Wild Zero (2000)

A meteorite seems to have crashedin
the town ofAsahi-cho last night.
The exact size andlocation of the
meteorite are not yet known. A full
investigation is underway.
In case the meteorite has landedin
your backyard, please don't use it as a
centerpiece or well-cover!
Sendus a fax!
What a romantic subject!
Andnow on to our next story,
at the zoo...
Rock'n'Roll Transliteration by Koy
Born at aneda
Jet timing always in his head
Weather Forecast don't mean a thing
Jet order-Bet your life !
Jet Generation
ighway There-Spark lt!
Tension Suddenly Outer Spacy!
There's a wallet on my ass with a
Rock 'n'RolILicense
Jet Generation
You gotta be a good girl , understand?
A good , good girl. Got it?
...next with a Jet! GO GO GO!
... uh huh, yeah, oh, andby the way,
Could I get that new jacket
by Wednesday?
Yeah , yeah ,
I got a party to go to the next day
I'd really like it by then ...
You ok?
Come on, stand up
What? It's not like you don't know
the Captain, right?
Let's go .
Can't make customers wait can we?
Hey mister-
Do you know Rock'n'Roll?
I'll do it today
The only one who can outdo Guitar Wolf-
Is the one right here
I'll go directly to the manager
of this club
... yeah , great ...well , talk to ya later
Sorry to keep you waiting
Guess what this is?
Want it?
It's real gold you know
Bring me some milk
Hello Hello Hello my brother !
Glad you made it !
Great show today wasn't it?
You're gonna hang out for a while , right?
This town's gotten pretty
exciting these days hasn't it?
You fucking pervert !
It doesn't suit you, Guitar Wolf
It really , really doesn't suit you
Guitar Wolf , don't you remember?
You were only this big
when you first came here
And what do you think he said?
Do you remember?
Give me your boots
He wanted my leather boots !
Well , you can't be a kid forever !
Rock'n'Roll is over, baby
Do you understand the word "'Business"?
If you understand then fuck off & get out !
What're you saying? !
Rock'n'Roll is NOT over !
Rock'n'Roll never dies !
Somebody call an ambulance !
Take this
Whistle when you're in danger
Take this
Whistle when you're in danger
No fucking way !
You fucking weirdo !!
(Welcome to
Have you seen the people that work here?
Maybe they went out...
Let's get going
Shit . Coming all this way without
thiking was definitely fucked up
No fuckin' money either
And now we're out here cuz the bitch
wants to see a fuckin' meteorite
What the fuck did you just say?
Nothin' ...
Why don't you stop talkin' shit
for once in your life !
Somethin' wrong?
Whose fuckin' fault is it that we don't
have any money anyway? Huh? Who?
Fuckin' nag me all the time ...
What the fuck are you saying?
Why don't you actually try makin' some
money sometimes, instead of just
talkin' about it?
I should fuckin' get paid just for goin'
out with a loud mouth bitch like you !
What kind of a man are you?
Don't you have any fuckin' pride?
Why don't you ever do something ,
anything , to make money?
You prob'ly fuckin' couldn't make money
if you tried !
Listen bitch ! lf you're gonna go that far
I'll do it then !
I'll do somethin' and I don't wanna hear
you cryin' about it later !
Gasoline stand
Stop ! I'm thirsty
Me too
My ass hurts !
Come on !
Aren't you comin'?
Masao !
Don't fucking move !
Move and I'll fucking kill you !
Give it up !
Oy , Masao , what the fuck you sayin'?
Masao-chan, we understand , ok?
...is naturalbut a pear shape can be an
indication ofinternal organ problems.
Whatever. What else?
Oh right, can't forget to talk about
the meteorite.
Get the fucking car !!
OK , OK !
Andnow this breaking news...
Turn off the radio
A meteorite has crashedin
the town ofAsahi-cho.
So , about how much artillery
are we looking at this time?
Well, I was asked if we were going to
start a war
I see
About two hours-we're a little later
than we promised
Well , it was the boss' wedding , right?
I just really wish I could've changed
out of these clothes
I'm sorry
There wasn't enough time
What should we do?
I don't fuckin' know !
Let's go
Don't be fuckin' stupid ! lf Masao gets
popped we'll be busted too !
I don't fuckin' know !
Fucking Masao decides to go and do this...
Oh, sorry
Hurry !
Fucking drive !
Aren't you feeling well?
It's nothing to worry about
What's going on?
Somebody just ran out on the road , it
seemed a little strange , in this place ...
Nobody's there
You must've been hallucinating
What's that? !
What the fuck was that?
Say something !
Why don't you fuckin' talk to him?
Wasn't exactly safe for us either ya know
Say that and Masao's gonna ...
Masao ! What the fuck was with you pullin'
that kind of shit all of a sudden?
You scared the fuck outta us !.
So , how much did you manage to snag?
stupid fuck
He shoulda gotten at least somethin' ,
What's up with your nose?
Don't fucking cry !
Masao !
Give him tissue for fucks sake !
Fuck you
Masao? Masao?
Are you ok?
She's ok , right?
Well , we gotta get going
You're the one who got him?
Thank you .
You must be very strong
It's hot
By the way , where do you think
everybody went anyway?
Not a soul in sight ...
It's like saying ,
Come in and rob us , please !
You know , after all that , I think at
least I deserve some free gas , don't you?
So, you're here by yourself?
Your Japanese is really good
I'm here alone you know
I'm called Ace
Yeah , that's right
Yeah ! Ace is number one
It means the number one man !
I'm off to see a show today
Ah , it's gonna start soon ...
Sorry , but I gotta go or I'll miss it !.
By the way , what's your name?
Cute name !
It'd be nice to run into you again
Thank you
Get the fuck out of the way !
Out of the road !
I said out of the way !
Are you fucking deaf?
This ain't for nothin' you know
What the hell are you doing? !
That girl ...
You want her don't you?
GO !
ROCK'N'ROLL !.!!!!!!.
This is fucked
Masao , how do you work this?
Don't fucking move !
Move and I'll fucking kill you !
Don't get shitty
But ya know,
you were cool back there
If that asshole on the bike wouldn't've
shown up we'd be kickin'
in a four star right now !
Fucks me off !
As if you fuckin' did anything !.
Shut the fuck up !
Always runnin' your fuckin' mouth !. All
'cause you had to see a fuckin' meteorite ...
I'm not wasting my precious time talking
to and idiot like you in a place like this !
Hey, where're ya goin'?
To take a pee
Wait up !
Hanako !
Hanako !
Wait a minute o .k . ?
Let's talk ...
Fuck off
Wait a fuckin' minute !
Look , when we get back
I'll look for a job , o .k . ?
Still talkin' the same old shit
Why're you so fuckin' shitty?
Stop followin' me !
Don't be like that ...
Was that Masao?
That fool's prob'ly just fuckin' around
by himself
Come on , let's go back
Wait a minute, wait a minute !.
I'll kiss ya later
Hanako !
There might be a meteorite over there ...
Yeah , yeah , I got it
Hanako ! Wait up !
Isn't he fuckin' around
in the water over there?
Fuck !!
Let's get the fuck outta here !
Hurry up get in !
GO !
Tobio !!.
Ace Help Me !
Tobio !.
This is crazy !
Let's get outta here !
Hurry !
Run !!
STOP !!!.!!!!!
GET AWAY !!. !
Tobio !.
Wake up ! Tobio !
It's O.K .!. Tobio !
Let's go !
You gotta believe me !
Let's go
Let's Fall in Love Love Love
Love Love Beam
So Dear to my eart
Through all Time this Song Echoes
A Kind Smiling Face
Completely WonderfuIMy Darling
Senda Notice
To the Far, Far
Distant Future Stars
Senda Notice!
Let's Fall in Love Love Love
Love Love Beam
The Power ofLove
Miracle Beam
All the Way to the Sun...
Is this song popular?
Yes, it's quite popular
I see
Let's Fall in Love Love Love
Love Love Beam
The Power ofLove
Miracle Beam
You have a nice voice
I think you could become very popular
at this club
Would you like to sing here?
Really and truly !
It's all up to you ...
I would like it very much
I'll show you around ...
I've been listening to your song
for quite a while now
"Love Love Beam" right?
Since when?
From a long long time ago
First of all ,
you need firm management
and then ...
and then ...
We'll get you a new dress
Have you eaten?
No , not yet
I see ...
-But -
One more thing ,
I've got one more thing to teach you
Shit !
You ripped my fucking clothes !
My fucking clothes !
Fuck !!
We found them .
There're playing a gig in the next town
And where's the gig tonight?
South off the highway ...
That stinking motherfucker . ..
Do you want me to come with you?
I'm going alone
Roaring Blood
Roaring Blood
Alone at the lntersection
ln the Middle of the Night
The Signal Changes-Explosion on One!
Roaring Blood
Roaring Blood
Exploding Blood
Roaring Blood
Tonight, Last Night & the Night Before
My Memory is in the Middle ofa Roar
Exploding Blood
What the fuck is this?
Baby Baby Baby Roaring Blood
BloodBloodBloodExploding Blood
AlcohoIMixed through my Blood
Baby is the Only One INotice
This is the Only Place I'llever Die !
Roaring Blood
Roaring Blood
Exploding Blood
Roaring Blood
Baby Baby Baby Roaring Blood
BloodBloodBloodExploding Blood
Exploding Blood
Roaring Blood
Let's look for something
to block the door with
An axe !
Ace !.
Get it !
Please ! PLEASE !!
Ace !.
Shit !. !
It's no use
Don't you dare give up !
I'm here with you, right?
Believe in me !
I'm telling you , we'll be alright !
I didn't mean to do that
Tobio ,
Do you believe in God?
Up until now , I never believed
But now , I believe , I do
To have met you , in a situation like
this, that's definitely Gods doing
I believe in God
At the end of the road ...
At the end of the road you gotta
be thankful
But you know l,
I'm not like Guitar Wolf
I can't do anything by myself
I'm nothing
I can't even play guitar
I can't do anything right
I'm so uncool
Damn it !
No way !
No fucking way !
Anything but that !
Love has no borders , nationalities,
or genders !.
DO IT !.!!
No way ...
She's a guy?
I can't believe it ...
Tobio !.
What's up?
It's Ace
Let's Go !
Why is this shit happening?
Why can't things go right?
Why is there shit like this?
What the fuck is going on?
There's no God here !
A road !
Help !.
A car !
Stop !
Are you human?
Please help us ! The people in
this town are ...fucked !
Masao was killed !
Help us !
Everybody here is fuckin' wacked !
Eating people ...
Have you seen Ace?
Are you listenin'? lf we don't get
outta here we'll all be fuckin' killed !!!
I know ! A guy in a leather jacket !
We know ! We know !
We saw him at the gasoline stand !
Yeah !
That guy on the bike ! We know !.
Ride .
Oh thank you !
We're saved !
Hey , where the fuck're we goin'?
Where? Asahi-cho , where else?
Don't you fuckin' get it?
Everybody there is fuckin' nuts !
We'll all be fuckin' killed !
Shut the fuck up !
Hey , is the Guitar Wolf gig over?
It's over . Go home
Do you know where they went?
How the fuck should I know?
What the fuck?
You REALLY don't know where they went?
Tell me
They said they were going to the next
town , that's all I know , really
that's all I know !
This is fucked up !
It was them ! Those fuckers're prob'ly
still 'round here somewhere !
Let's get the fuck outta here !
This is seriously fucked !
Looks like your mamas comb .
You guys tell him !
Toshi !
What the fuck is your problem?
It's them !
They're fuckin' here !
Let's go !. !
Hurry !!!
What's that?
Toshi !
FUCK !!!
ROCK'N' ROLL !!!.!!!. !
What the hell are you?
Fuckin' cool !.
What IS all this?
In-fucking-credible !!
No touching the goods !
What's with all this?
More importantly ,
let's figure a way out of this mess
Yeah ! With all this shit we can really
kick some ass and get the fuck outta here !
You're not touching any of this !.
You better not fuck with me !
No , YOU better not fuck with ME,
asshole !
Stop !
This is no time to mess with each other !
And you Toshi ,
don't be fuckin' stupid !
What are you doing?
We're going to help my
Rock'n'Roll blood brother , Ace
What are you talking about?
You don't even know if you can help
yourself , let alone anyone else !
Don't be stupid !
He's probably been eaten by now anyway !
Yeah !
There's no way he could still be alive !
Let's get the fuck outta here !
You live here right?
Do you know why this is goin' on?
I have no idea
I don't live here ,
I just do business here
Whatever . What are they anyway?
They look like ...
...like ZOMBIES !.
So those are zombies?
Like in "Night Of The Living Dead"?
Yeah , seen it?
How about you?
I don't watch movies like that
Well , I've never actually seen it ...
What do you mean you haven't seen it?
Fuckin' idiot !
Shit !
What about you for fucks sake?
No , I've never seen that fuckin' movie ,
that's why I'm askin' you !
Shit !
If I would've known this was gonna happen
I would've watched it ...
What is this? This is no time to be
discussing what movies you've seen !
Why the fuck're those zombies here ,
in this town?
Expecting someone?
It's Kondo, I came to get the stuff ...
Are you really Kondo?
Hurry up and let me in...
It's not safe out here ...
No ... no ...
Untilan officialgovernment announcement
is forthcoming, please DO NOTgo outside .
At this point, allhighways have been
closedby the National Guard.
Allpublic transportation, including
trains, subway lines, andbuses,
has been cancelled.
Numerous UFOs have been sighted flying
above cities all over the world.
Investigations are underway
at this time.
Untilan officialgovernment
announcement is forthcoming,
please DO NOTgo outside...
Check this out !
Guess it's over when this happens !
Gross! There's no head!
Toshi !
Friend of yours?
It's the Yakuza I was supposed to be
doing business with today
Really? !
Zombie , definitely a zombie
Toshi, are you ok?
Hurry , we've got to get him to
a hospital !
This one'll become a zombie too !
Stop it ! He's NOT a zombie !
He's a person !.
You're gonna shoot a person?
Toshi !
You guys have no other choice .
You're helping me get out of here
Toshi , hang in there !
What are you doing?
What is this?
It's gold isn't it?
It came from inside the zombie?
Now I understand !.
I'm going to put an end to
ALL the zombies !.
It's going to be so much fun !
Hanako !
-Toshi !
He's turned into a zombie !
Get out of the way !
Stop !. Don't kill him !
Toshi !
Let's go !
I'm staying here
We'll be back for you
I thought so ...
he bit you didn't he?
What's so funny?
Something you'll never understand
I'm not afraid to die
Because I'll be with Toshi
even after death
Playing tough , huh?
Look at yourself .
All you've got is a gun
You'll never know real love
I feel sorry for you
Hey, have you seen three guys in leather
Guess not
Guitar Wolf ...
You know? You've seen them?
Don't know ...
Which way? !
That way ...
That way ...
Come here
What the fuck's with you weirdo?
Meat ...
Motherfucker !!
Which way shall we go?
Stop !! Stop !!
You whistled again ,
Let's go
I didn't protect her
I didn't even stay with her
I didn't do anything
You don't need this anymore
There are no boundaries in Rock'n'Roll !
Believe in Rock'n'Roll !
Now where could they be?
Wherever could they be?
Look , friends for you !
Who's that weird fuck?
Friend of yours?
And why is he using that guy as a shield?
lsn't he a zombie?
I know you're up there !
Do something !!!
Show yourself !!!
Think you can take from me?
That Golden Ball you've got?
It's worthless !!
I'll give you as many as you want !!
You double-crosser !
ROCK'N' ROLL !!!!!!!
Gotcha !!!
I finally found you !
What happened to this town anyway?
Say something !
Your dear old childhood friend the
Captain came all the way here to see you !
Don't hide , come out and play !
We used to play like this didn't we?
We could make a lot of money !
Let's be partners again !
You'll be great-
If you're with me !
Remember the past !
We were naughty weren't we?
That leather jacket you stole-
I still have it !
This really does it for me !
Hanako ...
Hanako !
Sorry we're late
Everything cool?
What the hell ...
ROCK'N' ROLL !!!!!!. !
I swear by my leather jacket and by
Rock'n'Roll ...
I swear ...
I love you
Use it
From that day on ,
I never saw Guitar Wolf again .
What happened on that night I'm still not
sure of-was it a dream or reality or what?
Courage and Rock'n'Roll.
That's what he taught me on that night .
Love has no boundaries, nationalities ,
or genders .
That's what he said .
And he was right.
And me ,
from now on ,
I'll be with Tobio .
The two of us forever .