Whore (1991)

Mon, every time me go to them clubs, mon
Me go to Bentley's, me go to Payday
Me go to Silver Shadow, me go all around, mon
Me see the girls with the big boom-boom, mon
Me look at them and me only want to do one thing, mon
Me just want to bang her
That's all me want to do, I just want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
- I want to bang her - Follow me now
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
I want to bang her
She a dumb girl and she got a big bang
All me want to do is just bang, bang, bang
Me standing all alone and no one is near
Me want to jump up and put it in her ear
The girl, she wide with her big bum flauntin'
She lookin' at me, she know that me want
She tried to run away, want her nieces and aunties
It much too late, me already got the panties
So come back, come back, and take the medicine
Me got the long buddy, come on and let us in
Jump on mattress, knock the booties, baby
Me place you on pillow so you won't bang your head
Me kiss, me lick, me taste, me lust
Me get real horny and thrust, thrust, thrust
It lasts a long time, I'm tired, thank you
I'm all dry now 'cause I just want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
I want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
I want to bang her
Bang, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang, bang...
( horn honks )
( horn honks )
( horn honks )
( horn honks )
Hey. Come here.
How you doing?
Fine. You a cop?
Why, are you?
You want a date?
How much?
How much you got to spend?
It depends on what you do.
( scoffs )I have sex.
I give head,half and half.
And I do domination.
Uh, is that all?
( scoffs )
What do you mean"is that all"?
What the hell you want,a hand job?
I wanna fuck youup the ass.
You can stick itup your own, asshole.
( laughs )
I would if I could, bitch.
- Bastard!- ( horn honks )
Fucking jerkoff!
- Jesus, you hearthe mouth on that guy?- ( horn honks )
Could just imaginewhat it would be likeif he had me alone.
- ( horn honks ) - I mean, if he can'ttreat me like a lady
out here on the street,he sure ain't gonnatreat me like one
- when he getsmy pants down, now, is he?- ( man retching )
( gags )
Oh, God.
- Ugh. - What?
What are you looking at?
Why don't you finda toilet, huh?
- Why don't you find a bed?- I'm trying to,
but you ain'texactly attracting business,you know what I mean?
- Want a date?( retches )- Ugh.
I wasn'tgonna kiss you.
- ( horn honks ) - Ugh. Jesus Christ.
- I know the rule.- This place is a fucking dive!
I wish I hadn't come here.
Spare some changefor Ras?
Don't vex me,sister.
Me got somethingfor you.
- What?- Come, come. Me show.
( horn honks )
- Come. Look.- What are you doing?
- What's the matter with you?- ( glass shatters )
- ( gasps )- For just one dollar, sister,
I'm walking onreal broken glass.
No, don't!Don't do it!
- You breaking me concentration.- Here. Take it, take it!
I don't care.Just have it.Ah!
There's a guy onthe other side of the street.He's probably into blood.
Jesus.If there's two thingsI don't need
is a guy pukingon one side of the streetand bleeding on the other.
- Can you believewhat he was gonna do for a--- ( horn honks )
You know,this isn't my territory.
I'm sorta on the run.
- I left the fucker yesterday.- ( horns honking )
I work downtown.I've got my regulars there.
There's at theJust the Chicken takeout.
Yeah, us working gals call itthe "cluck and fuck."
There, the cars,they line up for me, man.
- ( horn honking ) - I'll go back thereas soon as it cools down.
Chicken's not badthere either.
Well, it's a little onthe greasy side, I guess,
but if you're hungry.
( scoffs )Let's face it.
Nobody's therefor the chicken.
( horn honking )
( tires screech )
Come on, baby.Come on.
Come on to mama.
That's it.
Got another sucker.
( window hums )
Hi, darling.
You a cop?
Man: Do I look like a cop?
No. You want a date?
Right now, I'm just looking.
- How much for more? - 50 for starters.
- What's that include? - Today we're offering straight,head, or the combo.
Half and half.
- Anything extra?- Is extra.
- How's the head tonight? - House specialty.
I'll try it for 40.
Including tip.
Get in. ( laughs )
You're pretty.What's your name?
- ( music playing ) - Liz.
No, just Liz.
So, Just Liz,you have a place?
No. We cango to yours.
Get a room, an alley.Whatever you want.
Well, the old lady'snot home, is she, Dad?
Hey, forget it.I don't do incest.
- I'm not his father.- Relax. He just looks old.
- Fuck you, man.- But he's got a young cock.
- Real small.Like a French fry.- He's bullshitting you.
I got a cock the sizeof a Pershing missile.
- Just let me out, please?- And he comes just as fast,so don't worry.
How would you know?
- I heard.- From who?
Who do you think?
That last whorewe picked up back there?
- I'll kill her.- Hey, I said just let me out,please!
I'm gonna findthat little scumbag.
Hey, you'rescaring her, man.
I'm not scared.It's just thatI don't do double.
- Oh, forget this one.- Not for any price.
What, you don'tdo white doubles?
- Only single niggers?- Come on, man.
- Let her out. You'rewasting our fucking time.- Yeah.
Fuck, no.We're just startingto have fun, aren't we?
- I'll take the head now!- ( screaming )
Hey. Hey, maybeyou know her.
A little girl.A Puerto Rican.
Come on, suck it!I said suck it!
- About 5'2". Blue eye shadow.- Man, I'm trying toget off here.
I'm not stopping you.I just want to talk to her.
I don't want her talkingwhile she's giving me head.
( screams )Jesus.
- ( spits )- She's not giving youdiddly, man.
We're just--forget it, okay?!
- ( laughs )- Don't flatter yourself.
I wouldn't wastemy come on you.
Tricks. They're sopredicable, you know?
You get in the carand you're his.
( horn honks )
And never get in a van.
I made that mistake once.
( man whistles )
Just once.
It happened downtowna couple of years ago.
It was before I had a pimpto take care of me.
I guess my mind just wasn'ton my job that night.
Man: Excuse me, miss.
You're a prostitute,aren't you?
No. I'm a wet dreamon legs.
How-- how muchdo you cost?
What are you looking for?
I don't know.Something around $20.
20 bucks won't buya porno tape.
Double itand I'll give you head.
I give great head.
All right. All right.Get in.
So you got a placeor you want it here?
- ( screaming )- Yeah!
Come on, man!Give her a good fucking for me!
Fuck her up the ass! Yeah!
Come on, man!Do it for me, man!
Stick it down herfucking throat, man! Whoo!
Liz: There must have been five of 'em.
They started on me right away. They were like animals.
Just grunting and laughing. Grunting and cussing.
- Yeah, come on, man!- ( screaming continues )
Liz: Seem to go on forever. I don't know how long.
When they had enough, they-- they just got rid of me.
- Man: Later, bitch! - ( door shuts )
( whimpering )
My God.
Don't be afraid.
Liz: Yeah, he offered me a ride to the nearest hospital.
I really should've gone,
but the hospital would've called the cops
and I couldn't deal with the cops.
So I told him I had a fight with my boyfriend
and maybe he could just take me home.
Then he told me he was a schoolteacher.
Great, with my luck, he'll molest me.
He gave me his handkerchief to wipe away the blood.
The only thing he wanted
was to know if I needed anything.
I hated asking,
but I needed some money.
He gave me 20 bucks, his name, and his address.
I guess he thought he'd never see it again,
but I sent it back with a new handkerchief
and I wrote him this little thank-you note.
"Just a line to let you know that I'm okay."
But he never wrote back.
One look at my spelling would scare anybody off.
Especially a schoolteacher, you know?
( air rhythmically rushing )
Looks a little flat.
Need a hand pumping it up?
You are doing it
without a rubber thing?
I pay for itwithout a rubber thing.
You prefer whatwithout a rubber thing?
- Everything.- What are you, man,like suicidal?
Yes. I amliking that, too.
Well, I'm not intosuicides and I always usea rubber thing.
- I pay extra.- You couldn't afford extra.
( siren blaring )
He wants it,but he doesn't wantto use a rubber.
Get a lot of men like that.
I mean, they'll pay extra.Sometimes even double.
I mean,that is really stupid.
What if they tooksomething home to their wives?
Some of 'em never give up, do they?
Take Charlie for instance.
Man was as good as gold.
Charlie was a regular, but he didn't want sex.
Well, not straight sex anyway.
All I had to do was hit him with his cane and he'd come.
First time, I got a little carried away.
Bam. Oops.
Then I found out just how hard he liked it.
It's funny. The first time I saw him all stretched out on the bed
with his skinny little chicken legs and his wrinkled little butt,
I mean, I practically peed my pants.
Just six swats. That was all he needed.
Easy money.
I must have a talent for it.
I should open up a torture chamber.
I make him beg for mercy.
There was this one day, right,
his grandchildren were there.
He told them I was from the welfare department.
That he had to show me around the house.
We left the kids watching TV and we went upstairs.
We couldn't do it in the bedroom 'cause the lock was broke.
So we did it in the bathroom,
but I couldn't get a good swing.
It was just too narrow.
- ( glass shatters ) - ( Liz laughs )
I broke a fucking light fixture.
He was so sweet. He always gave me something.
I mean, you know, besides the money.
Usually something from the garden.
I know it's stupid to get involved with tricks,
but he's, well, he's a client.
And sometimes, you've gotta break the rules.
Last year, Charlie had a stroke.
Give me your hands,Donatello.
Your love has got a hold on me
Your love's got a hold on me
Your love has got a hold on me...
Okay, so he's in a rest home now.
Don't mean he has to rest.
Charlie's still my client.
I always bring him an avocado.
He thinks it's from his garden.
Hey, what he don't know won't hurt him.
But I think he probably knows.
Your love has got a hold on me
Your love's got a hold on me
- Your love has got a hold on me - ( cane whipping )
Your love has got a hold on
Your love has got a hold on me...
- ( screams )- Sorry.
- Mosquito.- What do you want now,a dollar for slapping me?
No, no problem.
- No problem, sister.- Thanks, mon,
but next time,I think I'll justlet him suck my blood.
But it was free.( laughs )
- Free.- Shit.
( horn honks )
Bad move.
Even tricks need a little bitof mystery, AIDS carrier.
She's a fucking strawberry.
Won't accept cash,only crack.
And you see,prostitutes like that,
they have no respectfor themselves.
I mean, I would never pull outone of my breasts in public.
I would never go outwith a bodysuit on.
I mean, just a bodysuit.
And I would neveropen my legs on the street.
I mean, I would never donone of that shit.
And I don'twear shorts, either.
Well, I wear shorts,
but I don't wear themup the crack of my ass,you know?
And I only wear 'emduring the day.
I mean,when I was younger,
I used to do shit like that,I guess. I don't know.
Seems the older I get,the more mature I get, I guess.
Goddamnmotherfucking shit.
- ( tires screech )- ( horn honks )
( tires screech )
( music playing )
Give me a dry martini,please.
Very dry with a cherry.
Not an olive.
( panting )
He doesn't really thinkI'm gonna leave him.
Hey, I know what he thinks.
He thinks I'm stillgonna work.
Like I said,I left my place yesterday,
I went and got thislittle motel room.
And see,what he thinks is
is that I've beenstacking my money, right?
And in a couple of days,
I'm gonna have thisbig bankroll for him.
( scoffs )
That's what he thinks,but I'm not.
No. Not this time.
I've been spending my money.
Look at my nails.
I used to havebeautiful nails.
Now I can't leave them alone.
I'm like a dog with a bone.
See, pimps, you know,
they think that they gotthis hold on you, you know?
Like you'll stick to themlike fucking crazy glue.
And it is kinda crazy,you know?
In some sort of sick,twisted way, they...
they make you believethat you love 'em.
I knew Blake about a year
and he never asked me out or even laid a hand on me.
It wasn't that I wanted him to.
It was that I wondered why he hadn't.
So naturally, when he sent me a classy dress
and showed up at my place in a tux
with pine freshener on his breath,
I wondered what the fuck was up.
Um, hey.
Do you think we could sitat a different table?
I mean, I got thisproblem with kitchens.
I used to work at thisgreasy spoon, you know,
and it was justcrawling with roaches.
Ahem. Well,it's your night.
I understand, ma'am.Please, follow me.
Oh, but I didn't mean
your kitchen was crawlingwith roaches, too.
It's just that I get this,what do you call it?
A phobia about it.Yeah, that's it.
Liz: I felt kinda nervous.
You know, like you do when you're out with your boss or something.
I didn't think I could be promoted
and I wondered if a whore could be fired.
But then he never would've used breath freshener
and bought me that classy new dress, would he?
So now you gonna tell mewhat the occasion is?
So what do you want to eat?
( sighs )
A steak.I'm so hungry,I could eat a horse.
10-1 it is one, huh?
Steak "tarter."
Yeah, this is a nice place,
but you'd think they'd knowhow to spell steak, huh?
- S-T-E-K-E--- This is a French restaurant.
Then how come there's noFrench fries on the menu, huh?
They call 'em pommes frites.
Well, I'll havea helping of that
and a nice, juicy steak.
Steak tartareis raw steak
minced withraw onions, eggs,
and Worcestershire sauce.
Oh. Really?
Well, why don't you makea suggestion, then, huh?
All right.
As a starter,how 'bout gravlax marinade?
What's that?
It's raw salmonand it's marinade--
Raw?Is everything inthis restaurant raw?
I mean, can't they afforda chef around here?
Hey, raw foodis really good for you.Don't you know nothin'?
( speaks French )
He wants youto choose.
( laughs )
What, you foundsomething?
What's so funny aboutcrab julienne?
You remember.Your old whore Julienne.
She had crabslike you wouldn't believe.
- You remember.- Uh, yes, madam?
- I don't really know, sir.- Hey, call him waiter.
You call me sir.
I'll orderfor both of us.
Trs bien, sir.
We'll have the calamara la chinoise.
And would sir care for some wine?
Hey, can we getsome champagne?
I haven't had champagnefor a long time.
Give me a bottleof "Low Da Vici."Very cold.
I presume sir means "Eau De Vichy."
Yeah, that's what I said.
So now you gonna tell mewhat this is all about?
Madamhas a request?
I have an extensiverepertoire.
Uh, how 'bout "Don't ItMake My Brown Eyes Blue"?
I'm afraidI'm not that familiar withthe contemporary classics.
- Of course not.- How 'bout the marchfrom act three
of Wagner's"Lohengrin"?
I think you meanact two.
I was wondering when wewere gonna get together,
- but is this likea proposal or something?- "Something," my ass.
Don't say you didn'tremember our anniversary.
I've been lookingafter you a year now.
A year this very day.
- C'est bon, sir?- You may pour.
- To our anniversary.- And the oldest profession.
- The what?- Ahem.
Uh, prostitution
is commonly knownas the oldest profession.
It sure makes me feel old.I'll drink to that.
This tastesexactly like water.
It's sparkling mineral water. It's good for the liver.
You oughta lay off the booze.It's got a lot of calories.
- No, put it out.- Hmm?
We're in a nonsmoking area.Put it out.
Well, why don't we moveto a smoking area, then?
You wanna take care of yourself?Smoking is bad for your health.
So is fuckingscabby tricks.
And what is this?
It's calamari and lychees.What's it look like?
I don't know,but I've seen onebefore, I think.
What is calamar?
It's a kind of octopus,you stupid moron.
It's fucking octopus.
Ha! I should've known.They got testicles, don't they?
Though I thought theyhad eight of 'em. Looks likeyou've been shortchanged.
Looks like a dick.
( spits )Tastes like a dick.
Look, all I want is just
an old-fashioned pieceof apple pie with loadsof ice cream on it!
- Yeah, well, forget it!- What-- what you say?!
What, have you gone deaf?I said forget it!
You're as fatas a fucking pig!
( scoffs )
I'm-- I am?
Liz: I guess he was right.
I smoke too much, eat junk food, and drink like a fish.
I mean, I gotta get some satisfaction out of life
or it just ain't worth living.
Whoring ain't exactly the job of the future, you know.
And working out, doing 50 sit-ups
when I could have been sleeping wasn't my idea of fun.
Well, it had its moments, I guess.
Tell me
Tell me all your secrets
Tell me all your secrets
Tell me.
- ( buzzing )- ( Liz groaning )
Our first year together as pimp and whore
and Blake's idea of an anniversary gift...
You're gonna seea big change in yourself.
you're gonna bea lot more body conscious.
Great. Does that meanI'm gonna lose my stomach?
Tattoo artist: You'll be a lot more committed to self.
And to the one you love,
you'll have a special,spiritual connection
because tattoos are forever.
So are diamonds,but they're a lot less painful.
That's the most pricksI've had in 30 minutes.
Liz: For a while, he was right.
I felt kinda special.
Till one by one I found out
all of Blake's girls had one.
Hey, not always on the same body part.
I wasn't special.
I was just a piece of branded cattle. One of the herd.
You see, what pimps do
is they build you up and then they break you down.
It's kinda likebeing a hostage.
They just know howto make you need 'em.
They don't love you.
Pimps don't love nobody.
Give me another martini,please.
Air dry.
Getting as bad as Bill was.
Fuck it.
The minute I laid eyes on him,
I thought he was real cute.
It was back home at the local dive
where they had music and beer
and you could hang out and shoot pool.
Like I did with my friend Martha.
It was back in the days when I was living the straight life.
- I feel like I'm gonna die.- Put your bet on him.
- Think I should?- What's a buck?Yeah, you're right.
But don't you thinkit will look kinda weird,me going over there
and putting money downright in front of him?
No, he'll just thinkyou're some horny bar slut
- that wants to fuck him.- Stop.
What if I wantto marry him?
Then I thinkI better bet on him.
All:10, nine, eight,
seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one!
( cheering )
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...
Oh, fuck it.He wasn't my type anyway.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do
And this girl is gonna go home...
I didn't like menmuch anyway.
Thanks forbelieving in me.
This is for you.
- Congratulations.- Oh, it was nothing.
- No, it was, really.- You think so?
Yeah. Hey, you shouldn't putyour talents down, you know?
It's an inherited talent.My old man's a big drinker.
- Really? So is mine.- No kidding?
Yeah, well, that's whatmy mom told me anyway.
You wanna danceor something?
- Okay.- All right.
Here, you can havethis prize.
Oh, gee, thanks.
Liz: For a while, it was great.
We really loved each other.
The way when you're a little girl
and imagine how love would feel.
The way your mom always told you love should be.
So I thought getting married
was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I guess it was too good to last.
Well, that was one thing my mom didn't tell me.
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
- I want to bang her... - Oh, shit!
Liz: Well, I guess playing house
is sorta fun when you're seven years old.
But when you're seven months pregnant, well, forget it.
I mean, when he starts getting home later and later,
drunker and drunker 'cause of all the overtime he's putting in,
when you know he's been fired and he's been cheating on you.
Well, that'd be tough on any relationship.
Still, I couldn't stop loving the bastard.
So I kept on trying to please him.
Getting all dolled up for dinner and setting the table pretty
and making his favorite salad.
All I really wanted was a good night's sleep.
And you never knew how he was gonna react.
It was like living on the edge of a fucking volcano.
( crying )
( baby crying )
Shut up.
Shh. Come on, baby.
We're gonna go see Grandma.
Let's get out of this dump.
Woman on TV:I want my daughter.
I'm not an alcoholic.Give me Karen.
Man on TV:Take it off, then.
Woman: Give memy daughter, please.
Man: Yeah, this iswhat you want.
- No.- This is what it's about,huh, Bambi?
I want my daughter.
Liz: Finally, I get it through my head.
Okay, I married a loser. No great loss.
A lot of people do it.
So I leave Bill and I move in with my mom.
Then I get this dream job at a sleazy diner.
One night it was late, I was tired, and the tips were shit.
I just worked a double shift when this guy walks in.
It was like he walked into the wrong restaurant.
What's onthe menu tonight?
Chef Pierre is goneand we're closingin five minutes.
I can offer you a pieceof cantaloupe, though.
- How's your cantaloupe?- Ripe.
Is that what you wanted?
- How 'bout a drink instead?- Sorry, we don't serve--
What do you say I take yousomewhere that does?
What, me?You mean...
I'm not muchof a drinker.
In fact, I'm nota big drinker at all.
Keep the change.
- Thanks.- I'm a big tipper.
I have to go home.I got a--
You have a what?
A cat. I have a catI got to feed, but...
But I think I might havealready fed him.
( laughs )
Liz: I would have gone out with him anyway.
It was more money than I made in a whole week.
I thought, "Who cares? What do I have to lose?"
I'll just lock up.It'll only be a minute.
Liz: Doing it for money--
it's like losing your virginity.
The next time, it's a whole lot easier.
I wanna be your fantasy
Can I be your fantasy?
I wanna be your fantasy
Your little fantasy
Your little fantasy
I wanna be your fantasy
Can I be your fantasy?
I wanna be your fantasy
Jerking off these jerks under a table in the only classy bar in town
was no fucking joyride, trust me.
But it sure beat the hell out of waiting tables.
I wanna be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy.
But at least I couldpay my mom for babysitting.
And I knew my little boywas safe with her.
It was a real nicearrangement.
Till she wentand died on me.
Sometimes I wish I was dead.
But I'm not brave enoughto do it myself.
But I'm not afraid of dying.
I mean,even if there's nothing.
No heaven, I mean.
Even if heaven ain'tlike they say it is.
All saints and angels.
I mean,
even if it's justpeace and quiet.
I could sure usesome of that.
Hell couldn't be any worsethan this now, could it?
The big tease.
They love it and they thinkyou love it, too.
They wanna hearall about it.
( lowered )"Talk to me," they'd say.
I know what they mean now,but at first I didn't.
"What do you want meto talk about," I'd say.
( lowered )"What do you like doing?"
I don't know.I like watching TV.
( lowered )"No, not that.What am I doing to you?"
"What you doing to me?"
( lowered )"Yeah. Tell me, tell me.What am I doing to you?"
I was still young.
I didn't know whatthey wanted me to say.
Now when they ask,
I know what they want.
As soon as theyget their dick outand ask me if I like it.
I whisper to them,
"Oh, honey,it's a beautiful cock.
It's so big and hard."
( lowered )"What do you want meto do with it," they'd say.
I'd love toreally tell 'em.
But instead, I say,
"Oh, my pussy'sreally hungry
for your big,hard cock.
Come on, give it to me.Give it to me."
But then thereare those who want to dothe talking themselves.
I mean, talk dirty.
Sometimes it feels like they just--
they just want to rip you open.
Hey, be a littlegentle, huh?
Shut your fucking trap.
Liz: So I just shut up and let 'em do their thing.
I close my eyes.
I don't want to see the hate in their faces.
They must haveterrible lives.
The men, I mean.
Something must have happenedto 'em to make 'em like that.
They weren't born that way,were they?
Maybe they'rehenpecked at home.
Or bossed around at work
so they feel humiliated.
They want to humiliatesomebody back.
Makes 'em feel better.
More important.
It's nothing personal.
I know that.
They don't even want sex,you know.
It's more like...
like revenge.
That's it.
They only want revenge.
( water running )
( man moaning )
I feel sorryfor their wives.
Most of the menwho come in heremust be married.
And they come here
because we'll dothe things
their wivesand girlfriendswon't do.
Head. That's whatmost of 'em ask for.
I mean,I don't see why
a woman would havea problem
with stickingher man's cockin her mouth?
I mean,I guarantee you
if he ain't sticking itin her mouth,
he'll be sticking itin somebody else's.
Could be hers,could be mine.
We're substitutes.
I bet you
he's got his eyes shut
thinking of his wife right now.
( moaning continues )
I don't wanna see another dickas long as I live.
( sighs )
I've lost countof how many I've had.
Must be miles.
( moaning continues )
I used to love sex.
I used to loveeverything about it.
Now when I go to bed,
all I want to dois go to sleep.
And I bet youI've had more sexin places like this
than I've ever hadin a bed.
I should writea book about it--
"The ToiletsI Have Known."
I met my best friendin one.
Well, she was.
I was working downtown.
Hanging around looking for tricks
when this girl comes along acting like she's stoned
or drunk or something.
And then I see the blood and I just look at her
and I say, "What the fuck?"
And she just says, "Blake."
And I see the bastard had cut her
right across the stomach. And then I thought,
"If I don't do something fast, she's gonna bleed to death."
So I go rushing her into the theater
and I yell to the chick in the box, "Get an ambulance."
I guess she must have just got the manager
'cause after a while, this bitch comes busting in and starts laying into us.
Calling us dirty, filthy sluts.
And I'm trying to stop the blood, but it just won't fucking stop.
And the poor girl, she's starting to go into shock
and the manager's yelling at us
about AIDS and trying to kick us out.
Without getting too close, of course.
But the blood just kept coming.
And then in comes Katie.
She sorta took control right away, you know.
I mean, even got the manager to help out.
She told her to imagine it was her daughter.
If it wasn't for Katie,
I don't think the girl would've pulled through.
Katie wanted to know why she didn't go to the cops.
I laughed.
I told her Blake pays the cops to look the other way.
Anyway, he got her a few weeks later,
but this time, the knife went straight through.
That was a terrible week.
I don't know what the hell I would've done without Katie.
She looked after me like a sister would.
If I would've had one.
Sometimes I wonder why my parents ever had me.
They must've been drunk.
I guess I was why Dad left home.
Katie was the only person
I ever knew that never wanted.
I wanted. I needed.
There were nights I needed so badly just to be held.
For my birthday,
Katie bought me a book.
Nobody ever gave me a book before.
It's called "Animal Farm"
and I'm telling you, it's just like life.
It's about animals, but it's not for kids.
It's the best book I ever read.
Well, it's the only book I ever read.
And on the inside cover she wrote,
"To Liz
with love and all beautiful things. K."
Sometimes I used to open it just to read that.
I just loved being with her.
She even turned me on
to serious music for a while.
( music playing )
She was so smart.
She could make almost anything sound interesting.
Katie worked as a bartender.
She made good money, but what a waste.
I mean, she went to junior college.
I kept telling her she should get a good job
like a teacher or something.
She'd make a great teacher.
God, I wish I had her brains.
And I told her that.
She said there's nothing wrong with my brain,
only my education.
My education?
That can't be right
'cause I hardly finished school.
I mean, I haven't been in school for so long
that I can't even remember anything.
( man moaning )
That was the end of Katie and me.
( woman smacking lips )
Sharp as a razor.
And I'd use it, too.
Once I'd use it on myself.
But now I'd fight back.
That's Katie.
( man moaning louder )
Huh. Dignity.
( bicycle horn honks )
Oh, it's you.
You suddenly takin'a liking to rubbers?
I thought you might havetaken a disliking to them.
- Not on your life.- But I'm exceedingly clean.
I'm sure you are.
But look, it's no usesitting there
because I'm notgonna change my mind.
I don't carehow much you pay me.
And I'm not gonna doany business with yousitting here either,
so why don't youjust fuck off?
And take yourlittle horn with you.
( horn honks )
Why do you insistupon a rubber?
Crabs, clap, syphilis,herpes, AIDS, chlamydia.
Is that enough for youor do you want more?
I mean, with all that,
what could you possibly haveagainst a rubber, huh?
It's not that I haveanything against them.
It's just that they areusually too small for me.
You gotta be kidding.
No. I am not.
I have a very stoutmember.
( laughs )
Well, that's the best newsI've heard all day.
I'm thrilled for you.Congratulations.
Thank you.
But the pleasure is yours.
Oh, Jesus.
You guys still believethat shit, don't you?
"In a recentnationwide survey,
eight out of 10 prostituteswho expressed preference
said that their vaginapreferred small 'members.'"
It sounds like it turns you on,but it does nothing for me.
It's the cops.
I suggest you getthe hell outta here.
You go down the streetand then you hang a left.
You go onto the freewaythere and it's right thereon your right.
You can't miss it.The gas station isopen all night.
Uh-huh. Thank you.You are most kind.
You're welcome.
Come here,sweetheart.
Now then, you havetwo choices, honey.
You can haul assyourself
or we haul you offand take you in.
Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir.Really, sir.
were you gonna have meButjog alongside of youg,
or were you gonnacuff me to your spoke?
( laughs )
Now there's a confusedbunch for ya.
They don't knowwhat they want,
so they're alwaysgiving you a choice.
Like this last time.This vice cop,
he says to me,"Give me head oryou're going to jail."
So I give him head.
And then the fucker busts mefor jaywalking.
I didn't use the crosswalkon the way to his dick.
Well, excuse me, Officer,but if your dick had beenlong enough,
I wouldn't have had tocross the fucking street.
I wish the beach boyshad busted me.
I could usea night in jail.
Just for the rest,you know?
Hey.( gasps )
Missed you, baby.
So how muchdid we do tonight?
It's-- it's been slow, man.
Oh, yeah?So what have you done?
Hey, I told you.It's been slow.
So you've probably done,what, four 30s.
You might have caughta 50 or two? What is that?
- Four 30s, we're talking 120.- Just forget about it.
Wait a minute.What did I say?
You said four 30s,but--
Four 30s and two 50s.
Well, it's been slow, right?
So let's sayyou only did
one 50.
You might have gotten boredand did a quick 20.
Hey, wait a minute.
What the fuck am I thinking?I forgot about yesterday.
( gasps )
You took off yesterday.
So, uh, what have youbeen doing since yesterday?
What are you doingaround here?
Welfare work?
You've been with thatbookworm again, hmm?
- That dyke Katie.- No. No, no. I--
I told you once before,reading is bad for your eyes.
Hey, man, I swear.I haven't seen Katie.
I got this trickand he took me down hereto this motel
- and it was an all-nighter.- Yeah.
I just slept in.I couldn't help it, man.
- You should'vemade plenty, right?- He robbed me!
- Bullshit!- I told you, it's been slow.
- Man: Me spare some change? - Don't give me that slow shit.
- You stink of booze.- I'm telling you the truth.
- How 'bout a dollar, then, mon?- Get the fuck outta here!
Where is it?Where's the rest of it?!
Here, mon. Take the dollar!Leave the woman alone!
- Buzz off!- Hey!
Liz: Take your foot off of him! You're hurting him!
- Listen to the woman.- Leave him alone!
( gasps )
I don't got any more.I swear on my mother.
Well, your mother's dead.So you better swear onsomebody else,
but dust don't countin my book.
I'm gonna be backin an hour.
You better have donefour by then.
I don't care whatyou have to do to catch cock.
Lie in the streetwith your fucking legsin the air.
Just do it.
Was that third finger left handor third finger right?
Take your pick!
I got it.
Who the fuckdoes she think she is?
You only need onelike that.
One bad apple
and all the others rot.
And if she thinksthat she can dump me
like I was one of herfucking tricks, well,
she's gota big surprise coming.
Protection.He is my protection.
I mean, we can't evencarry a knife anymore.
You get caught,they bust you
on a concealedweapons charge.
You work on your back,you gotta have a middleman.
Or you could end upon your back in the morgue.
I got somebody that willfix her up.
And he'll fix her for good.They'll never recognize her.
Even if they do,who cares?
She's a whore.
Hey, it was a trick,wasn't it?
I mean, there are a lotof freaky tricks around,you know?
Sometimes tricks,they--
they freak out.
What can you do?
There's this one,right,
he was young,but he was small.
He was vicious and startssticking it in me right away.
All of a sudden,he starts kissing me.
Man, I never kiss nobody.
You never do.
I mean,I'll suck their cock,they can lick me,
they can fuck me,but no kissing.
And no fingers neither.
I mean, you shouldsee their nails.
I mean, who knows wheretheir fingers have been?
No suckingmy breasts neither.
So anyway, this guy,he starts trying to kiss me.
So I said to him,"Hey, man, I don't kiss."
He didn't seem to mind.
All of a suddenhe says to me,
( lowered )"Is it nice?"
I said to him,"Is what nice?"
( lowered )He says, "This,"
and pushes it ineven harder.
Now I know he wanted me to talk dirty, right?
I was still pretty new to the game. I didn't understand.
So I said, "It's all right, I guess."
( lowered ) "All right? All right?" he says. "Is that all?"
And then he pulls out. So I asked him why he pulled out.
And he says, ( lowered ) "Because you're not enjoying it."
I said, "Hey, I don't have to enjoy it.
You paid for it. You enjoy it."
And he goes, ( lowered ) "But I can't enjoy it
if I know you're only doing it because I paid you."
Well, if you want passion, that costs extra.
By then his time was up, so I asked him if he was finished.
( lowered ) "Finished?" he says.
"I haven't even started yet. Kiss me."
So he yanks my head and he starts trying to kiss me.
And I'm trying to push him away and then he starts shouting to me,
( lowered ) "You fucking cunts! You're all the same!
You're dead, all of ya! No feelings!"
And then he starts trying to kiss me again.
Then he asks for his money back.
I said, "Sorry. No deposit, no return."
Then I tried to get up and get out.
Suddenly, he grabs my bag with one and my hair with the other
and he starts banging my head against the floor.
I mean, I thought my fucking brain was gonna explode.
I'm telling you, he must have slammed my head about six times
before that damn door finally opened.
You oughta be more carefulwith who you date.
That's when I realized,
you can't workwithout a pimp.
So I becameone of Blake's girls.
Well,it seems to me
like this pimpset you up, mon.
Yeah. I thoughtof that, too.
And one day I put itto him point-blank.
And point-blankhe denied it.
Practically knockedmy goddamn teethdown my throat.
Me and my girls.
I look after 'em.
I'm out all hourskeeping an eye out on 'em
just to make surethey're safe.
I drive aroundjust checking.
I know all the placesthat they go with their dates.
Sometimes I follow 'em.
You see, we're likebusiness partners.
They fuck
and I manage.
Tell me something.
How much doeshe make off you?
What's hisprofit margin?
What's that gotto do with it?
Have some herb.
If I'm not payingfor their rent,
I'm paying fortheir goddamn fines.
( sniffs )I pay for their clothes,
their checkups.
I pay for their rubbers.
( sniffs )
Even at wholesale,they're still expensive.
Or as I tell you,
they don't come cheap.
( sniffs )
So how muchyou say he takes?
Mon, it's likeyou're gettingscrewed twice.
Look, it's just likeI was managing a factory.
This, it just happensto be a pussy factory.
This is exactly whyI'm trying to getaway from him.
Even factories treattheir employees better.
At leastthey get benefits.
But it's still a factory
with employees
and somebody like merunning things.
I got what they call
"entrepreneurial flair."
I can see a need
and I fill a demand.
The man is a slave driver.
Holy shit.Just look at that one.
Dumb kid.
( horn honks )
( horn honks )
She supposed to beselling sex.
It looks like she's waitingfor the goddamn bus.
Okay, so it's hot,your shoes hurt,
and she had an abortionlast week.
Guess who picked upthe tab on that one.
Everybody starts off
by thinking they're gonnamake a lot of money
and get out of itin a couple of years.
But it never happens.
You just stay doing it.
I've seen some pretty kids
with faces like dogsafter only six months.
You know,
they say you can tell a womanthat's been doing this.
That it shows in her face.
I mean, look at mine.
Does it show?
In my eyes?That's where it starts,they say.
In the eyes and thenin the mouth. All hard.
They're wrong.
Yeah.They're full of shit.
You better believethey're full of shit.
Yeah. They're full of shit.You know why?
Because itstarts in here.
It's like a cancer
and then it just startseating away at you untilthere's nothing left.
Just an empty shell.
They're oversexedand they're born like that.
Nature's rejectsfrom the moment that theycame into this world.
All they have to offeris their bodies,
so they might as wellget paid for it.
They're bornwith a price tag.
If somebody gave 'ema million bucks,
they'd be back onthe streets in a week.
They can'thelp themselves.
There's nothingyou can do about it.
It's like being bornblack or white.
It's just the way they are.
I must be some useto somebody.
I mean, there must bea reason for me.
You know, years ago,when I first got started,
before I got thingsstraightened out around here,
I was alwaysgetting busted
for pandering,pimping.
Do you thinkwhat I do is wrong?
I think whata pimp doesis wrong.
I think it's the lawthat's wrong.
Katie called hima parasite.
I like that word.
Look, if it was illegalto live off the earningsof others,
then the stock exchangewould be shut down tomorrow.
And all the employment agencieswould be charged with pimping.
I'm like an employmentagency myself,
only I'm not legal.
And I don't wantto be illegal.
You know,you should be legal.
Then there wouldn't bea need for him.
You make it legaland I'll open an office.
Until then,
this is my office.
Some of our regulars,they phone me.
And they tell me whatthey want and I deliver.
Maybe I'm nothing morethan takeout food.
Easy, quick,and affordable.
I'm sort ofa dial-a-ride service.
And I'm real charitable, too.
I always make sureI give a little back.
I even makeregular donations
to the policemen'spension fund.
( laughs )
Do you thinkfor some men,
even a few,
that I'm a curefor loneliness?
Maybe a short-term cure.
The more I think about it,
the more I'd really like to change my life.
If only I could find a decent man.
Or even a man that just wanted a...
what you call it?You know, they got a wife
and then they got a...a mistress. Yeah, that's it.
I'd really love that.
Where in the hellam I gonna find that?
( horn honks )
Hey, you wanna move in?
Can you affordthe down payment?
Who knows? Come here.
What sign are you?
- What sign am I?- Quickly.
I'm a stop sign.
Ow! You're a Scorpio.
- You're a Scorpio, aren't you?- Yeah, I'm a Scorpio.
- Hey, how'd you know?- Shit. I need a Virgo.
Do you know whereI can find one?
- I'll be a Virgo for 40.- No, no. I need a real one.
And my cards sayI can only pay 10.
- ( sighs )- You have the most beautiful eyes.
I'll catch youin another lifetime.
What a weirdo.
I wonder what he was into.
Eh, I don't mind
something differentonce in a while,
but I don't donothing dirty.
You know?I mean,
I don't takegolden showers
and I don't givegolden showers.
there was this one guy,right,
he used to like watching metake a dump, okay?
I mean, he useda flashlight.
Trouble is,he always seemed to show up
after I'd already had one.
I haven't seen him aroundin a while.
Guess he found someonemore regular.
Yeah, but I gotthis other trick,
he's an older guy,you know.
Real soft-spoken.
I swear, he could bea judge or doctor or something.
And we have a regular dateevery Thursday at 3:00.
And he always pays mewith brand-new money.
Get the money first. That's my motto.
But before I could get my pants down,
he's shaking his head.
So I offer him a tit job.
Strike two.
When I realized he didn't want straight sex,
I thought, "Hello, another nut."
And I let him know I didn't do nothing dirty.
I don't do anything dirty.
Then he just nods and points to my shoe.
For a minute, I thought he was gonna fuck me with it.
I mean, you wouldn't believe
some of the things they've tried to stick up me.
Then he gives me this piece of paper
and tells me not to read it until he says so.
Finally, he gets his dick out, right?
What do youwant me to do?
Read me the note.
About now, he's starting to get a hard on.
Liz: "You naughty boy, Johnny.
You dirty little boy.Mommy's very, veryangry with you"?
( groaning )Louder.
Liz: And before you know it, he's beating his meat
and licking my shoe.
"You naughty boy, Johnny.
You dirty little boy.
Mommy's very, very angry with you.
You naughty boy, Johnny!
You dirty little boy!
Mommy's very,very angry with you!
You naughty boy, Johnny!
You dirty little boy!
Mommy's very, very, very,very angry with you"!
( groaning continues ) Keep it up.
( yawns )"You naughty boy, Johnny.
You dirty little boy,Johnny.
Mommy's very,very angry with you."
( laughing )
Liz: Different strokes for different folks.
Who can figure it? But that's how Johnny came.
Yeah, I know my lines now,
but he's always quick.
That's what you want, quick.
I mean, some of 'emtake forever.
The nervous ones,they can be a real bitch.
Sometimes they never geta hard-on at all.
They're too embarrassedto ask for their money back.
Hey, they wouldn'tget it back anyway.
I mean, if you goto a restaurant and youorder a meal
and you suddenlylose your appetite,it's not my fault, is it?
The best guys are the onesin the lunch hour.
They're always in a rush.
Or the older guys.They're good, too.
I mean, sometimesI'm putting the rubber on
and then all of a sudden, oops.It's all over.
"Oh, honey. I needed that,"I'd say to them
and finish them offwith my hand
and pretend to bereal disappointed and stuff.
You know, so theydon't feel cheated.
( sighs )
But you knowwho the worst ones are?
The young ones.
I mean, they're alwayslaying these head trs on you.
Like, ( whiny )"Usually I don't haveto pay for it."
I mean,I don't want to hear that.
I don't got timefor that shit.
And then they startholding out on you
like they're doing yousome big favor or something.
Thanks,but no, thanks.
I mean, for them,I need a meter like a taxi.
No, I like the onesthat just want to hurry up,
- get it over with,and go home.- ( clapping )
Yeah, I'm going home.
( playing harmonica )
That's Chris.
Handsome, isn't he?
He's so smart.
He's six now.
Yeah, he's atthat age where--
well, you know,he's grown up and...
well, if hewas living with me,
how would I explain it?
I mean,I work at night,
so you could sayI got a night job.
But then when I go to jailand I don't come homeduring the day,
I mean,how do I explain that?
Everybody says he's smart.
You should hear him read.
He knows all the animals.
I taught him that.
He loves animals.
He sent me this paintingof his cat.
"This is Mandy,"he wrote on the back.
"She sleeps inthe washing machine."
He's with a nice couple.
They don't haveany kids of their own.
He was sort of adopted.
After my mom died...
the courts saidI was an unfit mother.
Yeah, that's whenI moved on.
Chris seemshappy enough, though.
I wish he was with me,
but I can see himwhenever I want to.
But I have to call first,but...
uh, I don't go back theretoo much.
It kinda upsets me.
Last time I went back there, I didn't tell him I was coming.
I stood outside his school
and waited for the class to end.
He was wearing the jeans I'd sent him for his birthday.
They're probably still a little too big for him,
but he'll grow into them.
His foster mother Rachel,
she was there waiting to take him home.
I could hardly stand to see him go,
but I don't think
I'll go back there again, you know.
No, not for a while anyway.
I don't want Chris growing up hating me.
I don't want him to be ashamed of his mother.
I know he calls Rachel mom,
but he knows whohis real mother is.
What I wouldn't givefor a nice, cool shower.
No, Chris is better offwhere he is.
For now, I know that.
He looks just likehis father.
We're still married.
Chances are we'd stillbe together if he hadn'tcheated on me.
I never cheated on him.
Hey, what I do isn't exactlymaking love, is it?
Hate would be closerto the truth.
I mean,it isn't even sex
because sexhas some feelings.
I mean, if you like somebody,that's sex.
Well, I don't likeany of these shits.
No, there must bea better word for what I do.
But I don't knowwhat it is.
It's mechanical.
No feelings.
I mean, maybe if you reallypsyched yourself up for it,
you could feel something.
Who wants togo through all that?
I mean,when I was younger,
I used to make believe
somebody out herewas loving me.
But then I got to the pointwhere I just hated tricks.
I hate 'em.
And they don'tlike us, neither.
I mean, really like us.
Oh, they want us, all right.I didn't say that.
But like us?No. No way.
And you never knowwho you're with.
A total strangeror your own father.
You just don't know.
I mean, they're likeJekyll and Hyde.
You gotta watch 'em 'causethey're always up to something.
( bicycle horn honks )
20 bucks, sweetie.20 bucks.
- Okay? - Yeah, try her.
She'll probably do itfor a food stamp, asshole.
I'm ready.
You're cute.
( laughs )
Poor old whore.
That could be me someday.
Nah. I'd kill myself first.
( gasps )
( horn honks )
In your professionalopinion...
what do you thinkmy chances are?
I'd say your chancesare 50/50.
And for 50, I'm willingto take the gamble.
Let's go.
( music playing )
You are the love of loves
For which I yearn
You are the dream of dreams
My luck has turned
Your touch means more to me
Than the rainbow and all the breath of life
By which I depend
This is the perfect blending
Yours is the sweetest kiss
My lips have known
Yours is the heart of hearts
- For me alone... - ( groaning )
Oh, there we go.
( grunting, groaning )
Oh, I want your big,hard cock inside.
Oh, yeah.That's it.
There it is.Oh, yeah, baby.
That feels good.
Oh, honey,I'm so hot for you.
Oh, yeah.Give it to me.
Oh, yeah.Honey, go, go.
Oh, I really want it bad.
Oh, give it to me, honey.
Oh, yeah.
Go, baby-- oops.
Oh, that's it, big boy.
- Come on. Stick it in.- Oh!
There we go.It's okay, honey.
- Hang on.- Oh!
There we go. Don't worryabout anything, honey.
Mommy's going totake care of you.
Do it to me, honey. Do it.
Do it. I know you can.
I know you can do it.
Oh, yeah, honey. Mm.
Oh, baby.Yeah, that's it.
That's it.That's it.
Yeah, oh.
Do it. I know you can.
( yelling )
( grunts )Yeah.
- Okay? - ( exhales sharply )
( sighs )
( grunts )
( zipper zips )
See you in church, honey.
Don't just sit there,put yourself away.
Hey, I know I'm good,but this is ridiculous.
Come on, man.Stop joking.
Hey. Hey, it ain'tfunny, man.
Hey. Hey!
Oh, God.Oh, God! Oh!
- Breathe!- What the fuck are youkissing him for?!
- Don't fucking kiss him!- Let go of me!
What the fuck are youkissing him for?!
( grunts )
( coughs )
Shit, what the fuckdid you do to him?
- Nothing! - The fucker's dead.
We gotta do something!We gotta call an ambulance!
Stop it, damn it!
- Where's his wallet?- Leave him alone!
You stop it!You stop it!
No, God damn it! No!
Now it's your turn.
He wasn't just a trick!
He had a life! ( crying )
It was disposable.
Just like you.
( screams )
Now which finger was it?Huh? What was it you said?
I said takeyour fucking pick!
Oh, yeah?You stupid fucking whore.
Oh, yeah?Well, I pick both!
First I'll breakthis one
and then I'll breakthe other one.
You can break them all!Don't you fucking get it?!
There's nothing left for me to--( screaming )
( bone snaps )
You never gave a fuckabout yourself,
but about your kid?!Huh?
- What about him?!- You'll never find him!
- You don't know where he lives!- Oh, no? I've always known!
- Bullshit!- Yeah, I make itmy business to know!
2627 Crowley Drive!
The blue house on the corner!You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna give him a few yearsand then I'll turn him outon the street.
He'll make more moneythan you ever did!
- I'll kill you first!- Bullshit!
- ( spits )- You never did knowwhen to quit, did you?
Rasta: Someone sure gonna be in trouble with the police.
This guy's licensejust expired.
( laughing )
( laughing )
( screams )
Thanks for the popcorn!
Yeah, thanksfor the movie.
( zipper zips )
( music playing )
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Make me feel
Make me feel
Make me feel
Make me feel
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy.
Mon, every time me go to them clubs, mon
Me go to Bentley's, me go to Payday
Me go to Silver Shadow, me go all around, mon
Me see the girls with the big boom-boom, mon
Me look at them and me only want to do one thing, mon
Me just want to bang her
That's all me want to do, I just want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
- I want to bang her - Follow me now
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
I want to bang her
She a dumb girl and she got a big bang
All me want to do is just bang, bang, bang
Me standing all alone and no one is near
Me want to jump up and put it in her ear
The girl, she wide with her big bum flauntin'
Then she lookin' at me, she know that me want
She tried to run away, want her nieces and aunties
It much too late, me already got the panties
So come back, come back and take the medicine
Me got the long buddy, come on and let us in
Jump on mattress, knock the booties, baby
Me place you on pillow so you won't bang your head
Me kiss, me lick, me taste, me lust
Me get real horny and thrust, thrust, thrust
It lasts a long time, I'm tired, thank you
I'm all dry now 'cause I just want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
- Knock boots - I want to bang her
I want to bang her
I want to bang her, I want to bang her
Every time I see you
You know that I want to ride you
I want to have you, hold you, gently fold you
Kiss ya and kiss ya and let Jimmy just scold you
Keep you coming, beggg, and groaning
Calling me your daddy and I'll have you moaning
Bang, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, Bronx, bang, bang
Queens, bang, bang, Staten Island, bang, bang
Manhattan, bang, bang, bang, bang
Even in Jersey, you got to bang, bang
Connecticut, bang, bang.