Who Killed Cock Robin (2017)

Shit, what the hell?
We received a report
Car accident 2 km north of junction
between NH and 65 Expressway
New Taipei Unit, please join the rescue
Confirm when received
Confirming the crash site
2 km north of junction
between M1 and 65 Expressway
Are you?
Senator Chang?
Are you okay?
(Luxurious sports car
crashed in car accident)
(Married legislator's affair exposed)
(Goddess Maggie)
Hey Maggie
I got it
Any problems?
All good
The woman next to him, her name is?
For real. -Layout
You can check with the entertainment desk
Rebecca, the E-cup model
I'll double check
I'm coming back to the office
Let's go for a late night snack
I'm meeting someone after work
Gotta go
Wait a second
God, Chi, look at your car!
How much is it gonna cost me?
Take my advice
don't waste your money
Buy a new one
I bought this thing less than a month ago!
You serious?
I'm serious. Take a look!
Damn, you were screwed over
Listen, used-car dealers can't be trusted
They trick you into buying the car.
Once it's sold...
the dealer denies any responsibility
and you're on your own
Here, see for yourself
The links on the door frames don't match
Definitely not originals
and here
Same with the engine
But they did a good job
Most people couldn't tell the difference
But they can't fool ol' Ji
Look, the rubber here is soft
Definitely a reassembly
Every step leaves a footprint
Are you on duty?
Sir, can I help you?
Sergeant Wang!
What brings you here?
Sir, this is?
Sorry about him
He's new here
Doesn't know who you are
Nice to meet you
Be careful around him
He's a reporter
Used to be a crime reporter
Then he got promoted!
Well, sir, not quite
Please, De
If you hear anything,
please call me
You make it sound like we're working for you
We've got a lot on our plate
Come on!
I'm a model citizen, and you're a model cop
We can help each other out!
So what happened this time?
My Car?
What a beauty!
Not anymore
You had an accident?
I was wondering
if you could help me trace the car
See if it was involved
in any previous accidents
Or if there is any? -Records?
Should be pretty easy
Keep it on the down low though
My bosses have been pretty strict lately
They've been keeping everything confidential
Checking records every month
That being said...
When was the last time you took me out?
I paid off our last bill just recently!
Till next time
I'll take you to "relax"?
Have a little "fun"
Yeah, I know
Don't worry
We've worked together so many times
I always keep it quiet
Don't worry
Got it
Always making trouble for me?
Well, how did I know this would happen?
But only a man of your talents
could help me crack this case
Alright, fine
Thanks. I have to go meet De.
- Leave it to me
Sir. -Sit
Do me a favour
Check this car for me, okay?
All the info is inside
(National Police Agency Database,
Ministry of Interior)
Let's start
Politics desk
"A Cabinet Reshuffled"
What do you think?
Chang's affair
with the model?
Shouldn't we check its validity first?
Isn't it common sense?
She's a G-cup model!
All the young people know about her
She's famous
We'd still better check it
Thanks everyone
Today, we are joined
by my friends in business and politics
Actually, I have to thank my wife
who has spent the past few years
helping me build these relationships
If it weren't for my little helper,
and my father-in-law
given my temper
I wouldn't be where I am today
So thanks to them both
Let's drink a toast to Ching-kai
Cheers! Congratulations!
Senator Shen, Counsellor Chen, cheers!
Bottoms up! -Together?
Everyone, let me make a little introduction
This is Chi, our new head of Society desk
Wow! -Thank you Mr. Chiu
Pretty young to be head of desk
It hasn't been an easy road for him
Parents are farmers,
Very humble background
Came to Taipei for a better future
and in just a few years
becomes head of desk
You watch the news lately?
The Senator
and his sports car?
That was his report
First one on the scene
You're a hero!
How's her body look up close?
Pretty good
Mr. Chiu has been my idol
since I was at university
Mr. Chiu has been my idol
since I was at university
Everything I've achieved
I owe to Mr. Chiu's support
He brought me into this company
Treated me as one of his own
Here? -Congrats on your retirement!
All together
As I've said before?
With such a competent young man
behind me
do I have any choice but to retire?
I guess you're right
Our Maggie here
is also very competent!
Mr. Chiu has been very clear
This young lady
is still single
and has yet to find a suitable partner
Ms. Shen, you're still single?
Such a beautiful woman
and you're still single?
They're both your right-hand men
They'd be a perfect couple, am I right?
Perfect match!
Give Chi a chance
He's not so bad
Hush, stop talking
I'm available?
Are you okay?
Still fighting with your boyfriend?
If you're together too long
does it always turn sour like this?
I told you to break it off already
It hurts me to see you like this
You're such a great woman
You deserve someone better. Really
Ms. Huang, unjustly labeled
as my mistress in the news report
is my lawful wife, whom I married
in March this year
The report has seriously damaged
my reputation, as well as Ms. Huang's
I've instructed my lawyer to press charges
against the newspaper
and demand that they?
The reporter in question is Wang Yi-chi
He obtained an MA
in Journalism with distinction
He currently works at?
We see Wang Yi-chi and his father,
a tea grower?
Senator Chang has demanded
that the journalist to be severely punished
and make a public apology in the paper.
That's all for today
Yes, chief
Have you drafted the apology?
Let me have a look
I want to check the content
Back to work!
Thank you Chief
All done?
Good work. Very efficient
Thank you, Wei
Sergeant Wang
- Perfect timing
I just got all the info
Here, sit
You're a celebrity now
Saw you on the news this morning
ls it ok to ask a straight-edge
like him to do it?
You mean Wei?
He's fine
I was a straight-edge once
Never got me into any trouble
We checked it out
It's true that your car was reassembled
They changed its exterior
but didn't touch the insides
The serial number on the engine is still there
See for yourself
And the details from De
It was involved in a car accident
nine years ago
The owner was killed on the spot
Fuck! He died in the car?
It was a hit-and-run
The perp was never caught
You in a rush to get back to work?
Good. Let me make you some tea
This tea is really something
Don't forget to thank De for his help
(lnterviewee: Wang Yi-chi)
The boss just announced
those who are to be laid off
You're one of them
It's kind of a punishment
They're downsizing anyway
Who put in my name?
And the boss agreed to it
Fucking prick
Chung-wen did it on purpose!
He seized the chance to kick me out
We had no way of knowing
that Senator Chang was remarried
Can you plead with the boss on my behalf?
I already did
But you know?
Senator Chang
is good friends with the boss
Small world
I only heard about it yesterday
They play golf together
In any case,
it's hard to run a paper these days
Or else they wouldn't be downsizing
You were just caught at a bad time
Take this as an opportunity
to have a break
I'll see what I can do
Don't drink so fast
You trying to get pissed?
Beer's here
How's the wife and kid
They're good
A lot of pressure comes with having a kid
Man, this sucks
I'm unemployed
Even Chiu can't save me this time
You'll be fine, don't worry
Chiu will definitely help you out
Just think of this as a holiday
You know
My car, the red one
was really in an accident
That's what happens when you buy used
A lot of them have been in accidents
Nine years ago
There was an accident
on a mountain road in Xindian
I was the only witness
What a coincidence
Damn small world
Things that happen to you
come around in circles
They always come back to you
It's all predestined
This has nothing to do with destiny
Taiwan is a small country
This is what happens with used cars
It's like musical chairs
Today you get his stereo
Tomorrow he gets your door
Don't think too much
Should I drive you home?
I'm fine, just go
Inside, now!
Get inside! -Okay?
No problem
Let's go
(Office of The Public News??)
(Xindian, Mountain Area, Car Accident)
(Wealthy Businessman's
Daughter Kidnapped)
(Kidnapper Escapes With Ransom)
(Hostage Remains Missing)
(Mother pleads,
'Please give me back my daughter')
(Local Daily News)
(Female Survivor of Xindian Car Accident)
(Mysteriously Disappears From Hospital)
Why all the interest in this car accident?
Nine years ago, I was still an intern
The whole editorial department
went out for dinner
After dinner,
I saw the car accident
I remember Chung-wen
was at the dinner too
Yesterday, when I was looking
at the pictures I took,
I discovered that few of them
had been deleted
Looking back on the whole thing
Chung-wen was the only one
with access to my camera
Good morning, sir. -Good morning
You didn't go home last night?
I took pictures of a car accident yesterday
A hit-and-run
Do you think it's worth reporting?
So you think Chung-wen deleted them?
Not sure
What's the point of investigating it now?
That was ages ago
So you want Chung-wen out?
I lost my job!
Damn! Chung-wen kicked me out!
Then what's your plan?
I need to find the girl first
You sure she wants to get involved?
I'll try to find her first
Oh right
I remember you saying you've got a relative
working in the Shan-en Hospital?
Is that her?
Cousin. -Thank you
I need to go back to work
Thank you
(Household Registration: Miaoli?)
(Medical records: Hsu Ai-ting)
Excuse me
ls Hsu Ai-ting home?
Ting doesn't live here
Do you know where she lives?
Who's asking?
We were classmates of hers
We wanted to see
if she was coming to the reunion
You're her classmates?
Oh, that's good
You scared me for a second
Come in?Have some tea
Excuse me
ls that Hsu Ai-ting in the photo?
Didn't you say you were her classmates?
You don't recognize her?
I haven't seen her in ages
I just wasn't sure what she looks like now
Come, have some tea
Ting hasn't come home for a long time
That's right
That's an old photo
(Oriental Beauty)
Something weird about the tea?
My parents are tea growers
I know a lot about it
Award-winning tea like this
costs more than NT$10,000 per kilo
Didn't he say they were poor?
How can they afford such expensive tea?
There's only one place
you can get premium tea like this
Let's go see
What kind of tea are you looking for?
I'm looking for Oriental Beauty
Which variety?
Golden leaves
One second
Do you drink this brand of tea often?
It's Mrs. Hsu's
We drink it when we visit her here
In that case, she must be quite well off
Far from it!
Mrs. Hsu
works very hard
But this tea we're having
is pretty pricey
Right, see?
It's award-winning tea
Have a look
Not many people buy this one, right?
Not too many
It's the only champion tea we sell
Can't get it anywhere else
It's an award-winning tea
I remember Ting mailed it over
Her granny says Ting is so nice to her
Don't listen to his nonsense
Excuse me, Granny
We've come to see Hsu Ai-ting
I haven't heard from Ting for ages
Don't know where she's been
But uncle said just now?
Ting sent the tea back?
- Don't listen to his nonsense
It was a present from someone else
I was wondering if you could tell me
Did she ever come to the shop?
I can't remember?
That's Ms. Chang, isn't it?
Ms. Chang?
Ms. Chang?
Yes, she called in this afternoon
Said she'd pick up the tea tonight
Try m.
What's her full name?
What? -How old is she?
Ms. Chang?
I think it's?
Chang Hui-wen?
Or Chang... Ai?
Let me check
She's in her thirties
One second
Sounds about right
Has she lived in the area for long?
How long has she lived here for?
I'm not quite sure
She's been a regular customer
for about a year or two
What I remember about her is
she always pays in cash
Usually, our customers
call us on the phone
and pay by credit card
Then we mail them the tea
Ms. Chang!
Ms. Chang
This man here is looking for you
Here's my card
What are you doing here?
We went to see your grandma
At her grocery store
we saw the tea
found our way here
What do you want?
I'd like to talk to you
about the accident
Excuse me,
Ms Hsu
I was a witness to the accident
He was very drunk that night
He was speeding
and got hit
That's about it
What else do you want to know?
Did you see the driver in the other car?
When I woke up,
I was already in the hospital
Then why did you leave the hospital?
This all happened years ago
Why are you asking me this now?
Are you writing a report
or something?
I just want to find the truth
and help you catch the person who did this
I don't want to know the truth
What's the point?
My boyfriend is dead
My leg will be like this for the rest of my life
ls there anything I can help you with? -No
I'm fine
I don't want to know any further
Why would you care?
Ms Hsu
Can I have your phone number?
Leave me alone
If you need anything
my number is on the card
It happened so many years ago
Maybe she just wants to forget
We should leave her alone
(Post-mortem report: Liao Tzu-fan)
(Car accident. No trace of alcohol found)
This? this is Hsu Ai-ting
Sorry to call you so late
What's up?
Is everything okay?
I want to ask you
not to mention our meeting
to anyone else
To stop investigating the accident
that happened nine years ago
Excuse me, Ms Hsu. I?
I read Liao's post-mortem report
No trace of alcohol was found
Which means he hadn't drank before he died
why did you say he was drunk?
Mr. Wang, what is it you want from me?
I want to find out
what really happened
The truth is,
if it weren't for the car accident,
I would never be able to rid myself of Liao
It was a nightmare
ls that why you escaped
from the hospital?
Mr. Wang
I didn't call you
so that you could interrogate me
I've finally built a peaceful life
I really don't want to be
disturbed by the past
Ms. Hsu, please don't get me wrong
I'm sorry
I still need to talk to you in person
Can I see you tomorrow?
Just the two of us
One second
Hello? Ms. Hsu?
Why're you here so early in the morning?
I'm sorry
Do you know where Ms. Chang lives?
Ms. Chang?
Not sure
I saw that she walked here yesterday
Does that mean she lives nearby?
I know she rents out rooms to people
Maybe you could try the housing complex
Do you have the address?
Check this place
I'm sorry
I'm a friend of Ms. Chang's
Do you know which room she's in?
You mean the landlady?
She's in the last room
She lives in this building too?
Ms. Hsu?
Ms. Hsu?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
What happened to your hand?
(You've got one new message)
Your call will be transferred to the voicemail
You'll be charged after the beep
You've got one new message
Mr. Wang
Mr. Wang...
What's wrong?
I'm sorry
She's still not answering?
Your call will be transferred to the voicemail
How can it happen?
Who's behind this?
Is it the perpetrator
I think you should stop investigating
This is getting dangerous
It's fine
Let's talk to De first
Watch out!
Are you okay?
I'm fine
When you were a journalist
we had a working relationship
But you're not a journalist anymore
If anything has happened
you should go to the local police
Listen to this message
Something has really happened
It's a matter of life and death
De, please, I'm begging you
Listen to this
Go home first
I'll look into it
When I track down the address,
I'll call
Thank you, De
Sergeant Wang?
He left already
Can you do me a favour?
Check this one thing for me
I can't
Please, it's urgent
I really can't
Can't do it without boss's permission
It might have to do with a kidnapping
It's a big case
Could help you out
I just need to check the car registration
It won't get you into trouble
(Chiu Ching-kai WB-2668)
Come in
Come in, friend
What's your name?
You can call me Chi
I took one of your classes
when I was studying for my Master's
My man
These pictures are blurred
Well, no
I remember it was a black car?
You get the license plate number?
This is a great learning experience for you
as an intern
Learn how to be a good journalist
It's good that you care about society
But remember, this job requires detachment
A journalist
is always someone who records history
You'll witness a lot of cases like this
in the future
Like what Chung-wen said,
you have to learn to detach
because you'll never be in the middle of it
Your job
is to witness,
and state
I can tell you're quite talented
After the internship,
you should apply for a job here
I mean it
Just let me know
The Premier announced
his Cabinet reappointment today
The choice for new Minister of Interior
took everyone by surprise
Appointed was
veteran journalist Chiu Ching-kai
The Premier expressed
that the aim of this reappointment
was to draw talents from different fields
in the hope of creating a new atmosphere
and a change in the political environment
Chiu previously taught at university
I got it
It's okay
I'll sort it out
Hello Ji
Can you come over now?
I have something important to tell you
What's up?
It's better to talk in person
It's about what happened nine years ago
Can you come see me right now?
I'll be right over
Call the police
Call the police first
You came to see Ji too?
I remember you used to have
a black Mercedes
What happened to it?
I got a new car ages ago
I went through
those blurry photos I took nine years ago
They're hard to see, but?
I worked out a few license plate numbers
Based on the plate numbers
and the fact
that it's a black Mercedes
I found some car registration details
You were one of the owners
You're suspecting me?
Nine years ago
Ji wanted to borrow my car
That's why I wanted Ji
to ask you to come today
For a date!
I need a flashy car for my birthday
C'mon, let me use it!
I want to kiss it!
You're driving. It's dangerous!
It's fine. I'm a professional!
Where's my phone?
Where's my phone?
You drank
Get out of here!
He was drunk and had an accident
When he got back to the garage,
he took a car of the same model and
changed the plate
But after all, it was my car
My wife asked me
to pick her up from a party that night
because she had drank too much
I immediately spotted
something wrong with my car
You know Ji, never could tell a lie
He fessed up as soon as I asked him
I'm sorry
I really didn't mean to
But don't worry?
I'll mend it so good that no one can tell?
Is that okay, Chiu?
Yesterday he called me
Told me that
he followed not just you
but Hsu Ai-ting all the way to her place
He found out where she lived
After having thought about it for a day,
he went to see Hsu Ai-ting
He wanted to settle it with money
Ms. Hsu?
I'm a friend of Ms. Chang's
Do you know which room she's in?
You mean the landlady?
She's in the last room
Ms. Hsu?
So it was Ji
who tried to run me over this morning?
A few hours ago
he called me
asked me to drink with him, help him out
Said he couldn't keep up
the secret any longer
Who would've thought?
He was so troubled that he took his own life?
Was he having any problems
with anyone lately?
I don't think so
He even called me today?
- Evening, minister!
In recent years...
- No need to call me that yet
It's true we were having some problems?
He did feel a lot of pressure
But he said he was coming home!
Hello De
This is the place?
Do you want to stay in the car?
It's fine. I'll go with you
This won't be easy to find
Let's go
Have you seen this woman?
Have you seen this woman?
Have you seen this woman?
How is it going?
Go ask over there
Excuse me. -Yes?
Have you seen this woman? -No
Sorry, I'm in a rush
Excuse me
Have you seen this woman
in the building before?
No. Never seen her
Don't think I've ever seen her.
No, I haven't
Nope, never
Excuse me
Anyone home?
You live here?
What are you doing here?
L?Im looking for someone
You live by yourself?
Who are you looking for?
This woman
Have you seen her before?
This is my home
Not Sergeant Wang's office
My bad
Are you alright?
I'm fine
Do me a favour
Check this car for me,
All the info is inside
(Liao Tzu-fan)
Why would you care?
Morning, Ms. Chen
Good morning
I've fed them every day this week
You're coming back next week?
No problem
I laundered another hundred thousand today
When I'm through with all of it
it'll be enough for us for a while
Such expensive tea
You're having a good life
You're even a landlady now
The way you've been spending our money?
Think you're smart, huh?
I'm sorry
Sorry to who?
I'll pay you back
Sorry to me! -Im sorry
You know you should say sorry?
I looked after you for so long
You damn cripple
How could you do this to me!
I guess I should thank that reporter
He saved me a lot of trouble
Who knows how long
you were gonna hide from me
Should I start drinking tea
like all the other police officers?
Like you?
Eat good
Drink good
You thought nine years was long enough
that I would just give up?
I kept you alive
I thought
we were the same
I even became a cop
because of you
There you are
How much have you had to drink?
Just waiting for you
So I started drinking?
I can't drink. I'm driving
I can drive you
You're drunk
Let's talk business
You hand in your resignation yet?
I'm not leaving
You don't want to work in the ministry?
Why should I?
You want to set me up
with Chi anyway, so...
I should start
my relationship building with him
Isn't that what you want?
The investigation
has brought you two closer?
That night?
What you texted was true
- (Chi is staying at my place tonight)
You did sleep with him
I slept with him
What's it got to do with you?
Excuse me, Minister Chiu
Professor Chiu
You've been having an affair
with your student
for ten years now
What you're doing now?
Isn't it good for everyone?
Isn't it!
I'll give up the job as minister
Isn't it great that you're a minister now?
So you can put an end to our relationship
I offered you a job as head of PR
Isn't that enough compensation?
It's fine
I'll sort it out
Anything you want to say?
August 30th, 2007
You remember what day it was?
A very happy day for Ji
The day when he proposed to his wife
You should know, you introduced them
Shu-hui, the woman
who knelt next to Ji's body last night
You really think after he proposed,
he would go all the way
from Linkuo to Xindian
just to have a ride with another girl?
Does that sound right to you?
Why did you lie to me?
Or you do mean to tell me
that you fucking remembered it wrong?
Thank you!
A toast to Chiu
Our new editor-in-chief!
Come on!
Thanks. -Congrats!
Bottoms up!
Everyone say it together
Congratulations to Mr. Chiu!
Ready, go!
Many congratulations to Mr. Chiu!
Best of luck!
Okay with the desk job?
Yeah, it's great
Work hard!
Tell me if you need anything
Thank you, sir
I need to go home
Take care!
(No signal)
Sir, drive slowly
It's alright
I'm okay
Are you really okay?
Don't I look okay?
Careful, sir!
You like it?
Of course I do, but
I can't concentrate if you keep doing this?
My phone?
Call the ambulance
You've been drinking
How could this happen?
Who is it? Knocking like crazy
What happened to your car?
I was drunk
I hit someone
Help me!
You must help me!
Help me!
- I can't
Don't drag me into this
Help me!
I'm begging you
You have to help me!
- Chiu, don't be like this
I beg you, help me!
You have to help me!
- Chiu, don't be like this
I'll help you
Thank you?
It hurts
Ji got a car of the same model
from his garage
He changed the plate
So that I could go to work as usual
the next day
If Ji had known
that you would use his death as a cover,
how do you think he'd feel?
Where the hell is Hsu Ai-ting?
I really don't know
Does Maggie know?
Maggie really doesn't know either
She just told Ji and I
you suddenly began investigating
the accident
Do you want me to expose you,
Minister Chiu?
You know you can't do anything to me
You have no direct evidence
And I've known you for ten years
I know what you'll do
To you
they're just strangers
who mean nothing to you
You wouldn't only help a stranger
in the name of justice
You wouldn't try destroy the lives
of those who have been supporting you
for the past nine years
Like the accident
that happened nine years ago,
what you have
is only part of the truth
You want to be a hero for 15 minutes?
Or stay under my wing?
Have you seen this woman?
You live on your own?
Excuse me. I'm looking for Wei
He lives next door
I'm sorry
Wrong address
(Chemical supplies)
Open the door!
Open the door!
I know you're in there!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Where is the key?
Everything in this world
has already been decided
No one is free
Everyone wants to know the truth
But once you've known
what then?
Two million NT...
Good money, isn't it?
I don't know what you're talking about
I knew it was you
The amount just didn't add up
Ai-ting couldn't possibly have taken it
Of course not Liao Tzu-fan
I was wondering
why there was suddenly less
So, it really was you!
That's why you care about this so much
That's why you care about this so much
Good morning, !
Open the door!
Come on!
Hsu Ai-ting, stop messing around!
Stop fooling around!
Idiot! What are you doing?
This isn't time for games!
That's fifteen million?
Or else what?
Did you count it?
Not yet. Let's go back first
What have you done?
She kept screaming!
Didn't I tell you?
We shouldn't have trusted him!
Aren't we in it together?
You alright?
You know you can't do anything to me
You have no direct evidence
Minister Chiu
I have the answer
The wolf has grown up?
(Pay Hsu Ai-ting)
(Two million New Taiwan Dollars)
Director Wang, congratulations!
Hi, De
Director Wang,
I've finished the thing Chiu asked me to do
It'll be treated as self-defense
I see
Thank you, De
You sure there won't be
any problems in the future?
I'm sure
Director Wang, no need to worry
You'll be considered as a witness
and the case will be closed
And the favour I asked for, please?
I got it
Thank you, De
You have a parcel
(Sender: Ms. Chang)
(Oriental Beauty)
Let's go
You're here too?
Just showing my new colleague around
This is Mr. Wang,
head of the PR department
Nice to meet you, sir
How've you been?
Not bad
Chiu got me a job at the TV station
The pay is probably better
than being head of PR
I've always wanted to ask you something
Chung-wen says it was you
who kicked me out
I've asked to see you today
because some colleagues have quit,
and we have positions to fill
I know you don't like me
But you're good at your job
I was thinking?
Gould you be willing to come back?
You finally had the chance to get rid of me
Now you're asking me to come back?
What's going on?
It wasn't me who wanted you out
Maggie told me everything
She said you?
You suggested to punish me
It wasn't me. It was Maggie
It was Maggie, okay?
How can you be so blind?
With the whole news debacle,
someone had to be held responsible
You two were in the same team
Of course she had to sacrifice you
Chiu, her lover and only protection,
was leaving!
She had to look after herself
You know about their relationship too?
When Chiu got promoted to editor-in-chief,
we had dinner
at the mountainside restaurant
It wasn't too hard to see
that there was something between them
Chiu got dead drunk that night
I got him into his car
Maggie insisted on driving him home
After that I saw them together a lot
What happened?
Do you believe Chung-wen, or me?
I believe in myself
Hello everyone,
this is the head PR, Director Wang
Good day, sir
Hello everyone
Thank you all for coming
I look forward to collaborating with you all
Instead of wine for celebration,
I've brought some tea
This is Oriental Beauty
Good for journalists to drink
It's good for the throat
Thank you, sir
Mr. Wang
Would you like to further explain
the false reports earlier?
Why so eager to ask questions?
It happened ages ago
How can I remember it?
I prefer to remember happier things
I think that's more important
Next question
No more questions?
Well, let me to tell you a joke
Right now it's the "ghost month"
in the lunar calendar
So I'll tell you a ghost story
Ming always loved
collecting books of ghost stories
ever since he was a kid
One day, he traveled very far
went through many challenges
to find a bookshop
one that only sold ghost stories
Ming asked the owner
'Mister, which book is the scariest?'
The owner thought for a moment
before handing a book to Ming
The owner said to Ming
'If you buy this book,'
'don't ever read the last page'
'because what's written on the last page'
'is the scariest part.'
He's come to give you your money back
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Pick it up.
Pick it up
Pick it up
Set her free
Let her go
Without any hesitation,
Ming said to the owner
'l want this book'
The owner charged him $50
Ming carried the book,
and ran home with excitement
But Ming could not resist the urge
He went straight to the last page
To his dismay, on the last page
it said
Suggested retail price: 50 cents