Willard (2003)

There are rats in the basement.
what are you doing?
I'm going to bed.
It's late.
Yes. I'm going to bed.
Good night, mom.
What were you doing down there?
You, uh, said there were rats.
Well, did you see them?
Well...there aren't any rats.
There are.
All our neighbors moving away...
and all these new people
remodelling the houses.
They're stirring up rats.
Well...have you been
to the basement?
No. You know I can't.
I know they're there.
I can smell them.
All my life I could smell mice.
And hear them.
Don't you hear them down there?
It's--it's just the wind.
There aren't any rats.
Come in here. Hmm?
Come in here.
I'm sorry I've been
such a bad mother to you.
Well, you've--you've been a...
Well, you are...
a wonderful mother.
It's my fault
your life was wasted.
What an awful name--Willard.
Maybe if you had
a stronger name...
that Frank Martin
wouldn't push you around...
or maybe
you'd have found a girlfriend...
if you had
a more handsome name--
Mark or Kyle or...
Willard, from now on,
your name's Clark.
Good night, Clark.
Pardon me.
That you?
They told me to sit here.
Willard, he wants to see you.
Oh. Well, um...
Ms. Leach,
it seems that someone...
this girl,
is sitting at my desk.
Maybe that's why
he wants to see you.
Hey. Pay attention.
Who's that at your desk
out there, Willard?
I--I don't know her.
Who did you say that was at
your desk out there, Willard?
I--l--I don't know her.
Well, you should know, because
it's your fault she's there.
You've fallen
at least a week behind...
processing the purchase orders.
You know,
when that happens, Willard...
everything comes
to a standstill--
my salespeople
up on the floor...
shipping, receiving, inventory.
Everybody's standing around...
with their thumbs
up their asses...
because you have allowed
the purchase orders...
to bottleneck at your desk.
Your father built this company,
Hell, your family name
is still out there...
on the side of the building--
"Martin Stiles Manufacturing."
Ah, hell,
it just seems to me like...
that alone
would make you take...
a little more pride
in your work.
Well, l...
Oh, my mother is sick.
I see.
So, it's your mother's fault
that you've fallen behind?
Willard, I'm an old friend
of the family.
Hell, I've known your mother
since before you were born.
She's a fine lady, and she
deserves to be kept comfortable.
Your dad
was like a father to me.
And I promised him
that I would always...
Look after
you and your mother...
and as long as she was alive,
you'd have a job right here.
And in keeping
with that promise...
I must insist that you find...
a good rest-care facility
for mom.
We can't afford that.
But, hell, I guess
you could always sell the house.
Here's an idea--I'd tear it
down and build apartments on it.
I'm sorry, Mr. Martin.
I'll catch up. I'll stay late.
Oh, yeah. You would love that,
wouldn't you, Willard?
Suck up on more overtime than
it even costs me for a temp.
You'll catch up, all right,
and you'll catch up
on your own damn time!
There's one thing that you will
never understand, Willard--
business is a rat race.
Promise or no promise,
I will not allow myself...
to be devoured by all of those
other rats because of you!
What is it? What is it?
Shh, shh, shh.
It's OK. It's OK.
It's OK. It's OK.
Here we go.
What was all that noise?
A bird got stuck in the house
somehow, and I let it out.
It's all right now,
so go back to bed.
What are you doing in there?
I'm going potty.
You've been in there
a long time.
I'm not feeling well, mom.
Is it loose or hard?
I'm OK. I'm OK.
So just--just go to bed.
Let me see.
I'm still your mother.
Clark! Clark!
You should be in bed.
You're feverish.
I get afraid, Clark.
Your father was in
that bathroom late that night.
Yes, I know. I'm never going
to do anything like that.
What is that on your hand?
It's--it's soap.
It's cooking oil.
Oh, Willard,
you're too old for that.
When will you
find yourself a girl?
Well, other than
getting caught in the trap...
you seem pretty--pretty smart.
You should be called...
What do you think?
Yeah? All right. Socrates.
Whoa. Like it in here? Oh.
Where are you going?
Bye, Socrates.
Say hello to your family.
You're reunited with
your brother and sister and mom.
Look. Look, everybody.
Food. Food for everybody.
There you go. Very good.
I will never let anyone
harm you ever.
I promise.
I promise.
I promise.
Martin, I have to cover
your damn car every day.
"Cover my car. Cover my car."
Do you like my new S-55,
My new car. My new Mercedes.
I saw you drooling over it.
Uh, yes, Mr. Martin. It's...
Do you know
why I have that car?
I'm driving that 350-horsepower,
V-8 masterpiece...
for you
and your fellow employees.
You see, buyers
feel a sense of security...
when they can see proof...
that they're dealing
with a successful man.
So, when I whip into that
parking lot behind the wheel...
of my brand-new
Mercedes AMG-class...
they'll buy from us over
the slob in the Jaguar S-type.
Do you know why I can afford
to plunk down 90,000 bucks...
for that little edge
over the competition, Willard?
Because I'm a successful man!
Because I have never been late
for work a day in my life!
Because when I come to work,
I don't show up...
in one of my dead father's
cheap suits!
Because I have never
given my boss such grief.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you
to find out what pleases me!
Are you OK?
Hi, Socrates.
It's been a bad day.
Tear it, Socrates.
All right...
you teach them.
They listen to you, Socrates.
Tear it.
Tear it.
Tear it up.
Jeez. You're big.
Big Ben.
Do you know him, Socrates?
Ben, this looks like
the beginning...
of a beautiful friendship.
Tear it.
Tear it.
Tear it.
OK, everybody,
that was really good.
Speed. Speed.
Very good.
Tear it.
You go down there. Go on now.
Down. Down. Tear it.
One week! You've been late
for so many hours...
that it equals an entire week!
Mr. Martin, l--I'm sorry.
I want my week back.
I've discussed it with counsel.
I may not be able
to fire you, Willard...
but, by God, it is well within
my rights to administer...
physical disciplinary reprimand!
I know that you must be tired
of this excuse...
but what can I do?
My mother is sick.
You don't give a shit
about your mother!
If you did, you'd show up
for work on time...
because now look
what's happened.
You're out a week's pay.
Oh, you don't like that.
Then quit.
Act like a man for once
in your life and just quit!
a slimy, pukey piece of shit!
You wouldn't make a pimple
on my grandmother's tush!
Ben, no.
If you get in,
nobody else will be able to fit.
Be careful, stupid.
We're not making a bed here.
All available units,
please respond immediately.
Tear it.
Tires. Tear it.
Ben, I told you to stay.
You--you won't fit.
What the hell is that?
You left the washer
in the garage...
running again, didn't you?
In! In!
Come on. Come on.
Anybody out there?
Is someone out there
in the garage?
Oh, shit! Look at that!
Somebody got in here
and slashed my tires!
Who's out here?
Yeah, you better run!
You don't mess with a man's
brand-new car like that!
and you'll only die tired!
You better run faster...
because if I catch you,
you are dead meat!
Go home!
Do you want to see
what's in the bags...
you stupid little dog?
The look on his face.
Imagine, all four of his tires.
Do you know
what a set of those tires run?
Insurance will cover it.
But insurance won't cover
how pissed off he's gonna be.
Hey, what's up?
Someone broke into
Martin's garage last night...
slashed his tires
and peed on the floor!
Morning, Cat.
You look very nice today.
Wow. Someone--someone urinated
on the floor?
No, no, no.
You know, what happened--
when Martin
goes in his garage...
and sees his tires,
he pissed his pants...
and blamed it
on the guy that did it.
Do you think that's funny, Fox?
Good morning, Mr. Martin.
Is everything OK?
No, everything is not OK.
How would you like it
if some maniac...
invaded the privacy
of your home...
and scared the dog shit
out of your wife...
and then you had to lose
an entire night's sleep...
because you're
dealing with the cops?
Knowing that that
perverted sicko has control...
over you and your family's
peace of mind?
For Jesus and Christ,
for how long?
How long will it last?
No, I'm not all right!
This morning, I rode the subway.
Well, Mr. Fox,
how would you like that?
No, sir,
I wouldn't like that at all.
I didn't think you would.
Barbara, I need a foot massage.
Oh, that's so good.
That's so good.
We, um...
we're running out of room.
I'm very sorry about this...
but I can't--I can't
feed you anymore.
I can't afford it.
You're going to have to find
a new place to live.
Go find somewhere
more comfortable.
I wish that
they didn't have to...
but all good things
must come to an end.
Follow Ben. He will find
a new place for you.
He will take care of you.
Won't you, Ben?
You're the leader...
after Socrates.
Good night, Ben.
You're not going anywhere,
You'll always be with me.
I hate everyone but you.
Let's go to bed.
Ben, I told you.
You can't come upstairs.
Now, it's only Socrates,
not you.
Oh, Socrates.
Aah! Don't touch me!
You're getting rid of me.
Mom, l--I love you.
I heard you!
"All good things
must come to an end."
No, l--I love you
more than anything in the world.
You don't love me!
You won't feed me!
I hate you!
You need to go to the hospital.
What if mom sees you?
Off. Off. Off.
Off. Off. Off.
Down! Down! In the basement!
Down! Down! Down!
In the basement! Down!
You think you're funny?
You think you're smart?
Socrates, he's smart.
He knows that
they're going to have to come...
and they're going
to have to take her away...
and then they'll come,
and they'll take me away...
and then they'll come,
and they'll take you away!
She's my mother.
I love her.
And I'll miss her.
I already miss her.
But, Socrates...
if you ever died, l...
You're the only friend
that I've ever had.
at least
you're with father again.
I have a friend.
He wants to say good-bye to you.
Say good-bye, Socrates.
That's good.
Willard, are you all right?
I didn't mean to upset you.
You didn't have to come here.
Well, we didn't hear from you...
and I wanted to make sure
that you were OK.
Uh, and I want
to let you know that...
you have a friend.
Willard Stiles,
I am Joseph Carter.
I'm an attorney
with Montgomery and Glitt...
the trustees
of your mother's estate.
I've been trying to reach you,
but you don't answer the phone.
May I have a moment
with Willard, please?
Do you mind if I check on you
after work...
and make sure that you're OK?
Oh, l--thanks.
That's OK. I'll be OK, Cat.
Willard, I have some news...
I don't know if you're aware of
or prepared for.
Your parents had been
living off an account...
they had originally set up
for your future.
It was intended to be yours
upon their passing.
However, your father's death
left debts...
that even Mr. Martin's buyout
did not completely relieve.
In fact, there remains
pending litigation...
on some unsettled debts.
it's--it's still my house.
Your mother
refinanced the house...
after your father's death.
-ln fact, we still owe--
It's my house.
We can declare bankruptcy.
We can sell the house.
-It's my house!
-Yes, of course.
You grew up there.
It's your home.
-But it's the bank's house.
-It's my house!
There's no need
for a single man...
to be living in such
a large house, Willard. Sell it.
Why do I have to pay
for what things my parents did?
The money can help you
start over.
"Start over"? I'm almost done!
Willard, look.
You have no choice--
If I have no choice,
why did you even come here?
Why did you
even bother telling me?
Do you get off
on telling people...
that they have no control
over their lives?
That I have no money, no home,
and it's not even my fault?
this is not the time nor place.
Now, you think about it.
Then, please,
you have to contact me.
This is the only chance
you have...
to take control
of your own life.
Thank you.
Willard, it's Cathryn.
Answer the door.
I saw you walk in.
-Oh, hi.
I'm just on my way out.
I have some stuff that
I have to do at the cemetery.
Oh, well, this might not be
the best time, Willard...
but please don't
take this the wrong way.
You looked so lonely
at your mother's service...
and I remember
how devastated I was...
you know, when my mother died.
And the only thing
that helped me through...
was...her mother.
This is Scully.
She'll make a great friend,
and she'll keep you company.
I don't know what to say.
I can't accept Scully.
See? She likes you.
Why don't you hold her?
Just take her. Just hold her.
Really, I can't. I'm sorry.
-Just take her.
I'm really late, and...
Do you think it's OK
if I just put her inside?
-Sure. She's potty-trained.
-Oh, good. Good.
It's OK.
It's OK.
I wasn't...
really trying to hurt him.
I know.
You're trying
to keep the peace...
but he has to learn...
I am the boss.
It's back to work, Socrates.
Ben, out.
OK, Ben...
just because
Socrates says it's OK.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Am I reading this correctly?
"Mr. Stiles, it is our regret
to inform you...
"your position
has been terminated.
"Enclosed please find
two weeks' severance.
"Your service is appreciated.
"Frank Martin."
He's firing you.
But I thought
he couldn't fire you.
Hey. Hey!
This whole thing is just
one big misunderstanding.
I'll make it up to you, though.
I'm gonna take you
to the Jets-Dolphins game.
-How does that sound?
Feels like this office could
use a little holiday cheer.
Cathryn, go dig out
the Christmas decorations.
They're in the back storeroom.
The key's in Willard's desk
Talk it over with Rosie
and let me know.
I'll be right here at
the office working late tonight.
Christmas bonus time, you know.
Mrs. Leach, found the keys...
but you can dig out
your own holiday cheer...
and then you can shove it
up your ass with a big ho-ho-ho.
-I quit.
How could you?
What part of "You're fired"
don't you understand?
-My father!
-ls dead. Been dead.
And now your mama's dead, too.
He started this company!
It's my family's company!
No. My company.
Been my company...
and I don't want you
around it anymore.
Why in the hell
are you even still here?
You hate it here.
I hate you being here.
You're going nowhere here.
Mommy and daddy are dead.
Get over it
and get on with your life.
The terms
of your purchase contract--
they strictly state
that you are not allowed to--
Sue me.
Get you a goddamn lawyer
and sue me. You'll win.
Go down today and hire yourself
a $250-an-hour lawyer.
Sue me.
My $400-an-hour lawyer...
will tie it up in the courts
until I die.
So, what? 10, 15, 20 years
from now, you'll win.
You know I cannot afford that!
You know that!
Need money?
Make me an offer on the house.
Don't give me that face,
I buy the house, you have money.
You can go buy yourself
a very nice clean used car...
move someplace
where you'll be happy...
get a job, a girlfriend.
Jeez, you'll be so damn happy
you won't want to sue me.
All right...
I'll sell you the house.
But, please, please,
please let me keep my job!
Please let me keep my job.
What in the hell
is going on now?
A rat! A rat in here! Oh!
It's a rat! Oh, my God!
Rat! Look out!
There's a white rat...
and it is the size
of a dog--I mean, huge dog.
Over there,
behind the Christmas lights.
See him?
Where? I don't see any mouse.
No. Up there, you idiot.
Up there!
I think
your wild-ass imagination...
is kind of
getting away with you.
He's up higher.
There he is.
Walt, this is Mickey.
I'm coming to join you.
What's the matter, tiger?
Can't take a little blood?
Ha ha ha ha! Finders keepers.
Nice work, Mr. Martin.
Yeah, good one, sir.
He expects me to clean that up?
I'll do it.
What could I do?
What could I do?
What could I do?
What could I do?
What could I do?
What could I do?
What could I do?
What can I do?
What can we do?
That's it.
We can't fit any more.
The rest of you
are going to have to wait here.
Ben and I will be back later.
Right, Ben?
Oh, Jesus.
Ooh...I like that.
Ooh, look at you.
Oh, my God.
Look at all the rats.
Look at the rats.
We've come to see you.
They'll do anything I tell them.
Well, then tell them to get
the fuck out of my office!
Sit down.
Now, you listen to me, Willard.
Sit down!
What the hell's
wrong with you?
Mr. Martin, you stole
this business from my father.
It killed him,
and it killed my mother.
And now
you're trying to kill me.
No. That's--
You never let me alone
for a minute.
You made a fool of me
in front of everybody.
And now you're trying
to take my house.
You made me hate myself.
I thought a lot about it...
hating myself.
Well, right now...
at this moment...
I like myself.
You killed Socrates!
Who the hell is Socrates?
He was the only friend...
I ever had!
What's the matter, tiger?
Afraid of a little blood?
Tear him up.
Good-bye, Ben.
-I think I hear footsteps.
-Let's look around back.
Willard? It's Cathryn.
I've been calling you all day.
Did you hear?
Martin's dead.
They called from the office.
The details are weird.
All kinds of rumors...
that he was murdered
or attacked by animals.
I'm hungry.
Could we get something to eat?
Right now?
Let me get my coat.
Just a second.
Could I use the restroom?
In here.
Sorry. I had to go so bad,
and you flew off somewhere.
We need to go.
Shit. I must have
run over something.
-There he is.
-You sure that's him?
Get in the car.
I'll call triple-A.
I've got a cell phone.
Mr. Stiles, police.
Open the door, please, sir.
Can you please tell me
what this is about?
Open the door, Willard!
I want to help you!
Open the door, Willard!
Let me in!
What's going on in there?
I hear him going around back.
I'm sorry, Ben. I...
I'm sorry that I left you.
I got scared...
and so l--I came back here.
It's all over, Ben.
You can live anywhere.
You can go anywhere.
I have nowhere.
Who's he talking to?
There was nothing
that I could do about Socrates.
But...we got him back.
We got Mr. Martin back together.
This guy's nuts.
We should just call Bellevue.
It's all over, Ben.
So just...go!
Go away!
Whoa! It's not just Bellevue.
We've got to call the health
department exterminators.
You see that?
Oh, man.
Let's go.
Do you want some food?
I'll give you some food, Ben.
I'll give you
all the food that I have...
if you'll just go away.
Do you want food?
No, no, Ben. It's food.
It's just food.
Whatever food
is in the bag is yours.
Ah! That's it for you, Ben!
I hate you!
I loved Socrates,
but I hate you!
I'm not setting foot in there.
There's, like, a thousand rats.
you want to get eaten alive?
If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up and try again.
If you need help, hang up
and then dial your operator.
Cathryn, help!
I thought we were friends.
Food's here.
Look, Stiles, you've got to eat.
You might be out of your mind,
but your body's staying here.
Come on.
We got some nice chicken...
some mashed potatoes...
got a sourdough roll.
Hey, look.
We got a piece of cheese.
That's what the mice eat,
isn't it?
OK, rat boy.
Look, I'm gonna leave it here.
You can do
whatever you want with it.
I know you're hungry,
but we have to wait.
Our time will come.
Let's not let them know
that you've come back to me.
We have to sit here...
and wait--
Quiet as a mouse.