Wicked Little Things (2006)

Bull Foreman!
Get these little immigrant bastards
on their feet.
We've got two hours
of daylight left.
You heard Mr. Carlton.
You got two hours.
I need a small one.
What's your name?
Just get in there,
and don't think about it.
Just leave the sticks
and back out now.
Come on! Get out here!
Old Man Carlton wants
this section open.
Now light it up!
She's just a child.
You want to be out on your ass?
Sarah, stop it.
Okay, it's enough, Sarah.
God, you've been fudging
with the radio for an hour now.
You can say fuck, Mom.
I've heard it before.
Mommy, how much longer?
Soon, Emma.
Very, very soon.
You said that like an hour ago.
Okay, so we're going
to stop up here in Addytown
and get some supplies,
and then the house...
is not far up the mountain from there.
Can I get a candy bar, Mom?
Please, Mom, just one. Please?
Do you want anything, Sarah?
Yeah, to go home.
Will that be all, ma'am?
and the candy bar.
$32. 18.
On the house, little one.
These pictures are kind of creepy.
Easy to get lost in these woods.
Might I ask what you're doing
up in these hills?
Oh, we're moving here.
To Addy?
No, little further up. Carlton?
My husband--
My late husband was a Tunny.
Did you know them?
I know the house.
Ain't been no Tunnys
around here in years, though.
Yeah, I think my husband
was one of the last.
But we inherited the house, so...
We don't make deliveries up there.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Walter, I'm Karen.
What's your name, little one?
This is Sarah.
Let's get out of here
before it gets dark.
These woods creep me out.
Well, thank you, Walter.
It was very nice to meet you.
- I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of you.
- You bet.
Bye, Emma.
What's that movie called about the guy
who gets his head chopped off?
- Why did he get his head chopped off?
- Stop scaring Emma.
Yeah, Johnny Depp was in it.
That's what this looks like.
Like we're in the frickin'
Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Hey! Emma, it's not funny.
Jesus, Mom,
you almost killed us!
Is everyone okay?
Yeah, except for the fact
that I almost pissed my pants!
- Mom, where are you going?
- Just stay here.
Where did he go?
I don't know.
He just disappeared.
That's got to be it.
You cannot be serious.
Is this where we're going
to live, Mom?
For a while, baby.
There's no way I'm living here.
Mom, it's a wreck.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
Quit your bitching.
What's that on the door?
What is it, Mom?
I don't know, baby.
It looks like paint or something.
Looks like blood to me.
Why would it be blood?
It's not blood.
Give it a rest.
Lock's broken.
That's reassuring.
Great, no electricity.
Wow, it's big.
It's bigger than our other house!
I want to see my room!
Be careful, Emma!
This place is filthy.
I wonder how old
that Christmas tree is?
At least they had a Christmas.
Why don't we get everything out of the car,
you know, before it gets dark?
I'm going to go look
for the breaker box.
Why don't you see if
the water's turned on yet, okay?
There's frickin' rats!
One just tried to rip my throat out.
What if the rat comes back?
He won't.
But what if he does?
Then we'll chop him up
and feed him to the monster.
What monster?
Would you please stop
scaring your sister?
I want to go home.
This is our home.
At least until I can figure
out what to do with it.
This is not home.
This is Dad's bad joke on us.
Don't do this, Sarah.
Come on now.
Because I can't handle it.
What happened wasn't his fault.
He loved you.
He loved...
all of us.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Hey, you guys?
I know this has been really tough
on all of us.
What we're going to do
is work together,
and we'll get through it.
Right, Emma?
- Right?
- Right.
I like sleeping together.
Well, it's just for tonight,
because tomorrow morning
we're going to clean up this place
and then you guys are going
to each have your own room.
That's something you've
never had before, huh?
What about school?
There's one in Addytown.
I talked to them.
You can start late,
you know, after we get
settled in and everything.
With a bunch of demented mountain hicks?
- Mom!
- Good night.
I might have to...
check these pipes
down in the basement, miss.
The real estate agent promised
that everything would be working.
Well, I didn't get the call
till last evening to come up here.
This is so frustrating.
I found out yesterday
that we don't have phone service,
and, of course,
my cellphone isn't working.
I'm surprised they even turned
on the electric for you.
- What?
- Oh, I need you to run down
to that store that we stopped at
on the way up here
and get as much
from this list as you can.
Mom, look at me.
I've not taken a shower
in two days.
- I'm not going anywhere in public.
- I'll let you drive the car.
To the store and back.
Take it slow.
- Thank you.
- Hey!
- Shut up!
- Butthead.
Doesn't look like this thing's
been working for years.
At least no water's
been run through it.
Ma'am, let me ask you something.
Why would you move up here
to these mountains?
It's really no place to live.
My husband passed away.
Sorry to hear that.
It was a long illness
and a lot of money.
We didn't have much to start with.
So, after it was over,
then all that was left
was this old family house.
I was hoping to fix it--
Who are these children?
These chil--
Who are these children?
There was some kids.
It was years ago.
They used to work up at the Carlton mine.
I suppose we're through with this thing.
- Who is this?
- What?
The man.
Edmund Carlton.
He used to own this whole mountain
and everybody on it.
You know, you're going to have
to replace all these pipes.
How long is that going to take?
Shouldn't take too long, but I'll--
I'll be out of here by nightfall.
That's for sure.
How many families are left up here?
Well, there's Aaron Hanks.
I still see him
down in Addy
every once in a while.
Then, of course, there's the last
of the Carltons, who--
He doesn't live up here,
but he's been coming around,
buying up all the property--
Maybe he'd want to buy this place.
How I know, he's going
to tear down the Carlton mansion.
Make a hotel out of it.
It's right down the road from you.
Here, this looks good.
You okay, Emma?
Well, I'm going to check
on my daughter.
Do you need anything, Mr. Thompson?
Maybe like a drink or something?
No, no, I'm fine.
Oh, gross.
Go! Get out of here!
Emma, honey, where are you?
Where are you?
Answer me!
Mr. Thompson!
I'll be right back!
How long you planning on staying?
Not long, I hope.
Mom's selling the place.
She wants to move to California.
I've never been to California.
I hear it's warm.
The nights are cold here.
Stay inside if I was you.
Out of the woods.
Don't want to get lost.
Thank you.
Who's little girl are you?
Definitely not yours.
You can play hard to get, huh?
- I got something hard for you to get.
- Stop it.
In your dreams.
Hey! What's your name?
I'm Tim.
The idiot's Sean,
and that's Lisa.
Where do you live?
Up in the hills.
You're shitting me.
Up with the fucking zombies?
What zombies?
Emma! Please answer me!
She's coming.
My name is Emma.
What's your name?
I'm scared to come in there.
Why can't you come out here?
Are you still there?
Don't you ever do that again!
Just wandering off like that,
you scare me half to death!
- You're hurting me, Mommy.
- Look at you. What happened to your knee?
I fell.
Emma, what are you doing out here?
I'm looking for Mary.
She lives in there.
Okay, I don't want you
to ever come out here again.
Do you understand me, Emma?
Never ever.
- Mom!
- Never.
Cross your heart.
Oh, baby.
Okay, come on,
let me get you home.
...pray for us sinners
now and at the hour
of our death, amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour
of our death, amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour
of our death, amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Mommy, are we lost?
We've been walking
for a really long time.
No, baby.
We're just a little turned around.
It's okay.
Just the wind.
Nothing to be afraid of.
I'm not.
It's just Mary and the others.
Come on.
Oh, dumb...
Now what happened?
What the hell?
This is not what
I wanted to be doing.
I'm getting cold and tired.
I know, baby.
Who lives here?
I don't know, but...
maybe they can help us
find our way home.
There's the paint again, Mom.
I don't like it here, Mom.
Me neither, baby.
Let's go.
Oh, God!
I'm sorry, you sc--
We were lost,
and your door was open.
Are you the Tunny widow?
My name is Hanks.
You hurt yourself, little girl?
I fell.
Been down by the old mine, have you?
You should not have let her play
down by the old mine.
You shouldn't be out
after dark, neither.
Well, I didn't let her
play down there,
and I told you we got lost
on our way home.
Yeah, well, you just follow
the old two track down the mountain.
Runs right by your place.
Thank you.
Sorry again for the intrusion.
I'll watch your doors for you.
I beg your pardon?
In the day...
Come back, we'll talk then.
Emma, stay here for a second.
Was that you who...
put the blood on our door?
No need to thank me.
Ought to last you a while.
Look, I don't mean
to be rude, Mr. Hanks,
and I know that...
places like this
have certain customs and all,
but I would appreciate it
if you didn't do what you did last night.
Like I said, no need to thank me.
Now get on home now, quick.
Come back in the daylight.
We'll talk.
This Mr. Hanks guy
sounds like a freak.
I liked him.
You would.
Mary likes him, too.
Who's Mary?
My new friend.
I met her in the forest.
Like Frizzy, huh?
Frizzy wasn't real.
Mary is.
Maybe she's one of the zombies.
The guys I met said
they're ghosts of children
who were buried
in an old mine up here.
They roam the woods at night
and eat little girls like you.
Okay, that's enough.
- Gotta go.
- What, they're not going to come inside?
Please, Mom.
They're cool.
Where are you going?
To Addytown,
to see a movie or something.
Okay. Be home early.
- What's early?
- Oh, like an hour and a half.
- Mom!
- I'm kidding. Eleven.
I mean it, okay?
What's a zombie, Mom?
It's nothing.
Finish your dinner.
Good night, baby.
Sleep tight.
Mom, if Mary came here to play,
would that be all right?
Well, I don't think she will, honey.
But if she did, would it?
But you have to promise me
to never go near that mine again, okay?
Promise, love you.
I love you more.
The zombies won't eat me, Mom.
No, but I might.
Okay, now you have got
to go to sleep.
Sweet dreams.
The guys I met said
they're ghosts of children who were
buried in an old mine up here.
These woods kind of creep me out.
The land of the zombie miner geeks.
Flesh-eating kids of Carlton.
Stop it you jerk-off.
It's just urban legend bullshit.
I got to piss... bad.
So, how come you're not in school?
My mother has to get
her shit together first.
She sort of had a nervous freak out
after it all happened.
Were you close to your dad?
Yeah. Real close.
I miss him a lot.
You scared the shit
out of me, man!
Wasn't fucking funny.
Come on, guys!
We got to get her home by 11!
Damn it.
Come on, sugar.
We got God's work to do.
See you tomorrow?
I mean, sure.
Look, Tim, thank you--
I got to go.
See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Did you have a good time?
Yeah, I did.
He was nice.
What's wrong?
I found some...
old photographs of your father
and his family in the basement.
Look how young he was.
How old were you guys
when you first met?
We were 16.
Then I got married at 17.
I had you at 18.
Fast worker, huh?
It must be weird to find all this stuff
about his family.
I didn't really know...
anything about them.
You know what he was like
every time we brought it up, I mean...
they just refused
to talk about him.
I didn't even know
they lived in Pennsylvania
until I found the deed
for this house in his papers.
It's like they were this secret.
The water stopped working!
I'll check on it!
Thank you.
Oh, God.
Harold ain't answering his phone.
Must be out on a job.
You guys have to have
another plumber somewhere, right?
- There's one down in Hemet.
- Okay.
Let me see if I can find his number.
- He's more expensive.
- I don't even care.
I need what's on this list.
- Put it all on my account.
- Excuse me.
I'll be back after lunch.
Have it ready then.
I was kind of in the middle
of something he--
Who the hell was that rude bastard?
William Carlton.
He lives here?
No. The old Carlton mansion's in ruins.
He's up here surveying the land.
Gonna build a fancy ski resort.
You okay, Emma?
You seem quiet today.
Mary said she wouldn't hurt you,
but she doesn't know about the others.
When did you see Mary again?
Last night.
She stayed in my room.
She likes to sleep in my bed.
It used to be hers.
When I made her bed,
there was this spot on the mattress.
I mean, it looks like someone
was sleeping here before we came.
So what are you saying?
This Mary chick is not
another one of Miss Weirdo's
imaginary friends like Frizzy?
She actually lives in the mines
with the other zombie freaks?
I know, it's crazy.
I don't even know
what I'm saying anymore.
Hell, I don't even know
what I'm doing half the time.
God, I keep on forgetting.
The water doesn't work again.
I can't believe the stupid plumber
can't come until tomorrow.
Quit your whining.
At least you got a bath today.
Half a bath, Mother.
Are you okay?
Mary doesn't like to live
in there anymore.
She wants to come home.
Where did you get the doll?
Mary gave it to me.
Emma! Stop it.
Where did you really find it?
I told you! Mary gave it to me,
and I gave her Teddy.
Take a look here!
All right, let me grab a flashlight!
- What?
- Watch your sister.
I'll be right back!
We're going to have to blow out
the interior on that.
Take a look at those plans again.
I'll get them.
Is anybody here?
Mr. Carlton?
Oh, I'm sorry, I was--
I heard voices.
And I was told the Carlton home
was around here.
And I was wondering if it was you.
Well, now you know.
This is private land.
You're not supposed to be here.
My name is Karen Tunny.
I live nearby.
The old Tunny place, huh?
I'll give you two weeks to vacate it.
So you want to buy it?
I already own it.
I own everything
from here to Addytown.
No, I own it.
I inherited it.
I have a deed.
You have a miner's deed, a lease.
All rights to the land are mine.
Everything on it.
Animal, mineral, wood, brick, mine.
I'll give you and the others
two weeks to clear out.
You can tell Hanks to stop this nonsense
with the dead animals.
He doesn't scare anyone
with his old stories.
If I catch him doing it again,
I'll have him arrested.
Russell, let's go.
He's right.
He owns it all.
How can that be?
Just is.
Well, we'll get lawyers,
and we'll fight it.
Suit yourself.
The only way you're going
to get title is if he dies.
He's last in the Carlton line.
He dies...
and the land goes
to the miner's deed.
That's how it works.
There was a dead pig.
A carcass.
He said you did it.
Every night they come for redemption.
For his blood.
The evil he did made them
what they are,
and they hunger.
What if we have to move
like this guy says?
We won't, don't worry.
This is our home
and no one can make us move.
I won't go out tonight
if you don't want me to.
Oh, no, baby, go out.
Have fun with your friends in Addytown.
Thanks, Mom.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.
Oh, my God.
We're going into Addytown.
We'll be back in a few hours.
See you then.
Where have I seen you before?
It's a major bummer
if that fucker kicks you out.
I was just starting to like you, bitch.
Turn it up.
I love that song.
It can't be.
Mr. Carlton?
Is that you, Russell?
What the hell are you two doing--
What the hell was that?
It's just the wind.
I don't hear any wind.
Me, neither.
Holy shit!
Let's get the fuck out of here.
It's nothing.
Look, I'll prove it.
Would you fucking chill?
Close the damn door!
If you ever want to get
in my pants again,
you better start the car
and get my ass out of here right now!
Sean, do you hear me?
You asshole!
Got you.
Not funny, Sean.
Would you get in here
and let's go?
He's such a dick.
You're freaking the girls out!
I'm going to leave
your ass, I mean it.
Start the engine.
He's probably just pissing again.
I don't care.
Take off and make him come running.
Oh, Goddamn it!
What's wrong?
We're stuck.
Come on, Sean,
we got to dig the bird out!
Give it some gas when I push it!
You know I can't drive!
I can!
It's not working!
Fuck! Fuck!
Come on, Sean!
Tim. Tim!
Go! Go! Go!
It's not happening!
It didn't happen!
It didn't fucking happen!
- Sarah, what happened?
- Mom, they're for real!
- What are you talking about? Who's for real?
- The fucking children!
- Stop it, Sarah. I am sick of--
- Mom!
It's not fucking urban legend.
We have to get out of here now!
It was so horrible.
- Emma!
- How can they be for real?
How could they be alive, Mom?
We have to get out of here!
I am not going anywhere without Emma!
- Emma?
- Emma!
They're out here, Mom.
So is Emma.
Where are we going?
Back to the mine.
That's where I found her the first time,
and it's where she met Mary.
It's who gave Emma the doll.
I saw her photo in one
of the family albums,
and her and her brother
Ryan were Tunnys.
They were two of the kids
that were buried in the mine accident.
How did this happen?
How can it be for real?
I don't know.
There has to be some explanation,
but I don't know.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb--
They could be anywhere out here.
Maybe we should go back
and get some help.
I am not leaving
my baby out here!
Mom, this is insane!
You can't believe what they did.
They had these hammers
and picks and--
It's going to be okay!
We are going to get out of this!
I'm sorry.
Look, we're just going
to find your sister.
Okay, and everything's
going to be okay.
This is it.
This is the creek.
It's down this way.
Right around here.
This is where I found her the first time.
We can't go in there.
We have to.
What if they're in there, Mom?
Then stay here.
No fucking way!
It's okay.
Emma, are you in here?
What if Emma's dead?
Don't you say that!
Don't you ever say that again.
She's fine!
We're going to--
We're going to...
find her, and everything's
going to be fine.
Damn it!
Mom, I can hardly see anything!
Just don't move!
What is it?
It's a hand, Mama!
It looked like a hand.
I swear!
With me, run!
Where are we going?
The old man's house
is this way!
Get up!
I can't.
Yes, you can. Get up!
I can't run anymore!
Get on your feet and run, Sarah!
The road's right up here.
- Help us!
- What the hell do you think you're doing?
You almost got yourself killed!
We need to get out of here.
They're after us!
Get out of my car.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Just drive and I'll explain!
You're getting mud all over my car.
Now get out!
The children are going to kill us all
unless you get out of here!
- Now go!
- What the hell are you talking about?
Who the fuck are those kids?
Ask him.
Why are they doing this?
They can't be real.
They're fucking real enough to me.
Just stop right here!
You come any closer,
and I'm going to start doing some damage!
Son of a bitch.
Keep moving!
What the fuck do we do now?
I can't shoot a kid.
They're already dead.
Holy shit.
Mr. Hanks.
Are you there?
Oh, God.
Oh, thank you.
How far are they behind you?
On the road.
What are you doing out at night?
I warned you.
My Emma...
she's gone missing,
and I think she's with
the one named Mary.
If you're lucky,
they won't hurt her.
Blood they know,
blood of their kin.
All others are fair game.
That's why the blood on the doors...
to mark them.
We're safe here.
They're animals.
There's no telling what they'll do
when you get them riled up
and you ain't got Tunny blood.
If they haven't killed her already,
she'll be back by daylight.
They only feed at night.
We're all going to die, aren't we?
Like I said,
depends on how much
you got them riled up.
They already killed three of my friends.
And maybe William Carlton, too.
How do you know that?
Let me in.
It's him.
He's alive. Let him in.
Because they'll kill him if you don't.
Eye for an eye.
You want him dead, don't you?
Open the Goddamn door, or I will.
You open that door, we will die.
Open the fucking door!
They ate him.
From where I was hiding,
I... could see...
tear pieces from him and--
You're a pretty thing.
You were in my car, weren't you?
He's crazy!
Hell, yes, I'm crazy!
They fucking ate him!
Shut up!
Your truck, does it run?
An hour until sunrise.
If we can just get to your truck.
Don't let them get me.
You ain't gonna kill 'em!
You ain't even gonna hurt 'em!
But you can sure as hell
slow him down with that thing!
They're crazy for him!
This ain't gonna stop!
Out the front door.
You open, and I'll clear the way.
Ready, Mom.
Now! Do it now!
Go! Get out of here!
Well, come on, Mr. Hanks!
Son of a bitch!
Come on!
Go! Go! Go!
Come on!
Goddamn it!
Why are they stopping?
You come up here, I'll kill you!
I'll kill all of you. I mean it!
Don't move. Not a muscle.
You move and there's no telling
what they're gonna do.
What's going on down there?
Who's down there?
It's him they want.
If you and your kids want
to get out of here alive,
you'll let them have him.
They'll kill him.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Is that you?
Oh, God, Emma.
Oh, God, baby.
They won't hurt you, Mommy.
They won't hurt anyone anymore.
They promise.
I thought I lost you.
I was just playing with Mary.
She hasn't had anyone to play with
in a very long time.
Oh, God.
I still don't understand
why we didn't sell the house.
How are we going to get the money?
Well, we have enough
to make it through.
At least until I get a job.
We're going to be okay, you guys.
Do you think anyone's
ever going to find out
about what really happened?
Mr. Hanks took care
of all of the loose ends.
Well, I know, but what--
A lot of strange things happen
up in those hills.
People go missing all the time.
After a while,
everyone will forget about it.
Just like the last time.
I'm glad we didn't sell the house, Mom.
Me, too, baby.
Me, too.
Subtitled By
J.R. Media Services, Inc. Burbank, CA