Whole Lotta Sole (Stand Off) (2011)

[Thunder crashing]
[Lights buzzing]
[Music playing]
Joe, get back here!
- You cut me, Tracey! Stop!
- You're not leaving me!
- Joe, stop!
- Help! Taxi!
- Help!
- Joe, I love you!
Joe! Joe!
No! Help me!
Joe, stop!
- Drive! She stabbed me!
- Come back!
- Go! Drive!
- Aah! My dad will kill you!
# There was an old woman #
# And she lived in the woods #
# Ah, weile, weile, waile #
# There was an old woman #
# And she lived in the woods #
# Down by the River Saile #
# She had a baby
three months old #
# Ah, weile, weile, waile #
- # She had a baby three months old #
- Get in. Get in there, now.
# Down by the River Saile #
# She had a penknife,
long and sharp #
# Ah, weile, weile, waile #
# She had a penknife,
long and sharp #
# Down by the River Saile #
Hey, Da.
Morning, lads.
Ripe pears, 50p a pound.
# She stuck the penknife
in the baby's eye #
# Ah, weile, weile, waile #
# She stuck the penknife
in the baby's eye #
- # Down by the River Saile... #
- Hey, Sophie.
Good morning, Joe.
How are you?
I'm all right. Nice day.
# Weile, waile #
# There were three loud knocks #
# Came knocking on the door #
# Down by the River Saile #
# And are you
the woman who... #
# I got love, love #
# I got love, love, love #
# Here's a man with money #
Hey, fuck off.
But I've got a license.
So have I.
So fuck off right now.
Here you are.
Oh, lovely.
Did you feed the dog?
Got rid of that idiot, didn't I?
The busker.
Showed him this.
Oh, my God. It's all gold?
Used to belong
to some Arab in Iraq.
- Do you want to feel it?
- Aye.
Not the gun.
The big lad.
That just shoots blanks.
Why'd you have
to go and say that?
Sorry, M.D.
When are you gonna give over
about having babies?
I don't give a shite
what the doctors say.
There's nothing wrong with me.
What are yous looking at?
Come on. Get up.
I'm sorry.
HATCHET: Place your bets.
- SOX: Come on.
- Relax.
HATCHET: No more bets.
SOX: Look, you've lost again.
Now can we go?
Annie has to get to work, Jimbo.
- JIMBO: Yeah, yeah. Just one more bet.
- [ Buzzer sounds ]
That's the boss.
HATCHET: Place your bets.
All right, Chopper?
Uh, Jimbo, there's Mad Dog.
Come on. Let it go.
- 5, 100, black.
- No more bets.
House pays red.
Can I have another 50?
How much is he down now?
- 400.
- 400.
All right, make it an even 5.
Five's not even.
What did you say?
Place your bets.
- Red, 100.
- No more bets.
- Red wins.
- Yes.
Yes. Didn't I tell you?
How much do you still owe me?
HATCHET: There's, uh, 500
he borrowed at Christmas.
Borrowed another 3,
interest on that.
at the beginning of the month.
- What?
- Comes to 4,900.
How does it come to 4...
Money's expensive these days.
That'll make it
Is that even, smartarse?
And I want all of that
Monday morning.
Now get out of here.
SOX: Come on, Jimbo.
Move it.
HATCHET: Place your bets.
SOX: What are you gonna do?
JIMBO: I don't know.
[Overlapping chatter]
[Speaker playing music]
Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you.
Come again.
[Clears throat]
Where's the boss man,
Peter, then?
Who... What?
The boss man, Peter.
Peter. Oh.
He's not here.
He's on vacation.
What the hell is that?
You're a Yank, aren't you?
I'm his cousin,
and, uh, he's overseas right now.
He's doing some charity work.
- Ah, God bless him.
- So I...
We have a nice, big,
comfortable couch,
lovely. You'd sink into it up
to your oxters.
We'll leave it here,
give you a good price.
Excuse me?
Do you not speak English
over there?
We've a nice, big,
comfortable couch,
lovely. You'd sink into it
up to your oxters.
We'll bring it in for you,
give you a good price.
- Oh.
- What?
Oh, you're not gonna
sell your furniture.
Sure, it's crap.
You'd get nothing for it.
Excuse me.
Um, I really don't need a couch.
I don't have the space for it,
but, um...
We'll bring it for you, anyway,
give you a look at it.
Come on, lads.
Who is he?
JIMBO: He's somebody
I've been looking for.
Go. Go.
[Seabirds calling]
Wait up. Hey.
Is everything okay?
I don't know.
Do you know these guys?
No, but I have seen one here
a few times watching.
Yeah, so have I.
You think he's up to no good?
I don't know.
I'll keep a watch.
All right.
This looks fun.
Some local musicians.
They are very good.
Would you like to come along?
Uh, yes, I would like that.
All right, I'll see you then.
[Radio announcer talking]
Good morning, Daddy.
You want a fry?
You're gonna kill yourself.
I'm gonna have granola.
Granola? Heh.
I'd rather eat cow shite.
Sammy Weller,
mind your language.
Would you like
some granola, Mommy?
That would be lovely, Randall.
Ulstermen fought two world wars
eating Ulster fries.
Fucking granola.
What did you say?
Oh, I... I said I'm grand.
[Radio plays music]
What do you want?
I'm looking for Jimbo Regan.
He's not here.
[Baby fusses]
There, there, dear.
Is that a boy or a girl?
What age is he?
Six months.
Are you sure
Jim's not in there?
[Toy rattles]
I told you he's not.
And don't come back here.
Are you still baby-sitting
them tinker brats
up at the camp on the hill?
It's called community relations.
Yeah, well, keep your eyes
open when you're up there.
Their das are robbing shops.
We don't know how
the hell they're doing it.
Remember, you're a policeman,
not a social worker.
- I'm both.
- Bollocks.
If he ever found out about you,
I think he'd kill himself.
God will guide us, Mommy.
[Window squeaks]
Where were you?
I got a day's work at the bakery.
For you.
Take it.
I'm late. I need to go.
JIMBO: Okay. Look.
Got your favorite.
Hello. Hello, wee one.
All right, I've got to go.
Um, okay.
Bye, love.
Sorry I was late.
- [Dog barking]
- [Hammering]
Hey, quick. Go, lads.
Hey, Mary Ellen!
The bloody peelers is here again.
Will you get rid of them quick,
before you get us all arrested?
Sure, it's only
the wee community man.
He's a lovely wee boy,
wouldn't harm a fly.
Good morning, officer.
- Good morning.
- Where are you taking them today, then?
We're taking them to the track.
Oh, they need a wee bit of money,
you know, for a wee bet.
No, not the horse track, ma'am.
Track and field.
For athletics.
And here was me thinking
you were taking them
to the races.
Hurry! Come on, boys!
- Come on!
- [Yelling]
Don't make
the nice policeman wait.
Hey, Ma, give us some money.
Sure, I've no money on me.
It's all free, anyway. Go on.
Get in there.
Have a lovely day.
See ya.
Let's go, lads.
Community, me arse.
They're only up here snooping.
Shut you up.
Where am I going to get five grand
by the weekend?
[Siren passing]
I know where
you'll get it, easy.
Whole Lotta Sole.
The fish market tomorrow.
They'll have a fortune.
What, rob the fish market?
How do you know?
I used to work there.
I mean, everybody knows fish shops
in Catholic districts
make a fortune on a Friday.
They have tons of money
in the office
with just one guard working.
Yeah, but there'll be a lot
of people working there as well.
You can't exactly rob
somewhere like that
with a knife or a hammer.
I have what you need.
JIMBO: Like what?
The heavy gear.
[Muffled cry]
[Chain rattles]
MAD DOG: You ever done
any welding, Jimbo?
[Jimbo panting]
I used to be a spot-welder
at the shipyard.
[Gas hissing]
Wonderful thing,
will cut through anything.
Where's my five grand, Jimbo?
I don't have it,
but I swear I'll get it to you.
Fuck off.
You couldn't get 10 to me.
You do have something that I want.
Not want, Jimbo.
Have to have.
What? What is it?
I want that wee boy of yours.
My son?
Aye. You see,
I need a child for my Doris.
She has a woman's thing,
and I've...
What the fuck
am I telling you for?
She needs a child.
You have a child.
I want that child.
So you and
that skinny girlfriend of yours,
you can barely
look after yourselves,
never mind him.
So you bring that child to me
before the weekend's out,
and I'll write off your debt.
I'll bury the both of you,
and I'll take him anyway.
I'm not giving you my son.
Is that right?
He's my son.
I can't give you my son.
Aah! Mad Dog, stop!
Let him down.
Bring me that child.
- JIMBO: Please.
- MAN: Come on.
Please, I'll get you the money.
MAN: Ready for a sing-song?
[Playing guitar]
# Well, let me see the girl
I want to go with #
# Let me see the eyes... #
- Cranberry juice for you.
- Thank you.
# That lit up for me #
# Hold me in your arms... #
- This guy's incredible.
- Yeah.
# Hold in your arms, baby #
# And let me kiss the lips
I kissed in darkness #
# It's the only kiss
I never harnessed #
# Hold me in your arms... #
There's our Sean.
- Come on, wee man. Come on.
- # Hold me in your arms #
Oh. You're home.
[Dog barking]
I smell something burning.
Some kids lit a fire outside.
I thought you were gonna work
at the bakery tonight again.
There was no work tonight.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
I can work the weekend
at the cleaning.
[Knock on door]
Hold him. Hold him.
Hold him.
Who is it?
It's me, Sox.
It's Sox.
I have to answer it.
I won't be long.
SOX: What happened?
Look at your sneakers.
Never mind my fucking sneakers.
Mad Dog wants my wee lad.
- What wee lad?
- My son Sean.
Jesus Christ,
he's not gonna kill him?
He wants him for his girlfriend.
She wants a child.
W- Why doesn't he
just fuck her, then?
Do you want to go and ask him?
Jesus, Jimbo. Look,
you'd be better going on the run.
I can't go on the run.
How could I go on the run?
I've no money to go on the run.
You... You said
that fish shop was easy?
- Fucking right, it is.
- And you have the gear?
My grandda has it.
Your grandda?
JOE: [laughing]
SOPHIE: Ohh. [Shivers]
JOE: That was great.
SOPHIE: It's so cold.
Oh. Here.
Thank you. [Laughs]
Here. Here.
There you go.
I'm an African girl, you know.
I miss the sun.
You miss Africa?
- Mm, every day.
- Yeah.
It's 11 years since
I left Ethiopia after the war.
I mean, I'm glad to have escaped
so much sadness, but I miss it.
Heh. Refugees in Belfast.
Strange world.
You, a refugee?
I just, uh...
I'm just taking a break
for right now.
You want a cup of tea?
Why not?
JOE: Yeah? Great.
SOPHIE: [laughs]
- Well, welcome.
- Thank you.
Casa es su casa.
SOX: Come on.
I have to get home soon.
Who are you?
Uh, Jimbo's here
from the IRA, Grandda.
He's come to get their stuff.
Oh, we're going on an operation?
Indeed we are, sir.
- I'll drive.
- Uh, no.
You're not on this operation.
Why not?
Well, I can't tell you that.
- Security.
- Oh.
Right. Just under here.
It's ancient.
Where did he get this?
An IRA man hid it here
during the Troubles.
Then he got shot.
No one else knows it's here.
- Don't do that.
- Why?
It has a hair trigger.
- A what?
- It went off.
Oh, fuck.
Okay. Um...
we're gonna need a car.
We'll take my grandda's.
Are we going for a drink?
SOPHIE: You painted that?
At first, I did some, uh, sketches,
and then I switched to watercolors.
In the end, I used acrylics.
Much more dramatic.
The woman looks very angry.
Could say that.
But that's a whole 'nother story.
Have another drink.
Okay, I... I don't drink.
I really never drink.
We're in Ireland.
[Seabirds calling]
# You are like a garden #
# Growing in the soul #
# When I'm brokenhearted #
# You can make me whole #
# You are like a river #
# You run into the deep #
HOST: I think it's funny.
What, Candle in the Wind?
- Why is that funny?
- Yeah, it's just...
It's called Candle in the Wind.
Hey! How can you run
for all that time without sweating?
How can you eat two pounds
of grease without keeling over?
Where's your ma?
She's at chapel,
praying for our conversion.
WELLER: Ha! Ha ha!
There's more chance
of the Pope getting married
than us turning Catholic, huh?
Heh heh heh.
Oh, by the way,
did you see anything
up at that gypsy camp yesterday?
I'm not your spy.
JOE: Good morning.
Can I help you?
Where's Peter?
Uh, he is on vacation right now.
I'm... I'm his cousin.
I'm filling in for him.
I do regular business with Peter.
My name's Flynn, Douglas Flynn.
He must have mentioned me.
no, he didn't.
But maybe I can help you.
Okay. I have a nice
little piece for you.
I'm reluctant to part with it,
but I'll give you a good price.
Contemporary fire starter,
This is the petite model.
I'll give it to you for 200.
Why don't you check the till,
see if there's an envelope
with my name on it,
Douglas Flynn.
[Cash register dings]
JOE: Sorry.
- Sure about that?
- Positive.
Why don't you call your cousin,
straighten this out
over the weekend.
Oh, Doug.
I don't smoke.
Want to bet?
[Sean crying]
Why'd you bring a child?
Annie's at work.
Here. Watch him.
Why? Where are you going?
I think I know someone
that can give me the money.
- Who?
- Never mind.
Just... Just watch the child.
- But...
- [crying]
Good morning, sir.
I brought you that settee.
Will I bring it right in?
- No.
- Ah, come on.
I don't...
Well, now, 30.
I'm selling you me own settee
for 30 to feed me children.
You gotta be kidding me.
- 30 is a disgrace.
- No.
It cost 300 barely 10 weeks ago.
I don't need it.
I don't have the room or the floor.
Have some pity. Give us 30.
There's no... Hey! You!
Come here! You!
Pick it up, lads.
JOE: Get back here!
SOX: Oh, fuck.
Hey! Hey! Get back.
You left the child.
What are you running for?
Well, you were running, too.
Did you get it?
No. Didn't get it.
We're gonna need a baby-sitter.
- Meet me at your grandda's.
- All right.
No, I can't do it.
- I've got a date.
- Jesus, Bridie.
How do you have a date
at 10:00 in the morning?
Never you mind.
I said I can't do it.
I'll give you 10.
- No.
- 20, Bridie.
Please. Come on.
I'll only be an hour.
- 25.
- 25?!
And you better be an hour.
Okay. All right.
I'm warning you now.
- An hour.
- Okay.
[Entry bell rings]
Oh, hi.
Sorry for running out
so early. Uh...
That's all right.
Did I do something wrong?
I had a clothes consignment
arrive early.
I didn't want to wake you.
Well, that's nice of you.
Thank you.
I had a beautiful evening.
Me, too.
We should, um...
Do you want to have
dinner tonight?
'Cause I can cook.
Do you eat fish?
I do.
[Alarm chirps off]
How come your grandda
has a brand-new Micra?
It's a National Health car.
He gets it for free
to go to the doctor's.
I'm a designated driver.
SOX: Oh, Jesus.
- What? What?
- It's my ma.
Ah... Fuck's sake.
Where you going?
- I was just going...
- I told you.
You go anywhere in this,
you take your grandda.
It's his car.
If the Health Services people
see you
in it on your own,
they'll take it off him.
- It's Saturday, Ma.
- Doesn't matter.
They're everywhere,
these Health Service people.
Take him with you.
The air'll do him good.
[Overlapping chatter]
Are we going to the pub?
You sure you don't want
to leave it to next week?
You think Mad Dog's
gonna wait till next week?
We have to do it now.
Do these guys bite?
Aye. Watch your fingers.
I'll have a couple
of these guys in there, too.
- There you go, sir.
- And a pound of cod.
- That's good.
- There's your food now.
- All the best.
- Thank you.
Hey, son,
take us to the pub, huh?
I'll give you two shillings
if you'll take me.
I'm your grandson, Grandda.
I don't care who you are.
Take us to the pub.
JIMBO: Stop here.
You sure you want to do this?
Go stand on the corner
and keep watch.
This is a robbery.
Put your hands up.
Who the fuck are you?
What are you doing here?
- Do I know you?
- Move!
Get behind the desk.
Okay, um,
all right.
Don't move.
Wh-Where's the money?
- What money?
- The Friday money.
That's it. It's receipts.
Everybody uses
debit cards now, son.
Nobody uses cash these days.
Touch that bag,
and you are dead.
Is this it?
Are you shitting me?
I said don't touch that bag.
Okay, sit down in the corner.
Don't move.
Stay where you are.
Hey, look! It's a robber!
Just don't... don't move!
Don't move!
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, my God. It's a gunman.
MAN: Get him!
Ah, fuck this.
Get out of the way!
- Grandda, what are you...
- Going to the pub.
Grandda, let me in. Please.
Oh, Jesus.
Grandda, come back!
Grandda, please come back!
Oh, please, God, no.
- SOX: Don't leave!
- Sox!
Come back, please! Sox!
[Siren blaring]
MAN: You bloody idiot!
- [Gasps]
- Hey, you!
I told you an hour.
Bridie. I can't take him now.
I'll give you anything,
100. Please.
No way.
We've got somewhere to be.
Bridie! Bridie!
- [Siren blares]
- Shit.
We were robbed.
He got the brown bag.
Yes, that brown bag.
I'm sorry, Douglas. I swear,
it wasn't my fault.
What are you looking at?
[Siren blaring]
Gunman, shooting, robbery.
Oh, just like the old days,
Sammy, me boy.
Go talk to DCI.
INSPECTOR: Will do, boss.
[Overlapping conversations]
So where's this witness?
Here she is here.
Step this way, madam.
Ah, hello, missis.
So what can you
tell me about this boyo?
[Music playing]
# If I look you in the eyes #
[Siren blares]
# And swore you my love #
# Is too strong to hold #
Thanks very much. Goodbye.
# The way you make me feel #
- # I've just never #
- How you doing?
# Felt before #
# Well, I am #
# I'm sure #
# The man of some... #
Drop the gun.
- What?
- Don't move.
No, wait.
- [Gunshot]
- #All you have to do... #
- [woman screams]
- Stop, or I'll shoot!
Aah! Don't shoot!
- [Screaming]
- #... out my name #
Stop! Don't move!
Shut the door.
# My heart is true #
Get in here.
So average height, old coat.
There anything else?
He was wearing a balaclava.
I know you, don't I?
Everybody knows me.
- What's your name again?
- Maisie.
Maisie Flynn,
Mad Dog's ma.
My son is no dog.
His name is Douglas,
and I'll thank you
to call him that.
What's your connection
to Whole Lotta Sole, Maisie?
Nothing? Then what were
you doing in the office?
- Buying fish.
- What, you don't like the retail counter?
I don't like seeing them
laying there dead.
So average height,
old coat, Thompson machine gun.
Must have been Al Capone.
Did he have a Chicago accent?
Well, now that you mention it,
he could have been a Yank.
- Oh, yeah?
- He said,
"Are you shitting me?"
Are you shitting me?
Hey, boss, there's been another shooting,
in Scotch Street.
The gunman's run into a shop.
He's cornered.
Never rains, but it pours.
Ah, regards to Mad Dog, Maisie.
Rapid Reaction Force is on its way.
S- Sean, shush.
- Whose is this?
- He's my son.
Why did you bring him here?
- What is that?
- Nothing.
- Is someone else here?
- No.
Get back there.
Okay. All right.
Okay, okay.
[Crowd talking outside]
Okay. Open this.
It's just a bathroom.
JIMBO: Open it.
What's in there?
Nothing. I-It's just...
It's a broom closet.
It's full of junk.
Get out of the road. Move.
All right, all right.
All right.
# I believe it, too #
# It's you #
# Yes, you #
[Sirens blaring]
# As down in the glen
came McAlpine's men #
# With their shovels... #
- What's in there?
- Upstairs apartment. It's locked.
Push this across.
- All right.
- Push it!
- [Gasps]
- SOPHIE: Please don't shoot.
- Get your hands up!
- No, no, no, no.
- Get your hands up!
- Take it easy.
Get her out of there. Move.
- SOPHIE: Okay. Okay, okay.
- You lied to me?
- I didn't know she was...
- You lied to me?
[Sirens blaring]
#... the road again
with McAlpine's fusiliers #
We'll form a barrier here.
You'll form a barrier at the back.
Okay? Quick as you can.
# I stripped to the skin
with Darky Finn #
# Way down on the... #
- [baby crying]
- All right. Okay.
- Okay. Okay.
- There, there.
There, Sean.
There. It's okay. It's okay.
#... for rain #
# McAlpine's God
is a will-filled hod #
# With your shoulde... #
[car horn honks]
Behind the barrier.
No one comes through here.
Get back. Everybody, back.
This is mine, Stewart.
No, no, no.
Rapid Reaction Unit.
It's ours.
Active investigation. It's mine.
Gunman robs fish market.
Gunman runs into Scotch Street.
Gunman fires
at Policewoman Gilday.
Gunman flees into antique shop.
Gunman robs fish shop
with Thompson submachine gun.
Constable Gilday sees suspect
with small pistol.
Plus suspect is carrying
a bottle of wine and a pound of cod.
Do you think he stopped off
at the wine shop
for a nice Beaujolais and
left his Thompson on the counter?
This is your small pistol?
The perpetrator fired out that door
with a Thompson.
Our robber is in there.
My case, my crime scene.
You can await my instructions.
What is she doing here?
She was watching the store for me.
Oh, yeah? Is that all she was
watching for you?
- What do you mean?
- You're a big man
with the ladies, eh, aren't you?
- [Crying]
- Hey.
Okay, pick him up.
Pick him up.
No, not you.
You, you pick him up.
Yes, you.
You're gonna learn
a thing or two about children.
Pick him up.
- What?
- Pick him up.
All right.
Ah, Jesus.
He's... He's shit,
and I don't have any nappies.
I'll find something.
Uh, wait. Over here.
- Here. Here.
- Um...
- [farts]
- Oh, my...
No, you can't use that.
That's handmade Irish linen.
See, what did I tell you?
He doesn't give a shit about children.
That's not true.
You know, that feels like sandpaper.
Leave the door open so I can see.
No, see, he spun round.
Know what I mean?
He knocked the gun
right out of her hand.
Know what I mean?
He was very smooth.
I saw Matt Damon do
the same thing in Bourne 3.
And in 2. And in 1.
Well, it was very smooth.
He looked
very professional to me.
And then he, uh...
he ran into the shop.
No. Now, the next thing
that happened
was there was a big roaring.
[Imitates machine gun]
He must have got in that shop,
lifted the gun,
and fired it in a split-second.
Very, very professional.
Well, what do you
know about him?
Well, he's a Yank.
His name is Joe, Joe Maguire.
He's a cousin of the owner,
Peter Maguire.
Now, them Maguires,
they're from Peter's Hill.
they've been in that shop.
But what can you tell us
about this Joe Maguire?
He showed up
a lot of weeks ago.
Not very talkative.
Keeps himself to himself.
Know what I mean?
Is Peter in there with him?
No, no, no.
Peter's in Africa at the moment.
Actually he's over there building
one of them concern schools.
Uh, it's actually in Malawi.
Or is it Rwanda?
Any one of them places
needs a school.
He's very good with his hands, Peter.
Know what I mean?
Okay, thanks. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
No worries.
- We appreciate it.
- Right.
Jesus Christ.
Tell headquarters
to get on with the FBI
and give us all they have
on this Joe Maguire.
Have them check
into the Maguire family as well.
What's a concern school?
Fucked if I know.
It's a Catholic thing, you know.
Always concerned
about something.
Uh, I forgot to mention
the young lad.
What young lad?
I saw a young lad
getting into the shop,
pushing a pram.
No, he was walking up and down,
I'd say, before,
you know, with the pram,
trying to get the child to sleep,
I suppose.
And he goes into the shop.
Then the Yank Maguire goes in,
and then... whuh... started.
Know what I mean?
Very professional.
MAN: Boss.
I'm sorry, Douglas.
I'm not supposed to be
involved in that place, Ma.
I was there to get your cut.
I hid it from him.
Didn't recognize
his voice or anything?
No, Douglas.
He was wearing a balaclava.
He put on a bit of an accent.
He nearly shit when he saw me.
But I warned him. I told him
not to take the brown bag.
I told him he would die.
What did you tell the cops, Ma?
I told them nothing, son.
You never, ever told anybody
what was in that bag,
did you, Ma?
No, son.
I swear.
Are you sure about that, Ma?
Yes, son.
I'm sure.
I have to get that bag back.
- What's in it, M.D.?
- What's in it?
Trouble. Big trouble.
Let's give him a ring.
- [Sean coos]
- [Telephone ringing]
- Who is that?
- I don't know.
Answer it.
- Okay. Okay.
- Answer it.
Is this Joe Maguire?
Yeah. Who's this?
Detective Inspector Weller.
All right, Joe.
What's this all about?
Noth... Nothing.
You could do nothing
just as well out here.
Why don't you come on out, eh?
Throw out the gun.
Come out with your hands up.
WELLER: What is it you want, Joe?
- Uh...
- Just tell me what you want,
and we'll... we'll see
what we can work out.
All you have to do
is lift the phone...
- What do you want?
- [Sighs]
Give me a minute.
Wait a minute.
Why was he asking
you what you wanted?
- I...
- What was all that shooting about
when you came running in here?
Were the police chasing you?
[Telephone ringing]
- Something's not right here.
- You...
Okay, you say exactly what I write.
- You hear me?
- All right, I...
- Okay.
- I swear to God
I'm gonna shoot someone.
- They're gonna ask you what you want.
- No.
No, I think they're
gonna ask you what you want.
Please, answer the phone.
Okay, um,
tell them you want a plane.
Very original. Where to?
Never you mind where to.
I'll figure that out in a minute.
[Line rings]
- JOE: Hello.
- What happened, Maguire?
JOE: I was angry.
Angry at what?
- Me.
- You're angry at yourself? Hmm.
- [Presses button]
- Hello?
Not you. The cops.
You're angry at the cops.
WELLER: Hello? Hello?
- [Beeps]
- What the...
this thing has a hair trigger.
One good sneeze,
and it'll blow your head off.
- Okay, okay.
- Okay.
Don't be making me mad.
Jesus Christ.
All right.
JOE: I'm back.
Don't get angry again, Joe.
We want a plane.
[Helicopter whirring]
Who's "we"?
Uh, there's six of us,
and we're all armed,
so don't even think
about coming in here.
[Hangs up]
- [Sighs]
- Well, boss?
He says there's six of 'em in there,
and they're all armed.
INSPECTOR: Six of them?
Oh, boy.
What do you really want?
Never you mind.
He wants me.
How do you know?
Because that woman
would go to the ends
of the Earth to get me.
She's nuts.
[Bullets fire]
Aah! Jesus!
Please don't shoot us, mister.
Please, mister. Please.
- [Crowd yelling]
- What was that?
JIMBO: What are you two
doing in there?
We were sleeping. I swear.
I get it.
It's a Trojan horse.
No, mister. It's not a horse.
This is me da's couch, honest.
Get the two of them
out of there.
Get out, quickly.
- Come here.
- Get out.
You're hiding in there,
and you wait until I close
so you can rob the place.
No, mister, I swear.
We was watching TV and fell asleep.
Me da must have gone
and sold the couch.
We're going home, mister.
Yeah, me ma
will have the tea made.
Jesus Christ, shut up.
Sit down, the pair of you.
You're not going anywhere.
Go. Sit down.
- [Telephone ringing]
- Answer that.
- What?
- WELLER: Is anybody hurt in there?
No, it's nothing.
It was just an accident.
[Hangs up]
[Radio] Repeat. Shots fired
in Scotch Street.
[Southern American accent] What we
have here is a failure to communicate.
[Hangs up]
Cool Hand Luke.
Paul Newman.
It's only one of the best films
ever made.
BOY: Give us a look
at your gun, mister.
Shut up, and sit down.
Ah, go on.
Just give us a look at the gun.
Get back in that settee.
- Go!
- No!
Hey, I'll take your legs
at the knees
if you don't sit down now.
Now be quiet, or I'll put
the Curse of the Umgazi on you,
and your teeth will fall out.
So what's our next move, boss?
Give them time to get
tired and hungry.
Then we'll see where we're at.
Are you hungry, boss?
I could eat a horse
between two mattresses.
Come on.
- Two fish suppers, please.
- WOMAN: Yes, love.
Fish and chips,
greatest food known to man.
I mean, you got your protein,
your carbohydrates,
your omega-3 oils,
your sodium,
and all for 3.50, eh?
Plus you get to catch up
on yesterday's news.
Heh heh.
Now, where else in the world
would you get a bargain like that?
Expect heavy traffic buildup.
We require ambulance
and fire service.
What the fuck is this?
And stand by, Sergeant.
Who's the OSC?
On-site commander.
Well, th-that's me.
And you are?
Captain Thomas Farnsworth, SAS.
And what are you doing here,
Captain Farnsworth, SAS?
I didn't catch your name or position.
I'm Detective Inspector Weller,
and I'm standing in front of you.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to assist.
Nobody requested the SAS.
We have direct orders
from the Ministry of Defence.
The war here is over.
Did nobody tell you?
Those days are gone.
But I know what this is about.
Yous are bored, aren't yous?
Excuse me?
Ah, you're stuck in your barracks,
nothing to do.
You have the smell of action,
and here you are.
Well, you can fuck off
back to Kabul
or Baghdad
or wherever you came from.
There's nothing for you here.
Very well. I'll pass your message
to the Home Secretary.
I don't care if you
inform the Queen herself.
There's nothing for you here.
Now get back in that van of yours,
and clear off.
I have work to do.
Move it out, lads.
Excuse us.
Excuse us.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Excuse us.
Sorry. Sorry.
Jesus, lads.
We're in big trouble now.
What am I going
to tell your mother?
This just came
through via e-mail...
from the FBI.
What we have here is
a Mr. Joseph Maguire of South Boston,
an antique supplier.
"You'll notice that Mr. Maguire
is married to a Tracey Barrett,
"daughter of James Barrett,
"better known as Whitey B.,
head of the South Boston
Irish mafia."
"Mr. Maguire, it appears,
"is in bad favor
at the moment with Whitey,
"who has a hit out
on his son-in-law
for 100,000 to whack him."
That doesn't get out,
by the way,
in case one of your lads decides
to take up the offer.
- [Ringing]
- JIMBO: Answer it.
You missing Boston, Joe?
WELLER: Missing the wife?
JIMBO: What?
WELLER: Come on.
I know everything now.
You have a price on your head,
you come over to hide.
You run out of money.
You go back
to your robbing ways.
The game's up, Joe.
Come on. Surrender now.
We can work all this out.
- Help! Mister!
- Shh!
- We been kidnapped!
- Shh! Wait, boys.
- Who's that?
- SOPHIE: Shh! Shh!
[Hangs up]
You're married?
JIMBO: You see?
- Look...
- He's a liar.
You no-good bastard!
For God's sake,
Mary Ellen, don't!
Run, lads!
Lads, for God's sake, run.
I'll fucking kill yous all!
I'm sorry, Mary Ellen.
It was a mistake.
My kids are being held hostage!
[Recording] Help! Mister!
We've been kidnapped!
- [Yelling]
- SOPHIE: Shh!
Oh, Jesus.
Two boys,
a woman with an accent,
a Belfast man and a baby.
Makes it slightly more difficult
if we need to take Maguire out.
What the fuck are
you talking a...
Why are you still here?
Hi. James Buckley,
Ministry of Defence.
What can I do for you, James?
Uh, you're to deploy the SAS team.
Why? This is a police operation.
I know, but it's direct orders
from the Prime Minister's office.
This suspect, Maguire,
he's Catholic, isn't he?
I have no idea.
Well, we can't have the Police Service
of Northern Ireland shooting him.
It's terrible
for community relations.
Well, what if he's a Protestant?
Same difference.
It's not in keeping
with the PSNI's new image.
And how about
if he's an American?
The suspect has connections
with the mafia in America.
He's American?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Under no circumstances,
even if he comes out with guns blazing,
are any of your men
to shoot an American.
Countries have
been bombed for less.
Holy moley.
Can you imagine the paperwork?
I've been on the force
for over 30 years,
and I've never yet
fired a shot in anger.
I'm hardly likely to start now.
That's what I like to hear.
However, if it does get messy,
then the bad boys take over.
[Chuckles] And, by the way,
can you include
Captain Farnsworth
in all decision-making processes?
It's just he gets a bit sad
if he's left out.
Good man.
I'll make sure there's a Queen's Medal
in this for you.
Calm down, Mrs. Jones.
We're gonna take care of this.
We've no need for this.
There, now. Come on.
Careful, lads.
Keep your heads down.
You know they're good boys.
It's just that useless gob shite
of a da of theirs.
Very good boys, they are.
[Playing notes]
I will kill you two.
Go on. I dare you.
Why didn't you tell me
you were married?
Yeah. Why don't you tell us
about your family in America?
Why don't you tell her?
You're the one that's here
to do the dirty work.
What are you talking about,
"dirty work"?
You're a cheating,
no-good scumbug.
- I ought to kill you now.
- What are you...
You have no idea, do you?
Hey, calm down.
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about.
- I don't.
- My mum,
that's what I'm talking about.
What about your mom?
Don't tell me
you don't remember.
Jesus Christ.
You'll be the same,
used and abandoned.
Who is your mom?
Phyllis. Phyllis Regan.
Phyllis Regan.
I don't know her.
- Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
Is that you and her...
when yous were together?
Ph-Ph... Um...
Okay. Phyllis. Okay.
Yeah, fine. It's Phyllis.
You remember that photograph?
Yeah, I do.
It was at the beach.
What beach?
The... At the big...
Coney Island?
You don't remember
the most famous beach in the world?
You don't even remember?
- Right. Get into the toilet.
- Hey, hey.
Move. Get into the toilet
till I figure out
what to do, because...
- Just get into the toilet!
- All right!
- [Scratching]
- Boys, come, come, come.
Hey, into the toilet,
all of yous. Go.
Mister, I need to go to the toilet.
You're going into the toilet.
But I need to go on me own.
Please, me first, mister.
I said it first.
Okay, right.
You go, quick.
SOPHIE: Hurry up.
The standoff continues,
with police sources confirming
that the siege is related
to the earlier fish market robbery.
The PSNI...
We pulled off a big one
today, lads.
Big operation.
Great driver.
Ah, you took a shite.
Why'd you not let me
go first, then?
Get in there.
I'm gonna take a shite,
too, then.
SOPHIE: [groans]
[Clock ticking]
Can we talk about this?
No, we can't. Get in there.
I need time to think. Go.
[Helicopter hovering outside]
Do you remember his mother?
Yes, I remember Phyllis.
My father owned a bar
in the eighties.
She came over from Belfast
to work as a cocktail waitress,
and we dated for a few weeks.
We had a summer fling,
and she went back to Ireland,
and that was that.
Mister, have you got
any cigarettes?
- Hey!
- What?
Sit down.
[Together] We're sorry, missis.
[Sighs] Jesus.
That's why he's been stalking me.
Heh. I thought
Whitey had sent him.
Who is Whitey?
Whitey Barrett is the head
of the Irish mafia in Boston.
Yeah, he has a daughter
named Tracey,
who I'm married to.
I'm not.
I am trying to get a divorce,
and look at this.
She took a knife.
She stabbed me in the arm
while I was asleep.
Then she goes to her daddy,
and he sends
a hit man after me.
I had to get out of there.
Anyway, I came here to hide,
and then I see
this kid stalking me,
and that's why I had a gun.
What gun?
JOE: The gun. I had a...
The one that
the policewoman saw.
- Policewoman?
- The...
Oh, my God.
This is such a mess.
You know,
he thinks you are his father.
Man, I guess I could be.
Scaling. Go. Go.
[Sean fussing]
We're in position.
WELLER: Very good.
Keep 'em there until I say otherwise.
- You in there!
- Very well.
- Let me through!
- Hey, watch it, will you?
Don't you touch me!
- Where the hell are they?
- Who are you?
- Hold on there, missis.
- Hey, you.
Are you in charge here?
Just calm down. Step back.
Who is that woman?
I want my children now.
You, get out here.
We have to go home, mister.
Me ma will kill us.
Shut up, and stay in there.
Please, don't do anything foolish.
- All right.
- Okay, now. Shh.
Sit down,
or I'll bring those Umgazi.
What's the Umgazi, missis?
They are fierce,
dark, crazy spirits.
They take children
in the night to the swamp.
Okay, now sit down.
Be quiet, or the Umgazi.
[Clock ticking]
So how's your mom?
Say her name.
How is Phyllis?
She died four years ago
of breast cancer.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Look, I don't know your name.
It's Jim.
JOE: Look, Jim,
- this was a long time...
- What's better,
that your father
can't remember your mother
or that he decided
to pretend she doesn't exist?
Which would you prefer?
I'm truly sorry, Jim.
And what about
all the letters you wrote?
Were they all lies?
What letters?
The letters from California,
when you were a stunt man
on Raiders of the Lost Ark,
when you were working
on the oil rigs in Texas.
She read them all to me.
Why did you stop writing?
I swear to God
I never wrote any letters.
Your mom and I...
we were together
for a couple of weeks,
and then she left,
and I never saw her again.
We were kids.
What are you saying to me,
that she made all that up?
I... I...
Jim, I...
You're doing my head in.
Go easy. Calm down.
- Jim...
- Shut up.
I... I...
Look, Jim, I... I truly
do believe that...
- Shut up.
- I do believe...
Shut fucking up!
- My...
- Get down.
- Get down on the ground.
- Don't do this.
Get down!
- Get down on the ground.
- Calm down.
I can't handle this.
It's no good. I'm sorry.
JIMBO: I'm sorry.
- No!
- [Sean crying]
Oh, my God.
Don't do that. No.
Sorry. Stay away from me.
- Son, listen to me. Don't do that.
- Let me be.
Please, it's not worth it.
Don't. Just put that down.
It's all right.
Think of your son.
Whatever it is,
we can work it out.
Please! Help!
I swear. I'll fix it.
Help! Help this child!
He'll die! He's stuck!
- What?
- What?
- [Pounding]
- SOPHIE: Come on! Come on!
JIMBO: What's wrong?
He's choking.
- JOE: What the...
- Help!
Missis! Them Umgazis
are gonna kill me!
Help! Help!
Get away from me!
- Get away!
- I'm trying to help you.
Missis, them Umgazi,
they're gonna...
Sir, it appears his head's stuck
between the bars.
Is he trying to escape,
or is he spying for the Yank?
Quick, quick, quick.
Get away!
Here. Put this...
- What is that?
- JOE: Never mind.
There's an adult male,
appears to be
pulling him back now.
[Grunts] Gee.
- [Pop]
- Ohh.
SOPHIE: Are you okay?
[Telephone ringing]
BOY: What was that?
Listen, Maguire,
if you harm that child,
I will see to it that you rot in jail
for the rest of your life.
Do you hear me?
I will call you back.
BOY: What did you
see out there?
SECOND BOY: Shut up.
I'm trying to listen.
Just sit down, and behave.
JOE: We need to talk.
[Police dispatch chatter]
What are you doing here?
The children are my concern.
And I suppose
they're not mine, eh?
Why did you come here?
She's their mother.
I thought she could help.
She's a madwoman.
- I don't want a fucking coffee.
- Look at her.
I want my kids back.
Don't suppose there's any chance
we'll get her out of here now.
I'll take care of her.
Don't worry.
We won't be a problem.
"We"? Oh, no, no, no.
You are out of here.
This is way out of your league.
What is my league, Daddy?
You wanted me
to join the force,
but now I'm only good
for community relations and paperwork?
I want to be here.
Please, for the first time
in your life,
give me some respect.
You think you can control
that woman without me?
Go on ahead.
- MARY ELLEN:...to get off your arses...
- You go over
- and talk to her.
- And get my kids back.
How long have we been here?
How much time are we wasting?
We don't know what's
happening in there. Please!
You can stay.
Just keep out of the way.
JOE: You came to the store
because you needed help.
You did what any son would do.
You turned to your father.
Now, I want to help you.
But first you're gonna have
to put that thing down
before it goes off
and kills someone.
[Sean fussing]
[Piano playing]
Hey, guys,
knock it off.
BOY: Okay.
So tell me everything.
Last Christmas,
when Sean was born...
I had no money, so I borrowed
some from Mad Dog Flynn.
The gangster guy?
You know him?
We've met.
Trust me, I know the type.
Go on.
I owe him a lot of money.
They definitely said this American was
involved in the fish market robbery?
That's what they
said on the news.
Who'd have thought it, eh?
It went from 500 to 2,000
in two months,
and that's when he gave me
an extra 1,000 in his casino
to win it back.
And I tried to win it back
by gambling...
and that didn't work.
Next thing, it's 5,000,
and he's...
saying he's gonna give me two days,
or he's gonna take Sean.
You cannot just go
and take a baby.
He can. Why do you think they
call him Mad Dog?
He's killed loads of people
during the Troubles.
He'd just take Sean off me,
and if I tried to say anything to him,
he'd bury me.
Why didn't you
go to the police?
Police have been trying to get Mad Dog
since I was a wee boy.
They can't touch him.
That's why I robbed the fish market,
to get the money back.
All I got was this brown bag.
The tinker boys and
Maguire, we know about,
but who's this mystery man
with the baby
and the woman with the accent?
Boss, check this out.
Mad Dog Flynn.
What's he doing here?
I don't know.
[Sighs] Jeez.
All we need is Bono,
and we'd have
a fucking musical.
500, 600 at the most.
Everybody uses
debit cards these days.
What's this?
I don't know.
"Horace Generoux"
from Montreal.
Horace Generoux, my arse.
That's Mad Dog Flynn.
That's what his ma
must have been talking about.
This must be Mad Dog's bag.
He's a dual citizen apparently.
What's this?
I don't know.
Hang on a minute.
- What?
- Look...
let's get a magnifying glass.
There we go.
You see that?
That's Augustus.
This is Roman Sestertius.
It's worth about 200 grand.
That is a Penny Red.
Here, give us a look.
No, no, no, no. Shh.
I'm dead.
No, you're not dead.
You let me worry about Mad Dog.
Right now,
all we gotta do is think about
how to get out of here safely.
[Distant siren blaring]
Have to get that bag back.
How are you, M.D.?
You saw all the cops
around there now.
My photo's in that bag,
as well as a fortune
in stolen gear.
How did that Yank
know about it?
You don't think my ma's
in on this, do you?
Jesus, Mad Dog, not your ma.
I'll kill her if she is.
No way, M.D.
I hope the cops
don't shoot that Yank.
I want him tortured
when he goes to jail,
to find out how he knew
about that bag.
Can't let the cops
get their hands on it.
Or else maybe...
Or else what?
Blow the place up.
Burn it down.
Destroy the evidence.
Jesus Christ, M.D.
Half the cops in Belfast
are around it.
[Overlapping chatter]
This is the best place
for us now.
When are you gonna get my boys?
They're all sitting
around on their arses.
Don't worry, Mary Ellen.
Things are happening.
Can I get you a wee cup of tea
to soothe your nerves?
That'll be lovely, son.
You're awful good to me, son.
I hope I can make you your tea.
I'll be right back.
- [Spits]
- Why don't you get off your arse?
This is your chance
to stand up to this thug.
I'm gonna get you out of this.
I don't know.
You can bring this guy down.
One of those big cranes.
Get a big petrol drum,
Swing it across.
Drop it in the shop.
Is there a crane near there?
I haven't seen one, Mad Dog.
Have you not?
How 'bout we get
two big 5-gallon cans,
strap them to you,
give you some matches,
and you go in there?
You up for that, Hatchet?
MAN: [chuckles]
What about me?
You're a fucking idiot.
Go and get Big Bertha.
I thought we destroyed her
as part of the cease-fire.
Aye, we said we did.
You think I'd destroy
a lovely lassie like that?
This is where she is.
[Telephone rings]
Sir, that's Maguire
calling for you.
WELLER: Ah, tired and hungry.
Told you.
Hello there.
We need to talk.
Right. Go ahead.
We want no violence.
We end this thing peacefully.
WELLER: I'm all for that.
Listen, why don't you, uh,
send out the children
and the baby?
You know, show of good faith.
We're all coming out.
You're all coming out?
Right now? Great.
No. No, no, no.
We have, uh, a few preconditions first.
WELLER: Like what?
JOE: I'll meet you out front.
We do this face to face.
All right.
I'm coming on my own.
All right.
Grab me a vest.
Will do, boss.
All right, get the floodlights up.
And you tell your men
that I'm going over there.
Now, they can cover me,
but under no circumstances
are they to take aggressive action.
MAN: Ah!
I've lost me fucking sneaker.
SECOND MAN: Told you you should
have brought some rope.
Hurry up.
SAS MAN: All right.
Move it.
This woman says her husband
and her baby are missing.
Did he have the baby in a pram?
BOY: Bet you I can.
You all right?
I need to pee.
Uh, well, go.
You won't run away
and leave me?
God, no.
You swear?
I swear.
You can leave that thing.
Just leave it.
BOY: Let me see it.
[Boys chatting]
JIMBO: Thanks.
Do you think he's your son?
Well, he sure has my bad luck.
Sophie, I am so sorry
for dragging you into all this.
It's not your fault.
Can you give me another chance?
You can have your chance,
Joe Maguire.
Ooh! Ooh!
Hey! Umgazi.
We're sorry, missis, honestly.
I don't want to see
them Umgazis again.
What do you mean, "again"?
I saw it, mister, I swear,
when me head was stuck.
They're out in the back.
Tell me everything
that you saw.
They were all black,
with a big mask
and wires coming
out of their heads
and guns, all sorts of guns.
They were scary, mister.
come with me.
Here. Sit down.
You, too.
- SOPHIE: Stay here.
- [Toilet flushing]
Jim, turn that light off.
What's wrong?
There's snipers in the backyard.
[Sean cries]
Light 'em up.
What's happening, mister?
- [Gasping]
- What are they doing?
WELLER: Maguire.
JOE: I'm coming out.
Well, Mr. Maguire,
it's a fine pickle
you got yourself into.
This isn't what it looks like.
Oh, yeah? I'm all ears.
Ah, she's a beauty.
Be fuck-all left of that shop,
that's for sure.
Heh heh.
- Now you're talking.
- Right.
Let's get this show
on the road.
And, uh,
he runs inside my store.
That's quite a yarn, very good.
All right, how about if I give you
something that you really want?
Like I said, I'm all ears.
Mad Dog Flynn.
Mad Dog Flynn?
He's taking too long.
There's two fake passports.
There's rare coins,
very rare stamps.
Is there a Penny Red?
Yeah, in mint condition.
How did you know?
Big heist about a year ago
from a private collection.
Thought Mad Dog was behind it.
Now you got the evidence.
- It's not enough.
- I've got a witness.
Oh, yeah? Who?
The kid,
he'll testify against Mad Dog
for extortion, torture,
threatening to kidnap a baby.
He'll testify?
Yes, but you have to put him
and his family
in a witness protection program
somewhere abroad.
you get a major gangster
off the streets of Belfast,
and you resolve
a hostage situation peacefully.
- Get in.
- Quick, get in the back.
- Get in.
- Here he comes.
What's happening?
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Aye?
- [Sean crying]
- I can make a deal with him.
I'm gonna have to take
this little guy out with me now, okay?
Attend your targets,
and hold your position.
Received. Over.
MAN: What's going on?
- [Cooing]
- JOE: Here he is.
Very good.
That's a start.
- [Farts]
- [Crying]
Not much of a baby-sitter,
are you?
Hey, you can't
come through there!
Oi! Come back here!
Where's my boys?!
Hey, wait a minute.
Where are you...
- What the...
- Where are they?!
- Stop! Wait!
- Oh, fuck you.
- Come here, you.
- We're sorry, Ma.
- Come here.
- I'm sorry.
- Stop! Stop, or I'll shoot!
- Put that down!
If you don't get out of my way,
I'll stick that gun
up your arse!
- No! Come on!
- [Yelling]
Let her go.
Do it. Do it.
- Whoa!
- Down!
Give me that thing!
What are you doing?!
Place yourself.
- Get out of here!
- Joe!
- Come away! Get over!
- Holy shit.
- Are you okay?
- I'm all right.
I'm all right. Get the baby.
Get in... Get in here!
I'm all right.
Hold your fire.
Stand down.
All units, stand down now.
Nobody shoot!
Don't shoot!
Let it go.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
I'm sorry.
What are you thinking?
Who the fuck let that woman go?
What kind of a Mickey Mouse
operation is this?
Hey, get your boss.
Home Secretary,
Northern Ireland Secretary,
Queen, I don't care who it is.
Get them on the phone
for me now.
Put me through to Deputy Secretary
Buckley at the MOD.
Okay, sir. Right away.
What did I tell you?
I couldn't just leave you, Dad.
You all right?
Damn knee went out again.
- [Winces]
- MARY ELLEN: Tell me now,
- who told you...
- You did good, son.
To get in that sofa?
Was it your da?
Go and pacify
that woman, will you?
And tell her to stop
beating her children,
or you'll arrest her for cruelty.
Shut up, or I'll...
We'll need the SAS for that.
Undersecretary Buckley.
Hello, sir.
No, but everything's going
according to plan.
Well, I just need authority
to make a deal.
No, I believe we can nail
a major criminal,
someone I've been after for years.
MAN: Okay, let's go.
[Telephone ringing]
JOE: Okay.
Are you trying to get somebody
killed here?
That was not our fault.
All right.
I'll see you at the door.
Help me up.
Right. Right. Come on.
- Coming out.
- That's fine.
All right.
Have we got a deal?
Yeah. Deal.
But this is how we do it.
Bring out the woman
and the bag first.
Then you bring the kid out
and yourself.
MAD DOG: Hurry up.
Get that thing up and ready.
WELLER: All right, lady.
HATCHET: Shit. Fuck, Mad Dog.
That's the bag.
I know that's the bag.
Get on with it. Now.
He's giving the evidence away.
Switch the safety off.
Show me this evidence.
- What is this?
- What?
Where's the passport?
What are you talking about?
Where's the evidence?
No, this is a mistake.
- Ju... No, I'll...
- Don't mess with me.
MAD DOG: Come on.
He's taking it back inside.
- Where's the stuff?
- SOPHIE: What's wrong, Joe?!
- Go on. Get back. Come on.
- Perfect.
- The passports? The coins?
- It's in the bag.
No, it's not in the bag.
It's empty.
Hit it, boss.
- Shit. I missed.
- [Alarm blaring]
Jesus Christ.
What was that?
That was an RPG.
- Get up, you stupid bastards.
- Ah, God.
- Where'd it come from?
- Shoot, boss.
- Wait! Wait!
- Aah! Fuck!
Joe! Ohh.
Come back. Come back.
You can't go in there.
Come on. Come on.
Get back.
- Move! Move!
- Come on! Let's go!
Fire at will.
Ah, jeez.
Get the fire engines
in there now.
Move it. Come on.
Let's go.
Go! Go! Go!
[Sirens blaring]
This constable's gonna
take you to the ambulance.
JIMBO: Help! Hey!
- What the...
- Someone's in here!
- We got survivors here!
- Help!
Andy, we've got two survivors!
- Come over here, and give me a hand.
- Are you okay?
Ah, my eyes.
JIMBO: What happened?
[Laughs] Joe.
- Jim!
- Annie!
Am I all right?
You're fine.
You're perfect.
- [Laughs]
- Maguire.
The deal's off.
No evidence.
- What?
- Take him in.
Wait. Wait.
I know what happened.
Oh, yeah?
Are you the Umgazi?
Show us your gun.
Just eat your chips.
Go on.
[Western movie music playing]
Where is it?
Tell me, or I will cut the tripe
out of the both of yous.
Wait. Guys, just tell us
where you put the stuff.
I'll buy you a new piano.
You will in your arse.
I didn't touch it, I swear.
But I think it fell into the pram.
Excuse me.
Here you go. That's it.
That's what you need.
[Chuckles] Perfect.
Right. Let's shut
this little circus down.
I'll deal with you
in the morning.
JOE: It'll be okay.
Thank you, son.
You did a great job.
I'm proud of you.
Not as proud as I am of you.
You're a great policeman.
Hey, Dad.
I... I have a confession to make.
Oh, Randy,
I have a lot on my plate.
No, no, no, no.
I have to say it.
You know in the morning
when I go running?
Well, I don't.
I... I go to Mass with Mommy.
I'm Catholic.
Five years now.
I- I'm really sorry.
All right, all right. I...
I suppose I'll get used to it.
At least you didn't
tell me you're...
Please, son,
no more confessions.
Not tonight.
Jesus Christ.
Let's go.
You better get going with them.
SOPHIE: Take care.
Okay. Come on.
Take care, Joe.
I thought you were dead.
You can't get rid of me that easy.
[Tires skid]
MAD DOG: Did you throw Bertha
in the river?
Aye. Crying shame, Mad Dog.
- She's useless now.
- Why?
'Cause we've
no fucking rockets, you idiot.
Don't you move, sunshine!
Good evening, Inspector.
I was just leaving, but you can
warm yourself by the fire.
Planning a trip, are you?
I might.
Have a nice house in Majorca.
You should come down there.
The wee shed out back
with a nice patch
of mud that you could roll in.
Well, your trip's been canceled.
Passport's out of date.
[Music playing]
- What do you think?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Good.
Try this.
JOE: Hey, look.
SOPHIE: There they are.
- JOE: Hey.
- Hey.
- Good morning.
- Here we are.
Come on, wee man.
Good morning.
Ah, you guys.
Hey. Come here.
Yeah, yeah. Come on.
You okay?
Yeah. We're all packed.
Well, take care
of these two guys.
- Come here.
- Yeah.
Hey, there's that baby. Ohh.
Do you really think
you are my dad?
I'm sure of it.
[Sean fussing]
Very good. Cool.
Okay, we gotta go.
Good luck.
Bye, now. Bye.
- JOE: Bye, Sean.
- Bye-bye.
Well, Mr. Maguire,
think you got more
than you bargained for
hiding out in Belfast, eh?
Yeah. No kidding.
This just came in from Boston.
"Whitey Barrett,
FBI informant"?
You're kidding.
I think you're the least
of his problems now.
And, uh, about my gun?
Oh, that peashooter of yours?
There was no firing pin in it.
- No firing pin?
- No.
We'll call it an antique.
Behave yourself.
Yes, sir.
I don't know about you,
but I need some breakfast and...
- Come.
- Yeah, come on.
SOPHIE: Let's eat.
# Well, let me kiss the lips
that whisper to me #
# Uttering the words
that burn right through me #
# Hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms, baby #
# And let me hold the hands #
# That once caressed me #
# Hands that made me sin #
# But then confessed me #
# Hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms, baby #
# Ah, well, you said I never
stood strong in the hard times #
# And maybe you're right #
# But I swear I will tonight #
# Yeah, when you
hold me in your arms #
# You know I want to be the one
that stands beside you #
# Baby, in your life #
# Baby, be with me tonight #
# Oh, and hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms #
# Hold me in your arms #
[new song playing]
# Well, if there's
something I can give #
# You need only ask me #
# 'Cause you help me,
now I'll help you #
# It's the way it should be #
# As I walk along these streets #
# The ones I'd once forsaken #
# And people that I knew #
# I see a light awaking #
# Well, nothing much
has changed #
# Mostly still the same #
# Cold sun shines through rain #
# Yet Belfast is born again #
# Oh, nothing much has changed #
# Mostly still the same #
# And the cold sun
shines through rain #
# Yet Belfast is born again #
# Mm mm, mm mmm mm, mm mm #