Yeah?
- Ten-year-old whiskey.
This is cool.
Out of the way.
Move it!
Out of the way.
It bothers me that nobody's
reported him missing yet.
Maybe no one thinks he is.
What's this?
Well, let's find out.
It's a fresh wound.
- Somebody treated him in the field.
- Yeah.
And they were in a hurry.
What's happened up here?
Oh, my God.
What could have caused that?
Rough edges around the wound.
Ice ax, something like that.
So we got a geologist
out at Haworth Mesa.
He injures his leg, has it stitched...
...then manages to climb
a 100-foot ice wall...
...falls onto his own ax, which isn't
found anywhere near the body?
Doc, this wasn't an accident.
This means a federal investigation.
We're witnesses.
I know you wanna get out of here, Carrie,
and the last plane leaves in two days.
We could be stuck here for the winter.
Can you handle that?
I mean, God, I don't know.
Say the word, I'll bag the body,
put it on the plane for McMurdo.
Let them sort it out. No big deal.
I won't take no for an answer, Jack.
I have plans Saturday.
Microwave popcorn and a six-pack
is not plans. We're clear.
How we doing? Good.
Why don't you get some sleep?
You earned it.
That was all you today.
So it was a popsicle.
But please, next time you find a dead body,
don't parade him down the corridor.
Sam, he was murdered.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
His name was Weiss.
He was one of ours. We gotta call it in.
See how the FBI wants to handle it.
- What camp's he with?
- I don't know. I gotta talk to McGuire.
131, confirming to
instruct Departure 133.0, Squad 4233.
Anton Weiss.
Michael Rubin. John Mooney.
- What do they do at that camp?
- One One is an ablation zone.
- English?
- It's a good place to find meteorites.
It's right there.
Well, Weiss was nowhere near that camp
when we found him.
Wait a minute. Weiss?
A few days ago, someone
from Delta-One One called, looking for him.
I asked around, but nobody had seen him.
Didn't you think it was odd that they called
here looking for one of their own guys?
Not at the time.
Was that the last communication you had
with that camp?
Let me see.
What's their frequency?
Delta-One One, South Pole, this is
United States Marshal Carrie Stetko, over.
Delta-One One, South Pole,
this is United States Marshal Stetko.
How copy? Over.
Let me see the log.
Carrie Stetko, please call Comm at 282.
- Stetko.
- Marshal, it's Jamie.
I've got some guy holding from Vostok.
He won't give his name.
He says he has to talk to you.
Vostok? All right, patch him through.
You're on now.
This is Marshal Stetko. Who is this?
This is John Mooney, marshal.
What happened out there, Mooney?
You know who I am?
- Come in and let's talk.
- No.
I can't come in.
You have to come to Vostok.
Only you.
- Why would I want to go to Vostok?
- Just come to Vostok. Please.
Look, I got a better idea.
I'll send a plane. You come here.
Just come to Vostok
and you'll understand everything.
we have a real situation developing.
This storm is coming in fast,
Fly eight runs?
Sorry, guys. We need to put up
as many planes as possible.
What is this, Top Gun?
How am I supposed to make eight runs
on three hours' sleep?
by the skin of your teeth.
- Rhonda, I need a plane to Vostok.
- Good luck. All my planes are committed.
Pullouts are completely screwed
because of this front.
I need Delfy.
Rhonda, I'm not asking.
Listen up, all personnel.
The expected storm is now calculated
to arrive 10 hours earlier.
New evac timetable
has therefore been accelerated.
All personnel will be on the tarmac...
- ...10 hours before previous embarkation.
- Why don't you get sleep?
You earned it.
That was all you today.
This is a station-wide announcement:
All department heads
must attend a meeting at 1900 hours...
...to discuss the updated evac schedule.
This meeting is mandatory.
Whoa, what's going on?
So I'm in McGuire's office.
One of Weiss's missing team members calls.
- Which one?
- Mooney.
Yeah, I heard of him.
Anyway, he's at Vostok,
the old Russian base.
I thought they already evac'd
for the winter.
Far as I know, they did.
He wouldn't talk over the phone.
Who's on your wing?
Delfy. I'll be fine.
You will be fine or you are fine?
Now, that's the same look you had
when you first came into my office.
That's not true. I had a great tan then.
Carrie, it's Delfy. You there?
- Go.
- All fueled up and clear skies...
...with a balmy minus-50.
Ready when you are.
That will be now.
You know how I feel?
I've been down here for two years,
dealing with misdemeanors.
Mindless, simple.
No thinking, no problem.
That was the plan, and it worked.
- I thought I was past it.
- Miami.
Yeah. Ever since I saw Weiss's body...
...it's been like 85 degrees
and 80 percent humidity.
Yeah, well, time is irrelevant.
That's why they invented Scotch.
- There are now only 56 hours...
- Have a good trip.
- ...left for all personnel on the winter fly out.
- Thanks.
Be sure that you begin
your preparations on time.
- We really ought to get back to base.
- There's one more building to check.
It's really dropping out there.
You sure you want to do this?
Sure you want to be there
when I open this door?
Mooney? It's Carrie Stetko.
Why don't you get some sleep?
You earned it.
- Jack!
- Hey, Carrie. Carrie, it's me.
You're okay. Carrie, it's me.
It's okay.
Hey, hey, Carrie. Hey, Carrie.
It's me, it's Delfy.
You're okay.
You all right? You with me?
You're okay.
I found you in the ready room
half-conscious. I carried you here.
You've been out ever since.
Mooney's dead.
There was a man.
He... He killed Mooney.
And he tried to kill me too.
He must still be here somewhere.
How's your chin?
It's better than your hand.
How bad?
Bad enough you don't wanna see.
I gotta get back out there.
Hey. Let me see your hands.
- Hit the lights.
- Right.
- Who are you?
- Relax. I've got ID.
Where are the lights?
Get that light out of my face now.
Robert Pryce?
I'm with the U.N.
Special Investigations Division.
Got it.
I went to Pole
to talk to you about Weiss.
- How do you know about Weiss?
- FBI notified us.
Your base commander, Murphy,
called it in.
I was dropped here
after the weather cleared.
Been here for a few hours,
thought I'd let you two sleep.
You mind lowering that gun?
Mind telling me why the U.N.'s
interested in the murder of a geologist?
This isn't just a murder.
This is the first murder in Antarctica...
...and now our second. I don't
have to tell you how sensitive this is.
We don't want this to become
an international issue.
- Right.
- U.N. wants our eyes on the ground...
...someone to track it,
control the information.
- And that's you?
- That's me.
It's late. We better get to Delta-One One
while the weather holds.
Wait. I don't need your help.
I can see we're getting off
to a really good start here.
You don't want to share your toys.
I can do that.
Like I can say, I'm within my rights
to commandeer your plane...
...and your pilot if I have to.
He can.
It's your choice.
You got to Pole awfully fast.
I was in McMurdo when the call came in.
You didn't get a look at the guy
who came after you?
Yeah, 6 feet, 175,
ECW gear head-to-toe.
Sound like anyone you know?
I got there after the whiteout.
So you say.
Oh, jeez.
Haven't acclimated yet.
Well, if you were in McMurdo,
you weren't there long.
We're on approach. Buckle up.
ASB, this is November 178.
I'm landing at camp Delta-One One with
Marshal Stetko and Agent Robert Pryce.
Can you give me an update?
November 178, there's been no
significant change in the approaching system.
I'll keep you updated
if anything develops.
Roger, ASB.
We'll inform you on turnaround.
- Be careful around him.
- Right.
Here's a map of their work site.
They searched it in a grid pattern.
Looks like they stopped on grid 104.
I've only been out here
a couple of months...
...but when did det cord and blasting caps
become standard issue for geology camps?
There's gotta be 40 pounds of plastic.
What the hell were they doing?
They were supposed to be searching
for meteorites on the surface.
We better head out there.
You seem to know
your high explosives, Delfy.
I learned to recognize them pretty quick.
Baghdad. Support runs. You?
Somewhere in the same region, yeah.
Well, my friend, it looks like
we just traded one desert for another.
But one hell of a lot colder.
So how we doing?
- We're almost there.
- Good.
How does ex-military wind up down here
working for the U.N.?
It was an open post.
So really, how does a U.S. Marshal like you
end up in Antarctica?
Open post.
We're here.
There's nothing here.
Let's head back.
You sure this is right?
Section 104. These are the coordinates.
Maybe you wrote it down wrong.
This ice has been worked.
They were digging here.
Looks like they spread the ice out
to cover whatever they found.
- Stetko!
- Marshal!
- Marshal.
- Uhn.
You okay?
Just sit tight.
I saw a rope in the Cat.
If you're hurt, try not to move.
Watch the rope.
Okay, I'm coming down.
Guess they found
what they were looking for.
What the hell happened here?
You see all that blood behind us?
Yes, I did.
It's a cargo plane.
Is it American?
No, I don't think so.
But whatever it is, it's an antique.
How long do you think
this has been here?
Russian vodka.
Could be an Antonov An-12.
These things haven't flown for 50 years.
Oh, my God.
- What? What is it?
- It's a body.
Looks like he's been shot in the head.
Here's another.
We got another one over here.
- Why is one of the pilots back here?
- Who knows?
We really should be heading back.
Well, that would explain
how they crashed.
They were in the air.
Pilot stayed at the stick while the copilot
went back to take out the passengers.
He must have surprised the
first guard, but missed the others.
And the other guards returned fire
on the copilot. Bang, bang.
The guards and the copilot take each
other out, and the pilot caught a stray.
Ice swallows them whole. Jesus.
But over what?
Where's Pryce?
What have you found?
Nothing. We're too late.
Be careful.
Oh, God. Looks like fresh blood.
It's gotta be Weiss's.
Weiss had an injury to his leg.
He must have cut it
getting into this box.
Whatever was in there
was what they were after.
That's his blood in the shaft.
He left a trail as they dragged him out.
You're not surprised by any of this.
You knew this was here.
Talk to me, Pryce.
Two days ago...
...someone down here contacted
an arms dealer on the watch list.
He was arranging the sale of six canisters
recovered from an old Soviet transport.
- Containing what?
- We're not sure.
During the '50s,
the Soviets mined down here...
...for material to use
in their nuclear program.
If that's what the geologists found
in this box...
...and it makes its way
onto the open market...
- Why didn't you tell me any of this before?
- I wasn't sure...
...if your murders and my canisters
were connected.
Oh, they're connected.
You hear that?
We're gonna run out of air
long before anyone finds us.
Yeah, that's if
we don't freeze to death first.
Well, it looks like we're gonna
have to dig ourselves out of here.
With what?
That ice has got to be 20 feet deep.
Just trying to keep it upbeat.
Nobody knows we're down here.
Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Don't make them like that anymore.
Let's hope Captain America over there
has got a plan.
The backup oxygen's empty,
must have been damaged in the crash.
Oh, great.
- Hey.
- Yeah?
You think when that guy boarded this plane,
he had any idea he'd end up like this?
- Oh, my God.
- What?
That's why Weiss wasn't wearing
any ECW gear when we found him.
That's why there was no ax
found near the body.
Wait, wait, wait, you're losing me.
The only way in or out of Vostok
is by plane...
...which means the killer
had to have access to one.
That's why Weiss was so busted up.
You think that's why
he was at Haworth Mesa?
Yeah, I think somebody killed him
and dropped him out of a plane.
This little revelation doesn't happen
to come with an escape plan, does it?
We're fucked.
Listen, Delfy, I've been thinking.
Does this plane have a main-hold bail out?
Yeah, it's usually on the ceiling,
in case of an ocean landing.
Explosive bolts.
We blow the hatch,
we punch a hole through the ice.
At this angle, the surface can't
be more than 10 feet above us.
No, no, no. Whoa,
you're asking a lot of 60-year-old bolts.
If the ice is too thick,
the blast will come right back on us.
We can blow ourselves up, suffocate,
or freeze to death. You take your pick.
Do it.
We need a power source.
Here, there may be enough juice
left in the SAT-phone battery.
Oh, that's smart.
Come on, it's cold.
You guys might want to take some cover.
Fire in the hole.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Now let's stack these crates
and get the hell out of here.
Carrie! Delfy! Come on!
Okay, let's hope
we have enough juice left to start it.
Come on.
Oh, fuck. All right, all right.
Let's just let it sit for a second.
Oh, don't.
It'll lower your core temperature.
All right. Give me some of that.
That's what I thought.
That's what I thought.
I understand a bunch of Cold War Russians
killing each other over that box...
...but how did three Ph. D's
get wrapped up in some shit like this?
It's this place. Try it again.
Come on, baby.
Attention, the transport plane...
...will arrive at 0900 hours for anyone
who is not staying on base for the winter.
Bag drag must be completed two hours
prior to wheels up.
All gear, equipment...
- You need to get your hand checked out.
- I will.
Failure to do so will result...
I'm gonna update my office
and tell them what we found.
You're not listening to me, Bill.
Look, I've already got two bodies
on my hands...
...and God knows what
stolen from a Russian plane.
I know, it's a bad situation.
I wanna evac the base. No winter-overs.
Evac the base?
I'm not sure we can do that.
- I have to call you back.
- You're pulling everybody off the ice?
I can't take the chance
of having my people stranded down here...
...with this guy running around.
- Don't think I can do my job?
That's not what I said.
Any calls on Rubin?
No, but we've got his face out
to all bases.
Fine, thanks.
Attention, all personnel:
The station manager has just informed me
of a change in schedule.
Due to recent incidents,
the base is going into lockdown...
...for the duration of the winter season.
This includes all international
science teams.
Repeat, this is a mandatory...
All are required to depart on the plane.
What the hell?
- No one will be wintering over.
- Carrie.
It's not that you aren't capable
of handling this.
- I'm just trying to keep my people safe.
- Sam, when I examined Weiss...
...his core wasn't frozen solid yet...
...so his body can only have been out
in Haworth Mesa for a day, at most.
- Yeah?
- So I'm searching the flight logs...
...to see which pilots were in the air hours
before he was found. This is what I got.
Doesn't make any sense.
Sam, Weiss's body
was thrown from a plane.
Whoever flew it is trying to cover
their tracks. I gotta talk to the pilots.
Look, they're out evac'ing camps.
We're wheels up in less than 20 hours.
What happened to your hand?
I lost my glove.
Look, I'm gonna go to channel six.
Radio me when the pilots come back.
- Take care of that hand, okay?
- Please report any contact with...
Keeping these people safe
is supposed to be my job.
He's wanted for questioning in connection
with recent incidents...
...and is considered dangerous.
Repeat, please report any sightings
of Michael Rubin to the station manager.
How long since you last slept?
Oh, I don't know.
Oh, my God.
You feel that?
- Report to the station manager's office...
- No.
...for final checkout...
I'm gonna have to amputate
these fingers.
- No. no way.
- They're dead, Carrie.
If I don't do it now,
infection will set in.
You'll lose your hand.
Sorry, kid.
I'm so sorry.
How ironic. Our last days here...
...and both of our jobs
get so complicated.
Guess I'm your warm-up
for when you get home.
You okay?
You're gonna practice
back in Chicago, aren't you?
I'm just gonna go back
and focus on my granddaughter.
Don't see kids down here too often.
You forget what they're like.
And dogs.
Still, there's a few things I'll miss.
Like what? The zero humidity?
The color gray?
Winter '06, radio-darts championship.
We spanked Norway.
Yes, we did.
Two winters together, Doc.
It wasn't all bad.
It wasn't all bad.
Are you okay?
You're doing great, kid.
We're halfway there.
Thirty-two. Knots dropped down...
Knots dropped down...
Sixteen, 16...
Cloud cover is now at 10,000 feet.
Attention, South Pole:
The storm is now approximately
only 500 miles from the station.
Please commence
runway-clearance protocols...
...in anticipation
of the transport planes arriving.
Will flight crews please begin
clearing off the runway?
Shit. Fuck. Aah! Aah.
- way in the next five hours.
Not now.
- Attention, all personnel:
- I stopped by the clinic.
Doc told me.
Pretty tough marshal, huh?
Well, I don't know.
You were pretty tough on me.
I needed to know if I could trust you.
Badge didn't do it, huh?
A badge is just a badge.
What happened to you, Carrie?
Why are you down here, really?
There was this case
my partner and I were working.
Drug trafficker.
After months of work,
we'd finally nailed this guy.
That was all you today.
Why don't you get some sleep?
You earned it.
I was feeling so good.
I woke up, and I got this bad feeling.
Sorry, we woke you.
No, it's too hot to sleep.
But everything seemed fine.
- You wanna take over?
- Sure, just give me a second.
My first thought was for my partner.
Was he hurt?
Emergency traffic,
prisoner escape in progress.
He got away from us.
My partner is down. Repeat...
Suddenly, I was in a nightmare.
You son of a bitch.
How much to let him escape?
- Carrie.
- To let him kill me?
How much?
Hell of a lot.
I know this is bad.
But listen to me.
I killed him.
He gave you no choice.
But what I can't get away from
is that...
...Jack had turned
and I didn't have a clue.
And if I missed that,
then maybe I just don't have it.
From what I've seen,
you haven't missed a beat.
And if you've really given up
on yourself...
...you would've turned your badge in
a long time ago, but you haven't.
So you come down here
in the worst marshal's post on the planet...
...to what?
Punish yourself.
Okay, well, you've done that.
But you're better than this,
and I think you know that.
Let me help you.
Carrie, do you copy?
- Yeah.
- Rubin's just been spotted on the base.
- Where?
- He just left the Science Building.
Updated weather tracking shows...
- ...that this is a Category 4 storm.
- I'm right behind you.
I've been informed there are personnel
securing their workstations.
You have only three hours to complete
all work and winterize the science station.
Repeat, you have three hours. We're gonna
cut it close, people, so please move it.
What happened out there?
I know about the plane.
Rubin, it's okay.
Talk to me.
We were out looking for meteor samples.
We'd found nothing for weeks.
And then, the radar went off the charts.
We hit something big.
We debated what it could be.
We came back to base
to report what we'd found.
That's when we heard the story
about the lost Russian plane.
Instead of filing the report,
we went back out there.
We blasted our way through the ice
and found the plane...
...with that goddamn box.
- Aah!
- Weiss tore up his leg getting into it.
He was losing a lot of blood.
We tried to stop the bleeding.
We were afraid to move him,
so I radioed for help.
The plan was for him to call us when he
got to Pole to let us know he was okay.
Mooney was right.
- He said we couldn't trust him.
- Trust who? Who's after you?
Stop him! Somebody stop him!
Please, let me help you. Rubin.
Rubin, open the door.
Open the door. Rubin.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Help!
Help me! Help me!
Help me!
Carrie. It's okay, you got him.
You got him.
I've already told you.
My name is Russell Haden.
I'm an Australian citizen.
And I demand to speak
with my consulate.
- He say anything more?
- Same chorus.
For a guy who's going down
for a triple homicide...
...I think you'd be interested
in helping us out.
What did you find in that plane?
So, marshal.
Remember the strip search you owe me?
I reckon you'd be good for it now
that you're missing a couple of parts.
Attention, all base personnel:
Good news.
A transport plane has just landed.
Hey, hey, hey! You son of a bitch.
Take your fucking hands off me.
- You got a foul mouth, mate.
- I'm not your fucking mate, all right?
My name's Russell Haden.
I'm an Australian citizen.
Let's see how cute you are
with a few parts missing.
All right, all right, all right!
We know you flew out to 104
to help Weiss.
What did you do with the canisters, huh?
Where did you hide them?
They're in my gear.
I hid them in my goddamn gear.
You crazy bitch.
Let's lock him up
till we get him on the plane.
Come on! Move it, move it!
Let's go, people. Get on!
- All right.
- Attention, everybody...
Yeah, all right!
- Asshole.
- Shut up.
Storm's on our ass. We gotta get moving.
But we can't leave
without those canisters.
- Fifteen minutes. That's all I can do.
- I'll take it.
I'm gonna see if any of his bags
made it to the transport.
I'll see you on the plane.
All exterior doors will
be locked according to winterize procedures.
Once you leave, you will not be able
to reenter the station.
We've got a Category 5 storm bearing
down on us. Move your ass, people.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. Shit.
Oh, God.
It's me.
I went looking for Doc.
I couldn't find him.
We need you in the Comm Center.
Delfy's hurt bad.
- What happened?
- He's been stabbed.
Be right there.
What the hell's going on?
- Haden's out.
- What?
Yeah. Somehow, he escaped.
Carrie, give me some room.
Carrie, where the hell are you?
Where's Doc?
- He's with us. We're still inside.
- You gotta leave. The base is locking down.
We can't. Haden's loose.
He tried to kill Delfy.
Oh, man.
Look, we're not gonna make it
to the plane.
Carrie, listen to me.
If we leave, you're stuck here all winter.
We know.
Good luck. Be careful.
All right. We gotta get him
to the clinic. Help me.
Station-wide evacuation is in effect.
Repeat, station is now
in emergency lockdown.
Haden's taken the keys to his plane.
He's gonna try to beat the storm.
He's gone!
He's going back. He's gonna lock us out.
I'll check Operations.
You check Building D.
Be careful.
What are you doing?
Finding out what's inside.
Don't you wanna know?
Well, not if it's radioactive, no.
Well, don't you think the Soviets
would've put some kind of marking on it...
...if it were?
Yeah, sure.
The mark would be on the cap.
But is it worth the risk?
What the...?
Well, unless Haden
was smuggling radioactive jellybeans...
...then he has a partner.
- Yeah.
- Who?
He must've gotten out on that plane.
Yeah, he must have.
Sour apple.
Sam, it must be on the transport.
I don't know what to tell you.
- We've searched everything.
- You've searched all passengers?
Yeah. We found nothing suspicious.
It must be hidden on the base.
Are you sure everything on the manifest...
...made it onto the plane?
- No, I'm not sure. We were so rushed.
- Do you have the manifest?
- I can get it.
Yeah, fax it to me, Sam. Do it now.
So, what did he say?
They're still going through everything.
He'll call me when they're done.
You must be pretty wiped out, huh?
Yeah, I'm gonna go clean up.
Come on, Sam.
Two-fifty-eight through
It's a fresh wound.
- Somebody must've treated him in the field.
- Yeah.
And they were in a hurry.
Say the word, I'll bag the body,
put it on a plane to McMurdo.
Let them sort it out. No big deal.
They're diamonds.
Purest, the most valuable.
They don't look like much till they're cut.
You don't have a granddaughter.
Do you?
I don't have anything.
Twelve years at Northwestern,
...and what the hell am I doing now?
I'm down here treating...
...frostbite, hangover, whatever.
Those diamonds were under that ice
for 50 years. Who's gonna miss them?
It was my chance to take back
something of what they took from me.
From you?
How about what you took from them?
From me?
We were friends.
How's the hand?
It hurts.
Yeah, it will for some time.
And even though they're gone,
you're gonna feel like they're there.
I gotta turn you in, Doc.
Yeah, I know that.
I never meant for anyone to get hurt.
But Haden was too greedy.
Hell, we all were.
The aurora australis
is pretty special this time of year.
You haven't really watched it, have you?
I'd like to see it one last time.
You owe it to yourself
to see it sometime.
It's a hell of a show.
I feel a spare coming on.
I guarantee you don't split those posts.
This is sad. It's embarrassing.
- Has he broken a hundred yet?
- Watch and learn.
Oh, so sad.
- I intimidate you, don't I?
- Oh, yeah.
- Where are you going?
- I gotta do the rounds.