Who Is Simon Miller? (2011)

bWho Is Simon Miller?/b
bParis, France/b
Move it!
Out of the way!
You're ok, sweetheart?
Call Simon.
Hey there.
Hey! Got a sec?
Running to a meeting.
How's your day?
- Really good!
I made a cold eggplant soup
with an infusion of lavender
and chamomile that was amazing.
We sold out.
Oh, congratulations!
How's your oil well behaving?
Oh, at least,
tougher than I anticipated.
I think we're good.
Hello? Hello?
You're breaking up.
Honey, I can't hear you.
Simon, are you there?
Yeah, just a few more things
to tie up.
Is there a problem?
Just anxious for you
to come home, as always.
- Yeah, thanks for checking in.
I gotta run. I'll see you--
I'll see you regular time.
Sarah isn't alone.
There's a whole group
we're investigating.
I don't believe it.
I understand.
Sarah's a great leader,
an excellent student.
Spanish and french honors
societies, varsity gymnastics.
She's the last one
I expected to be involved.
But Sarah's never
had trouble with math before.
AP calculus is
a tough course.
A lot of our students
are struggling.
Then maybe you
should be looking,
at how effective
the teacher is.
Our priority is to
address these charges.
We'll have a disciplinary board
hearing Thursday night at 7:30.
You and your husband should
be there with Sarah.
That won't be a problem.
Not like anyone's
ever gonna see it.
You can straighten
this out, Sarah.
Just get your parents to go in
and yell at miss Widmer.
That's how Justin McAvoy
stays on the football team.
Maybe I should
go change.
I would.
I didn't do it.
Get your bag.
- Mom, I didn't do it.
But you must see how,
it strikes your
teacher as odd, Sarah.
All 6 of you scoring
than on any test this year.
The sooner you start explaining,
the better off you'll be.
It'd be nice if I could start
with you believing me.
Honey, I wish I knew
there wasn't something
you were hiding from me.
You gotta give me
something, Sarah.
Why can't you
just believe me?
And please let me
find the right time
to share this
with your father.
Ladies and
gentlemen, security...
Welcome home,
mr. Miller.
Ian, how are you,
my friend?
Your train ticket to Boston,
and your presents for your family.
- Thank you, Ian.
By the way, Meredith really
liked that jam from Charleston.
I'll remember that
the next time
you use Charleston
as your cover.
Where did we say
I was this time?
Baton Rouge?
Baton Rouge, right.
I don't know how much longer
I can take all this.
You just need a little
rest, mr. Miller.
I heard your trip to
Paris was, uh, agitated.
That's a good word.
I'll take you right
to the train station.
I'm sorry I couldn't
get home sooner.
Is Baton Rouge
still in one piece?
Left it better
than I found it.
How are things here?
Hmm... Under control.
Aw, thanks, honey.
I thought it
could do well
with your baked ham
with pineapple.
Oh, it's a perfect match!
I'm starving, actually.
Oh! We're having pork
tenderloin la Meredith.
Ooh! Best pork tenderloin
north of the equator.
Ok, you ready?
Ready to lose?
Three, two, one. Jump!
Hey, we're home!
Hey, Einstein.
Any news from the
other side of the universe?
Just a never-ending battle
of good versus evil.
Hi, dad.
Where's your sister?
plotting in her lair.
Sarah, your dad's home.
Hey, if the xbox is on,
your homework better be done.
To perfection.
Oh. Uh, I'm almost there.
Don't fall in the water.
Buddy, I am here
to save you from yourself.
So does it?
Absolutely. I'm gonna
take you there sometime.
Hey, dad.
Hi, sweetie.
Dad, that's water!
I missed you guys.
No, no! Jump! Jump!
Nothing ever
changes around here.
Ok, so what
did I miss?
Ok. Sarah,
what's new with you?
Got the garlic, Kevin? I'm
ready to surprise the pork.
Surprise everyone
and order a pizza.
We're committed.
Would be nice to sit down
to a real meal together.
- Almost there.
Thank you.
Sarah, how's that
new vault coming?
I know you can do it, sweetie.
I've seen you do it.
Dad, I'm really trying.
Believe me.
Gotta keep at it. Two steps
forward, one step back.
Then try harder. Four steps
forward, two steps back...
Gets you there
even faster.
That's right.
Ok, mushrooms.
- All right.
Come on, come on.
Kevin, how's that
gaming club?
I'm sorry, are we done
talking about Sarah already?
Every day, a little
more, this one.
The guys in the club
were boring, so I dropped out.
I tried to stay long enough
to develop an app
to make my sister
tolerable, but I gave up.
Next time, you should try
tweaking your own personality.
Aw! Simon.
I know. Committed.
In 2 seconds, all right?
What's it gonna be this time?
Petroleum problem in Petaluma?
Methane menace in Miami?
Oil all over Omaha.
Your father is
the best geologist,
north of
the equator.
It's a compliment
that he is the man
people call in an emergency.
Ugh! Now I've got oil
all over the stove.
Somebody hand me a...
Ugh! Never mind.
West Virginia.
Natural gas pipeline.
Ok! Well, we'll just make
your pork panini-portable,
and you'll be all set.
don't worry about me.
You're not gonna eat healthy.
- I'll manage.
No, you won't.
I know you.
Ok, this is gonna go well
with your panini.
It's natural.
Nothing artificial.
I just wanna make sure
I take care of you.
Even though
you're far away.
You always take care of me.
I wish you weren't
afraid to fly.
You'd get home sooner.
There's a meeting, um,
at school this Thursday night.
You should be there.
Ok. What's the meeting?
I'll just fill you in
when you get back,
but it's mandatory.
Miss Widmer really wants
both of us there, so...
Well, anything
for miss Widmer.
Have fun in
West Virginia.
Do you have the material?
I do, but the price
has gone up.
That's not...
Jasmine, what are
you doing here?
Helping out a friend.
This isn't your case.
It is now.
Why are you...
So, any update on Simon?
No, he's definitely
off the grid.
No news from our people
on the ground in Geneva.
Does he have other
handlers he works there?
I can reach out,
see if they know anything.
- Do it now.
We're racing the clock.
Dad's not with you?
No, I was hoping I'd missed
him and he came
straight out to the car.
Tried his phone.
Let me try it again.
Maybe he missed his train.
And dropped his laptop
and broke his phone.
- Aw!
You told dad, didn't you,
about what happened in school?
No, I didn't tell him.
We have to choose the perfect
moment to tell dad bad news
so we don't ruin the 15 minutes
he's home, remember?
Let it go to voicemail.
Meredith's smart.
We need to tell her something.
You gonna tell a chef
with no security clearance
that her husband has vanished
on a top-secret mission?
Of course not, but...
You know the drill.
As soon as you get the cover
story ok'd, call her,
and make sure she
doesn't get suspicious.
All right.
Listen, we have 2 hours
until the disciplinary
hearing, ok?
I can do everything
everybody needs done,
as long as I get
a little cooperation, ok?
Why are you looking
at me like I'm crazy?
Let's do this.
No one's hungry, mom.
We need to eat.
You need to cook.
There's a difference.
It helps me think,
all right?
It's all about
balance and harmony,
neither of which
we have right now.
That's a recent development?
Watch your step,
young lady.
You're already
on thin ice.
You are so unfair, mom!
It's not what you think.
Really? What...
what do I think?
Hello! Mrs. Miller,
it's Pamela.
Finally! Pamela,
what is going on?
Where's Simon?
He's just been delayed.
Yeah, obviously.
What's going on?
Some complications
at the exploitation site.
We're not sure when the
situation will be stable enough
for him to come home.
Why hasn't he called me?
He's out in the field.
There isn't much development
because of the pipelines,
so cell phone service
is actually really bad.
But he got through to you.
And asked me to call you.
Ok, so, where...where...
When is he coming back?
We're not sure yet. Things are
a little crazy over there.
You mean "down there".
Down there, yes.
West Virginia is south of us,
but it's west of us too.
What did he say
about the meeting?
What meeting?
The mandatory one
at Sarah's school.
He didn't mention anything.
We got cut off.
Ok, listen,
thank you for calling.
Let me know when
you hear from him again, ok?
Will do.
Something's wrong.
Pamela's nervous.
She's never nervous.
Now she's making me nervous.
My mind-reading skills aren't
what they could be,
so I have to ask
what's going on.
I'm looking for a contact
list, an itinerary,
anything we can...
Oh! Come on.
There has to be
a lock somewhere.
Kevin, stop messing
with your dad's things.
Just never seen a remote
with these buttons before.
That's our song.
That was the first dance
at our wedding reception.
This was your song?
Yes, we were
original ones.
Kevin, what did you do?
There are
no alpha keys on this.
So it must be numeric.
What are you talking about?
What's your
wedding date? October...
...12th, 1990.
Kevin, you did it.
What's dad hiding
with a lock like that?
Where did dad
get a lock like that?
What are those to?
You two stay here.
Here? In the office?
I'll have my cell.
Where are you going?
I'll be back
as soon as I can.
Mom! What about
my hearing?
Aw! Ok, um...
I'll get you
there, all right?
We still have
an hour and a half.
We'll talk everything through
in the car on the way there.
I promise. - You...
Do your homework.
You get your jacket.
Mom just said
to stay put.
Yeah, I think she could
use a little support.
Already in motion.
This has got to be
a mistake.
What did I tell you?
To clean my room.
Am I on the wrong
I cannot believe
the two of you.
You shouldn't
be here alone.
And if something is going on
with dad, we need to know.
Listen, I'm telling you,
this is a waste
of everybody's time.
Take this.
I mean, there's no way
this key is gonna...
We're committed.
Mom, what is this?
I wish I knew.
All right...
If his desk at home
is your anniversary,
maybe Sarah's birthday.
No, my birthday.
Sarah's birthday
plus my birthday.
Try the square root
of weirdness
divided by
"you're a dork."
Hey! Divided by...
France, Belgium.
- So he does fly.
Sarah, please. Your father will
explain all of this to us, I'm sure.
Would that be
my father, Simon Miller,
or my father,
Thomas Shaughnessy.
Or Brian Powers?
Fernando Calderon.
Who knew
we were Spanish?
Your father seems
to have a life
that we didn't know about.
Wow! Encrypted
government files.
This doesn't make sense.
Sure it does.
Dad works with government
agencies all the time.
No, no, no. This is
Tom Clancy kind of stuff.
Mega-high clearance.
- How do you know that?
In gaming club, some of
the guys were into hacking.
You hacked dad?
No, I figured out
the password.
Add the digits of your birthday
to the digits of mine
and divided by the sum of
the digits of mom's birthday.
Encryption 101.
Wait, you saying that your dad
has files he shouldn't have?
Meredith? Listen, sweetie.
I love you very much.
You and the kids have to stay
together. Don't talk to anyone.
Don't trust anyone,
not even the authorities.
I have to go.
I love you.
Was that dad?
Where is he?
I don't know.
Is he ok?
I don't know!
This a phone?
And there's a camera
in my navel.
Way to live up
to the legend.
I want my family
to know I'm ok.
I understand.
But you're not, are you?
Ah! Ok, um,
your father said:
"trust no one,
talk to no one,
stay together."
What does that even mean?
- I don't know.
Doesn't sound good,
whatever it is.
I'll get an explanation
from your father, I promise.
Whoa! Check this out.
A credit card with
no spending limit,
and the last charge
is from yesterday.
"where?" you should ask.
Switzerland. A store that
does custom t-shirts.
Dad's order was sent to
an address in Geneva.
Ten hours ago.
Miss Widmer, I apologize,
but it's a family emergency
and I have to leave immediately.
No, I will not let
Sarah attend alone.
Listen, I'll call you
when I get back, ok?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
What? No, absolutely not!
You are staying here
to look after your brother.
Dad said to stay together
and you said to trust him,
so we have to do what he says.
Honey, this could be
a very dangerous trip.
Yeah, which is why
you can't go alone.
I'm not buying you a ticket.
- I'm 18. I can buy one myself.
With the surplus
college money I have.
Who knows if I'm even going
to college now, anyway?
I'm at least
taking a gap year.
Come on, don't do this to me
right now, ok? Please.
Fine. We can talk
about this later,
after we go to Geneva.
I have got my passport
and my clean underwear.
Let's go.
No! You guys!
Listen to me.
I know what your father said
about staying together,
but taking the two of you is
completely irresponsible.
Ok? I will take
care of this.
You don't have to do
everything yourself, mom.
In fact, you can't.
Have you read
any Tom Clancy?
Dad's broken his cover
by warning us,
which means he's in danger,
which puts
us in danger.
That's why we need
to stay together.
To any enemy of dad's,
we're valuable as leverage.
If I were them,
I'd so be stalking us right now.
I can't believe
I'm saying this.
Let's go to Geneva.
bGeneva, Switzerland/b
This is the address
from the t-shirt order.
Simon, hello!
Let me try something.
You gonna whisper our
birthdays into the keyhole?
I'm gonna huff a puff
and blow this house down.
What are you doing?
- Chill, mom.
Do I even want to know
where you learned that trick?
It's like a puzzle,
making the tumblers fit together
like they're supposed to.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Let me, please.
You were right.
Here's dad's stuff.
Here's the shirt dad bought
with his credit card.
It's french.
"it is time."
An ad for swiss watches
or an existential statement.
Well, he placed
a custom order,
so it has to mean
something specific.
What are you
looking for?
Hidden messages in the seams.
It's a civil war spy trick.
Hey, Einstein, you're
a couple centuries behind.
Ok! Nobody moves!
Oh please, not now.
What time does
the clock say?
When you're done "geeking" out,
care to come back to reality?
What time does it say?
Which is?
Which is?
Come on, help me out, people!
Which is 1:30.
All right...
You see this map?
- Uh-huh.
The map and the
shirt go together.
aviation or european time.
A meet, dead drop,
brush pass.
Dad was supposed to meet
at this point on the map.
The shirt identifies him
like a wearable password.
Just admit it:
For once, I am a genius.
Yeah, you are
a genius!
Ok, it's 13:35 now, which
means dad must've been delayed,
couldn't get back here
to get the shirt...
And had to go
straight to the meet.
Going there is our best
chance to find him.
Hey, we are doing
pretty good, the 3 of us!
Let's go!
Come on!
All right.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Sorry, sorry.
Sarah, Sarah!
No, trust her, mom.
What's she saying?
I don't have a clue.
What's he
saying to her?
Uh, you are clearly a young
lady of great intelligence
who was raised by a wise
and loving mother.
Then again, I take latin,
so I'm guessing.
Merci beaucoup.
Ok, I deserve extra credit
in ap french for this.
There was a band that was
scheduled to play at 1:30,
but apparently
they're running late.
Sarah, that's amazing!
A band?
Rock and roll spies?
That would be so awesome.
Or not.
Here, let me put
the shirt on.
I don't think so.
Mom, this is how
these things are done.
Yeah, and it's also
how people get hurt.
I'm not gonna allow you
to make yourself a target.
I'll put it on.
Mom, that's
not any safer!
You may have a point,
but it's part
of being a mom.
Put that down,
Kevin, this is not a bullfight.
Kevin, give me
the shirt now!
What are you thinking?
Where did you buy
this t-shirt?
I don't do eastern bloc.
I am Luka.
I like your shirt.
Where did you purchase?
Oh, this is
my husband's.
I know your husband.
He is a good man.
He's coming to the fair, hmm?
Oh! I...
well, we hope so.
Had you planned
to meet up with him?
You know what? I guess we got
our wires crossed.
I'm sorry.
It was nice to have met you.
Come, guys.
Stay! Enjoy
the atmosphere!
We will wait
for him together.
It's ok, really.
We have to go.
Hey, let go!
He's trying to steal
my mother's purse!
Simon says get in!
Ok, ok!
Get in, get in, get in!
Go, go, go!
Hello, Millers!
So, you hungry? Thirsty?
You must be.
You were exposed to
a little action down there,
you must be
a little hungry.
I just wanna find my husband.
I know, but Simon
would never forgive me
if I didn't care
for his family.
So what's it gonna be?
You know dad?
I know dad.
Your dad is like
an inspiration to me.
He's efficient
and he's reliable.
He's a good guy.
So, what's it gonna be?
Chocolate? Cheese?
I'll be back.
Amanda, do you and
Jeffrey work for my husband?
Actually, he works for me.
Is this about
corporate secrets?
I'm going to have to
explain some things.
I knew it!
You're C.I.A.
No, sweetie.
We're not.
Simon, Jeffrey
and I are operatives
in the Clandestine
Activities Division,
C.A.D answers to
the executive branch only.
You're making that up.
I've never even heard of you.
Well, then we're doing
our job properly.
So Simon is a...
- Covert intelligence operative.
A spy, mom.
Um, ok, what...
what about the geology?
It's a passion of Simon's,
which makes it a very
effective cover for him.
What lie do you
tell your family?
I don't have one.
Few of us do.
That's what makes
your father so exceptional:
His family.
- So where is he?
We're trying
to determine that.
He missed his last check-in.
What was the mission?
We are helping
the dr. Roman Malinkov,
a Chechen scientist,
and his daughter,
escape to the United States.
Corrupt individuals
in Chechnya threatened
to hold his daughter hostage
and force him to do
his research for them.
Malinkov reached out and
we agreed to extract him.
There you go.
Dad's working for
the good guys. I knew it.
The girl is
his daughter, Anya,
reportedly a science prodigy,
determined to follow in
her father's footstep.
His wife died 3 years ago.
So Simon is bringing
them to safety.
- What went wrong?
- We don't know. He was supposed
to go to the street fair
and meet the Malinkovs
and the last handler.
But Simon wasn't there.
- Mm-mmm.
The Malinkovs weren't there.
- No.
Nobody has heard from
either Simon or the Malinkovs,
in over 12 hours.
Well, if someone
were holding Simon,
they would've forced him
to go to the square
to pick up the Malinkovs.
Simon, don't make me
end this the wrong way.
This is bogus.
We can't sit
here and wait.
We've gotta get out
there and find dad.
I'm in.
I agree with you.
Wow. First my
father's kidnapped,
now my sister's
replaced by a pod.
Go ahead and joke,
but you're the only one
I have faith in now, Kevin.
Dad is a professional liar.
Mom is just being mom.
And that leaves you.
So be straight with me
and I've got your back.
I know you didn't
cheat on your math exam.
Um, I wanted to give you
this credit card.
in case of an emergency.
Oh, um, Jeffrey was able to
get our things and your dad's.
Look what I found.
That's nag's head.
Awesome. He travels
with a picture of us.
We're a prop,
part of his cover.
Sarah, please.
You can't say
you don't feel betrayed.
Aren't you wondering how many
times he's lied to you
in all the years
that you've known him?
You're not angry?
'cause I am.
No, Sarah,
I'm not angry.
I'm furious.
I'm devastated.
I'm barely
holding it together.
But I've been in love
with your dad for...
A very long time and...
...I just need to hear
the truth from him.
He still deserves
a chance to explain.
Don't we all?
Sorry, honey.
- That's ok.
What's this?
What if dad's gone
to the other side?
I mean, that would explain
why he's disappeared, right?
I mean...
Sweetheart, listen.
I know how difficult
all this has been...
for both of you,
but your dad...
No, he would never do
something like that, ok?
So then, let's go.
I mean, we're not going
to accomplish anything,
just sitting around here.
Such a spy. Why would I drag
you here just to poison you?
What do you want? Why did
you interrupt my mission?
My orders were
to intercept and contain
because you went rogue.
And you believe that?
Not completely.
Then I find you off the grid
and the target missing.
What am I supposed to think?
Malinkov took his daughter
and went underground
because someone betrayed them,
put their lives in danger.
Why didn't you report that?
Jasmine, there's
a traitor in C.A.D.!
I don't know who,
I don't know where,
but I had to
get off the grid.
That's the only way I can
figure out what's going on.
How do I know
you're not the snitch?
Come on! I have a family.
I have kids. You know me!
Do I?
You've been doing
this job for years.
Anything is possible.
But I'm inclined to
give you just enough rope
to prove yourself.
How much rope is that?
I have to get to my contact's
designated fallback.
Amanda, what are you doing
to find my husband?
I've wanted to meet you.
Though I do regret
these circumstances.
I've wondered about you.
Most of us
don't have families.
It's too hard, always
putting the job first,
lying to people
that you care about.
And so I wondered about the
woman who made Simon feel
that the struggle
was worth it.
Worth the lying
but not worth the truth?
Not really sure
that's a compliment.
We're not allowed
to tell the truth.
It's a given
in our world.
I'm sorry you had
to find out this way
Or at all.
- I can't decide whether
I'm glad I know or not.
Would there be
any reason for Simon
to take the Malinkovs
back to Chechnya?
No. We don't even want
to contact the Chechens,
much less take
the Malinkovs back.
I'm just trying to understand
how the game is played.
And how well my
husband plays it.
This was
in dad's suitcase,
but I can't make sense of
anything on it.
You sure it's dad's?
Oh yeah. The password is
"blue beauty".
The house we rented
in nag's head.
Figure he's carrying
that picture around
for a reason, don't you?
He loves us, Sarah.
We're not a prop.
We're his family.
And he can't always
take the time to tell us,
but we matter to him.
I hope you're right.
I hope we get the chance
to make sure.
So, anyway, these are
just basically cryptograms,
but I haven't found
a cipher that works.
Well, you know what
dad would say: "try harder.
"four steps forward,
Sarah, you just might have
inadvertently stepped into
the realm of
total brilliance.
Four steps forward,
which is a net of 2 steps,
so place every letter
with 2 letters ahead and...
And nothing.
Ok. We can do this.
All right, 4 up, 2 back.
That's it.
Use every 4th letter, then go
Yeah, it's still gibberish.
Wait, no, it's not.
It's french.
He's in Paris.
Ha! Well?
Sarah, you are a genius.
I've got an address.
Let's go tell mom.
Mom! Mom!
We cracked the code.
If the transfer does
not happen in Geneva,
meet our friend in Paris.
We found dad!
bParis, France/b
You sure this is the place?
It's the address from
the message. Apartment 4.
All right...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
He may have company,
and they may not be friendly.
Everybody ready?
Come here, please.
Thank you.
Get over here.
Ok, ok.
Oh! Ma porte!
What are you doing?
We're so sorry,
we made a mistake.
Uh, there's been
a mistake.
Excusez-moi, madam.
Bunch of vandals!
What happened
back there, hmm?
He made a mistake.
I know, but we just can't
afford any mistakes right now.
We don't want half the Paris
police force chasing us.
Ok, buddy, you're gonna
have to fix this, ok?
counting on you,
including your dad.
What you got?
Let me think.
I decoded the address
as 1241, apartment 4.
But the 2 steps back aspect
of the code could also mean
it breaks 2 digits
from the end.
A 3-digit address with
a 2-digit apartment number.
Which direction?
Let's hope you're right.
This should be it.
All right.
You guys ready?
Uh, maybe I should
handle this one?
Be my guest.
Let me see...
Um, I hear it's a lot
like a puzzle.
Good morning.
What's your name?
I don't speak English.
Great. I spent my career
on the russian desk.
I don't speak spanish.
- Neither do I.
I can translate
if you want.
You speak spanish, too?
- Yeah.
Good! Find out
what he knows.
My name's is Sarah.
What's your name?
Andres Velasquez.
He's Andres
Velasquez and he says
that we should leave here
because it's dangerous.
We're trying to find
my father.
Your father works with
the government?
Me too.
I work with Jasmine.
We were supposed to
meet here.
I got here early...
someone hit me
and took the USB drive
I had for her.
He works with Jasmine and
they were supposed to meet here
but he got here early and
somebody knocked him out
and stole the thumb drive
that he was bringing her.
Did he see
his assailant?
Um... Did you see your
assailant's face?
Do you know my father,
Simon Miller?
Or Thomas Shaughnessy,
or Fernando Calderon.
I met him.
But I didn't know
he had a family.
He's met dad, but surprise,
didn't know he had a family.
may I speak with you?
I don't want to
worry you any further,
but this Jasmine
that he mentioned,
she works for us.
We suspect her
of being a traitor.
You think Simon
could be with her?
Part of Simon's assignment
was to track her down.
We're concerned
that Jasmine is planning
to trade the Malinkovs to
another party for her own gain.
Even return them
to Chechnya?
That would be
the worst-case scenario.
I think my father and
your friend
are together and
in danger.
What's the last update
from headquarters?
They're required to
check in each hour
when tracking a
missing agent.
And if they don't?
Jasmine believes there
is a traitor in the
Would a traitor
check in?
He just said
Jasmine's name again.
What is he saying about her?
I don't know. Sounds like
he's asking for coffee.
Do you think there might be
some in the kitchen?
You want coffee?
I got it, Jeffrey.
You want anything?
I don't want any coffee.
I want some answers.
Ask him again.
Hey, genius. Check
thoroughly before coming back
and saying that you
couldn't find any coffee.
Ask him again.
Slow down, slow down,
slow down.
Slow...slow down.
What, what?
Tell me.
Tell me what he's saying.
It's ok.
Andres has to
help us find Simon.
We need to
proceed carefully.
Well, as long
as we proceed.
I need to get
to my husband
before he makes
a terrible mistake.
The new target
has arrived.
I'll trail them,
and they should lead
me to Malinkov.
Keep on it.
It' s about time.
When are you going
to deliver them?
He said something about Jasmine.
I wanna know what he said.
What did you say?
Andres, Andres.
Uh, no coffee.
- Sorry.
- Mm-hmm?
I'm gonna hurl.
Mom, mom! Kevin's sick
to his stomach.
What happened? Where is he?
He's in
the bathroom.
Tell me that's not
your friend.
- No.
I know him. I used him on
a pretty nasty job in Zagreb.
Yeah. I came up against him
in Mombasa once.
I certainly didn't
invite him to this party.
Neither did I.
So a 3rd party's
looking to cut us off.
I need to contact someone
I trust at headquarters fast.
But I don't want to go through
the usual channels, ok?
Simon, don't let this be
the first time you let me down.
Kevin, let us in.
Come on.
Ok, come on.
Get in here, quick.
What you find
on Amanda's phone?
Wait. You're not sick?
What are up to?
Andres says that Amanda
should be checking in
with headquarters on the hour.
We wanted to make sure
that she was,
see if she's being
straight with us.
She's the only one helping us.
Why don't you trust her?
She's made a lot of calls to
a guy speaking kind of russian.
Is Kevin all right?
Andres said that there is
a traitor in C.A.D.
I know.
Amanda says it's Jasmine.
What if it's Amanda?
You sure
you're all right?
I'm not sure.
Can you give us
a minute, please?
She's been so helpful.
She's been
keeping us close.
If you're ever gonna
trust me again, trust me now.
Your phone buzzed.
Why did you
hang up on me?
I didn't hang up on you.
I didn't call you at all.
Do not play games with me.
Can I come in?
Get on the couch.
Told you these guys are more
trouble than they're worth.
You can do what you want to
me. Don't hurt my children!
Need me to
translate that?
I thought I could use you
to flush Simon out.
But now you're in my way.
There are consequences.
Thought you'd never ask.
No! Take him out of here.
Come on, guys.
Let's go!
Jeff! Jeff, Jeff!
Quick! Move, move!
Go, go, go!
Go! Go! Hurry!
Go! Come on! Go!
Go somewhere safe.
Don't talk to anyone.
I understood that!
Go! Come on!
Get out of the way!
Now what?
Message from Andres.
"Amanda's radioactive. Beware."
Welcome back, Simon.
I was never gone.
- I thought we could
visit the crypts... Alain.
Uh, sorry, mademoiselle,
this section is closed
for the moment.
We came all the way
from providence.
What a disappointment.
Oh! Providence!
My nephew attends
university there.
Perhaps I can be
of some small help.
This way.
Where have you been?
We've had people
on the ground in Geneva,
ever since you broke contact.
And now you're in Paris?
What are you doing in Paris?
Just got here.
Jasmine's with me.
She just got word
Amanda's dirty.
Amanda brought Jasmine in
to take me out.
Wait, you think
Amanda's involved
in the Malikovs' disappearance?
Appears to be the case.
Boss, put yourself
in my shoes.
First you disappear,
then you reappear with
a suspicious freelancer,
and now you're pointing fingers
at your superior.
What do you expect
me to do?
The only action
you need to take,
is to not tell anyone,
not even Donna,
that I've made contact,
until I can contain
the situation.
Pamela, you know
you can trust me.
Ok, agreed.
But if we're going this way,
There's "intel" you should know.
Amanda's in Paris with
a woman and 2 teenagers.
Are you positive?
I'm afraid so, Simon.
I'm tracking Meredith's
credit card. No hits yet.
If you get any new info,
contact me immediately.
Will do.
I gotta go.
Is that a secure phone?
Yes, it is.
- I'm taking it.
No, no.
It's impossible. I...
I just don't know
what we should do...
...where we should go.
Who we can trust.
You don't trust
dad anymore?
I want to.
I really want to.
Don't use the phone.
They'll track you.
Let them try.
Mom, don't answer that.
- Meredith?
I love you.
I know there's a lot
you want to say
to me right now,
but I need you to listen to me.
I'm listening.
Are you and
the kids all right?
For the moment.
Are you in Paris?
- Yes.
Go home now.
Don't trust anyone,
especially Amanda.
Well, we could've used
that advice a while ago.
I can't explain
everything right now.
Just, sweetheart, please leave
before it's too late.
Simon, wait.
Where are you?
Just tell me
what's going on, please.
I got...
I gotta go.
We're not leaving without you.
I am done with all this.
What a mess.
I am so sorry that
I've put you through this.
And now I'm crying.
and I just don't want you
to see me like this.
It's ok, mom.
You're entitled.
Yeah, it's ok, mom.
You guys have
been so sweet,
and smart...
and beautiful.
I just wish
he could see you.
Mom, we'll make it.
Listen to me.
We're gonna make it,
the 3 of us.
Yeah, we're here.
I love you guys so much.
Come here.
Can you imagine if
I had been alone?
We can't stay here.
We're going to
the american embassy.
Let's go.
Ok, let's get this cab.
Get in.
Oh! No!
Go, go, go!
No, mom!
Now what?
You, um, were
at the street fair
to meet Christophe Meder.
No, I was looking
for my husband.
Everyone's looking
for your husband.
We missed him in Geneva,
so we came here to Paris,
which was the next stop
on our vacation.
What if dad's not
looking for us?
No! No, no, no.
I'm going down this road.
We're gonna track down dad until
he gives us an explanation.
He owes it to us.
And meanwhile,
we're gonna find mom.
That's what
we're gonna do.
I need you.
I can't do this on my own.
I need you.
Ethan McFarland was
testing an app
that could remotely access
a phone and check its GPS.
There were a few bugs,
but it's worth a shot.
An app to find mom?
Nice work, Einstein.
I've talked to
our people in Budapest.
Christophe Meder, have you
worked with him?
I know him by reputation.
One of the finest
operatives in europe.
Meder picked up
dr. Malinkov and the child
in Budapest on schedule.
He was supposed to escort them
all the way to Geneva.
But they didn't make it?
Meder's body was retrieved
from the Vlatva river
Last communication
we had from him
was simply: "K at G-5."
Was Meder scheduled
to stop in Prague?
- No.
The Malinkovs?
They are lost.
Or worse.
Stay calm.
Stay calm.
Look around.
Don't stare at the ground.
Look at people,
but not too long.
What do you see?
No one is following us.
Are you sure?
What about the man
in the blue jacket?
He is just
buying jewels. Watch.
He'll pass us.
I'm so sorry you have
to learn these things.
May we go to
the baker again tonight?
Of course.
Of course.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Good luck.
Got 'em.
Got 'em.
Got mom.
Ok, ok.
Sorry. Thank you.
My kids! My kids!
We got...
Suivez ce taxi.
Now, what?
Don't you have
an app for that?
I am so glad to see you guys.
You ok?
No, dad!
If that's even your name!
I'm not ok.
I'm furious!
I know you are, sweetheart.
Listen, first thing's first.
Where's your mom?
Is she ok?
She inside in
enemy hands.
All right.
Jasmine and I are
gonna go in and get her.
You two...
Will come along
and help.
Ok, come on.
I really, uh, need to go
to the bathroom.
Up to you.
Come on!
What are you doing?
Oui, tout de suite.
Come on.
Room 203.
She must be up there.
I know it's mom.
Ok, stay here.
- We can't.
They'll make us evacuate.
All right, come with us.
You guys stay behind us.
Monsieur et madame!
We are getting
out of here.
Hey, hey, hey. Shhh!
You have to be smart.
Do you understand?
Please, you must
exit immediately.
Kids, take your mom.
Go to the stairs.
Go now!
Ah! Are you ok?
Yes! Ah! My babies.
Was that Jasmine?
- Yes, she seems nice.
Yeah, for
a trained assassin.
Guys, guys!
Is everyone ok?
- Go down quickly.
Go! Now!
Is it broken?
I'm gonna get help, ok?
Stay here.
I'm gonna get help.
Guys, gentlemen.
Can I?
I just need one minute.
You gonna be all right?
- Yeah.
I'll come to you as soon
as I get them on a plane.
You think we're going
without you?
I need you to be safe
so I can get back on mission.
Your mission?
What about us?
I have to help
the Malinkovs.
The operative that was bringing
them to Geneva is dead
and they're
in serious danger.
Where was
the operative killed?
In Prague.
Then the Malinkovs
are in Prague.
No, that's bad strategy.
They would be on the move.
Yeah, but Malinkov
isn't a spy.
He's a scientist.
More importantly,
he's a father,
so his priority
is protecting his daughter.
I mean, he's probably gonna
hide and wait for help to come.
You go, mom.
The last transmission
could be a coded message
About where the
Malinkovs are hiding:
"K at G-5".
Then Prague,
here we come.
No, Kevin,
it's not that simple.
Yes, it is.
Jasmine can't go with you
and you need help.
Besides, Amanda and Jeffrey
are still out there somewhere.
So we aren't safe anymore.
Our odds are just better
if we're with you.
help me out here.
Because they're right.
We got a short train ride
to de gaulle airport and then...
Off to Prague.
This is so cool.
Yeah, at least
we get to fly, since...
Dad will get on a plane.
Honey, you ok?
No, I'm not ok.
This is not exactly the right
place for this, but...
Uh, I need to say it.
A few years ago,
I found myself in a situation
where I could
help someone.
Kind of like what we're
doing for the Malinkovs today.
And it worked. I actually
saved someone's life.
And I realized that maybe
that's why we're here,
for those moments.
Then C.A.D. approached me
and I became a spy.
Not because I wanted to,
but because I wanted to
make the world a safer place,
for our family,
for everyone's family.
I wasn't allowed
to tell you guys.
And believe me, that's been
the hardest part,
but despite
all my absences,
and my lies,
and the dangers
I've just exposed you to.
I'm still convinced that
I did the right thing.
But I just want to say
that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but I'm
grateful that, you know,
after all I've put you through,
you still believed in me.
I didn't, dad.
- What do you mean?
Nobody was trying
to believe in me,
so I didn't try to believe
in you and I'm so sorry.
No, baby,
it's all right.
What are we talking about?
- School.
They accused her of cheating,
but she didn't do it.
Charlie Peterson
told a bunch of us,
that he could get a copy
of the exam in advance.
Oh, Sarah...
Believe me,
I thought about it,
But I didn't look at it.
I told Charlie to forget it.
And then I paid
Jenny Abraham to tutor me.
And I studied harder
than I ever have.
Look, I'm sorry
I even thought about it.
Honey, I'm...
I'm sorry.
Uh, excuse me.
Do you speak english?
No, I don't.
Man has a sense of humor.
We're completely lost.
What we're trying to do
is to find the Eiffel Tower.
Get lost!
Give me one good reason,
why I shouldn't
shoot you myself?
'cause I'm the
only friend you've got.
Do you know what
you have cost us?
Nothing! We can find
Malinkov before they do.
Simon can also
turn us in.
Simon is focused
on Malinkov
so he can complete
the mission
and get his precious
family back home.
It's a momentary advantage
and it's all we need.
No, all we need is the
$3 million from the Chechens
for returning
Malinkov to them.
That and the Millers dead.
Good night, sweetheart.
Good night.
I really am sorry about
the whole calculus mess.
I'm sorry you had to
go through all that
because you felt like
you couldn't talk to me.
When we get back,
your mom and I will go
to miss Widmer with you,
and get this resolved.
You're fighting
a good fight.
Proud you're my dad.
Get some sleep.
I'm the one who never really
gave her a chance to explain.
Why didn't
you tell me?
Because, I...
I feel like it's
my responsibility
to figure out the right time to
bring these kinds of things up.
I never wanted you to feel
like you had to judge the moment
to tell me anything.
I know, but I...
I just wish you could know
what it feels like,
to be on this side,
in the dark,
knowing there's something...
And then finding
out like this.
I mean, I'm just...I'm still
trying to figure it all out.
I'm gonna help you
put the pieces together, ok?
You guys hang onto these.
These are for your mom.
I can't believe she's
still sleeping. Ha!
Your mom's been
through a lot, Kevin.
So, what are we gonna do
about the Malinkovs?
None of our contacts here in
Prague have seen the Malinkovs.
They didn't even
know Meder was here
until his body was found.
So "K at G-5" didn't mean
anything to your contacts?
I thought it might be
a club or a restaurant,
but they came up empty.
Maybe "K at G-5" refers
to something other than
the Malinkov's location.
Or it pinpoints
their location.
Come on, it's a classic!
Sherlock Holmes, mr. Spock,
all the greats have
used chess as code.
So K at G-5. The king and the
G-5 square on the chessboard.
All right, let's see.
G-5 is just north of here.
Kevin, I think you're on
to something, buddy.
Thank you.
He's a friend from college.
We were supposed
to meet near here,
but I seem to have the wrong
address. - Do you know him?
Uh, sorry.
I've not seen him.
Thanks again.
We're gonna go to every
store in the neighborhood?
Patience, sweetheart.
This job takes a lot of patience,
and a big appetite.
- Yum!
Thank you.
We should
do this more often.
What? Chase scientists
across Europe?
No, go out
for ice cream.
How can I help you?
Uh, do you speak english?
Um, do you know them?
You do?
- Mm-hmm.
So they've been in here.
Here. 3 evenings.
"Don't close! Don't close!"
So they come in
when you're closing?
- Uh, yes.
Thank you.
They've been here.
we found them.
They're good kids.
Thanks to you.
I'm sorry you had
to carry all that weight.
Excuse me.
Dr. Malinkov.
You are mistaken.
Dr. Malinkov?
No. You are mistaken.
No, I missed you
at the street fair.
which fair was that?
In Geneva, at the old
clock tower, at 13:30.
Yes. I'm sorry.
We were not there.
There's a flight
to Paris at 11:00.
We can make it.
I thought we were lost.
I knew I could
not go back.
But I wasn't sure how
to move ahead on my own.
No, you did
the right thing.
You protected
yourself and Anya.
And now they send a whole
family for us, papa.
Aren't you impressed?
I am, Anya.
So am I.
Forgive the confusion,
dr. Malinkov,
But you and your daughter
are gonna have to come with me.
Not gonna happen, Amanda.
Sorry, Simon,
but it is.
Dr. Malinkov,
slowly, please.
Your turn.
Come on! Quick, quick!
Go! Go!
Quick, quick!
Is everyone all right?
Our people are waiting
for you at the embassy.
We'll take the Malinkovs
straight to the airport.
I look forward to
your full report.
That was seriously awesome.
I know. The look on
Jeffrey's face,
when mom took
him out, priceless!
Oh! Your mama's a lot cooler
than you thought, huh?
Oh yeah! Check it out.
Oh my!
Oh no!
Check it out!
I'm serious.
She brought it out.
There he is.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
this is dr. Roman Malinkov.
Roman, these folks are
from various agencies
within the us government.
This is the director
of international relations...
Hey, tell your dad
to take the job at mit.
Then you'd live
in Boston and I...
We...we could come
see you easily.
I would love to go mit and
study biological engineering.
I'm taking a look
at their electrical
engineering program.
It's so exciting to already
have friends here in America.
We're glad to
have you here.
I'll give you
my email and cell,
so as soon as they give you
a phone, we can talk.
Uh, I really enjoyed
meeting you.
Me too.
Anya? Anya, come say hello.
It's so quiet.
Too quiet.
This how you feel when you come
home from a mission, dad?
Kevin, when I come home,
I feel grateful.
You all right?
Yeah. Glad to be home.
Me too.
Not quite there yet.
You can break into
encrypted computers,
figure out the
most complex algorithms
and you can't chop mushrooms?
Something's wrong.
So we're going back to
being normal just like that?
Yeah, right!
When do we do it again?
Yeah, I must admit,
these have been
the most nerve-racking,
frightening, exhilarating
days of my life.
Can't let all that
greatness go to waste.
We were
a great team.
Can't we just enjoy
this masterpiece
peacefully for once?
It's not cooked yet.
I was talking about
my wonderful family.
My talented,
hard-working daughter
and my very special
Einstein here,
and of course,
my ever-beautiful wife.
Snap peas.
Aren't you
gonna answer that?
No? What about making
the world a safer place?
For our family.
- For everyone's family.
Simon, I think you should
answer the phone.
I'll tell them
I'll call them back.
Wrong number.
Oh yeah!
We'll be in Geneva
if you need us.