Wicker Park (2004)

Magnificent, aren't they?
God's tears.
It's beautiful.
So are the others.
I, uh...
I guess I just...
have to make the right decision.
In the end, it's not your eye
that must decide.
Did Rebecca call?
Yeah. She'll be at the restaurant
in an hour to take you to the airport.
I put your tickets, passport, and
your new cell phone in your briefcase
and Hong will be there
in ten minutes.
Thanks. See you in four days.
The second you land,
those guys are gonna start poking
and prodding to see what you're made of.
Are you sure I'm the right guy
for this, Walter?
I'm no good at this corporate stuff,
I hate flying--
and isn't this Bob's thing, anyway?
Bob? Come on, you're gonna be fine.
Just don't eat anything
that wears a collar,
and if you need me, I'll be on the beach
in Cozumel screening my calls.
Look...this is a big break for you.
But I'm giving you this account because
I think you're the right man for the job.
Besides, you're gonna be a member
of the family soon, right?
Going down, please.
Oh. Matthew, keep away
from the bang-bang girls
or Rebecca will kick my ass, all right?
- Matty!
- Luke! Hey, man.
- How are you, man?
- I'm good. How are you?
Really good. Really good.
Good to see you. You look great.
Thanks, man. I mean, I do.
You still doing that whole
advertising thing in New York?
I moved back.
- When did you get back?
- Two months ago.
Two months? What are you doing?
You don't call your friend?
You could've called me.
I know. I just--I moved back
with a girl that I met in New York
and I'm working for her brother,
and it's...
That sounds serious.
Maybe. I don't know.
We'll see.
You look very serious.
Look at you.
I know, man.
Hold on!
Listen, man,
Yeah, I need to probably
move my car, too.
And then I'm going to China tonight.
- China? That's weird.
- Yeah, I know.
Let me give you a call
when I get back. Monday?
Yeah, sounds good--shut up!
All right, look, here's my card.
Don't wait two years--call me!
The old shop.
- All right?
- I will, man.
You look good.
That's a nice tie.
Good to see you.
Are you done? Come on!
He's very impressed
with what you've done,
and he assures you
that when you get to China,
you'll be met with much enthusiasm
and support.
Thank you very much.
Some champagne, please.
Excuse me.
Excuse you.
Matthew is a, uh, photographer.
Beautifully, wonderfully creative man.
And here's my favorite sister.
His only sister.
Mr. Hong, Ms. Chin,
this is my sister Rebecca.
Hey, Sweetie. How are you?
As you can see,
Matthew has managed to make himself
indispensable even away from the office.
Here, Sweetie. Just take one of these
Mr. Hong would like
to propose a toast.
Oh, yes.
To a long and prosperous marriage...
of our two companies.
Are you okay?
Um, excuse me.
I'll be right back.
Excuse me,
Just a minute!
No, you listen!
And I don't feel like calming down.
It's over, okay?
That's why I wanted to meet.
No, actually I don't think
it was an accident.
It's in the paper!
I don't ever want
to see you again, Daniel.
Stop following me,
or I'll call the police!
Whoa. Hey, come on.
Are you all right?
I pissed her off.
You wanna put that
on this card, please?
Oh! This stupid...
Need some help there, Mare?
- What's up?
- It's so frustrating.
I just can't work out
why there's no sound.
I just...
Matthew? Hello?
Anybody home?
I'll take this one, if you want.
Knock yourself out, kid.
Oh, my God.
- They wanna know how long--hey!
- Mary, I'll be right back.
- Sorry.
- Where are you going?!
Oh, sorry!
- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Lisa.
See you inside.
- Probably time to go, right?
- Yes.
Pre-boarding call
for flight 752 to Munich.
All passengers should board
at this time at gate 5-A
I guess, uh, this is it.
Are you sure nothing's wrong?
No. No, I'm fine.
Okay. Well,
call me when you get there.
Okay. I will.
I love you.
Me, too.
Your attention. please.
This is the final boarding call
forAmerican Airlines flight 153
service to Shanghai.
All passengers should now
be boarding at gate 1 0-B.
Matthew Simon.
Yeah. No, he's not on the plane.
He's sick.
No, he's very sick.
He has food poisoning.
No, he'll be there
All right.
Here. sweetie. Just take one of these
to help you sleep on the plane.
That line--what it does to your calf--
that is what we call sexy.
Wanna try pink? Hmm?
- Okay.
- Okay. Have a seat.
Hey. There you are.
Where you been?
You look like shit.
I hope she was worth it.
Hey, do we have
a size ten in pink?
Yeah, in the back.
- Hey, Ellie.
- Hey.
- I gotta talk to you.
- Lady Dragon Shoes.
Ow. So, who is she?
You wouldn't believe me.
Betcha I do. I probably even know her.
What's her name?
That's the thing.
You don't know her name?
Oh, man.
I know that she's a dancer.
You mean, like a stripper?
No, shithead.
Oh, God.
But her face is like...
Her eyes...
...and her...skin is just...
She just makes me all...
What is "wha" and "duh"? She just
makes you more inarticulate than usual.
You are obsessed,
I mean, I don't know how
I mean, my customer over there--
she's got great legs. Ellie.
All right? There is
something hot about Ellie.
The blonde at the window.
I mean, come on.
What are you doing?
Matty, are you all right?
Lady Dragon Shoes.
Can I help you?
The blonde?
What are you doing?
Give me some shoes.
- Shoes?
- Yeah.
Got lots of shoes.
I'm sorry I took so long.
Pink. It's my last pair.
Could I help you with anything?
Those shoes in the window.
The black ones
with the red sole.
I'd like to try them on, please.
The blacks and reds. Okay.
I'll just go in the back
and get them for you.
That's where we keep them--
in the back--so...
I'll be right back.
Uh, Matty?
Maybe you'd like to ask the lady
what size shoe she wears.
- Right.
- 8 1/2.
Like Fellini.
I mean his movie, not his shoe size.
What was that?
Fellini! What the hell
was I thinking?
I have no idea.
But you were right about one thing.
God, she's beautiful.
And you, my man,
are an idiot.
All right, look.
Here's the thing, all right?
You've obviously blown it,
she obviously hates you,
so you stay right here
and let the man take a shot.
- Shut up. Give me the shoes.
- All right. Go.
Just remember--
you're not funny.
Here we go.
Black and red.
What do you think?
They're too big.
Too big? Really?
Luke, these are 9 1/2s.
I'm sorry.
That's the smallest size we have.
Oh, well. Too bad.
Not--you know...
not necessarily.
We can order these for you.
Special order. And, uh--
I can, uh, if you leave your number,
I can give you a call personally
when they come in.
Do you normally spy on people?
Are you really gonna tell me that
you're a huge fan of modern dance?
Look, I've never done
Honestly--could you let me take you out
for a cup of coffee and explain?
I don't think so.
I'll stay on my side of the table.
I promise.
Just call me
when the shoes come in, okay?
Listen, I'm not
"Tomorrow night. 6:00.
Caf Tangiers on Kinzie.
Now you won't have to follow me. "
Well, my parents eventually split up,
and my mom moved back to Prague.
But my dad's still here.
He lives in California.
I wish I was in California right now.
So, why did you want
to become a photographer?
Tropical fish, actually.
When I was a kid, I used to go
to the library and pick out all the books...
...with tropical fish, you know.
Beautiful colors and shapes.
When I was eight years old, I realized
someone had to take pictures of the fish.
And I wanted that to be me.
But I grew up and I realized that...
things don't have to be extraordinary
to be beautiful.
The ordinary
could be just as beautiful.
Like what?
Like--you see the couple there?
Look at the way the girl
is holding on to him so tight.
But he can still drink his coffee.
It looks like she feels safe
wrapped around him.
And if you believe that,
I'll tell you another one.
Take my picture.
I feel beautiful tonight.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I have your dry cleaning.
Hey, you're not in China.
I didn't make it past O'Hare.
- What happened?
- I found Lisa.
Here it is.
This is the article she left behind.
The funeral's today.
I can't believe you're
blowing off Shanghai for this.
This isn't actually Lisa.
This is a compact.
What about your woman?
What's her name, anyway?
Yeah, I mean, isn't--
Is it broke?
You superstitious?
God, I am so stupid.
Here, give it to me--
- No, no. It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
You're right.
This doesn't make any sense.
One minute I'm looking at rings,
and the next I'm here, doing this.
Whoa, looking at rings?
I didn't realize you were that serious.
Apparently, I'm not.
See, that's how the universe works.
The minute you make a decision--
you decide on anything--
along comes temptation.
What would you do?
Keep them both and hope they didn't find
out about each other is what I would do.
That's perfect.
I have to find out why she left.
She got scared.
Everyone gets scared.
No, not Lisa. She wouldn't have left
Without some sort of letter
or a call or something.
She's not like that.
Something must've happened,
and whatever it was--
Screwed you up big time.
I know she loved me.
So let me borrow
your keys, okay?
The funeral's today.
It's the only lead I've got.
Oh...my car.
- Come on.
- Okay. I know. I'm sorry.
You just have to be back by 7:00.
I will. Thank you.
I've got a date.
You got a date?
Yeah, I got a date.
With who?
This actress that came into my shop
a couple weeks ago, and, uh...
God, I like her a lot,
I won't be. 6:00.
I'll be back by 6:00, okay?
"Lisa. I've been trying to find you.
I have your powder case.
Call me at--"
Excuse me?
What can I do for you?
I found a hotel key
in the back yesterday.
A woman left it.
I don't know if you saw her.
She fell right over there.
Broke her heel.
Yeah, that's right. I remember.
You wanted to leave
the keys with me?
No. Actually, l, uh...
could you give her this note
if she comes back in here?
- No problem.
- Thanks a lot.
"Lisa. I returned your key
as you asked.
"You must let me see you
if only for one last time.
"Call me.
My heart can't stand it.
All my love. Daniel. "
- Ass.
- I'm so sorry.
- Hey, I could explain.
- You are an asshole.
Do me a favor--
don't ask me for any more favors.
Come on.
I found her. I think I found her.
I found her apartment, anyway.
I'm really happy for you, Matty.
I left a note under her door
to meet me at the park tomorrow.
Guess you guys
should have a picnic.
Jesus, man.
My entire evening is screwed.
Look, I'm not really
that late, brother.
Alex doesn't wait for anyone. Trust me.
I've already left three messages.
Well, why didn't you take a cab?
'Cause I was waiting for you.
I was waiting for my car.
Luke, it's not that late.
Go over there? And do what?
Throw little pebbles up at her window?
She's gone. It's over.
Just forget it.
Maybe not.
I hope, for our friendship,
this is who I want it to be.
Want to see how cool I am?
Three rings.
Hey, how's it goin'?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Did you get my messages?
No, I lent my car to my buddy Matt,
and he was a little late coming home.
No, sure. He's right here.
Hold on a sec.
She wants to talk to you.
Fix it.
You have to fix it.
He's full of shit. isn't he?
Yeah, he's full of shit, all right.
Yeah. I knew it.
He didn't lend me his car. I took it.
I stole his keys.
That's good.
Why would you do that?
Because I'm a selfish idiot.
And I had this whole thing
going on that...
I don't wanna bore you with it.
Please. I insist.
Well, um...
I was looking for somebody.
A woman.
I wasn't thinking.
Got a little desperate.
Oh. I'm sorry.
I should be apologizing to you.
And I am apologizing to you.
I'm very sorry that I ruined your evening.
Did you find her?
I think so. Yeah.
I found where she lives.
Well. you should go back.
and you should look for her.
I think I will. Thanks.
You're boring now.
Give me the phone.
- Okay, Alex. I gotta go.
- Nice to talk to you.
Nice to talk to you, too.
She's nice, man.
Okay. Why don't I just--
I'll pick you up at the theater.
I think not so, my lord.
Dear lad, believe it,
for they shall yet belie thy happy years
to say thou art a man.
Prosper well in this,
and thou shalt live as freely as thy lord
to call his fortunes thine.
I'll do my best to woo your lady...
...and yet a barful strife.
Whoe'er I woo,
Alex, what's going on?
What do you mean?
Well, I'm sitting in the audience
and I'm getting nothing.
I figured maybe I'm missing something,
so I come, I take a closer look.
But you know what?
I'm still not buying it.
What the hell's
the matter with you today?
Look, the line, "Whoe'er I woo,
defines your character.
You're in love with this guy,
and he is asking you
to help him get another woman!
You're upset, you're confused,
it's tearing you up inside!
We've gotta see the love,
but we've also gotta see the agony.
You have been in love before,
Yes. Sure.
Oh, good. Well, please,
share a little something with us, huh?
God. you sound so close.
Can't believe you're 7.000 miles away.
I know.
It's crazy, isn't it?
How's the weather?
I don't know.
It's still dark out.
Isn't it. Iike.
I--you know what?
I'm so zonked, I didn't
you know what--it's actually a really
nice day out, now that I see it.
Are you sure nothing's wrong?
No. I'm just a little out of it,
that's all.
Well. you better get in it. because
today's meeting is very important.
You'll be fine. honey.
I'll speak to you later. okay?
I miss you.
"Lisa. I found your powder case.
"I have to see you.
"Meet me tomorrow at 3 : 00.
our usual spot.
Matt. "
Jesus Christ!
I'm sorry. It's okay.
I'm calling the police!
Where's the phone?
No! Don't call the police!
I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Get away from me!
- Okay! Okay! Calm down!
Calm down. It's okay.
I'm a friend of Lisa's.
A friend of Lisa's?
Is that supposed to be funny?
No. You can ask her
when she comes, okay?
I'm Lisa.
I live here.
Your name's Lisa?
And you live here?
- I'm calling the cops.
- No, wait. Don't.
Hey, you see that letter there?
- You wrote that?
- Yeah.
You were at Bellucci's on Monday.
Yeah...I was.
And you had a room at The Drake,
room 679?
How'd you know that?
I can't believe I did this.
I'm going crazy. Here.
That's yours.
It's broken.
I'd be happy to pay for it.
You know, my bad luck.
Your hand.
It's bleeding.
It's all right.
I got this.
No, l...
Thank you.
You know, at the restaurant,
I would've bet anything
you were this girl I used to know.
But now seeing you here, you don't
really look that much like her at all.
Must be hallucinating.
I was crazy about her.
So, what about the, uh...
- Daniel.
- Yeah. What's his story?
He's been stalking me.
He scares the hell out of me.
That's why I was staying in the hotel--
because I didn't want him to find me.
I hope he didn't follow you here.
I don't think so. No.
How's your hand?
It's okay.
I wasn't even hungry or anything.
Actually, you know what?
Thank you for everything.
For the bandage...
...not calling the cops...
...not beating me to death
with the little bronze ballerina, or...
You're leaving?
I'm late, you know.
Very late, actually, for China, so...
China. That's funny.
That's what my friend said, too.
Well, maybe you should wait.
I can't. I mean...
I gotta go.
Do you really think planes
are still taking off this late?
What are you doing?
I'm scared.
Of him.
I haven't stayed alone here
since his wife died, and...
Would you mind if you stayed?
Lisa, you don't even know me.
I broke into your apartment--
I know. I know. I know.
But--don't take this the wrong way,
but I just think you're a nice guy.
That's all.
Where does a nice guy sleep?
A nice guy
sleeps on the couch.
What are you doing?
I'm watching you sleep.
Hey, how are you?
What are you doing here?
I gotta talk to you.
Yeah, it's kind of important.
Wanna go get a drink or something?
It's freezing out here.
- Okay.
- Okay? Come on.
My friend gave my stuff
to this head of the agency, and...
he liked it.
he offered me a job in New York.
That's great.
It'll help me pay my rent, but...
But what? Why not?
Move in with me.
I--I know it's only been
a couple of months, but I just, um...
You're the reason
I don't wanna move to New York.
I wanna make my life
here with you.
Look, I'm really late for rehearsal.
Can we talk about this tomorrow?
Matthew, trust me, okay?
Just meet me tomorrow
in the park. Same time.
Have you seen Lisa?
She's gone on a European tour
of Cabaret.
It all happened real fast.
They came to our rehearsal and
just picked her out, and she was gone.
Like...did she say anything
before she left?
Like what?
Like, uh...
Cool. Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You want a cup of coffee?
Yeah, sure. Thanks.
He broke all my cups.
That's original.
Thanks. Yeah.
Thank you.
To us.
Yeah. I have to go to work.
I'm due at the hospital.
That's right.
You're a nurse.
I got a double shift.
You should stay.
You have a key?
Well, I should be back by 10:00.
Will I see you later?
- Bye.
- Bye.
You were at Bellucci's on Monday.
Yeah. I was.
What happened to you?
Hang on.
Just a minute!
Look, could I stay at your place
for a couple of days?
-Yeah. of course.
- Great.
Well, I've gotta call Daniel first,
then I'll be right over.
- Okay.
- Bye.
Oh, shit. Get up.
You know.
at the restaurant.
I would've bet anything
you were this girl I used to know.
But now seeing you here. you don't
really look that much like her at all.
Come on, Lisa.
Don't start shit like that.
Look, I don't have time--
I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
Stop acting like a goddamn child
about this crap!
Stop screaming at me!
Lisa, what are you doing?
Jesus Christ. Be careful.
It's over. Get out of my house.
Stop! Enough!
Get back in here now!
- You're gonna kill yourself!
- Don't do it!
Lisa, stop this!
Is this how you deal
with your problems?
Huh? You run away
and act like a child?
Go home, and don't bother
- Goddamnit!
- Can I come in?
Of course.
I'm sorry.
I hate to bother you, but, um,
my...ex-boyfriend just told me
he's seeing someone else.
I took a chance.
I hope you don't mind.
No, not at all.
Lisa, this is stupid, all right?
Come on!
Go home!
Excuse me, are you leaving?
I'd like to park.
- Hey!
- Hey.
I'm sorry I didn't call.
I, um...
Don't worry.
I've just been thinking.
Are you okay?
I'm going to London.
A friend of mine
started his own company.
He's asked me to choreograph.
Oh, my God.
That's amazing.
When do you leave?
Tomorrow afternoon.
Is it okay
if I stay another night?
Of course.
No, it has to be tonight.
Well, then I'd say
the 10:1 5 flight to Los Angeles
would be your best bet.
You can catch the flight
to Shanghai from there.
But there's only coach available;
your ticket's for first.
It's okay.
I'll tell you what.
I think I can get you an upgrade.
Why don't you come back
in a few hours. Around 4:00.
Something should've
opened up by then.
Thank you.
See you at 4:00.
The hotel thing was just stupid.
I knew Daniel would find me.
Why don't you come with me?
Well, I've got great shifts
at the hospital now,
and, you know...
And the guy who gave you that.
Well, come on. Tell me!
Last night we did it
on the sofa in the doctor's lounge.
You little slut.
I'm jealous!
The bad part is
I'm already seeing his best friend.
Another surgeon.
He's adorable and he adores me,
So she had the same name,
That's so hot.
Or--or maybe this is creepy.
I think it's a little bit of both, actually.
So, did you hit it?
No. Um...I slept on the couch,
you know.
When I woke up
in the morning, she was gone.
- But you wanted to hit it, didn't you?
- Come on.
Come on.
I'm going to China tonight, I'm practically
engaged--do I need to remind you?
The lies we tell ourselves.
So, what about you and Alex--
how's that?
How was your date?
- It was great.
- Good.
I mean, what--
I don't know. Sure.
Well. after I left you. I went
to pick up Alex from the theater. right?
She has this director--the guy is
such a cheese ball. Not that impressive.
I mean. she should be on Broadway
or something. 'cause she was awesome.
It was super late
by the time she got changed.
So we went out.
had a couple drinks and a couple laughs.
On the way home. I told her the whole
sordid story about you and Lisa.
So now, finally, he's found her.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
And did she explain
why she disappeared?
No, not yet.
He just wrote her this note.
They haven't actually spoken,
but they're supposed to speak soon.
You okay?
No, I'm not. You know, I don't...
You're kidding me.
Do you mind
just taking me home?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
So, I was thinking,
maybe I could go upstairs with you
and I'll make you
a nice big cup of hot chocolate...
...put a bunch
of little marshmallows up on top.
We'll watch TV and just hang out.
Do you love me?
I just wanna be alone.
- Well--
- I'll call you.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Alex, wait a second.
You gotta be kidding me.
This girl's unbelievable.
You know what?
Don't call me, okay?
Don't call me until you figure out
what you wanna do with your life,
'cause I can't deal with this.
Every time, it's a different story
with you, all right?
Wait, l--I'm sorry.
I'll call you tomorrow.
This girl is ridiculous.
And we had sex all night.
And the next morning.
I made her my dad's
world-famous breakfast, and...
I don't know.
It was pretty perfect.
That sounds really good, man.
It was pretty good.
When do I get to meet her?
Yeah, tonight. Tonight is her--
she's got this play.
It's the big opening.
It's Shakespeare.
Shakespeare. I know.
But it's supposed to be good. Trust me.
I'm supposed to leave tonight.
Yeah, but it's early.
You can go to the play,
then get on the plane.
Have you seen my compact?
You know, the silver one.
No, I haven't.
I hope I didn't leave it
at the hotel.
It was a gift from my grandmother.
Where did you get this?
Um...it's surgeon number two's.
He left it here last week.
Oh, my God.
It's so much like...
So you're not getting
into too much trouble?
Take care of yourself, okay?
- Come on, let me film you.
- No. You first.
Come on, Alex. Are you shy? You can't
be shy if you wanna be an actress.
- Shakespeare?
- This is your big break.
That's Shakespeare.
I can't do that. That's too hard.
Haply, when I shall wed.
that lord whose hand
must take my plight
shall carry half my love with him,
half my care and duty.
Surely I shall never marry
like my sisters to love my father all.
So true, my lord.
In life--oh! I blew it.
I'm sorry. That was bad.
No, that was amazing.
You know, the thing with acting, Alex,
is you just have to commit.
Otherwise, you're just a phony.
I can't hear anything.
I know.
That's weird.
- Is it hooked up right?
- Yeah.
Can you take it back?
I know a place
I can get it fixed, actually.
Do you believe
in love at first sight?
Well, who is he?
Don't even try to lie about it.
I haven't met him yet.
I've just seen him.
I don't think he's got a girlfriend.
I can tell.
Don't wait.
The good ones go fast.
Well, I gotta go get the video camera,
so I'll talk to you later.
All right.
Hey...promise you'll talk to him?
Yeah...I'll think about it.
Okay. Bye.
I'll be right back.
- Sorry.
- Matthew, where are you going?
My God.
it's so much like...Matthew.
Don't be silly.
It belongs to one of the doctors
at the hospital.
Why would you think of Matthew?
Could I borrow
your car again tonight?
Oh, sure.
Thanks, Lisa.
Well, I better go.
I'll see you later.
Hi, excuse me?
I think I might have left a compact.
It's silver, engraved.
Um, let me ask.
Tony, did anyone turn in
a silver compact?
No. Sorry.
Okay. Thank you.
A guy did come in here looking for you.
Said he found your keys. Oh! And...
He left you this.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
"Lisa. I've been trying to find you.
"I have your powder case.
"Call me.
Matthew. "
Hey, Luke, can I talk to you
for a second?
Hey, Ellie, do me a favor.
Will you help her out?
Yeah, sure.
How's it goin'?
Hey. I just wanna say thanks
for everything
and, you know,
you've been great.
What about the play?
I thought you were comin' to the play.
I don't wanna miss
another flight, you know.
Listen, I'll make it up to you
when I get back. I promise.
Hey, taxi!
You have fun tonight, though, all right?
Say hi to Alex for me, and, you know.
- You're a lucky guy.
- You got plenty of time.
It's the late flight. I really want you
to come to the play. Please?
See, things, um...it's just not going
that well with Alex.
I've been kind of
exaggerating a little.
What do you mean?
Uh! I've been lying!
It's 'cause my life's so pathetic.
No all-night marathon?
God, I'm lucky if I get a kiss
at the end of the night.
So I was thinking that if you came
to the play, I think that would really help.
I mean, I'd be so much
And then I can go to the bathroom
and you can tell her,
you know,
what a great guy I am
and rumor has it I'm really good
in the sack, and that, um...
I'm hung like a camel--
I don't know.
Please? I wouldn't ask
if it didn't mean a lot to me.
- I'll be there.
- Oh, you're the best. Thanks, buddy.
- I got it.
- Good. There you go.
- See you, brother.
- Yeah.
You the man. Thanks, man.
Well, you're all set.
You're on flight 1 559. First class.
Have a good trip.
I will. Thanks a lot.
Um, I'm booked in a flight
to London today.
I'd like to postpone it
until tomorrow, please.
Those shoes.
The black ones with the red sole.
I'd like to try them on. please.
Oh, excuse me, dear. Could you tell me
how to get to this museum from here?
I think it's...
I think it's back here.
- Let me show you. I'll walk you.
- Oh, thank you.
Alex, ten minutes!
This is it right up here.
- Here. Keep the change.
- Thanks.
How much better that man should fall
before the lion than the wolf.
The clock upbraids me
with the waste of time.
Be not afraid, good youth.
I will not have you.
And yet when wit and youth
is come to harvest,
your wife is like
to reap a proper man.
I'm right here. Sorry.
There lies your way.
Due west.
Excuse me.
Then westward ho. Grace and
good disposition attend your ladyship.
You'll nothing, madam,
to my lord by me?
I prithee, tell me
what thou thinkst of me.
That you do--think...
Sit down.
- You are...
- Sorry.
Not what you are.
Is that her?
Yeah, that's my girl.
Then think you right.
I am not what I am.
I would you were
as I would have you be.
Would it be better,
I wish it might,
for now I am your fool.
You're in love with this guy.
and he is asking you
to help him get another woman!
You're upset. you're confused.
it's tearing you up inside!
You have been in love before.
haven't you?
By my innocence, I swear,
and by my youth,
I have one heart,
And no woman has,
mistress be of it
to save I alone.
And so adieu, good madam.
Nevermore will I my master's tears
to you deplore.
She's good.
Look, I should really get
to the airport.
Yeah. Yeah.
If you have to go, go.
I'm sure Alex is gonna be disappointed
she didn't get a chance to meet you.
Tell her she did a great job.
And I'll see you on Monday.
I will. Hey, Matt, thanks for everything.
It means a lot to me.
I'm sorry you didn't find Lisa.
Yeah, me, too.
- I'll see you around, huh?
- All right, man.
Hey, Alex.
Alex, it's me.
Please go away.
C'mon, baby. Open the door.
I don't want your friend
to see me like this.
He won't. He left.
What? He left?
Did I scare him away?
Scare him away?
You blew him away.
You blew everyone away.
You were unbelievable.
He just had a plane to catch.
A slow one to China.
Open the door.
Did he find her?
Your friend--did...
Did he find Lisa?
No, it just turned out to be some...psycho
with the same name, same everything.
He slept on her couch and ran away
as fast as he could.
Are you okay?
Alex. you've gotta help me.
What's wrong?
Well, I booked this job--
a European tour of Cabaret.
Oh, wow! That's fantastic!
I know. Some girl broke her ankle,
I'm taking over.
But listen, I can't find Matthew.
I've been looking all over for him,
and my plane's leaving in two hours.
Did you leave him a message?
I can't really leave this
on his machine, you know.
It's too complicated.
I wrote him a letter.
Do you mind giving it to him?
I've never even met him.
He doesn't knowwho I am.
It doesn't matter--just tell him
you're my friend. It'll be fine.
You know what,
just let yourself in
and leave it on his bed.
I really appreciate this.
Thank you so much.
Sure. Okay.
All right.
He asked me
to move in with him.
Oh. What did you say?
I didn't really say anything.
I was late for a class,
I said I'd meet him tomorrow.
If I don't show up, you know, he'll go nuts.
Anyway, I have to go.
Thanks again, and I'll call you
when I get there, okay?
Are you gonna do it?
Of course.
I love him.
Hey. this is Matthew.
Please leave a message.
Hey. It's me again.
Where are you?
Did you get my letter?
Anyway. I'm in Paris.
I'm at the hotel. You got
the number in my last message.
Matt. please call me.
This is driving me crazy.
I need to speak to you.
Look. if you're angry at me.
then don 't be.
Just call... please.
I don 't know
if I can stay with the show.
I feel like I have to come home
and look for him.
No, l...
I wasn't gonna say
anything before, but...
...when I brought him the letter...
...he wasn't expecting me, and...
...I found him in bed
with another woman, Lisa.
I--I can't believe it.
Just...forget about him.
The best thing for you to do
is stay with the show and...
just forget him.
I really thought I knew him.
Just forget him.
He's not even worth it.
Luke, I'm so sorry.
No. Shh...it's okay.
I'm so sorry.
No. Please, don't apologize.
Please. God.
I know you're doing the best you can.
I just...
I just want you to know that l...
that I love you.
All right? And I don't
wanna play games anymore.
What's the point?
I'm just terrible at them anyway.
Do me a favor.
Grab that, would you?
- Who's this?
- Who's this?
This is Matthew.
Who is this?
Hey, what's up, kid?
I thought you left.
No, uh...
What are you still doing here?
I'm over at the...
girl's apartment.
You went back
to the crazy girl's house?
What the hell are you doing there?
I'm really starting
to worry about you, man.
I'm starting to worry myself.
It's not just that.
I couldn't even
get on the airplane.
The thing is...
...there's something
about this apartment.
It's like Lisa's been here.
I know this sounds insane. but...
I think this is her place. man.
Well. maybe you're
just hot for this crazy girl.
First thing you gotta do is get out
of her apartment and get over here.
I'll tell you about some stuff. too.
I've had the most amazing night
of my entire life last night.
Okay. I'll be over. Just give me
a couple of minutes. okay?
All right. I'll wait.
- Hello?
- Hi. um...
May I speak to Matthew, please?
Who is this?
Um... this is Lisa.
I'm a friend of his.
I'm calling about my compact.
I think he might have found it.
Uh...which Lisa is this?
Pardon me?
Uh...I'll tell you what--
he's actually supposed to be here
in a couple of minutes.
I'm sorry I didn't come back.
My, um...
...double shift turned into a triple,
and I just couldn't get away.
That's okay.
Don't worry about it.
Are you mad?
No. Not at all.
I had a great time.
Where are you?
Well, I'm still at work but, um,
so why don't you wait?
Yeah, I'll wait.
Okay. great.
I'll see you soon.
Let me. uh...
Iet me grab your phone number
and I will have him call you
when he gets in.
Um, you know...actually, could you
just tell him to meet me at 3:00?
He'd know where.
Um, I'll be waiting for him.
I--you know what,
it can't be him already,
but I'm expecting him.
Someone's at my front door.
so maybe it is him.
So hold on a second.
Matthew, trust me, okay?
Meet me tomorrow in the park.
Same time.
Yeah. I'm sorry.
It wasn't him. it was someone else.
But I promise you
I will give him your message. Okay?
Oh. Okay. Thank you.
I went to get cigarettes.
What's going on?
Matthew. He didn't leave.
He went back to that girl's house.
The crazy one.
Oh, the plot thickens.
Oh, yeah. It gets even better.
Listen to this.
So I hang up the phone,
and five seconds later, Lisa called.
The real Lisa.
The one from two years ago.
She wants to see him.
You tell him?
No, not yet.
I'll wait till he gets here.
He's gonna be so happy,
he's gonna hit the moon again.
I have to go!
- What do you mean?
- I'll call you later. I promise.
But I made breakfast.
My dad's famous potatoes.
Lisa called.
She wants to see him.
So, will you let me
meet your friends?
Don't you have a store to run?
Oh, okay.
I can take a hint.
So we're going out tomorrow, right?
- 7:00?
- Sure.
Bye, and thanks for the lift.
Matty. Hey.
- Matty!
- Luke! Hey, man!
- How are you, man?
- I'm good. How are you?
Really good. Really good.
Oh, excuse me. Could I order
He's very impressed
with what you've done.
and he assures you that
when you get to China...
... with much enthusiasm
and support.
I'm sitting over here.
Excuse me. Champagne.
Excuse you.
Uh, Miss Chin,
Shit, shit, shit!
As you can see, uh...
Here, Sweetie...
Hello. Bellucci's.
May I help you?
Hello, may I speak
to my friend Lisa, please?
She's the blonde.
She's sitting at a table behind the bar.
Yes. Just a minute. please.
Excuse me. are you Lisa?
Phone's for you.
It's a little noisy here. Why don't you
take the house phone around the corner.
Okay. Thank you.
T o a long and prosperous marriage...
of our two companies.
Excuse me. I'm gonna go make
a phone call. I'll be right back.
- Hello?
- Hey, Lisa. It's me.
Hey. what happened to you?
I know. I'm so sorry.
I got stuck at work.
Look. Daniel's found me
at the hotel.
Hang on.
Just a minute!
Look, could I stay at your place
for a couple of days?
Yeah, of course. Um...
Go there right now.
I'll--I'll meet you there.
How are you, Lisa?
Good. How are you?
Thought you'd be in China by now.
That makes two of us.
Sit down.
- What's that?
- It's a present.
- For me?
- Yeah.
I saw that yours were--
yours were broken, so...
Uh, wanna try them on?
That's very sweet.
You didn't have to do that.
Oh, that's okay.
They're a little big.
What size shoe do you wear?
These are 8 1/2.
I would've told you what size I was if l
knew you were gonna get me some shoes.
It's okay.
I could exchange them.
You don't have to do that. I...
Anyway, I told a friend of mine l'd
meet him for coffee before I left, so...
What? You're leaving?
Hey, Luke. It's me.
Let's meet.
Jesus Christ.
What are you doin'?
I thought you were comin' by.
I, uh...I was comin' by.
I just lost track of the time.
I got good news for you.
Let's go have a drink.
I want you to meet someone.
Come on.
Come on.
Hey, babe. I came as soon as you called.
Look who I ran into. It's Matthew.
Matthew, Alex.
Finally you two meet.
Have a seat.
Want a cocktail?
Excuse me.
Hi, how can I help you?
What do you want?
A vodka rocks. Double.
You know what? I'll have, um,
Put it in a bucket. Not like a double,
He knows how to do it.
You got it.
So what happened
with your psycho?
You can say it in front of Alex.
She knows the whole story anyway.
Sometimes when you see
someone from afar...
...you develop a fantasy.
Then when you see them up close,
nine times out of ten,
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
I was confused,
...thought I'd find what I was looking for,
but I found something else.
Did you talk to her?
Just long enough for her
to convince me that she's a liar.
No harm, no foul, though, right?
What do you think, Alex?
I mean, you know the whole story.
It's easy to stand back and judge.
You don't know anything
about this woman.
I know that she has no conscience
and no regard for anyone but herself.
I mean, what else
You make yourself
into such a victim.
Nobody made you be with her. You can't
even see what a hypocrite you're being.
I'm being a hypocrite?
How am I being a hypocrite?
- Yes, you are!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You guys. Hey, relax.
No, Luke. Hey, hold on.
Alex, I'd like you to explain to me
how I'm being a hypocrite.
Who's to say this woman hasn't been
in love with you for a really long time?
And now that she found you again,
she wasn't about to let you go twice.
the first time she saw you,
maybe she felt the way you did
the first time you saw Lisa.
You remember that.
Love makes you do crazy things.
Insane things.
Things in a million years
you never thought you'd see yourself do.
There you are doin' it.
Can't help it.
Jesus Christ.
Lighten up, you guys.
This woman--she's a nut.
She's psycho.
She's cuckoo-bananas, all right?
End of story.
Can we change the subject?
I actually have something
to cheer you up.
Did you, uh, leave a note
with the bartender here a few days ago?
Yeah, I did.
'Cause Lisa called.
Yeah! After you got off the phone.
She said to meet her at 3:00.
She couldn't wait long, 'cause she had
to get on a plane to London.
W-where am l
supposed to meet her?
She didn't say.
She said you'd know.
You don't know?
I think you know where.
It hasn't been that long, has it?
You know, uh...
Maybe he'll know something.
You knew she was here
the whole time?
This belongs to you.
It's from her.
"Matt. please don't think
that I'm running away from you.
"I was so overwhelmed
when you asked me to move in.
"I couldn't speak.
"My answer. of course. is yes.
I love you.
and can't wait to come home. "
I'm not going to apologize
for what I've done.
This is for me to live with now.
Now you see me for who I am.
Yes, I do.
Hey. Where you goin'?
Where you goin'?
I knowwhere she is.
All right.
Tell me what happens.
That guy. He's um...
more drama
than a Mexican soap opera.
Luke! This...
This is over.
- What's over?
- Us.
How can it be over?
We haven't even started yet.
I'm not who you think I am.
I used you.
Come on.
Hey, come on!
Hey! Hey!
- Goin' to Wicker Park.
- Yeah, right away.
Your attention. please.
Flight 862 service to London
is now boarding.
There you are!
Where've you been?
Your flight got in an hour ago.
I've been down
to luggage claim and back.
- Rebecca.
- Hey.
I, um...
What's the matter?
Rough flight home?
Did you bring me back
that little Chinese dress?
- Rebecca--
- You okay, Sweetie?
I didn't go to China.
What are you talking about?
Hi, Alex. You're never gonna
believe what happened.
Matthew's back in town.
I can't marry you.
It would be a huge mistake.
You're gonna have to help me out, baby.
Did I do something wrong?
No, you didn't--
You didn't do anything wrong.
Rebecca, l...
I've been doing something wrong
for the last two years.
I'm not...
I'm not this person.
I can't go back with you.
I can't do this.
I was gonna meet him in the park,
but he didn't show up.
Yeah...I know.
What do you mean?
Lisa. I've been doing some really...
horrible and selfish things.
What are you talking about?
I've been keeping you apart.
When we met two years ago,
I was in love with someone else.
And she just came back
into my life.
She broke my heart--
and I'm sorry!
Oh, my God.
I--Rebecca, I know...
I know that I'm still in love with her.
I just--I needed you to know.
Know what, Matthew?
That I'm not the girl
that can break your heart?
Subtitle by Vince for Divxstation.