Will & Liz (2018)

(calm music)
- You okay?
- I'm just great.
Looking at the sky.
- Here, let me help you up.
- I don't want to get up.
- I thought you fell.
- No, just laying here.
- Okay.
- What are you wearing?
- My clogs.
- Haven't seen that before.
You a chef?
- No.
- Then why are you wearing them?
- I don't know, I like them.
I got 'em in art school.
- Far out.
My name's Liz.
- Will.
- Hi, Will.
- Hi.
- You gonna come lay here next to me
and look at the sky or are you moving on?
- I was actually going to
sit on that bench over there,
before I saw you laying here.
- Oh, cool.
- Okay.
- Okay, Will.
Whatcha doing?
- I...
- What are you drawing?
- I was actually gonna draw
this building over here.
- Nice view.
Show me how.
- (clears throat) Okay.
I work at this art gallery
on Thirds Street Promenade.
It's unimportant really.
- So you haven't had
a gallery showing yet?
- No, nothing like that.
I just like to draw and I paint sometimes.
- Like a cartoonist.
- Yeah, I guess you could say that.
- (laughs) You're not a cartoonist.
- No.
I just like to sketch
and I draw sometimes.
- Yeah?
- How about you?
What's your story?
- I got here a month ago.
From Oregon.
Staying in a house with three other girls.
Got a job as a server, start tomorrow.
Thought I'd spend today
looking up at the sky
if I'm gonna be indoors for awhile.
- Yeah.
So where is it, where do you work?
- Station 39, over in Culver.
- Oh.
I think I've been there like once.
- Yeah?
- (laughs) Yeah.
- But I figure I'll do this for a while,
figure out what to do next.
Keep my options open.
- That's a good idea.
- You're from around here, right?
- Yeah, born and raised here.
- So what's it like to grow up here?
- I don't know, you know, it's LA.
Things never really
stay the same for long.
And I got this tech
company that just moved in,
they're buying up all these buildings.
Ruining the community.
But gentrification, I guess.
But I mean, it's LA.
- Okay.
So what have you got
planned the rest of the day?
- I don't know.
I don't work till tomorrow either.
I was at home doing some sketches earlier
and I figured why not get out
and enjoy some fresh air too?
- Yeah.
I bet you can do a great
tap dance in those shoes.
(shoes clacking)
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
So good.
- Need a little work.
- Maybe some tap lessons.
- Throw that in with some
drawing classes, we're good.
- You'll be good to go.
- Yeah, I could draw with my...
- Oh, oh, look at you,
an artist with your feet.
- There you go.
- You could start a new
thing right here in Venice.
- Right here on the boardwalk in the sand.
- I'd come.
- I'll draw pictures.
- Okay.
You hungry?
- Let's have a drink, yes.
- (laughs) Okay, good.
- (laughs) Let's go.
(calm music)
- Well, it was nice spending
the day with you, Will.
- You too, Liz.
- You on social media?
- No, I'm not.
- I should've guessed,
with you looking like a folk
singer in those strange clogs,
and that hat and beard.
I just wanna download your latest album,
but of course, you're not on social media.
- You think my clogs are strange?
What about that shirt, Janice Joplin?
- Strange is good sometimes.
- Okay, I'll take that.
- Text me sometime?
- I will.
- Oh, by the way, I don't drive,
so if you ever want to
ask me out on a date,
I hope you can take us.
- I don't drive either.
The mass transit system
here is good enough for me.
- Bye, Will.
- Bye, Liz.
- Shit, I'm so lost.
- Hey, Liz.
It's Will.
I really enjoyed spending
the day with you.
Are you free tomorrow evening?
Care to go on an adventure?
(heart pounding)
(slow music)
(phone chimes)
Do you like art?
- That's a random question.
I don't know.
I guess.
I suppose it's what you
would consider to be art.
- We're going to an art crawl downtown.
That's the reason why I was asking you.
- Do I like that mural?
Sure, I'd say that's cool.
But I don't know if it's art.
- Oh that's art.
LA is filled with that.
- Okay.
Well, what's art to you?
- Edward Hopper.
I was fascinated by his
work when I was a kid.
- I think I know who that is.
- That's Edward Hopper.
Night Hawks.
He was a master of
capturing what it feels like
to be all alone in this world.
- Okay.
I know who you're talking about.
Yes, that's art.
Or The Mona Lisa, I guess.
- The Mona Lisa?
- What?
- Hey.
The Mona Lisa.
- What about it?
- You've just given me an idea, actually.
- [Announcer] Please stand clear.
The doors are closing.
(gentle music)
- So what kind of artist
did you want to be
when you were starting out?
Like what we just saw or Edward Hopper?
- No, I really liked a
couple local artists.
Ed Moses and Craig Kauffman.
Their styles really appealed to me.
Then I started experimenting
with different concepts,
meshing different styles
and movements together.
But then they said
that my paintings weren't original enough,
that my sources of
inspiration were too obvious.
- Who kept saying?
- The others at art school.
- Oh.
- So I took a different turn.
More abstract, I guess you could say.
I try to paint things within my reach,
and try to make discoveries.
The challenge is to work
against simply "succeeding".
The more the painting eludes control
and loses its calculated options,
the closer I feel to a
formulation that feels "right".
- Wow, that's very thought out.
- I've had a lot of
time to think about it.
- No, but seriously.
You've got all that shit worked out,
and these are just your
thoughts on painting.
I don't have anything in
my life figured out at all.
I'm just walking through life blindly,
hoping it'll all make sense to me.
- Well, you gotta have
some ambitions or goals
or something, right?
Everybody has them.
- I suppose I always wanted
to open up an organic farm,
and hook up with some environmentalists
and go completely off the grid.
- That's interesting.
We sure do need it.
- Yeah, but instead I chose to move
to the biggest city on the West Coast
filled with overpopulation
and pollution and traffic
and loud flashing lights.
- That's what we pay for in exchange
for all the sunshine,
the beaches, and weed.
- Yeah, I've done nothing
to save the environment.
So go figure that out.
- You still got time.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Liz.
- So where'd you go to Art School?
Here in LA?
- No, I got outta here as soon as I could.
Right after high school, I
ran and I studied abroad.
I lived in Germany for five years.
- Wow.
I've never been to Europe.
You totally went after
every fancy European girl
you laid your eyes on, huh?
It's okay, don't deny it.
- No, not every one.
No, but to just go there
and to just be left to my own devices
and to just be there.
It was amazing.
Europe's nice.
Like, very nice.
That's where my clogs came from.
Everybody in art school wore them.
Just can't get rid of them.
I used to take the train from Frankfurt,
to Munich, to Berlin.
Sometimes I'd head over to Paris.
London a few times too.
Take the bullet train
underneath the English Channel.
Good old days.
- So can you speak any German?
(speaking in foreign language)
What did you say?
What does that mean?
- It means I think you're very pretty.
- Shit, I always wanted to go to Europe.
Never had the money though.
There and New York.
Instead I moved here.
It was closer to home.
Why did you come back?
- I thought I could make it work.
Get my own studio, get
showcased at a couple galleries,
and then I got a job to live.
And that's all I've been really doing.
- But you said you draw?
- Yeah, I mean, in my sketchbooks,
but that doesn't really
count now, does it?
That's not what I came back here to do.
- So who is stopping you
from doing what you want?
Paint, damn it!
- Has anybody ever painted your portrait?
- Jimmy Russo in the 11th
grade said he was going
to have my face tattooed on his leg
so every day he could
look down and see me.
I don't think that counts though.
- Did he ever get the tattoo?
- No, thank god.
That would have been horrible,
to have my face permanently
inked onto someone's leg.
Not even on his chest, like
a pirate, but on his leg?
(laughs) Oh god, what a weird story.
- I wonder where he is now.
- Oh, lord knows.
- Probably Texas.
- Texas?
What's up in Texas?
- That's where all the big boys are.
- (laughs) I guess he is a
big boy, with a big calf.
(calm music)
- [Announcer] The train to
Port Hollywood is arriving.
Please stand back from
the edge of the platform.
(speaking in foreign language)
(calm music)
- Hey!
- Hey there.
- You didn't answer my earlier calls.
- Sorry about that, I was at work.
- [Liz] Oh, I should have thought of that.
- What's up?
- We're having a party over at my house,
my roommates are doing
Taco Tuesday El Grande!
- [Will] What's that?
- I don't know!
Come over!
- Alright.
Okay, yeah, give me an hour.
Let me change and shower,
I'll be right over.
- Okay.
Ladies, this is Will.
- Hi, Will.
- Hi, Will.
- Hello.
- That's Denise, that's Shelly.
Ellie who owns the place isn't here,
she had her period and ran
to her boyfriend's, I think.
- Okay.
- Sit.
There you go.
- There you go.
- Oh, he's a drinker as well!
- He kind of interrupted
my peace that I was having
on the ground.
- You interrupted her peace?
- Yeah, before I started work--
- I thought she fell.
- You thought, okay, hold on.
- I was clearly lying down.
- Liz, you're such a klutz.
- Well, your bike was turned upside down.
I was walking through the park,
I was gonna go sketch, and
your bike was upside down
and she was laying there under the tree
and I thought she was hurt.
- Her bike was upside down.
- Well...
- How did you configure that?
You were just like...
- I used it as a pillow!
It made total sense to me.
- Well, I guess it wasn't upside down,
it was like on the side.
- A pillow?
That's the most uncomfortable
pillow in the world.
Of course he thought you fell down!
- Okay, it was really sweet, I know.
- Thank you, ladies.
- You're welcome.
- Okay, so then he just
came up and was like?
- Then we had a...
- I'm sorry, what?
- Then we had a date.
- And then you had a date.
- We had a day together.
- You had that little eyebrow thing.
- Showed her Venice.
- His pieces...
- Hey, Will, get me a beer?
- Sure.
- Does it have any left in it?
- I think so.
- Okay.
- Come with me.
I need you.
- Yes!
We only have this one paintbrush...
- Kiss me a little.
- Jesus.
Are you okay?
- No.
- Wait, did I?
(knocks) I'm coming in.
You okay?
- Hey, thank you.
- No problem.
Well, I guess I should get going.
- Stay.
Stay with me.
- I can't.
I have to work in the morning.
- So do I.
In the evening.
- I can't.
I wish I could.
- It's okay.
- Good night.
- Good night, Will.
Hey, thanks again for taking
care of me last night.
I didn't plan to be such a lush.
See you soon?
Nice place.
- Thanks.
Been here a while.
- Is this me?
- Yep.
- Wow.
- It wasn't supposed to be,
but I couldn't get you out
of my head the other day,
so I put you down on paper.
- I like it.
- Thanks.
I'd like to paint your portrait.
- Okay.
- Tell me more about yourself.
- I've already told you
everything about me.
- Tell me more.
- I don't know what else to say.
I'm exactly as you see.
I don't care, I don't bullshit.
I'm an open book.
- You're fun.
- That's all?
- No.
- How many other girls have you been with?
- Like relationship wise?
- Yeah, anything.
- I've had my fair share
of experiences, I guess.
- Come on.
Tell me.
I've told you everything about me already.
- I dated this one girl for a little bit.
Thought it was love.
You know, what does it matter?
This is what matters.
None of them have been
like you, in any way.
- What am I?
- Memorable.
(gentle music)
- This is the first time it
feels like I'm back home.
So many trees.
- It's nice to get out of the big city.
- It's crazy to believe we're still there.
I used to have this recurring dream.
It hasn't happened lately,
but I'm wandering through
the woods back home
and it's like a weird kind of twilight.
I don't know if I've
been wandering for hours,
or if I've just got there,
and there's a split in the path.
And I don't know which way
to go, it's left or right,
and I just end up standing
there, trying to decide.
- Well, which way do you take?
- I don't know, I wake up
before I make up my mind.
Do you have any dreams you remember?
- Yeah, I have this one.
I can't really give you the specifics,
but it's like I'm in this like
quicksand and I can't move
and I'm just like stuck there.
And like the quicksand keeps coming up
and I can feel it coming,
but I'm all alone and I have this feeling
of just like a black void.
I don't know, it's weird,
and usually by the time the
quicksand gets up to my waist,
I usually end up waking up anyways.
- Interesting.
- It's weird, I know.
- Dreams, they're weird.
- Give me like two minutes.
Stay normal.
Normal for two minutes.
- [Liz] That's my best face.
- That's?
- How much longer?
- [Will] A while.
- Can I get a drink?
- [Will] There it is.
(birds chirping)
- Hey!
- (laughs) Hey yourself.
(kisses) Happy longest day of the year.
- Happy longest day of
the year to you too.
- I always felt one should
do something special
on the longest day of the year,
something fun and celebratory.
- Like what did you have in mind?
- I don't know.
But I'm with you,
so that's pretty much
as good as it can get.
- We could make love, that
would make it even better.
- That would.
(calm music)
- Hey, Will.
- Yeah?
- I'm not wearing any underwear.
- Liz!
Do you ever want kids?
- No.
Your life's over when you have kids.
You're stuck.
Besides, look at this world.
Do we really want to
bring more people into it?
It's all crashing down.
- You could always bring
some good ones into it.
- I always loved wandering the
streets really late at night.
I did it all the time.
I loved looking into the quietness
and stillness of the streets.
And sometimes I'd get in the
middle of one and lay down,
pretending I'm all alone.
It's a strange feeling.
- You're crazy.
- No I'm not, I'm impulsive.
- Come on, what are you doing?
- Come on, come here.
It feels so good.
- It does feel pretty good.
- It's great.
Do you think you could be a hippie?
I mean, you already dress and
look like one, but just go.
Just up and leave, and live on the road,
make your way, paint as
you go and join a commune,
a community that lives
off the earth and is free?
- My parents were hippies,
real ones back in the day.
I don't think it turns out
as well as you imagine.
- Where are they now?
- They live in Palm Desert.
- I don't know where
that is, that sounds far.
- It's a bit of a drive.
Just a couple hours outside of LA.
- I see.
- But yeah, much as I
think living off the road
and everything sounds really good,
I just don't think it's for me.
I think I'd rather go
back to Germany instead.
Besides, how are we
gonna live off the road?
Neither of us drive.
- You have a much nicer bed than I do.
I could lay in it all day.
- You can.
- I can't.
I have to work at four.
I start bartending tonight,
no more serving wench!
- Really?
You never told me earlier.
- I didn't want to think about it earlier.
I'll make a few more tips
and it'll be easier to get off a few days
so I can go back to the
big OR and see my folks
for a few days.
- I can come.
I'd love to meet your folks.
- No, my family is crazy.
I don't want you meeting them.
I don't want them meeting you, yet.
I'll only be gone for a few days.
We'll talk all the time.
- I love you.
- [Liz] Hey Will, I'm
on the flight to Eugene.
I'll see you in a couple of days.
Don't miss me too much.
See you soon!
Love, Liz.
(calm music)
- Hey, Liz, it's Will again.
Just wanted to call to see if you made it.
I haven't got a text or
haven't heard from you at all.
I'm a little worried.
I just want to know that you made it.
Can you just call me back
please when you get this?
You didn't even call!
How could you not even call me?
- Well I was going to.
I got busy.
I'm sorry.
- You didn't even text me.
I didn't even know if
you even made it or not.
- Made it or not?
Really, Will?
- I had to check the flights online
just to make sure that you were okay.
- I wasn't even gone that long.
I didn't know it was
that big a deal to you.
- Big deal?
We've been together for six months.
I texted you multiple times.
I don't even know how you
couldn't have even noticed.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, babe.
I'm glad to be back.
- Call next time, please?
- I will.
We should totally do
it in a mall next time.
- It's like a little, like, egg.
You know, and it cracks open,
the little chick comes out.
And if you just draw like a
little face to the chicken.
The little chick, he's super cute.
- See you tomorrow?
- You're working tomorrow, right?
- Yeah, I work the day
shift, I'll be off at six.
- How about I come in and
hang out the last 15 minutes
and afterwards we can go out?
- Okay, I like it.
- Why don't you move in with me?
- Will...
- I wouldn't charge you rent.
- Will.
I don't know.
You know I like my space.
I love escaping over
to you, it's more fun.
I look forward to coming over
and spending days and nights
with you but you know I need
my own hole to crawl back into.
Besides, you do not want
to look at this face
24 hours of every day.
- I could.
- Good night, Will.
- I'm going to think about
you all the way home.
- I bet you do.
Careful, careful!
I'm gonna have to get you some
sneakers like a normal guy.
- You don't want a normal guy.
Just let me be
I'm an artist.
I'm a unique and different
kind of personality.
I don't long to belong
but I want to belong to you.
- Good night, Will.
- Good night.
- Happy Birthday, babe.
- Thanks.
- Make a wish.
I made it all by myself.
And it's got a raw crust,
so I hope you like it.
- What's a raw crust?
- There's no flour or dough.
And it's got a bunch of
unprocessed raw nuts, seeds,
and dried fruit.
- Oh.
- Let's get that out.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Alright.
There we go.
- Well?
- It's good.
- Really?
You're not bullshitting me?
- No, it's good.
I wouldn't have known any
different had you not told me.
- Really really?
- Really.
Thank you, babe.
- Cool.
Cuz I've been practicing at my place,
making all kinds of vegan food.
I was hoping to make you
some food too, if you want.
You've been making me
so many dinners, so...
- Yeah.
Yeah, that'd be nice.
Thanks, Liz.
- Like it.
- It's good.
- I'm not so good.
- It's good.
- (coughs) I need water.
Oh god, it's bad.
- (laughs) No, it's not.
I'm eating it.
- Happy birthday.
(gentle music)
- Think I'm (mumbles).
- Yeah, (mumbles).
- Am I supposed to go
through or something?
This is like...
Okay, let's go.
- (laughs) Oh.
- Okay, I don't know.
- Okay, no, like this.
Hey I'm sorry.
- It's been like an hour.
- I know, I'm sorry.
- Hey.
Come on, let's go.
(calm Christmas music)
Merry Christmas.
- I don't know how you do it.
Merry Christmas!
When you were a kid, did you wake up
before everyone else and
race through the halls
and try to tear open all
the presents you got?
- Mm-hm.
- I couldn't wait.
It drove me crazy.
I never got any sleep the night
before, not till I was 14.
I stopped believing pretty late.
- Merry Christmas, babe.
- When'd you stop believing?
- When I was eight.
My buddy at school told me
that Santa wasn't real anymore.
So I went home that night,
I was in the bathtub,
and I was asking my mom if he was real,
and she finally broke down and told me.
- (laughs) Oh, that's so sad!
It's beautiful out.
The sun is shining.
Means it's perfect for a beach day!
Come on, please.
Come on.
- Okay.
- Okay, come on.
- Okay, let's go.
- I've been waiting all
morning for you to wake up.
(laughs) It's my favorite
day, don't ruin it.
- Your favorite day, let's go.
Oh, man.
- Good morning.
- I'm up.
- You okay?
Just like he actually rolled out.
It's a nice day for Christmas.
- These California winters.
- Do you ever miss being a kid sometimes?
- I don't think so.
I like it better now.
Yeah, there are things that I do miss.
It just feels easier now.
Plus I don't think I'd like
to relive my childhood.
(children laughing)
You know, you get so
excited for Christmas,
but you don't even want to have kids?
- No.
- I think I'd make an interesting dad.
You know?
This is one of the best
Christmases I think I've ever had.
Actually, it is the best.
- The thing that always makes me so sad is
there's so much build up to Christmas.
Now it's over, and then it's New Years,
and two weeks later everyone's
miserable, you know?
Time goes so fast.
- Well, what do you want
to do for New Years?
You want to go to a bar or a party or?
- You were never the one
to mention a bar or party
when we first met.
- You've changed me!
- No, let's stay in.
My housemates are all going
out with their friends
and I'm enjoying this.
- Okay.
(slow music)
- Thanks for dinner.
I'm gonna go check my phone.
Tony's always saying
there's nothing here in LA
that's free entertainment
and I'm just saying "go watch the ocean,
"that's never uninteresting."
- Who's Tony?
- He's just the new bartender at work.
We have a couple shifts together.
It's been weirdly busy, like I told you,
everyone gets depressed
and goes out drinking.
They all try to start
the new year off right,
but nobody can ever follow through.
- We can do something else, I mean--
- I wasn't bullshitting
when I said I like to go
to the ocean.
It's become my favorite thing to do.
Helps me think and straighten out my mind.
(slow music)
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
- Nothing.
Work was slow, so they
decided to close early.
Figured I'd swing by and surprise you.
See what you were up to.
- Want a drink?
- Sure.
So, your friend Tony working today?
- It's slow.
They called Tony off.
Don't forget to tip your bartender.
- Cheers.
(upbeat music)
- Hey, glad you could make it!
What's up?
- Who was that?
- No one.
Just Shelly's friend from work.
- Liz.
Who was that?
- God, Will, lighten up.
Everything's fine.
Here, have a drink.
- Liz?
What's going on?
We're not the same anymore.
- Nothing's going on.
I don't know.
You're the one all tensed up lately.
- Hi.
- I know I'm late.
- Yeah, you're really late.
- I was stuck at work.
- I went by your work today.
They said that you had the day off.
- Will.
Are you still hungry?
Do you want to go to dinner?
- Why, you don't want to?
- Did I say that?
I didn't say that.
I said do you still want to?
- Where were you?
- I have my own life, Will.
I don't have to report
to you for everything
just because you think your
life revolves around me.
- Where were you?
Liz, stop lying to me.
- I was getting dressed
and I was trying to look my best for you
and I took too long.
- I'm sure they've given our
table away by now anyway--
- Really, Will?
On a Tuesday night?
- Yeah!
Yeah, how would you know?
- I work at a bar.
- Yeah?
Been hanging out with your friend Tony
a lot there lately too?
- God, what is up with you?
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm here now, let's go to dinner.
- Fine.
Let's go.
Hey, I was thinking of going
to this galley opening tonight
in downtown.
Would you like to come with?
I'll buy you dinner.
7:00 p.m.?
- [Liz] Hey, no, sorry, I
have too much to do tonight.
- [Will] What's happening?
How about Friday night?
- No, Will, back off!
No, I work.
Maybe another time.
(slow music)
(gentle music)
- Hey.
- Thanks for meeting up with me.
It's warm today for a change.
- Global warming.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I'm moving on.
I'm thinking of going back to Oregon.
I don't think LA is right for me.
Maybe it's not the right time.
I don't know.
I hate bartending.
I don't know what the hell
I'm doing at all, Will.
I just--
- You're going home?
To Eugene?
- No, I don't think so.
Might go to Portland.
- Yeah.
- But we'll totally see each other around.
I'll definitely come
back to visit for sure.
- We will.
- It was good fun while it lasted.
But you know me.
I don't like tying myself down.
Always on the go.
Always impulsive.
You're a really cool guy, Will.
I'm really going to miss you.
- You too, Liz.
(calm music)
(calm music)
(phone chimes)
- Hey, Will!
I'm back in town.
I met up with a few agriculturalists
who are gonna start a
farm here in Topanga.
I've missed you.
We should hang out sometime.
Come on, play it.
- [Will] Can't believe
you're making me do this.
- [Liz] I'm not gonna judge.
- (sighs) Alright.
I only have two chords,
because I can't find the third one yet.
So I'll play you what I got.
- Perfect.
- Alright.
I always thought I had a little (mumbles).
(groans) Alright.
(clears throat)
(gentle guitar music)
(gentle music)
If I could lead the way
Imagine what I'd learn
I ask her where she's been
If I can go with her
Does she know where she is going?
Can she show me how to be
free like the wind blowing?
To be free like she is now?