Will (2011)

I had to squint twice.
I thought I was looking at a ghost.
- How are ya?
- It must be me North Sea tan. I'm good.
You're soaked. Nancy!
Look who's 'ere.
You're a sight for sore eyes.
Gareth Brennan.
- Hey. Nance.
- Good to see you.
You too. love.
- How are you?
- Well. Midlands are brave.
- Is that it?
- Yeah. I travel light.
We'll clear it up
for you tomorrow.
Move stuff around if you like.
It's yours now.
Thanks. mate.
Actually. I've been saving for a flat.
Our own place.
Ah. a member of the
land-owning classes.
Next thing you know, you'll be fox hunting
and blowing a trumpet out your arse.
Ain't that the dream?
How's the boy?
Dunno yet.
- You stayed in touch?
- Oh. yeah.
I sent him presents for his
birthday and Christmas.
Got him some posters and
football magazines.
Well. you're here now.
That's what matters.
- Welcome back. mate.
- Thanks. Davey.
Be a pint on the bar
when you're ready.
Did you see the new
images from the Hubble telescope?
They're getting some brilliant
photos of supernovas.
- Super what?
- A supernova.
Never heard of it.
When a star explodes in an incredible
burst of light and energy.
Do you ever think that me and you and the
rest of the lot here are recyclable?
What do you mean?
I dunno like we're coke bottles
to be melted down and turned
into shopping bags or key rings.
Key rings?
Yeah. you know.
Something cheap and rubbish.
Matter can neither be
created nor destroyed.
- That was Einstein's big idea.
- What's he got to do with rubbish?
Well. Einstein taught us that even things
that are rubbish someday turn into stars.
And that eventually those
stars will explode.
Sending streaks of light
across the night sky
and maybe on a faraway planet.
Someone will see our light
shining down from the heavens...
We'll be supernovas...
Steven Gerrard's a supernova.
Isn't he?
He moves like a tornado on fire.
Twisting in all directions at once.
And always has his
eye on the goal.
The ball is the moon
and he is the earth.
And whatever he wishes
his legs make so.
He's a football supernova.
A child is better off
with his parents.
If they fulfil all their responsibilities.
Mr Brennan.
- And I just want to protect Will.
- So do I.
We are the only family that he has
known for the last three years.
If you leave again.
It will devastate him.
When I leave.
My son is coming with me.
To an oil rig in the North Sea?
- And where's that now. Mr Brennan?
- Liverpool.
And if you tire of
your parental duties
and return him to us in a week.
A month. a year?
That won't happen.
You left him with
us for three years.
Now. I understand that it was
a difficult time for you.
Difficult time"?
When Tracy died.
It ripped my heart out.
I know there's no excuse
for what I did to Will.
But the good Lord carried
me through it. Sister.
I just want to be with my son.
"The Eye of God" is
probably the most famous image
the Hubble Telescope
has ever taken.
Of course.
It's not actually God's eye.
Leading astronomers describe it
as "a trillion-milelong
tunnel of glowing gases".
Fart and give us a clue.
But my personal favourite
is Eta Carinae.
One of the biggest
stars in the Milky Way
and five million times more
powerful than our sun.
In Chinese it's called Tseen
She. "Heaven's Altar".
Hello. Will.
What are you doing here?
Is there a law that says a man
can't visit his one and only son?
Will. your father has travelled
a long way to see you.
It's been quite the journey.
My legs need a
little stretching.
Think you could sneak out of class for
an hour and give your old man a tour?
All right.
Great. Let's go.
About the other matter.
Mr Brennan...
Oh. right. Um...
What's all this I hear about you
having a go at one of your mates?
- He stole my football.
- Well. then learn to protect it.
Mr Brennan. Will cannot go
about assaulting others.
No. I completely agree. Sister.
It's offensive and unacceptable.
What did your mother
always tell you?
Will. what did she say?
An eye for an eye and
we'll all be blind.
We're not hooligans.
All right?
Now what do you say
to Sister Carmel?
I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
I believe this belongs to you.
- A bit of a Liverpool supporter. eh?
- Yeah.
We Reds have to stick together.
- Where's the rest of it?
- That's everything.
Is that your desk?
Your mother used to make the
best Christmas pudding.
Do you remember?
Ay. what's this?
- I can draw you a new one.
- You're a real artist. just like your mother.
Ay! King Kenny.
Pure class.
The bigger the game.
The better he played.
- 172 goals for Liverpool.
- Is that right?
Three European Cups.
- When was the double?
- 1986.
Do you know I was
at Stamford Bridge
the year we beat Chelsea to
win the league championship.
- I know.
- I was about your age.
The docks were dying.
Dad was scrambling for work.
But he got a hold of a couple of tickets
and borrowed money for the train.
And for two hours we steed
side by side at the Scouse end
and we watched the match.
And dad was laughing like he used to.
He was singing.
And I was stood there right next to him.
I was like this. you know?
Looking up at him...
And I praying for a Liverpool victory
so Dad's money wouldn't be wasted.
For ninety minutes I asked God
to give Liverpool the win.
You know. for ninety minutes
I prayed and I pleaded.
And do you know what.
I think God heard.
Because the light took
on a funny kind of glow.
And there was King
Kenny Dalglish
waving that magic foot of his and
banging in the winning goal.
Me dad...
he put his arms around me waist
and squeezed me so tight
I never wanted the game to end.
I wanted to stay there.
Live right there.
Feeling that moment forever.
He was crying.
Then I started crying.
Then we were all crying.
Five thousand Reds all
crying and singing
and dancing and
jumping up and down.
Saying. "Come on you red men.
Come on you red men!"
Because we all had our prayers.
With one little
flick of his foot.
Kenny Dalglish...
made it all OK again.
But I'm not Kenny Dalglish.
And I don't have a magic foot to make
everything better just like that.
God. I wish I did.
It's ok dad.
When your...
When Mum died...
I wasn't there for you.
And I'm sorry.
And no scarves or posters
or anything like that
will ever make up for
the time that we lost.
But I'm back on my two feet.
And I'm here...
because I'd like you
and me to start over.
Ay. you don't have to
give me an answer now.
Take as much time as you need.
I had a dream.
Liverpool, one nil in the semi.
- Onenil? Really?
- With Garcia scoring.
- Not Gerrard?
- Garcia.
- Not Alonso?
- It's Garcia. I know.
Isn't Garcia a bit dodgy?
No. he's class.
Believe in your dreams. do you?
I don't know.
- I guess.
- Yeah?
Come here. son.
- Now you promise me one thing.
- What?
Never let fear get in
the way of your dreams.
Go on. Will!
Well. done. And again.
And again. well done.
It's a goal! You scored a goal!
This was your Mum's favourite
place in the world.
Do you remember?
- Race ya!
- On.
What a noisy place to belong.
On the Ning Nang Nong?
- Where the cows go bong.
- And the monkeys all say boo.
- There's a Nong Nang Ning.
- Where the trees go ping.
- And the tea pots...
- Jibber jabber joo.
- On the Nong Ning Nang.
- Where the mice go clang.
And you just can't catch
them when they do.
- So. it's Nong... So. it's...
- Nong Nang...
- Ning Nang Nong!
- Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning!
Trees go Ping!
Nong Ning Nang! Mice go.
What a noisy place to belong.
Is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nongl.
This is amazing.
That's two bulls eyes already.
And there's number three.
Did Sister Carmel teach you this?
Going to turn you professional.
You keep it up. Will.
I might book you in with an agent.
Put this show on the road.
Cheers. Davey. 'Ay son.
Pay attention.
You are in the presence of the
a man of his word.
Yeah, our word's about the only thing the
government ain't taken away from us!
- Ay. Will.
Did you tell Davey about your dream?
He dreamt that Liverpool
knocks out Chelsea onenil
in the Champions League semi.
Shouldn't a boy your age
be dreaming about girls?
No. it's Liverpool. onenil.
What odds do you
think we can get?
On a win? Or a onenil win?
- Onenil.
- And Garcia scores.
- Not Gerrard?
- Garcia.
- Lenny. you hear that?
- I'm on it.
- What's the odds?
- Eleven to one.
How's about a ton?
You got to play to win. mate.
Or don't they teach you
that at school no more?
One hundred pounds.
Liverpool to win.
Garcia to score.
So. we're going to win
eleven hundred pounds?
Ask him.
Well. we'll need some
spending money for our trip.
What trip?
What's that?
What's what?
"You'll Never Walk Alone")
When you walk through a storm.
Hold your head up high... J.
- The Champions League Final?
- Yeah. you ever heard of it?
- Are we going?
- You're holding the tickets. aren't you?
I never had anywhere
to go before.
Well. now you do!
But these must have
cost you a bomb.
I got an offer I
couldn't refuse.
Anyway. we ever been
to Istanbul together?
We ever been to the Champions League
final together to watch Liverpool?
So. the way I see it.
Now that we're eating our meals together.
Travelling together. training together.
There's nothing in the
world that we can't do.
As long as we're together.
Walk on... J.
Come on. son.
Through the wind.
Walk on through the rain.
Though your dreams be tossed.
And blown.
Walk on.
Wa-alk o-on
With hope in your heart.
And you'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk.
Alone J.
Hey. Will.
Do you think we can play
football with your Dad again?
Are you turning into a Red?
- I'll ask.
- Thanks.
Will. let me in!
Where is he? Where is he?
- He's gone to heaven.
- He was just here!
No. Will. no.
- You chased him away. it's your fault!
- He had a brain haemorrhage.
He fell asleep and didn't wake up.
Do you understand?
- You liar!
- I'm sorry. mate.
He's not here. he's gone.
No! He should be here with me!
- With me! That's the best place!
- I know. I know.
He should be here with me.
One more thing.
Can you take me. Davey?
My brother is getting married
on that day in London.
I'm his best man.
Let me keep the tickets.
Until we work out what to do.
Something so precious shouldn't
be risked in your room.
- They still belong to me.
- Of course.
And no one is going
to take them from you
I'm alone.
You're not alone.
You'll always have God.
Can God take me to Istanbul?
God can take you
anywhere you want.
All you need is faith.
Looks like Hatchet Face finally
got herself a boyfriend.
He's not her boyfriend.
He brought my dad's stuff
over from the pub.
Including the tickets?
- Let's see 'em.
- I don't have them.
- Who does?
- Sister Carmel.
What does she care
about football?
She's holding them for me until they
work out who can take me to the match.
The crook's gonna sell
'em and pocket the cash.
Do you think?
There's only one thing worse than a nun.
And that's a thief!
She'll steal your tickets just
like she stole your football!
- But she gave the football back.
- For now.
Doesn't matter anyway.
You're probably right.
The fact is Liverpool
has to win.
And we all know that's
never going to happen.
It comes down to results.
Liverpool loses. you stay.
Liverpool wins... you go.
'It's a '60s, '70s, and
'80s revival night at Anfield.
'The shouting is
about to begin.'
The crying's about to begin.'
'The Liverpool fans belt
out their famous anthem.'
'You'll Never Walk Alone.'
'All they can do is sing their hearts out.
Will their team home.'
'Gerrard with space,
tapped-in towards Bares.'
'He's beaten Cech to it.
Now the goalkeeper made contact.'
'Luis Garcia.
Was it across the line?'
'Goal! Luis Garcia!'
- Bollocks!
- Yes!
'The first goal of the
semi-final is a Liverpool goal.'
'It's Lampard this time. Oh.
Really good save by Dudek.'
'Tossed in towards John Terry.
Dudek comes for it. it's Gudjohnsen...'
'oh. he's missed.'
'That's how close Chelsea
came to the final.'
'All the youngsters on the Kop
will have had to hear all about it'
'from their fathers
and grandfathers.'
'the good old days.
Well they're back.'
'The time has come'
'for Liverpool to play in yet
another European Cup Final.'
'Rome. Wembley. Paris.
Brussels. And now Istanbul.'
- 'May the 25th. it's a date!'
- Can you believe it?
It's just like
your bloody dream.
Lot of good it does me.
If Chelsea were playing in the
finals and I had a ticket.
A seven nation army couldn't
stop me from going.
Me neither.
How am I going to pay for it?
The money you just won
on your dad's bet.
Look. not going is a kick
in the balls to you.
To your father.
And to football fans everywhere.
Hatchet Face doesn't care about this match.
Will, but you have rights.
- That's right. Will.
- I've been reading up on the Magna Carta.
- Know anything about it?
- Oh. I do.
- In 1215 common law was established...
- Shhh!
Way back when some blokes got
together and told King John
that he couldn't go around getting
his jollies however he wanted...
and uh... Simon?
There were legal limits to his whims and diatribes.
Such as Habeas Corpus.
What's that got to do with me?
Hatchet Face is trampling on your
rights as a free Englishman.
- Incoming!
- Ah, bonjour.
Will? Come on. playtime is over.
Listen. Gents!
As I understand it. Will.
You need to get from here to there.
Don't worry. mate.
It looks further away on
a map than it really is.
- You'll likely go through Germany...
- Wiener Schnitzel.
- Austria...
- Sacher Torte.
- Hungary...
- Nothing to eat there.
- And Bulgaria...
- Famous for their karvarrna.
- What?
- A slow-cooked meat stew.
And then you'll be in Turkey.
World class kebabs.
- It's a bit of a trek.
- It's the finals. mate.
The match is on the 25th.
We checked the tidal
charts and the uh... ALT.
Ambient Lunar Transition.
Yeah. moonlight.
This full moon provides
your optimal go time.
Winston Churchill.
Will Brennan.
Many are called. few are chosen.
This IS your time. Will.
I smell fear.
Lt'd better not be you.
Come on.
Hold on a sec. Will.
You might need these.
- Have you got your map. directions?
- Yeah.
Thanks. Simon.
As the dust cloud said to Orion:
Ready. set...
Here. Here.
I can't reach that.
Me too.
Get on my back.
- Where are they?
- Tipped off.
Oh. you tricky girl!
They might get pinched there.
Put 'em in a safer place.
Can I hold 'em a second?
Aren't you coming?
Look. you've got a few
hours till sunrise.
I need to stay here and
throw 'em off the scent.
They'll try to break me down.
But it will take at least three
days to beat it out of me.
By that time you'll
already be in Istanbul.
Could get a bit sticky.
They might even have
to bring in the dogs.
Come in.
I suppose you're
here for the money?
Oh. come on. Will.
I can't just give you the money
and let you bugger off to Turkey.
My father won that
money fair and square.
Your father was a very
good friend of mine.
And I need to do right by him.
Me too.
Do you know what would happen
if the police found out that I'd
given a ten-year-old kid...
I'm eleven.
All right... if I'd given an eleven-year-old
kid over a thousand pounds.
As he ran away from school.
Hell bent on the Champions League Final in Istanbul.
Do you know what they'd do?
- My father said you're a man of your word.
- They'd hang me from the closest tree.
- That's what they do.
- I believed him.
How you going to get there?
I don't have a lot of time.
Can I please have my money?
If the police find eleven hundred pounds on you.
I shall testify that you stole it.
I can't steal what's
already mine.
Oh. don't get smart.
I'll need to pull
the money out of the safe.
I won't be a minute.
Sister Carmel?
It's Davey Lennon from the pub.
Will. where's Davey?
- Getting my dad's winnings.
- Oh...
Good for you.
How have you been. all right?
If you ever need anything.
You just ask.
See you soon.
Oh. and tell Davey I cashed up.
Night. Will.
You have a lot to answer for.
What do you mean?
We're all done in number four.
Kevin. how many in total?
That looks all right.
- Finished the paperwork?
- Yeah.
This is OK.
Ten minutes till
we start boarding.
It's all clear on number 7.
There you go. sir. All right.
- OK. mate you're clear to board.
- Cheers then.
Thank you.
Is this Paris?
Is this Paris?
Outside Paris.
- Where you going?
- The station. Gare de L'Est.
You need to take a bus to the metro.
Then into the city.
You take the metro
number four or seven.
Go ask Alek for a ride.
He drives into Paris every day.
- Thank you. Mister.
- Mr Wong.
Thanks. Mr Wong.
I know you?
I'm from Sarajevo.
Come on. man.
Sarajevo is my club. my father's club.
My grandfather's.
You look a lot different.
But it's you.
I know it's you.
I remember. We all remember.
- What do you remember?
- Nothing. Sorry...
That's all done now!
I'm sorry. Zukic.
I meant no harm.
It's just...
You gave us all hope.
And then...
N K Sarajevo!
You left them in your door.
You're Alek. right?
- You can take me to Paris?
- What?
Mr Wong said you could
give me a lift.
You know Mr Wong?
My father works with him.
- OK.
- Hey. Zukic!
OK. get in. Quick. quick.
Where am I dropping you?
Gare de L'Est.
I'm meeting my Dad there.
Are you a footballer?
Are you blind? I drive a truck.
Did you use to play?
Isn't NK Sarajevo
a football club?
Who cares!
For the record.
I ain't saying yes or no.
Then. what are you saying.
Richie. For the record?
I'm rough. I'm rude.
And yet I got a reputation out on
the street as a straight shooter.
Is that right?
We're asking you for the last time.
Where's Will?
- Liverpool most likely.
- Richard!
Stop lying or you
will regret this.
Isn't it enough that
you are so sinful?
Do you have to drag
Simon down with you?
What can you tell us?
I... I'd prefer to have
my lawyer present.
Is that an admission of guilt?
If you're pressing charges.
I have the right to legal advice.
And the right to see the
police code of conduct.
A solicitor is not going
to save you. son.
Are you gonna bring in the dogs?
Stop. stop. please. stop.
- What's wrong with you?
- Look. there!
- There. there. there. Please.
- OK. OK. I'm stopping.
- Is that Notre Dame?
- Yeah.
Here's good.
How far is it
to the train station?
How far is it to
the train station?
See that street?
Follow that street until you
hit Boulevard de Sbastopol.
- It's a straight shot. you can't miss it.
- Brilliant.
Hey. be careful.
What would you like?
One of those. please.
Here you go.
- You're in France now. Euros!
- But it's all I have.
- Go on. get out of here!
- Forget it then.
Look at your world.
Hey. come back.
Give me back my wallet.
Hey! Stop!
Stop! Please!
Come on.
Please give my wallet back.
Please give it back.
Where is Will Brennan?
Only four days before the
Champions League Final.
A fanatical Liverpool supporter.
Has run away from
this school in Kent.
We should have flown him to the game.
It was all he had left.
But we. believing we were
acting in his best interests...
took away his last possession...
The church
is beautiful. eh?
Isn't the church beautiful?
- Excuse me?
- You English?
- You ready?
- What for?
Quatre, trois, deux, un...
So how do you know Alek?
- Who's Alek?
- What?
Little man...
My own X-ray eyes saw you getting
out of Alek's truck this morning.
- Mm-hmm.
- How do you know that?
I was right down there.
Spreading my holy sunshine to the masses.
Are you a priest?
Do I look like a
Catholic priest?
Come in. Rangoon.
One more.
One more.
And again.
Now. are you waiting for Alek?
Is he supposed to pick you up?
Alek! Alek?
- Alek...
- Yeah?
- You should lock your doors. my friend.
- Why?
To keep surprises like this out.
- What surprise?
- The person you forgot to pick up.
Hi. Alek.
How long have you
known each other?
I gave him a ride
from Rungis today.
That long?
- Salut, Serge.
- Salut.
Oh. hello.
- My name is Mathieu. what's yours?
- Will.
Hello. Will.
Are you dining with us. Serge?
I'd love to stay and figure
out the cosmic intersection.
But I got to bounce.
- But I know the little man is hungry.
- You're leaving him here?
I just boogied across town.
Now that he's here. I am leaving.
Let's eat.
Then we'll sort it out.
Please. join us.
Where's your father?
Something happened.
What happened?
My wallet got nicked at Notre Dame
with all my money and phone numbers.
Stealing from a child.
- What's wrong with people?
- A lot.
Where did you say you were from?
The south of England.
And your family lives there?
My dad's from Liverpool.
And my mum died a few years ago.
I'm so sorry.
So. why are you in Paris?
I'm on my way to Istanbul.
- The Champions League Final?
- Yeah.
Liverpool versus A.C. Milan.
I'm sorry to break it to you. Will.
But Liverpool have no chance.
You must be mad!
What do you think?
I think he's right.
Milan's a powerhouse.
They've got Pirlo. Nesta.
Kak. Shevchenko...
Yeah. but we've got Gerrard.
Carragher. Hyypi. Alonso...
Fair enough.
Why didn't you tell me
you were a football fan?
show him your treasure.
Ah! One minute.
I get it from my place.
I know you didn't really want
to give me a ride today,
but thanks. I appreciate it.
I have it.
Do you know who this is?
Zidane. Scored twice for France in
the World Cup Final against Brazil.
July 12. 1998.
In the 27th minute.
On a corner kick.
Zizou out jumps the Brazilians
and heads the ball into the net!
Zizou 1. Brazil O.
And then. a few minutes later.
He does the same again.
Another corner kick.
Zizou 2. Brazil O.
He's a genius.
You know Will.
Today is a good day.
Today is Alek's birthday.
Happy birthday. my friend.
Yeah. mate. Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Do you know what Zidane's
first name means?
What. Zinedine?
It means "Beauty of the faith".
Sleep OK?
- Do you like orange juice?
- Mm-hmm.
Do you want to go?
Where did you get these?
My dad.
Where is he?
Where is your father?
Listen! Look at me.
Tell me where he is.
Tell me the truth.
I ask you the last time
where is your father?
He died.
I ran away from school because
they weren't going to let me go.
It's OK.
It's going to be fine.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
You know what true beauty is?
Being an original. not a duplicate.
Not a knock-off.
We want the original.
We pay more for the original.
How much are they worth?
Ten thousand euros. at least.
Maybe fifteen or twenty.
- Only for the rich.
- Not true.
What are you doing?
- Give me back my tickets!
- Hey!
I thought you were my friend.
But you're a liar just like everybody else!
- It's not what you think.
- No wonder you're not a footballer!
You're not good enough
to wear the shirt!
Sorry. can I borrow these?
I'll bring them back.
Will. Wait!
You bloody crook!
I want to show you something.
Will. can you hear me?
Come this way.
It's OK. I've got you. come.
I don't need you
or anybody else.
I'll go to Istanbul alone.
I'm afraid you won't
get very far.
What's that supposed to mean?
Here's the broker's ticket
from the quarter final.
Liverpool versus Juventus.
See the hologram?
Your tickets don't have it.
Your father was ripped off.
They're fake. Will.
They're fake.
Sister Carmel. a man in Paris
named Alek Zukic is on the phone.
He says he has Will.
He's a bit shaken up.
But he's fine.
May I speak with him?
Are you all right?
'You scared us very much...'
'We all miss you.'
We'll see you very soon.
What's this?
It's about 9.000 euros.
For the tickets.
Mathieu. he's a runaway.
I just told his school I was returning him.
I'll go to jail.
It's a crime not to help.
Mathieu. I can't.
If money can't be used to help a
young child's dream come true.
Then what good is it?
There's another selfish motive.
It will be good for you.
You need this as much
as the boy does.
Everything's fake.
The tickets are fake.
My dad's a fake.
He said he was going to take
me away and then he died.
This school's a bloody fake.
Sister Carmel.
The whole bloody mess of them.
They say they'll take
care of you forever.
But when you get too old they just
kick you out onto the street.
The whole bloody world's a
pack of fakes and lies!
Hey. come on.
If I had a real ticket.
I'd still give it to you.
But I don't have a real ticket.
Because I'm a fake too.
Happy birthday.
Why'd you put me in
a football strip?
Because you're at the Atatrk
Stadium in Istanbul.
But why?
It just felt right.
Stop! Come back!
What are you doing?
What do you think?
But how are we going to get in?
We'll figure it out.
Don't you trust me?
I don't know if I do.
But you're all I've got.
We're going to Turkey!
You should have seen it.
Alek was brilliant.
Turkey? Oh, that's more like it!
Thank you.
Wait. wait...
Did you go to the school?
Did they see the truck?
That's the most awesome
car I've ever seen.
And she's Liverpool red.
This is my pride and joy.
A time traveller from 1966.
We can find another car.
"Space Age Love Song")
Careful with the flat tyre!
Send me a postcard.
I saw your eyes.
And you made me cry.
And for a little while.
I was falling in love .
That hasn't been washed
since World War Two.
World War One.
Do you do chicken kebabs.
Our kid?
No. that wasn't Carra.
- It was.
- It wasn't.
- You don't know nothing about Carra.
- I know more than you.
I know. I'm from Bootle.
I don't care if you lived at his house.
It wasn't Carra. I'm telling you.
No. I'm a proper Liverpool fan.
Listen. I'm telling you.
Carragher scored in his first
match against Middlesbrough.
- You're wrong. mate. It was at Arsenal.
- Excuse me.
I can see him on the wing.
I was at Highbury. I'm telling ya.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah?
I don't mean to be rude. but...
actually, Carra's debut came at
Middlesbrough on January 8, 1997,
when he was brought on for Rob
Jones in the Coca-Cola Cup.
His first Premiership start was against
Aston Villa on January 18. 1998.
And he scored.
Where did you pop up from?
- Check out Rain Man.
- Liverpool's super brain!
- Come on. join us!
- Come on.
He's amazing.
Where did he get all that from?
We passed you on the motorway.
Love that red car.
- Going to the final?
- Yeah.
- Looking forward to it?
- Yeah.
Come on boys and girls.
Gather round.
May I introduce the
Liverpool superbrain.
Be prepared to be inspired.
Lad. tell 'em about
Jamie Carragher.
- Let's hear it then.
- Jamie Carragher?
Come on!
James Lee Duncan Carragher?
Tell them about Jamie.
Born January 28.
A central defender. right-back.
Over 400 club appearances.
Helping win one FA Cup.
Four League Cups. a UEFA Cup.
And one European Super Cup.
Where in the world
is Will Brennan?
The English boy known as
Liverpool's Number One Fan...
The question now is.
Will he make it?
OK. everybody listen to me.
This boy was spotted
on your bus.
He is an English runaway.
His name is Will Brennan.
Yeah. come on. mate. We're Liverpool fans.
Not bloody criminals!
- Hey. it's our super brain...
- Shh!
Where is Will Brennan?
- I'm Will Brennan.
- No. I'm Will Brennan.
- No. I'm Will Brennan.
- No. no. I'm Will Brennan.
- I'm Will Brennan.
- I'm Will Brennan.
Trumped up charges.
No evidence.
What a travesty.
First they come for your neighbour.
Then they come for you.
That's why I'm joining the SAS.
- What's that?
- Special Forces.
Learn to jump out of airplanes.
Fire cannons.
Learn what swamp
bugs are best to eat
when you're thirty miles from
nowhere and the enemy smells blood.
Gets pretty sticky out there sometimes.
Doesn't it?
That's why we gotta learn
how to defend ourselves.
Where do you suppose Will is?
Halfway to Istanbul.
- You think?
- Yeah. Don't you?
I knew you were a fan.
But I didn't know
you were a genius.
Do you want to play for
Liverpool when you grow up?
I'm not good enough.
Don't say that.
You're still young.
Yeah. I guess.
Morgan Hatch went to my
school a couple of years ago.
Have you ever heard of him?
He's brilliant. a midfielder.
He moved to London for an England
Schoolboys trial and didn't make it.
And if he's not good enough.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Yeah... It doesn't matter.
We're all supernovae. anyway.
Super what?
A supernova.
It's when a star explodes in an
incredible burst of light and energy.
- Who told you that?
- Simon.
He's my best friend at school.
He knows everything
about the stars.
Where'd you learn to do that?
Where'd you learn how to draw?
My clad said I got all the
good genes from my mum.
Plus lots and lots of practice.
We need to make one more
stop before Turkey. OK?
To see your family?
Some people I used to know.
Is this is where you're from?
When was the last
time you were here?
It's been years and years.
- Papa!
- Yes.
What is it?
Avdo. I didn't mean to intrude.
They should be back soon.
You waited ten years.
What's another ten minutes?
Mina. Nana. You remember Alek.
Hello. Mina.
Mirsad, come here.
Mirsad, that's a fine name.
We were blessed with
him nine years ago.
Mirsad. Edina. go get washed.
Where have you been?
Paris. mostly.
You don't look Bosnian.
- I'm English.
- English?
Was your pirate's ship
blown off course?
Haven't you seen the news?
When I was a little girl.
Your great-grandmother. Aida.
Used to make the best halva.
Do you remember halva?
She always used wild honey.
And Aida would give it away as gifts.
Even to her Christian neighbours.
We were all friends then.
None of us had very much.
And life was
sometimes very hard.
But we had our families.
What does he know about family?
- Mina!
- No. Nana. I can't do this.
I can't pretend
nothing's happened.
Your little friend doesn't know?
Didn't want to ruin the trip
to Istanbul for the big match?
Tell him what you did to my son!
What happened?
I was playing for Sarajevo.
A club in Bosnia.
One weekend.
When the war was over.
I came back to the village
with kits and footballs.
All the kids were
on the streets.
Who wants a football?
But one was missing. Zeno.
What are you
sitting there for? Huh?
What's going on?
Don't you like football? Ah...
He was always a bit shy.
I gave Zeno a football.
Especially for you.
Now go play. come on.
He ran off. and...
Who wants another football?
You want a football?
All right. here! Have one.
It's dangerous!
There's land mines in there!
I'm sorry.
But a day. an hour.
A minute hasn't gone by
that I haven't thought of you...
of Zeno.
Please forgive me. Mina.
What's that?
It's the call to prayer.
What's he saying?
He's saying. "it's time to lace up
your boots and head for the pitch."
Whose shirt is that?
It's just as I drew it.
I know.
Wait. you played for Liverpool?
I was doing well at Sarajevo.
Then the big clubs
started coming around.
Barcelona. A.C.
Milan. Arsenal...
And Liverpool.
I had a good trial for them.
They sent me this as a thank you.
I wanted to sign.
But then Zeno...
Do you know what my
dad always told me?
Never let fear get in
the way of your dreams.
No more fear.
It fits me perfectly.
Alek. you must hurry!
A neighbour saw your car.
Called the police chief.
Since Will is in the news.
He'll arrest you for the publicity.
- Can I have my shirt?
- Almost done.
The cops are coming.
- Where's Will?
- Will!
Jump in the back. Come on.
'They've come from
everywhere to virtually nowhere.
'Here to the outskirts
of Istanbul.'
'We're here at the
Atatrk Stadium'
'which gleams on the dusty
plain like an Ottoman jewel.'
'It's AC Milan versus Liverpool
in the Champions League Final.'
'And for millions of
football fans...'
Alek. I don't see anybody
selling tickets.
Don't worry.
Sorry. mate.
Are you selling tickets? No?
- Sorry, do you have extra tickets?
- No, no, no.
Anyone need any tickets?
What are you doing?
Don't run off like that.
He has tickets.
- Do you have tickets?
- This could be your lucky day.
Let's see them.
Where's the magic seal?
- How much?
- Twelve thousand.
- We only have nine.
- Then you. my friend. are out of luck.
Come on. man! This is important.
Yeah. I know it is.
That's why it's twelve large.
- Wait. we have to make a deal here.
- No. mate.
Hey. it's Liverpool's
Number One Fan!
- What's wrong. little fella?
- I can't afford a ticket.
You haven't even
got any tickets?
Can't you cut us a deal. please?
Oh. come on mate.
Don't you recognise him?
Come on. he's famous.
Oh. I'm on you now.
You're that kid off the TV.
Sorry. mate. but the ticket.
It cost me ten thousand.
Will you take ten.
If we can find it?
I'm going soft.
Ten grand. it's yours.
- Good lad.
- I'll tell you what...
- I'll even give me hat to collect the dosh.
- Chuck it in.
Right. let's get Liverpool's
Number One Fan get into the match!
Come on. people! Dig deep.
Yeah! Thank you. my boys.
That should do it.
That Will do it!
There you go. one ticket. enjoy.
Where's the other?
We paid for two.
No. you paid for one
ticket ten thousand.
I'm sorry.
It's the only one I have left.
Sorry. Will.
Will. come over here.
What can I do?
This is your ticket.
Now you go in. enjoy the match.
And I'll wait for you here.
I don't want to go without you.
I won't go without you.
Will. Will. is that you?
Kenny Dalglish!
You made it.
Well. we got this far.
What's the problem?
We only have one ticket.
But there's two of us.
Well. here...
Take this and walk up to the gate
and I'll see you there. Come on.
Oh. he's only gone and
given him his pass.
That's top drawer.
That's absolutely top drawer.
He was at Stanford Bridge in '86
when you beat Chelsea onenil
for the league title decider.
I remember your Dad.
He was the one who was shouting loudest.
'It's Anfielcl
legend Kenny Dalglish'
'with Liverpool's Number One Fan.'
'Kenny. thanks for stopping by.
A few words on tonight's game?'
'Well. it's a fantastic occasion
for Liverpool football club'
'and also a fantastic
occasion for Will'
'who's been through an
awful lot to get here.'
'Let's hope we both
have a great night.'
'I'm sure you will.'
'Now. Will. the whole world is watching.
Is there anything you'd like to say?'
'Just hello to all my mates back at St.
Luke's. especially Simon and Richie.'
'Hey look guys. I made it!
And I'm here with Kenny Dalglish!'
I'm scared.
Can you keep a secret?
So am I.
Go on.
Thank you very much.
We knew you couldn't be stopped.
Now you go up to the front with
Stevie and take the teams out.
You deserve it.
Thank you. Mr Carragher.
I'm so glad you made it.
My friend.
Go on. that's the way ahead now.
Will. Will. Will...
Hear that?
They're waiting for you.
Now. go on. son.
It's time.
Go on. my son.
You'll never walk alone.
Will. Will. Will...
I saw your eyes.
And you made me smile.
For a little while.
I was falling in love.
I saw your eyes.
And you touched my mind.
Although it took a while.
I was falling in love.
I was falling in love.
I saw your eyes.
And you made me cry.
And for a little while.
I was falling in love.
Falling in love.
Falling in love.
Falling in love.
Falling in love
By their deeds he
shall know them.