Wild Target (2010)

I give, I gave, I have given.
I fly, I flew, I've flown.
Have been taken care of the matter.
Half now, the rest behind.
Why do they always do that?
What's your name?
My name is Pierre Bertrand.
I am 32 years old.
- I postman.
- Tell me the whole sentence.
My name is Victor Maynard.
I am 54 years old.
And I am a professional killer.
- I love you.
- Shut up!
- Who the hell are you?
- My name is Victor Maynard.
I am 54 years old.
And I am assassin.
Want a sip of coffee?
Victor Maynard.
I love you.
Good day.
Where should we go?
- It was not me.
- I love you, Victor Maynard.
- Victor Maynard, I love you.
- What the fuck out in...
Sheltered housing
I have read,
home to men -
- Has squiggle to
feel attracted to their mother.
- All right?
- We lived together for long.
- Yes, we did.
- Do you have the squiggle, Victor?
- I think not, mother.
- What is the problem then?
- I can not actually be.
- I got your card from Paris.
with a silencer.
Your father would have been proud.
Going international.
- I look in again soon.
- Wait. Your birthday.
It is not until...
WOMAN strangled in cinema
- It's too much.
- They are all there.
"Musicians have died."
There is room for many more.
A bit of a career.
A bit of a legacy.
You age 55, Victor.
- I know.
- Your dad's age when you were born.
I started knitting.
Blue for a boy.
- It has since allowed to hope.
- Goodbye, mother.
Someone has to continue
family business.
I also have a gift for you.
His name is Roger.
Parrot Roger.
- Wrong side of the road!
- The wrong way!
- Rose.
- Is it finished?
I'm worried.
- I do not want.
- We had an agreement.
Yes, I know.
Rose, you must swear wholeheartedly,
that nothing is for painting.
Jerry, I swear.
You make me very happy
by doing so.
And if it is not enough
so just think of money.
What are you thinking, Jerry?
How to yes.
It really is beautiful!
- Where is the copy?
- You look at it.
Here is the original.
The paint is still wet.
Get them mixed up.
Culture Minister is disappointed with sales
of Rembrandt's Self Portrait -
- to a Russian buyer. It has
been seconded to the National Gallery.
gallery managed simply not
to outbid the Russians.
We agreed on the 900th
It is in though. I keep it.
It was just for fun.
Perfect, mr. Ferguson.
There is no shadow of doubt.
- What they told you?
- It's adorable.
- How did you nevertheless hold of it?
- It's my secret.
We may not know how,
but we know why. Money.
- We agreed on nine.
- No, eight.
- Nine.
- Eight.
Okay, so nine.
Fine, I keep it.
I just said yes to nine.
Put it back.
One million.
- You must be mad.
- Goodbye.
I am not a gangster -
- But I was realtor
for 20 years. Nothing can stop me.
It was just for fun.
- Do we have enough money with me?
- Yes.
So now...
... is this gem...
... the ultimate record of a
man's fearless conversation with himself -
My property.
And mr. Sakova go home
with a good forgery.
He still can not tell the difference.
But I can.
I feel for this.
You have... your...
What he waffle on?
- It is a forgery.
- Impossible.
It is a forgery!
Srme yes.
Go to the yellow color...
- She traded it for.
- You do not say.
You have a new client.
Not a scratch.
- So I can get many problems.
- Yes, so many here.
- Rose.
- What?
- Your luck runs out.
- What could be happen to me?
She is totally out of control.
I just switch.
- Do you see something you like?
- Sorry?
Something to drink?
- Goodbye, taxes.
- Goodbye.
- Room 27th
- Yes, I remember.
- You have no messages.
- How I prefer it.
The solitary type, eh?
There is a bell by the bed,
if you change your mind.
How much you weigh?
- You have committed the ultimate sin.
- Mom.
Regain your boss's confidence.
Your reputation depends on it.
- The family's reputation.
- Yes, mother.
He has probably found a competitor.
Someone who is better and younger.
It is probably true.
What do you think I should do?
There is only one thing you can do.
Ask the client for pardon.
Kill her,
and deliver your money back.
- You killed him.
- He was going to kill you.
- Okay, put yourself into.
- Keys.
- Will they really kill me?
- What am I doing?
Soon now the car.
Do not move out of the split.
Barney? Barney?
Do not say... Out. Now.
Face to the wall.
You both.
- Oh god. What have I done?
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
- Know ye not one another?
I washed cars.
I've never touched a gun before.
You would shoot him. Him and...
- Oh god. Is she...
- She just fainted.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Just give it to me.
- Do not do it. He shoots you.
- No, I do not.
You saved my life.
Why would I shoot you?
Do not do it.
Just put it from you
before someone gets hurt.
I give it to him.
He has tie.
- And then he just looked angry at me.
- I is not mad at you. In honor.
Clever boy. It was good.
What did I do?
You shoot actually quite good
for a beginner.
- You killed him not...
- I would not either.
So, I was angry at him.
It is quite understandable.
Afterwards I took it actually quite calm.
As if I had all sorts of time.
Excuse me a moment.
- What happened?
- I shot him. He is not dead.
The kid had no choice.
We have to save him.
Turns I killed him?
I killed the second.
We would not kill him.
We have to kill him.
He has seen us.
- Can we not go to police?
- They can not protect us.
- We do it the quiet way.
- Stop!
You are right. We can easily
escape before he wakes.
Let us get away.
Do not take home.
- A place with many people.
- Who are you?
- It does not matter.
- Are you an agent?
What are you doing? I'm afraid.
Where's the kid?
He slipped away.
I do not know who you are
but can I trust you?
Rely on me?
This is not random.
His boss wants me dead.
I just hope it happens quickly.
As with him.
I would almost wish
it happened right away.
So I escaped
to speculate on when.
Oh god!
I must pee.
I just think it's nerves.
Do you have a napkin?
Silk. Lovely.
Go ahead.
It was not even a million.
It is hand ears for them.
I have not done any harm.
Why are people so gullible?
Wait. Where are you going?
I need protection.
I can pay you.
I can pay you in advance.
I have several in my purse.
- I can not help you.
- Do not just leave me.
It's nice for you to.
I implore you.
- I can not. Believe me.
- I feel safe with you.
You are clever, calm and stable. You are
as an ancient oak.
Half now, the rest behind.
- Should I run? You seem...
- I am angry.
- They are wrong.
- You stole his boots?
He must not use them more, right?
- Why do you have a gun?
- It is my job.
- What are you doing?
- I'm private detective.
You do not look like the type.
- What were you doing here?
- I watched a client's wife.
She had a cheeky agreement
with a man in a car.
A cheeky agreement?
- What do you have per week?
- About a week? I'm too expensive.
- How much?
- 30,000.
It is in order.
I'm getting us out of here.
- I want day protection.
- Sorry, no.
- Bak! Run him down!
- It must be your jest.
- He is fine.
- What are you doing? In with you.
Up with you!
I can not see.
You nearly killed me!
Nail in the bottom! Now!
- Where?
- Just out of here.
We find a discreet hotel
and keeps a low profile.
- Discreet? Are we rich and famous?
- They check the cheap hotels.
Not looking for us here.
- Three bedrooms, please.
- Name?
- Smith.
- Smith.
I called the same?
- And you called, sir?
- Tony.
We settle for a single room.
- Excuse me.
- What? Av.
- It can not be serious.
- Who pays?
I can not sleep in others' presence.
I pay even for my room.
It's not about money,
but on day protection.
- Wait!
- No. We take a room.
I can discuss further in the 322nd
It is one of our cheapest.
- Are we now in safety?
- Naturally.
I leave nothing
to chance.
- Latrica, have you seen Mike?
- Sorry, mr. Ferguson.
Where is he?
It would help
if you could control yourself.
Three adults in a small room
at a luxury hotel.
You have got us noticed!
With murderers in heels,
then you are discreet. Mon hiding.
Mon shouts not up
in the hotel lobby.
- Which side do you want?
- What?
No. I keep watch.
- You sleep with her.
- So we say it.
Please respect my zone.
It is here... is my area.
- It'll be fun.
- Find a different tone, young lady.
Pipe had a different sound in the past.
I pleaded not you.
- I begged not.
- To offer a guy 30,000...
- ... is unlikely to play expensive.
- Unbelievable. I just met you...
... but it would take me several days,
take note of everything I hate about you.
- Will you not?
- No. I need a little rest.
I'm at the bar.
Let it not be long.
One thing. Did I hear you say
that she pay you?
- Yes.
- I have no money.
Do not worry. I apply to you free.
In fact...
You can help me,
to look after her.
So I'm your assistant?
Tony, you're a fine young man.
That was all.
There you are. I wondered
me about what I did.
I apologize for before.
I was...
... uncomfortable and...
... and hostile.
That is how I usually do not.
I was aggressive and annoying.
And... so I am very often.
- No, you can be a pleasure.
- Really? When?
- I can not just come up with something.
- Although. Thank you.
Right now you... a pleasure.
- You is not listening.
- Yes.
- What did you say?
- That you were a pleasure for 7-8 sec.
- You beglor bartender.
- Yes. He likes me.
Bother you? Why?
Do you like me?
- It's a simple question.
- Of course not.
That was what I thought.
Is it because you like him?
No. I just want you to
to listen when we talk together.
That's me if you are in
with the entire hotel.
- It does not concern me.
- You are incredible.
A large Glenfiddich.
And a cognac and a belvedere.
And one tequila, two small red wine
and some peanuts.
- It is surely not only to you?
- No, tequila is for you.
My father pays.
How much you weigh?
You know what, Mike?
You're the only one with reality-
sensation in all this.
The only.
- It's not my fault.
- Not so?
You said we should not hire more
an assassin. The fact that Barney was enough.
Now I have only one bodyguard.
An incompetent and bold one.
Stop tremble.
Stop it!
Why you tremble?
Do you think I am mad at you?
Do you think I hit you?
It's funny. The truth is -
- To me tonight
is more than anger to tears.
You must understand,
that we have lost her?
Vixen has gone underground.
Our chances of finding her
is almost nil.
Tonight I am sad.
You are also sad.
I do not care about
sad people. Go into the bathroom.
Just keep away.
You ruined my night.
- I tried to make friends.
- You displayed yourself.
Do you have any friends?
I can not believe.
- Sorry. Wrong door.
- Quite right.
You are always wrong.
- I fell asleep.
- It's okay.
Everything he does is in order.
You ruin the boots.
- Ignore her. She is full.
- My reaction ability is refreshed.
- Now we can keep watch together.
- We can change.
Fantastic. The two musketeers.
- What are you doing?
- Stiller them out for cleaning.
- They are stolen.
- You are not at the hostel.
Do not try anything.
Who takes the first...
... watch?
- Chef, he is here.
- Good. Ask him to wait.
Want something?
- Just coffee.
- Can not we just go?
Will you please let me go first.
- Free ground.
- You do not say.
The story is pretty incredible.
Him, I hire for the job -
- Kill one of my men
and maim one another.
And he now protects the girl.
- They must both be cleared.
- You should have phoned earlier.
- We tried to handle it themselves.
- I can see.
- They killed Barney!
- Mike.
I can not stand you right now.
Get some cigarettes for me.
- Put money in our parking slot.
- It can even make damn.
And the name of the gentleman
causing problems?
I do not know his name.
I have never met him.
- Can you tell anything about him?
- Mike, hop into. Describe him.
Higher than average.
Thinner than average.
Plain appearance.
Plain mustache.
Victor Maynard.
- Do you know him? Where he is?
- No, nobody knows him.
Nobody has seen him.
He is of the old guard.
How do you know
how he looks?
In our industry,
we are the two most expensive.
He is actually
slightly more expensive than you.
We find
whether he is worth it.
Help yourself.
Except the sausages.
You are generous.
Get now just paid the hotel bill.
Am I not a moment without you,
I then commit suicide.
Wait. I did not mean that.
I was just lucky.
Do not move! Hands up!
Shit! You are shaking like a espelv.
Give me the gun.
I mean it! You know me.
I could easily frame
balls by mistake.
- You tried to drown me.
- Only a bit.
- I am a sweet and nice person.
- Relax. Breathe deeply.
I is casual!
It was an accident.
You made me scared.
Find your ear and put it on ice.
The hospital can sew it back on.
There is ice in the minibar.
- Flee!
- What?
I was not even a bathrobe.
Smith, Smith and Tony?
He tried to kill me!
In the bathroom.
With a great shoot.
Wait! Wait!
My ear!
Your sick pig!
Put it on ice!
- Did you shoot his ear off?
- It was an accident.
- Get them cleared up.
- You have hired a pro now.
- Mike, what are you doing?
- Girl. The mustache.
They stayed at the hotel.
The kid pushed my ear.
- Mini car!
- For God's sake. Get your car!
He made me afraid;
I saw...
You made it necessary.
You are a natural talent.
- They follow us.
- Faster.
- I can not.
- Run faster.
I do my best.
I learn the car to know.
- Is it new?
- I found it yesterday.
- The keys were sitting in.
- Is it stolen?
- Yes!
- They are catching up on us.
I take the accelerator.
We switch places.
- Move. I can see nothing.
- But you get when paw everything.
- Baby!
- Continue. We are bigger.
- I think they are gone.
- Not sure?
Stop it!
- Where should we go?
- We must be out of town.
- No, I like the city.
- Ditto. I know nothing else.
We drive in a stolen car
which is pierced.
We are hunted by assassins,
and probably half the police force.
We must be out of town!
- Did you remember the tent?
- I have a hiding place.
- More hidden than the hotel?
- I will ignore you.
"You ignore me."
- Can we stop? I must pee.
- No.
You get 30,000 a week.
You do as I say.
- I get money to protect you.
- 30,000?
Yes, I should be able to sit down
and pee at the price.
Mr. Smith, 30,000?
It's pretty good.
- Yes.
- I know it is dangerous.
But I do me quite well.
So that I am your pupil,
We can do it formally?
So I could get a piece of cake.
Now listen...
I can offer you
six weeks of training.
In monitoring, identity fraud,
arms workout...
Small arms, rifles, explosives.
The 17 ways to strangle on.
- And the basic training in poison homicide.
- All that to become a private detective?
You never know
whom you can meet.
Okay. Continue.
I can not offer health insurance
but board and lodging is covered.
And a bus passes to London.
Will you take care of me?
And my name is Victor Maynard.
Come on!
Come back!
The place is criminal.
Half of the goods is too old.
So irresponsible!
Appalling childish!
Would anyone have a fig roll?
- I want one.
- Do.
Is it a cow?
Much bigger in real life.
What's this?
This is my home.
- Your home?
- What's strange about it?
Now give it all meaning.
It was my grandfather, my father
and now it is mine.
- Lifts?
- It was my mother.
She lived here with
me until... recently.
- Is she dead?
- No.
- Stands In another close?
- Why you ask?
I'm just friendly.
What is wrong with you?
Look what I found!
Snow White. Hello...
Now I'll show you
your room.
- You get my old room.
- Thank you.
Do you like it?
My dad did it for me.
- He was clever with his hands.
- I've never had a father.
I've obviously had a,
but he left us.
- Is it your mom's room?
- Yes.
You are a little crazy with the plastic, right?
Condoms touch you probably do not.
How have your assistant it?
- We should probably turn off for him.
- It is probably best.
No. He has been paid
the rest of the month.
He gives as a little company
while I wait.
- At you.
- Do not worry.
Sooner or later
committing one of them an error.
We're safe here as long as
we follow the few simple rules.
Never leave the site.
Salted middle of the table, please.
And mint sauce.
No contact with the outside world.
Mobile phones must be switched off.
The wine must also enter the middle.
If you want to be kind.
It is a light burgundy.
I especially like wines
from Burgundy.
- So it is a prison.
- No, it is a safe place.
When do you think
hazard is driven over?
You will be hunted by assassins.
The driver never over.
A small gift from my mother.
- The time is 2:45.
- I know as well.
- What are you doing?
- I turn the bed.
I sleep with head towards south.
I'm suffering from insomnia.
How. Plug in the south.
- Why did not I think of that?
- The shoes.
They give me confidence.
Tony, who is young and mature,
and a bit eksentrisk -
- But as everyone else at. 2.45,
so he sleeps.
No. It is her, we go after.
Watch her.
A pending accident.
The kid is negligible.
Maynard contrast...
It is pointless
to go after him.
He leaves behind no traces.
Not so much as a crumb.
He is the ultimate
killing machine.
- What are you doing? You are insane!
- I just dig.
- Keep up immediately!
- I would plant some magnolias.
It would be a surprise.
I got up at six o'clock.
I've never dug
a hole for someone before!
- Why start with me?
- I would thank you!
- For helping me last night.
- Fill the holes up.
- No!
- It was not a request!
It was an order!
It had you not entitled.
It is my garden!
You do not care. A garden must
be enveloped in beauty.
How one's senses can get free games.
But you pack your own furniture into.
You are only happy here in your
dark and dreadful secret.
Ye gods, it is awful!
The smell follows you everywhere.
- What smell?
- Cleaning.
It's like being in a hospital.
There are so certain that it is dangerous.
I mean it.
I'm afraid.
I fear that I end up
just like you. Afraid of everything.
- I am not afraid.
- To admit who I am.
What I want.
Where will you go with it?
You do not really
something about yourself, right?
It's me.
May I come in?
- I'm in the bath.
- I know.
- Is it important?
- I think so.
- Are we a bath?
- It looks like this.
Tony, at last, I have not
really had a grip on things.
I have been distracted at work -
- And I'm overtrimmet
my best bonsai tree.
So I was wondering -
- It may be you,
which confuses me.
- Confuses you?
- Instinct.
Without any of us really know.
Confuses you?
- The idea is absurd.
- I did not know you were...
I am not.
This is the case.
- It is confusing.
- Yes.
Okay... What is your first thought?
My bonsaitr.
I can use the rubber plant.
I will not bother you anymore.
Everyone knows it is a copy.
Mr. Ferguson will know
where the girl got it from.
I am not interfering
with criminal elements.
Even your smile is criminal.
There are many
by copying paintings.
The ones I know did not.
Force me not to shoot first
and ask questions afterwards.
Fat pen.
What flavor is it?
Bell Busk.
They are not bad.
Go ahead. But I do not know
whether they are good enough.
Excellent. Fabian.
No, no.
Take the painting.
It's me.
- Am I disturbing you?
- Not at all.
I know it is late.
Sorry for the former.
I should not have said everything.
I was angry.
And very tired.
- There is no harm done.
- Why even take me seriously?
- You should have slept a little.
- I can not sleep.
- What is it this time?
- I have a sore jaw.
I have too many teeth
here behind.
Got some pills?
Tamazepan, Trazadone...
Sleeping pills, Valium, Zanex...
- No, sorry.
- Okay, so yesterday I just...
I could...
... massage your feet.
- Are you serious?
- Acupressure.
I learned it long ago.
I use it sometimes myself.
- It is good for anxiety.
- Massaging your own feet?
You really
a good roof on it here.
Many experienced nocturnal anxiety.
It is perfectly normal.
Let it not move you on.
Let me tell you something?
A confession.
- Why not?
- I like you as my protector.
You are really good at it.
It seems at least that.
I have not really
nothing to compare with.
Nobody has ever
protected me before.
But with you,
I enjoy it really.
I enjoy doing it.
For me in particular?
With you... in particular.
Do I...
... massage the other foot?
Tony, let me out!
Tony, she will kill me!
An old hare in a wheelchair
just tried to kill me.
It's true.
Mom, are you there? It's me.
I have everything under control.
She thinks it well.
- Mom, can we talk about it?
- You disappoint me, Victor.
- Would you sleep in the living room?
- I'm too scared.
- You can sleep inside with me.
- Yes. Tony fits you.
Your reputation is in tatters.
- Mor...
- She is a typical mother.
Until you kill her,
you're the target.
- I stood behind the door.
- I said you must never do.
- Forgive me, I...
- Stop.
Do you know what trouble you're in?
Since I have moved,
have you gone to the dogs.
You are not even
in bed with her.
Mom, I think we have a problem.
- I think so too.
- I know you have sacrificed much...
A Beretta for your 7-year-old birthday.
A divine gun.
I think just,
what is the result -
Has made me.
You've been your father's Sun
You saved my life. Again.
I did not mean that.
I have never been so scared.
I am glad that you did it.
I have nothing to live for now.
I'm in love.
- Really?
- Yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Put yourself under the covers. Come on.
Just lie back.
He is so nice.
- He is so nice.
- Who?
- Mr. Maynard of course.
- Really?
When his mother woke me
I dreamed about him.
It's funny. Yesterday -
- I thought only of escape.
And now... I will never get out of here.
What happened in between?
No, we are here. Us three.
One big, happy family.
- A difficult night.
- Not at all.
My mother requires an explanation.
- I understand how you feel.
- Do you?
I had a cousin.
Gal as your mother, poor kid.
But I loved him.
Family is family, right?
I can easily yourself.
I did know even this.
- How...
- My name is Fabian.
You need to recommend me one,
who can paint such a here.
Who created it?
- Rembrandt.
- Who?
- Rembrandt.
- Give me his address.
- He is dead.
- Death?
- When?
- For 300 years ago.
- Give me a name.
- That must be Jerry.
- Jerry Who?
- Jerry Bailey. National Gallery.
He is a friend.
It took a while, but...
Good day.
What a mess.
Today is mr. Maynard's birthday
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah...
Is everything for my sake?
I am touched.
It's so kind of you.
I know.
Breathe them out.
Sorry it with the mirror.
- How did I, it was today?
- From the pictures in your old room.
- Have you done it?
- No. It was you.
I'm stuck.
- I know.
- No. I can not move me.
- My shoes.
- Do you have them still?
Of course.
- It's my watch.
- I thought you wanted it.
Thank you.
How much you weigh?
Good morning.
Dear Mike,
you've been shot before.
Tony, what do you think
about this room?
It needs to suit.
MUSIC murdered in Morecambe
Shot in the head
Congratulations. Your father, Felix.
Tony, I think
it will suit her taste.
- Rose. May I come in?
- No, I'm not dressed.
- Is everything okay?
- Yes, why not?
Not for anything. Come with down.
I'll show you something.
Can not you see that?
- Why are you smiling?
- It takes you out of.
- Turn around.
- Why?
- Turn around now.
- First one why.
- Turn around.
- Are you in it?
- Naturally.
- Do not be a child.
Why are you doing this?
To make the surprise more.
I got you. Do not be afraid.
It is quickly over.
So the time has almost does.
- The time has also come for you.
- The gun is dangerous.
- You do not say.
- You misunderstand.
It is just an heirloom.
It may explode.
- You are a liar and a murderer.
- And you are a thief.
- You are made for each other.
- When you noticed this?
He is not private detective.
He is an assassin.
- Hired to kill me.
- It is unfortunately true.
I'm really some shitty.
How can you live with yourselves?
- Was not I a detective-pupil?
- As shoot people?
Sometimes. By accident.
If it is inevitable.
- Kills you me now?
- Of course I'm not doing it.
But if you go,
then makes a second it.
I can almost guess who.
- Who?
- Dixon.
Dixon? Is he clever?
He is a disgrace to the profession.
A sadist. A beast.
- Mr. Maynard.
- Yes, Tony?
We get hit on him.
I give, I gave, I have given.
I choose, I chose, I have chosen.
I feel I felt I felt.
Jerry. We're in Trouble.
The situation has been...
... dangerous.
- Where is he?
- Who?
The man who would kill you.
- Who asks?
- His successor.
Where is he?
- I do not know.
- Say it...
... or I'll cut his finger on
and forces you to swallow it.
Which I leave you
be alone with him.
Would you like to be brave?
It would also Jerry.
Gradually, thanks.
- I've lost the roof.
- No. Reload.
We do it together.
Feet, check. Hand, check.
Wrist, check.
If there is time, so relax.
I have time, I relax.
I love the weather.
I am one with my gun.
I should perhaps look away.
I shall perhaps pressure on you.
Feet, hands, wrists, -
People train for years,
order to do that.
I did not shoot.
Put the guns from you.
Victor Maynard.
- At last.
- And you are?
You know very well
who I am.
- Hector Dixon.
- How is it spelled?
- Make him angry.
- Dixon?
Are you taking the jobs
I do not bother?
And those you make a mess.
- Have they tortured you?
- No. I immediately gave them the address.
Why did you not remit?
Why do you think?
Yes. It really is heartbreaking.
Ask you up the wall.
- I've missed you.
- Same.
Maynard, do your job
and I do not kill the kid.
Excuse me?
Kill the girl, I'll shoot you -
But he goes from here unscathed.
- I can not.
- Do it!
Just do it.
I prefer you.
I want the best.
Shoot him.
Turn around.
Cane you not!
You are, hands up.
Higher up.
At your age,
I will still do your homework.
- You, there.
- Me?
Pick up the pistol.
And searched the rat.
The kid can be trained,
but he will never get what you have.
- Drberinstinktet.
- You know, I do not believe.
No, you believe in the upbringing.
So, blame the mother.
Our disagreements, despite...
- So I am grateful to you today.
- Do not be sentimental.
So that?
- So what?
- Nobody move.
- He took that from me.
- Lay down their arms.
And the knife.
- You've really lost the roof.
- It's Felix's gun.
It was my father's first
and preferred weapons.
I hope it relieves the shot hole.
Tony, come and see what happens
if you can not clean his gun.
Has anyone seen the cat?