Wildling (2018)

[film reel ticking]
[piano music]
[rain falling]
Do you want to hear a story?
Do you want me to tell you
about the Wildling?
His teeth are long
and sharp like this.
And so are his nails.
Long and sharp
like this.
And his hair is long and black.
All over his whole body.
[thunder rumbling]
Do you wanna hear more?
You're my special little berry.
[instrumental music]
[door locking]
[instrumental music]
[loud thunder]
[crow cawing]
[music continues]
[crow cawing]
[loud thud]
[footsteps approaching]
[door opening]
Good morning, Anna.
Good morning, Daddy.
I'm gonna listen to your heart
and I'm gonna tell you
to breathe.
Okay now.
Breathe in.
[clock ticking]
The men are getting worried.
They don't see you
around anymore.
Hunt's over.
Sure, but that don't mean
you can just disappear.
Roger, I'm retired.
Alright. I'll see yo..
I'm sorry the door
gave you a sting.
I told you about that.
It's made so that the
Wildling will get hurt
if he tries to get in.
Why does he wanna get in?
you're the last one left.
He ate all the other children.
Who was that today?
I heard someone talking.
There is no one.
There is only Anna and daddy.
Anna and daddy.
There is only Anna and daddy.
But only daddy can go outside
because Anna is too small.
Anna must always stay inside.
Anna must stay inside.
[instrumental music]
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Anna
Close your eyes.
Okay, now open.
I plucked him
from the berry-bush.
[instrumental music]
"Was evident
"that the youngster
had become so accus --
- Accustomed.
- "Accustomed..
To the marvelous.."
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight..
Seven, eight, nine, ten.
[instrumental music]
He's in a better place.
I'm gonna take him
to where I plucked him
and I'm going to bury him there
and then after a while
a bush will grow out of him
and then when the spring comes
it'll grow new berries.
And Dusty will grow back?
but it will be a new Dusty.
[clock ticking]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
What's wrong with me?
You're sick.
[door opening]
Anna, this is medicine
and Daddy needs
to see your tummy.
Good girl.
Now Daddy is gonna put
the medicine in your tummy
and it's gonna sting, okay?
Anna, close your eyes.
Now, one
Good girl.
We're gonna have to do
this every day.
[flies buzzing]
[instrumental music]
Hey, Anna. Anna.
It's your birthday.
Don't you wanna count
your bears?
Daddy... can..
Can you take me
to the better place?
Maybe a bush will grow
out of me.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[gun cocks]
[music continues]
You'll close your eyes..
...and you'll go to sleep.
Then there will be nothing.
[gun cocks]
[machine beeping]
[indistinct chatter]
Very good, we're pushing
1000 milligrams.
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
It's okay.
I'm here to help you.
I'm the one who found you.
Your neighbors called me
to report a gunshot.
Sheriff Ellen Cooper.
I have a few questions
to ask you.
Would that be okay?
What's your name?
It's nice to meet you, Anna.
What's your last name?
[door opens]
...can I talk with you
for a minute?
You sit tight.
We detected a high concentration
of Leuprorelin in her system.
One more day and we
probably would've lost her.
What's that?
It's typically used
to treat endometriosis
uterine fibroids, or
conditions such as paraphilia.
Thing is,
she's got none of those.
In fact,
we couldn't find anything
to justify
this kind of treatment.
Do you think
he was poisoning her?
Uh, it's a pretty heavy drug
with a wide range
of drastic side effects,
but it is very efficient
at down-regulating
the secretion of estrogen
in a woman's body.
There is no evidence
of any menstrual cycle
at all.
I think whoever did this to her
wants to slow down her maturity.
That's fucked up.
Yeah, I'll leave you to it.
- Thank you, doctor.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna undo these
straps for you, okay?
It's okay.
Just gonna undo these straps.
Like that.
It's okay.
There you go.
Where's Daddy?
Is he in the better place?
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
Good morning, everyone.
So the doctors have told me
what a bright young girl you are
and how well you've responded
over the past week
to all their crazy tests.
I bet you're just about ready
to get out of here, huh?
Well, we think you're
ready to move on too.
So the Belington House
is a wonderful place.
They have a wide variety of
special therapeutic programs
designed for girls just like you
and it's a lot more fun
than a hospital.
Excuse me, I'm sorry to
interrupt, but I gotta say
locking her up again
doesn't really sound like
the right strategy here.
With all due respect, sheriff
I think we can trust
Dr. Rooney's expertise.
We haven't even received
the DNA results yet.
It seems a little bit
premature --
I was just explaining to our
patient, the Belington House --
I'm gonna go with her!
Well, uh..
We'll see about that.
[engine revving]
So you're gonna be with me
until your DNA results come in.
DNA is something
that we use to identify
any relatives
that you might have.
[indistinct chatter]
Until then I'm gonna
be responsible for you.
You okay with that?
You don't like my driving?
We're going less than
20 miles an hour.
It's safe.
I mean, not in, in general.
If, you know, for example
if you're driving
under the influence,
but... I don't drink
so no need to worry about that.
You don't drink?
Not anymore.
You must be very thirsty.
[instrumental music]
Not many vegetarians
in this town.
[indistinct laughter]
[indistinct chatter]
[horn honking]
Little shit.
What are you thinking?
Come on, let's go.
You wanna stay away
from guys like that.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[door opens]
You hungry?
I'm not a great cook,
but I know
what goes with ketchup.
Pretty good, huh?
Who's this?
Anna, this is Ray.
Ray, this is Anna
the girl that I was telling
you about from the hospital.
Why is she wearing my clothes?
Because she's our guest
and because she needed
something to wear.
You never wear that shirt
anyway, so why do you care.
What happened to your head?
It's none of your
fuckin' business.
Excuse me, language, young man.
Are you his daddy?
No, I'm not his daddy.
I'm his sister.
Only men can be daddies
and women are moms.
Everyone has them.
Whether you like it or not.
[eerie sounds]
I'm sorry it smells
a bit musty in here
because we don't use
this room very often.
Okay, here you go.
[instrumental music]
Well if you, uh,
you need anything
I'm, I'm just across
the hall, okay?
Can we close it?
Are you cold?
The Wildling.
What's a Wildling?
He eats children.
Oh. Did your daddy
tell you that?
Have you ever seen him,
a Wildling?
In my dreams.
Listen, Anna
I've been to a lot of places
and I've never seen
a Wildling before.
It's okay, you're safe here.
You get some rest.
You've had a long day.
[creature growling]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[creature growling]
[girl groaning]
Good morning.
You okay in there?
It's 7:00,
time for breakfast.
[water running]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
We only moved here
for Ellen's job.
Right after our parents died.
If we were still in the city
we'd be taking the subway.
No, subway sucks.
No cell phone signal
anywhere, ever. Sucks.
Only one single chain restaurant
and that's Dairy Queen.
I told you.
They're not hamsters.
A -- and they're not
babies either.
Do you wanna see where
you really came from?
Well this should give you
the general idea.
[woman moaning]
[man moaning]
[light growling]
[light growling]
Got a little something for you.
You know that's what you use
when you're bleeding down there.
So it's medicine?
No. No, no,
you're not sick.
You're a woman.
[audience cheering]
Wooh, go Lady Grizzlies!
Do you know
where the library is?
- Yeah, I'll show you.
- Get all those girls back to the start.
The party is this Saturday.
It's at my house.
So you should definitely come
'cause you'll get
to meet everyone.
- Gonna be super fun.
- Thank you.
[instrumental music]
Oh, God, really?
Yeah, I mean probably.
She's barefoot.
[girls laughing]
You think she's the girl who was
kept in her father's attic?
Oh, my God, really,
like a sex slave?
She must be retarded.
Uh, hi.
Excuse me, miss. Hi.
You lookin' for something?
I'm -- I'm looking for Ray.
He was supposed to meet me at
the library after school
You know you should
really be more careful
there's like broken glass
and shit.
We might be
able to help you out.
[knock on door]
Come on, let me out!
Whatcha think?
You guys are so hilarious.
Ray, you never told us
you had a girlfriend.
- I don't.
- Well, then what are you, fuck-buddies?
- Leave her out of this.
- Hey, buddy.
You forgot something.
Who's smokin' pot?
- No one.
- Oh, good boy.
That's a good boy.
- Make sure he remembers that.
- Mm-hmm
Hey, that was very impressive.
What's your name?
You're not doing me any favors.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[bell ringing]
You always go up like this
against the grain.
My dad taught me how to do this.
He used to shave every
single day of his life.
Not his legs.
His face.
Anna, there is something
that I need to
talk to you about.
Those DNA tests came back.
They show that Gabriel Hanson
is not your real father.
He's not your daddy.
Do you remember what I said
about moms and dads?
Everyone has 'em.
We're still not sure
who your real mom and dad are.
I don't think
the state's gonna let you
stay with me forever.
We're gonna have to find you
a more permanent home.
[crickets chirping]
You can't escape so easily.
The test is Monday
and you've only gone through
half of your stuff.
What do you know about the
Declaration of Independence?
Come on, if you flunk this
Ellen is gonna kill me.
Have you ever been
to the Northern Lights?
No, you can't see
them from here.
'Cause they're really,
really far north
where there's no more people.
[instrumental music]
I'd actually like to see
the Northern Lights too.
My mom..
She showed me pictures
when I was like... this.
Uh... what are you doing?
You smell.
I smell?
Like a hamburger.
I've never got that one before.
What's that?
I think Jen is having a party.
I know Jen.
How do you know her?
She's my friend.
Hey, where you guys goin'?
To a party.
Uh, you don't wanna
party with me?
I thought we were gonna
fire up the grill.
Yeah, but couldn't we
do that tomorrow?
- Yeah, sure.
- Well, why don't you come to the party?
Oh, I don't think Ellen would
wanna come to this kinda party.
- What kind of party is "This kinda party?"
- It's at Jen's house.
Yeah, were gonna be home
before midnight.
[indistinct chatter]
[doorbell rings]
Hi. Who are you again?
- Anna. Come on in.
- Thank you.
You're with a girl.
Good for you.
[indistinct chatter]
The voice in my head
The voice in my head
The voice in my head
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, buddy.
Why didn't you bring your mommy?
She's my sister, asshole.
Oh, wow, I didn't know you
could fart out of your mouth.
Hidden talents, man.
Hidden talents.
The voice in my head
The voice in my head
The voice in my head
The voice in my head
Don't drink it too fast.
That's great.
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct singing]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[indistinct singing]
[indistinct chatter]
Anna, what's the matter?
Anna, I can take you home.
Come out and let's go.
Anna, can you please
open the door?
[instrumental music]
[loud twig snaps]
[light growling]
[intense music]
[instrumental music]
[door closes]
[music continues]
It's made
so that the Wildling
will get hurt
if he tries to get in.
Why does he wanna get in?
Because you're
the last one left.
He ate all the other children.
[indistinct chatter]
[light growling]
Are you okay?
Where have you been?
Anna, did someone hurt you?
Ray and I have been looking
for you everywhere.
Anna, listen, I..
I want you to know that
you can trust me, okay?
You can tell me anything.
I really need to know
what happened last night.
Where you've been and what
happened to your dress.
Did someone try and hurt you
or touch you in any way?
[light growling]
[knock on door]
- Roger.
- You need any help with her?
No, I'm fine, thank you.
Well, here's the thing.
Richard Fuller just called
and his 18-year-old son Lawrence
was also at that party and
he didn't come home either.
He was last seen
around 11:00 p.m.
Tom and I asked the kids, but no
one seems to see him leave, so..
Well, I, I thought maybe
we should ask her.
I think you should let me
handle that.
Anna, you need to talk to me.
Anna, you need to tell me
what happened
at that party last night.
You don't wanna be painting
your nails right now.
I'm trying to help you.
- I can't help you if you won't talk to me.
- Ellen.
What's going on?
Are you okay?
Ray, what do you know
about Lawrence Fuller?
You mean besides
being an asshole?
Well, that asshole is missing.
You think that Anna has
something to do with this?
I -- is that what's
going on here?
I want her to tell me
where she was last night.
- She won't talk.
- Ellen.
- I need for you to tell me where you were last night.
- I think it would be better
if I talk to her.
- Oh, you do? Yeah?
- Yes, alone. Yeah.
Thank you.
Don't worry, I won't tell
her about the blood.
Anna, you can't do
stuff like this.
How am I supposed
to protect you?
Let me see.
[door opens]
- Yeah?
- We need to take her to the hospital.
[bird cawing]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
[bird cawing]
Thought so.
You're looking
for the others... like you.
I haven't seen one of
your kind in 16 years
since the last purge.
Yeah, I remember that night.
I'll never forget it.
Men from the town said they
got every last one of them.
But that isn't
quite true, is it?
Do you wanna know
where your mother is?
[instrumental music]
[bats screeching]
Gabe, you okay?
I'm fine!
[baby crying]
Any more of them
bastards back there?
No, we got 'em all.
Every last one of them.
[baby cooing]
You're my special little berry.
[breathing heavily]
[instrumental music]
[light growling]
[handcuffs click]
[light growling]
[handcuffs clicking]
What's going on?
We found Lawrence..
...and her dress
by his body.
[music continues]
[handcuffs clicking]
I'm sorry, Anna.
I really wanna understand.
I'll be back.
[clock ticking]
[light growling]
[light growling]
[dramatic music]
- Goodnight, Roger.
- Goodnight
[door closes]
Before I got you, I had a dog.
His name was Jasper.
Good dog.
Always a bit of a rebel.
But then after the night
I got you
Jasper got crazier and crazier.
And then finally
one day he snapped.
So I had to send him
to the better place..
...you know.
I swore an oath, Anna.
That I would kill the Wildlings.
If I had been..
...half the true hunter
Jasper was
there would be no Anna..
...and Jasper would still
be at my side.
There's a better place for you.
Lift up your shirt.
Find the place..
...and put it in.
Now, push it in.
Push it all the way in.
Daddy, why didn't you tell me
that I'm a Wildling?
I wanted to spare you.
(needle drops)
Why did you spare me?
Anna was a mistake..
...and so is daddy.
[instrumental music]
[light growling]
[music continues]
[cell door slams]
Good morning, Anna.
You okay under there?
Come on get up, I need to
take you to the district..
Ah! No! No! Anna!
- Anna?
- Drive!
- Anna, seriously... Can you
go a bit quicker, please?
Where are we even going?
- To the Northern Light.
- Seriously?
This is crazy.
I mean, you're a fugitive.
No, I'm a Wildling.
Why are you slowing down?
Why are we stopping?
What is it, a Wildling?
- Keep driving!
- What is a Wildling, Anna?
I wanna help you,
but you can't honestly
think that we can just
steal a cop car like this.
They can trace this thing!
[indistinct radio chatter]
Hey, Wildling!
[light growling]
[water gushing]
[instrumental music]
Aw, fuck, that's cold.
You're gonna get sick
in those wet clothes.
Hey, come on, Anna.
Get up.
Raise your arms.
[instrumental music]
[light growling]
I won't bite you.
[music continues]
[music continues]
[wolf howling]
[door opens]
You track her down?
Get the men.
I can't do that, Gabe.
Not if she's with the kid.
I ran into Cooper this mornin'.
I tell ya she's asking
too many questions.
I'm not going to jail
for this, Gabe.
Not for your mist..
You let her get away!
It's not that bad really.
It won't stay like this.
[birds chirping]
What is it?
[eerie sounds]
- Run.
- What?
Ray, stay down.
[indistinct chatter]
[gun fire]
[gun fire]
[dogs barking]
- You gotta jump!
- What?
If we follow the river, it's probably
gonna take us back to the lake.
From there, we can find
our way back to the car
and find Ellen.
[dogs barking]
Come on, let's go.
[instrumental music]
Oh, my God.
- Who did this to you?
- No fucking idea.
Where is Anna?
[music continues]
[birds chirping]
[instrumental music]
[thunder rumbling]
[gun cocks]
[wolf howling]
[car door opens]
Over there.
Let's head over this way.
[indistinct chatter]
...the lead suspect
in the murder of
fellow high school class
mate Lawrence Fuller.
Fuller was found dead at
a party three months ago
and his killer
is still at large.
Anna was arrested shortly
after the murder
but escaped and is still missing
several months
into the investigation.
An important warning, authorities
are urging residents
not to take matters
into their own hands
as they fear this female
suspect may be dangerous.
She has been linked to..
[instrumental music]
- Watch where you're going.
- I'm sorry.
[baby crying]
We gotta go.
[engine revving]
Go, go!
- Ray?
- E... Ellen... Ellen, where are you?
Fern Creek. Why?
Listen, listen,
they're on the move.
And Roger's with them.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
She killed him.
[eerie sounds]
Come on. Move! Move!
[breathing heavily]
[twig breaks]
Watch your step, sheriff.
Put it down.
Put it down!
You shouldn't have been
snoopin' around
and you should've
never taken that girl.
You're never gonna get..
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
This is 185 to dispatch.
I need backup.
Copy please.
[dramatic music]
[heart beating]
[music continues]
[tranquilizer shot]
You got a new little berry.
[heart beating]
It's almost ripe.
Soon you will be
in the better place.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Almost, almost.
Alright, come on.
Come on.
Come on, that's it.
That's it.
It's alright.
That's it.
I promise ya if it's a girl
I'll name it Anna.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[heart beating]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[baby cooing]
Light so blind
Through these endless skies
Feel so distant and far
Trees that sway
Under the moon so brave
Is there life beyond
these stars?
I wanna wake up inside
Oh I wanna wake up inside
I wanna wake up inside
Yeah I wanna wake up inside
The prettiest thing
I've ever seen
The prettiest thing
I've ever seen
I wanna run with you tonight
And temper keeps me
up at night
As dreams flow
under the door
Wakin' up deep inside
Afraid of wanting more
I'm gonna wake up inside
Yeah I'm gonna
wake up inside
I'm gonna wake up inside
Yeah I'm gonna
wake up inside
You're the prettiest
thing I've ever seen
I know it's hard
for you to see
The prettiest thing
I've ever seen
I wanna run with you tonight
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Countin' every second
Wanting to find what's next
Bury me in the garden
Another chance I'll get
It's you I know why
It's you I know why
It's you I know why
It's you I know why
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
The prettiest thing
I've ever seen
Yeah I know it's hard
for you to see
You're the prettiest
thing I've ever seen
I wanna run with you tonight
I wanna run with you tonight
I wanna run
with you tonight
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[humming continues]
[humming continues]