Wind Chill (2007)

Oh. Jerk.
Do you think you could have parked
any further from the entrance?
Yeah, well, there were still some cars
when I got here. So...
I thought we were going to get an early start
and stay out of the snow.
What time is it?
It's a quarter after 3:00.
I'm sorry,
you should have just left without me.
That's what I would have done.
I'm kind of getting kicked
out of my apartment, so...
- Okay, well, there's no room.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Why don't you just get the engine started
and put the heat on, okay?
And I can handle this.
- You sure you can...
- Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
Whoa, hang on, hang on.
It sticks sometimes.
- What's wrong with this thing?
- That's as far up as it goes.
Oh, it's fine. I was two hours late.
Good start.
Well, tell me about it,
I'm supposed to be sitting on a beach in Cabo.
He said we should see other people,
which is original.
I'm not. I mean, I'm just not.
I couldn't care less.
No, no, it's been about an hour.
Are you kidding? I'm bored to tears.
We're still on the highway
for another five hours.
How should I know?
All the highways look exactly alike.
Hey. What?
Oh, somebody is upset.
Who do you think? My ride.
Would you get a look at that face, moody?
If I have to drive, you have to talk to me.
What, I'm the in-flight entertainment?
That's how this ride sharing thing works,
- Really?
- Division of labor.
- We split everything 50-50.
- Oh, well, I got news for you.
I don't get much more entertaining
than when I'm on the phone.
- So, you're from Wilmington, right?
- Yeah.
Where did you go to school?
St. Vitus Academy.
St. Vitus? I never heard of that.
You're acquainted with every school
in the area?
Pretty much, yeah.
Yeah, well, even the Catholic ones?
'Cause that's where I went to school.
St. Vitus Academy for Catholic boys.
We had a class together, you know.
Intro to modern philosophy.
What? There was like a million people
in that class. It was like Woodstock.
You ever see so many Eastern-religion types?
What's your major?
Eastern Religions.
So, you aren't majoring in philosophy?
No, why?
I don't know, I just assumed that you were...
Oh, yeah, well, try engineering.
I only took philosophy
because I needed a humanities credit
and I heard it was an easy A.
What did you put
for that last question on the final?
Nietzsche's theory of eternal recurrence?
Yeah, like reincarnation, right?
- No, they're actually not the same thing.
- Damn.
Reincarnation is when you come back
as something different
and eternal recurrence is when you live
the same life over and over again.
'The eternal hourglass of existence
is turned over and over, and you with it,
'a grain of dust.'
High school and philosophy,
that pretty much covers everything,
don't you think?
I guess that concludes
the entertainment portion of today's flight.
The next gas station you see,
do me a favor and pull over. I got to pee.
Yeah, okay, I'll keep my eyes peeled.
No, it's that phrase,
keeping your eyes peeled.
I just find it creepy, you know.
Yeah, it is sort of.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Speaking of peeling eyeballs,
did you know that's how they do
that corrective eye surgery?
Yeah, they use a laser.
Yeah, they do,
but there's also peeling involved.
I saw it on Discovery Health.
You know, if more people knew
about the whole peeling part,
they might think twice
before going under the knife.
It's a laser, they use a laser.
I'm having corrective eye surgery
over the break.
- Why? Why do you...
- Because I hate wearing my glasses, okay?
But they look so good on you.
How would you know?
I never wear them outside my dorm.
Hey, here's your gas station.
- What?
- I thought you had to pee.
Yeah, but I didn't expect us
to find a bathroom so soon.
- My nails aren't dry.
- Oh.
- Well...
- It's fine, they'll be dry any second.
- If you want, I can carry you.
- I'll just...
- You're not carrying me.
- No, no, no, trust me.
- I'm good at this, okay? I'm good at this.
- Give me a break.
- What the hell are you...
- Here you go, just...
For Christ's sake!
You're going to be thanking me, okay?
Just wrap your arms around me.
- Wait!
- Lift up...
- Oh, my God.
- There we go. Okay, now shut the door.
- This is sick.
- No, no, this is good, right?
This is good.
There you go.
Grab the door. You see that? It's in there.
Thanks. That's sweet.
Put me down. You can put me down now.
Sir, is there a bathroom?
- Is there a bathroom?
- Yeah, it's right through there.
Oh, great.
Come on.
Piece of shit, come on.
Hey, I'm locked in here!
Hey, can...
Can anybody hear me? I'm locked in!
Hey, I'm locked in!
How could you not hear me?
Christ! Come on.
Hey. Hey, didn't you just hear me
banging in there?
Oh, is that funny to you, me locked in?
You think that's funny?
What are you talking about?
Locked in where?
You're telling me, you didn't just hear me
banging on the door? I could hear you.
Listen, I don't know what you're talking about.
Forget it. It doesn't even matter.
Let's just get on the road.
Remember, the highway's your best bet.
Don't worry about it, man.
I got it all covered.
- Are we lost or something?
- No, I've done this drive a million times.
- What's that for?
- It's my half of the gas.
- No, it's fine. It's fine. No.
- Come on...
What do you mean?
'This is how ride sharing works.
'Division of labor.
We split everything 50-50.'
- Come on, take the money.
- I don't take money from friends.
What the hell is this?
- It's a scenic detour.
- Get back on the highway.
- Look, would you just...
- No, I mean it, get back on the highway.
- Calm down.
- You don't know where you're going.
All right, will you chill? It looks interesting.
No, I won't chill, get back on the highway.
This is not going to happen.
Look, relax, okay? It's a shortcut.
We'll be back on the highway in no time.
Yeah, well, there's no radio station...
You're not going to get a signal,
we're in a valley.
FM radio waves travel in a straight line,
they can't penetrate the big hills. Try AM.
Where were you
when I was flunking freshman physics?
So, does your family do
the whole traditional family Christmas?
No, my grandparents are Dutch,
so I was raised on salted licorice
and Sinterklaas.
How is that different from regular Santa Claus?
Well, instead of the North Pole,
he lives in Spain.
And instead of elves,
he's got this enforcer named Black Pete.
So, he's basically like your Santa Claus,
only scarier.
That's charming.
So, come on, what's your Christmas like?
Christmas is like me racing
back and forth between Mom and Dad,
who split in my freshman year. So...
Two turkey dinners, two trees,
two sets of presents
to return for store credit.
I can normally deal,
but this year Mom decided to rent
a condo at the beach, which is like...
Which is like what, two hours away?
I don't know, the beach can be
sort of nice in the winter.
You a Rehoboth Beach family or Stone Harbor?
Stone Harbor.
Yeah, we always went to Rehoboth.
I was just jealous of all my friends
who got to spend summers at the Jersey shore.
Yeah, me, too.
Stone Harbor is the Jersey shore.
- Yeah.
- You know that, right?
- No, no, I know where it is.
- You're not from Delaware, are you?
No. It's complicated.
- Who are you?
- What are you talking about? I am...
- What the hell's going on here?
- Nothing's going on.
Yeah, what the hell's going on here?
- Will you just calm down, okay?
- No, you're freaking me out.
I can explain. It's...
Well, you explain. I don't get any of this.
Watch out.
Do you have the lights on?
He doesn't even see us.
- Well, how can he not see us?
- Pull over! Let the asshole go by.
Where do you want me to pull over?
There's no shoulder.
I don't know. Slow down! He's not stopping!
Hold on! Hold on!
Come on.
Come on. Please.
Come on.
What are you doing?
Just calling 911. I've been trying to call 911.
- Any luck?
- I can't get a signal.
- What about yours?
- I don't have a cell.
How can you not have a cell?
How are you doing?
- You all right?
- I'm fine.
- How about you?
- I don't know. I think I...
I think I hit my head.
So what happened to the...
What happened to the guy?
I don't know.
He just decided to hit and run, I guess.
Yeah, but...
But where's...
Where's his tire tracks?
Is anybody down there?
I guess we go back to the car,
see how bad we're stuck.
All right, why don't I...
Why don't you get in there and steer
and I'll push, okay?
Go ahead, start it up.
Yeah, give it gas.
Come on. Okay, give it more gas.
More gas, more gas!
More gas, more gas!
Okay, okay, stop.
Open up.
Can you pop the lock?
- Come on, it's freezing out here.
- Well, better get used to it, asshole.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What did I do?
You drove us here.
That's what you did.
What the hell did you think you were doing?
I thought I was driving you home.
What are you talking about?
You're not driving me home,
you don't live near my home,
and this piece of shit isn't driving anywhere.
Now, what are we doing here?
- Why did you get off the highway?
- Look, I told you, okay?
- This is a shortcut, all right?
- Oh, come on.
Anyway, you're the one who said
she was so bored driving on the highway.
I was. I was bored.
Well, this used to be called Scenic 606
because there's an amazing view
of the valley out here.
You've never been here before
so don't pretend you knew it's a shortcut,
and there's an amazing view of shit
because it's pitch black out.
Okay, so let me get this straight.
You think I intentionally arranged
for us to get stranded out here?
- I don't know!
- Look, it was an accident, God damn it!
You saw the other guy.
You think he was in on it, too, huh?
- Maybe, maybe!
- You're crazy.
- I'm crazy?
- Yes!
You know what?
While you were supposedly unconscious,
I got through to a friend's voicemail
and I'm sure she's called the cops by now.
Would you listen to yourself?
What kind of a psycho do you think I am?
All right, look, I'm going to head
back to the gas station, okay?
I'm going to go back there for help.
You should be fine.
You've got the radio, you've got the heater.
But I really think
you should consider coming with me.
Yeah, I bet you do.
All right, fine, whatever.
Look, if you start to feel cold
and you feel a draft
and you want to patch this,
I keep some duct tape in the back.
I bet you do!
The National Weather Service in Harrisburg
has issued a winter storm warning
for the entire Eastern Seaboard.
Carbon County residents can expect
snow accumulations of four to six inches.
State and local officials are urging residents
to remain indoors
as temperatures will plunge overnight,
with the wind chill reaching
Hello! Do you live around here?
We've just had an accident.
We could really use some help here.
What the hell?
- Hey.
- Jesus!
Whoa, relax, relax. Take it easy. It's just me.
- Just stay away from me.
- Oh, take it easy, what's wrong?
- You, everything and that guy...
- What guy? What guy?
I don't know, it was weird. I just saw some
guy who was walking down the road.
- Where'd he go, up here?
- Into the woods.
All right, well, look,
why don't we just get in the car
and you can tell me all about it?
- What are you doing back so soon?
- What?
What about hiking to the gas station?
- It should have taken you longer than that.
- It was closed.
I was gonna leave a note,
but I didn't have anything to write with.
Those places are supposed to stay open 24/7.
Why wasn't it open? Tell me that.
Well, how the hell should I know?
It was an independent operator.
Look, it's freezing out here.
Let's just get in the car.
I'm not getting into the car with you,
you psycho.
Fine, suit yourself.
I'm getting in, you're welcome to join me.
God damn it.
God damn it.
Relax, we need to conserve the battery,
It's not right.
The clock is not right.
It's not. It should say...
Well, my watch stopped, that's great.
Your head is bleeding.
Your head is bleeding by your ear.
It's nothing.
Doesn't look like nothing. It's a lot of blood.
Well, scalp wounds bleed a lot, you know?
Head wounds in general.
That's why, if you're ever in a bar fight,
what you should do is pick up a beer bottle
and smash the other guy
across the bridge of the nose
'cause it'll make his eyes
fill with blood and snot,
and it'll buy you time to get away, so...
That's really useful.
Where are you from?
A place called Glens Falls.
- That's not in Delaware.
- Nope.
- It's like in the complete opposite direction.
- Yep.
- It's like 10 minutes from school.
- Okay, all right. So I lied. Okay, so...
- Why? Why would you lie?
- I don't know.
I mean, you seem like a cool girl, you know.
And I don't have a line, or a game
or whatever it's called.
So, when I saw a chance to get you alone
for six uninterrupted hours, I took it.
How'd you know where I lived?
I asked around.
Yeah, so you knew I was from Delaware,
but how did you know
I needed a ride home? I mean...
I always fly. How could you possibly know
that for the first time in my college career
I was going Greyhound?
So excuse me for attempting a romantic gesture.
Romantic? What the...
Come on, try stalkerish.
Yeah, well, not if things
had worked out between us.
I mean, I would have told you
everything eventually.
It would just be
this sweet, funny story we'd have.
Okay, all right,
you've made your point, all right?
I'm a creep who gets off on
chauffeuring women under false pretenses.
I got it, all right? Can we just drop this?
Look, I'm starving, okay?
I'm gonna get the groceries from the trunk.
Can you...
- What?
Oh, shit, I think I left it in the parking lot.
- What?
- I'm sorry, it was an accident.
- You have so much crap in your car...
- I just spent 60 bucks on those groceries.
I bought all that gourmet crap that you like,
the Saint-Andr cheese,
the Carr's crackers,
those stupid little French pickles.
- Cornichons?
- Cornichons.
I love cornichons.
I know.
I think I remember losing a candy bar
down the seat cushion the other day.
Let me just... Oh, God, I'm starving.
What? What is it? What is it?
It's a candy bar.
You're an asshole.
- Give me these.
- Get off. Let go!
- All right, give me these, God damn it.
- Let go!
I need these.
You just ask.
I can't believe you left all the food
in that parking lot.
Oh, my God,
I will write you a check for 60 bucks
if it'll make you get off my case.
Let's just eat, all right?
You're killing me.
- Story of my life, never fails.
- What?
You, girls, women.
- I mean you seem cool at first...
- What are you talking about?
You should all come with a warning
like car mirrors.
Objects in belly shirts
are flakier than they appear.
You want to talk about flaky,
'cause I'll go there.
How about guys who pretend to be
from Delaware to meet girls?
Okay, how about we just stop talking
altogether, huh?
- That's perfect.
- All right, great, great.
That's perfect, 'cause now I'm not some
Nietzsche-spouting girl of your dreams,
suddenly I'm not worth knowing, right?
Yeah, the fuel tank must have cracked
in the accident.
What do you think?
You got a welding rig
in all that shit of yours?
Even if you did, it wouldn't matter.
We're out of gas.
We still have a battery.
We got no engine.
Okay? We got no heat.
All right.
Hold on a sec.
Layers. It's the only way
we're going to make it to sunup.
So start layering up,
put on everything you brought, okay?
Well, I didn't bring anything.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, you're right.
I'm just so ill prepared
for us crashing into a snowdrift.
How could you not bring anything?
Because I have everything I need in Delaware.
All right.
- What's the matter?
- It's freezing. I can't feel my toes.
Yeah, me neither.
You know, there is a better way
for two people to conserve body heat.
Oh, dream on.
- What?
- I got to pee.
- All right.
- Oh, sorry.
Why didn't you go when we were outside before?
Because it's freezing out.
It's like an arctic air mass out of Canada.
Yeah, well, it's still freezing out.
Yeah, well, I really got to go.
Just promise not to look.
Oh, my God!
Did you see? Did you see?
They were right here.
- Who? Who?
- These people just waltzed right past me.
Why didn't you stop them?
Jesus, where'd they go?
- Where'd they go?
- That way. They went...
Well, come on, let's...
Where did they go?
They're there, they're there, come on.
Hey! Wait! Hello!
There they are. Hello, wait!
Come on. Wait, hold on, give me a sec.
I guess it's... It's my back.
- We should just go back to the car.
- No.
- No, we should just go back to the car.
- No, we should keep going.
Listen to me. Listen, he looked right at me.
Why wouldn't he stop?
Something's not right.
Look, maybe these guys can help us, okay?
Okay, you go back to the car
and I'll meet you there.
This is insane.
Wait. Wait! Wait! Just, please wait!
Wait! Just wait!
Please, Officer, please don't...
Don't put me in the river.
Who did this to you?
- I can't hear what you're saying.
- Please, Officer, please.
- It's okay, it's okay.
- Don't put me in the river.
- It's okay. Stop, please stop, it's okay.
- Don't put me in the river.
What happened?
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
I didn't see anyone.
There's nobody up there.
There's nobody up there. Look. Look at me.
Are you all right? What happened?
There was this guy, I saw him walking
and there was something with his face.
I don't wanna talk. I can't talk.
Oh, Jesus, what happened?
I just went to touch him.
Come on.
Where'd you get that?
Oh, there's a...
There's the ruins of an old house
or something up on the hill.
You know, we can use it to patch the window.
Keep the air out better than that.
You got the duct tape?
That should stick.
- Okay, I'm gonna get in the back.
- Wait.
You awake?
I don't want to sleep.
I'm just afraid I won't wake up, you know.
That's what they say happens
when you freeze to death.
It's just like going to sleep.
Yeah, well, there's worse ways to go.
- Oh, my God, who is it?
- Is everything all right in there?
- It's a cop, it's a cop.
- What?
- Oh, thank God. Thank God.
- Officer, Officer...
You don't know how glad we are to see you. won't believe
what's been happening up here.
You don't know how happy we are to see you.
Someone ran us off the road...
There's no parking here.
No, no, we're not...
What are you talking about?
Didn't you hear what she said?
- Somebody ran us off the road.
- Someone ran us off the road.
Of course, I might be willing
to let you off with a warning this time,
if we can come to some sort of arrangement.
What are you talking about, sir? We...
It's a shakedown. It's a shakedown.
He's probably partners with the guy
who ran us off the road.
Oh, Jesus,
you think this whole thing was a scam?
That son of a bitch could have killed us.
How much cash do you have on you?
Seriously, how much?
Oh, I can't believe this.
I got 20, 30, 40, 35... I got 40 bucks.
- Okay.
- I'll take care of...
No, come on, come on. Please.
How many speeding tickets
have you sweet-talked your way out of?
This is all we have.
Some weather we're having.
Yeah, it sure is.
So, what do you say?
How about a little Christmas spirit here?
You know, this is one bad stretch of road.
All kinds of trouble going on up here.
Kids drag racing,
niggers hauling booze across state lines.
Lady drivers breaking down,
no one ever hears from them again.
We just want to get out of here,
so if you could just...
Let me tell you,
I've seen a lot of fatalities on this road.
You're lucky I came along when I did.
So why don't we get in my car?
I'm not getting in your car.
I think maybe I just...
I just want to go... I'll go back to my...
You're not going anywhere!
- Get in the damn patrol car.
- Please, just let us go.
Hurry up, we've got an audience.
We didn't do anything, just...
Please, just let us go.
We won't tell anybody.
If you just...
We've done nothing wrong, we...
Sir, we got stranded here. Don't do this.
Get away from her, you bastard!
Oh, jeez, your fingers are stuck.
Okay, you need to breathe.
This is really gonna hurt, okay? Hold on.
- You ready?
- Okay.
- Just breathe.
- Okay.
Good, that's really good, that's really good.
Well done.
How bad?
You got frostbite, second and third degree.
- How do you know?
- Ski camp.
Oh, thanks,
but I'm not really in the mood anymore.
We have to re-warm your hands, okay?
We got to get the circulation going again.
You could lose your fingers.
It's okay. Okay.
What just happened to us out there?
I don't know. You were there.
I know, but where did he go?
It's like, who was he?
One minute he's there and then he's gone.
It's like he was a...
A ghost.
How do you make it stop?
I don't know.
They don't cover this in Philosophy 101.
It's okay.
It's warm.
Oh, God!
I can feel your stomach rumbling.
Oh, God, I'd give anything
for some of those Carr's crackers.
Yeah, me, too.
What else did you have in that grocery bag?
You don't want to know.
I do. I really just...
Oh, just talk to me... I just need to...
Okay, I got duck liver pt with truffles,
and I got some olives, the normal kind
and the little black shriveled...
- The shriveled ones.
- Yeah, the little ones with...
I got some white wine
and then for dessert, I got anisette biscotti
and a thermos of espresso.
That's pretty much the exact meal
I'd order for my last day on Earth.
- Yeah.
- You knew that, anyway.
I'll have to get a restraining order
against you if we ever get out.
- I just want to get through this.
- Okay, come on.
It can't be too much longer till dawn.
There's bound to be someone
who's gonna come by, by then.
Somebody will come by, you know.
Snowplow or something.
- How are your hands?
- They're starting to burn.
- Oh, that's good.
- Yeah.
That's really good,
that means the circulation's coming back.
That's great.
But, I mean, they're really starting to burn.
- I got some Tylenol.
- Yeah?
- Let go, I got some Tylenol.
- Okay.
It's freezing.
Wait a second,
I think I know who those guys are.
- Listen.
- What?
'First to arrive at the scene
were Roman Catholic priests
'from St. Christopher's Home
for Retired Clergy.'
'Hearing the crash on nearby Route 606,
'they braved inclement weather
to administer last rites to a dying pair.'
'They were unable to save a highway patrolman
'who was also involved in the accident.
Continued on page 7.'
That's from December 23, 1953.
We need to take turns keeping watch.
Okay, I'll go first, you get some sleep.
Oh, my God. Hey. Hey.
Wake up. Hey, come on. Come on, wake up!
Oh, thank God.
Oh, God!
I think... I think he's gone.
What if he comes back?
What if he comes back?
We just have to stay in here
until morning, okay?
Just stay here until morning, okay?
We'll be safe in here, yeah.
So, what happened to the guy
you were supposed to go to Cabo with?
I heard you talking about it on the phone.
- Did you?
- I was sitting here, remember?
So, what happened?
I blew it.
It wasn't his fault, you know,
he was very sweet.
Into me, a little too into me.
I just couldn't stand the idea
of spending all that time alone with him,
or with anyone.
I feel so stuck, you know,
in this role of being 'difficult'
and I don't know how to shake it off.
I'm getting real good at being on my own.
Well, for what it's worth,
I don't think you're that difficult.
Actually, maybe you're a little difficult.
I'm going to get you some Tylenol, okay?
What the hell is this?
Is this blood?
Have you been peeing blood?
How badly were you hurt in the crash?
It's no big deal.
If it doesn't kill you,
it makes you stronger, right?
How long have you known?
Since I started walking back
to the gas station.
You were right, I didn't make it very far.
I started spitting out blood
and I turned around and came back.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want to scare you, okay?
Jesus Christ.
I'm going to have to get you some help.
I'm going to...
I'm going to hike back to the gas station.
Oh, yeah, how far do you think you'll get
before you run into him?
I need a landline. I need a landline.
I need a landline, I got an idea.
- What are you looking at?
- A telephone pole.
You know, there's a junction box at the top,
and I've seen it, you can test the lines.
That one. That one. You see that one?
You have a phone. I saw you have a...
Okay, I can jack into it, okay?
And I can try and call for help.
I can do this.
- You're forgetting about one thing.
- What?
It's that song.
You turn the radio on
and you listen out for that one song.
It comes on just before he shows up.
You gotta listen and when you hear it,
you just yell and you honk the horn,
and I can hear you, and I can make it back.
- I can make it back.
- Yeah.
- I've been thinking.
- What about?
- Eternal recurrence.
- Oh, yeah?
- Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
- What wouldn't?
Repeating this life. Over and over.
Exactly the same each time.
Even the last 24 hours?
I'd do it different.
You know what I'd do different?
Next time, I'd just walk up to you after class
and say hi.
You should.
Definitely do that.
I'll be right back.
- Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi, we need help.
- Yeah, we have a really bad connection...
We're on Highway 606. Highway 606.
- Please hurry, my friend's hurt and he's...
- Can you repeat your...
I think I got through. I think I got through.
I don't know if she heard everything.
I got through. Yeah, I think I got...
Hey, come on, wake up,
I think I got through.
Hey, come on. Come on now.
Come on, don't do this to me. I got through!
Come on, wake up!
I got through! I got through!
You knew I was coming back.
I told you I was coming back.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, God, come on. Come on.
- Dispatch, can you come in?
- Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm at the site of
that reported accident on Route 606.
One of them didn't make it.
I'm taking the other directly
to the trauma unit in Hadleyville.
- Copy that.
- Copy that.
There's been some pretty bad accidents
on this road over the years.
Started back in the '50s.
Supposed to be a bad cop,
used to stop people here.
And that was the last you'd see of them.
One night, the cop was drunk,
ran some kids off the road.
Cop went over the cliff, burned to death.
Kids died, too.
Not long after that, a family from
New York City was found froze to death.
Froze to death in their car.
Fire department had to hose them down
with hot water for two hours
just to thaw them out.
Every year, around the holidays,
seems to be an accident.
- What about the priests?
- Winter, '61.
They were all found froze to death
in their beds.
Wow, who the hell is that driving in this mess?
Oh, that must be Tom McClintock.
- Hey, Tom.
- It's not Tom.
What the hell is he doing? Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Honey, you're going to be okay.
You stay here.
I'm going to see about the other guy.
Don't move.
Oh, my...
- Hang on, Officer. Hang on.
- What are you doing? Don't go down there.
- You hang on!
- Sir, don't go down there.
Can't move. Can't move!
- We got to help him.
- It doesn't matter, he's already dead.
Stop it. Listen, I need to help him. All right?
- Who are they?
- It's the priests.
What are you waiting for,
a letter from the bishop?
Hurry up. I smell gas.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
You have no right to sit in judgment of me!
Whatever you think you saw...
It was all lawfully done!
Oh, please, for the love of Christ,
have mercy on a poor sinner.
You bastard! No.
You think you're getting rid of me?
You're never going to get rid of me.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Get away from her, you bastard!
Oh! No!
Oh, just please stop.
I would have told you everything eventually.
I know.
It'll be okay.
It would just be
this sweet, funny story we'd have.