Wicked Witches (2018)

You're so cute,
you're so cute.
I could just eat you all up.
Ian, Ian is that you?
It's Mark.
Yeah, it's me.
You're joking, really.
It's been what, ten years?
Something like that.
Yeah, listen, I'm
looking for a room
and I saw you've got one
there up at Dumpling Farm.
That's right, what happened?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you about it.
The room's yours,
if you want it.
When do you uh, want to move in?
As soon as, I'm
just round the corner.
She kicked me out.
Putting it about a bit?
Yeah, it was my fault.
Well, I'll see you
when you get here, mate.
Looking forward to it, pal.
Yeah, nice one, Ian.
You, too.
Oh, Jesus.
Ian, hello?
Hello, Ian?
Hey, Ian?
What are you doing in here?
You really shouldn't
come in here.
It's me, Mark.
I'm coming to stay.
Oh, yeah.
Just give me a minute,
I'm finishing up in here.
Who were you just
talking to now?
I'm just finishing up in here.
Okay, whatever man.
It's cool.
I'll be at the house.
I could
just eat you all up.
I could just eat you all up.
Ah, you've done
the place up a bit.
So, what's the deal
with parties up here?
This place was always
good for a party.
Just broken up with the wife,
I could do with a bit of,
you know, cheering up.
It's not too much to ask
of an old mate, is it?
It's not as if anyone can
hear you this far out.
Nice one.
I thought you might've
been going a bit
mental up here on your own.
I don't believe
- It's the middle
of the summer, man.
In lights at the
end of the tunnel
But some believe that
they will be saved
We're left out in the cold
I'm always cold.
And our frostbitten
skin is bliss
Lights fade
- It's been a while
since I smoked one of those.
Belief decays
- Do you remember,
we used to spend
the days getting
stoned up here in the summer?
The answers are missing
We can't find where
the answers lie
Carefree days, man.
When we're gone
and washed away
Mark, this will
make your night.
The world will still
turn the same way
It did before you
were breathing
Lost in paradise
With only a sense of time
Because we can't face
That all we are
is dead weight
Are is dead weight
All we are is dead weight
- Woo!
Turn down that
fucking music, man.
It's giving me the fear.
I don't believe in light
That's not what's
causing the fear.
But some believe that
they will be saved
Year after year we're
left out in the cold
Please, don't go in there.
It's private.
You're listening
to Fenway 102.5.
Okay, we've had more
reports about some more.
Today's phone in
is about the disappearances
of young men over the
last couple of years.
The latest to go
missing is Mark G.
Hey, thanks for tuning
into Fenstar Radio.
This is Pickering Brothers
with High Maintenance.
See that girl up
and over there
That's being rough
Nothing more to say to you
So I'm scooting town
To fight off enemies
from time to time
Just looking for a
way to feel all right
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
This all falls
apart at the seam
The ceiling collapsed
in on your lap
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
This all falls
apart at the seams
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
Thanks, very much.
No problem, sir.
This all falls
apart at the seam
The ceiling collapsed
in on your lap
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
This all falls
apart at the seams
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
I'll pay for it.
I just don't know
where, I just don't why
Hey, bro, how's it going?
Good, man.
Just calling about the
party next week, pal.
Do you want me to bring
some of the good stuff?
Good stuff?
Well, you know, I was
thinking about bringing Mandy.
Mandy, who's Mandy?
You bellend, MDMA.
It's been a while, man.
Stuck with misery guts
for the past six years.
Now that I'm back at
the farm with Ian,
I could do with a
bit of a blowout.
She's a fucking lesbian
now, did you know that?
Well, I knew you
could turn a woman.
Definitely time to move on, pal.
Look, we're gonna
have a big one.
All the boys are coming.
All right.
I love ya, you little beauty.
Love you too, bro.
What the?
Jesus Christ.
Get the fuck out of here!
I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry.
I thought you were down here.
And well, whatever you've
got in there, it stinks.
There are flies down here.
You going fishing,
mate, or something?
So where are you from, boy?
Dublin, Ireland, originally.
Just moved back here though.
Ah, Dumpling Farm,
do you know it?
Yeah, I've heard
of that place, yeah.
I've heard stories
about that place.
What stories?
Another one, please.
- Hey, man.
- Hey.
How many have you had?
Can I have another
one of those, please?
You, my friend,
are an alcoholic.
Man, I don't feel great.
Don't worry about that, pal.
We'll soon sort that out.
Fuckin' hell, mate.
It's the middle of the
afternoon, do you ever stop?
You're only young once, mate.
I tell you what, I can't
wait for the party.
It's gonna be wicked to
see all the boys again.
It's been too long man, every
cunt's married with kids.
It's not like I don't
wanna settle down,
there's just too much
pussy around to do it yet.
Besides, I'm a
bastard to live with.
I want to wank all
the fucking time.
Do you do that?
It's like I'm addicted
to fucking Pornhub.
- You take card, right?
- Yeah, there's a 1.58 tax.
The other day I literally
contacted my internet service
provider to increase
my bandwidth.
I was getting fourteen
tabs open at the same time.
Is that fine?
Literally, do you
know how long it takes
to get through fourteen tabs?
I'll tell you how long, an hour.
That's how long it took me.
This morning, in fact.
Just cranking out,
no bandwidth issues.
Just feel it, more porn.
I'm not a monster, I get
it over and done with,
finished, get out of there.
I'm literally like, I set
my alarm an hour early,
I'll get my hour in pal.
I'm basing like, my whole
morning around it at the moment,
gonna push a few things back.
But, I'll have my
hot water and lemon,
I'll get my hour in
and then, after that,
I wont even think about it.
It's the best thing about it.
I won't even think about
it till the afternoon.
There's a wealth of
content out there.
It seems pretty good to me.
It's not just me.
It's not just me that does that.
It's an epidemic.
There's a big problem.
I don't have a problem,
but there's a big problem
overall with that kind of thing.
It's what it's come to.
I mean, I'm not,
I think everyone's the same, to be honest.
People just don't talk
about it, that's all.
Very normal.
Anyway, are you sure mate?
It'll sort you out, you zombie.
- No.
- No?
Okay, fuck it then.
Look after my pint,
I'm off to the bog.
I just eat you all up.
What the fuck?
Jesus Christ.
- Hey mate, how are you?
- Hey, how's it goin', bud?
This looks mad, man.
How did you find the
time to do all this?
It was all Stevie.
I don't recognize these people.
Hey boys,
nice to see ya..
Yeah, nice to see ya.
All right.
- How ya been, guys?
All right, cheers.
Cheers, hey!
Hey, as soon
as this thing goes,
we've got more beer, we've
got shots, we've got a bar.
Hey, lad.
How are
you doin', man, good?
Yes, bro, yeah.
How's it going, man?
How are ya?
Ah, you're spilling
my drink, man.
Sorry, pal.
Go on, then.
You're mad, you're the addict.
You're only young once, mate.
Not anymore, man.
Not anymore.
Here you go.
- Ah, fuck, I dunno.
- Yes, yes.
Hey, stay in there.
Stay in there, oh shit.
- Look, old man.
- Trying to get me fucked.
Go on, go on, go on.
I don't know man.
Fuckin' hell.
It's you.
- Um, we have the video.
I dunno how your
heart manages with this.
That's great.
A little something else.
Not too many, just about
150 pills for you guys.
How's that?
Where the fuck have
they been all my life?
Fuck knows.
Ian kept them secret.
You know what, he's been acting
really fucking weird lately.
I mean, creeping
the shit out of me,
and now this.
I mean, where would he find
a group of girls like that?
Well, mate, he's not being
a weirdo right now is he?
And he's just turned
up to the party
with a bunch of hotties.
In my eyes, he's a right total
fucking legend right now.
Stevie, what, no, don't.
Who are your friends?
Are you not gonna introduce me?
I want to meet
your friends, pal.
Well, it's good to see you.
Nice to have you here.
Everyone's here pal,
everyone's here.
It's your favorite.
We're gonna have a
good one tonight, pal.
And that's it.
Ian's here everyone.
So we tried to get outside
Well they're waiting and
they're starting a fire
Here they move
from east to west
Hoping to give you
ten of the best
You can't have this,
oh, this feeling
There's witches
crawling on the ceiling
You keeping running
They keep coming
And they'll find you
out wherever you are
Thank you very much.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Harry, mate, Harry, come on.
It's gotta be bangers, pal.
What's wrong with this?
This is not a banger,
that's what's wrong with this.
The people need bangers.
Just, I've got,
I've got it okay?
I've got it handled.
Don't, don't worry about it.
I've got the bangers
for everyone.
Which button is it?
Yeah, I've got it,
I've got it, yeah.
Harry, I know what
the people want.
Fuckin' hell, mate.
This is an
un-fucking-believable party.
Yeah, it's really nice.
Bro, you okay?
Lay off the drink
for a while, man.
Drink some water.
I love you.
Will you be my wife?
I've got a surprise for you.
I love surprises.
Will you be my wife?
Come with us.
Has anyone got a cigarette?
That's all I need.
That'd be the cherry on top.
Here you go, mate.
Cheers, mate.
Nice, man.
What was in those pills, man?
Did you do this for us?
Who's this guy?
What is this?
It's like pagan
shit or something.
I like it, man.
It's a special occasion.
You have to mark
special occasions.
Got to make an effort, you know?
Oh, is that food?
That pot smells amazing.
I'm fucking starving.
You're so cute.
I could just eat you all up.
Now I can smell you.
Ah, shit.
Stevie, you're alive?
Stevie, Stevie.
No Mark, I'm dead.
You're just fuckin'
high on drugs,
and the comedown's yet
to come, my friend.
Tell me this isn't
fucking happening.
Please tell me
this is all a joke.
Sorry, pal.
This is really
fucking happening.
And they're witches or
demons or something.
I don't fucking
know what they are.
And I've got no throat left.
Ah, well, it's only a throat.
I'm fine, really.
Oh, well, only young once, mate.
Just kill me, please.
Just kill me.
Mark, you fucking bastard.
You are never gonna get away.
We missed you, Mark.
We missed you, Mark.
We've missed you, Mark.
We are your family now.
I don't believe in lights
at the end of the tunnel
But some believe that
they will be saved
Year after year we're
left out in the cold
And our frostbitten
skin is bliss
Lights fade
Belief decays
Does the clock
keeps on ticking
The answers are missing
We can't find where
the answers lie
When we're gone
and washed away
The ocean tides will
continue to sway
The world will still
turn the same way
It did, before
you were breathing
Lost in paradise
With only a sense of time
Because we can't face
That all we are
is deadweight
Late at night,
in bed and tired
I hear a noise
coming from outside
I go down to see some more
There's a tongue
tapping on my door
But you know that
you got the feeling
The witches outside
are breeding
You can't help it
They're on the ceiling
They're giving you
a fucked up feeling