Who Needs Enemies (2013)

And I say unto you, love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, do.
...good to them that hate you and
pray for them that despitefully use.
...you and persecute you.
That ye may be the children of
the Father, which is in heaven.
For he maketh the sun rise on the
evil and on the good and sendeth.
...the rain on the just and on the unjust.
She says, "did you hear what
that bus driver just said to me?
He just really fucking insulted me".
So the geezer turns to her and
says, "you go out there, go on, you.
...sort him out, you have word with
him, babe... I'll hold your monkey.
...for you'."
Aye? What the fucking hell
is the matter with you two?
It's like getting blood out of a stone!
No mate, it's just that you're
jokes ain't fucking funny.
I mean, it is just racist, innit?
What do you mean, how
the fuck is that racist?
What, and calling a kid a monkey
ain't insinuating that she is black.
What, so you are saying that
everyone that's black is a fucking.
Do me a favour, Chris, for fucks sake.
It's a racist, stupid joke
and you want us to laugh at it.
Fucking hell.
It's like a fucking morgue.
You alright, Tone?
Yeah mate, sorry.
Just a bit tired.
Here, Mark, I've got
another one for you anyway.
Do me a favour Chris, spare me.
No, you'll like this one.
What did the fish say when they
pulled him out of the water?
I honestly couldn't give a fuck.
Fucking mug.
Fucking mug.
Fucking told you I'd kill him didn't I?
Fucking told you I'd kill the cunt!
Oh fuck!
Hello Bash.
Where are you mate?
Oi Tony, Tony.
Look, look.
Bash, Bash will you come
and pick me up please?
Can I have a lift please Bash,
please you gonna let me in the back.
...of your van?
Bash, come and get me Bash,
come and get me Ba... Oi!
Fucking mug.
Ask Tom.
He'll tell you where to find it.
If he doesn't?
Persuade him.
Chris, one more thing.
You might find some documents.
I'm telling you for your own safety...
...don't look at them,
they're confidential.
Try again.
Will you pay attention and stop texting!
Well, its a nice little earner for you.
Just call me when you're done.
Pain is life's way of telling
you you're still alive.
Get up.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Alright Tony, what's up?
Hello, Tom.
Jesus Christ, what was that?
That was a right hook.
I told you I'd talk to him.
So fucking talk to him,
what's the matter with you.
You fucking killed him.
You're joking?
I must have pushed his
fucking nose through his brain...
I've always wanted to do that.
Fucking awesome.
We'll just have to find
it ourselves won't we?
Come on.
Right then.
We've got a big bag of money to find.
Come on.
It's nice digs innit?
I'm calling Bash.
Give me a hand dragging
him around the corner...
...in case someone knocks on the door.
I don't do lugging dead
bodies around, mate.
It's not in my job
description, sorry Tone.
Alright boys.
I pushed his nose through his brain.
That's a myth.
Mate, I've studied martial arts
for twenty fucking years, physically.
...impossible to put someone's
nose bone through their brain.
Yeah, well I disagree.
I bet he fucking would as well.
You've been watching
too many fucking movies.
So why's he dead?
I think it's fair to assume that
somebody pushed a nose bone into.
...your brain.
Alright listen, enough, one dead
body at a time please fellas.
Why don't you stick
to what you do best at?
Get rid of that.
What the fuck, Tom.
Dirty bastard.
Thank you, Tom.
...or are you gonna come and help?
Fucking cheeky cunt!
How come you never pick up
the phone when I call you?
cheeky little fucking mug.
I swear to my mother I'm
going to kill that cunt.
It's been three weeks.
...and not even a text message.
What's all that about?
Are you there?
Yes, Louise, I'm listening, I'm here.
Who the fuck's Louise?
This is Kelly.
Look, Kelly, I don't
mean to be funny but...
...let's be honest about this,
you're a waitress aren't you?
So you're kind of punching above
your weight here, aren't you babe?
Oh my god you're an arse-hole!
Yeah, listen, I'm going to hang
up now because I've got a call.
Wait I've got something to...
Why did you hang up on me earlier?
Well more to the point
why did you call me back?
Don't know anymore.
Bet I've got a rough idea.
What you doing?
Listen, what you doing later?
Why don't you ask that
Kelly who keeps calling you?
Kelly's my cousin you doughnut.
No, i feel so silly.
So you should.
But you're lucky because I
like them dumb and beautiful.
Yeah, you're not that fucking
beautiful either but the alcohol.
You bastard!
Listen, I've got to go alright?
I'll speak to you later.
What's he doin' out there?
You gonna mope about all day
or you gonna give me a hand?
Get it out that bag, bring it in.
Yes, Sir.
Be funny if it was a
bag of porn wouldn't it?
Not really mate.
That's a lot sexier than a bag of porn!
Where the fuck did you find all that?
Who cares.
All I care about is getting paid.
Hello, hello...
...very conspicuous looking
envelope wouldn't you agree.
Hold on, don't do that.
Do what?
Ian warned me about those.
Put 'em back, they're confidential.
Now you're just tempting me aren't you?
No, I'm fucking warning
you, put them back.
Fucking hell Chris.
What's with all the tools, you're
like a fucking Swiss army knife.
I can hardly say that
I'm very surprised Tony.
He is a tool.
That's it, you fucking cunt!
Take it easy, mate, take
it easy, calm the fuck down.
with his snidy comments all fucking day.
Find out who you're talking to!
Alright, alright.
Find out who you're fucking talking to.
Alright, I apologise, alright?
Whatever I've said, I'm sorry.
Why don't you take a few
deep breaths and calm down.
I'll calm down when I
fucking say I'm calm.
...you win.
Smart choice.
I'm gonna go for a piss.
Pack it up and let's
get the fuck out of here.
Calm down when I say I'm calm.
Oi mate.
No Tony...
I found this bag, not you and not him...
I've got a right to know
what's in it, alright?
I don't want to know what's in it,
I'm not interested I don't care.
It's your choice.
You alright mate?
What the fuck's he playing at in there?
Mark come on mate it's getting
late, we've got to head off.
What did you bring
this fucking geezer for?
You alright mate?
This was never about the money...
...it's to do with these pictures.
What pictures?
Yes, I looked in the fucking envelope.
And you need to see-
You fucking mug.
Give me the envelope.
We can keep the money, Ian will
never know, all he cares about is.
...his fucking pictures.
Give me the fucking pictures now Mark.
Look at them Tony.
Look at them.
It's best we don't know
what's in the envelope mate.
Say one more fucking word and
I'll make you a blind man, do you.
...understand me?
We should keep the money though.
Well Ian don't know
what's in the bag does he?
At least most of it, give him the
documents, we'll keep the dough.
It makes sense.
Even if we did keep the dough...
...you think you can keep your mouth shut?
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Get the bag.
It's Mark.
What do you want?
I want to talk to my daughter.
Because she's my daughter.
Where have you been for
the six years of her life?
Please can I just speak to her?
Okay, well just, then just tell her...
...just tell her that I called alright?
I have to go.
Promise me Michelle.
Fuck off Mark.
Oh, here we go.
Try not to fuck it up.
You alright?
I'm going to give my cut to my daughter.
There's a lot you don't
know isn't there Tone?
Mate I don't want to know
what's on them photos.
That's your choice, but I'm telling you...
I do not fucking trust him.
Don't worry about
Chris, leave him to me.
We got to get rid of him.
Are you fucking mad?
Tony, listen to me, I'm trying
to tell you that something isn't.
Yeah, he ain't fucking
right, he's a fucking psycho.
He's a fucking bully.
...and he don't scare me.
I've known him a long time and
he scares the shit out of me...
Well, I found something else in the bag.
Is that real?
Are you for fucking real?
Find a quiet spot to do some gear.
I'll get the gun on him.
Tie him up, drive him out to the river.
Stick some weights on him and
dump him, the fucking sack of shit.
...that he is.
You crack on son, I'm knackered.
We can't call Bash on this one can we?
Shhhh he's coming back.
Happy fucking days boys.
How you doing, mate?
You alright?
My round.
Line them up, barman
- You old fucker.
Fucking morgue.
Yeah, sorry, just a bit tired.
Here Mark, I've got
another one for you anyway.
Do me a favour Chris, spare me.
No, you'll like this one.
What did the fish say when they
pulled him out of the water?
I honestly couldn't give a fuck-
Fucking mug.
Fucking mug.
Fucking told you I'd kill him, didn't I?
Fucking told you I'd kill the cunt.
Oh fuck.
Another exit on the other side...
We'll get a couple of
Rottweilers on shift for you.
I'll use my guys.
My boys know the club.
Don't need them.
It's up to you mate.
Use your guys
- Hair of the dog?
No, I'm good.
DJ Cataphonic will be on set.
That's all sorted, mate.
Yeah, don't need anything
else but the venue.
He's going to be upset.
I'm sorry he'll feel that way.
Bar staff, how many do you need?
Or do you not want them either?
No I'll work the bar.
You what?
It's fine.
You don't know the tills.
I'm sure I'll work it out.
What do you want to
work behind the bar for?
Look I'll pay them out my own pocket.
...if that's what you're worried about.
I don't need doormen...
I don't need DJ Cataphonic.
...and I don't want bar staff...
...just want the club.
Yeah the club and the girls.
Just the club.
The girls come with the club mate.
Can't use them.
Can't use them, fuck
off, can't use them.
What do you mean you
can't fucking use them?
Listen those girls have kids and
families to feed, and you're making.
...them miss out on a
fucking cash cow here.
These friends of ours,
they've got specific tastes.
What, your mates like caviar
and my girls are marmite?
Some people love marmite Tom.
Fuck off Ian.
On the night I want
all this CCTV shut off.
Shrouded in fucking mystery you are!
...it'll be good to see some new fanny.
Tom I don't know how to say this.
It's easy, just open your
mouth and speak, what?
You're not invited.
Good one.
You're fucking joking right?
You're saying I'm not
invited to my own soiree?
This is my soiree.
It's my fucking club.
Which I'm paying over the
going rate I might add...
...plus a bonus when I cash in.
Fuck your bonus.
No you fucking calm down,
you're taking liberties mate.
Why can't I fucking rub shoulders
with the elite for once ay?
Too many dents in my
toffee nose for you?
I think you've got a lovely nose mate.
Don't condescend me.
Look I've spoken to him and
they don't want any new faces.
But you do this thing for me.
...and you're golden mate...
...trust me.
I suppose I better just give you
the keys and fuck off home then?
You should.
Can I help you sir?
Yes password 'felicio'...
Excuse me?
I'm only joking.
Sorry sir, I'm under strict
instructions not to let anyone in.
Trust me I'm an exception.
No exceptions.
Look, this is my fucking club.
Do you want me to go home and
get the fucking deeds for you?
Look this is my fucking club, you're
standing on my fucking property.
...and you're telling me I can't come in?
That is what I'm telling you.
That is what we are telling you.
Well fuck you very much cunts.
Good Night.
Uncle Tom you bastard?
What are you talking
about you fucking muppet?
Recognise him?
Get out the film.
What century do you live in?
No one uses film anymore.
Come on.
Hey that cost me fifty quid.
I'll sort you out.
What is it?
Go home, Adam.
Not a word okay, look after yourself.
Don't fucking move!
Ian you cunt!
This is inappropriate.
How long have we known each other mate?
You been drinking?
Sober as a fucking judge.
How long?
Let's go outside and talk.
This is my club not yours, not theirs
- Mine and you do as I say.
How long?
Twenty odd years.
Twenty odd years and still
complete fucking strangers.
Now you get your mates out of
my fucking club before I call the.
That's not going to work Tom.
Oh it's like that is it?
Don't embarrass me Tom.
Embarrass you?
No you embarrass me...
...all these fucking years...
...treating me like a fucking loser.
I couldn't even beat him
at a fucking game of pool.
I was jealous of you;
...big fucking business
man, beautiful wife...
...lovely kids -
...fucking kids man!
But you fooled them.
You fooled all of us.
We're not even the same
fucking species are we?
Well you've lost this time...
I promise you that.
...see you later at the club.
I'll see you.
I'm going, I'm going.
I've got to go.
I'm gone.
What's that smell?
It's stew.
Smells like excrement...
- what's that?
It's a stew.
It's good stuff...
...full of vegetables and loads of fat.
I can see.
Try some Ian?
I Try.
It's our national dish.
That's your national dish?
No wonder you're here.
I'm not hungry...
what else is on the menu?
Come with me.
See you later, sexy!
These are my beauties.
Stand for our visitor.
Trying to teach them English.
Need to see their teeth.
Smile my beauties.
All strong and healthy ay?
How much?
Two thousand each for one night.
I'll take them.
All of them?
Yes, yes.
Except her.
She don't look well.
You should give them
some of your goulash.
The pictures are crooked again.
Yes, I just don't get it.
You sure you straightened them?
I'm sure.
Maybe it needs two nails.
Yes, maybe.
Let me finish my coffee and I'll
do it for you later, alright?
Thanks babe.
Good morning.
...and you're welcome.
The kids want to go to
Uncle Lee's this weekend.
What you playing at?
No more games Ian.
Right what do you want?
I want to know where you
got your entertainment from?
You are joking?
What if I don't?
Then the next envelope
will be mailed to Vicky.
You wouldn't fucking dare.
Try me, you fucking nonce!
Get her!
Aah, aah.
Where are they?
I love them.
Better go get Bash.
Shall I get them in then?
No, Bianca can get these in.
Go and get us a couple of Stella's babe?
I'll come with you.
Nice bird, your Bianca.
Fucking things I do to that girl.
I should be nicked!
Anyway I've got a job on.
Yeah, what?
Little job for Ian.
...head arount to some knob-heads house...
...find out where he keeps all his money.
How much?
Fair share.
I think he wants me to send
him a little message too.
Fucking text message,
what did you think?
Nothing too extreme no?
...just a talking to.
Nice finder's fee as well.
How much?
Fifteen points.
Just me and you?
You can bring someone else in.
Give them five points.
You know anyone?
Give him a call.
Yeah, it's just there.
Been here before.
Yeah me and Ian picked up a guy
from here, Tom I think his name is.
Yeah, he's got a strip
joint, good laugh he was.
Well he don't pay your wages does he?
This is fucked up, mate.
What's the matter with you?
What's he done wrong, I
thought him and Ian were mates.
What part of shut the fuck
up do you not understand?
Pull up over here.
Just don't feel right.
Stop being a fanny.
Let me speak to him.
Go on you do the talking...
...it's what you're good at.
No, I mean it, don't
fucking do anything.
Knock yourself out.
Last one on the right.
Alright Tone, what's up?
Hello Tom.
So what did he say?
It's all good.
All he's worried about is that envelope.
Yeah I bet he is.
So it's all good then yeah?
Don't worry about it Tone.
Let's celebrate properly.
I'll get us some sniff.
Best idea you've had all day.
I know who fucking John is alright!
Yeah, go on then.
You know he's got to go don't you?
To fucking Disneyland,
where do you think?
Tony... Tony... Tony -
what am I going to do with you ay?
Fucking knew I should
have steered clear of this.
Ian knows doesn't he?
Course he does, I had to tell him.
No you didn't, you didn't
have to fucking tell him.
Don't try and make me
out to be the cunt here.
You're the cunt, not me.
So what now?
So now you help me...
...you want me to take that dickhead out?
No mate, I ain't gonna fucking do it...
Listen shut up.
No, I ain't doing it.
You're doing it
- You ain't got a fucking choice...
...you've got a second chance here...
I suggest you fucking take it.
You know what Ian's like.
I can trust you?
You know you can trust me.
I fucking mean it.
Call Bash...
...tell him to meet us in fifteen...
I'm going to go and get
this little cunt, alright?
Oi Bash, Bash?
Can you come and pick me up please,
can I have a lift please Bash...
You gonna let me in
the back of your van.
Hello Bash, come and get me
Bash, come and get me Ba... Oi.
You're having a fucking laugh ain't you?
I sent you a text, you're
supposed to be here.
Yeah, a text...
I can't hear you mate, what?
Who's screaming?
What we supposed to do with him?
What time of the morning?
Yeah alright mate, yeah.
Where's Bash, Tony?
His missus went into labour didn't she?
So we'll be round in the morning.
Why did you text him
- I thought I told you to call him?
I couldn't get hold of
him on the blower could I?
You send the geezer that disposes
of dead bodies, a text message.
...telling him to come
and pick up a dead body?
Did you leave a kiss at the end?
He's never let us down before has he?
Did you leave a smiley
face at the end for him?
At least a smiley face.
Tell you what I'll Google it,
that's what I'll do, I'll Google it...
...how do you dispose of a dead body, yes?
Is that what you want me to do?
What about the police, tell you
what we'll call the old bill, they.
...know how to dispose of a body.
Look, enough!
What are we going to do?
I can't, the missus is using
the motor in the morning.
We'll have to stick him in your shed.
He ain't a fucking lawnmower is he?
I didn't suggest you mow the
fucking lawn with him did I?
I said we'd stick him in your shed.
What if Cat finds him?
She won't -
...she's way out of your league anyway.
Get in the car I'm freezing.
Come on.
Alright Chris, who is that?
He's just a workmate, he's loaded,
I'm going to stick him in the.
...shed, go back to bed babe
I'll be up in a minute.
What do you mean stick him in the shed?
He ain't a tool is
he, he's a human being.
Yeah, he's not a fucking lawnmower mate.
Yeah, sorry Chris, I don't
know what he's thinking.
I've given up trying to
work this one out, Cat.
Tony, you're not sticking him in
the shed, okay, that is ridiculous...
why don't you stick him on the
sofa and I'll make some coffee...
Tone please put him down, okay,
I'll get a blanket and then stick.
...the kettle on.
What you playing at, mate?
What- You telling her you're
going to stick him in the fucking.
...shed, that don't sound suspect no?
Stop fucking around, it ain't a joke.
You are fucking around,
I know what you're doing.
What am I doing?
Look stop will you.
Stop what?
Mate what?
Stop being a prick.
Here, give them here.
Give me the fucking blanket will you?
Why can't you just stay in bed, huh?
Can everyone get the fuck out
and let the man rest in peace.
Rest in peace?
And I'm fucking around?
I'm going toilet, keep her
in the kitchen will you?
...take a little chill
pill while you're there.
Calm down, chill out.
What was that?
Shut up.
He hates me.
He doesn't hate you?
Ha ha, he does.
What's he hiding ay?
He's not hiding nothing babe.
I don't think so, it's
like he despises me lately.
He doesn't.
I don't know Chris...
...it's like I don't know him anymore.
He loves you, you know that.
What is your problem?
You've always got to see everything.
Why, what you hiding?
Look I didn't want him in the house.
Fine, okay stick him in the shed
because you know what, I really.
...don't give a fuck anymore!
Look can you just stay out of
it please and leave it to me.
Stay out of what Tony?
I just don't like this, I don't
know what is going on, will someone.
...tell me, Chris, what is going on?
Don't ask me.
There's nothing going on babe...
...trust me...
That is disgusting.
Involuntary gastric relief -
...that's what it is!
Don't help does it?
Let me see your eyes, have
you been on the gear again?
You're lying to me, you're
gurning your face off Tony.
Mate look, have I?
No well there you go you have.
And you just lied to me in my face.
I've had a really, really fucking
hard day, you don't understand.
Yes I do understand, because my
day's been just as hard, because I'm.
No I've had enough Tony, okay,
now I'm tired and I want to go to.
Fuck off then, go on.
Listen mate you've done
enough shit already, alright.
Stop fucking being a cunt.
Calm yourself down Tony,
you'll hurt my feelings mate.
He's dead.
In there.
I don't want him in the house.
You better stick him in the shed.
Sorry, mate.
Right, I'll fuck off home then shall I?
Cat, can I use your toilet before I go?
I'll only be a minute.
What about Tony?
Unfortunately you can't
trust anyone these days.
Did he look in the envelope too?
He looked in the envelope too...
...mate it was actually Tony's idea to.
...keep the money.
You okay taking care of this?
You two go way back don't you?
Yeah but fuck all that noise.
Fuck all that noise indeed.
You can count on me, Ian.
I'll make them all fucking pay.
You're a good boy Chris.
Speak to you later.
You didn't you know...
You didn't kill him did you?
No babe.
Come here.
Cunt, cunt, cunt.
What you doing?
Calm down.
Fucking bitch.
Fucking Bitch!
Fucked up this time didn't you?
I bring you in on a job.
...and you team up with that Mark cunt?
So fucking loyalty.
Ian's a cunt.
But this is what happens
when you mess with a cunt.
Chris let her go, she's
got nothing to do with this.
That's up to you.
What's up to me?
...because we're such good mates...
I'm going to give you a choice.
You or her?
You don't want to think about it?
No, no she don't deserve this.
I love you.
What was that?
What did you just say?
Don't make me fucking laugh.
It's not what you said earlier is it?
Why you were having
your little fucking nap.
I was hanging out the
back of your missus.
Between me and you mate, I think
it's the first time she's had a.
...real man.
What was that, I didn't
quite fucking hear you.
Say that again for me,
what did you fucking say?
What do you see in that little mug?
I never quite understood it.
I'll love you much better
than he ever could anyway.
All that money I've got in that
bag over there, we can go anywhere.
...you want.
You're fucking pathetic!
I've got another joke for you.
What's the quickest
way to a woman's heart?
Through her fucking chest.
Alright mate.
How is she?
She got lucky...
...bullet just missed her heart.
That's a bloody relief.
Got me out of a jam Tony, I owe you one.
Alright Tony, what's up?
Hello Tom.
Christ what was that?
That was a right hook.
Chris, you fucking killed him.
...keep a lid on it,
they think you're dead.
Bash will be here in a couple
of minutes to come collect you.
Oh here we go.
Sorry mate, gonna have
to bury you another day.
Fucking raj!
wants to start a war with me does he?
Sends his little fucking skivvy
mate round to sucker punch me?
Wait until I get my hands on the
little shit, I'll fucking strangle.
...the cunt!
Give me the phone I'm calling Ian,
just give me the fucking phone.
Mate, it's not fucking worth it.
Give me the fucking phone, Bash.
Look you got the upper
hand, he thinks you're dead.
No, he's the one that's fucking
dead, just give me the phone.
And what about me and Tony?
He's going to know
that we've helped you;
...not today mate
- Not while.
Sophie's in labour...
...please Tom?
What do you mean Sophie's in labour?
Tone, I can't talk right now.
Come on, come on, keep pushing.
It's my missus she's in labour.
I'll see you in the morning.
I don't know mate.
Thanks Tom.
You're beaming.
Happy times mate.
No thanks, that shit'll kill you.
How's she doing?
She's good, she's good mate.
It's nice to see there's still
some beautiful things in this world.
You got kids yourself Tom?
I had the chance with the right woman...
...and I blew it.
Don't you believe in
second chances mate?
I think you should mate.
How is she?
She got lucky, blade
just missed her heart.
That's a bloody relief.
Got me out of a jam Tony, I owe you one.
Got your bag for you as well...
...it's back at the house.
He had her.
He had my missus.
I fucked up man, I fucked up...
I made all the wrong choices, I was.
...too pussy to make the right ones.
Stop that;
...cut it out.
I'm not in all this self pity crap...
...makes me uncomfortable.
You love her?
Then take my advice, don't let her go.
Because if you do.
...she could end up in worse hands...
...believe me.
And you'll end up a
lonely old bugger, like me.
What's in the envelope Tom?
Yeah, yeah, I don't mind, no
that's fine, as long as it is three...
...yeah, yeah no.
But I say unto you.
Bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you and pray.
...for them that despitefully
use you and persecute you.
That ye may be the children of your
Father which is in heaven for he.
...maketh the sun to rise on the evil
and on the good and sendeth rain.
...on the just and the unjust.
What are you doing in there?
Can you let me in?
Morning sweetheart.
Ooooh call the police, there's
a cereal killer on the loose.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Don't worry about that, I'll clean
it up, why don't you go to bed.
...and have a lay in.
Vic, I'll sort it out in a minute.
What the fuck are these?
You tell me.
It's the boys...
...they're playing a practical
joke; I lost a bet, you know.
I'm not laughing.
I agree these are absolutely tasteless...
...don't worry I'll have a word.
Do you think you're
talking to a fucking idiot?
What the hell are those men doing
with those kids and what's my.
...husband doing with them?
Don't baby me Ian.
Just calm down.
Vic, they're not real, they're
fake, it's computer graphics that.
...alter the images you know, like
Photoshop, what we use it for.
Do you honestly think I'd have
anything to do with something like.
Vic, where are you going,
come on let me talk to you.
You're not going anywhere alright,
do you understand, if you try to.
...fucking leave me I will fucking
kill you, I will fucking kill you, do.
...you understand?
Vic do you understand?
...you're a bit confused.
...and you're taking it out on me, I can.
...accept that, I'm man enough.
Now go upstairs...
...have a lay down...
Go on, go.
Where's mum, I've been phoning her
but it's just going to voicemail?
She's in bed.
Why so early?
...she's not taking her meds,
she's not feeling herself.
That sounds bad.
She'll be alright.
I've got to go, tell
mum to call me, okay?
I will...
...don't cause your uncle any problems.
No dad.
Give my love to your
brother and your cousins.
Okay bye dad.
Bye darling...
I love you.
He's upstairs, alright.
Easy tiger.
Nice to see you alive and well Tom.
Let's take a walk?
What's this then?
A last drink for the condemned man?
I'm not going to kill you.
Oh no, why's that then?
I wouldn't do that to your kids.
That's very thoughtful.
Even though you're a
completely and utter bastard.
They deserve to find out for themselves.
Tom if it was just a chinwag
you wanted we could have done it.
...somewhere local.
What's all that about then?
There you go.
...pack me away and then
start fucking that cunt.
wife of mine?
What you fucking say?
Or maybe even my kids
to call you daddy eh?
You sick bastard!
Four years Krav Maga.
Come on big boy.
Let's see what you got?
Nice shot...
Big boy!
Get out of the car!
Get out the car!
You want to shoot me?
You want to shoot me?
Go on then shoot me!
Fucking shoot me!
Want to die like lovers?
Let's die like lovers?
Beg me...
...you're supposed to be my fucking wife!
Here we go.
Get ready.
Here we go.
Aah, aah, fucking hell Tom...
...man and wife are trying to talk here.
Thou shalt not covet
thy neighbour's wife.
Have you no decency?
Fucking decency?
You're shipping off kids
to dirty fucking bastards!
It's business, you stack
them high and sell them cheap.
I feel Sick.
Of course it'll make you sick,
it's your little minds, your little.
...sentiments, while people like me
fucking rule the world with our.
...promises, lies, I love
you's and hand shakes.
I'm fucking king of the world...
I'm top of the world,
ma, top of the world!
- Cunt, she's shot me in the arse.
We're mates... Mate...
Oi, you alright?
Come on.
He's dead.
I think you shoved his
nose bone into his brain.
It's not a myth then?