Wild River (1960)

We got out of the car
and got swept down the stream.
We caught on a tree,
and my father-in-law
lost his footing
and asked me to grab the girl.
I grabber her, but slipped,
and the little girl went.
Shortly after that
the little boy he went,
and soon after that my wife,
father-in-law and the baby,
they went too.
The three children
that were lost,
their ages, the oldest was six,
and the middle one was four
and the baby was three.
They haven't found the baby
and the oldest boy yet.
The little girl we have
and that's all.
To stop the devastation,
the waste,
the loss of life caused by
the Tennessee River at flood,
the Congress of the United States,
on May 18th 1933,
created a vast new agency called
The Tennessee Valley Authority,
or TVA,
and authorised it to build
a series of dams along the river.
At the same time,
the Tennessee Valley authority
had to buy all the land
along the shore of the river
and all its islands.
Some people had lived on
this land for generations.
Some people refused to sell,
under any persuasion whatsoever.
Hi, I'm Chuck Glover.
I'm Betty Jackson.
I was Mr. Biggs secretary.
Do I inherit you, too?
I don't know. Mr. Biggs left
so suddenly he didn't say.
You're inherited.
What desk should I use?
That was Mr. Biggs desk.
Thank you.
What's the matter?
I thought they'd send
an older man.
No, they sent a younger one.
Shall we get to work?
I'll get the folder
on Garth Island.
Getting the old lady off Garth
is difficult.
You're the third one
they've sent to try.
Ella Garth versus Washington.
Poor old Mr. Biggs
was disgusted when he quit.
I'll bet he was.
Maybe, it could be
he went about it the wrong way.
That man did everything
anybody could do.
He begged and pleaded with her,
but she won't budge an inch.
That's the American way of life.
Rugged individualism is our heritage.
3000 people sell,
and Ella Garth won't sell.
We applaud that spirit,
we admire it, we believe in it,
but we must get her out of there.
The dam is finished
and once they close those gates
and the water starts to rise...
Well, we've not only
got to get her out of there,
but we must get the land cleared,
the houses and trees down...
Be careful!
I guess I'm not telling you
anything new.
Betty, how would you go about
getting her off the island?
I'd let her drown.
That's one way.
How many...?
Is that the island?
Everyone of them
bought up except that one.
How many Garth's live there?
There's many,
but that old women, she's it.
They've been told
the island will be flooded?
About a million times.
I guess I'll go out
and talk to her.
You do that.
It's not that I think I can talk
any better than the others,
but I think we often underestimate
the intelligence of people.
We can talk to them
and they'll listen.
Well, what?
Let's see how you feel
in a few days.
I'm off to see the Mayor.
He's in charge of
clearing the land.
Wish me luck.
Have your cards and stamps
in your hands.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
- We've been waiting, Mr. Davis.
Could you tell me
where I'd find the Mayor?
In the barber shop.
Is the Mayor still in there?
Yeah, sure.
Mayor Maynard?
Be with you in just a minute.
All right.
The only way to get her off
the island is to get a U.S. Marshal.
Except, we can't use force.
We're having trouble enough
in Washington.
Some Senators are solidly
opposed to these dams.
- Tom, how long are you going to be?
- I'll cut your hair tomorrow.
We've got to get
those Garths off the island.
Bottled it Friday.
With no dispossess, no marshals,
and no bad publicity in the papers.
You'll never do it.
I'll do it.
I mean, I'll try to do it.
There must be some way,
don't you think?
Stay where you are.
There'll be 20 feet of water there.
We're a little behind schedule,
but we'll make it
before the winter rains.
Why don't you get more men?
Can't. Unless we use coloured.
Use coloured
and the whites would quit.
For a minute there
I forgot where I was.
Here we are.
There's the island.
It looks deserted.
It's not. They're there.
They know you're here.
I suppose that means me.
Nobody else.
Here I go.
Good luck.
After all what can they
do to me?
Just pull yourself over.
And let me know
how you come out.
I will.
Hi, men.
- Who's that?
- I don't know.
Good afternoon.
I'm from the TVA.
I saw your sign, unfortunately
I had to disregard it.
I'd like to talk to you.
Would you give me
a few minutes?
If I was you I'd go now.
Would you give speak to me?
I have a problem.
We've just built this big dam
down the river,
and pretty soon
this whole place will be water.
Everywhere it's going to be water.
That's wonderful.
What's your name?
Barbara Ann.
I'm five years old.
You're what?
Five years old.
You're not five.
You're at least six.
No, I'm only five.
Barbara Ann!
Yes, Mama?
Barbara Ann,
where are the men working?
Barbara Ann, come in here.
Yes, Mama.
Uncle Hamilton and Uncle Cal
are by the stream.
You mean, you get catfish
bigger than that?
Some are bigger,
some are smaller.
about what I came to discuss...
Why don't you get out of here?
We don't want any trouble.
You're from the Government,
ain't you?
Go on about your business.
My business is with you.
Ma said we wasn't to talk
to you.
You have to talk to me.
We do?
Look, you know as well as I know
that you must leave here.
TVA has offered you a fair price
and a new place just as good.
What have you got
against a new place?
Too much work.
You work here, don't you?
No, sir.
Who does?
You don't do any work at all?
How do you manage that?
Just never started.
Ma owns this property
and she ain't gonna sell it.
Certainly I can understand
how a senile old woman
would be sentimental about a place
and not want to leave.
Perhaps, she doesn't understand
what it's all about.
Ma understands everything.
If she understands, then what
is she doing? These floods...
Ma knows about the floods.
Then I really don't understand!
Now, you just quiet down.
We ain't stupid.
I didn't say you were.
- Been reading your mind.
- Mister, Ma ain't selling.
It's up to you to make her sell.
Are you all afraid of her?
Joe John.
Don't say nothing against Ma.
What am I saying against her?
I'm saying that
if your mother is senile
it's up to you
to make her understand
she has to leave.
Ma ain't gonna.
She is gonna.
You know that.
Joe John.
Mister, you'd better go now.
Not until I talk to your mother.
Come on, take me up there.
What's so funny?
What's senile?
He says Ma is crazy?
I never saw so many men
afraid of one...
What are you doing?
Hey, hey. Let me go!
Let go of me!
- Wake up, Mr. Penner.
- What time is it, Mrs. Riggs?
and you haven't got a job yet.
Want to buy a duck?
I'll sell Goo-Goo cheap.
I've been swimming.
Hello, Glover?
You sure got her off in a hurry.
Now start getting the land cleared.
What do you mean I got her off?
What's holding you up?
I've been here one half day.
Yes. There's a possibility
that Biggs was right,
the only way to get her off
may be by force.
We can't use force.
I'm sorry. I can't hear you.
A couple of senators
have got their teeth into us.
They'll use any incident
to destroy us.
I know that.
I'll call you in a couple of days.
Right. Goodbye.
You wanted to see me?
Too bad about this afternoon.
Old Joe John is unpredictable.
What do you want?
Ma says you got an apology
coming to you.
She's sorry about what happened.
Cal and Joe John are sorry.
Carol, she's sorry, too.
And me, I'm all busted up
about it.
If you come tomorrow,
Ma will talk to you.
You better hang them up,
they'll get crinkled down there.
What time?
Any time.
We don't go no place.
The say that President Roosevelt
has a new government, you know.
It's called the New Deal.
What do you think of that?
You know anything
about Mr. Roosevelt, son?
Yes ma'am.
I tell you Mr. Roosevelt
is gonna flood this island.
Yes, sir.
He's going to take the best land
in these parts
and put it right smack
under the Tennessee river.
You know these politicians,
they gotta get the votes.
Yes, they gotta get
the votes somehow.
So the President, he sits up there
in that big White House,
and says, "This country
is just going to the dogs. "
And the only way he can figure
to do anything to stop it
is to put my island under water.
What do you think of that?
I'm telling you this
because our friend,
in this end cabin here
sneaked off last night.
Yes, sir.
He just slipped out with his family,
in the middle of the night.
I ain't blaming him.
I ain't blaming him
because nobody wants
to be put under water permanent.
But I'm telling you all
right now,
don't go sneaking off
in the middle of the night.
Any of you want to go?
Any of you want to leave?
The ferry is down there
waiting for you
just any time you want to go.
Nobody keeping you here.
You go off and join the government.
I understand they're gonna
put you on relief.
Now you just go
and get yourselves relieved
any time you want.
Me, I ain't going.
Yes, Mrs. Ella?
How's "Old Blue"
running these days?
He's all right, Mrs. Ella.
I decided I gonna buy
"Old Blue", Sam.
What's that?
You heard me,
I said I want to buy "Old Blue".
How much you want for him?
I wouldn't want to sell "Old Blue".
I didn't ask
if you wanted to sell him.
I say I'm gonna buy him.
I gonna give you...
I'll give you 15 dollars for him.
What's the matter?
He ain't worth more than that.
He ain't worth nothing,
but I ain't selling him.
You gotta sell him
because I'm going to buy him.
How am I gonna buy him
unless you sell him?
I don't know,
but I ain't gonna sell him.
Sam Johnson,
You is selling him.
No I ain't gonna.
"Old Blue" is mine and I ain't
gonna sell him even to you.
You ain't got no right
to make me.
That's true, Sam.
And come to think of it,
I don't have the right.
You see, young man,
Sam and me, we don't sell.
Sam don't sell his dog
and I don't sell my land that
I've poured my heart's blood into.
Joe John.
Joe John is real sorry
for what he done yesterday.
Ain't you, son?
That's all right, Joe John.
Mrs. Garth,
sometimes it happens
we can't remain true to our beliefs
without hurting many people,
and I'm afraid
this is one of those times.
You're the only person
who hasn't sold here.
That's all right with me.
Yes, Carol?
Young man, do you know
anything at all about land?
I believe so,
that's why I was sent down here.
When you go back to the ferry
pick up a handful of soil.
That's real bottom.
Thousands of tonnes of it
are being washed away every year.
Mrs. Garth, you don't love
the land. You love your land.
You know the Tennessee River
is a killer.
Year after year
it's taken many lives.
Isn't it plain common sense
to want to harness it?
You know what that will mean?
Today, 98 of the people
in this valley have no electricity.
The dam will bring them
the electricity.
I expect that's what you call
progress, isn't it?
No, sir.
I don't.
Taking away peoples souls,
putting electricity in place of them
ain't progress.
Not the way I see it.
We're not doing that. We're giving
them a chance to have a soul.
And it isn't just this dam.
It's dam after dam after dam.
We aim to tame this whole river.
You do? I like things running wild.
Like nature meant.
There's already enough dams
locking things up, taming them,
making them go against
their natural wants and needs.
I'm against dams of any kind.
You can get me off by force,
I reckon.
It won't take much force,
but it will take some.
That's the only way
you'll ever get me off here,
because I ain't going
against nature
and I ain't crawling
for no damn government.
Mrs. Garth, we don't want
to put you off by force.
What's going to happen to you?
I'll show you.
If you come with me,
I'll show you.
Now, read it out.
"Woodbridge Garth,
born 1839, died 1889".
Now that one.
"Ella Garth,
born 1853, died... "
I stay right here
in this land.
The water would never
come up this far, would it?
Young man,
my husband come down this river
in a flat bottom boat
when he was nothing but a boy.
There wasn't even a road
anywhere then.
He was looking for an island.
And he took this one.
That near field there
was all trees, you know.
That one down there
nothing but a damn swamp.
He cleared it.
He drained the fields,
he cleaned the brush,
he cut down them trees.
He worked himself to death
just to make these fields
and he told me never to get off,
and I ain't.
I ain't.
I'm getting a little tired.
Why haven't you gotten her off?
You know what's coming.
Don't look to me. I was born here.
I know what she's talking about.
You've gotta believe it,
if she has to leave, it'll kill her.
People don't die as easy as that.
There's some people like that.
We'll get her a nice house
with a radio, a modern kitchen.
You don't know her.
You love her, don't you?
And you're afraid of her.
Not really.
I think if anyone has a chance
of reaching her, it would be you.
Was that your little girl?
I have a little boy, too.
One of those men
isn't your husband?
My uncles.
Where's your husband?
I'm sorry.
How long have you lived here
with here?
Since my husband died.
We lived on the other bank,
in a white house. Did you see it?
Yes, I did. Yeah.
Well, when he died,
I just locked the door
and took my two babies
and come over here to Granma.
How old were you when he died?
And you have two children.
I plain gave up.
But Granma doesn't believe
in giving up.
Yes, I kind of gathered that.
She gave me her savings
and sent me off to Jennings college
to better myself.
I tried it a whole year,
but I just couldn't concentrate.
So I came back.
And I've been here ever since.
Certainly you have a fellow
somebody who cares.
Yes, I've got a fellow.
Well, then?
What's that supposed to mean?
If you do have a fellow...
Yeah, a fellow solves everything.
I gather you don't care
too much about him.
I'm going to marry him.
But you don't love him?
My children...
Everything is so confused,
I don't...
I can't wait much longer,
he's getting impatient.
If you don't love him,
I wouldn't marry him.
You wouldn't?
You're a real romantic,
aren't you?
I'll walk you to the ferry.
Come on.
You can't let a tough break
ruin your whole life.
I know you can't.
Just like they say,
you gotta snap out of it
and take an interest in things.
I know you do.
The most dangerous erosion
is not the land,
but your capacity
for living.
What you looking at, Sam?
Just measuring, Miss Carol.
The water won't rise until
they close the gates.
How they get the electricity?
Is it in the water all the time
or do they squeeze it out somehow?
No, Sam, it's the fall of the water.
The force of water
coming down the mountain.
If you come down to the dam
I'll show you, okay?
Yes, sir.
What will you all do when the water
starts covering the island?
- Let the white folks worry.
- We all gonna drown?
Of course not,
but you've all got to get off.
Who's gonna look after us?
Who does that now?
Mrs. Ella, she looks after us good.
Wouldn't you rather
look after yourselves?
I've got an idea.
Can all of you come down
to the TVA office tomorrow?
We can talk about it.
Mrs. Ella won't like it.
Think about it.
I'll be in there all morning.
I want to thank you, Mrs...
I don't know your name.
Okay, Carol.
Don't worry.
Everything will be all right.
Will it?
If we help a little.
There we go!
Do you mind if I come with you?
Do you mind?
Do you mind?
I haven't talked to anyone
in so long.
I know.
The current will carry us
across. Slowly.
What's that song?
It's just an old hymn.
And he walks with me.
And he tells me
I am his own.
And the joy we share
as we tarry there,
none other has ever known.
I think it might work.
What you was talking about.
Come with me?
I want to show you something.
Would you get me the key?
Oh, my...
You all right?
I'm all right, thanks.
This is...?
is this the first time
you've been back?
My, oh my.
I had someone straighten up
a few weeks after, but since then...
There's that river out there.
Granma loves that river.
Maybe she could come here,
sit here and look at it.
How come you never suggested it?
I just thought of it.
You never thought of it before?
I never thought I'd come back.
You really loved your husband,
didn't you?
Can I ask you something?
When I told you
about Walter...
About who?
Walter Clark.
The man who wants to marry me.
You said that I shouldn't
marry him if I didn't love him.
Yes, I said that,
but as a sort of general rule.
Is he a nice person?
And I like him,
Maybe I'd get to love him,
after I was married to him awhile.
You think it ever
happens that way?
If I married Walter, I could
come here and live with the children.
And then,
maybe Granma come.
But she won't, I know she won't,
she'll never leave that island.
I don't know what to do.
I don't, I don't.
I just don't know.
It's getting dark out.
Don't go.
Please don't go.
Don't go.
And he walks with me
and he talks with me,
And he tells me I am his own.
And the joy we share
and we tarry there
none other has ever known.
I don't understand. You're behind
on clearing the fields
and yet, here you have
12 able-bodied men who want jobs.
They want to work!
- I also said...
- Tom.
Not now, Jack.
I also said that we can't hire
Negroes. The whites would quit.
That's a chance we have to take.
Let's go out back.
You think if you take
all the Negroes off the island
the old lady will be stranded
and will have to leave too?
It might work out that way.
You're heading into trouble with
the townsfolk. Our customs is...
Look, this is TVA.
We're new,
we don't have any customs yet.
I'm going to hire those men
and every man, black or white,
gets paid the same.
Mr. Glover, I predict your next
visit will be from Mr. Moore.
We'd like a few words.
My name's Sy Moore.
Mr. Moore...
Come on in.
What can I do for you?
Thank you. Now Mr. Glover,
we've come here to help you.
- Mr. Todd is President of our bank.
- Just fine.
And Mr. Thompson,
he's our undertaker,
also runs a furniture store,
very highly respected.
I'm just a plain business man.
Won't you sit down?
I tell you this so you'll know
who you're talking with.
You might say we're the responsibles
of the town.
I see and you're here
to tell me that
if I hire Negroes
the whites will quit, is that it?
Why, not at all.
What makes you think that?
Just have to keep them
in separate gangs.
Keeping them...
In separate gangs.
All right. I will do that.
We were sure you would.
Now Mr. Glover,
how much you planning to pay them?
You're not planning
to pay them the same as the whites?
The jobs are the same.
- You look like a reasonable man.
- You do.
So just think,
after this project is over
we can't go on paying them
as much as the white man.
Would ruin our whole economy.
The Federal Government
can't make such distinctions.
Still, we prefer that you pay
their usual wage.
How much do the whites get?
Five dollars a day.
You surely don't intend to pay
these darkies five dollars?
I'll go out myself
for five dollars a day.
I'll get you the biggest,
best-looking bucks in this country
for two dollars a day.
We're all for the TVA
and we want to help you,
so if you'll cooperate on this point,
everything will be just fine.
If I don't go along with you?
As I said, we're the responsibles
of this town, but...
- There are other type of men here.
- Yes there are.
Men who aren't so responsible.
We can control them only to a point.
- Bailey's a good example.
- He runs the gas station.
He's a very good boy
and he wanted to come too.
In which case the conversation
would've been different.
We said to Bailey,
"Let's go over and talk to him. "
- "Give him a chance".
- And that was all right with him.
We made it all right with him.
- We want to help you, but Bailey...
- Hard boy to reason with.
Yes. he is.
And there's a whole lot
like him in this town.
We want you to know
how we feel about it.
I understand your feeling.
I'd like to think it over.
would you ask them to come in?
You all come on in.
I'll be right with you.
Hi, Sam.
Here we are, boys.
Jerry, this ought to do
for you and your family,
until you find something
of your own.
Boy, oh boy,
who ever thought of that?
Yes, sir. We'd have trouble
coming through mud tonight.
I'll say.
I'll see you in the morning.
I've got them all jobs.
They're leaving the island
in the morning.
It's beautiful here
when it rains too.
No wonder she doesn't want to leave.
You're shivering.
It's October.
I hate to see the summer go.
Look at the leaves falling.
Don't, don't, don't.
I don't want to kid myself
or you.
I believe maybe
I'm in love with you.
I didn't think I'd ever
fall in love again.
Soon this business will be over
and you'll be leaving.
I've got to protect myself, Chuck.
I feel like living again now,
but I don't want to be
hurt any more.
Not by anybody.
Do you want to come in?
I've been working here all day,
and you know what?
I'm going to paint every room
a different colour. Look.
That's all Jim's stuff.
Some boots
and that old shotgun.
I don't know what to do with it.
Look, Chuck. Look at
this sweater Granma knit.
It looks like something she'd do.
Stop walking around
in front of me, would you?
Don't walk in front of me.
I'm sorry.
I'd like a drink.
I'll look.
What's the matter?
Stay still.
I'm gonna go.
did you know about this?
I had hints.
Carol, you remember
that yellow cat we had?
Come her season,
we used to let her out at night.
It was dawn when she'd come back.
Now a cat is really quiet,
but I could hear her at dawn,
sneaking back into the house.
I know I done wrong.
I done wrong. I know it.
How long has Jim been dead now?
Three years.
That's a long time.
I remember when I was young.
That's a long time.
But I just can't understand
going over to the enemy.
He's right,
you can't stay here any longer.
Stop looking at me that way.
People say you're crazy.
I've fixed my house.
We can take the children.
We can't stay here any longer.
Well, you better go too.
I want you to go!
All right, I'll go,
but I'm not going far.
I'm going over to my house
and I'm going to wait for you.
Jim Junior, Barbara Ann!
Why are you sitting there?
Just resting.
Well, rest and then get going.
I've changed my mind.
I ain't going.
Get up.
Get up!
Never did have no brains,
did you, Sam?
Don't you know what's coming?
Yes, ma'am.
You get going, Sam.
I want you to go.
I ain't going.
The ferry pole.
We better go get some groceries.
Eight gallons at 18.
1.44 dollars.
Bailey, how's Alice?
Why, Carol, she's just fine.
Do you two know each other?
R.J. Bailey, Chuck Glover.
You're Bailey?
R.J. Bailey.
No, I haven't had the pleasure.
I'm happy to meet you.
That's a nice ready-made family
you've got, Mr. Glouver.
- Did I read that right? Carol Garth?
- I saw her, too.
You think Walter knows
somebody's getting in his nest?
- I heard he knew about it.
- What do you expect he'll do?
He's so scared of what Carol thinks
of him he might not do anything.
He might appreciate a little help
in the situation.
As for those jobs,
that gentleman is handing out...
We had a hard day.
Give him his supper
and put him to bed.
What's the matter?
Afraid you're getting in too deep?
I don't want you to marry me.
Do you feel better?
That is it.
I understand how you men
have to watch every step.
You can't be caught saying
anything permanent sounding.
I'm not out to tie you down.
You don't have to say you love me.
Now will you come in?
It's just that I've been taking
a good look at myself...
And you decided that
you're not the marrying type.
No, no, it's not...
You've got so much to do
before you settle down.
Don't, please.
let's tell the truth.
We're different people,
aren't we?
You're... I don't know.
Everything different.
Do you ever need anybody?
Shut up.
Come here.
The children.
Hold still, hold still.
Anyway now it's wonderful.
You can't get enough of me right now,
can you? Tell me!
I can't get enough of you.
Let's put the kids to bed.
Let's put the kids to bed.
Jim Junior. Wake up, honey.
Hi, Jimmy.
Little rabbit,
little white rabbit...
Wake up.
Chuck, will you carry me in?
You love me, don't you?
what are you doing here?
I came to help you clean up.
Aren't you going to introduce me
to Mr. Glover?
I'm Walter Clark.
I brought in some eggs, milk,
bread and coffee for breakfast.
You didn't have anything.
Oh, we...
You see, Mr. Glover,
she doesn't even thank me.
but it's natural to take care
of the girl one is courting.
Get those kids to bed.
They look tired.
They slept in the car.
They look tired.
Will you sleep with me, Chuck?
You going back to town?
Would you drive me in?
I'll leave my car here for her.
Do you mind?
No, not at all.
Well, say goodbye
and let's go.
You rest too, Carol.
You look tired.
Once this Garth business is over,
will you be leaving here?
It ought to be over pretty soon,
oughtn't it?
It has to be.
That's right.
It has to be.
You just drive me to your hotel.
I'll walk from there.
You do have my thought by now?
I have your thought.
You eat your cereal.
Which did you say
your room was?
I didn't say,
but it's next to the end.
You left your light on.
And I want to pay you a compliment.
Carol could do worse.
we open the jolly festivities,
by singing the praises
of dear old Redville".
What's the matter?
Don't go up there.
How many are there?
Just one.
He wants to see you...
Go on home.
Turn on the light.
There's only one of you.
I didn't figure I needed
anyone else.
What do you want?
Remember my name, R.J. Bailey,
I run that gas station.
Yeah, I remember.
I also work 400 acres of cotton
just outside of town.
I'd have visited you sooner,
but we're harvesting.
Yesterday one of my best hands,
Ben, a real nice boy,
ran off and joined your workers.
Five dollars a day.
When I heard about it,
I went into the house and got a stick
about so long
and about that thick,
and I went to where he was working.
I didn't get out of the car,
I didn't want to shame him,
I said to him,
"Ben, get in the car. "
When we got home, I took him
into the barn and beat him.
He's all right now. I mean,
he's thinking is all right now.
He couldn't work yesterday
or today.
Had to hire another boy
to do his job for two days.
So I figure you owe me
what I had to pay that extra.
Two times two dollars a day,
four dollars.
Yeah, Mr. Glover,
you owe me four dollars.
I don't see it that way.
You need some time
to think it over.
I don't need it.
You think it over.
Do you want one?
You see, Mr. Glover,
if you keep stealing our best field
hands at five dollars,
you're gonna be dealing
with my friends too.
What's keeping you here?
They tell me you're here to get
an old woman off an island.
There's nothing to that.
I'll go and get her off tomorrow.
I'll go down and pack her up.
Wouldn't you like me to?
I want you to mind
your own business.
I figured since you've been
mixing in mine,
that you wouldn't mind
if just I mixed in yours.
But you're like me, Mr. Glover.
You do mind.
Well, how about it?
Four dollars?
If you don't give it to me,
I'm going to take it away from you.
You may have some trouble.
Oh, man...
Good night, Sully.
Was you there, Charlie?
Then the air was full
of hamburger meat.
Our friend in Number 3
needs change for this ten.
I think I have it.
I think you'll get
your girl all right, Walter.
And I think our friend upstairs
will be leaving town soon.
This is his change.
Take my four dollars and send him
the best liquor you can find.
He needs it.
Okay, I am stubborn,
but I can't get it out of my head
that there isn't some way
to reach that old woman.
After all, people are human,
I mean, people are human.
I don't know if Ella Garth is.
I don't care what you call her.
She was born, she'll die, won't she?
Mrs. Garth!
Mrs. Garth!
Mrs. Garth!
Who's there?
It's me, Chuck Glover.
Who's that with you?
That's my friend, Walter Clark.
You've been drinking
that corn liquor, ain't you?
I acknowledge, I had a drink.
It seems to me
you can hardly stand up.
Mrs. Garth, we've come here
we want to talk to you
as one human being to another.
You better take this lunatic home.
I'll take him home in a minute,
but I want to say something.
I understand you, Mrs. Garth.
I know exactly
what you're fighting for.
It's your dignity.
I know!
I'm right?
It's your everlasting,
ever loving dignity.
It's your dignity.
That's it, it's your dignity.
Well, he sure is.
He looks smaller
than I thought.
That's right.
They're closing that dam Monday.
You got two weeks
to get that island levelled.
We haven't got the old lady
off yet.
Have the U.S. Marshal put her off
as soon as you can.
- Or sooner.
- Clear the land!
But what about the bad publicity?
There'll be worse publicity
if she gets wet!
I'll get to it right away.
Another cup of coffee?
Mr. Glover!
It's about Ma.
This here is Mr. Armstrong,
our lawyer.
We feel that Mrs. Garth is
no longer fit to handle her affairs.
We'll declare her senile
and sell the property ourselves.
You said yourself
she was incompetent.
Anybody that stays when
the water is rising, must be crazy.
- The rest of us done got off.
- And Joe John and Mattie.
Under the law we can
have her declared incompetent.
I'd rather have her put off
at gun point.
I'll have the papers ready
in the morning.
I've known her since I was a boy.
I hate to do this.
You hate to do it?
It all goes under the general
heading of progress.
Yeah, that's what they say.
Heard you had trouble last night.
Any complaints?
All goes under the general
heading of progress.
Mrs. Garth?
I apologise for the other night.
First and only time
I ever liked you.
Mrs. Garth, Hamilton y Cal
came to my office with a lawyer.
They'll prove you're of unsound mind
and unable to negotiate
the sale of your property.
Can you hear me?
They was always worthless!
If they can prove it
they can sell your land.
This whole island
will be flooded in two weeks.
This house is coming down!
You can't stay here any longer!
Are you listening?
Marshal Hogue has issued
an order for your eviction
and tomorrow it'll be executed.
Come with me now.
Mrs. Garth.
What are you trying to prove?
Sam, all this is going to be
under water.
I said a house with a porch.
It's got to have a porch.
So keep trying, will you?
When other helpers fail
and comfort flees,
Help of the helpless,
oh, abide with.
Jimmy learned a new one.
Sing it for me.
Jesus loves me,
this is know.
For the Bib...
Hello, Chuck!
How is it?
You look tired.
What you been doing all day?
Looking for a house with a porch.
Good night, Chuck.
Good night.
Frances, just put them down for me.
Get to bed, honey.
When I first came down here
I thought,
"How can one person go against
what's happening in the country?"
There she's been, sitting there
for 80 years
and I was going to get her off
in one day.
I was even looking forward to it.
And now, I have to make sure
I get her off alive.
Goodnight, honey.
You're becoming human,
aren't you?
I was always human, wasn't I?
Then you'll be leaving soon.
Not for a couple of weeks
at least.
I have to wait until the land
is cleared first,
and stuff like that.
A couple of weeks?
Maybe more,
maybe a little longer.
A little longer.
I'm going now, Mrs. Carol.
Good night, Frances.
Good night, Frances.
Here you are.
Yes, dear?
I hate to say this.
Say what?
Something I hate to say.
When you go,
take me with you.
One day soon,
you're going to come to me
and you're gonna say,
"Carol, I have to go. "
And there won't be time to talk,
or to think, or anything.
And there'll be a car waiting,
and then a plane
and you'll say,
"Carol, honey, I have to go. "
Isn't that right?
Yes, that's right.
Take me with you.
Did I tell you what happened
after you left with Walter?
He came back here
at the middle of the night
and he nearly broke my heart.
I kept saying to him,
"Stop looking at me.
I have nothing to give any man.
Except if I love him. "
He kept saying,
"He'll leave you
after his job's done,
but I'm forever.
I'm forever. "
He's right.
I wish you hadn't said that.
Why did you say that?
I know it's true,
but why?
I know it's true.
I know.
I'm leaving here,
with or without you,
but I want you to know something.
I'd be a good wife for you.
A damn good wife.
I'm smart in some ways
and I know what's good about you
and what's bad
and I'm not afraid to tell you.
I have two children who love you.
They love you and I love you.
And you're not easy to love,
but you do need someone.
And I love you.
I love you.
It's stopped raining.
Don't say anything.
I'm afraid of what you might say.
I don't know what to say.
God, that says it all.
That's not what I meant.
It's what you really meant.
It's what you are thinking.
I heard you.
I asked you and you said "no. "
I heard you.
What do you want from me?
I'll do anything.
I'm sorry to break in here.
I told you...
I owe it to him.
What is it?
There are men coming.
Turn off those lights.
Alden, give me that rifle.
- Whose truck is this, Buddy?
- Walter Clark.
Get out.
I don't know what's happening.
I'm in here, honey.
I'd better pull down that shade.
What happened?
Are you all right?
Chuck! It's your old buddy,
I've brought my friends along!
Got you all packed!
What are they doing with my car?
Excuse me, Barbara.
Don't you dare go out there.
Got your ticket bought
all the way to Washington!
Got you a travelling mate.
How'd you like to go to Washington?
- What do you think?
- They're just having fun.
Mommy! Mommy!
You go...
Did you see that?
What are you doing in my pickup!
Get out of it!
Bailey, you damaged my house
and you're paying for it!
- Time to go, Mr. Glover!
- Bailey, you shot at me.
- I shot at the lamp.
- You shot at me!
- Well, Mr. Glover.
- Sure is nice to meet you.
- Sure has been fitting to meet you.
- When are you going home?
- How's Eleanor up there.
- Who's Eleanor?
Eleanor Roosevelt.
My pickup. You did!
I'll see you to the train.
Watch it, Chuck.
There's no way to scare me out.
I came down here to do a job and...
Muss him up!
What that matter with you?
What are you doing?
No, no don't.
Let me go.
- Do you know what you just did?
- Don't hit a woman.
I don't want a word out of you.
Time to go beddy-bye.
You just smacked a woman
right on the ground.
Don't hit a woman.
Don't hit a woman.
Who else is gonna say a word?
Go on, another word.
I want to hear another word
out of someone!
Just say one word.
- Sheriff.
- How you getting along?
All right, I guess.
A little tired.
Why don't you all go on home?
Anything I can do for you,
Mrs. Carol?
Get off my place now.
You know...
I wish some day I could win
maybe one fight.
You were wonderful up there.
I don't care if you ever win
a fight.
Marry me?
I know I'll probably
regret it.
I'm sure you'll regret it,
Get your hat, get a coat,
wash up. All right?
All right.
"And now, by the authority invested
in me by the State of Tennessee
as a Justice of Peace,
I pronounce you man and wife.
What God has joined together
let no man put asunder. "
Five dollars, please.
Five dollars, please.
Anyway, it's got a porch.
I hope she likes it.
"You have refused to vacate
said property you are therefore,
hereby commanded to immediately
and forthwith vacate
the real estate, buildings,
and the premises, designated
as Tract 3, 4, 9, 6, 4, 7,
and this you'll in nowise fail
to do under the penalty of the law.
Signed, Allan R. Nealy,
District judge. "
That's it.
What are you waiting for?
There she goes!
Well, this is it.
Granma, you look kind of tired.
Don't you want to go in
and lie down?
Yes, Granma.
I owe Frank Zachary
16 cents
for two pounds of sugar.
You see that he gets it
next time you go in.
Yes, Granma.
That's all I owe.
Well, here she goes.
Granma just died.
You had it to do. There was
nothing else you could've done.
It looks like we're ready to go.
Go ahead.
Okay, go ahead!
"Truly, truly, I say to you
she who believeth
hath life eternal. "
Barbara Ann!