Wild Card (2015)

...gaming and tourism
has been cold
for the entire month
of December
while temperatures
are nearing record highs...
A diet Pepsi, please.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
The roulette pit
was a zoo tonight.
Two Haitians got drunk,
one of them
- tried to urinate on me...
- Let's get out of here.
Doris, I just arrived.
I picked this place 'cause it's
deserted, you know? We can think.
This is our future
we're talkin' about now.
Sweetheart, I don't
mean to pressure you,
but the Caesars people
have offered me
a roulette pit of my own
in Atlantic City.
That's a big break.
And tomorrow's my deadline
for telling them yes or no,
so you gotta
tell me tonight.
Will you come with me?
That's not what you mean
when you say, "come with me. "
You mean, "Come live with me,
then love me, then marry me. "
Yes, and have children.
Is that so awful?
Come on, Osgood, I've
been married three times.
I suck at it.
- You just haven't found...
- Let's dance.
You and me, just you and me. Come on.
- I don't want to dance.
- We're talking here.
All right?
- Let's go, come on.
- Hey, hey!
- Excuse me!
- Let go! Let go!
Look, buddy, I don't think
you want to make me mad.
I don't care what games
you two want to play...
That's twice now you've
touched her. Don't do it again!
I won't touch her again...
until she asks me.
I got one question.
Is it all right
if I touch you?
- Ay, Osgood!
- Oh, dear, look at...
Give me that!
- I fuckin' knew it.
- Give me that!
- Hey!
- All you gotta do is come and get it.
It's mine
and I want it.
God damn it,
be careful with that!
- Come on, let's go. Take me out of here.
- That cost a lot of money,
- I had it made special.
- Fuck the money, Osgood!
No one's got a fuckin'
name like Osgood.
- Jesus.
- Son of a bitch.
Come on. Let's go,
I'm scared.
- Who the fuck's got a name like Osgood?
- You don't have to be scared.
I can't help it.
That guy...
- I could've handled him.
- You don't want this?
I know.
- Is it house trained?
God damn it!
I try to behave
like a gentleman, Doris.
I really do, you know, but there's
an animal side to everybody.
You think less of me,
don't you? For walking out.
Please, how can you
even say that?
I was the one who dragged
you out of there.
I say that 'cause
I think it's the truth.
- Osgood.
- No, no, no! Walk me to the car, please.
- - Come back! Come over
here, mate.
I'll brought
your hamster back!
Ozzie, wozzie, wozzie.
- Osgood.
- God damn it!
That's enough!
Hey, look, I don't
want this no more.
I wouldn't know
what to feed it.
come back!
Osgood, please!
- Move back.
- Move back, why?
Safety precaution,
let's say.
I don't need no tricks
to deal with a pee-wee
shrimp fag like you.
All I need is my hands.
- Osgood...
- Shut up!
- But I...
- Close your god damn mouth, Doris.
No one is leaving
till it's over,
and it isn't over
till you say it is.
It's over.
Help me up, okay?
You know what
you are, pal?
You're a coward,
and your breath stinks!
No, no, I'm a mess.
I'm a mess.
You're my own
little hero.
Coming through,
coming through!
- Drew, what happened?
- Found her in the parking lot.
She's in and out.
Stand clear.
Can you tell me your name?
Do you have any allergies?
Tell me who did this to you.
Who did this to you?
Sweetheart, can you tell me
who did this to you?
Well, I never thought
you'd make it in, huh?
Isn't this the 5,000th morning
in the Athens of America?
Five fuckin'
thousandth morning.
How you survivin'?
Eh, you know.
- Nut mail?
- It looks like it.
I'm not up
to it, Pinky.
Read it to me.
All right.
Let the games begin.
How about... a-ha.
"Mr. Wild, how can I become
a mercenary like you?
If someone were
hypothetically interested
in creating
a small explosion,
how would one hypothetically
research such a thing
without leaving
a computer trail? Thanks.
This is research for
a hypothetical screenplay. "
I wouldn't answer this guy.
Great advice, Pinky.
Oh, good morning.
Pinchus Zion,
attorney at law.
- How can I help you?
- Cyrus Kinnick, looking for a Nick Wild.
He's right
behind you.
This is Cyrus Kinnick.
Thank you.
Hello, Mr. Wild.
I was thinking of hitting
the casino tonight.
I wish I could
help you, pal.
You gotta be 21.
They'll lose their license.
I'm 23 years old,
but my youthful appearance
is one of the reasons
why I believe
I need a bodyguard.
May I be frank?
Grab a seat.
I looked you up on an online guide
to Vegas but you weren't in it.
That bothers me.
See, I'm a
considerable gambler,
if that isn't being
too boastful
and safety means
much to me.
I checked under every
synonym for safety,
but there was
no Nick Wild.
Well, you should've tried between
"chapels" and "charm schools".
I don't want to be too
boastful either, Mr. Kinnick,
but you're talking to the only
chaperone in all of Nevada.
See, now, I'm confused. I was
referred to you by an ex-client.
He was a neighbor
of mine in Boston.
I simply took him
off his advice,
but now I fear you
may be too jocular.
Could you tell me
about yourself?
You mean, you want
my qualifications?
Along those lines.
Along those lines.
Well, I've been knocked down,
blown up, lied to, shit on,
and shot at.
So nothing surprises
me much anymore,
except the things that
people do to each other.
I'm a licensed pilot,
took karate in Tokyo.
I lectured
on economics at Yale.
I can memorize
the front pages
of the New York Times
in five minutes
and repeat it back
to you in five weeks.
I was the National Golden Gloves
champion three years in a row.
I'm fluent
in four languages
and can wrestle with
a menu in five more...
- Jesus!
- Don't interrupt me. There's more.
- More?
- Yeah.
I lie a lot.
I'm staying
at Caesars, Mr. Wild.
Shall we say 7:00?
7:00, Mr. Kinnick.
It worked, Nicky!
It fuckin' worked!
It really worked.
How could you be such
a bastard Os, huh?
You said I was a coward
and my breath was bad.
That's not an insult,
that's a fuckin' insult.
That was in character, man.
I'm fuckin' around.
You're too sensitive.
And you didn't tell me you
were gonna take my fuckin' hair.
What was that, man?
She likes you
better without it.
Heh, women,
they like honesty.
Who knew?
Word to the wise.
All right, fresh
from the bank...
- one thousand dollars.
- That's not the right amount.
Are you callin' me a crook?
'Cause I am not a crook.
Nobody said you were.
You forgot
the bonus, Nicky!
I said if she came along
out of pressure
I was putting on, fine.
Whatever. Done.
But if by seeing
the real me,
it could bring out
that she loved me,
there'd be a
$500 bonus. $1,000.
And that's what happened?
She saw the real you?
She fuckin' loves me, man.
I'll take the $500, Os.
This day keeps gettin'
better and better.
I love you, man.
I mean, I love you.
Hey, I'm gonna write you
from Atlantic City.
It's where we'll all headed.
How you doin', Nick?
Oh, great, Rox.
So, I put Casanova
on table two like you asked.
I'll bet you give him the room
with the busted toilet.
Oh, yeah,
I like that one.
- I'm not wearing a ring.
- You wouldn't have known it.
I stay with her on account of
our four kids and I can survive,
except when fate, through
a toilet that won't flush,
brings me in contact with
a special specimen like you.
- What'd I miss?
- The special specimen.
- Fuck!
- Shh, he's about to ask for a memory.
Okay, she's dead,
but she won't lie down.
Oh, she'll lie down.
She just doesn't realize
it's gonna happen
in five minutes.
I could get a key
to a $1,000 suite.
So please, Marie,
leave me with the memory.
Give me something
I can cherish to remember.
Okay. Thank you.
Come on.
Son of a bitch! How does
he get fucked every time?
- What is that?
- Hey, he wants it that much.
Well, I don't have
anything like that.
- Do you?
- Sure.
Never ever to rest my head
on the same pillow twice.
- Well, travel costs.
- Tell me.
I need $500,000
to buy me five years.
Right now, I'm only
short $499,500.
- Well, luck will find you then.
- I know.
When it does, I'll grab
that fucker by the throat.
Oh, and hey, Nick?
Holly just called.
Said if you're not finished
with your grapefruit juice,
don't waste it.
It's open.
- You want some coffee?
- No.
I just brewed it.
It's 100% Colombian,
it's right there on the table.
Holly, if you're gonna hide, why
couldn't we have just talked on the phone?
I just don't think I want
you seeing me like this.
Hey, Nick.
You know, I kept calling out
for you in emergency.
The doctor says I kept saying
"Nick" over and over again.
They thought that you
were the one who...
Who did?
I don't know.
That's why I phoned you.
So I had a date
last night.
When I left, I got
to the elevator
and the doors were opening
and it was going up.
There were three
guys inside.
The young guy
was the boss.
He spoke real strong,
like a fighter.
The two big guys
were his flunkies.
And the fighter says,
"Come on to the party. "
And I said I was tired,
and he said,
"Hey, I'm too pretty
to turn down. "
And he pulled me
inside and...
We get to his suite,
I said, "Where's the party?"
And he says, "You're it. "
And he signals for the big
guys to go into the next room.
And he says, "Aren't
you the lucky bitch?
You're the only girl in the world
tonight that gets to touch it. "
And he looks down
at himself and says,
"The envy of all mankind. "
Well, he did
what he did.
And the big guys worked me over
real good on the service stairs.
And some hotel people,
they dumped me at Emergency.
Isn't $100 what you charge
for the first hour?
Today's my day
for turnin' down money.
What'd you wanna
pay me for?
'Cause I wanna sue
his ass, Nicky.
You must hire a lawyer,
Holly. I'm not a lawyer.
I don't even know his name
or what room he was in
or any god damn thing
about him.
Then you must hire a detective,
Holly. I'm not a detective.
I don't know any god damn
detectives, Nick.
I know you,
and you know everybody.
I mean, how could
you not help me?
'Cause I'm gonna guess the
three gentlemen you talked about
were not IBM executives.
What hotel were you in?
The Golden Nugget.
Better and better.
A lot of people like it.
True, and so is this...
every high school
student knows
there's no such thing as
organized crime in America.
Every elementary school
student knows
that if organized crime
ever dreamt of invading,
the last city they would
come to would be Vegas.
And every kindergarten
student knows
that if the mob ever
did to town,
the last hotel to be tainted
would be the Golden Nugget.
Shit, Holly, I mean,
even their fucking showgirls
can rip the
phonebook in half.
Remember when I told you
not to go to that place?
You know what? You could
always piss me off, Holly.
I'm leaving now.
But I want us
to be clear.
Holly, when I came
to this town,
you was just a kid who
lived across the street.
That first year, Baby himself tried
to recruit me for his organization.
I said no.
If someone got bloody, I
wanted it to be for my reasons,
not anybody else's.
Baby accepted that.
Since then I've stayed
away from them
and they stayed
away from me.
I don't know a soul that
works at the Golden Nugget.
I don't have
one contact there.
I swear to God.
Hey, Millicent.
I don't think they much
appreciate us having visitors.
Hey, listen, I'm interested in
a guy who looks like a fighter.
Has a suite, I guess
on a high floor,
travels with two
large bodyguards.
You still live
in Naked City?
- You know Big Daddy's?
- Of course.
I get off at four.
You come down there
at about 4:15.
If I ain't there,
I couldn't find nothin'.
If I am, we'll talk.
- Hey, Nick.
- Hey, Millicent.
Too bad you got all that
British blood in you.
If you was black,
I'd bed you good and fast.
You could make believe.
Nah. Don't think this
is racial or anything,
but I never feel like
you people are clean.
This is a housekeeper
you're talking to, remember?
I can tell if a Brit's been
in a room, just like that.
Why should I think that
was racial or anything?
Glad you don't.
Now, this fighter guy,
his name is Danny DeMarco,
suite 3506.
He's from a fine old
Italian family back east.
He's a son and heir
and his daddy loves him
which is why he never goes no
place without them two big mothers.
How big are they?
A lot bigger than you.
You did me something once.
I will owe you forever.
But now, I need you
to do me something.
Do not fuck
with these guys.
Lady in the housekeeping,
I just met with her.
She struck out, Holly.
Couldn't find out a thing.
Oh, Nick.
Don't lie anymore.
You know what he did
when he was finished?
He put a gun inside me.
He said, "You got
one shot at breathing.
Tell me you love me, and if I
believe you, I'll let you go. "
I said, "Oh, God,
I love you.
I love you so much,
I do. "
And he said,
"Never shit a shitter. "
And then he pulled
the trigger.
And I scream
and I hear a click.
Some fucking games to play with
another human. Right, Nicky?
And I want to sue him,
and you know who he is,
and you just let him
walk away.
Just know I tried, Holly.
Sure, you liar.
Just know this one thing.
All those times I told you
I cared for you...
Yeah, I know, I know.
You were lying.
Wrong. I loved you.
Every good thing
I ever said was true.
And when you hit bottom, who
climbed down there and found you?
- Only me.
- Holly...
Sorry, made a wrong turn back that way.
I am ready to see
the sights.
Follow me,
Mr. Kinnick.
I hadn't realized these
places were so big.
Yeah, the noise
bothers people sometimes.
I don't mind
the noise.
Golden Gate
is much smaller.
It's just a short drive
down the block.
By all means.
This isn't as nice as
some of those other places.
Eh, tourist traps.
How did you get into
this line of work?
Special forces,
am I right?
Trained to run around
all commando.
What were you?
- Just "S".
- Just "S".
- "S" for special?
- "S" for shut your mouth.
It's not something
I'm getting into with you.
I can take care of things.
That's all you need to know.
That, and running around
"all commando"
isn't a preferred
military term.
Are you always
so touchy?
Oh, hi, excuse me.
Can I get a Fiji
water, please?
You knock the bottles over,
they don't roll away.
- Nicky?
- Vodka double.
In a square glass
so it doesn't roll away.
Well, I am going to hit
the craps table.
The hundred dollar
tables are back there.
Yeah, but I can make
a greater number
of smaller bets
at the $10 tables.
Sounds like
a winning system.
- I got your back.
- Great.
I'd like to bet $10
on the shooter, please.
Ten on the shooter, yes sir.
Hey, Nick.
I've seen you happier.
How wrong you are,
This is the highlight
of my career.
- I'm protecting a Fiji drinker.
- Here we go!
Big bet's $10 on a
single roll of the dice.
What you see on
my face is ecstasy.
My shift's starting.
Yellow 11, that's it. Yellow
11 is the on line winner.
Winner's rolling hot.
You know who he is
and you just
let him walk away.
We're quits, okay?
But I intend
on gambling for hours.
I don't have hours.
And you're safe in
the casino, Kinnick.
Nobody'll mug you
in the casino.
And outside they've got these
yellow things called taxis.
Just grab one and you'll
be back at Caesars
in half a minute.
Home and dry.
Goodbye, Kinnick.
His name's Danny DeMarco. He's
staying at the Golden Nugget.
Suite 3506.
- Good night, Holly.
- Wait.
- What?
- At least let me write it down.
Then write it down.
- You know how to spell it?
- No.
- What'd you say?
- That's what I said.
Good luck with your
fucking lawsuit, okay?
What are you
so angry about?
- Liar!
- I'm not.
You never once intended suing the
son of a bitch, did you, sweetness?
You'll see.
I won't help you anymore.
I don't help liars.
- Quit calling me that.
- Quit doing it, then.
Would you help me?
- What kind of help could I give you?
- You know.
Yeah, I'd get killed.
- There's only three of them.
- Three of them with guns.
You gotta go in there and you gotta
soften them up so I can have my chance!
- Chance for what, Holly?
- I want his nuts in my hands!
And if they kill me?
I'll be miserable for days.
I want him so bad
for what he did to me.
I want my revenge, Nicky.
I'm here to see
Mr. DeMarco.
It's personal.
Well, he's busy.
I don't think Baby is gonna be
too happy with me stuck out here.
I don't give a shit.
- Who was it?
- It was some guy.
Said he was
a friend of Baby's.
So you're a friend
of Baby's?
- What's this about?
- A girl.
You two get the fuck out.
Hey, you kidding me?
- You searched him?
- Mm-hmm. Yup.
Sorry about that, Santy Claus.
Can't be too careful these days.
We should have a drink.
Any friend of Baby's...
It's good of you to see
me like this, Mr. DeMarco.
Danny. Call me Danny.
- What do I call you?
- Nick.
We'll, Nick, I'm told there's
something about a girl?
- Where is she?
- In my sled on the roof.
Oh, is she pretty?
- Was.
- Come again?
Last night a friend of mine was shown
some disrespect and I thought, you know,
maybe you might do something
to make things okay.
Oh, that.
We'll you see, Nick,
that wasn't disrespect.
That was a game.
We were having ourselves
a little party.
And what happened after
wasn't so nice either.
She had to be stitched up
in Emergency.
Could he be
talking about us?
- No, that's not us.
- No, not us, boss.
They're lying, Nick.
I know this is probably
another game you're playing,
only this time
it's with me.
You can't show
disrespect to a whore
and that's what
your friend is.
- No, she's...
- It's best not to interrupt me, Nick.
Yes, sir.
She's a whore,
you're her pimp.
At least you look like a
two-bit pimp to me. Am I right?
No, I'm legit,
Mr. DeMarco.
Look, see.
Credit cards, driver's
license, they're all mine.
Well, Nick,
what the hell.
Maybe you
have a point.
Would $50,000 cover
your disrespect, Nick?
You're very generous.
And you're very stupid.
But even so, you probably
know what this is.
And where it's been.
- Let me just leave.
- Oh, you're gonna leave, Nick.
The question is what shape
you're gonna be in
- when you do so.
- Listen, I...
Didn't I tell you something
about interrupting me,
you dumb fuck?
Yes, sir.
You remember what?
- You said it was best not to.
- Right.
You see, if I'm sweet
to you, Nick,
if I just let you walk
out of here free as air,
well, I want people
to know how sweet I am.
So, be honest, Nick.
Tell me about my
good qualities,
and if I believe you,
you're free as air.
You're a great man,
Mr. DeMarco.
A peach of a guy.
You're the best.
A genuine top of
the line human being.
You failed so far, Nick, but I'm
gonna give you one more chance.
So go ahead,
talk about me.
The fuck are you
thinking about, huh?
- But it went away.
- Tiel, Kinlaw,
take this dumb fuck
out of my sight.
Why don't you show him
how sweet I really am?
Let's go.
Stop him!
That's him.
Better be,
or he's got one
hell of a lawsuit.
You softened them up
pretty good.
Remember me?
Sure, you're
the party girl
- we had all those nice games with.
- Right.
I had so much fun, I can't
stand that that party is over.
I wanted it to
go on forever.
Hey, what's she
up to, huh?
- The envy of all mankind.
- Yeah.
- Do you know who I am?
- Of course.
You're the party giver.
What the fuck
is she doing, huh?
What is this about? Money?
Is that what this is?
Sure it is. You know what,
just take the 50, huh?
- Take it for chrissakes.
- What money?
Top desk drawer.
Yeah, there you go.
- Yeah, see?
- This isn't about money.
- This is about love.
- Is it?
Hey, I didn't do nothin'.
It was all
Tiel and Kinlaw.
It was them. Why don't
you tell your girl
to put those away?
I hope I sharpened
these enough.
- Let's see.
- Hey...
Hey, wait...
Wait! Hey...
Guess they're
sharp enough.
Look, there's a little tiny cut
right on the envy of all mankind.
Let me... just let me be!
Let me be, please!
I... you got the wrong idea!
I'm really a good guy!
- I am!
- So you're not mad at me, then?
No! No!
Good, I'm not mad
at you, either.
I'm gonna give you the
same break that you gave me.
Tell me you love me,
and if I believe it,
then I'll let you keep it.
But if I don't believe you,
that means you're a bad boy.
And bad boys need
to be punished.
So that the envy
of all mankind
will have to
go away with me.
I... love you.
- What'd you say?
- I love you.
I don't think that
sounded very sincere.
- Did it?
- This is your show.
Don't! Don't do this,
don't! Don't!
Last chance.
I fucking love you!
I just...
I just love...
I love you!
I love you!
Please, please don't...
look, okay.
I made a little mistake.
I made a little mistake!
Everyone can make
a little mistake, okay?
Just don't!
No, no, no,
please don't!
Don't! Don't!
I'm sorry!
- Wish I brought my camera.
- Okay. Okay.
You have to
leave town, Holly.
They're coming for me, too.
First, I'm gonna win enough cash
to get out of this place for good.
Yeah, I know. I spent the last hours
packing, without regret I might add,
- because I'm heading straight for...
- Hey, don't tell me.
If I don't know,
I can't tell anybody.
You that sure
they'll come after you?
- You know damn well they will.
- You could've killed them.
I try not to do that.
No, you keep it all.
You're the one
that took the risk.
Okay, I want half.
I'm the one that
took the beating.
Well, you only look about a
million times better than before.
A friend of mine
left town.
We had this kind of
going away thing.
Sounds sweet.
How much longer
you on this shift?
11:50. Ten minutes.
What the hell,
I shall keep you company.
Well, I've been killin'
everyone tonight, Nicky.
You did something for me once.
So believe this, bet small.
Changing 100.
Since it's a $5 minimum,
how's if I bet five dollars?
It's been like that.
I lose more
friends this way.
What is it?
Cass, I've got 19.
And you've a 10 showing,
except I know somethin'.
Your down card
is another picture
which makes 20,
so my 19 is shit.
You want me
to hit 19, Nicky?
I'll tell you why.
Because there's a weight
on my shoulder now.
Locks right into my
shoulder now. It's happened.
I've got to go
for the throat, Cass.
Because of all the people in
all the casinos in all the world,
luck's come
camping with me.
So, yes, I want you
to hit my 19.
And I'd like a two.
Two is 21.
Means I win.
My two please, Cass.
I'd like a $1,000 dollar
chip please, Cass.
One way or another, this
is my last night in Vegas.
Changing 1,000.
Take care, Nicky.
- You playing?
- No.
You got mean eyes.
Up or down?
I had luck
riding with me,
then they
changed dealers.
Not you, me.
How do I know
it's gone?
Give me a chip
rack, please.
Can I raise
the limit?
I'll play the
whole table then.
Nah, I'm not greedy.
You gotta win
some time.
- Blackjack.
- What the fuck is this?
Retribution for
5,000 mornings.
And watch your mouth
in front of a lady.
Thanks, sweetie.
God, what a thing when
luck comes callin', huh?
Son of a god damn bitch.
If I win...
I'm over 500.
And that'll be the last
you ever hear of me.
Yes! What the hell!
500 and...
6 thousand.
It isn't exactly
a round number,
but then I was never
one to quibble.
- Fiji?
- Vodka.
- Rocks with a twist?
- Look at that.
please, Veronica.
Thank you, Veronica.
So what do your
friends call you?
Cyrus is a
pretty shitty name.
I always wanted to
be called Ace or Duke.
But Cyrus seems like
the overwhelming choice.
How are you not
more excited?
Never hit over
half a mil before.
I don't know why
I'm not more excited.
Maybe it's because I never
dared think it would happen.
That make sense?
- Anything else?
- That's all, thanks, hon.
Here, love, take some
time off. Go see your mom.
Thank you so
much, Nick.
- Well, cheers.
- Hey, cheers.
- You're leaving town?
- Think bigger.
State, country, continent.
Five free years, Duke.
I've been dreamin'
this since forever.
$100,000 per. I've got
it figured to the penny.
Guess you haven't
liked Vegas much, huh?
You're not supposed
to like Vegas.
It's just this creeping virus
people catch sometimes.
Sweet dreams.
I'm off to Corsica
in the morning.
I'm gonna sail the
Mediterranean before I die.
Well, I'll walk
you out.
That's very kind
of you, Duke.
What's happened?
It was all horseshit.
It's just
a loser's dream.
I don't get you.
This is not
what I need.
Five years would only
be fine at first.
After that I'd just
realize that every day
was another day closer
to bein' back here.
I never pushed the logic, because I
never thought I'd be in this position.
Half a million.
Well, half a
million's nothing.
I know now what
I really need.
- What's that?
- "Fuck you" money.
Enough so I'll never
have to come back here.
Freedom. That's what
"fuck you" money is.
I don't want any limit.
I have to clear that.
Let me check.
He thinks
I'm gonna lose.
You've got it.
It's 500.
You count it.
- 500,000 going out.
- Send it.
That's 525,000.
This fella's gettin'
awful heavy.
All on one, Cass.
It's just like
we started, Cass.
I know you've got another
picture under there.
Hit me.
A four.
If you don't mind.
You should've
stood, Nicky.
You would've won.
I came in with $25,000.
Lost $25,000.
No big deal.
You fuckin' had it.
You fuckin' had it!
It was right there.
You fuckin' had it!
You fuckin' had it.
It was all there.
It was all there.
On the fucking table.
You fuckin' had it!
On the fucking table!
You fuckin' had it.
You fuckin' had it!
Would you like your
grapefruit juice now?
How did I get here?
After you passed out,
I tipped some of the staff
to help me bring you.
Thank you.
Hmm, I thought
you'd be thirsty.
Listen, Duke,
you're a great caterer,
and I appreciate it.
But I think you
got somethin' to say
- and it's time
you said it.
You won't laugh?
Not today.
All right, I...
I lied about my friend
recommending you.
And I didn't have to ask
for your qualifications.
I knew everything about you,
I've researched you.
I knew about the
grapefruit juice, right?
And the double vodka.
And I know about why
you always sit
in the same spot
at the Silver Spoon Counter.
I need something from you and
I've come too far for a no answer.
A while back in Boston I saw
this old guy on the street
and he had a sign
on his back that said,
"Please don't hit me. "
And my first thought was,
"What a sad thing. "
But then...
I got so fucking mad
because I realized that was
going to be me when I got old.
Just an old nut
scared of the world.
And so I've come to you.
I want you to teach me.
- Teach you what?
- Anything. Everything.
I need you to kill the fear that
lives inside of me every day.
You want to sail
the Mediterranean,
I want to do something
brave before I die.
Hey, listen, kid...
I earned 70 million dollars
by the time I was 19.
Don't call me kid.
Jesus. How?
It was nothing.
I put a new twist
on an old twist
on computer software.
Being smart is the only
defense I've ever had,
but it's not enough anymore.
You've got to help me.
You know how fuckin'
weird this is?
You're not even 30,
set for life.
I'm pushing 40, broke.
I'll pay you.
I'll make you rich.
I have been rich.
Most recently last night.
Yeah, I could help you
with that, too.
Help me with what?
Are you serious?
I like blackjack
maybe more than I should.
- That's all.
- Why do you think you stay here?
You hate it so much it's
the only place you can stay.
It's the only place
you're worthy of.
It's all so obvious.
Well, if it's all
so fuckin' obvious,
why are you
so fuckin' wrong?
Don't go!
We can help each other!
You know what? You're just
like the nuts who write to me.
You want adventure? Swell!
Well I earned my past, Cyrus.
Go earn your own.
This one's on me, Nick.
Looks like you need it.
Nick Wild,
how you doin'?
You need to come with us.
Mr. DeMarco's waiting.
Take five.
Nicholas. Nicholas.
I heard you were up over 500
last night at the Gate.
Talk of the town.
Do you remember,
when was it?
A couple months ago when you
had us beaten for 200 grand?
Right here
at the Nugget?
- Till your luck changed.
- I'll get there someday.
I'm just in a terrible bind
and it's all because of you.
It seems that somebody broke
into room 3506 last night,
beat up on three guys
and took $50,000.
And that was before
I had my Wheaties.
If only that
were funny.
No, it seems that
this same somebody
shot and killed two gentlemen
names Kinlaw and Tiel.
Shot them while they
were tied and helpless.
And an eyewitness claims
that that someone was you.
And you believe that?
If I did, you'd be dead.
- Come along, Nicholas.
- Come along where?
To see DeMarco. I
have to find the truth.
Wait a minute,
you mean I'm on trial?
For your life,
I should imagine.
Why do I have
to tell it again?
I told you.
You believe me. So why?
Because, Daniel, you are
asking me to kill Nicholas here.
And if a mistake
was later discovered,
I would feel
simply dreadful.
So please, be as brief
as you will.
I feel guilty
because I let him in.
When the knock came
on the door, I...
I wasn't thinking
and I opened it.
And right away
he pistol whips me,
right in the mouth,
you see? Right there.
- Mm-hmm. Yes.
- Right there.
- Yeah.
- And he's quick.
He takes out Tiel and Kinlaw
like they were nothing.
And he ties them up
back to back
the way they were
when you found 'em.
And then he rifles my desk,
he takes the 50 and...
for no fucking reason
he goes crazy
and he shoots maybe my two
best friends in the whole world.
Probably he's pissed that
there wasn't more cash.
And probably he
would've killed me, too,
but there was a noise
out in the hall
and he panicked
and he ran.
Shot 'em with their
own guns, Baby.
Can you believe that?
You check.
You'll see that
I'm telling the truth.
They're gonna have his
fingerprints all over 'em.
Don't bother checkin'.
- The fingerprints are mine.
- This is all true then?
- Some.
- Which?
You better speak, Nicholas.
And I suggest you
begin right now.
I'll ask just two
questions, Baby.
If you're gonna answer them
to your satisfaction,
do what you will.
First, why would
I use a gun?
The fuck kind of
question is that?
Why does anybody
use a gun?
Nicholas never does.
Believe me,
he could kill you with...
he could kill you
with this
from five feet or 15.
And the answer to your
question is this.
It's the perfect cover.
Nobody would ever dream
that Nick Wild needed a gun
to commit a robbery.
All right, Nicholas.
Second question.
Second and last.
Baby, what do you
know about my body?
- I mean, underneath my clothes?
- Obviously nothing.
Well, then, there's
my second question.
How is it possible that I
know that Mr. DeMarco here
has a small but
definite cut
on the upper side
of his Hampton?
I saw it put there
by a dear sweet lady
with a pair
of garden shears.
- What is this shit, huh?
- It's easy to find out if I'm lying,
just have him take
down his trousers.
You're not buying this crap,
are you, Baby?
Someone go get
a microscope
so we locate
Mr. DeMarco's pecker.
- You know what?
- I'm not stripping.
I'm not stripping
for nobody.
I think you must, Daniel.
Nicholas is
risking his life
on a very unusual
long shot here.
I know it's embarrassing,
but I'll make it
easier for you.
You and I will go
in the other room,
and we'll both
take down our pants.
I won't. I won't.
- I'm afraid you must.
- It's...
- It's a matter
of principle, Baby. I...
- Nobody would...
- Second cousin.
- It's principle.
- Oh, dear.
It's principle! He...
Would somebody shut
this god damn fucker up?
Oh, Daniel, you just
blew the ballgame.
Nobody in your family has had
even a passing relationship
with a principle
in the past 50 years.
So you're siding
with him?
Baby, you believe
him over me?
I believe this.
I believe that somebody
who looks like Nicholas
did the deed.
And I will endeavor
to find him.
Now you may go.
You. I'm gonna see
you real soon.
I'm gonna see
you real soon.
You watch your
fuckin' back!
Why do you think
he did it?
He's a very macho
little slime.
And he broke down and humiliated
himself in front of them.
You know he'll
come for you.
If you don't care,
why'd you defend yourself?
I didn't wanna be remembered
for doin' what he said.
Dyin' ain't so bad.
And at least I'll be
out of Las Vegas.
Thank you, Nicholas.
Good luck.
- Cheers, Baby.
- All right. Be well.
That bad, huh?
Could you get the
check, please?
I'm leaving.
I'm only here to give you
a present of gratitude
of everything
you taught me.
What, for chrissakes?
That everyone's afraid.
That I'm not the only
cowardly asshole in this world.
You're one, too.
I really needed this now.
What I have to deal
with is that
I'm the one
inside my own skin.
Maybe it's not
so terrible.
And if you can admit
what you are,
you might find it's
not so terrible either.
Okay, Duke.
I admit it.
If I'd won
the full million,
I would have figured out
some reason to go for more.
I'm a trapped compulsive.
There. I said it.
See me tap dancing?
No, but you might
have taken
the first tiny step
toward your sailboat.
Yeah, doubtful.
Doubtful for two reasons, the
first being the lack of funding.
I knew you were
gonna say that.
Reach under the counter.
I told you I bought
you a present.
I taped it there
before you got here.
What's this?
One plane ticket
to Corsica
and a check
for $500,000.
Okay, so, first reason's
taken care of.
Now what's
the second?
I'm bein' murdered
any minute.
Really? When is
this happening?
Put them away,
put them away.
I want him
found now, today.
I want you to find
that asshole.
I want you to find him.
I don't care how long
it takes any of you
dumb fucks.
You call more fuckin' guys.
Get two on the bus station
and a few at the airport.
Check every bar, every
casino, every whorehouse.
Turn over every god damn rock
he could slither under.
You find out
where he lives...
Where he works...
...how much it costs.
Go back inside there,
grab that fuckin' kid
and kill that
motherfucker, too!
Get in there!
Get in there! Go!
You don't wanna
go back there.
- You lost them?
- In a manner of speaking.
Hey, wait,
you forgot these.
Take them.
- Nah, nah.
- No, take them!
Nick, please.
I can leave town now
and know that
I'm not a coward.
And you have no idea what
a relief that is for me.
You earned this.
Thanks. And not
just for this.
Not just for acting
like an idiot
so I could get
out of the diner.
You're a good friend.
We're friends?
Don't ruin it.
- Good-bye, Duke.
- Merry Christmas, Nick.