Window Wonderland (2013)

Yes, mom.
Yeah, no, I'm going to
wear the shoes.
No, no, no,
I can't wear those.
I wore those on black Friday
and cyber Monday.
Yes, I love you, too.
Merry Christmas, sir!
Ooh, excuse me.
Are you done
with the crossword?
Thank you.
Hey, window-washer.
Hey, window-dresser!
Well, assistant
window dresser,
but thanks for the upgrade.
"Nine-letter word
for Spanish moss."
Of course.
I'm stuck on 13 down.
I'm thinking "chaplin."
That would work.
You seeing the boss
dressed like that?
'Tis the season.
Besides, unlike you,
they didn't hire me
for my looks.
I'm a looker.
Have a good one.
Okay, latte,
extra foam.
Ah, thank you, sweetheart.
You look like you're ready
to take over the world.
I would be happy to
take over the front windows.
You do that, and I'll be
here to wash them for you.
Thanks, Mac.
Good luck.
Good morning, Mr. Fitch,
how are you?
Cut the small talk, Sloan.
Work to do.
Why are you here?
Well, let me see.
Oh, right, I work here.
Yeah, but you're not here
for the window job.
The position hasn't
been filled yet, has it?
Don't worry,
I'm sure
you'll get it.
Oh, I am not worried.
Candy cane?
No, thank you.
I had candy canes for
Oh, yum.
Okay, not that
it's going to help,
but, uh, that sweater
you're wearing...
Is awesome. Right?
Bought it on 34th street.
Um, we're supposed to be wearing
clothes from mcguire's.
You know,
so, you may want to...
Take that off.
Oh, I see
what's happening here.
I'm flattered,
but I feel like we should
keep this relationship
strictly professional.
This may be
a joke to you,
but this is not
a joke to me.
This job is about
projecting an image, okay?
It's a responsibility.
We're not
doctors without borders.
We're window dressers.
Mm-mm, mm-mm.
We are visual merchandisers.
Isn't that kind of like
calling the trash guy
a "garbologist"?
Good morning.
How are you? Okay.
Now, I'm sure you've both
that our loyal
miss jeffers,
our head designer
for two decades,
stabbed us in the back
and went to go work for
our competitors,
taking her people
and her sketches,
and leaving me
with empty windows
and low hanging fruit,
a.K.A., you two.
So, merry Christmas to me.
So, obviously,
it's far too late to find
any suitable replacements.
I would actually...
I would be more than happy
to step in for miss jeffers.
Oh. Oh...
Well, there you go,
problem solved, right?
No, I realize that I don't
have her experience, per se.
But three of
the window ideas
that were implemented
over the summer,
they were mine.
Partially mine.
I graduated from Parsons
with honors.
Carry on, sorry.
Oh. Thank you.
And I have been working
at mcguire's
for two years now.
For two years.
My gosh, that's practically
a lifetime, two years.
I've been here two months, and
it feels like a lifetime.
It certainly does, Jake.
It feels like a lifetime,
Okay, guys, listen,
Christmas is in 28 days.
That's two new windows
every week
until the jolly fat guy
in the suit shows up, right?
Santa claus, thank you.
I was gonna say "Santa".
I know we've been through
some remodeling here,
but mcguire's has 95 years of
tradition we have to uphold,
and we're not going to let
some black-hearted turncoat
bring us down.
No, because
our windows?
Our windows are going to
grab people off the street,
and take their breath away...
Breath right out of them,
running into the store
with their credit cards.
"Right, get out of my way!"
Running in,
buying things.
Listen to me,
this is very important.
If the impossible
were to happen,
and one of you two
were to impress me,
you might just find yourselves
the next miss jeffers.
God help us!
Thank you for the
Um, I won't disappoint you.
I, on the other hand, might.
No doubt you will,
no doubt you will.
Pressure's on,
pressure cooker's on.
Pressure's on!
Come on, guys,
let's do this.
Well, he's fun.
Nice legs.
Or should I say "leg."
Sloan van doren.
Mom, I told you that I
No, you can't call me
on my cell here.
I don't get any reception.
I'll call you back.
If it's not one thing,
it's your mother, huh?
So, uh, three names or four?
No, let me guess,
let me guess.
Um... Mrs. bitsy Hanover...
Van doren Jones.
She's in the garden club...
Oh, and on the board
of several charities.
Wow, you must be psychic.
I am. And you know
what else I see?
Me as the future miss
And 95 years of mcguire's
comes to a screeching halt.
You know,
there are two windows.
We could team up,
pool our ideas.
Yeah, or, um,
I could get both windows,
and then you could go back
to doing the sock display
on the second floor.
Or I could get both windows,
and you could go back to
"how to win friends
and influence people."
: Ah, lifestyles
of the rich and shameless.
Kenny, good to see you
It's Kenneth, actually,
and no offense,
but I don't shake hands.
Mm, tennis elbow?
No. Germs.
Yes, it's flu season,
and Kenneth
can't afford to get sick.
Oh, are you saying
I make people sick?
At least one, yeah.
Thank you.
Okay, you two.
You didn't drop
a dime, did you, Kenny?
Losers, weepers.
I'll see you tomorrow?
Let's go.
I like this guy.
Oh, dashing through the
in a one-horse open sleigh
over the fields we go...
Flanders and missy
want to meet up later.
Oh, um, I can't.
I really need to get home
and start sketching.
- It's early.
- I know.
I'm... I'm sorry.
Okay, so, um,
to clarify,
if you get this,
you'll be working
over the holidays?
Well... yes.
So, what about Aspen?
We could...
We could go in January...
After new year's?
Everyone will be gone by
So, what, it's like Pompeii?
The entire town vanishes?
I mean, everyone that
Come on, nobody gives up
skiing in Aspen
to put up balloons in some
windows, Sloan, nobody.
It's not just some window.
It's my chance.
You know, I could be
head window designer
at mcguire's.
I probably won't get it.
I mean, they'll most likely
give it to Jake.
No, you're going to get it.
I'll have my dad call
old man mcguire
who belongs to our club.
You'll get it.
What? No.
No, no, please don't do
Sloan, this is
how things happen.
People call in favors
all the time.
But, see, I don't want this
to be a favor.
I need to get this on my
I can do this.
All right, that's it
for tonight, folks.
Wake up, we're done.
Thank you.
You have until 10:00.
All right?
Lock up on your way out.
Will do.
Major progress
tonight, everybody.
See you next Thursday.
Nine-letter word
for shrew?
Uh... harridan?
Hey, Mac.
It's battleaxe.
Why did you just
point at me
and say "battleaxe"?
What? Oh, come on,
it's a term of endearment.
A soldier goes to war, he
needs his battleaxe, right?
- Thanks, honey.
- Yeah, thanks, hon'.
Hey, don't. No.
Come on, what happened to
that Christmas spirit?
All right,
the bigger question is
why is an adult
eating a gingerbread man
at 7:30
in the morning?
Oh, thank you.
I'm forgetting something.
What am I forgetting?
Don't look at me.
I don't know what day it is.
It's Wednesday.
It's Thursday.
How did that happen?
So, uh, big night
with you and sir Kenneth?
No. Sketching,
oh, sketching.
Yes. For the window?
That's what I forgot.
I forgot paper.
You know what? Sorry.
Real quick.
Gee, thanks.
You're kidding me.
You're just
doing this now?
Inspiration strikes
when it strikes.
Yeah, no,
take your time.
You have a whole,
ooh, seven minutes.
Oh, you're ridiculous.
Hey, that's good,
that's good.
A little snowman, maybe?
People, people, people,
clearly, this assignment
was above your pay grade.
Well, everything's
above my pay grade.
Needless to say,
I am happy to report
that you're not entirely
void of talent.
Thank you, Mr. Fitch.
Really, Sloan,
is there no end to your
gratuitous pleasantries?
Oh, yeah. There is.
Installations begin
tomorrow night.
So it goes without saying
that the alarm will be on,
so exit through the alley
The system will bypass
that specific exit
for two hours
and then re-arm.
We don't need another
Halloween fiasco.
That was a freak accident.
South window.
Um, thank you, Mr. Fitch,
and, um, which one
are we going to go for
in the north window?
Uh, north window.
I accept.
Oh, this is
so unexpected.
Uh, I'd like to thank
my third grade art teacher.
Of course, I wouldn't be
sitting here today
if it weren't for this
I don't understand.
I thought you said
that only one of us was
was going to get to replace
miss jeffers.
Oh, and one of you will.
The one whose brings in
the most customers
between now and Christmas.
With all due respect,
Mr. Fitch,
I take this
very seriously.
I mean, I was up all night
with those sketches,
and he did his
in, like, what
10 minutes
on the curb?
Well, seven,
but who's counting?
His design was better.
In fact, had he not
smeared frosting
on his second napkin,
he might have had both
There you go.
Thank you.
You look tired,
Sleep is crucial
for women like us.
Like us?
You know,
the unmarried.
Look at me,
I get my nine hours,
no matter what.
Alarm could go off
in the building,
my head stays on the pillow.
That sounds dangerous.
Not as dangerous
as that lipstick
you're wearing.
Those red hues
totally wash you out.
You're a fall,
not a winter.
Knock 'em dead.
Thank you, Rita.
What, no tip
for all that advice?
Have a nice day.
How could I not?
Look at all these
If you don't mind
me saying so, dearie,
that scarf doesn't do you
any justice.
Have you seen the display
on the third floor?
I'm just trying
to be helpful.
Hold the door!
Whoa, whoa! Ah...
Thank you, darling.
Where you headed?
Cooking demonstration
by any chance?
Best appetizers
in the house.
And on the house.
I just hope they have
that plum pudding today.
No, plum pudding
is Tuesdays.
Today is candied yams.
Wednesday and Friday are those
honey-baked ham things.
Sounds like you could use
a homecooked meal.
Yeah, it's a little
more expensive here
than I'm used to.
New York.
Ah, ain't that the truth.
Talk to you.
Thank you.
Good night, Mac.
Good night, Rita.
Congrats on the window.
Oh, thank you.
I just can't believe
that he got the other one.
He thinks this job is a
Well, maybe
it just seems that way.
You know, the thing
that gets me though is,
he's good, you know?
Well, I don't know much
about design,
but I've seen
a lot of windows in my day,
and I'll tell you one thing,
when miss jeffers
started here,
she wasn't
all that good.
Her first Christmas window
was a styrofoam snowman.
Oh, no.
With a carrot nose,
and the two eyes of coal?
Just one.
The other one fell out.
Oh, no!
But she took this art class,
and she got in touch
with her creative side.
my job is done.
Ah, wish I could
say the same.
An all-nighter?
What are you up to?
Oh, just another night at
No hot date?
More like cold leftovers
and a good book.
Oh, hey.
You ever see this one?
Aw, it is a classic.
Yeah, maybe when I was 7.
Aw, it's funnier now.
What's really funny
is that you, um,
you haven't even started.
I started.
I plugged in the TV.
Wow, nice skyline.
Go back to your cartoon.
I want to see
what you do next.
Will it be...
The empire state building?
Or the statue of liberty?
I knew it.
That looks heavy.
Let me give you a hand.
Thank you.
No, take it.
Come on, take it.
I insist.
No, I can manage.
Thank you.
All right!
I'll be over here
if you need me,
hanging out.
Actually, you know what,
I think I work better
with an...
It's like working
in a fishbowl.
I see you went with
less is more.
And I see you went with
more is more.
Well, louder
grabs people.
You know, understated
elegance, though,
just taps them
on the shoulder.
Yours is good.
North pole, wifi,
very clever.
So's yours.
Simple and to the point.
Oh, this guy again?
Does he have to
drive by here every day?
His office
is up the street.
I thought he worked
out of his car.
You look like
you've been up all night.
Um, what do you think?
Very clever.
Oh, thank you.
No, not that one,
it's the other one.
Oh, right.
Yeah, that one, um...
That one looks great, too.
Look, I'm late for work.
Drinks later?
: Bye.
He doesn't like mine.
Ah, what does he know?
He's a suit.
Yeah, his family's
on the board
of the guggenheim.
Never heard of it.
Come on, I'll let you
buy me a fa LA latte.
Oh, this day just
keeps getting better.
See you later.
I have a million other
places I could be right now.
Oh, name two.
How about
human resources,
picking up
your severance check, huh?
Should I go on?
Nope, we're good.
Okay. Listen,
if someone
comes into the store
after seeing
one of these displays,
there is a 50% greater
that they're going to make
a purchase.
Wait, does that
even make sense?
Yes, it makes sense, Jake.
- Uh, are sales up, Mr. Fitch?
- Marginally.
- Oh, you're welcome.
- That wasn't a compliment.
your window was pleasant,
But pleasant
makes people smile...
Smiling is good, right?
No, not if they smile
and keep walking down the
street to the next store, okay?
You're here to create
the desire to shop, okay?
So, bring people in,
otherwise I'm going to have
to give napkin king here
your window, too.
Just the way it goes.
Aren't you going to gloat?
No. I liked your window.
Are you finished with this?
Just going to
borrow this real quick.
Is there anything else
I can get you, sir?
I could go for a sandwich.
: I'll tell you
where you can go.
Oh, no.
Mac sent you here, too?
Apparently, he wants us
to spend more time together.
Yes, because, clearly, nine
hours a day isn't enough?
Hey, if you want to see me
after hours,
just come out and say it.
I am so done
bringing him coffee.
Easels, everyone.
Jake, we're starting.
Today, we will be
focusing on...
The eyes.
Windows to the soul.
New student?
Um, no, I'm... no.
Don't be shy.
We're all very
supportive here.
Have a seat.
We'll set you up
with a sketch pad...
Have a seat.
Get you all set up.
Piece of charcoal,
you are ready to draw.
Kill the smile, Jake.
It's very distracting.
All right,
heads up, everybody,
next session,
we will be focusing on...
The upper torso.
Just a heads-up
on that one.
Jake, of course,
will be hitting the gym,
he'll be doing
crunches galore.
I know, I'll be out of here
by 10:00.
And kill the lights.
You left them on
last time.
I did?
20 bucks, huh?
You are a supermodel.
Well, I do it
for the studio time.
Not that I would
turn down 20 bucks.
I didn't know
I was so good-looking.
I assume this means
you'll be sticking around
for the upper torso then?
You assume wrong.
I want to show you
If it's the upper torso,
thanks, I pass.
Less spectacular than that.
Much less, in fact.
I don't know
how to finish it.
I didn't know
you were a painter.
It's all I ever wanted to
ever since I discovered the
art section at the library.
Andrew wyeth.
Yeah, "Christina's world."
You know it?
Yeah, I had that painting
on my bedroom wall
in high school.
Me too.
Of course,
where I'm from,
nobody actually
becomes a painter
unless they're painting
the side of a barn.
You're not
from the city?
A town the size of this
Right now
my family is taking bets
on when I'll be home
with my tail between my
Anyway, how many people really
make it in the art world?
Maybe they're right.
Maybe I should give up.
No, you're...
You're really good.
Thank you.
Yeah. Huh.
Anyway, uh,
I should go.
I'm late for...
For a polo match?
High tea?
Dinner with mom.
Ah, well, give my best to
muffy tottingham van doren.
Oh, and, uh,
bring me a doggy bag.
Hey, this faucet
is leaking again.
Did you call
Oh, they don't know
from faucets.
Oh, what's with the
I thought we covered that.
Don't start, mom.
Let's go.
I am starving.
Ah, there's nothing like
the smell of a plastic tree,
right, Uncle Jimmy?
I can re-use it, and
I don't have to water it.
Yeah, because it would
be such a chore
to water
a two-foot tree.
There are trees outside.
how's that job of yours going,
dressing up those dummies?
Didn't she tell you?
She got the Christmas
It's just one window.
But it's a big window.
they're the same size.
Well, whatever,
we're proud of you, kid.
Thank you.
Hey, where's
aunt Doris?
She's working.
I had to come over
and fix your mom's sink.
And eat me
out of house and home.
It would be cheaper
to hire a real plumber.
Well, be my guest.
Did I tell you
I rode the elevator
with that cute Jake today?
Yes, you may have mentioned
it three or four times.
He's very sweet.
Yes, he's a real charmer.
Good-looking, too.
Better looking
than that Kenny.
And you've never met him.
This Kenneth,
does he make a living?
He's from a big shot
banking family.
Oh, fancy.
He's too fancy
to meet us.
Okay, I will introduce you
when things get more serious.
It's been three months.
Your father and I married
after two weeks.
Yes, and we all know
how well that worked out.
We had fun while it lasted.
When you know,
you know.
Fish or cut bait.
And you wonder why
you scared off
my last boyfriend.
You were too good for him.
Uncle Jimmy, um,
you gonna eat
that last meatball?
And stay away from my plate.
I'm just asking.
Aunt Doris,
you're supposed to
be working!
Geez, Jimmy, how many times
are you gonna fall for that?
It's unbelievable.
It never fails.
Remember, shoppers,
mcguire's has all your
holiday decorating needs.
Wow, you look nice.
Nice enough
to convince you to join me?
Uh, I can't.
I'm installing all night.
Yeah. Sorry.
You realize
I'll be the only guy
at the client dinner
without a plus one.
Well, I could loan you
a mannequin.
Or two.
You could be a plus two.
Yeah, I don't think
that would go over too well
with the partners.
I'm free tomorrow night.
I'm going to the Knicks game
with flanders.
Mergers meeting.
I'll call you.
She'll be waiting
anxiously by the phone.
Christmas cookies
from the cafe?
Yay, cookies!
What did you get?
Thanks, Mac.
Hey, what do we
have here?
A partridge
in a pear tree?
Oh, come on.
Oh, come on,
give me a look.
Oh, what?
Like I'm going to
steal your ideas?
Well, there's only so much
you can write on a napkin.
but when I'm out of napkins,
there's always paper towels,
tissue paper...
You do know that bickering
is a sign of affection.
Not in this case.
No, it's a sign
of insecurity,
on her part.
I'm-I'm insecure?
That's why
you over-prepare.
It's fine,
it's not a big deal.
You two carry on
like me and my wife.
I mean, we had a disagreement
over everything,
and loved each other
till the day she died.
It's so quiet without her.
And do you know
what I miss most?
Having someone to bicker
Think of that.
Good night,
you two.
Good night, Mac.
How long has he been alone?
Four years.
He was married for 30.
It would be
really great
for him to have somebody
to spend the holidays with.
Yeah, it would.
Page 17.
We have a blurb.
A blurb.
Is it contagious?
"The war of the windows
at mcguire's."
"Sales are up
in the department store,
yada yada, blah blah.
Kudos, you two,
it seems that you've managed
to capture the zeitgeist.
The what?
The spirit of the times.
Would you say
that one window
captured it more?
No. No...
But I do feel semi-confident
in saying
that I think one of you two
will be stepping
into miss jeffers' shoes
very soon.
Hey, does she have big feet?
Because I wear an 11.
All right, 10 and a half.
And you say that
I am the insecure one?
Ah, forgot my napkins.
Oh, wow, what a relief.
Crisis averted.
The perimeter alarm
will set in five minutes.
Sorry, jimbo
get it back to you in the
Lookin' good, though.
Home sweet home.
There she is.
I missed you
this morning.
Housewares had
Oh, no,
don't tell me that.
I was at the laundromat.
Here, I got brought you
something much better.
Meatballs arrabiata.
Rita, you are
the mother I never had.
Oh, you never had a mother?
No, I had one, she just,
she microwaves a lot,
and she's kind of
far away.
Mm. So good.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
How are you still single?
Well, you don't meet
a lot of eligible men
in the ladies' room.
Well, let's hope not.
How's your window going?
Ah, not too bad.
I'm having a little trouble
with my co-worker.
Romantic trouble?
No, no, no, no.
She's way out of my league.
What makes you think that?
Trust me, I'm not the guy
she's looking for.
Well, this is me.
Thanks again
for the meatballs.
You had me at arrabiata.
Come by the store,
it'll take you
all of 10 minutes.
Well, how would you like
to work all day
with a leaky faucet?
I will feed you.
Fine, a pot roast.
And potatoes.
See ya.
Is that Uncle Jimmy?
What gave it away?
Okay, so I know that
it doesn't smell as good
as the plastic tree, but...
Oh, honey, you shouldn't
Now I have to water it.
I'll water it.
You don't have time.
It'll take five seconds.
Plus, it's a living tree, so
we can plant it afterwards.
What's for dinner?
Aunt Doris
brought some tongue.
We're not going to eat
aunt Doris' tongue.
See, saying that makes me
want to gag.
You're right. You cook.
I was in a window all day.
I was in a bathroom all day.
You win.
When am I ever
going to meet Kenneth?
Oh, it is not the right
Why, are you in a fight?
No, we're not in a fight.
We've never even had a
You haven't
had a fight
because you've never been
honest with him.
Invite him
to Christmas Eve Eve.
He's going skiing.
Why don't you
invite Jake?
He has nowhere to go.
What, are you two bffs now?
It's Christmas,
he's away from his family.
I'm just saying.
I'm saying, don't meddle.
Uncle Jimmy's making
You mean turducken.
No, "tur-dunkin'."
Turkey fried
in dunkin' donut batter.
Oh, my God.
Two hearts set on fire
two hearts
set on fire
I was a king
of move along
she was the queen
of scared and strong
looking out for no one
but ourselves
I was trying to make a
name in a hopeless town
she was tired of playing
games with the local crowd
surrounded by so many
dreams left on the shelf
two hearts set on fire
like shooting stars
that only we can see
and I'm falling
into the deep end
crashing faster
than we thought it could be
we're two hearts
set on fire
two hearts set on fire
we were holding onto hope
it may be something more
always looking for
another open door
trying to make our way
through life
these city streets
two hearts set on fire
like shooting stars
that only we can see...
Good morning, Mac.
Oh, thanks, honey.
What is Santa's
wife's name?
As in "Mary Christmas."
No, Martha.
Try Martha claus.
That could work.
Hey, speaking of
age-appropriate women...
I've got just the girl
for you, Mac.
Okay, run,
and do not look back.
Ah, she's a hottie.
And she makes a killer
meatballs arrabiata.
You probably know her,
she works in the store.
Likes to have a good time,
kind of loud. Rita.
That is not
what he needs.
Who doesn't need
a good time?
No, okay, Mac,
if you're looking
to get back
into the game,
you just let me
find you somebody.
Thank you both very much,
but I have all I need
right here.
I have mcguire's.
All right,
I'm kind of
starting to worry
about you now.
When was the last time
you had female company?
Hey, okay, aren't you getting
a little personal here?
Face it.
Romance is for you young
Actually, van doren's
not all that young.
I'm the same age as you.
You seem older.
Oh, okay, well,
when you act 12,
I'm sure everyone
seems older.
All right, fine,
I looked.
Thank you, thank you.
Fantastic, isn't it?
This is our recycled window.
You know, we're really
about keeping everything
green here at mcguire's
and everything
is recycled in it.
The soda cans,
the led light on Rudolph.
And that window
is fantastic, too.
The saying, it's "ho-ho-ho."
Santa says, "ho-ho-ho,"
but we just did it "yo-yo-yo"
'cause of the kids.
They really are into
the whole, "yo!"
All right,
I'll see you later.
Thank you for helping me
Christmas shop.
Of course.
Can I see this one?
You have great taste.
Megan, this is Kenneth...
My pleasure.
My boyfriend.
I'm usually in cosmetics.
Drop by for a sample.
Ooh, I don't
wear cologne.
I have hypo-allergenic.
That's good to know.
You like this one?
It's beautiful.
Try it on.
It's not a ring...
I'm just saying.
Hey, Kenneth,
you should use
her employee discount.
She gets 15% off.
Technically, he can't use
my employee discount,
unless I buy it for you.
You don't mind?
Because that would be
In fact, charge
two of those.
Um, two?
Yeah. For my partners'
Oh, um...
You gift-wrap, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Great.
A regular knight
in shining armor.
You're still here?
I work here, remember?
The supermodel-slash-
visual merchandiser?
Look, in case
you're wondering,
I'm buying your present
somewhere else.
Who's going to
sign for that?
Group hug?
In your case,
group therapy.
How do you
stand him?
It is amazing what a
person can get used to.
Might be time
to have my father
make another
phone call.
what did you do?
Okay, fine, I may have had
my father mention you
to old man mcguire
at the club, okay?
It's not a big deal.
I'm sure you would have got
this window thing anyway.
Yeah, only now
I will never know.
Does it matter?
You got a window,
that's what's important.
Then why do I feel sick
to my stomach?
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I was just trying to help.
I know.
Can we put this
behind us?
I guess.
Okay, great.
I'll see you
tonight, then, okay?
Gift receipt.
And don't be late,
because everyone there
is expecting to meet you.
You look nice.
Thank you.
you look perfect.
Thank you.
That's, um, that's
a compliment, right?
Well, don't take this
the wrong way,
but why do you need all that
makeup and fake stuff?
Oh, you're saying
I look fake?
No, I'm saying that
you're more of a natural...
A natural...
- What's the expression?
- Natural beauty?
No, that's not it.
Yeah, you're more of
a natural beauty.
So where are you taking
Kenny for dinner tonight?
Ha, ha, ha.
It's his firm's
Christmas party.
Well, don't get stuck
with the check.
Last-minute shopping?
You were going to sabotage
my window, weren't you?
Okay, then
what are you doing here?
I'd rather not say.
Hmm, shoplifting?
Trying on women's clothing?
No, no, and...
That's a thought.
All right, follow me.
Welcome to my humble abode.
You're living here?
Well, if by "living here,"
you mean living here,
then, yes.
For how long?
A couple weeks.
Like eight.
I ran out of rent money.
It's temporary,
at least I hope it is.
You realize these are grounds
for termination, right?
I mean, not to mention that
I'm pretty sure
that it's illegal.
All right, look,
I know you hate me,
but will you please
not tell Fitch about this?
I don't hate you.
You don't?
Okay, maybe a little.
Yeah, I hate me a little,
Okay, um, we will pick
this up tomorrow.
I've got to go.
Uh... about that.
The door is locked.
Okay, so how do you get out?
I don't.
Not till morning.
Y didn't you tell me
that this could happen?
Was I supposed to?
I'm telling you,
they're locked
It's not going to open.
I'm just going to...
You're not going to get
any cell reception either,
I'm sorry.
This is a nightmare!
Kenneth's entire firm
is expecting me,
and what is he going to
think when I don't show up?
I think he'll understand.
Come on,
who hasn't spent a night
trapped in a department
No, no, no.
Hey, come on, here.
Here, here, here.
I can't blow my nose
on your sketches!
Yeah, you can.
They're not any good.
No, they are.
Even your napkins
are better than mine.
Hey, where's that Parsons
school of confidence?
You should have gotten
both windows.
What are you talking about?
Kenneth's dad made a call,
and that's how I got this
Because I'm not good enough.
Of course you are.
You don't know that.
Yeah, I do.
And I hate you
a little bit, too,
so I have
no reason to lie.
Come on.
I'm going to cheer you up.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh...
I have been eyeing
this basket for days.
Isn't this
considered stealing?
He didn't buy it.
Look at the card.
"For the design staff"?
Fitch was supposed to
share this with us.
I'm trying to tell ya.
Get in there.
Oh, man, that is so good.
I haven't had chocolate
since I met Kenneth.
He doesn't believe
in chocolate?
Oh, okay.
Um, ooh. Try one of these.
It's gluten-free.
What is gluten?
You know what, strike that,
did you say "free"?
Oh, wow.
Okay, at this rate,
we are not going to fit
in those windows.
That's what I'm hoping.
Can I interest you
in a little more
of this delicious
mcguire's fizz-apple?
I am pretty sure that
that bottle
has been here since
the store opened.
Then it is aged
to perfection.
What do you think?
Spend a little
time in here.
I think I can
get used to it.
To the future
miss jeffers.
I want to show you
Well, no heater,
no furniture, no roof.
It suits you.
It's the best view
in the house, though.
This kind of reminds me
of Christmas back home.
Aside from the buildings,
cars and people.
Sounds peaceful.
It is.
We had a frozen pond
in the backyard.
You skate?
Of course.
Rockefeller center.
It's been years, though.
So what did you do
before mcguire's?
Uh, it's embarrassing.
I folded t-shirts at the
I worked in a Santa suit
outside of a dry cleaners.
I wore a polyester
I repeat, "Santa suit."
My last name isn't van
I, uh...
I added the "van" to make it
sound more important.
You really are competitive.
Um... I dropped out
of art school
because I couldn't
afford it.
Miss jeffers said
that I lacked talent.
I haven't finished a
painting in three months.
I have been dreading
Kenneth's Christmas party
all week.
I'm living
in a department store.
I live in Brooklyn,
two blocks from my mother.
Well, my mother says
I'm a dreamer.
My mother is the bathroom
attendant at mcguire's.
Wait. What?
Rita is your mother?
Are you making this up
just to win whatever this
Were you adopted?
I am a facade.
I'm like a window.
That is what we do, isn't
We create...
We create perfect images
for people to admire.
You called me a fake.
No, you were right.
I didn't say
you were a fake.
I said you look better
without makeup.
There's a difference.
I was so happy when I
got hired at mcguire's
because I thought,
you know,
hey, I could
work my way up
and eventually
make enough money
so that my mom
could stop working.
She spent
all of her savings
putting me
through school.
I mean,
every paycheck,
every tip.
And, uh, here I am,
I am embarrassed
to admit
that she is
my own mother.
Fitch pencils in
his moustache.
What? What
did you say?
Fitch pencils in
his moustache.
He keeps women's makeup
in a locker in
the executive restroom.
I'm not kidding.
You see?
Who isn't a fake,
in some way or another?
Oh, are you kidding me?
No. You're not.
Are you kidding me?
I walk around like
everything's hunky dory,
but you think
it doesn't kill me
that I'm broke,
or that my family
doesn't believe in me?
That I'm not even sure
if I believe in me?
You realize
that you are showing
in one of the best art
galleries in New York.
The front window at
No, Salvador dali
dressed windows at bonwit's
in 1934.
- Get out of here.
- No, I'm serious.
He used a display
and he made it with
a bathtub, pigeons,
and dismembered mannequins.
When the store
tried to change it,
he went into an artistic
and he hurled the bathtub
through the front window
onto the fifth Avenue.
He was detained in a
and then
he was carted off to jail.
Are you telling me this
because you think
I'll end up in jail?
No. No, I am telling you this
because dali was an artist.
Like you.
Thank you.
if, um, if you're not doing
anything on the 23rd,
my, um, my family,
we're having Christmas
dinner at my mom's.
Christmas on the 23rd?
That's an interesting
Christmas Eve Eve.
Eve Eve, ah, okay.
Yes, well, my family
usually works
on the holidays...
Holiday pay.
Uh, will sir Kenneth
be there?
In that case, I accept.
Black tie optional?
Um, I should
warn you, though,
we are having Turkey
in dunkin' donuts batter.
You know tur-dunkin'?
Of course! Who doesn't
know tur-dunkin'?
Apparently just me.
Sorry, it's...
Just a sec.
I've just got to...
Something's going on
with my phone here.
Oh, that...
That's weird,
that it would just
playing music like that.
I guess maybe we should
Come on.
Come on.
This is me
cheering you up.
All right.
All right, why not?
See? That's
not so bad.
Wow, not bad.
I didn't know
you could dance.
Shut up.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Uh-oh, uh-oh...
Okay, all right.
And comin' back.
Hide. Hide.
Go, go, go, go!
You ever play
seven minutes in heaven?
I'm just sayin'.
We should have
done it out there.
Good morning,
How long have we
been sleeping?
Must've been that
cheap apple cider
you plied me with.
Oh, I was right.
You do look better
without makeup.
I have to
call Kenneth.
You want me to
handle that for you?
Attention, employees!
The store will open
in 10 minutes.
No, you have, um,
you've done enough.
Hey, what happened to
that chocolate-scarfing
Brooklyn girl
from last night?
Hel... lo?
Hey, Megan.
No, we were
working late.
Something like that.
You might want to get
your act together.
The store is opening.
The store is open.
Now I have to do
the walk of shame.
Big deal.
I do it every day.
Employee discount, 5%,
That's how we do it.
Thank you.
Time is a little short.
Weren't you
wearing that yesterday?
Not interested.
Chop chop.
The photographer's waiting.
What photographer?
The times.
He's doing a spread on
the Christmas windows.
I told you about this.
You didn't let her know?
I... sorry.
I totally forgot.
I can't...
I can't be
photographed like this.
I can.
I look great.
Come on, both of you.
It's not funny.
No, it's not.
Well, it's funny
you should say that
because the crowds outside
have never been bigger.
Actually, Christmas Eve,
we will be unveiling
our final windows
of the season...
Please don't touch me.
It's a casual pose.
It's a casual pose
for snaps.
That's fine.
Thank you, thank you.
Please stop.
Why is everybody
coming at once?
Just take the pictures.
Your hand.
I am so sorry
that I missed the party.
I cannot believe you got
locked in there with that guy.
If it was anyone else,
I might be jealous.
What was he doing,
robbing the place?
Uh, it's sort of
Can I have a chardonnay?
Um, he...
He lost his apartment.
So, he's kind of...
Temporarily been...
Living there.
At mcguire's?
In the bedroom display.
Are you serious?
Yeah, but you can't
say anything.
To anyone.
It's so perfect.
Who are you calling?
I'm calling my dad.
Are you kidding me?
Old man mcguire would
love to find out that
that loser is sleeping
in the store.
No, no. No. No.
No calls.
You want to become
head designer, right?
But not in that way.
This is a slam dunk.
Promise me that you're not
going to make any calls.
I promise, no calls.
Thank you.
I'm guessing
you saw it.
Oh, God.
Unfortunately, yes.
Most people only
get in the papers
three times
in their lives...
When they're born,
when they're married,
and when they die.
And in my case,
when they look like
a complete psycho.
You know,
I don't remember a time
when the windows got
more attention.
Miss jeffers didn't get
half your crowds.
And she worked alone.
Ha ha.
Lucky her.
So spending the night
in the store
hasn't changed
your opinion of him?
He told you about that?
I offered him to stay
at my place,
but he's too proud.
Yeah, well, I think you're
giving him too much credit.
And the keys to
the executive restroom?
I am shocked that
he has not made off
with the soap
and the bathroom fixtures.
I didn't give him the keys.
Must have got those
from someone else.
He said that
you gave him the keys.
Just the alarm codes.
Hot dog,
I look pretty good.
Don't worry,
you look all right.
You have the alarm codes?
So, we weren't locked in.
Technically, no.
Why would you lie
to keep me in the store?
Why do you think?
I don't know, uh...
To distract me?
To keep your enemies closer?
To make me look
in front of Fitch?
Or to... I don't know,
try to ruin things
between me and Kenneth?
Uh, none of the above.
Although to be fair,
you and Kenneth...
I don't see it.
Whatever it is,
that you think
you're doing here,
it won't work.
Can't blame a guy
for trying, right?
Well, we still have
one more window.
The grand finale.
and my window
is going to make your window
look like a re-gifted
Is that right?
Yeah, so you better go on
get back to your napkins.
There's no more napkins.
It's all up here.
Yeah, that'll work out,
real well.
Morning, Rita.
Looking good.
Thank you.
You smell good.
Yeah, some free
cologne samples.
How's that eggnog?
Ah, weak.
I concur.
Talk to Marge
in kitchenware.
Oh, what's up, k-man?
Aren't you supposed to
be at the airport?
Flight delay.
Last chance
to change your mind.
I can't.
Come on.
Happy holidays.
that's her drink.
She's my...
I'm sorry.
It happens.
I actually...
I don't shake hands,
but I'll tell you what,
buy yourself
something on me, okay?
Hand that back, please.
Hand it back,
Hey, girls.
I'm going to fix the sink
in the ladies' John.
You want to join me for
a couple of hot dogs later?
Yeah. If you're buying,
let's go get some.
this is, um...
This is my mother.
Rita dorentella.
I'm sorry,
I don't, uh...
I don't understand.
I thought you said
that your mother
was traveling.
Yeah, well, um,
only back and forth
to mcguire's.
She's the "domestic
which is...
That's not the truth.
Um, she's
the bathroom attendant.
And this is my Uncle Jimmy.
I'm a drain surgeon!
Sloan, what is going on?
I thought that
you wouldn't like me
if you knew that I wasn't...
Like you.
And apparently,
I am the most
shallow and insecure person
in the entire world,
so, um, I'm sorry.
I have to go.
I'm-I'm sorry.
Wait, shouldn't we
at least fight about this?
You okay?
He'll get over it.
A little fighting's
good for a couple, right?
Kenneth doesn't fight.
I thought
Kenneth didn't shake hands.
I really messed this up.
I'm no relationship expert,
but if he can't accept you
for who you are,
why would you
want to be with him?
And who am I, really?
I mean, come on, what,
I'm a liar, and a fake,
with questionable talent.
That is not who you are.
If only I had been
honest with him
from the beginning...
He would have
dumped you immediately.
You don't know that.
Well, I'm going to dinner.
What? It's 3:00.
Yeah, I'm done early.
How can you be done?
I mean, I'll probably
paint the room green,
or red, or...
I don't know, maybe both.
You expect me to believe
that right there
is your Christmas Eve
You're trying to throw me
Less is more, right?
What happened to
"more is more?"
Maybe less is the new more.
That's your final window?
A plate of cookies,
and a... what is it,
a glass of milk?
And the Santa hat.
You realize
you're going to lose.
I don't know, maybe.
And you don't care?
It means more to you.
Oh, there she is!
Merry Christmas Eve Eve,
I saw you naked.
Um, what are you doing here?
You invited me.
The other night,
at the store?
Yeah, I know, I remember.
I just didn't think
you'd actually show up.
Jake brought you
these beautiful flowers.
Uh, second floor
garden display?
Good eye.
I would have brought
but, for some reason,
Fitch started
locking his office.
Speaking of which...
Thanks, girlfriend.
I am going to miss
that 20-jet shower.
You gave him the keys
to the executive restroom?
They may have
fallen out of my pocket
into his hand.
You know, Jake
was just telling us
the story of
his favorite Christmas...
Oh, no, Uncle Jimmy,
I really don't think...
Okay, okay, so,
he wanted a pair
of ice skates so badly.
Finally, it's Christmas
He opens them up,
and they're white
girl's skates.
They were
out of the black ones.
Sloan, remember
the Christmas
you got
your ice skates?
You were crazy
about those skates.
Yeah. Yeah, I was, yeah.
That must be the date.
You invited a date?
For your mom.
A date?
Relax. Sit down.
But she doesn't date.
Oh, she does now.
Do I look okay?
a traffic-stopper, Rita.
Thank you.
So who's this date?
I don't know.
She didn't say anything to
Hi, Mac.
You look lovely.
Well, thank you.
You clean up well
You'd be surprised
what a little
windex will do.
Everybody, this is Mac.
: Hi, Mac.
Hey, there. Hi!
You kids got me thinking,
you know,
I've spent the holidays
since my wife died.
She wouldn't have
liked that.
Your mother and I...
Well, we've had our eye
on each other
for a while now,
haven't we, Rita?
I know I have.
Well, I don't know
about anyone else,
but I, for one,
am dying to break
into that tur-dunkin'.
Well, come on!
Follow me.
Yes! Let's go!
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Here comes the Turkey!
you did it!
Who's going to carve
this thing?
Well, you do it.
No, no, I don't want to
I've been unclogging sinks
all day.
All right, all right,
I'll carve it.
I'll carve it.
I'm in a sculpting class,
You're a sculptor, too?
Well, not exactly.
I inspire the sculptors.
He's a supermodel.
Oh, now, that is a job that
I would be very good at.
Yeah, we'll be waiting
with bated breath on that.
Uncle Jimmy, I'm sorry,
when you're done,
can you hand me that...
Pass the rolls!
Hey, hey, bun thief!
That's my bun.
This is your bun.
I want my bun back.
Give me back my...
Happy holidays,
loyal shoppers!
Welcome to our annual
Christmas Eve unveiling.
Now, as usual,
mcguire does have
our stocking stuffers here,
so please feel free
to take a couple
stocking stuffers.
Here you are, ladies.
There you are.
And here...
Not you, Jake. Thank you.
Stocking stuffers...
Now, in 95 years of business
here at mcguire's,
we're known for quality,
we are known for tradition,
but we're also known for
Yes, there it is.
We're also known
for our Christmas windows,
which everybody loves,
and I'm sure you'll all
that this year
we really outdid ourselves,
and I'm very excited about
So, please, with no further
Window one.
Jake, is that...
Is that your window?
What is that?
It sends a message.
What message
is it sending?
Eliminating excess.
Jake, we're
a department store.
Excess is what we do.
Yeah, well, you know,
today's economy as it is,
setbacks, cutbacks...
Cutbacks, oh, there'll
be cutbacks, my friend.
There's going to be
Ladies and gentlemen,
luckily, we have
two windows,
Window number two,
here we are.
Nice. That's better,
that's better.
It will be.
What's going on here?
It is a Christmas
dinner food fight.
It's a little risky.
Ah, right.
You did it.
No, no, no.
This is... it's fine.
It's a joke.
They're hired actors.
Sales inside!
Congratulations, you two.
You just single-handedly ruined
Christmas for mcguire's.
So... that's great.
You're fired.
That is so beautiful.
Christmas Eve, here we are.
Candy cane?
Trade you.
For me?
An apology fa LA latte.
I'm sorry.
For what?
Among other things,
I'm the reason
that you got fired.
Ah, that was inevitable.
This is true.
At least I can fall back on
my career as a supermodel.
This is not true. Um...
It's not going to happen
I have been trying for so
long to be somebody else,
that I completely lost sight
of what's important,
and I was standing
outside mcguire's tonight,
and I just...
I just realized,
you know,
we should be capturing
the Christmas spirit,
not the zeitgeist.
You know what,
I don't want to be
for ruining
95 years of tradition,
and I don't think you do
Well, I do prefer being
You're very good at it.
Um, do you still have
the alarm code?
You know where this belongs.
Sign it.
So, no food fights,
no half-eaten cake,
no Santa being sawed in half
by a magician.
Really, that just leaves...
How festive.
Come on in here.
It's freezing out there.
Looks like it's Christmas
in the Hamptons after all.
Or was it Aspen?
We'll always have Brooklyn.
So, uh, why aren't you
in Aspen?
Denver is completely,
totally snowed in.
No flights.
I got your message.
Yeah, um...
It felt weird,
how things were left.
I'm sorry.
I should have been
honest with you.
I, uh, I had this image of
what I thought I should be,
and I was wrong.
Apology accepted.
Thank you.
And I've been thinking,
and I want you to know,
that I am willing
to overlook those people.
What people?
You know, your mother
and the plumber.
Those people
are my...
Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, do you...
Do you smell like cologne?
Uh... what?
You smell like cologne.
Eau de Megan.
Okay, yes, we had drinks.
You and Megan?
And maybe a dinner
last week
when you were working.
It was not a big deal.
You lied to me,
I lied to you.
Let's just...
Let's just call it even,
okay, and start over?
Kenneth, I, uh...
I don't want to start over.
Because of Megan?
It didn't mean
anything to me.
She's just a salesgirl.
And I am just a window
You called me.
To apologize.
"Those people"
are my family.
You know, and, yeah,
they might be loud
and very embarrassing,
but they're mine,
and I love them.
You know, I don't...
I don't want to be
somebody's plus-one.
I want to be
somebody's battleaxe.
If you must know,
lord Kenneth's flowers
are on their way to Aspen.
It-it just...
Deck the halls
and hang the mistletoe
kiss the one you love
and let it snow
isn't Christmas time
a wonderful thing?
And Santa claus
will drop on by
Can you feel the magic
when his reindeer fly?
Christmas time
is almost here again
every year, the Carols
make you heart sing
isn't Christmas time
a wonderful thing?
I cannot wait to see
the look on Fitch's face.
Well, he's either
going to kiss us
or kill us.
Not really sure
which I'd prefer.
I don't think I'd like
either one of those.
Oh, my gosh,
what happened?
I don't know.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Fitch must have
changed the codes.
Hold it right there.
Hold it there.
Hands against
the hood of the car.
It's not what you think.
Hands against the hood
of the car, please.
It's okay.
We work here.
Okay, well,
we used to work here.
We used to work here.
But we don't...
I don't know him.
All right, you're
both under arrest.
I won't.
You're not
freaking out?
What are they
going to do?
They already fired us.
Perfect. There's no windows.
Plus free meals.
And no make-up.
Phew! You've
changed, van doren.
Hmm. You haven't.
Did you call Kenneth?
Did you called Kenneth and
Kenneth called his father?
I have no idea
who that is.
Thank you.
What's going on here?
Whose car is this?
It's mine.
Wow, washing windows
pays better than I thought.
I'm just rich.
and I bet you have
three last names.
Oh, no, only one.
My family, you know,
they just love those boardrooms
and meetings at the club.
I tried that lifestyle
back in the day,
but it's not for me.
I like being
where the action is,
getting to know
my employees,
being treated like
a regular person.
My life is rich
because of the people in it.
Like you two.
Group hug?
Come on.
It's Christmas again
and everybody's home
the fire's burning
This year, we've really
outdone ourselves, okay,
so without any further ado,
here we are!
Here it is.
Isn't that nice?
You can almost smell the
Feelin' happy
it's Santa's job
sayin' ho, ho, ho
and the streets
are covered up with snow
oh, Christmas
this is Christmas...
Congratulations, you two,
on your marginally
deserved promotion.
You're promoting us?
Yes, Jake.
Consider yourselves both
the new miss jeffers.
God help us.
Thank you, Mr. Fitch.
We will not disappoint you.
I still might.
No doubt, Jake,
no doubt.
I love this window.
Okay, seriously,
is this sweater
made out of brillo?
Stop it.
Put your mind
on something else.
How about that?
Oh, right.
Um, we should...
We should probably
do that again.
Yeah, no arguments
from me.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Feelin' happy
it's Santa's job
sayin' ho, ho, ho
oh, Christmas
this is Christmas...