Willow Creek (2013)

Are you OK?
Here, hold this.
Honey, I'm, I'm driving.
Just hold it.
Hey, that's my jam.
All right.
Say something.
This is not safe.
That's good. Keep talking.
I'm not... what do
you want me to say?
Just keep talking.
I got to adjust these levels.
One, check one.
Ah, brr...
Ma made me mash my M & M's.
That's good. Keep going.
Uh, this is... check one.
My boyfriend is a big idiot.
Check one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. More.
And, here we go again.
That's it.
And, I don't feel safe driving around
this mountain like this, babe.
No, that's great. Keep going.
Uh, it's the cradle of life,
the center of civilization.
Men have fought for
it, even died for it.
What is that?
One might say it's the most
powerful thing on earth,
so come on, ladies,
show it a little love.
Cleansing Washing Cloths
from Summer's Eve.
Hail to the V.
That's great.
What, what is that from?
It's a douche commercial
I didn't get.
You didn't get that?
Oh, man.
I'm surprised. That was really good.
Thanks, babe.
You would, you could have
been the next douchiest
spokesperson in the world.
- You're really funny, you know that?
- Thank you.
You think my vagina is dirty?
Is that what you're saying?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's a dirty V.
- Really?
- You have a dirty V.
Have I ever told you how dirty
your penis is, your cock?
Uh, thank you. No, baby,
you have a porcelain V.
Your V is spotless.
That's more like it.
Yup, you're welcome.
Are you going to,
are you going to say, "Action"?
Don't do, don't do that.
That's going to mess me up.
It doesn't make any
sense at all, but...
Hi. I'm Jim Kessel.
I'm here at the Trinity
National Forest along Route 96,
also known as, "The Bigfoot Byway."
I'm here with my girlfriend,
Kelly Monteleone,
where we plan on
re-tracing the famed
1967 Patterson-Gimlin footage
in our search for Bigfoot.
What's that face?
Just, it's your thing.
Just make it about you, you know,
no girlfriend, my name, all that.
You don't want to be in
the movie and now you're,
you're Stanley fucking Kubrick.
That's good.
Oh. Oh, OK.
Hi. I'm Jim Kessel.
I'm here at Trinity National
Forest, along Route 96,
also known as, "The Bigfoot Byway."
I'm here at Bluff Creek,
where I plan on re-tracing the famed
1996 Patterson-Gimlin footage
in my search for Bigfoot.
- Are you a little nervous?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I can see it. I can see it.
You know what?
I just want you to take these off.
- I want you to loosen up.
- Yeah.
- And, just be yourself.
- All right.
You know. It's like, "Hey,
lets..." Just talk and...
We're here in this
beautiful place. Use it.
Hey, what's up? I'm Jim Kessel.
I'm here at the Trinity National
Forest, along Route 96,
also known as, "The Bigfoot Byway."
I'm here at Bluff Creek,
where I plan on re-tracing the famed
1967 Patterson-Gimlin footage
in my search for Bigfoot.
Won't you join me?
- Boom.
- Oh, nice.
- Yeah?
- That was good.
- That felt good.
- Yeah.
- I'll buy that.
- It was good.
- Nice.
- Good, babe.
- Thank you, babe.
- Yeah.
Did you see the
buckshot on this sign?
What's that?
Right here.
And a bullet hole.
Great. That makes me feel good.
You'll be fine.
You don't want to look stupid.
Honey, I'm afraid
of a lot of things,
but I'm not afraid to admit that
I don't believe in Bigfoot.
I know, but just...
How can you, how can you
prove there isn't one?
Babe, I, I said that I,
I will come on this trip to,
to help you with your film
and it's your birthday
and we're going to
have a great time,
but I'm not about to say
that I believe in Bigfoot.
You don't have to say
you believe in Bigfoot.
I'm just looking for, I don't know,
"Maybe there is one, Jim.
I'm not really sure,
but maybe you're right,
maybe there is something out there."
OK. You want to know why I, I,
I firmly believe there isn't?
Why is there, has there never been
a Bigfoot body that's
been discovered?
All this time and no one
has ever found one?
That's a little odd to me.
Who knows?
When's the last time you found
anything dead in the forest?
Do you know how many millions
of acres there are of...
Plenty of times.
...unexplored forest out...
plenty of times. OK.
You're seeing bones in the forest?
Listen, who knows?
Maybe they bury their bodies.
I don't know.
There's forest is so
thick out here, babe.
You can't see three
feet in front of you.
I mean, there could be a
hundred Bigfoot corpses
- within half a mile in here.
- Yeah.
Nobody would ever even know it.
There could be a hundred dead
leprechauns out there, too.
Ha, ha, yeah.
But no one, no one has
found those either.
- Yeah, OK.
- Uh-huh.
Uh, we're talking two
different things here.
Aren't you curious to know
why for thousands of years,
all right,
people all over the world
have reported seeing
an ape-like creature
walking through the woods?
Not really.
Well, then, why are you here?
Because I like being with you.
Oh, boy. Now, you're mad.
No, I'm not mad.
Honey, we can believe different
things and still be a couple.
It's OK.
I just don't want you
to think I'm crazy.
Oh, I know you're crazy.
I wouldn't be with you
if I didn't know that.
I just don't believe in Bigfoot.
- Hi.
- Action.
I'm sorry.
I'm so used to saying it. OK.
Hi. I'm in Willow Creek,
Mecca to the Bigfoot Community.
Oh, yeah.
That's it?
Yeah, that's it.
All right.
Oh, check it out.
Home of the Bigfoot Burger.
And ammunition.
Can't say I've ever dined
in a place with both.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, you know, they
hold a gun to your face
if you don't order
the Bigfoot Burger.
Oh, God.
I love the, uh, the,
uh, artwork here.
- It looks like Bigfoot...
- Oh, yeah.
...he really likes his
doughnuts and coffee.
Is he toasting doughnuts?
Could be bagels.
Oh, and there's the other one.
- Look, it's like us.
- Yeah.
There I am bringing you flowers
and there you are making
doughnuts and coffee.
Making breakfast and there
you are prancing over,
giving me my flowers for the day.
That's awesome.
That girl seems pretty
happy to be missing.
Who is that?
I should take a picture of you,
of what you would look
like if you went missing.
So that if you ever
go missing, I can...
I can show what you would
actually look like.
We'll dirty you up.
Give me your missing, give
me your missing photo face.
- No, I don't think that's your...
- No?
How about this? Um...
That's pretty good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
But I do feel like they all smile.
Maybe you would be happy if missing.
Why would you be happy
to be missing, babe?
I don't know.
See that?
So, lets see the Bigfoot Burger.
Oh, check it out.
Oh my God.
Whoa. Yeah.
It even has the toe marks.
Look at that.
Do you think this is,
um, real Bigfoot meat?
- No, honey.
- No?
- This is just a Bigfoot Burger.
- Oh.
It could be real Bigfoot meat.
You know what would be really funny?
- Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm.
- Is if, um, his...
Yeah? Please, finish your thought.
I was going to say that
it's a good thing,
um, his feet are his most
prominent attribute.
Or else, we could be eating
really big weeners right now.
- That's a whole other restaurant, honey.
- Hmm-hmm.
- I'll take you there...
- Mmm.
...some other time.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
- How is it?
- Wow, this...
It's actually really good.
- It's pretty sweet.
- Hmm-hmm.
- Well, look at this, babe.
- Oh, yeah.
What is that?
It's a Bigfoot mural.
Is that a van Gogh or
what do you think it is?
He's pushing a wheelbarrow
and hoeing a garden.
And, very, he seems clinically..
- depressed actually.
- Yeah.
"Bigfoot sad.
Bigfoot no want to work in garden."
Why are they forcing him
to do all this work?
I don't know. What the fuck is this?
Like, they got him as a
day laborer or something.
"Bigfoot help you put
up house for berries."
I would avoid man, too,
if I had to do all of this shit.
Yeah, no shit.
Maybe he just doesn't want to work,
- that's why they can't find him.
- Yeah.
"Bigfoot tired of working."
All right. Let's get out of here.
This is so great.
Is this... so, this is the town?
This is it.
- Oh, there. Bigfoot.
- Yeah.
He's all over the place.
Oh, there he is.
- Hey, buddy.
- Chubby guy.
Oh, I got to get this.
Bigfoot Avenue.
This must be where he lives.
Is that where we're staying?
Oh, yeah. Bigfoot Motel.
Oh, great.
This place is heaven, babe.
This is the great O'Mah
statue carved by Jim McClarin
out of one giant piece of redwood
right around the same time
Patterson shot his famed footage.
I like his bangs.
- You do?
- Hmm-hmm.
They have the whole
flippy thing going on?
Well, he didn't.
He wished he could have re-carved him
after he heard Albert Ostman's account.
You're really making me horny.
Go up there and stand next to it.
For a scale. Go on.
How come people don't know
how big I am? I could be huge.
Check that out.
Get closer.
He's a nice-looking guy,
kind of cute.
Don't do that, baby.
Baby, just don't do that. Seriously.
May I help you?
- He's lonely.
- May I help you?
Yeah. Do you mind
if we interview you?
I told you I was new at this.
OK. Here we go.
Hi. Are we going?
Hi, I'm here with Nita Rowley,
who's worked at the Willow
Creek Visitor Center
for the last 20 years.
How are you, Nita?
I'm doing well. Thank you.
Well, good.
I have a question for you.
Do you know of anyone or
do you know personally
the exact site of the
Uh, no, I do not.
And, um, has there been any
recent sightings of Bigfoot
or Sasquatch in the area?
No, not to my knowledge.
Are you a believer?
Not at all.
No, huh?
Is it safe to camp here?
Uh, you have to be on the lookout,
uh, for bear, mountain
lions, rattle snakes,
um, but it's, it's safe,
I mean, you take your chances.
Have you ever heard of
anyone being attacked
by a mountain lion
or a bear out here?
Uh, yes.
I haven't heard the,
uh, bear attacks.
Uh, basically, they
get into the garbage,
uh, and come in to steal your food.
The mountain lions, uh, will attack.
What would you do if you
saw Big Foot, Nita?
I don't expect to see one.
Um, I, I really wouldn't
be surprised, um,
because I just don't believe in it.
We're rolling.
I got really lucky.
Um, we're here at Bigfoot
Books with the owner,
Steve Streufert.
What's up, Steve?
The usual thing,
Bigfoot every day out
here in Willow Creek.
Yeah, nice.
I heard you had a little, uh,
you were just out there.
Yeah, we were out of Bluff Creek.
Yeah, Bluff Creek.
Uh, it is about 29
miles north of here,
you come to the bottom
of Bluff Creek there.
And that was where the
Patterson film was shot.
Yes, of course.
Also, these, uh,
footprints that you,
uh, may have seen before...
These were cast out in
Bluff Creek in 1958.
Wow. So, these are
the Jerry Crew cast?
That is from the
same track way of...
...the famous Jerry Crew
track was taken from.
That's incredible.
And that's where,
obviously, you know,
they coined the name Bigfoot...
The contractors on the road
building project out there
and the loggers, um,
had very strange activity
going on out there.
They were cutting a new
road into this virgin timber,
so, um, they started
finding these footprints
out on the dusty plowed road
and they called it, "Bigfoot."
Apparently, there were
some that saw it out there,
so, uh, you know,
the big feet were connected
- with a creature that was...
- I didn't realize that.
...that was also throwing a
big 55 gallon fuel drums and,
uh, spools of metal logging
wire down into the creek,
uh, vandalizing their
camp, in general.
So, that's where that
name came from in 1958.
This is the model that was
used by Roger Patterson.
He rented this and
came out here and,
- you know, it's very heavy.
- Yeah.
He, he, this is what he used
to film while running across a,
- a regular gravel bar and rocks in the...
- Yeah.
...in the creek.
They were also used for, uh,
making home movies and,
uh, amateur films like pornos.
Oh, that's awesome.
Wow, that's so heavy.
Tell me a little bit about, um,
the Patterson-Gimlin site
and just how to get there, man.
Oh, well, um, you
can take this road,
I can show on the map,
and you go down that road.
- It's probably easier that way.
- That would be great.
You come down to the bottom and
there's an old camp site there,
you know, and, uh, when
you're at that camp site,
you basically just take a right.
You have to bushwhack and
go through the forest.
- My girlfriend is OK with that.
- But it's not... you won't get lost.
Just follow the sound of
the creek on your left
and look at the hill on your right.
You just keep going straight between
those until you come to a big gulch
and you'll see it all
blasted out with rocks
and log debris and, uh,
- that's the bottom of the film site area.
- Wow.
So, you go, you're going to
have to go down in the creek.
Be careful not to twist
your ankle, you know.
Just getting to the site,
is it kind of dangerous
or would you...?
Uh, well, there is
the thing we called,
"The Curse of Bluff Creek."
What's that?
Uh, wait, that's sort of related
to The Curse of Bigfoot, but...
The Curse of Bigfoot
usually means that,
you know, like you're
going to get divorced,
your friends will all
think you're crazy,
uh, you'll be, uh, impecunious
and you'll spend all of your days
searching for something
that you never find.
Um, that's kind of a classic thing
with the old researchers, you know.
But, um, that's sort of a joke.
The, the, um, the real truth
of it is that you're out
in the middle of nowhere, you know,
so you, you don't
really want to, uh,
just go out there
unprepared, you know.
There's no food and there's no water
unless you want to drink the wild water
and hunt the wild animals, you know.
There are some berries and things,
which you have to
know the wild plants,
so I'd say, you know, go prepared
and have the tools you
need to survive, right?
- Yeah.
- A lot of people aren't ready for that.
They think there should
be a, a campground there
with a like porter
potty or something.
You know, you're not in the...
It's still the wilderness.
I mean, it's...
Yeah. It's not technically
a wilderness,
but it's still pretty
wild, you know,
and we've seen many, many
bears, uh, out there,
um, so, watch out for that.
We are going to go see Tom Yamarone.
He's the Bob Dylan of
the Bigfoot Community.
Where does he live, Mordor?
- No jokes around him, all right?
- So, can I look him in the eye?
OK. No jokes.
- All right, great.
- We're rolling.
This is like Christmas in July,
uh, because I'm here
with Tom Yamarone and,
uh, Tom, I know you know Bob Gimlin.
I do.
So, uh, why don't you tell
us a little bit about, um,
the Patterson-Gimlin site?
Yeah. Well, I'll tell you,
it's a site that's so remote
and what you're going
to love about it
is, when you get in there,
it's a steep canyon,
there's a running creek,
there's forest that's thick
and you're going to feel
how isolated they were.
They were really truly
in the wilderness.
How do you think those guys
were feeling that day when...
I mean, they've been,
they've been searching
for a little while and to finally,
to finally come across what was,
you know, there by the riverbed...?
Yeah. Well, you know,
I'll tell you, they were bored,
not bored, but they had, they
had no success up to that point
and, boom, they come
around that log jam
and there's this big hair-covered
creature standing there,
starts walking away from them
and they knew right then they
had won the prize, you know,
if they could get it on film
and so, Patterson scrambles,
Gimlin watches him,
and they, they think they got it.
So, they were, couldn't
have been more excited.
You know, the only thing that would be
better, if there was a song about it.
I just so happened
to have written one.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Tom Yamarone with,
uh, "Roger and Bob."
Rode Out That Day, yeah.
Roger and Bob rode out that day
"fill that log jam
got in their way
They got lucky on
Bluff Creek that day
Yeah, they got lucky
when she walked away
Roger and Bob rode out that day
Roger and Bob were gone a week
Just riding them forests
around Bluff Creek
They made maps...
Blew it.
- That's all right, man.
- That's OK.
- That's all right.
- They shot some film.
They shot some film
of a Bigfoot there
She walked on two legs
and was covered in hair
Roger and Bob had quite a week
Al got a call on the telephone
Roger and Bob,
they stopped by his home
They told him about
their good luck
And Roger said,
"I filmed that son of a buck"
Al got a call on the telephone
Here we go.
Hi, I'm here with, uh,
Shaun White Guy Sr.
She's, uh, a resident of
the Hopa reservation.
And, Shaun, I understand
you have a Sasquatch story
that you'd be willing
to share with us?
Um, yeah, I just have a small story.
It's, uh, me and my dad,
uh, went on a camping or,
you know, a, a Christian... cut.
- It's Hoopa.
- Hoopa?
Yes, Hoopa.
Okay, good. Thank you.
Hi. I'm here with
Shaun White Guy Sr.,
and, uh, she is a resident of
the, uh, Hoopa Reservation,
and I understand you'd be willing
to share a Sasquatch story with us?
Um, yeah.
Um, when I was little,
about eight years old,
I, uh, wanted to go on a camping,
a Christian like, camping
trip with my dad...
And so, I asked to go and
he said I could go and, um,
we were heading towards like,
Ferndale, Garberville area.
I wasn't too sure,
but I know I was going.
And so, um, we're
following my Uncle Tiny,
and then, all of a sudden, um,
a big black image came
in-between the cars
and my dad turned the steering wheel
and we flipped into the like,
the gutter, and we looked up
and there was Sasquatch
walking in front of us,
up towards the, the like, field,
a big huge, it was a
big square open field
and there was the tree range
and we actually got to watch
him, uh, walk in front of us
and he was tall and he
was like, long-haired...
- Were you scared?
- Uh, yeah, I was, I was scared.
I couldn't believe
that it, you know,
I always heard rumors and
everybody's talking about,
that they've seen it, you know, and,
and when I actually
looked up and saw him,
he was just big and he was hairy
and he made like this weird,
like snorkeling kind of sound.
I, I, I'd never heard it before.
And then, when he turned
around and looked,
all I could see is his little
brown eyes with like,
right here is like,
skin around his eyes.
There was no hair right
there, just skin,
and he just looked back
and made this little noise
and then, I just looked away
and I just closed my
eyes and I was like,
"Oh, don't come back, don't."
I just don't believe in Bigfoot.
Do you know how many new species
are discovered every single year?
Twenty thousand species
every single year.
And, what do you
think that's including?
Do you think that's including
animals and creatures?
That's plants, plankton,
uh, microscopic organisms.
- Oh, yeah.
- Not what we're talking about.
And, and I'm talking
about mammals, too.
Monkeys. All right?
Do you know last year, they
discovered a snub-nosed monkey?
That's a brand new species
they never even knew existed,
- but they found it.
- Yeah, but...
And they never even found
a body, dead or alive,
but they found it.
Not finding a tiny monkey
in a giant rainforest
the size of a continent
is not the same as not finding
a 900-pound hairy biped
roaming around a very
highly populated
Pacific Northwest area.
That's not the same, babe.
So, you're a ranger?
Seventeen years.
Is that cool if we, if
we mentioned that or...?
Oh, I don't think it's important.
- I, I wouldn't.
- That's cool.
Uh, so, um, I'm here
with Troy Andrews and,
uh, you know, he's
willing to share with us,
uh, uh, an incredible,
uh, encounter.
When did this happen?
Oh, a couple of years ago.
I was hunting in New Orleans.
That's, uh, where Bluff Creek is?
Yeah. Well, near there.
Sorry. Just go on. Yeah.
Yeah. So, I was out in,
out in the woods with my,
my dog, Bella, a beautiful girl.
She was a golden retriever,
and, uh, well, she, she
took off in the woods and,
uh, and I called, called
for her to stop and,
uh, she didn't, you know.
She just kept going and,
uh, which is weird,
because usually,
she's very obedient.
And, uh, so I went in
the woods after her.
I was, I was calling
and calling and, uh,
nothing, you know.
She, uh, I kept calling and, and,
and then, I started to get
a little nervous because
the sun was going down,
it was starting to get dark,
and, uh, I kept calling and
all of a sudden, I heard this,
this, this, this, she was
growling and whimpering
and, uh, and then,
she cut loose with this,
with this horrible
growl, wail kind of.
It was, it was like a scream.
When I got there, it was too late.
She was dead.
I loved that dog.
You know, it hurt bad.
Uh, someone or,
or something had, uh,
just ripped poor Bella in half,
Well, I don't...
I wouldn't say that.
I mean, there's...
There's a lot of people
who live back in the,
in these woods and, uh,
they just don't like other
people into their business here.
Like who?
Oh, like, uh, uh, pot farmers and,
river people, locals, uh,
I don't know, uh, pets and people
go missing all the time here.
Right. But you had
mentioned to me earlier,
um, when you were telling me this
story that you had the feeling that,
that it might have been
something, a Bigfoot.
Well, whoever or whatever it was,
I don't know, you know.
I just miss my dog.
Thanks, Troy.
- Is that it?
- Yeah, that's it, man.
That was a terrible story.
I know.
So, what do you
think killed his dog?
I don't know. It could
have been anything.
Yeah. He was lying.
He knows what killed his dog.
Are you serious?
You don't believe that guy,
but you believe any
nut job out there
that says Sasquatch is real?
I don't know.
I think we have to
re-think this whole
going into the woods thing.
Oh, I'm not re-thinking anything.
I'll go in there myself.
You can just stay here
in town, if you want.
Can we at least have a normal
discussion about this?
Does it just... right away,
it's got to be either/or?
Listen. I'm not going to
let one guy ruin our trip,
all right?
There's plenty of
good people up here.
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
These are your friends.
October 28, 1967,
Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin
Got 952 frames of truth
And that's all the proof I need
Bum, bum, bum, bum
- Are you getting this?
- Yeah.
Somebody wants us to "leaf."
So, so, we should go.
Let's go.
Bye, Bigfoot Motel.
We're good?
Yeah, you're good.
Hey, what's up?
I'm standing here with
Bigfoot himself and, uh,
Biggie, today is the day
we hike into Bluff Creek
to come look for you.
How, how do you feel about that?
- Uh-huh?
- It's not a joke.
- You shouldn't go there.
- Thank you.
Have a nice day.
- Let's do it again.
- OK.
So, I'm here with Bigfoot and, uh,
Biggie, today is the day we're
going to come look for you.
Are you cool with that?
"Oh, yeah, me very cool."
Good. Let's go get him.
All right.
This is so beautiful here.
I know.
We could move up here
tomorrow and be fine with it.
Hmm, I don't know about that.
I don't think I could
ever live here.
Really? Why not?
- What would I do?
- I don't know.
Be a farm hand?
I don't know.
I'm sure there's some pretty good
regional theater up here you could do.
Yeah. I think I've done all
the regional theater I care,
uh, to do, honey.
The Entire Works of Shakespeare
by Kelley Monteleone.
The Trinity National
Forest Art Center.
No, I love that I've done all that,
but, you know, I'd like
to do some more stuff.
I'd like to do TV and film
and that's mostly in LA.
I'm probably going to have
to eventually be there.
- What? LA?
- Yeah.
Are you serious?
Oh, OK.
Because I could never move to LA.
Fuck that.
You know, if I moved to LA,
I would still be the same
person and so would you.
I know you would be.
I'm not saying, you, I'm
talking about everybody else
you have to live with down there.
A bunch of freeholes.
The last time I was there, babe, they
put fruit in their, fruit in my sushi.
Who does that?
Is that... what did they
call that? Frushi?
They called it...
Yeah, that's what... that's what
I'm going to call it, frushi.
I like that.
That says everything you need
to know about LA, to a T.
Again, with the leprechauns?
I'm recording.
Trinity National Forest.
Over 2 million acres of
unexplored wilderness.
There could be a whole
herd of Bigfoot out here.
Or, leprechauns.
All right. First of all,
leprechauns aren't real, okay?
Roger and Bob,
they rode out that day
I'm sorry. I love that song.
No, you have a really
good voice for that.
Thank you.
And I have no cell reception.
The beginning of every horror movie.
Are you getting excited?
I think we're getting close.
I hope so because it's
been a very long drive
up a very narrow road.
I realize I just turned
on my turn signal.
I don't think you need to
worry about that here.
I don't think I need it either.
Let's see. Oh.
- Someone's up there.
- Who's this guy?
Oh, better stop.
Hey, how is it going, man?
Hey, is this the final
pass to get to the,
uh, PGF film site?
No, I'm sorry.
It, it got washed out
a long time ago.
There's nothing down there anymore.
Oh, yeah.
No, I've heard about that, man, but,
uh, I think we're going
to check it out anyway.
I think what you want to do is,
you want to turn this around
and go back the way you came
and just keep driving until
you get back to town.
Uh, actually, man,
I was told to come this way.
We've been traveling all day, so...
Could you turn that
camera off, please?
Oh, sorry.
So, I think we're just going to
move on now, man. Thank you.
I've already tried being nice.
Now, I'm telling you,
turn this thing around,
drive back the way you came,
keep going until you hit town,
maybe you can get there
and get yourselves
a couple of t-shirts
and maybe have a nice slice
of pie at the Fuck Off Cafe?
- OK. So...
- All right?
OK. We got it.
Why don't you get the
fuck out of here?
- Turn that fucking thing off.
- OK. I'm sorry.
Let's go, Jim. Come on.
- Have a nice day.
- OK...
I'll just run this
motherfucker over right now.
- Uh...
- Go on.
Honey, let's just get
out of here. Come on.
This guy is obviously not
excited with us being here.
Did he just fucking throw a rock?
He did?
So, what are we going to do now?
Well, I didn't come all this
way to get turned around
by that asshole.
Lucky for me, I know another way in.
I don't know if that's
a good idea, Jim.
Just hang in there, all right?
Can you do that?
Yeah, I guess so.
All right.
Would you like me to narrate?
Oh. Hey, what's up?
Uh, this is Kelly, just, uh,
driving with my boyfriend.
I'm not sure where we
are right now, but...
We are in the Trinity
National Forest.
Balls deep in the Trinity
National Forest?
Hellz, yeah.
So, babe, we did it.
This is, this is the actual road...
To what?
What do you think to what?
To the Patterson-Gimlin film site.
This is it. This is bonafide,
so fuck you, hillbilly.
I told you I know a way in.
You sure did, babe,
but we're really...
What do you think about that?
I think it's, um, scary, this road.
I mean, we're driving
in the day time.
What did they,
what did they ride in on,
horses or something or...?
Yeah, but this is how you
get to the PGF site now.
Hang on.
Oh, oh.
Bumpity, bumpity.
Last stop for the car.
We got to hike the
rest of the way in.
But babe, this is it.
We're going to get there.
Yes, we are. Can we get
out of the car now?
I would love that. Let's do it.
We're here.
We're here.
We're leaving the car behind
- and this is it, babe.
- This is it.
This is the road that
leads to Bluff Creek.
To the famed
Patterson-Gimlin film site.
What do you think?
- I didn't...
- Holy shit.
I don't think I
pictured it like this.
This is awesome.
Babe, this is the dream I've
had since I was eight years old.
- I know.
- Thank you.
I'm happy to be here,
honey. Come on.
Let's go.
Ooo, is there a
Starbucks on the way?
How long did you say it takes?
Mmm, air is clean.
- And, another brilliant observation, honey.
- Shut up.
Check out that moss.
Ah, sweet.
Oh, look at all that.
That could be Bigfoot scat.
Yeah, or it could be bear shit.
Or, Pope shit.
It's prickly.
Here, babe.
Grab the camera.
- Get some of me walking through.
- Sure. Why not? I'd love to.
I like nature.
- Oh.
- Aw!
Yeah. Are you all right?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
- All right. Just watch yourself.
- Oh, right in the nose.
Oh, shit.
Are you getting this?
Oh, yeah, I'm getting it.
All right.
"Are you getting this, huh?"
Watch your step here.
Yeah, I'm trying to, to film
and walk at the same time
in a treacherous area.
Bear with me.
Not even a path.
What the fuck?
How do we know we're
going in the right direction?
Just keep going, babe.
We're almost there.
This is fucking ridiculous.
So, by my estimations,
we're about an hour
to an hour and a half
from the PGF film site.
Turn off the camera.
- What?
- Turn off the...
So, we decided to set up camp here.
Check this out.
- Hold on, let me just get this.
- I need you to...
It's amazing to think that
we're in the same woods
that Roger Patterson and Bob
Gimlin were in 45 years ago
when they saw that creature.
What do you think?
It's very pretty.
Hey, babe, come here.
Come here. I want to
show you something.
Come here. I got a
little surprise for you.
Yeah, really.
OK. Bring it over here.
No, no, no. Come on.
Follow me.
Oh my God.
Told you.
This is insane.
You did good.
All right, I'm going in.
- You are?
- Yeah.
Oh my God. OK.
So hot.
Yeah. Whoa!
Oh my God.
Oh! It's cold.
Baby, I am proud of you.
How cold do you think that is?
Should I get in there?
I like that you had no hesitation jumping
in that water even though I didn't get in.
What is my sock doing in the tree?
Oh, what sock?
Huh. That's weird.
Oh my God.
What the fuck?
Honey, I want to go home.
I wouldn't worry about it.
It's probably just a bear.
Just a bear!? Oh, great.
That makes me feel good.
All right. Well, just
help me put it back up.
Look, they're more afraid
of us than we are of them.
I don't know. I'm pretty afraid of them.
Actually, just stand
there and record.
I think that'll be,
that'll be much better.
Oh. Oh, are you telling me
you don't want me to film?
Uh, yeah?
What is it?
What is it?
I don't know, but it
sounded really big.
It was right behind me.
I think it moved over there.
Are you serious?
Can you see it?
No, I don't see anything.
I just heard it.
Did you see that?
- Wow.
- It freaked me out so much.
Yeah. Me, too.
- I think we found our visitor.
- Oh my God, yeah.
He did have big feet.
Come in.
OK, back in the tent.
It's not going to be
that kind of night.
I hope you know.
You know, you dragged
me all the way out here.
So, listen.
You know I love you, right?
- And, I've never felt...
- I love you.
I've never felt this
way about anyone.
And, uh...
will you marry me?
Oh, I don't know what to say. Um...
Well, you could start
by saying, "Yes."
Look, I really care about you.
I do. I, I really do.
I just, I think it
might be too soon.
What if we move in together?
I've been thinking about it a lot
and I really, I want to be with you.
I do.
Move in, in LA?
If you'd be willing to do that.
Yeah, I would.
You would?
Yeah, Kelly, come on.
All right, I guess I'll take that.
You'll take that?
For now.
I love you.
Are you going to turn that off?
I don't know.
It might be good for your career.
Oh, really? Do you want me
to have that kind of career?
- Hmm.
- Yeah?
- OK.
- I guess I could turn it off.
- OK.
- Yeah, nice try.
Really turn it off now.
Baby, come on.
Did you hear that?
Hear what?
Why are you putting the
camera with the light on.
I heard knocking.
What's knocking?
I don't hear anything, honey. I'm
going to go try to get some sleep...
and you should, too. Come on.
- Just lie down.
- All right.
- Honey, come on. It's nothing.
- I know. I will, I will.
It's probably, you know,
an animal or something.
Just go back to bed.
- No, you come with me. Come on.
- I will. I will. I'm coming.
- Did you hear that?
- Yes, I heard that.
What are you going to do with that?
I'm trying to see if I
can see something.
- In case...
- No, turn that off.
I'm cold.
That was knocking.
I don't know what that means.
Sasquatches, they,
they are known for
knocking pieces of wood together.
It's a way to communicate.
That could be, you know,
trees falling or something,
- or maybe...
- Are you serious?
It can be a bear, you know.
- A bear?
- There's animals...
Grabbing a piece of wood
and hitting it against
another piece of wood?
Bears can break into cars,
babe, they can do anything.
Did you leave food out?
It's not anything, babe.
Just tell me.
You're just trying
to make me scared.
- Maybe...
- I'm wondering if I should go...
Oh, that guy,
remember, down in town,
who said, "Don't go right there."
That's probably him fucking with us.
It's possible.
Crazy people over here.
Oh, I'd be more than
happy to fuck with him.
I'm sorry. That sounded like...
Like what?
A vocalization.
A vocalization?
- Yeah.
- Of what?
- Sasquatch.
- Of a person?
A person can make that sound?
Shh, shh.
What if we turn off the light?
Do you think that would be good?
Whatever it is will go away.
I don't want it to go away.
- Honey, I do.
- This is good.
I don't want something
fucking with us out there.
This is, I knew this is...
People don't want us
to come out here,
so people are probably
fucking with us.
I don't know.
Yeah, right, yeah,
whatever, completely.
- It's fucking cold. I know that much.
- I know.
Put your arm around me. I'm cold.
Did you see something?
Does your cell phone work here?
That one was closer.
It sounded like it
was in another area.
Maybe there's more than one.
What? Come on.
Can wolves make that kind of sound?
- I mean, it was...
- Are you fucking serious?
I'm trying to figure out
what, what this is.
Do I need to tell you what this is?
Honey, we're in a huge forest.
There's like a ton of things
that could be out there.
You still don't believe, huh?
You know, I'd much rather be
in my own bed right now, so...
This is...
I knew we were asking
for trouble coming here.
This is not good.
- Just, just... shh, shut up.
- People get pissed...
We're going into territory that
should not be messed with.
I think whatever it is,
it's gone away, babe.
You know, whatever it is,
maybe, whatever it is,
is just warning us
to get away and...
it sounds like they're gone now.
OK, babe.
It's gone, babe.
That ain't no human.
What's that supposed to mean?
What is that sound?
Maybe we should turn
off the light, babe.
What is that?
That sounds like someone's crying.
Is that a woman?
I don't know what the fuck that is.
This is not funny anymore.
I'm freaked out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
What if somebody needs our help?
It sounded like a
woman who's in pain.
Shh, shh, shh.
I'm not fucking going out there.
I'm not going to go.
I really think we're
attracting attention
having the light on us in here.
You want me to turn it,
the light off?
Maybe turn it off for a second.
I'm going to keep recording?
That's fine.
But maybe just turn off the light.
Maybe, whatever.
It's attracted to the light.
There's something...
- Turn it back on?
- Yeah.
That was really close.
What the fuck is that?
Someone is right out there.
- Babe, what was that?
- I don't know, I don't know.
It's going away.
What the fuck.
So, it's almost dawn
and we're getting
the hell out of here.
We had some fucked up
shit go down last night,
um, all kinds of vocalizations,
uh, we had rocks thrown at us,
wood knocking,
uh, something pushed
on our tent and, uh,
needless to say, we're
getting the fuck out of dodge.
We're not going to
go to the film site.
- OK?
- Yeah.
- Are you ready?
- I'm fucking ready.
- I'm not taking the camera.
- Take the fucking camera.
Seriously. Please.
Look at this. Did you see this?
What the fuck is that?
Some kind of hair or something.
That's great, Jim. You know what?
Great. But we got to keep moving.
What are you doing?
I'm getting it.
You don't think we got enough
last night? Come on. Let's go.
Oh my God.
- Fuck.
- Come on, Jim.
- All right, all right.
- Are you serious? Let's go.
- Please just shoot this.
- I am shooting this.
- Oh.
- Oh.
OK. We got it. Let's go.
All right, all right. Just chill.
Jim, we got to start moving again.
I'm going.
- Come on.
- I'm going, I'm going. Fuck.
- Are you all right?
- Where are we going from here?
Yeah. I just want to know
what direction we're going in.
Here, give me the camera.
This way?
So, I may have just
gotten some evidence.
Jim, are you seriously
filming yourself?
Let's go.
You're leading.
So, we're hearing some crazy shit.
- More vocalizations.
- Jim,
are you fucking kidding me?
I knew this wasn't right.
I knew it.
Why are you stopping?
- It's the same tree.
- What?
That is the tree that we just
passed by three hours ago.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is, Jim.
It's the same fucking tree.
What are you talking about?
This is where you found the
fucking hair. We stopped.
That's not the same tree.
Yes, I have it in the fucking film.
We have it, Jim.
- Babe, I don't think that's it.
- You don't think that's it?
Why don't you look at your footage?
Your fucking footage that you
brought me out here for.
That's not it.
Look, you're
overreacting, all right?
I'm overreacting? Are you serious?
We should have been back by now.
- Fuck!
- It's getting dark out.
What are we going to do?
Come on, Kel, let's go!
I'm not following you anymore.
Oh my God!
Are you all right?
What the fuck was that?
Come on, babe.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
- Come on, babe, let's just go.
- We don't know where we are.
I know, but we got to go.
I want to go home.
I do too.
Baby, we got to go.
Where are we going to go?
I don't know where we are.
No! No! No!
All right. Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on, Kel!
Oh my God! No, no!
Come here!
Holy shit.
What is it?
Oh, shit.
- Come on!
- Oh my God!
Go! Run!
Holy shit.
Where'd it go?
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck, it's back.
I fucked up.
What the fuck is it?
Let's keep moving.
- No.
- No, come on.
No! No! No!
Help me! Help me!