Wide Awake (1998)

[Dog Barking]
[Man] Are you ready?
- [child] Yeah.
- [Man] You look scared.
- [child] I am.
- [Man] Why are you scared?
The football might hit me
in the face.
- [child] I am.
- [Man] Why are you scared?
The football might hit me
in the face.
We don't have to play catch.
We could play somethin'else.
The football might hit me
in the face.
We don't have to play catch.
We could play somethin'else.
I want to play this, Grandpa.
I'm gonna throw it real light.
- Okay.
- Keep your hands out.
- Okay.
- Joshua?
- Yeah, Grandpa?
- Open your eyes.
- Okay.
- Joshua?
- Yeah, Grandpa?
- Open your eyes.
- Okay.
- Here it comes! Get set!
Here it comes!
- You did it!
- I did it! I did it!
- That was a good throw.
- That was a good catch.
- We're a great team, aren't we?
- Yes, we are.
- That was a good throw.
- That was a good catch.
- We're a great team, aren't we?
- Yes, we are.
We're a great team.
That we are.
[Footsteps Approaching]
Joshua? Time to wake up.
- [Groans]
- [Groans]
- [Groans]
You're a fiifth grader today.
You're almost a man.
You're a fiifth grader today.
You're almost a man.
How much longer are
we gonna do this, huh?
This isn't gonna work anymore.
Here we go.
I need you in the car, pal.
15 minutes. Let's go.
- [Mom] Did you fiind it?
- [Girl] Yeah, I got it. Thanks.
[Mom] Breakfast.
[Girl] Is the smurf ready yet?
He better not make me late.
[Joshua Narrating]
My grandpa and me...
we always watched out
for each other.
I slept in his room
when I was sick...
or when I had a bad dream.
I slept in his room
when I was sick...
or when I had a bad dream.
Last time, I had both.
Your fever's down.
I dreamt you were gone.
Couldn't fiind you.
I'm not goin' anywhere.
[Joshua's Voice]
He lied.
- [Girl] Dad!
- [Dad]Josh, time to go.
[Girl] come on!
[Joshua's Voice]
My name is Joshua A. Beal.
I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I go to WaldronAcademy
catholic School for Boys.
Don't laugh.
My dad's a great dad,
but he always ends with the same thing.
Do me a favor.Just...
try to agree with the nuns...
and not give them
any trouble in class, okay?
[Joshua's Voice]
People think I ask too many questions.
Okay. See ya later.
Wave to your brother.
[Joshua's Voice]
Those are the guys in my school.
Kids in uniforms
don't smile very much.
[Joshua's Voice]
Those are the guys in my school.
Kids in uniforms
don't smile very much.
[Organ;'Sporting Event]
[Organ;' "charge!"]
All right, gentlemen, religion class
assignments will be divided between...
[Organ;' "charge!"]
All right, gentlemen, religion class
assignments will be divided between...
readings from your text,
Next Stop;'Salvation...
and exercises in your workbook,
Jesus Is My Buddy.
Quizzes will be held
every two weeks...
not during holy days
and not during the play-offs.
In our workbook...
it says that you
have to be baptized...
to save your soul
from eternal damnation.
That's correct.
to save your soul
from eternal damnation.
That's correct.
Is that your question?
No, no. My question's
about my Aunt Denise.
Is that your question?
No, no. My question's
about my Aunt Denise.
She's not baptized, so that means
she's going to hell, right?
- Uh, no. Actually, she's not,Joshua.
- And my dad's best friend...
He's not baptized, either.
And that means he's going to hell.
-Joshua, I think you misunderstood. Wh...
-[Boy] Oh, man!
He's not baptized, either.
And that means he's going to hell.
-Joshua, I think you misunderstood. Wh...
-[Boy] Oh, man!
Seth Greenberg rides my bus.
He's not baptized.
- Okay, wait a second.
- Hey. My cousin's going to hell?
- No, I don't think...
- We have an Indian family
living next door.
- Okay, wait a second.
- Hey. My cousin's going to hell?
- No, I don't think...
- We have an Indian family
living next door.
And the whole house
is going to hell.
- No, I don't think...
- We have an Indian family
living next door.
And the whole house
is going to hell.
- [Boys Chattering]
- No, that's not what
it says in the book.
And the whole house
is going to hell.
- [Boys Chattering]
- No, that's not what
it says in the book.
- If you'll notice on page f... okay.
- [chattering continues]
All right. Qiet.
- If you'll notice on page f... okay.
- [chattering continues]
All right. Qiet.
No one is going to hell.
Do you mean the Bible's wrong?
No, the Bible's not wrong.
- I don't get it.
- Me neither.
No, the Bible's not wrong.
- I don't get it.
- Me neither.
- [Boys Murmuring]
- [Boy] No.
- Okay. Well...
- [School Bell Ringing]
Tomorrow, we'll begin with
an in-depth discussion on baptism.
- Okay. Well...
- [School Bell Ringing]
Tomorrow, we'll begin with
an in-depth discussion on baptism.
Until then, please do not
inform any of your friends...
neighbors or relatives
of their impending doom.
Until then, please do not
inform any of your friends...
neighbors or relatives
of their impending doom.
Thank you very much, gentlemen. Go in
peace, and don't run in the hallways.
"Is it vain, sir,
to extenuate the matter?
Peace, peace."
"Is it vain, sir,
to extenuate the matter?
Peace, peace."
Don't just say the words.
Read them fiirst,
understand them...
and then make us
understand them.
Read them fiirst,
understand them...
and then make us
understand them.
" But there is no peace.
The war is actually begun.
The next gale
that sweeps from the north...
- will bring to our ears..."
- [Loud Sneeze]
- [Hawking]
- [Several Boys] Aw! Ick!
- [Complaining Continues]
- [Boy] That's heinous, man!
May I go to the bathroom?
You should really
carry tissues, David.
May I go to the bathroom?
You should really
carry tissues, David.
Go ahead.
"The next gale that
sweeps from the north...
will bring
to our ears the clash..."
Good mucous attack.
I've had better.
Good mucous attack.
I've had better.
Nine months.
I can't do it.
I've had better.
Nine months.
I can't do it.
Know what?
The fiirst week's always bad.
And besides,
if there was no school...
there'd be no rules to break.
[Joshua's Voice] My best friend Dave
is the adventurous type...
a daredevil.
[Joshua's Voice] My best friend Dave
is the adventurous type...
a daredevil.
Boring things like school
give him headaches.
a daredevil.
Boring things like school
give him headaches.
Today he's having one of his
"I hate these wussy uniform"headaches.
Boring things like school
give him headaches.
Today he's having one of his
"I hate these wussy uniform"headaches.
Shit. Brickman.
[Joshua] I can't deal with
Mr. Bizarre-o on the fiirst day.
Shit. Brickman.
[Joshua] I can't deal with
Mr. Bizarre-o on the fiirst day.
- To the back stairs, Robin.
- Right, Batman.
- Morning.
- Hi.
[Imitating Monkey]
Brickman is such a weirdo.
He's weirder...
than a regular weirdo.
He's lord of all weirdos.
I'm sorry.
Robert's having
a bad day, it seems.
[Door Slams]
[Joshua's Voice] It's funny;'
When you fiirst get an idea...
sometimes it comes
when you look at something...
you've looked at
a hundred million times.
You ever think about God?
We go to Catholic school.
God's, like, our homework.
- No, really.
- No. I don't think about God.
- Do you think He's real?
- Nope.
- Why not?
- Too many bad things happen
to people for no reason.
- Do you think He's real?
- Nope.
- Why not?
- Too many bad things happen
to people for no reason.
If you believe in him, it's cool.
I drink chocolate milk through my nose.
What do I know?
[Joshua's Voice]
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
[School Bell Ringing]
- [Boys Shouting]
- We have recess!
[School Bell Ringing]
- [Boys Shouting]
- We have recess!
[Shouting Continues]
Oh, come on.
I'll get it.
[Joshua's Voice]
Meet Freddie Waltman.
Oh, I'm sorry, ball boy.
Did you want that?
Every kid my size has
to deal with a Freddie Waltman.
See that new kid?
He's even smaller than me.
He hasn't got a prayer.
I don't know why
they put this fence up.
Why would anyone want to go
over there anyway?
Why would anyone want to go
over there anyway?
Do you want to play
ninjas with me?
Do you want to play
ninjas with me?
Tomorrow, Frank.
- Yeah. Tomorrow.
- [Whistle Blows]
I gotta go.
They need me.
- Yeah. Tomorrow.
- [Whistle Blows]
I gotta go.
They need me.
[Joshua's Voice]
That's Frank Bennett. He sweats a lot.
My parents are
really busy people.
You have to know
when to ask them something.
My parents are
really busy people.
You have to know
when to ask them something.
- Hmm?
- Do you hear something?
- No.
- Oh.
Can I ask
you guys something?
- [Sighs] Not the lights.
What's wrong?
I'm just wondering if...
- I could join the football team?
- [Mom Sighs]
Mom, please?
Josh, we're physicians, okay?
Trust us on this.
Mom, please?
Josh, we're physicians, okay?
Trust us on this.
You haven't been
in an emergency room.
You haven't seen a compound fracture
or a ruptured spleen...
- or severe facial lacerations, okay?
- Dad, I'm not going to war.
- The answer is no.
- Don't worry,Josh.
You won't be a nerd all your life.
- or severe facial lacerations, okay?
- Dad, I'm not going to war.
- The answer is no.
- Don't worry,Josh.
You won't be a nerd all your life.
- Not the lights.
- [Mom] Neena?
- The answer is no.
- Don't worry,Josh.
You won't be a nerd all your life.
- Not the lights.
- [Mom] Neena?
- I heard voices.
-[Joshua] come on, Mom.
We wear pads and all.
- You can't get hurt.
- Listen to your mother,Josh. Please?
You can always become
a midget wrestler and wrestle on TV.
- They can call you "The Pygmy..."
- " From Pennsylvania."
Get some new material.
[Sighs] Play football all of a sudden.
What's the big deal?
Just give me one good reason.
Grandpa played football.
[children Laughing, Shouting]
Okay, okay.
Let's go, girls.
Rows of fiive.
Shoulder length apart.
Legs together.
Touch your toes and don't bounce.
Ready? One, two, three, four.
Two, two, three, four.
Ready? One, two, three, four.
Two, two, three, four.
Get down there!
Get down there!
Two, two, three, four.
Get down there!
Get down there!
Grab some dirt.
Let's go.
Get down there!
Get down there!
Grab some dirt.
Let's go.
Three. I can't hear you!
Grab some dirt.
Let's go.
Three. I can't hear you!
- [Players] Four.
-[coach] Is that the way
we do this drill?
- [Players] Five.
- You our mascot or somethin'?
- [Players] Six.
- No.
- [Players] Seven. Eight.
- I tried out,
but your mom got the job fiirst.
- [Yelling]
- [Whistle Blowing]
Hey, break it up over there!
What the hell's this?
Hey, break it up over there!
What the hell's this?
Smurf was bustin' on my moms.
What the hell's this?
Smurf was bustin' on my moms.
You must be in advanced English.
You must be in advanced English.
[Players Grunting]
[Joshua's Voice] My grandpa was
a really great football player.
He ran for 200 yards in one game.
He believed in two things;'
He ran for 200 yards in one game.
He believed in two things;'
Always keep both hands on the ball...
and always hold on to your faith.
-[Priest] Thou art with me.
-[Joshua] Faith will get you through.
Thy rod and Thy staff,, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely, goodness and mercy will
follow me all the days of my life...
and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.
Surely, goodness and mercy will
follow me all the days of my life...
and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.
Today, we would like
to begin communion...
with those members
of the congregation...
suffering illness
and physical ailments.
I didn't know Mrs. Pittman was sick.
The Body of christ.
The Body of christ.
Our Father, who art in heaven...
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done...
on Earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread...
and forgive us our trespasses...
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
[Joshua's Voice]
Grandpa was my mom's dad.
He was the one who told her to go
to medical school when she was a girl.
[Joshua's Voice]
Grandpa was my mom's dad.
He was the one who told her to go
to medical school when she was a girl.
I miss him too.
[Joshua's Voice]
Football isn't the answer.
It's time I told Dave
about my idea.
Dave O'Hara lives
in a really big house.
But he spends most
of his time in a closet...
Dave O'Hara lives
in a really big house.
But he spends most
of his time in a closet...
three feet by fiive feet,
under the stairs.
We've been hit!
Abort mission!
Negative, Lieutenant. We have orders.
We have to go faster.
We're already at light speed!
They're gaining!
- We're gonna be barbecued!
- Lieutenant, sound alarm: DEFCON 1 .
Fighter craft, four o'clock.
- We're gonna be barbecued!
- Lieutenant, sound alarm: DEFCON 1 .
Fighter craft, four o'clock.
[Dave Making Beeping Noises]
How come you never
talk about girls?
Don't know.
What do you think about her?
Oh, she's okay.
For someone who's so smart,
you're pretty stupid.
Likin' girls,
it's just a biological reaction.
" Biological reaction"?
What kind?
Well, I don't know.
I haven't had one yet.
- You know what, Dave?
- What?
I'm goin' on a mission.
A real mission.
What kind of mission?
The kind where you're looking
for something important.
What are you gonna look for?
God? What for?
God? What for?
I just want to talk to Him.
God? What for?
I just want to talk to Him.
- Why?
- To make sure my grandpa's okay.
Remember when you told me
I was stupid for staring at...
that bug lamp on my porch
for six hours...
hoping that purple light
would have gamma rays...
and turn me into the Incredible Hulk
so I could fiight crime?
- Yeah?
- You're mission is
more stupid than that.
- Why?
- 'cause you can't look for God.
- Yeah?
- You're mission is
more stupid than that.
- Why?
- 'cause you can't look for God.
- Why not?
- Where in the world are you gonna look?
[Man On TV] Action News. What you want
to know when you want to know it.
- Why not?
- Where in the world are you gonna look?
[Man On TV] Action News. What you want
to know when you want to know it.
[Male Reporter] Thirty-six hours
of steady rainfall have left...
- [Voices, Indistinct]
- many members of the metro
area in flood waters.
Power was out for three hours
because of downed...
...still burning out of control.
Firefiighters from as far away as...
-[Neena] You know,
Mom,you won't believe it.
- What? What won't I believe?
-Cardinal Geary is coming to our school.
-Oh, a cardinal. Well.
-[Neena] You know,
Mom,you won't believe it.
- What? What won't I believe?
-Cardinal Geary is coming to our school.
-Oh, a cardinal. Well.
[Mom] Grab your books.
...trying feverishly to extricate
survivors from the wreckage.
According to police, the death toll
currently stands at seven.
Okay, come on.
Let's go.
Cardinal Geary is famous.
- I mean, people say
he can do miracles and things.
- Yeah?
Cardinal Geary is famous.
- I mean, people say
he can do miracles and things.
- Yeah?
- I'm getting out of English...
- [Joshua's Voice]
I usually don't listen...
- I mean, people say
he can do miracles and things.
- Yeah?
- I'm getting out of English...
- [Joshua's Voice]
I usually don't listen...
to my sister very much,
but you know what she said?
Cardinal Geary? Some people even think
he can talk to God.
This guy's bugging the phones, huh?
If she wasn't my sister,
I would've hugged her.
So basically what we had is bottom
of the eighth of the World Series.
It was bases loaded, tie score,
Jesus up at bat.
Strike one, strike two.
He never strikes out.
He's kind of shocked.
He looks up, and who does He see
playing on the other team?
Strike one, strike two.
He never strikes out.
He's kind of shocked.
He looks up, and who does He see
playing on the other team?
That's right,Judas.
A pitcher, a traitor about to strike out
Jesus Christ, the big man.
That's right,Judas.
A pitcher, a traitor about to strike out
Jesus Christ, the big man.
- [Ringing]
- That's all for today.
Your assignment for this evening.
A pitcher, a traitor about to strike out
Jesus Christ, the big man.
- [Ringing]
- That's all for today.
Your assignment for this evening.
Homework;'lf you were captain
of the apostles'team,
who would you pick to bat cleanup?
Remember, don't leave
the line too soon.
You know what?
Maybe I shouldn't go.
Remember, don't leave
the line too soon.
You know what?
Maybe I shouldn't go.
Dude, nothing is gonna go wrong.
When I distract the sister,
just do your thing and step.
Dude, nothing is gonna go wrong.
When I distract the sister,
just do your thing and step.
- What are you gonna do?
- What would James Bond do?
You're going to hit on
Sister Beatrice?
I'll do something.
Don't worry.
You're going to hit on
Sister Beatrice?
I'll do something.
Don't worry.
if you can talk to God...
ask Him if we could get
a couple more days off for Christmas.
[Joshua's Voice] catholic school's
a lot like being in prison.
They're both very, very hard
to escape from.
[Whistle Blowing]
- Hands at your side.
- [Woman, Over Intercom]
Attention, students.
Will the fiifth, sixth
and seventh graders please
line up in the main hallway...
for afternoon mass
in a calm and orderly fashion.
Will the fiifth, sixth
and seventh graders please
line up in the main hallway...
for afternoon mass
in a calm and orderly fashion.
[Dave] Wa-hoo!
[Dave Screaming]
[Boys chattering]
I just gotta do something.
Please don't tell anyone.
I just gotta do something.
Please don't tell anyone.
Oh. Oh, yeah.
It'll sound the alarm otherwise.
Good thinkin'.
[Alarm Beeps]
[choir, Faint]
[Footsteps Approaching]
Are you lost?
What are you doing here?
What's the matter?
I think I'm having
a biological reaction.
What's the matter?
I think I'm having
a biological reaction.
Um, m-my sister
Neena goes here.
I'm looking for Cardinal Geary.
Um, m-my sister
Neena goes here.
I'm looking for Cardinal Geary.
Oh. He's visiting.
We can look for him if you want.
If anybody asks,
you're my cousin.
Oh. He's visiting.
We can look for him if you want.
If anybody asks,
you're my cousin.
- What's your name?
- Hope. What's yours?
Joshua A. Beal.
[Chattering Continues, Indistinct]
[Joshua's Voice] Do girls always
freak out when someone comes to lecture?
They're just trying
to get out of class.
[Joshua's Voice] Do girls always
freak out when someone comes to lecture?
They're just trying
to get out of class.
They don't know
how important this is.
[Chattering Continues]
[chattering Subsides]
I wanted to ask you about my...
[Geary Breathing Heavily]
[Water Runs, Shuts Off,]
The cardinal gets...
very drained after a lecture.
[Joshua's Voice]
The cardinal looks diff,erent up close.
He looks like somebody's grandpa.
Josh, what happened?
What are you doing here?
I don't think
God talks to him.
[Joshua's Voice]
Know what?
This mission could take days.
[children chattering]
Still got it.
catholic school is based on rules.
The nuns have their rules;'
catholic school is based on rules.
The nuns have their rules;'
no food on the trays,
no crumbs left on the table.
The nuns have their rules;'
no food on the trays,
no crumbs left on the table.
Let's bolt.
You children had enough to eat?
no food on the trays,
no crumbs left on the table.
Let's bolt.
You children had enough to eat?
And we have our rules;'
never eat the tuna casserole...
and when it's your turn,
pass the trays.
And we have our rules;'
never eat the tuna casserole...
and when it's your turn,
pass the trays.
The kitchen workers are the only adults
who know about our rules.
They empty the trash cans.
They don't say anything.
-I think a couple of them
went to catholic school too.
- That apple has to be eaten.
[Chattering Continues]
-I think a couple of them
went to catholic school too.
- That apple has to be eaten.
[Chattering Continues]
The fiifth grade is confession
with Father Peters...
the fiirst Thursday of every month.
No one ever really confesses.
We make up stuff, as we wait on line.
I think Father Peters knows
we're lying, though.
It's just the way
he looks at us...
kinda sad,you know?
How long has it been
since your last confession?
Can we just talk?
Of course.
Know what?
You and me are, like, the same.
- We are?
- Yeah. You're looking for God, right?
As often as I can, yes.
Well, so am I.
Is that right?
Father Peters?
-you're not allowed to lie to me, right?
-What do you mean?
Well, I want to ask you something.
And I don't want you to, like, make up
stuff'cause I'm ten or anything.
I'll give it to you straight,Joshua.
I promise.
Well, do you ever
feel like givin' up?
I mean, since it's been so long,
and all. You haven't met Him.
How do you even know
if He's made up or not?
I mean, since it's been so long,
and all. You haven't met Him.
How do you even know
if He's made up or not?
Sometimes, I do feel like giving up.
But one thing I've learned
is that...
doubt's a part of
everyone's journey...
no matter what
they're looking for.
It ain't easy.
I know.
Thanks, Father.
If you fiind anything out
about where He might be...
you'll let me know, right?
You'll be the fiirst I'll tell.
Is it me...
or is it weird that the nuns are
always in here while we change?
I mean, we are men.
Ah,you're wiggin'.
Nuns and moms...
I mean, they don't count.
They're not like women.
-[Whistle Blowing]
-[Nun] Stop him! Sister Sabrina!
- What's going on?
- Brickman's at it again...
running around naked
with his underwear on his head.
- [Nun] Oh! Robert Brickman!
- [Unison] Lord of the weirdos.
Roll 'em, roll 'em, roll 'em.
Seven, eight.
- [Nun] Oh! Robert Brickman!
- [Unison] Lord of the weirdos.
Roll 'em, roll 'em, roll 'em.
Seven, eight.
Keep your arms up!
I saw that, Kozak!
Thanks to Kozak,
we are starting over!
[Boys Protesting]
Thanks to Kozak,
we are starting over!
[Boys Protesting]
One, two, three.
Keep your arms up.
I heard it's gonna snow tonight.
You say that every day. Every day,
I wake up and I see the grass.
This is straight from CNN.
CNN don't lie.
- Really?
- I guarantee we won't
have school tomorrow.
Is today tomorrow?
- Really?
- I guarantee we won't
have school tomorrow.
Is today tomorrow?
- Do you wanna play now?
- No. Today's today.
Is today tomorrow?
- Do you wanna play now?
- No. Today's today.
Tomorrow's tomorrow.
- Do you wanna play now?
- No. Today's today.
Tomorrow's tomorrow.
Keep it quiet!
Thanks to Beal,
we're starting over.
- [Boys Protesting]
- [Teacher] One, two...
three, four, fiive...
- [Chattering]
- [Boy] Here! Pass it, pass it!
[Teacher] All right.
Bring it in. Bring it in to me.
[Boy] Look out, Freddie!
[Ball Thumping]
[Boys chattering]
Oh, man. Get back.
Who did it?
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
Holy shit, holy shit,
holy shit, holy shit.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
Holy shit, holy shit,
holy shit, holy shit.
[Freddie] Who did it?
[Joshua's Voice]
Mission journal entry one.
Parents have been
real easy on me.
They hope I go back to playing
computer games like other kids.
- [Computer Blipping]
- [TappingAt Keyboard]
- Mom, could I have the bread?
- Mm-hmm.
- You think it's true?
- Can't be.
You know what?
Maybe we should go on a vacation.
You know, as a family?
Spend some quality time together?
You know what?
Maybe we should go on a vacation.
You know, as a family?
Spend some quality time together?
I have plans with my friends
this break.
Where do you want to spend
this quality time, pal?
I don't know.
How about Rome, Italy?
Super saver flights to Rome require
three weeks in advance booking...
- and a second Saturday stay.
- Where'd you get this?
Shouldn't he be
on medication or something?
Josh, why Rome?
No reason. I just hear
it's a nice city to visit.
Mm-hmm. And it has nothing
to do with the fact that...
that's where the Vatican is
and that's where the pope lives?
[Gasps] Whoa.
The pope lives there?
How nice.
Maybe I can get to talk with him...
or maybe we can go see him.
Joshua, the pope is not God.
I know that...
but he's His best friend.
We're not going to Rome.
but he's His best friend.
We're not going to Rome.
Dad, come on!
Yeah, I got it.
Mom, I can't fiind my shirt.
[Mom] What?
Neena, I can't hear you.
Look on the back
of the laundry room door.
I ironed it yesterday.
- Did it snow?
- Yeah.
- But I think the rain washed it away.
- [Sighs]
[Mom] Breakfast,Josh.
[Joshua's Voice]
Dave stinks.
cNN stinks too.
Let's do the "Gloria" next.
[Fr. Peters]
This time, I want us all to sing...
because maybe, if we all sing
together with all our hearts...
[Fr. Peters]
This time, I want us all to sing...
because maybe, if we all sing
together with all our hearts...
our voices will rise up
out of this chapel...
because maybe, if we all sing
together with all our hearts...
our voices will rise up
out of this chapel...
out of this building...
up into the heavens.
Maybe if we really sing together...
God will hear us.
Everything's gone!
I know, sweetie, I know.
We had to put things away sometime.
It doesn't mean that
we're forgetting about him.
No, no. Put everything back.
I want everything back.
Joshua, listen. We have to move on.
It's not good to pretend...
No, no. Put everything back.
I want everything back.
Joshua, listen. We have to move on.
It's not good to pretend...
- No, stop it! Stop it!
- Shh.
Joshua, listen. We have to move on.
It's not good to pretend...
- No, stop it! Stop it!
- Shh.
I want to show you something.
You can move on slowly.
There's no rush.
[Joshua's Voice]
Journal entry three.
I gotta lighten up.
[Joshua's Voice]
Journal entry three.
I gotta lighten up.
Like Dave.
I gotta lighten up.
Like Dave.
Lately, when school
gives him a headache...
Like Dave.
Lately, when school
gives him a headache...
- O'Hara. O'Hara?
-he just stays home.
He's probably drinkin'
Hawaiian Punch...
and watching reruns
of Gilligan's Island right now.
He's probably drinkin'
Hawaiian Punch...
and watching reruns
of Gilligan's Island right now.
[Nun] Your parents told me
you've been a busy guy lately.
They said that you started to follow
the Muslim tradition for a while.
Every day at sunset...
you'd bow your head to the ground
and pray to the east, is that right?
Every day at sunset...
you'd bow your head to the ground
and pray to the east, is that right?
I stopped that.
Okay, well, what did you
think about when you prayed?
Nothing, mostly.
But sometimes, I'd wonder...
Nothing, mostly.
But sometimes, I'd wonder...
"What made that smell in the carpet?"
And what was this with Thanksgiving?
You missed a good turkey dinner
because you were fasting?
I heard about a holy guy
in India who did that.
And, well,
I don't know if it counts or what...
but I got hungry during the night.
Do you think six hours
counts as a fast?
I think six hours counts.
Joshua, why do you feel
the need to do these things?
What is it you're trying to fiind?
Am-Am I doing something wrong, or...
Oh, no. No.
In fact, a lot of people
spend their lives in search
of what you're looking for.
Only those people usually fiinish
grammar school fiirst.
In fact, a lot of people
spend their lives in search
of what you're looking for.
Only those people usually fiinish
grammar school fiirst.
Can I ask you
about your grandfather?
Your mom tells me
the two of you were really close.
In fact, this summer,you didn't
go away to camp with your friends.
Your mom tells me
the two of you were really close.
In fact, this summer,you didn't
go away to camp with your friends.
You stayed home
so you could be with him.
Do you know what happened to him?
He died of bone marrow cancer.
That's right.
Did you get to go to the funeral?
Well, that's okay.
That's all right.
You know, it's just that
sometimes, people...
need a chance to cry...
You know, it's just that
sometimes, people...
need a chance to cry...
to let go,
to get things out.
Maybe you never got that chance.
to let go,
to get things out.
Maybe you never got that chance.
Know what?
I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Maybe you never got that chance.
Know what?
I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Can I go?
Sure. That's all right.
You can go.
But, hey.
This wasn't so bad, was it?
What do you say we get together again,
and we can talk? How 'bout...
- How 'bout Tuesday after school?
- Oh, sorry. I can't.
Oh, no? Why is that?
It's Hanukkah.
Well, I bought candles.
Oh, no? Why is that?
It's Hanukkah.
Well, I bought candles.
[Joshua's Voice] I think my parents
want to have a talk with me.
They look stressed.
They keep taking me places.
Dad, how come you've been spending
so much time with me these days?
What, I can't spend time
with my own son? I mean...
You're not doing this
'cause you're worried about me, are you?
No. Of course not.
[Joshua's Voice]
And every time it seems like
they're gonna say something...
they don't.
I feel bad.
I'm wigging my parents out.
But I can't help it.
I can't stop thinking.
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
You know what?
What's the matter?
You know what?
Think I just had
a "revelization."
Think I just had
a "revelization."
Yeah. I used to think
this place was magic.
Yeah. I used to think
this place was magic.
I'd see the toys...
I'd see all kinds of magical worlds.
What do you see now?
Plastic and paint.
Well, there's still some magic,
but it gets less and less every year.
Plastic and paint.
Well, there's still some magic,
but it gets less and less every year.
Maybe by the time
I have a son...
I won't even remember
the magic anymore.
[Joshua Thinking]
My mom said something weird when
she dropped me at Billy's party.
She said,
"Honey, please try to have fun. "
Why'd she say that?
I know howto have fun.
Nothing's happening.
Then you ain't doin' it right.
Nothing's happening.
Then you ain't doin' it right.
- I think I'm getting an itch.
- Don't think about it.
It's itching in two places.
- I think I'm getting an itch.
- Don't think about it.
It's itching in two places.
You're not concentrating.
It's itching in two places.
You're not concentrating.
I think I'm getting an itch too.
You guys suck.
It's bad,Josh.
How long are we
supposed to do this?
A long time.
Okay, you're supposed to breathe
in a certain way.
But I haven't fiigured
that part out yet.
What's supposed to happen?
Are you having a biolog...
What's it like?
Like choking on a LifeSaver,
but worse.
You can't say anything.
-Just say what you're thinking.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can.
- No, I can't.
Just say it.
- Yes, you can.
- No, I can't.
Just say it.
I think you're prettier than any of the
swimsuit models in the swimsuit edition.
I think you're prettier than any of the
swimsuit models in the swimsuit edition.
What's goin' on?
Someone dared Dave
to jump in the pool.
- It's freezin'out there.
- He won't do it.
Who's that?
That's Dave.
Dave's my best friend.
You know what?
Dave's a daredevil.
That's Dave.
Dave's my best friend.
You know what?
Dave's a daredevil.
He's not afraid of anything.
Not anything.
When he grows up,
bet he's gonna be one of those guys...
who gets shot out of a cannon
at the circus.
When he grows up,
bet he's gonna be one of those guys...
who gets shot out of a cannon
at the circus.
Let's go.
[Water Splashing, Kids cheering]
You think that's crazy, don't you?
It's different.
- No, you think it's crazy.
- It's different, okay?
That's all I said.
- No, you think it's crazy.
- It's different, okay?
That's all I said.
[Joshua's Voice]
Journal entry seven.
Dave O'Hara can do anything.
[Joshua's Voice]
Journal entry seven.
Dave O'Hara can do anything.
[Kids Cheering]
If he says it can't be done,
it can't be done.
What can I tell ya, G-man?
consider that chapter closed.
- What d'you mean?
- I mean she probably thinks
you're a mental patient.
What can I tell ya, G-man?
consider that chapter closed.
- What d'you mean?
- I mean she probably thinks
you're a mental patient.
[Sister Terry] All right,
your parents are waiting, gentlemen.
No running in the parking lot.
[Sister Terry] All right,
your parents are waiting, gentlemen.
No running in the parking lot.
Okay, Crimmins, Hall, Nordon, Ellard.
This whole mission business
is getting out of hand.
You're wiggin', man.
Let it slide as long as possible.
You're wiggin', man.
Let it slide as long as possible.
- People are talkin'.
- You don't know.
I don't?
Answer me one thing:
- People are talkin'.
- You don't know.
I don't?
Answer me one thing:
In all this time and all the stuff
you've been doing...
have you gotten one sign...
any sign...
to let you know there is a God?
No. So what does that say?
I'll tell you what it says.
Either there ain't no God...
I'll tell you what it says.
Either there ain't no God...
or there is a God and He don't care
that you're lookin' for Him.
Either way, it's time to stop.
O'Hara,you're up.
See you tomorrow,Josh.
Simms, Smith,Jones, Barker.
[Joshua's Voice]
Journal entry nine.
Starting to doubt my mission.
I really need a sign to know
whether to keep going or not.
I need one bad.
Anything happen in here?
Hap... What d'ya mean, happen?
Well, like... lights flickering,
or a strong wind...
or a holy vision,
anything like that.
Well, like... lights flickering,
or a strong wind...
or a holy vision,
anything like that.
l-I didn't see anything, honey.
-[Rock, Indistinct]
- ...friend who really liked the outfiit.
I'm telling you... Hold on.
What do you want, pygmy?
Anything godly in nature
reveal itself to you just now?
He really liked the outfiit.
Yeah, he told me about it twice.
I'm serious.
[Joshua's Voice]
My grandpa believed in two things.
I don't think I believe
in anything at all.
Don't start cryin',Josh.
I don't think
I could take it.
Okay, I won't.
- Does it hurt?
- Not this second, no.
Okay, I won't.
- Does it hurt?
- Not this second, no.
- Are you scared?
- No.
- Not even a little scared?
- Uh-uh.
Why not?
'Cause, uh...
I know God will take care
of me when I get to Him.
How do you know?
I know God will take care
of me when I get to Him.
How do you know?
A man knows.
How do you know?
A man knows.
What if you get there
and you fiind out there is no God?
Who's gonna take care of you?
Don't talk nonsense,Josh.
How do you know for sure?
I mean...
lots of things are made up.
How do you know for sure?
I mean...
lots of things are made up.
S-S-Superman ain't real.
lots of things are made up.
S-S-Superman ain't real.
Neither is Indiana Jones.
Someone just made 'em up.
'Cause I got proof.
- What proof?
- The snow. That's proof.
How do you think
the snow appears?
Isn't snow frozen water vapor...
that falls to the earth
in soft, white crystalline flakes?
Where'd you learn that?
that falls to the earth
in soft, white crystalline flakes?
Where'd you learn that?
Earth Science class.
Where'd you learn that?
Earth Science class.
Well, you're right...
but there's more, much more.
Maybe you're gonna
have to fiind your own proof.
but there's more, much more.
Maybe you're gonna
have to fiind your own proof.
- [Sniffs] You know what, Grandpa?
- What,Josh?
Maybe you're gonna
have to fiind your own proof.
- [Sniffs] You know what, Grandpa?
- What,Josh?
- I don't wanna talk anymore.
- [Dog Barking]
[Kids Shouting]
- Yeah?
I am a little scared.
I'm a little scared too.
Is it okay if I cry now?
- Yeah.
- [Sobbing]
Oh, man.
" Fourscore and seven years ago...
our forefathers brought forth
on this continent a new nation."
Be aware of where your hands are.
"conceived in liberty..."
Be aware of where your hands are.
"conceived in liberty..."
[Joshua's Voice] By spring,
most everybody knew about my mission...
even Robert Brickman.
Punch the end
of each sentence,John.
"Now we are engaged
in a great civil war. "
[Boy Whispering]
Watch out, Brickman.
Okay, everybody face forward.
[Boy Whispering]
Watch out, Brickman.
Okay, everybody face forward.
And you can continue,John.
- "Testing whether that nation..."
- [Boys Gasping, chattering]
Everyone, look forward.
[Boy Whispering]
He's touching the pope.
[Joshua's Voice]
Mission journal entry.
Robert Brickman
took the pope hostage today.
Look, there's Robert!
Look, there's Robert!
- What's he doing?
- Why is he holding
the picture up like that?
Somebody please go tell
Sister Josephine that Robert's
out in the rain with the pope.
[Joshua's Voice] The whole class
thought he was wiggin'out again.
Somebody please go tell
Sister Josephine that Robert's
out in the rain with the pope.
[Joshua's Voice] The whole class
thought he was wiggin'out again.
But not me.
[Joshua's Voice] The whole class
thought he was wiggin'out again.
But not me.
I think he was trying to tell me
something about my mission.
But not me.
I think he was trying to tell me
something about my mission.
Somethin' was gonna happen.
I think he was trying to tell me
something about my mission.
Somethin' was gonna happen.
- Somethin'strange.
- [chattering]
- [Sister Terry] Please sit down.
- No, I'm not gonna go.
-[Woman] Listen, baby,
you gotta understand...
- No!
- [Sister Terry] Please sit down.
- No, I'm not gonna go.
-[Woman] Listen, baby,
you gotta understand...
- No!
I'm not gonna go.
I can't leave.
[Sister Terry]
I need you to listen to me, okay?
I'm not gonna go.
I can't leave.
[Sister Terry]
I need you to listen to me, okay?
No one wants to take you out of school
in the middle of the semester.
No one.
I don't,'your parents don't.
They want to keep you in school,
but they just can't aff,ord it.
Now I know you're gonna be a big man
and do what's best for your parents.
Please, come sit down.
[Sister Terry]
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be all right.
- Is today tomorrow?
- Next.
Just leave me alone, Frank.
[Bell Tolling]
Did you ever notice that Freddie wears
the same pants he wore last year...
just let out a little?
Did you ever notice that Freddie wears
the same pants he wore last year...
just let out a little?
I can't say I know much
about Freddie's pants.
just let out a little?
I can't say I know much
about Freddie's pants.
And whenever we get new textbooks,
Freddie gets the used ones...
I can't say I know much
about Freddie's pants.
And whenever we get new textbooks,
Freddie gets the used ones...
- from the class before.
- Shh, shh, shh!
And whenever we get new textbooks,
Freddie gets the used ones...
- from the class before.
- Shh, shh, shh!
This ceremony is
very special to the girls.
- from the class before.
- Shh, shh, shh!
This ceremony is
very special to the girls.
It's important to them,
and it should be important to you.
Now you stand like prefect gentlemen.
Fold your hands.
Eyes forward.
Backs straight.
And enjoy yourselves.
[Women Singing In Latin]
Isn't that your woman?
That's her.
She's hot.
She's beautiful.
Have you found
what you're looking for?
You will.
[Joshua's Voice]
Something is defiinitely happening.
- [Sister Terry]
Murphy,your dad's here.
- Bye.
- [Sister Terry]
Murphy,your dad's here.
- Bye.
Freddie Waltman?
You okay?
Are you ready?
[Joshua's Voice] Freddie Waltman has
picked on me since I was in third grade.
He pushed me in a locker...
put cherry Jell-O in my sneakers...
and told everyone
when I split my pants in Social Studies.
What is wrong with me?
Today should be the happiest day
of my life.
[Boy Whispering]
I think he's leaving.
- Hey, wait, wait! Stop, please!
Bye, Freddie.
Stay together, gentlemen!
Don't touch anything!
If you break it,
you bought it!
Stay in line. Stand up straight.
There is a buddy system.
If you break it,
you bought it!
Stay in line. Stand up straight.
There is a buddy system.
If you're lost,
please fiind your buddy.
No fiighting, no kicking,
no pulling and no getting lost.
- What are you doing?
- Let's go through together.
- I can't even breathe. Get out!
- Come on. Everyone's waiting.
- What are you doing?
- Let's go through together.
- I can't even breathe. Get out!
- Come on. Everyone's waiting.
- Oh.
- [Grunts]
- Something caught?
- Don't push anymore. We can't fiit.
- [Chattering]
- Turn it back.
- Something caught?
- Don't push anymore. We can't fiit.
- [Chattering]
- Turn it back.
Aw, you dweeb! The turnstile doesn't
go back. Now I'm pushing forward.
- [Chattering]
- Turn it back.
Aw, you dweeb! The turnstile doesn't
go back. Now I'm pushing forward.
- No!
- [Sister Terry] Okay, excuse me!
Gentlemen, calm down!
Please let me through.
Calm down!
Get in line, please!
Single fiile was what I said, right?
What's happening, boys?
Calm down!
Get in line, please!
Single fiile was what I said, right?
What's happening, boys?
- Sister, we're stuck.
- You're stuck?
Single fiile was what I said, right?
What's happening, boys?
- Sister, we're stuck.
- You're stuck?
- Yes.
- Really? And how did you get stuck?
Billy and Newman went through together.
I thought, maybe,Josh and l...
- Yes.
- Really? And how did you get stuck?
Billy and Newman went through together.
I thought, maybe,Josh and l...
- Do you do everything
that Billy and Newman do?
- No, Sister, I don't.
I certainly should hope not.
Are you all right,Joshua?
- [Groans]
- Stay right here. I'll get some help.
Be quiet! Try to be calm.
Single fiile! Sir.
- [Groans]
- Stay right here. I'll get some help.
Be quiet! Try to be calm.
Single fiile! Sir.
- I think they're stuck.
- [Groans]
- What do you want?
- I think I'm gonna blow chunks.
- [Boys Laughing]
- What do you want?
- I think I'm gonna blow chunks.
- [Boys Laughing]
- Um, no chunk-blowing, Frank, okay?
- Yes, Sister.
If you could, I would appreciate...
That's not funny! Is that funny?
- Um, no chunk-blowing, Frank, okay?
- Yes, Sister.
If you could, I would appreciate...
That's not funny! Is that funny?
[Joshua's Voice] It took two workmen
20 minutes to pry us out.
A crowd of over 300 people
stopped by to watch.
I hate field trips.
[Boy] What a fat turd.
He's gonna weigh like
5,000 pounds when he grows up.
[Joshua's Voice]
I better complete my mission soon.
I think I'm really losing it.
You know what, Frank?
Today is tomorrow.
Yesterday was yesterday
and today is tomorrow. Right?
So you wanna go make fun
of those ugly statues over there?
Hey, Frank, you're not
gonna blow chunks on me, are you?
Come on.
[Joshua's Voice]
Dave said he got one of his...
"I didn't study for my test"headaches.
Said he couldn't see
the questions.
"I didn't study for my test"headaches.
Said he couldn't see
the questions.
Everything got blurry.
He told me we had to go
on a secret agent assignment.
That's code for something
no one could ever know about.
Something really, really dangerous.
that could get you detention.
Something really, really dangerous.
that could get you detention.
Okay, just eye that hallway, all right?
Here it is.
- Huh? Did you fiind it?
- Just keep looking.
- Want me to fiix yours?
- No, no.
I did all right. And remember
I'm not involved with this at all.
- Secret agent red light.
Secret agent red light.
- Wait.
- I'm not fiinished yet.
- Oh, it's all over.
- Secret agent red light.
Secret agent red light.
- Wait.
- I'm not fiinished yet.
- Oh, it's all over.
We're gonna be arrested
and "incarcemated."
- I'm not fiinished yet.
- Oh, it's all over.
We're gonna be arrested
and "incarcemated."
Qick, over here.
- [Dave] Here she comes.
- Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fru...
[Papers Shuffling]
[Door closes]
She took the tests.
- [Sister Beatrice] Flynn.
- Here.
- Newman.
- Here.
- Pasquale.
- Here.
- Rafalski.
- Here.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
- You know what?
- Hmm?
Dave was out sick today.
Maybe we could stop by on the way home.
Make it quick.
[Joshua's Voice] I can tell you
everything that happened that afternoon.
- Hello?
- Mrs. O'Hara was upstairs taking a nap.
[Joshua's Voice] I can tell you
everything that happened that afternoon.
- Hello?
- Mrs. O'Hara was upstairs taking a nap.
Mr. O'Hara
was still working downtown.
And Dave was in
the galactic battleship.
You're supposed to be sick,
not having galactic battles.
I just found out my best friend,
Dave, has epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a sickness
you're born with.
It can strike at any age.
When it hits,
you lose control of your body...
It can strike at any age.
When it hits,
you lose control of your body...
you shake real hard...
and then you black out.
The warning signs of epilepsy...
and then you black out.
The warning signs of epilepsy...
are blurry vision...
and headaches.
[Mr. Beal]
I talked to Dave's dad at the hospital.
Dave's stable.
[Mr. Beal]
I talked to Dave's dad at the hospital.
Dave's stable.
He's bruised up a little.
Dave's stable.
He's bruised up a little.
I mean, that closet
you guys play in is very small.
[Mrs. Beal]
And when someone has a seizure...
their arms and their legs
move so fast...
they need a lot of room.
Is he hurt bad?
[Mr. Beal] Dave fractured
his arm against one of the walls.
He's gonna be okay.
[Mr. Beal] Dave fractured
his arm against one of the walls.
He's gonna be okay.
[Mrs. Beal] His condition
can be treated with medicine.
He's gonna be okay.
[Mrs. Beal] His condition
can be treated with medicine.
[Mr. Beal] Hopefully, he'll be back
playing with you in a couple of weeks.
[Mrs. Beal] His condition
can be treated with medicine.
[Mr. Beal] Hopefully, he'll be back
playing with you in a couple of weeks.
[Joshua's Voice]
Final journal entry.
Know what?
My grandpa was wrong.
Someone just made God up.
- [Man] On your marks, get set...
- [Pistol Fires]
[Cheering, Yelling]
- Is that it?
- Uh-huh.
Come on.
The winners of our sixth grade
100-yard dash are...
in third place, Wayne Hiller...
second place, Mike McFarland:
fiirst place, Andrew Dow.
Let's have a round of applause
for our Waldron athletes.
I'm gonna win this for my grandpa.
On your marks, get set...
- [Pistol Fires]
- [Cheering]
Go! Go!
[Joshua's Voice]
I don't remember much about that day.
I don't remember who won
or how long I was on the ground.
- The winner of our fourth grade...
- Sister.
My grandson hasn't
fiinished the race.
[Joshua's Voice]
I do remember thinking this was the end.
My grandpa would never
see me run again.
One of the last things
I remember about my grandpa...
was the way he stood
at the fiinish line...
waiting to say good-bye.
- [Joshua] He takes the lead!
- [Dave] Oh, no!
My engine's overheated.
- All right. How many laps left?
- Ten.
- [Joshua] He takes the lead!
- [Dave] Oh, no!
My engine's overheated.
- All right. How many laps left?
- Ten.
- All right. How many laps left?
- Ten.
- It hurt?
- A little.
You scared?
You don't gotta be
scared no more.
- Hey,Josh?
- Yeah?
- I don't think you should
give up your mission.
- I think you were right.
- Hey,Josh?
- Yeah?
- I don't think you should
give up your mission.
- I think you were right.
Bad things just happen,
and people die.
And there's no one there
to take care of them.
Bad things just happen,
and people die.
And there's no one there
to take care of them.
It's just the way things are.
I believe now.
When I was in
the galactic battleship...
you walked in.
It was like a miracle.
It was no miracle.
Why do you think you just
popped by my house that day?
Why do you think
you just walked in then?
No. It was more.
Just don't give it up, dork.
[Door Opening, Footsteps]
[Mrs. Beal]Joshua?
It's 7:00.
[Sighs] Josh?
Last day.
Let's not be late. Come on.
[Boy Reading] "I like when Sister
Beatrice lost her whistle for a week.
I like when Offiicer Price came in
on Career Day and showed us his gun.
[Boy Reading] "I like when Sister
Beatrice lost her whistle for a week.
I like when Offiicer Price came in
on Career Day and showed us his gun.
I like when school was cancelled 'cause
the pipes in the basement busted."
- Knees.
- [Clears Throat]
"I like the new lemonade
they served in the cafeteria this year:
the old one sucked.
I like that I turned 11
this year. The end."
Very repetitive, Dan. Fifteen sentences
beginning with "I like."
My dad didn't help me, neither.
Okay,Joshua A. Beal.
" Fifth grade was
the most rigorous year yet."
Rigorous or toughest?
Eye contact,Joshua.
" Rigorous and toughest year yet.
Rigorous or toughest?
Eye contact,Joshua.
" Rigorous and toughest year yet.
Before this year,
everything was Batman action fiigures...
and Ninja Turtle cartoons."
Relax your shoulders.
and Ninja Turtle cartoons."
Relax your shoulders.
" Now there's family,
friends and... girls."
- [Boys Murmuring, Laughing]
- [Sister Sophia] Shh! Quiet!
" Before this year...
were just bullies for no reason.
Weirdos... were just weird.
And daredevils...
weren't afraid of anything.
Before this year...
people I loved lived forever.
I spent this year
looking for something...
and wound up seeing
everything around me.
It's like I was asleep before
and fiinally woke up.
and wound up seeing
everything around me.
It's like I was asleep before
and fiinally woke up.
You know what?
I'm wide awake now."
[Sister Terry]
Well, gentlemen...
on behalf of the WaldronAcademy
faculty and staff,...
[Sister Terry]
Well, gentlemen...
on behalf of the WaldronAcademy
faculty and staff,...
thank you for
another successful year.
We hope you've enjoyed it
as much as we have.
We all wish Sister Sophia good luck...
We hope you've enjoyed it
as much as we have.
We all wish Sister Sophia good luck...
as she spends the summer
fiinishing up her poetry book...
now entitled,
The Pope Sat On The Jungle Gym.
Good luck, Sister.
Sister Beatrice hopes that you
will all do your summer reading.
If you need to contact her, she will be
conducting summer school here...
with some of our
more free-spirited students.
You know who you are.
And for those of you students
involved in the bucket incident
earlier this year...
you may still come forward
and apologize...
to our distinguished janitor, Mr. Kent.
You will not be punished.
I just need to know who it is.
to our distinguished janitor, Mr. Kent.
You will not be punished.
I just need to know who it is.
Father Peters would like
everyone to know...
that he will be available for
confessions throughout the summer...
Father Peters would like
everyone to know...
that he will be available for
confessions throughout the summer...
for anyone who feels the need.
And I know many of you will.
And fiinally, Mr. Lucas
has generously volunteered...
And I know many of you will.
And fiinally, Mr. Lucas
has generously volunteered...
to devote
his entire vacation to nurse...
89-year-old Sister constance
back to health.
We're all expecting a full recovery.
[Boys chattering]
- Yes, Frank?
- May I please go to the bathroom,
Sister Terry?
Uh, no, Frank, you may not.
Okay, gentlemen, in 20 more minutes,
you are free men.
Stand up straight and smile, please.
We're missing someone.
I'll get him.
Oh, no, we're okay.
We're okay,Joshua! Come on back in!
They need you
for the class picture.
I'm not in your class.
You're not?
I'm not in your class.
You're not?
Hey, what's your name?
You don't know my name?
Hey, what's your name?
You don't know my name?
This is the fiirst time
you're seeing me, isn't it?
I see you all the time.
This is the fiirst time
you're seeing me, isn't it?
I see you all the time.
You're always around,
always smiling.
I see you all the time.
You're always around,
always smiling.
And always watching me.
This is the fiirst time
you're really seeing me.
I guess so.
You don't have to worry.
He's happy now.
Who? Dave?
Yeah, he'll be all right.
Not David.
I better get back.
They're taking a picture.
You mean Grandpa?
[Joshua's Voice]
My name is Joshua A. Beal.
I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
[Joshua's Voice]
My name is Joshua A. Beal.
I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I believe two things;'
I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I believe two things;'
Not all angels have wings.
sixth grade's gotta be easier than this.