Why Did I Get Married? (2007)

# "L" is for the way you look at me #
# "O" is for the only one I see #
# "V" is very, very #
# Extraordinary #
# "E" is even more than that #
# Anyone that you adore can #
# Love is all that I can give to you #
# Love is more than just a game or two #
# Two in love can make it #
# Take my heart, but please don't break it #
# Love #
# Was made for me and you #
# "L" is for the way you look at me #
# "O" is for the only one I see #
# "V" is very, very #
# Extraordinary #
# "E" is... #
Are there any questions
for Dr. Agnew? Yes.
Dr. Agnew, I was reading the book
"Why Did I Get Married,"
and I wanted to know, do you
and your friends still do that vacation?
I'm sorry, Clara.
Dr. Agnew is here to talk
about her new book,
"The Power Of An Educated Mind. "
Does anyone have any
questions about that book?
OK. Yes, "Why Did I Get Married?"
Was my last book,
and I'm very proud to say
that it has been nominated this year
for the "Psychology Digest" award.
Thank you.
And to answer your
question, yes.
We still get together
and do that vacation.
As a matter of fact,
I'm leaving right after the lecture
to meet my friends.
How many of you have not read
"Why Did I Get Married?"
All right. Well, this is a book based
on a study I did
with my friends,
with their consent, of course.
And this is something we
still do every single year,
and what it is is,
there are 4 couples,
and we take a 7-day vacation
anywhere in the world that we choose,
and while we're on that vacation,
we ask ourselves,
"Why Did I Get Married?"
We do exercises to strengthen
our relationships.
We pray and meditate together.
We do whatever it is
to support one another.
We force our spouses,
while we're on this vacation,
to talk about whatever it is
that we really need to talk about.
That's got to be hard,
especially for the men.
It's actually a test of the wills.
Take Terry and Dianne,
for instance.
They know how to communicate
all too well.
Terry, you know, maybe we
shouldn't have left Kenya at home.
She's just getting over that cold.
Babe, I keep telling
you, she's fine.
How do you know?
I'm a pediatrician,
medical degree.
Oh, yeah. You're
the same pediatrician
who said it was OK
for her to play soccer
on the coldest day of the year.
Yes, I did, but didn't we argue
about this already?
Who's arguing?
It's a debate.
A debate? Oh, OK.
That's gonna cause a debate.
It's Monica.
I got to get this.
It's always Monica calling.
Did you get the information
on the case?
Great. Could you e-mail it to me?
Yeah, and I'll check it
when I get to the house.
Dianne, you're not checking e-mails
when you get to the house.
We're on vacation.
Terry, don't. Uh-huh.
We've been in this truck for hours,
and you've been on the phone.
Can you get off the phone, please,
and spend some time
with your husband?
OK, thanks, Monica.
You and your control issues.
Control? Dianne, don't start.
I don't have any control issues.
Well, I think it's silly.
I mean, we've been
in this truck for hours.
I just thought I'd
get a little work done.
The reason we're in
the truck for hours
is because I'm trying to spend
some time with my wife.
Don't you understand that?
Let me ask you a question.
When was the last time we spent
this much time together?
We both work 12-hour days.
You know that.
No, no. You work
12 hours a day.
I'm home by 5:00.
So am I, most days.
Yeah, but you got
these e-mails coming in.
You got the phone
ringing all the time.
I can't get any time with you.
You're doing these drive-by
meetings with our daughter.
Hey, that is not fair.
I am a good mother.
I draw the line right there.
I cannot believe you.
That was just hurtful.
Dianne, I'm not saying
that you're not a good mother.
That's not what I'm saying to you.
I just think your priorities
are in the wrong place.
That's all I'm saying to you, baby.
Dianne, we're talking.
You're picking up the phone.
Are you listening to me?
I hear you.
Yeah, but are you listening?
Oh, OK. OK, you know what?
It's just you and me
this weekend, OK?
Just the two of us.
Are you happy now?
Some kind of week this is gonna be.
You know, Dr. Agnew,
I was so worried
about the Shelia
and Mike characters.
Are they still married, or...
I really don't like
to discuss my friends,
but yes. Yes, they are
still married.
OK, but are they happy?
Shelia, I'm so excited
you invited me this year.
Thank you so much.
Oh, there was no way
I was gonna leave you home.
All that stress on your job.
You said it.
You needed a vacation.
OK. Wait a second.
I think... Shelia, wait.
Why don't you sit
over here by your husband?
No, no, no, no.
No, you sit right there, all right?
We got assigned seats
for a reason.
All right? Come on.
Sit, sit.
Be comfortable.
There might be
some nice single men
I could introduce you to
up in those mountains, girl.
Oh, Shelia, here we go again.
Lumberjacks. Ha ha!
I am find just the way I am, OK?
I'll tell you, you look good.
I like that new coat, girl.
Thank you.
Y'all gonna talk
the whole flight?
Well, we could... Hi.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
but we have a very full flight today.
Yeah. I bought
the tickets months ago.
I understand that,
but it is the airline's policy
that someone your size has to buy two seats.
Hmm. Mm-hmm. Don't even think
about looking back here.
- Mike, don't say that.
- What?
I've been telling that big ass
to lose weight for months now.
I'm glad somebody
else said something.
Shelia, I'm gonna give up
my seat, OK? I just won't go.
No, no, no.
What good is that gonna do?
Then I'll be uncomfortable,
and the window lady.
Look. Shoot.
I'll tell you what.
Shelia, um,
what are we gonna do?
Take the bus. Oh!
Drive. That's it. Drive.
Yeah. Then you'll get
some alone time.
You can talk to the Lord
and sing and whatever you do.
All right? Uh...
here we go. I got you.
I got you. Here.
There you go.
That'll pay for the gas.
All right? All right,
so I'll just see you up there.
And get the money back
for that ticket.
All right, come on.
All right.
What? Please.
The girl is gonna be fine.
She's grown.
Ma'am, I'm gonna ask you
to deplane, please.
Shelia. Shelia,
are you gonna be OK?
The girl's fine, OK?
She's grown.
Let's go. Come on.
Sit back. Sit back.
Stop it.
I'll see you guys up there.
See you when we see you.
It's OK.
Love you.
She'll be fine.
Just relax.
Yes, Molly.
It's hard to believe
that a woman as educated as you are
could have a friend like Angela.
One of the great things
about going to
a historically black college
is that you get to meet
very interesting people,
and Angela... she's
incredibly intelligent.
She studied chemistry, and when she
couldn't get a job in corporate America,
she took another route.
She started her own
hair care line... Lady Angie.
It's a great product.
I use it myself.
But what about
her husband Marcus?
Wasn't he having trouble
staying employed?
Yes, but they seem to have
worked something out.
I'm sick of dealing with
your ghetto baby mama.
Do you mind?
Excuse us.
And what the hell are you talking
about, "do you mind?"
Y'all ain't never seen
black people on a train?
You ain't never heard
of the underground railroad?
It looks like we've got
a ghetto Harriet Tubman.
Ooh, let my people go.
You heard me?
- She's drunk.
- Yeah, we can tell.
- Probably a 40.
- Malt liquor.
Do you always have
to embarrass me?
Look at you, Marcus.
You are an embarrassment, OK?
And I was fine till we dropped
your kids off at Keisha's house.
She's their mother.
What do you want me to do?
Be a man and tell her
to stop talking to me like she crazy.
I'm telling you, Marcus, if she
looks at me one more time cross-eyed,
I'm gonna gut her like a fish.
She wasn't even looking at you.
How would you know?
You weren't even on her face.
You too busy staring at her ass.
Could you lay off
of that for a while?
Could you go to hell for a while?
I'm already there.
- Excuse me?
- Nothing.
Do you mind?
Fifi is trying to nap.
You know what?
Well, Angela is trying to have
a conversation with her husband.
I'm about sick of y'all
interrupting my conversation.
I don't give a damn about Fifi.
I heard those little
smart-ass remarks
you made, too.
Didn't your mama
teach you something?
Who the hell do these
people think they are anyway?
Didn't y'all see me having
a conversation with my husband
when I got on this train?!
Trying to save
a damn marriage here.
What about you
and your husband?
What about us?
I know you've been
through a lot lately,
and I am so sorry for your loss,
but I mean, how
is your marriage holding up?
you can ask my husband yourself.
Um... ahem.
We're gonna be late for our flight.
That's how we're doing.
Well, there you have it.
Thank you.
Wow. The brochure didn't
do this place justice.
Look at this.
How you guys doing?
Welcome to Lake Leland.
Thank you. You must be
Sheriff Jackson.
Troy. Please, call me Troy.
Hey, I'm Terry.
- A pleasure.
- This is my wife Dianne.
Nice to meet you both.
Well, everything's
all set up for you.
Here are your keys.
Plenty of wood for you already
chopped up out back,
but we're expecting
a huge snowstorm tonight,
so you may want to
chop some more.
It should be over by morning.
It gets pretty thick up here.
Oh, OK. Thanks
for the heads up, man.
No problem. I thought
there were more of you.
Oh, there are.
They're gonna be here
within the next few hours.
Oh, good.
Then they'll beat the storm.
Need anything?
I appreciate the house, man.
Thank you.
I'll be at the sheriff's
station down the mountain.
OK. Thank you.
Hey, this is Mike. I can't get
to the phone, so holler at me.
You know what to do.
Hey, Mike.
It's Shelia.
I hope you and Trina
had a good flight.
I'll get there
as soon as I can.
Miss you, baby.
I love you.
#... Thus far #
# And grace will lead me #
# On, ohh! #
# Can you believe it? #
# Clap your hands #
# Everybody #
# Whoa #
# I'm gonna keep on clapping my hands #
# Yeah #
So, Dianne, I was
thinking we could have...
Wine and candles
are down here.
What are you doing?
Hey, Dianne, we...
Hey, Monica, how you doing?
No, no. She's asleep.
Monica, listen,
do me a favor.
Don't call this week.
We're on vacation, OK?
Oh, I understand all that,
I understand all that,
but I'm saying to you,
I'm telling you not to call, OK?
- Knock, knock. Hey.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
- Good. How are you?
Good to see you, Patricia.
- What's going on, Gavin?
- Hey, brother.
- You all right?
- Good to see you. Yes, sir.
- Good to see you, man.
- Where's Dianne?
- She's upstairs sleeping.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Can't have that.
I'll get her up.
How you been, man?
She sleeping, or she working.
Sleeping and working, man.
You know what she's doing.
You look good, man.
Thank you, thank you.
Glad we beat the weather.
They were delaying
flights like crazy.
Yeah, I think Mike
and Shelia got delayed.
They were supposed
to beat us here.
So, who got that
contract for the city
you guys were working on
with the casino?
Myself and I.
- By yourself?
- Mm-hmm.
Congratulations, man.
That's great.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.
I was praying that
you would get it, man.
Thank you much.
Look at all of us, man.
When we were in college,
did you think
that we'd be doing what we said
we'd be doing?
I mean, look at me. Pediatrician,
doing well, private practice.
Dianne's a top litigator
at her firm,
you, top architect, right?
Patricia's a best-selling author.
Man, I'm proud of us.
I think we did all right.
But if my memory
serves me correctly,
you should have about,
what, 4 kids by now?
You got to talk
to her about that.
And you supposed to
have at least two...
Oh, man.
I'm sorry about that.
Naw, that's OK.
It's OK.
Who's the wine for?
Was for Dianne.
You may as well.
Wake up.
You are still the same
pain in the butt
that you were
when we were roommates.
Exactly, and that's
why I'm not leaving
until you get up.
Come on, Dee, get up.
Wake up.
I'm up.
Give me a hug.
- Hey, girl.
- How are you?
Well, I just dozed off
for a second.
Oh, goodness.
I can see why.
Yeah. Well, I'm defending
a 16-year-old on trial for capital murder.
- Jeez.
- Mm-hmm.
Which is why I needed
this break, which, nice spot.
- Yes. Yes, it is.
- It's very peaceful here.
Ah, Angela and Marcus, yes?
- Uh, yeah.
- Oh, God. Here we go.
- Yeah. There goes the peace.
- Right.
Can you close the door? Huh?
You're closer to the door.
What... with your hand, can you...
the same way you close the door
can you write a check?
Huh? Can you do that?
Can you write a check?
What does that
have to do with anything?
No, you know it has...
I breathed in and out again.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I swear, one of these days...
What? What you gonna do? Huh?
I wish you would.
You know I got 5 brothers...
Hello, hello.
- Like I'm scared of them.
- You say that now.
- I'm so scared of them.
- Hi!
- Hi!
- Hello, hello.
Hey, Terry.
Hey, Pat.
Good to see you.
Oh, he gets on my nerves.
Hey, Di.
Oh, yeah, yeah. OK.
Hey, Gavin. Mwah!
Y'all all right?
Hell, yeah.
We're fine.
Oh, man. We good.
Know what I'm saying?
I need a drink.
It's the middle of the day.
Yeah, well then
get me some kahlua and milk.
I'm tired as hell.
And whose idea was it
for us to come up to the snow?
Now, y'all know colored folks
and water don't get along in any form.
I like it up here, and this is
Patricia's idea, you know that.
Yes, it's mine.
It's beautiful here.
You have to admit this.
No, you're right.
You're right. It's beautiful.
But Jamaica's
beautiful and warm.
Now where's the kitchen
so I can get a drink.
- Come on.
- Come over here.
I'm not going to Jamaica
with you ever again.
No? Come on,
don't say that.
So, Marcus, y'all still at it, huh?
Yeah, she ain't ever gonna change.
Y'all ain't never gonna change.
It's both of you. It ain't just her.
# You're my light in the dark #
# Guiding me, guiding me home #
# Your patience is all I need #
# Baby #
I don't know what
this is all about.
But I am going up this mountain
to save my marriage.
God, make it all right.
You are the ruler of all things.
Jesus, make it all right.
All right, Angela.
What's going on
with you and Marcus?
You just got here,
and you're starting already.
So we drop the kids off
at his baby mama.
We argue about her,
we argue about the kids,
but most of it is his ex.
She drive me crazy.
Ooh, I'm glad I don't
have that drama.
Yeah, be very glad.
Girl, that thing be having me
about to catch a case.
And I hate to have
my daughter around his son.
I know that that's her brother,
but the things that she says
to my daughter about me...
that's... that's not cool.
Have you asked Marcus
to talk to her?
Are you kidding me?
That's what starts
the fights in the first place.
And then he lie and say he did,
but I know he didn't.
Well, how do you know
he's lying?
'Cause every time
Marcus lies, he says,
"Know what I'm saying?"
Every time!
How's the barber shop, man?
It's good. Cutting so much hair,
I'm making, like, 5,000 a week,
know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I know what you're saying.
Man, I got to come see
my goddaughter, man.
Yeah, you do.
But leave her at home
if y'all gonna be arguing like that.
Oh, man, come on.
We've been arguing ever since we met.
I know that, but look
like it's getting worse to me.
Hey, that's how
we love each other.
Now, you do your thing,
we do ours.
OK. Fine. I'm just saying.
Besides, I like the arguing,
'cause the making up is insane.
At least you get to argue, man.
Me and Dianne ain't
spending no time together.
She's so busy, man.
It's crazy.
Yeah. We ain't had sex in months.
I was wondering why you so strong.
I'll tell you this.
I'm getting tired of begging her
to spend some time with me.
I'll tell you that.
I need you to give me a shot.
What the hell
you talking about?
I've been burning for 3 days.
Burning how?
Oh, you've been burning.
After burn... pee... burn.
- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah. OK.
All right. I'll call
my nurse and have her
overnight something
up here to us.
Yeah. It's all good.
So you not gonna ask?
You want to tell me?
Not really.
OK, let me ask you this.
Was it Angela that burned you?
No, man.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey. Have you slept
with her since then?
Angela's not the type
to ask for it.
She take it.
Yeah, but you could've
gave it to her.
Now, you better pray to God that it's
something a shot can take care of.
You're right, man.
I'm just saying, if you're gonna
step out on your wife,
what's wrong with
using some protection?
See, that's what I don't get.
I know this, man.
Don't you think
I'm dealing with enough already
knowing what I did?
All right, fine.
You got to tell her.
So she can get checked out.
See, now you trying
to get me killed.
You're man enough
to lay there and get it,
be man enough to tell your wife.
All right, we got
a lot of wood inside.
How much y'all think we need?
This ought to get us
through it, man.
I don't know how bad this storm's
supposed, supposed to be.
There you go.
Whoo! Think we got enough.
Is that Mike?
Yeah, but... that ain't Shelia he's with.
What's up?
What's happening, brother?
I see y'all getting the place
ready for me. Hmm?
It's all about you, Mike.
Hey, Mike... what's up?
I'm good!
Ladies, hey.
Hey, Dianne.
Hey, Patricia.
Who is this?
I'm Trina.
I'm a friend of Mike and Shelia's.
My fault, my fault.
Shelia invited Trina
when she found out
that there was an extra bedroom.
You guys cool with that?
Uh, yeah. You know,
any friend of Shelia's
is a friend of ours, right?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Uh, no. She's gonna
have to come up with
some money on this trip
or something.
Of course.
She's pretty.
- Yeah.
- And single.
Looks that way.
Get her ass out of here.
Y'all, where is Shelia?
Mike, where is Shelia?
Oh. I made her drive. We flew.
- What?
- You did what?
Look, I wasn't paying
for another seat for her big ass.
Y'all know she fat as hell.
Mike, are you hearing
what you're saying right now?
I can't believe...
did he just say that she's driving?
I'm still on the
"fat as hell" part.
Have you looked at yourself
in the mirror lately?
You and your bald head?
It's 'cause I'm using
your hair products.
Trina, beware.
Angela, also known as
the bitter one.
Heh. I'm also known
as the ass-kicking one.
Mike, are you serious?
You let Shelia drive up here alone?
Do you have any idea
how long that drive is?
Mike, Mike, man, come on.
The weather's supposed
to be bad tonight.
Maybe you should call her
and tell her get a flight tomorrow.
Look, she is fine!
OK? Drop it.
OK, I am going to call her.
This is ridiculous.
Shelia is a big girl.
Look, she's fine. OK?
Come on. What smells good, girl?
You cooking?
Mm. I don't know,
but I'm starving.
She can carry it.
Shelia, give us a call
when you get this message.
We just want to know you're OK.
Straight to voicemail.
"A friend of hers. "
How come we're just
meeting her? Right?
And if she's such
a good friend,
why is she here with Mike and why
didn't she drive up here with Shelia?
Good point.
That's what we would have done.
Well, y'all, before
we get a little too crazy
with this, let's find out
what's going on
and make sure we don't pass
too much judgment on her.
- Agreed.
- No.
- No?
- No. I don't like her.
Good think I brought
my Vaseline and sneakers.
# I can love you better #
No, sir.
Not all these hours of this.
Something upbeat.
That's more like it.
Something that'll uplift me.
Not make me want
to drive off this bridge.
# Just let your body just... #
Want some more?
No, babe. I'm good.
So, did you tell them?
Oh, we know about the nomination.
The nomination is just a front.
She won the award!
Ah ha!
It's a really,
really big deal in D.C.
So I would love
for all of you to be there.
- Of course.
- You know we're there.
All right, you've got
8 months to prepare.
So that's plenty of time.
Oh, I'll be there,
and I'll drink to that.
You drink to nouns.
Well, maybe one day
I'll drink to you getting a damn job.
Hey, Marcus got
a job, guys. I'll drink to that!
Marcus paid the
mortgage this month.
We all should drink to that.
Ha ha!
Come on, Angela.
I have a job.
Marcus, you work for me.
If I didn't own that salon,
you wouldn't have nothing!
You wasn't saying
that when I was playing pro ball
before I got hurt.
OK, two years of pro ball,
8 years of broke.
Angela, now, why you got to be...?
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on, you guys. Hold on.
You know what, Angela?
That's below the belt. Come on.
Well, it's true, Dianne.
Angela, Marcus,
there is such a thing...
it's called fighting fair.
You guys know this.
We learned this
on the last vacation.
Listen, Patricia, when I get mad,
all that training goes out the window.
I don't want to hear this.
OK, wait a minute.
You may not want to hear it,
but you should listen, because
it worked for me and Dianne.
All it means is that
you speak in a calm tone.
OK? You don't press
each other's buttons,
and you don't hit below the belt.
Exactly. And as long
as we've all been married,
we all know what our buttons are.
And when somebody says something
to hurt the other person,
you don't say something
worse to hurt them.
She do that all that time.
Well, then, Marcus,
why don't you guys find out
what you're really arguing about?
Look, I don't want
to play any damn games.
Clearly, she's not ready, so.
Let's get dinner started.
And what the hell are
those two over there
whispering and giggling about?
Y'all don't want to
be part of this conversation?
Sure we do. What's up?
Trina, we were gonna
get dinner started.
Why don't you join us?
Mm. I am so not
a woman for the kitchen.
I'm gonna... I'm gonna stay
and hang with the boys.
Oh, no. You gonna come
and bring your ass in the kitchen
where I can see you.
Yeah, come on. It'll be fun.
Yeah, get your ass
in here. Yeah. Come on.
What she think, we gonna
leave her with our men
and do all the work
in the kitchen?
I saw you laughing.
Marcus, I don't know how you do it.
Man, thank you.
You're welcome.
You have ruined this
week for all of us.
Every one of us.
Shh! Stop it.
Don't blame me,
'cause y'all can't
handle your women.
You know you're wrong, right?
- Tell him.
- You know you're wrong.
For making Shelia drive up here
by herself.
You're right.
You're right.
I should have made
her chunky ass walk.
You know she needs
the exercise.
Man, if I said something like that
to Angela,
I'd be hanging up there
with them deer horns.
Who is this girl?
Uh... she's sexy, ain't she?
Mike? Are you...
are you hitting that?
No, I plead the fifth.
I ain't saying nothing.
And you bring her up...
whoa, whoa, whoa.
You bring her up in here, man?
Let me tell you something.
I'm serious, man.
I'm so serious right now.
If I don't get none,
I'm whuppin' your ass.
You laugh all you want.
Yeah. Ah-ha.
Ah-ha. Hell!
Aw, Mike has been
the man since college, boy.
Hold the... hold the hell up.
How you gonna admire him
when you got your situation?
Whoa, whoa. Situation?
Situation? Come on, man.
I got burned.
- By Angela?
- No, man. No!
You got to be more careful, man.
It ain't got nothing
to do with being careful.
He shouldn't have did it.
Look, what your wife
don't know won't hurt her.
You know what?
It's that kind of comment,
that kind of thinking right there,
that's why black women
have the leading new cases of HIV
in this country, because of that.
Oh, here comes the doctor with the stats.
Here we go. Here we go.
Hey, look, I'm with Terry.
He's right.
Hey, 2 out of 4 got some sense.
Y'all been married 10 years.
10 years.
Not once?
10 years. No.
You're gay.
Have you thought
about it?
Of course you think
about it. We're men.
But then I think about
what that's going to do to her
and my family, and they worth it.
Thank you.
All right, you got something to say?
- OK, all right, yes.
- All right, thank you.
It ain't much.
I mean, there was this woman
who, you know, she was at me,
but nothing happened.
Why not?
Look at your situation.
You told me
Dianne wasn't giving it up.
You ain't had none
in 3 months. Now!
You told my business,
I just told yours.
What? When you get back,
you call her up.
All right. You hook that up.
Look, if your wife
ain't giving you none,
you got the legal right to get some.
It's a law, you hear me?
It's a law. Don't look at me like that.
You got the legal right...
I'm trying to figure out
what the hell country that's the law in.
Which one is that?
It don't matter.
It don't matter.
- I'm telling you...
- Wait a minute. Tell me the law again.
- Tell me the law again.
- No, no.
If your wife ain't giving you any...
listen to this, fellas.
You know I'm telling the truth.
Look, that's why everybody quiet. OK.
If your wife ain't giving you any,
you got the legal right to get some.
All right? Now, I read it in some book.
Some law book.
I don't know what it is.
What? Why y'all looking at me?
It's probably in the constitution.
In the constitution?
You sure it wasn't the bible?
The declaration of independence...
- That's what it is.
- That's what it is?
What are you doing out there?
I am looking for Lake Leland.
Oh, you're only about 5 miles away.
Good. OK.
Which way is it? Please.
It's up the mountain,
but you're not gonna get up there tonight.
I grew up in Detroit.
I know how to drive in snow, OK?
Thank you very much.
No, miss.
We've got a couple
trees down up there.
You're not gonna get through.
But they'll be cleared out by morning.
So... there's no way to get up there?
Are you with the group here
for the couples retreat?
Is there a hotel?
Yeah, there's one.
But it's up the mountain, too.
This is gonna be a long night.
Listen, I can offer you a cell
until morning.
It's not much,
but at least you'll be
warm and dry.
Then in the morning,
I'll take you up there myself. OK?
Can I get you some coffee?
Thank you.
I never been in jail before.
Well, technically, you still haven't.
I didn't actually arrest you.
- Thank you.
- Not a problem.
I'm Troy, by the way.
Pleasure to meet you, Shelia.
Welcome to Pemberton.
Thank you.
So, um, what's a black man
doing up here in these sticks?
- Sticks, huh?
- Yeah.
Hmm. I'm an army brat.
And I was born here.
Came back when my dad got sick.
That's actually his house
you guys are renting.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
How's your dad now?
He died last year.
That's OK.
He had a full life.
He lived till he was 82.
After he passed,
I decided to stick around.
Mm. Mm!
Something wrong with the coffee?
It's a little bitter.
Oh. Sorry about that.
Tell me something.
Why are you driving up
to a couples retreat alone?
My husband had to go ahead.
Well, why didn't
he come with you?
I wouldn't want my wife
out there traveling all by herself.
- You married?
- Divorced.
You hungry?
Don't I look hungry?
What's that supposed to mean?
Come on. Don't act
like you don't see I'm a big girl. OK?
Well, big girls gotta eat, too, right?
I got some chili if you want some.
It's an old family recipe.
I think you'll like it.
- OK.
- OK.
What took you so long?
Good night.
Excuse me?
Not tonight. I got a headache.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, come on. Stop.
Stop. Stop.
Stop! Stop! Stop.
What are you...?
What is wrong with you, Marcus?
You ain't ever turned me down.
It's been a long drive and a long day,
you know what I'm saying?
I know you lying.
I just... let's just go to sleep. OK?
Such a liar.
Go to sleep.
That bastard let her drive
all the way up here
by herself, Terry.
- Baby, calm down.
- Oh, no.
You better keep him away from me,
that's all I have to say.
Hey, hey.
And then he comes
in here with her
and not his wife.
I mean, what is wrong with him?
Dianne, this weekend's supposed to be
about us, remember?
I know that.
I know, I know.
You know what I was thinking?
This is a good time
to work on our son.
Are you kidding me?
One of my best friends
is out there
in the middle of nowhere,
and you're trying to have sex?
No. Move.
Come on.
Oh, poor Shelia.
I can't believe that.
I really can't.
Whup his ass.
I'll whup his ass,
that's what I'm gonna do.
I told him I was
gonna whup his ass.
So, patty-cake, you sleeping?
No. I'm awake.
Let me ask you,
when you were with the girls today...
Did you guys talk about, um...
Baby, please don't do this.
Don't do what?
No... I know where
you're going with this...
where am I going with this?
And it's just not
the time right now.
Time for what?
- Hey.
- What? Babe?
I'm just asking.
You know how much I love you?
No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- I don't. I don't.
How much do you love me?
How much?
I love you more than
all the words in all the books...
- All the words...
- In all the world.
- In all the world.
- Yeah.
So that's just a lot of words.
You ain't saying nothing.
It's not... it is a lot of words
but you know I love you.
And you know that I love you
more than...
I don't even know how much.
It's a lot.
So much.
What are we gonna do
about our friends?
That dirty bastard.
I saw him.
He was in there
up until two hours ago.
- What?
- I knew it.
Yeah. I'm telling you.
I'm telling Shelia
as soon as she gets here.
Uh-uh. Angela, wait a minute.
Wait for what?
We don't know what kind of state
of mind she's gonna be in.
Oh, come on, Pat.
Let's forget it with all that psych mess.
- I'm telling her.
- No. Pat's right.
You know, she's
been really depressed lately.
- Let's just wait.
- Come on. Why?
If it was one of us,
we would want to know, right?
- Uh.
- You don't know that.
Sometimes people
get angry at you for telling them.
Exactly. And because
she's been so unhappy,
the least we could do
as her friends is
to make sure that
she's gonna be OK.
Still, we're her friends...
- Good morning.
- Morning. Morning.
So where the hell y'all been?
We hiked the trail.
It was good.
There were, like, snow bunnies
and little silver fox things.
The white... what do you
call those things?
Wow. This smells so good, Angela.
Now, you belong in the kitchen.
And you belong on a corner.
- Angela.
- Need a pimp?
Hey, everybody.
Good morning.
Morning, Marcus.
So how did you
sleep last night, Marcus?
- I slept great.
- Did you?
I was like...
I slept OK.
Um, Mike, have you called Shelia
to make sure she's OK?
Can I have some coffee?
Could you pass me
some orange juice, please?
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
I'm sure she's fine.
Trick, was anybody
talking to you?
- Trick?
- Yeah. Trick.
As in slut. Ho. Tramp.
You don't know your name?
Angela, look,
you don't know me, OK?
Now, I have tolerated you
long enough.
I will mop the floor
with your behind...
OK, well, let's do it then!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- What you got?
Stop this. Stop!
Hey. Hey. You got to handle that.
She cookin' grits.
I'm just gonna move
the hell out of the way.
- She ghetto.
- You know, you better get her before I do.
Hey, divas!
- Shelia.
- Hey.
Mm. How are you?
What's going on, everybody?
Thank God you're OK.
Yes. I made it.
We were worried sick about you,
you know.
I'm fine. This man
took really good care of me.
Yeah, well, at least
some man did.
Everybody... whew.
This is Sheriff Troy.
Morning, everybody.
I invited him for breakfast.
Is that all right?
- Fine with me.
- Good to see you, man.
Same here.
Oh, Dr. Brock.
- A package came for you.
- Oh.
When the postal service can't make it up
the hill, they leave it with me.
- Thank you.
- What is that?
It's something I needed.
It's so good to see you guys.
Good to see you, too.
That's Troy.
I talked about you all last night.
Girl, he is single.
Is that so?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's great.
- I saw that.
- I did, too.
So, um, Trina, why don't you move over
and let the man sit down?
Oh. All right.
Yeah. Sit down.
You're single. He's single.
So sit there.
Patricia, what are you doing?
I am helping out.
You don't know
nothing about cooking.
- Move over.
- Whatever makes you happy.
- I got it.
- We all know you know about cooking.
You know what this mother...
you know what?
You got one more time
to say something to her, Mike.
What is wrong with you?
Terry, please prescribe
her some valium.
You're just such a butt hole!
Let me go and just get out of here.
What's wrong with her?
What is wrong with your wife?
- Take a valium.
- What do you mean?
It's Wednesday.
Welcome to my world.
You done got so immune to it,
you don't even know.
What do you mean?
- My goodness.
- God!
My goodness.
- Excuse me. Here, baby.
- Thank you.
Hey, Monica.
Baby, the turkey bacon.
No, it's OK.
He said what?
No, it's fine. Thank you.
Just tell him I'll get
back to him later.
All right.
Did you tell Monica not to call me?
It's our vacation.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
So, uh, Troy...
we saw some people on, like,
snowmobiles or something.
Where do we get those?
Ha! That's easy.
I'm not worried about snowboarding.
I want to shop.
Are you OK?
It's pretty.
Oh, oh, oh. Now, that is
gorgeous, Shelia.
I like that.
- I don't like it.
- Well, I think you should get it.
Me? It would take two of those
to fit half of my behind.
- OK. Come on.
- You're trippin'.
Come on. We're going in.
Something's going on with you,
and I can feel it.
He told my secretary
not to call me this week.
Girl, the man is just
looking out for you.
You're on vacation, Dianne.
I hope that's what it is,
you know, since I made partner,
he's been so different.
You're busy.
You are so busy.
- We can't even reach you.
- Well...
you know how long
I've wanted this.
Now it's finally happened.
I have a lot of demands on me.
And I don't want another child.
I have a career.
Ah, OK. Now we get down
to the bottom of this.
That's what this is about.
Have you talked to him?
Of course I have,
but all he talks about is having a son.
And... ugh. I don't want to.
Oh, Dee, compromise.
Marriage is about give and take.
- You know that.
- I know.
Well, look,
I compromised with Kenya.
OK? I mean, don't get me wrong.
- I love her. Of course I do.
- Yes.
But I am not
having another baby.
There's no compromise in that.
Oh... I'm sorry, honey.
Is this difficult for you?
What? Oh, girl, please.
No. I'm fine.
Look at this.
This is cute on you.
We're talking about
you and Marcus.
- I'm gonna pray for y'all.
- Oh, no, honey.
We need to talk
about you and Mike.
Now, that's who needs prayer.
Mike is not so bad.
I just need to lose some weight,
and it'll get better for us.
- It's me. I know it's me.
- Shelia...
Shelia, don't blame
yourself like that.
- It is me.
- No!
I'm trying to lose weight
so that...
sometimes he looks at me
like I disgust him.
- Oh, Shelia.
- It'll get better.
It'll get better.
I know it.
All right, Shelia, honey, look,
- I gotta tell you something...
- Angela.
- What is it?
- Angie.
- Listen...
- Wait.
Shelia, look at what
I found in your size, girl.
Girl, Mike is gonna
love you in this.
Isn't this hot?
Did she just come?
Wait a minute. You know what?
Can y'all get her out of here.
- Angela, Angela.
- Angela!
- Angela!
- What?
Why do you have to be
so mean to her?
Shelia, I don't like her.
You don't even know her.
No. You don't know her.
You're trippin'.
All right, Dr. Agnew,
what you got to say about that?
- She's not ready.
- Oh, yeah.
You can say that again.
We don't keep cash in the store.
Wait a minute.
Did she just say that
- 'Cause we're black?
- Angie. Angie!
- Girl!
- I'm gonna have to deal with her.
- Angela.
- Excuse me.
What the hell have you got on?
Trina said you might like it.
Trina lied.
Trina set you up.
You need to smack Trina.
You look like you're wearing
a damn tent.
You gotta tell me...
Mike, I want us to work.
Ooh, that's a good start, baby.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
What do I have to do
to make it work?
Well, you could lose
about 50 pounds.
Then I might be
somewhat attracted to you.
I might.
And, um, oh!
Something you can do now.
You can turn off the lamp.
You're beginning to glow.
Look like the cow that jumped
over the moon.
# Love of my life, my soul mate #
- # You're my rest... #
- Oh, that girl's funny.
I tell you.
# Part of me... #
# Now half of me is left #
# I don't know anything at all #
# Who am I to say you love me? #
# I don't know anything at all #
# And who am I to say you need me? #
Are you ready
to talk about this?
Talk about what?
About you telling Monica
not to call me.
Dianne, if you don't
understand that,
there's nothing I need to say.
OK. What is this really about?
Why? What? Because this isn't about
just spending time together, is it?
I'm beginning to think
you're doing this on purpose.
What are you talking about?
You know I want more kids.
So... you fight with me every night
so we don't have to have sex.
We've been here two days, honey.
When do you think you'll be ready?
Heh. You know what, this is just...
good... good night.
Good night.
Hey, I just got off
the phone with the lab, man.
- You straight.
- Yeah!
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't sleep with Angela, man,
till that shot kicks in.
At least 4-5 days.
Not this week, OK?
Getting better and better.
Hey, you got to tell her.
What? Uh, I don't think so.
What the hell?
Hey, don't listen to this fool.
T- t-tell her.
Look, T. I'm gonna tell her,
you know what I'm saying?
I'll tell her.
Women don't know
as soon as men do.
Whoa. You just said
that he was good.
OK? There is no need to tell...
Listen, listen, man.
I keep trying to tell
you brothers about
the 80l20 rule.
- The what?
- The 80l20 rule.
In most cases, in marriage you're only
gonna get 80% of what you need.
That's it. No more, no less.
Most times, 80%.
Now, here comes
this woman offering 20%.
Now, 20% looks real good
when you ain't gettin' it.
But the problem is
you're gonna leave 80
thinking you're getting
something better,
and you end up with 20.
That makes perfect sense to me.
That's the dumbest thing
I've ever heard.
Marcus, do not tell this woman.
He's a idiot, that's what he is.
Why the hell you come
up here to be, just be a idiot?
Wait, wait, wait!
Wait. What was he saying?
Troy was telling me
that his parents
lived in this house for 30 years.
They were married for 45.
Ooh, people don't stay
married that long no more.
Oh, I think Pat and Gavin will.
I hope so.
You're not sure?
Sounds like trouble in paradise?
There ain't no
trouble in paradise.
You know, you never
know what happens, you know.
Um, but you got to be
willing to do the work.
Yeah. We're not perfect.
You know, we have our days, but...
you know, we remember that
the bottom line is
we love each other.
And it's the love that gets us
through those tough days.
- Right, sweetie?
- Mm-hmm.
- To love.
- Love.
- Love.
- Love.
- Trina, you dropped your napkin.
- Oh. Thank you.
You're welcome.
So, um, you're the big-time sheriff
in this town, huh?
I wouldn't exactly say "big time. "
Well, this place is beautiful.
Thank you.
I think so, too.
I'd love to show you guys
around before you leave.
Mm. Thanks, um,
thanks but I can't do that.
We'd be up for that, yeah.
I'd love to, honey.
What time is good?
How about tomorrow? Early?
Sounds good to me.
I don't know if my wife will be able
to make it, though.
She probably has to check her
blackberry to see if she'll be available.
So, tell me, how much
a gig like that pay, huh?
Oh, my God. Mike.
- What?
- Forgive my husband, please.
No. I'm just saying
it can't be too much, that's all.
Well, Mike, I don't
do it for the money.
Some people do it for the enjoyment.
How about that?
Mike do it for the "enjoyment. "
Oh, you must need
another drink, don't you?
And you need
some condoms, don't you?
Heh. Believe me. You don't want
to go down that road with me.
How about we go down
the ski slope skiing.
- Yes.
- Snowboarding.
You two snowboard, whatever.
Naw. Snowmobile.
I can't do that race stuff.
What's so funny?
You want to share with the table?
Mike, can you please
let these single people
- have a private moment?
- I agree.
Maybe after dinner you two
could go for a ride or something?
Oh, that sounds great.
So nice.
That sounds nice.
Trina ain't going
nowhere with him.
- Why not?
- Yeah, Mike.
Why can't this single woman go out
with this single man?
Can we just drop this, please?
I'm so agreeing with
Dianne right now.
- Let him answer.
- Marcus, get your wife.
Come on, baby.
Give me that drink.
No. As matter of fact,
let me get another drink.
So Mike can tell us why
Trina can't go with Troy.
really. It's no big deal.
Mike, can you please
let these single people
- have a private moment?
- I agree.
Maybe after dinner you two
could go for a ride or something?
Oh, that sounds great.
So nice.
That sounds nice.
Trina ain't going
nowhere with him.
- Why not?
- Yeah, Mike.
Why can't this single woman go out
with this single man?
Can we just drop this, please?
I'm so agreeing with
Dianne right now.
- Let him answer.
- Marcus, get your wife.
Come on, baby.
Give me that drink.
No. As matter of fact,
let me get another drink.
So Mike can tell us why
Trina can't go with Troy.
really. It's no big deal.
OK. Let's do it.
- Come on.
- Mike.
- No, no. Come on. Talk to me.
- Calm down.
- Eat your food, OK?
- No, no.
No. Let him talk.
Let him talk, Shelia.
She's just a little drunk.
Yeah. You know what, Marcus?
I may be a little drunk
but somebody
at this table got
some damn secrets.
- Really?
- That's enough.
No, no, no. Dianne...
somebody got some secrets.
What are they?
You know, I'm so sick
of this. I'm sick of it.
The reason she can't go
with this man or any other man
is because she's sleeping
with yours, Shelia.
Yeah, Shelia.
Oh, hell.
Well, y'all,
thanks for dinner.
But I should be going.
I think you need to stay, man. We're gonna
need some law enforcement around here.
I'm sorry.
Is it true?
Yeah, it's true.
That's my secret. I'm the bad guy.
I'm not the only married person
with a secret at this table.
have you told your wife how you got
a DNA test on your daughter,
'cause you weren't sure
that she was yours?
Mike, don't go telling secrets, man.
Oh, no, no. Come on, Marcus.
Y'all talking about me. Hmm?
You put my secret out there.
Let's put everybody's secret
on the table, shall we?
Dianne, have you told
your husband that
you got your tubes tied after you
had Kenya and didn't tell him?
Hmm? That's what Shelia told me.
I'm sorry, Terry,
but your chances of having a boy?
- A little slim to none.
- Mike, wait. This has gone too far.
You are getting really dangerous now.
You need to stop this.
Gavin. Since you guys are walking
around here like the perfect couple.
Will you please inform your wife
how you came crying at my house
asking, "How could she be so stupid
"and not strap your son
in his car seat?" Hmm?
- What about that?
- You are a lowdown, dirty bastard...
- Shut up!
- No. You shut up!
- Marcus, please. Please.
- Oh, hell.
Please tell this woman the truth.
And I pray that it sets you free.
I pray, brother.
But I'm telling you, tell this woman
how Terry had to give you
a shot because you had VD.
Let's talk about condoms
now, shall we, Angela?
Oh, so you got VD?
- Who you been with?
- Angela, let's discuss this in private.
No. You know what?
It seems like you guys
have been talking in private enough.
How long have you had it?
A week.
Was it Keisha?
No. You didn't get it from her.
You got it from Walter.
What are you talking about?
I ain't gay.
No. I slept with him.
I got a shot.
I was just waiting
for you to say something.
I hope he breaks
your throat. Touchdown!
Get off of me!
- Man, come on, man. Come on!
- Don't be putting your hands on me!
Arrest him!
Get him. You see he
trying to kill me.
- Let me go.
- Arrest him, Troy!
That's why I slept with her!
You so damn evil!
You know what? You put your hands on
the wrong one, Marcus.
- I'm out of here.
- Get out of here.
Now, that's the best idea I heard
since we got up here.
Let's cut this trip short.
Baby, go pack our stuff.
We outta here.
Look, I'm sorry
you had to hear this way.
Thank your friend over there.
It's over.
I'll be more than fair,
but I want a divorce.
Hey, you can have
the rental property.
I'll have Paco put
bars on there for you,
so don't thank me or nothing.
It's a rough neighborhood.
You can have your car.
And I'll figure everything else out.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I hope he's dead.
I'll get my medical bag.
# Oh, oh #
# Mmm... #
# Oh #
# Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Yeah #
# Givin' up #
# It's hard to do #
# When you really #
# Love someone #
# Givin' up... #
Shelia, you know you had the key
in the door.
You came to arrest me?
Actually, I saw
your car out front.
And I just came
to check on you.
Did I kill him?
No. You didn't kill him, but, uh...
Heh. He's gonna have
one hell of a headache.
I should have killed him.
Shelia, you don't mean that.
Maybe you do.
I gave him my life.
You know, he emptied out
my bank account?
I have $87 to my name.
I don't know
what I'm gonna do.
I don't know
what I'm gonna do.
Well, if you've got a minute,
I'd like to show you something.
Hey, guys, I'm really
sorry about everything, OK?
I love you.
I'll call you later.
Bye, baby.
If anyone hears from Shelia,
we'll let each other know, right?
- Yes.
- Bye, guys.
All right, daddy.
Give that man what he wants.
Have a safe drive.
Are we gonna talk about this?
Gavin, please.
Not right now.
Oh, you're not gonna...?
I'll do it.
You wasn't even
gonna tell me, were you?
Why did you test our daughter?
Because you are so damn busy
that when you got pregnant,
we had sex what... once?
Well, what were the results?
What do you mean?
She's mine.
What the hell is
that supposed to mean?
What the hell
you saying, Dianne?
Yeah, OK.
It's snowing a little bit...
but this is where
I come to clear my head.
I just come right here.
I pray. I scream. I yell.
Do whatever I need to do.
And it's just me and God.
You ever come here to cry?
Yeah. That, too.
I can't even...
describe to you the pain I feel.
It's like I've been hit by a car.
I keep trying to understand.
Why I'm... what did I do... so wrong?
Why he betrayed me?
It hurts.
I have no life without him.
I can't even pray about it.
You know, Shelia,
this is a great time
for a new start
if you want to stay.
Oh. I thought you were
still at work.
I took the day off.
I'm gonna get dinner started.
We need to talk, Patricia.
I don't think so.
I know you heard what Michael said
at the table.
So you're not gonna deal with it?
Look, Gavin, I have dealt with this, OK?
This is what I do for a living.
I'm a doctor. I've dealt with this.
Yeah, well, you haven't
talked to me about it.
So now you want to talk to me
the way you did Mike?
Now you want to cry
your eyes out to me?
It's not like you made
it easy for me to discuss this.
Yeah, we talk about...
Noah like has never here.
Can you look at his picture?
Patricia, please.
Please put...
Can you just look at his picture?
Gavin, I didn't know...
- I didn't know you blamed me for it.
- I...
OK. I blamed you.
I blamed... I'm sorry.
OK? I blame myself, too.
I blamed God, but...
It's no one's fault.
Baby, just look at the picture.
All right.
Steak or chicken?
Patricia, no!
Look at the picture!
No! You know what?
Stop it!
- Patricia, look at...
- Stop it!
- Patricia, Patricia...
- Gavin, just stop it!
Patricia, just look at the picture.
Stop with your pretending.
- I'm not...
- Stop. Would you...
you pretend that you love me.
Stop with all those lies!
- I can't take this.
- Patricia.
You know you hate me.
I hate myself for this!
- I don't hate you. Baby.
- This is my fault!
- No. Don't touch me!
- Baby.
- Don't touch me.
- OK. Well...
No. Will you just listen
to me for once, please?
- It's not your fault.
- This is my fault.
I walk around here
trying to act like "perfect Patty. "
You know, well,
perfect Patty messed up.
- OK?
- No one's asking you...
No. Will you just listen...
Listen for a minute!
- I'm not...
- Listen!
Perfect Patty messed up.
I was in a hurry.
I strapped him in.
I strapped him in.
But I didn't secure it.
I didn't check.
Check to see
if it was secure. And...
It was raining. And...
I slid off the road, and now...
And now?
- Now he's dead.
- I know. I know, baby.
- I know.
- He's not coming back.
You know, Gavin, I can
deal with a lot of things,
but this...
I'm not strong enough
to deal with this, baby.
Hey, you don't have to be...
strong by yourself.
Just let me be.
Let me be strong for you, OK?
We can make it through.
Baby, I'll be there for you.
No matter what.
I need to see Marcus.
Hold for one second.
What the hell
are you doing here?
- I need to see Marcus.
- No. You better get out of this building.
I need to see Marcus.
No. I said you better get out
of this building.
Oh, no, you didn't touch me!
I'm gonna pack you out of here!
You know who you
messin' with, huh?
- What are you doing here?
- Look, I need to talk to you.
About what?
Do you mind?
Yes, I mind. Marcus,
you better get her
the hell out of here before
I throw her out on her face!
Marcus, you better get that ho!
You better check that ho!
- You know what?
- Angie, Angie, Angie.
Let me take care of this.
Yeah. 'Cause I know
how to handle it!
He got a handle.
He can handle all of this.
- Get her. Deal with her.
- All this!
He handles it. And well!
Well, Miss Press n' Curl. Ya ho!
Y'all know I don't take that.
I kick ass up in here every Tuesday.
Y'all know who you work for!
You know who you work for!
What is it?
Yeah. You know what?
She's right here in this office.
Angela, talk to her.
I think that's
what you should do.
I'm not gonna talk to her.
If she says one thing to me,
I'm going to jail for murder.
Well, I'm a lawyer.
I'll get you off.
- Shelia's on line two.
- Oh!
Guys, Shelia's on line two.
I'm gonna conference us in, OK?
But you know what?
If you got to be that damn tenderheaded,
why don't you get out
of my damn chair?
Get out of my chair
looking like next ghetto top weave.
- Oh...
- Shelia?
Are you OK?
We've been trying to reach you.
Yeah. I'm... Mike turned
my cell phone off.
Shelia, honey,
do you need some money?
Angela, I'm fine.
I got a job in a general store.
A general store?
Don't ask.
I'll be all right.
Do you need a place to stay?
You can live with us.
No, Patricia.
I spent too much time
letting other people
take care of me.
I've gotta find my own way.
Where are you?
Just know I'm fine, Dianne.
I gotta do this on my own.
I'm really proud of you, Shelia.
I'm gonna call you guys soon.
I love you.
We're really sorry this happened.
- Shelia, I'm so sorry.
- I'll be all right.
Honey, I love you, OK?
- We love you.
- We love you.
I love y'all, too.
Um, Dianne, tell Terry
I said happy birthday, OK?
Oh, my God!
Is that today?
Dianne, you didn't
forget, did you?
- Oh. I have to go.
- OK.
I'll talk to you.
Hey, Sheriff.
Thanks for getting me this job.
Ha! You kidding me?
If it wasn't for you,
this place wouldn't even be open again.
My daddy loved this store.
It's his lifelong dream, this place.
# Ooh, I want you #
# The right way #
# And I want you #
# I want you #
# But I want you to want me, too #
# Want me, too #
# Want you to want me #
# I want you to love me baby #
# Just like I want you... #
You work out every day?
Not every day.
I should go with you sometime.
You know you laugh,
but you might actually enjoy it.
Keeps the stress down.
I couldn't run
from here to that door.
Maybe we can...
maybe we can start walking first.
If you want to.
You know, Shelia,
you've been putting in
a lot of time in this place,
you know, getting it
to be open and all.
Want to go to
the movies later?
# I want you #
# But I want you to want me, too #
# I want you #
# To want me, baby #
# Just like I want you #
What did you say?
Have some fun.
Laugh, smile.
You want to go?
- # Oh, sugar #
- OK.
# To share is precious #
# Pure and fair #
# Ooh #
Why the hell
was she at my salon?
She had to see me.
About what?
Angela, lay off.
I'm getting sick of this.
Oh, then leave.
You keep it up,
and that's just what I'm gonna do.
Oh, please, Marcus.
Please. You ain't going nowhere.
You know why
you ain't going nowhere?
'Cause... this is my money!
You need this money!
- I'm sick of you.
- Get out!
- Get out!
- What are you talking about?
- No, stop! Get...
- First of all...
First of all!
It was my money that
started the damn business.
Now, you think I'm with you
for the money?
I'm with you because
I love you,
but you too damn stupid to see it.
I was with you
when you didn't have a dime.
And I've always
been there for you!
Not afraid to let you shine.
It's a damn shame
when you women are so used to
losing you don't realize
when you've won.
Kids, get your stuff.
Your daddy here.
I know you did not
bring this trick up into my house.
I have told you...!
Just shut up! Shut!
Now, Keisha...
this is my wife.
And you are going
to respect her.
So don't call our house
or come by my job
unless it's got something
to do with the kids.
We're done.
Now, I have to have
a relationship with you
because of them, and that is it.
So if it ain't got
nothing to do with the kids,
don't you call me!
And I'm gonna tell you this one time.
You better stop talking
to my kids about her,
do you understand me?
Wow. It's about time...
Hey! Shut!
Now, both of y'all,
better learn to get along
for the sake of these kids.
And stop acting like
you're both damn 5 years old!
- Hi, babies.
- Hi, guys.
- Hey.
- Hi, honey.
Get in the car.
Hop on in.
All right now.
Better put your seatbelts on.
OK. Now, daddy's gonna
see you guys a little later, OK?
Put your seatbelt on.
Daddy loves you.
Baby. Marcus,
where are you going?
Oh! I am so sorry I'm late.
I just, you know,
I got wrapped up,
and it just slipped my mind.
It's all right, love.
You remember
what you want to remember.
Babe, I really am sorry.
OK. I will see you at
the office tomorrow, doc, OK?
OK, Pam.
Listen, thanks for
the cake and ice cream.
Anytime, Terry.
All right, darling.
- Happy birthday.
- Oh, thank you, Pam.
Ha ha!
Are you two having an affair?
I think I better go.
Yeah. You better.
And don't come
back to this house.
I'll see you at the office, Pam.
- OK.
- Thanks for being so nice.
Good night.
You fire her, and I mean it!
You don't come in this house
and give me any damn ultimatums.
What is going on?
You answer me
keep your voice down.
Our daughter is
in this room sleeping.
Don't you let
that whore back in this house again.
Now, look, I'm warning you.
That whore has
tutored your daughter,
went to her recital,
picked her up
when you left her sitting
on the school steps twice.
OK, and what has she done
for my husband, I wonder.
I have to work, Terry!
This is not about your damn job!
It's not? Then where
is this coming from all of a sudden?
What the hell are you
talking about "all of a sudden"?
This is not all of a sudden!
It's been... I don't even
know how long it's been
that I've been begging you,
I've been...
I have been begging you
to spend some time with me,
begging you for months.
And I have!
What kind of man has to make
an appointment to sleep with his wife?
Obviously, one who has
too much time on his hands.
Oh! What do you
want me to do?
What do I want you to do?
What I want you to do.
How about the obvious?
How about baking
a cake for my birthday
or spending some time
with me or your daughter, OK?
How about doing
what a wife does,
screwing me on a regular?
Can you handle that?
You know what?
I am all for solutions,
but maybe we could
come up with something
that doesn't involve me
stepping back into the fifties!
You are so selfish.
I am not selfish.
Oh, what the hell are you talking about,
you're not selfish?
Dianne, you laid there
and had your tubes tied,
and you didn't even tell me?
You don't think that's selfish?
Look, this is my body, OK?
You don't have
to carry a child, I do!
You don't have
to miss work, I do!
Dianne, when you get married,
you give up the "Is" for us, OK?
You don't make those kind
of decisions without talking to me!
What the hell am I doing?
I don't even know why
I'm having this argument with you.
I'm tired of arguing about
the same damn thing with you.
It's clear to me...
one thing, very clear.
You don't want to be married.
Can I tell you
what this is about?
My entire career is
going way better than yours.
And you're having
some testosterone issues.
And you can't deal with it.
Have you lost your mind?
But I'm about to lose my wife.
I'm moving out.
I'll be right back.
I really love your dad's place.
But I got to pay you back.
I do!
Naw. It's all good.
Don't even sweat that.
Are my legs supposed
to be this sore?
No pain, no gain, right?
I need to tell you something.
Yeah, sure. What's up?
I'm really vulnerable right now...
and, um...
we can't go to the movies
and hang out and stuff.
- What? What do you mean?
- I mean...
I just got to the point where I can say
Mike's name without crying,
and I don't want to get
caught up in what Patricia
and Dr. Phil call
"The Hero Syndrome. "
It's when somebody comes along
and they help you out,
and just 'cause
they were being nice,
you fall for 'em, and...
you're just being nice.
I don't know, Shelia.
I could have this same hero thing
going on with you, too.
What are you talking about?
I'm serious.
I mean... look at you.
This man was trying
to break you,
and every day I see you take some
of that power back.
I didn't so anything.
I just signed the papers.
I didn't even fight.
Sometimes signing the papers is
all the fighting you need to do.
Don't play with me.
I'm not playing with you.
I mean, Shelia,
you are amazing,
spiritual, sexy.
strong and beautiful woman.
Not as big as I am.
You know, if you're
not happy about the way you look,
then change it.
Stop doubting yourself.
I mean, it's not attractive.
I don't like it.
And hell, it makes me
uncomfortable for you.
I'm sorry.
I'm just so used to...
Mike saying things, I...
try to beat him to it.
I ain't Mike.
Oh, Jesus.
Lord, have mercy. God.
I ain't thought that
in a long time.
I think I need to pray.
can we pray?
All right.
Well, I hope
she can help her now.
Well, if she can...
what are you two doing here?
Did something happen?
- No.
- Did something happen to Shelia?
- No, no, no. Don't worry.
- No, honey.
- Calm down. We're OK.
- Oh.
I thought somebody
had died or something.
What are you doing here?
- Girl, we got men problems.
- Man problems.
Thank God it's just men.
OK. That I can deal with.
What happened?
OK. You ready for this?
Terry moved out.
He got his own apartment.
He's so upset with me.
And I have never seen
Marcus so mad at me.
He went off.
He set me straight.
And Keisha,
but she deserved it.
And Angie, you didn't?
You know, if I didn't
know these men,
I would just think
that they were crazy.
- They are.
- Yeah.
Come on, you guys.
Will you call them
and talk to them?
No. I am not about to do that.
No. I'm not gonna be
all vulnerable.
You know, you guys
are just pathetic.
If you're not gonna
be honest with your husbands,
then who are you gonna
be vulnerable with?
- You!
- You!
Thank you very much, but...
this is the reason why
they're so upset at you.
Because you haven't
been truthful with them.
Tell them how you want them
to hold you at night
and how you're afraid
for them to leave you.
Y'all know this.
Is she kidding me?
I am not about to do that, period.
See, Angie, your problem
is you're afraid
that he won't do what it is
that you want him to do.
- You just stubborn.
- So?
I'll tell you what. I'm not ready to face
possible rejection.
- I'm just not.
- Me, either.
Look at you guys
sitting here looking like little
lost puppies.
Tell them what you
tell me all the time.
Tell them the truth.
Tell them what you're feeling.
Ew... she makes me sick.
She's always got
something smart to say.
Listen, I want you guys
to do this little lesson here.
- Uh-oh.
- Here we go.
Oh, come on.
You guys stop it.
Some big exercise.
It's gonna work.
Gavin and I just did this.
So it's really gonna help.
Take this paper.
On one side of it, I want you to list
all the bad he's ever done.
OK, and on the other side, I want you
to list all the good he's ever done.
Now, if the bad outweighs
the good, then so be it.
Don't hold on.
Just let it go. But...
but if this good
outweighs the bad,
then y'all need to be
big little women
and fix this.
This is not healthy.
I don't want to be
a big little woman, Pat.
I want to be a little girl.
You are not in college
anymore, Angie.
- Just grow up.
- Yeah. Thank you.
Well, I got to get
to class, guys. So...
I'll see you
at the ceremony, yes?
Oh, no, no. We can't make it. Sorry.
- She's joking.
- I'm playing.
- Of course!
- We'll be there.
I want you married
with your husbands, all right?
Well, I might be there
with my new boyfriend
- if this list don't look right.
- Angie.
If you do the work, it'll be fine.
- All right.
- Bye.
- Bye, baby.
- Thank you.
I tell you, I need a legal pad
to write this list, honey.
You know what I would do
if I was single right now,
you know what I'd be doing?
Sitting here having
a drink with y'all.
Thanks for giving me a call.
They are wasted, man.
- We need another round!
- Where's your help, huh?
Night off.
Man, I told him, quit.
What's up, fellas?
- Hey!
- Hey!
How you doing, man?
I got the hen, man.
Oh, thanks.
We were sitting here
thinking of a way to kill our wives
and wondering
if you could help us.
Hey, that always works.
- Oh, man.
- Tell me something, man.
Why is it that when a woman say
she want a good man
and then she get one, she do
everything she can to drive him crazy.
I got the answer.
'Cause women don't
know what they want,
especially yours.
Am I right, Gavin?
I'm gonna divorce Dianne.
I'm gonna call her up and tell her,
"You know what?
We're getting a divorce. "
Yeah, right. You and Dianne
are made for each other.
No. No. I ain't gonna call her.
I'm gonna send her a text.
You want to piss a woman off,
send her a text like something.
Oh, stop it.
Stop it, man.
You got a good woman.
You need to work it out.
Good woman or not,
she got to be willing
to work it out.
I had a good woman once.
Anybody seen Shelia?
Boy, Angela talks to her
from time to time
- but...
- Really?
Sound to me like you miss her.
- I'm...
- What?
No! No!
I don't miss her.
You made a mistake.
It's OK to say so.
I didn't make a mistake, all right?
Who are you talking to?
Heh. I should of just, you know...
I should of just...
done a background
check on Trina.
Ha! Girl don't do nothing.
She don't cook, don't clean,
don't... wash clothes.
Don't do...
take the garbage out.
She don't do...
she just don't.
Oh, she can shop.
'Cause she burning up
my American Express.
All right! Whoo!
Quality. Quality.
Hey, Gavin. You know
what that sound like to me?
I tried to...
yeah, right.
You think about that
with Dianne.
Man, I'm going back to her.
I'm just right now...
I'm teaching her a lesson.
Yeah. What lesson is that?
You know
what the lesson is?
I ain't gotta be there.
That's the real lesson.
I don't... I don't...
I don't have to be there.
I can go.
Yeah, that's great.
Yeah. That's gonna look good.
36 years old.
Out there dating again.
Mm. That ain't the good look.
Especially the way
you're missing your ex.
Hey, Mike. You got
what you wanted, didn't you?
What's all this for?
I just thought
I would cook for you.
Come on, baby. Sit.
Oh, just let me
wash my hands.
Man, she has cooked.
She ain't said two words to me
since we got back.
I've been sleeping
with one eye open
and she cooked.
Well, if she ain't cooking grits,
you ain't got nothing
to worry about.
No, man.
She's trying to kill me.
Look, I'm calling you
'cause I want you to know
if something happens to me,
I want y'all to know she did it.
Just go eat
your dinner, all right?
Angela's not that crazy.
This is Angela.
You know what?
You're right.
She is kinda crazy.
Look, if anything tastes funny, spit it out.
I love you, man.
I love you, too.
# Swift as a wind song #
# You sang the music of anhonest bird #
# I waited for some contradiction #
# Truth was ringing in your every word #
# And every moment since then #
# The one thing I can tell #
# Is that I belong with you #
# And no one else #
You haven't touched your food.
It's good, but...
I'm just not that hungry.
You know what I'm saying?
You're still lying.
I'm just saying, look...
you ain't said two words to me,
and all of a sudden
I come home and you cooked.
Marcus, look, I know
that I haven't been
the easiest woman
to get along with.
And I know it's been
hard for you.
But none of that matters.
Life is too short.
You're trying to kill me,
ain't you? Just cut to it.
Patricia gave you one of them
mind games to play on me.
Now, if it's about Keisha,
we can talk about Keisha.
Marcus, it's not about her.
It's about us, right?
Honey, I love you.
I just want us
to start over again.
Just me and you.
If that's OK.
You're serious?
if that is the case,
you gonna stop talking to me
like you crazy.
We're gonna stay
committed to each other.
And know that I am
doing my best.
I know you are, Marcus.
And I'm so sorry for making you feel
like you weren't.
One more.
You're gonna have to
stop drinking.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.
Oh, one second. OK?
I love you, baby.
I love you, too.
- I bought that in Africa.
- Did you really?
- Yeah. Me and Dianne.
- Wow.
Oh. It's gorgeous.
Come in!
It was last year.
Dianne, what are you doing...?
Let me just say this, please.
I am wrong.
I am so wrong
for not telling you, and...
I've just taken you for granted.
And I'll do anything.
I'll do whatever it takes,
whatever it takes
so that you can
just come home.
Because... I made that list,
and I realize that I need you
and I love you.
What list?
What are you talking about?
I'm gonna go.
No, no, no.
What are you saying?
Are you saying we can work it out?
Let me ask you something.
When we were in Colorado,
we were in the car,
and I said, "I tested
Kenya because, so and so. "
And then you said, "Huh,"
like she wasn't mine.
- Were you having an affair or something?
- No!
Terry, I was just mad.
I just said that to get back at you.
To get back at me?
And we can work this out
through anything?
OK. I guess that means
I'll tell you this then.
She's pregnant.
With twins.
Oh, OK, OK.
OK, you know what?
We'll work it out.
We'll work it out.
You mean it?
Well, just like you said
just to get back at me
I just did that
to get back at you.
- She's not.
- Oh, Terry!
- Dr. Brock.
- We have never, ever, ever had an affair.
There's nothing going on.
And my boyfriend
would be very upset to hear you say that.
Yes. He's a big linebacker.
Thank God you got a boyfriend.
- Yes, I do.
- All right.
Well, then can you
just come home?
Please take him.
Take him home.
I'm very sorry.
- I will lock up.
- All right. Lock up.
- How you doing, Marcus?
- Mike, Mike, look at you.
Hey, boy, you looking
real sweet.
Oh, nice suit.
I know your bald-headed ass
did not bring her up in here.
- Baby.
- Yes, I did.
All right. Come on.
Come on, now. Hey.
- Hi.
- You look gorgeous.
Thank you.
So do you.
And where have you been?
'Cause Pat's having a meltdown
about hair.
- Oh, are you serious?
- Yes.
Come on. I'm gonna
show you where she is.
OK. I'll see you guys.
You look good. Bye, baby.
Why is your wife so evil?
You stop it. All right?
I'm playing.
So, how you guys
been doing?
- We're good. How have you been?
- Good.
- Great.
- Good. Good.
- You look good.
- Thank you.
Well, I'm gonna go to the ladies room
and freshen up.
- All right.
- Ooh! Lipstick.
Don't kiss me.
Stop, stop, stop.
- Trina.
- Wow.
You look amazing.
How... how are you?
I feel amazing.
I wondered what I would do
when I saw you again.
If I would cuss you out
or stomp you on the street,
whup that ass.
And amazingly...
all I want to do is pray for you.
But don't tempt me.
Stay away from
the wine bottles, OK?
Have a good evening.
Oh, what you doing here?
Well, we came to support Patricia
on her big night.
"We?" Who's we?
Me and my wife.
OK. I think I'm ready.
Hello, Mike.
Which way is it?
Right up here
to the left, honey.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
Thank you. So much.
That's beautiful.
Oh, my God!
Oh, you remembered.
- How could I forget?
- What happened?
Where? Oh...
Oh, my God!
We've been worried
about you, you know.
I'm fine.
That's this glow that
I see happening here?
I haven't seen that
in a long time.
I'd like to think I had a little something
to do with that.
Oh, hey, Troy.
How you doing, ladies?
What are you doing here?
I stayed in Colorado.
We're married now.
Get out!
You're about to make me
have a heart attack.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Troy, you gotta go.
Get out. Troy, get out.
We need to speak to our friend,
so she can tell us what happened.
- All right, all right. I'm leaving.
- Bye.
Oh, Shelia!
Shelia and Troy together?
Yes. They're together.
They're together
and they look,
you know, she look really good.
She looks what?
Did you hear?
I missed it, too.
I said she looked good.
OK, she looked really good. Mike.
- All right. She look really good.
- OK. Good.
So, I, you know... it was just...
I haven't seen her in awhile.
So it was kind of,
you know, ooh.
What the hell
are you saying, man?
I'm just saying
it was kind of surprising.
It was kind of
surprising to see her.
To see her what?
Yeah. I just haven't seen her
in awhile, that's all.
- You miss her?
- What?
Come on, man.
What, y'all drinking too much.
How you doing, guys?
Hey, Sheriff.
What's going on?
Good to see you, brother.
Same here.
Well, congratulate him. You know,
him and Shelia got married.
Hey, congrat...
Can you believe
he married my ex?
To you and Shelia.
- To you and Shelia.
- Yes.
Thank you.
He what now?
Said he married my ex.
One man's ex can be
another man's treasure.
So, um, she had
that gastric bypass?
Actually, we just...
we just worked out together.
You know what
that means, right?
L... I just can't
wait to see her.
I want to see her, too, man.
I can't wait to see
what working out will do for you.
I'm going to the table, man.
I can't play with y'all.
Hey, man.
Don't be bitter, man.
We're just... we're just
clowning around.
Working out, man.
Working out.
I thought...
I prayed...
that God would save my marriage.
But it wasn't built
on the right things anyway.
I thought if Mike
got right, you know...
if I lost the weight,
that everything would be OK.
It's been hard.
It's been hard.
But it's me.
I did it.
I'm doing it.
That's right.
And it feels so good.
It feels so good.
I thought that God
had given up on me.
here I am in this marriage
and it don't work.
He don't love me,
he don't like me.
But he brought me somebody.
He is an amazing man.
He is supportive.
He doesn't criticize me.
He walks with me.
He loves me through all of it.
You understand what I'm saying?
Oh, Jesus.
I didn't have that.
And I do now.
I wake up.
I wake up with so much joy
in my heart.
Oh, God.
Help us, Jesus.
He already has, huh?
I wake up with so much joy
in my heart.
You are so beautiful, Shelia.
Oh, my God.
But you are not...
- with that makeup.
- Aah!
We need to get it together.
- This is.
- No, we can't do that.
Oh, my God.
OK, we got to get it together.
I need some tissue.
Oh, Jesus!
OK, give me some.
I need some powder.
First of all,
I'd like to thank everyone
for such a lovely, lovely evening.
I feel very proud to be
the first black woman
to receive this award.
I'm very blessed
to have won an honor
for a book that has given me
such gratification
and information...
and great vacations.
Hey, we really didn't
get a chance to talk.
On purpose?
Come on, Shelia.
Don't be like that.
What do you want, Mike?
I'm trying to listen to Patricia.
Look, I'm sorry about
how all this went down.
Dianne, Terry...
OK? I don't... I don't
want you to be mad at me.
forgiveness, you know?
I want you to forgive me.
Isn't that what
the good book says?
I forgave you a long time ago.
Because if I had stayed angry,
I would have taken it
out on Troy.
And he is too good for that.
You understand?
- Yeah. He's too good for that.
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Hey, I was your first.
You never forget your first, right?
You did think you were my first,
didn't you?
I just wanted to say
sorry and, uh...
you know, there's this, um,
there's this thing called the 20l80 rule.
I know all about the 80l20 rule.
Look... I thank you for helping me
find myself then.
But the woman I am now
is done with you.
So turn around
and go back to Trina.
Your 20.
I say clear and loud...
for everyone to hear...
I love you.
I love you.
And in closing,
I would like for everyone
to remember
the greatest achievement
for any human being
is to love God...
and others.
Thank you so much for this.
Thank you.
# Why do you tell me this #
# Were you looking for my reaction? #
# What do you need to know? #
# Don't you know
I'll always be your girl? #
# You do not have
to prove to me #
# You're beautiful to strangers #
# I've got loving eyes of my own #
# Of my own #
# I can tell #
# You belong to me #
# Tell her you belong... #
# You belong to me #
# You belong to me #
# You belong to me #
# You belong to me #
# Can it be that you are not sure? #
# You belong to me #
# Thought we'd closed the book #
# I thought we'd locked
the door, baby #
# You don't have to prove
you're beautiful to strangers #
# I've got loving eyes of my own #
# Of my own #
# I know, darling #
# You belong to me #
# Baby #
# Yes, you do #
# You belong to me #
# Tell me, I want something, baby #
# You belong to me #
# I believe you know
what I want you to say to her next #
# You belong to me #
# Won't you tell her, baby #
# You belong to me #
# Tell her that I love you #
# You belong to me #
# Tell this woman #
# You belong to me #
# Tell #
# You belong to me #
# You belong to me #
# Everybody knows this, baby #
# You belong to me #
# All of your friends #
# You belong to me #
# All of your friends,
all of my friends, baby #
# You belong to me #
# Told me this was going on #
# You belong to me #
# Ah #
# You belong to me #
# You belong to me #
# I can't stand it, baby #
# You belong to me #
# What you doing,
baby, what you doing? #
# You belong to me #
# What you doing,
baby, what you doing? #
# You belong to me #
# Where you going, baby,
where you going? #
# You belong to me #
# Where you going? #
# Oh... #