Windsor Drive (2015)

What would you do if you ever
lost me?
I would come find you.
What if it wasn't possible?
Everything is possible.
Promise me you'll always come
find me.
I promise.
I want to stay with you here
I love you.
River did you hear me?
You in there, asshole?
Open the fucking door!
The devils are here...
Hell is empty... The devils are
Hard to read.
The end is blurry.
Jordana, we have to go.
Ivy? Wulfric?
River, I've gotta get to work.
- Forget my job?
- No, I can't forget my job.
Not all of us are going to
be famous actors one day.
Someday, the two
of us are going to...
live on a little country ranch
in Montana...
Just the two of us?
Just the two of us.
I like that.
I like you.
Alright, I gotta go.
Don't forget, we have drinks
with your two favorite people,
Pete and Jenn...
River did you hear me?
Don't forget, we have drinks
with your two favorite people,
Pete and Jenn...
River, did you hear me?
Don't forget, we have drinks
with your two favorite people,
Pete and Jenn...
Did you hear me?
River, did you hear me!?
So, how'd you find the place?
I saw the sign on the front
I figured as much, smartass.
How'd you really find the place?
I guess it kinda found me.
It tends to draw people in.
Can I help you?
I'm here to see the room that's
Promise me...
you'll always come
find me...
I usually have someone to show
the house, but...
I guess I can let you in.
I'm the one that's going to
making the final decisions
You're not some psycho, right?
Like, circling the neighborhood
to try to find your next victim?
I'm just looking for a room.
What are you going to do with me
when you become famous?
I'm gonna leave you.
Don't say that.
You can be one of my fans.
I'll be your biggest fan.
OK. Now we
gotta go. Yeah.
I'm not going out.
I've got to practice my
But it's already good.
It has to be perfect.
Where do you come up with
this preachy stuff?
It... It makes you sound
You know I hate that word.
I know you hate that word.
It's just... it sounds a little
psycho when you talk.
You know why I HATE that word!
I know, because Jordana...
Why do you always freak out
every time I mention her name?
I'm not trying to upset you,
River, I just...
How are we supposed to get
to know each other better...
I don't know anything
about you.
I just... I'm sorry. Look, I
didn't mean to upset you.
I just want to know more about
We've really got to go.
You know I don't fucking drink!
I have no desire to hang out
with your low-life friends!
They're losers, dead beats,
living off their parents' money,
getting fucked up every night.
Why would you say that?
I don't say shit like that about
your friends.
I don't have time for fucking
friends Brooke.
I'm busy doing something with my
not drinking my life away.
You're gonna be stuck in this
for the rest of your life!
Fuck you!
As you can see, we like to keep
things simple around here.
This is my favorite room in the
entire house.
How so?
Living in a house with things
that are dead.
Nothing truly ever dies.
Where are you going?
I'm moving to LA, Brooke. I'm
leaving today.
LA? What about Montana?
What about Montana?
A ranch...
...Just the two of us.
Maybe... kids, and a wedding.
Kids? You think that I want
fucking kids?
One fuckin' kid would
ultimately end my life.
I would have to give up
My goals, my dreams. I'm not
ready for that.
And clearly neither are you.
This. This thing we've got going
that you like to call a
It's fizzled out, run out of
Not worth fighting for anymore.
You don't mean that!
Yes I do!
I want to go with you!
Don't you fucking get it?
But I love you!
I never fucking loved you.
It's over, Brooke.
So. How'd you find the place?
Promise me you'll always come
find me.
I promise.
Who's artwork is this?
Well, mine, of course.
No, I'm lying.
Look, if you're not interested,
just tell me know...
and stop wasting my time.
No no no, I'm interested.
All right then.
You have a job, right?
Unemployed and a smartass.
You really are a catch.
Ivy's going to love you.
- You go see if she's in there.
- I'll catch up to you.
Get out of my house before I
phone the authorities!
Darling it's me.
I am just showing a new friend
here the room.
Sorry, I thought you were a
thief or something.
I'm River.
Ivy. Ivy Valeska.
What a beautiful name.
Sorry, I thought you were a
thief or something.
It's catchy isn't it? I thought
of it myself.
Stage names...
Stage names?
Everyone has a stage name in LA,
It tells the industry
that you're serious.
With giant capital letters.
We're actors River.
I thought you were a painter?
I'm an artist, in all aspects.
I'm an actor too.
- We're obsessed with 20s cinema.
- Aren't we baby?
We kind of have to be.
Film History River.
You have to learn from the
if you're ever going to be one.
Would I have seen you in
I've been acting since I was a
child, mostly foreign films.
Films that most likely you
haven't seen...
you being American.
Wulfric and I met on set.
Isn't it funny how that always
happens? Set romances.
Ours turned out not to be just a
set romance.
Right. Let me show you the room.
It was nice meeting you River.
You too.
He's perfect.
What's with the birds at night
here? Its kind of eerie.
Morning glories. You'll get used
to them.
What happened to the guy who
used to live here?
He disappeared. Took off one
day without so much as a word.
And what if he comes back?
He won't. Trust me.
What's that?
That is the Leaf building.
Leaf building?
influential casting companies in
Leaf Casting... Liz Leaf is
the new Windsor Drive film.
I didn't realize they were
making another one.
The first one was
so... devastating.
Several times. It's one of my
Not too many people have. I'm
surprised that you...
That's because you don't know
So do you want the room or not?
How much did you say the rent
Eleven hundred.
When can I move in?
Full house.
Such rough hands for someone so
That's because they've
been through a lot.
We'll let the past be the past.
To new experiences.
Now accepting submissions from
agency represented actors only.
No unsolicited submissions.
What the hell did I tell you,
I didn't know you were a morning
I'm here to see Liz Leaf.
I wasn't notified of any casting
Let me see your ID.
This is Randy. I have a River
Miller here to see Liz.
I don't have a River Miller on
the list.
Sorry buddy. You're not in the
You're an actor?
I'm here to drop off materials
for Liz.
Why don't you do me a favor,
huh, Randy?
Why don't you give this to her
for me?
No unsolicited packages.
Why don't you get out of here.
Beat it, before I call the cops.
There's a guy dressed in blue
from head to toe.
Asking for Liz. Just a heads up.
Didn't know you were a morning
I didn't know anyone was up.
Well now you do.
You in?
I've never played dice before.
Well it's time to learn.
Besides, everyone plays dice
Ivy and I play at work for
Oh yeah.
Lowest number goes first.
I never lose.
Where do you guys work?
At a bar called The Hideout down
the street.
I thought you were actors.
All actors work on the side,
Only a select few are good
enough to support themselves...
solely by acting.
What on earth do you keep
laughing about?
Liz is actually in a casting
session right now.
I'll have her give you a call
back, Jerry.
Can I help you?
Uh, they're in session, is there
something I can help you with?
I'd like to give her something.
I'll pass it on to
I'd like to make sure she
actually gets it, personally.
Well, you're gonna have to
they're in session till 5
I can wait.
Have a seat.
Yeah, he's here.
Well now what?
It's your turn to roll.
Beginner's luck.
Now I've got to figure out a
to get back in front of Liz.
I'm sure you'll figure it out.
What the fuck?
What the hell did I tell you,
Yeah I'll take two of whatever
she's having.
You got it.
Can I get you something buddy?
Here ya go.
May I sit?
You want to sit with me?
What are you guys doing?
Join us.
What are you guys doing?
May I sit?
You want to sit with me?
Yeah. Can I?
Yeah. I guess.
I brought you a drink.
Oh, you didn't have to do that,
I can get my own drink.
I wanted to.
I'm River.
I've never noticed you here
That's because I'm not
That's not true, I noticed you
the minute I walked in the door.
Why are you talking to me?
Because I want to.
What do you want?
Nothing. I just want to talk to
I highly doubt that.
Where are you going?
So you can read your self-help
book at home alone?
I don't need to be judged by
I'm not judging you, it's
I'm pretty sure the number one
rule of the book is...
not to go home, and read it
Well, aren't you observant. It
was nice meeting you River.
Stay and talk to me.
Join us.
It's called astronomy, River.
Study of celestial objects.
Space and the universe.
I know what astronomy is,
I'm just making sure.
I used to love stargazing.
What do you think happens to
stars when they die?
They just fade away.
Nothing just fades away.
If anything, stars shine
brighter after death.
What are you talking about.
Fame is a drug you will chase
until you die.
And only in death will you
become famous.
Do you believe in life after
death, River?
You should.
Let us show you.
So Hune, what's your story?
Everyone's got one.
Mine isn't that interesting.
Let me be the judge of that.
I moved to LA to become a
casting director.
Right now, I'm junior casting...
under the one and the only Liz
Never heard of her.
Well now you know my story,
I wanna know yours.
I'm an actor.
Of course you are. That would be
my cue to leave.
What? Why?
It figures you would be "an
It's just my luck.
And what's wrong with that?
Everyone in this town is
an actor.
I work with actors all day. The
last thing I want to do...
is be hanging out with
one outside of work.
For all I know, you just want to
hang out with me...
so you can get a role in some
Let's make a deal, June.
For as long as we know each
I'll never bug you about your
if you never bug me about mine.
For as long as we know each
That is a little bit
presumptuous don't you think?
I'm just trying to put your
little heart at ease.
It's late. I really should get
No, I can drive myself, thank
Well, can I at least get your
number or something?
I don't give out my number to
Well... here's mine. In case you
change your mind.
It was really nice meeting you.
What is it?
It's Peyote.
Is it safe.
Of course.
Go on. Trust me.
Close your eyes.
Now I want you to picture
someone who was close to you.
Perhaps someone you'd like to
see again.
You're an asshole, you fucking
piece of shit!
You're an asshole, you fucking
piece of shit!
I'll fucking kill you!
You do that again I'll kill you,
Fucking psychopath!
You sick prick!
I'm gonna take your face...
and burn you alive!
Open the fucking door!
Can I help you with something?
Someone yelling just woke me up.
Do you have any concept of how
hard it is...
to get to sleep for me?
I'm sorry. I had no idea someone
was next door...
listening to me.
Right, everybody's sorry for
something in their life.
Alright? Don't be sorry.
Who you yelling at?
I can't do this.
What do you mean we can't do
If he ever found out, he would
kill us.
Never again.
But that...
It's over.
Forget about us.
Forget about us?
But, I love you!
But I love you!
I love you.
I love you!
I love you?!? I FUCKING
Do you even know what
those words mean?!?
Of course I know what those
words mean.
- We're fucking.
- That's not love.
You don't mean that.
You don't mean that!
Yes I do!
You can't find love in a month.
That's lust you feel. I found
love once.
And I know I'll probably never
find it again.
So stop wasting your time on me.
Everyone in this town is an
Last thing I want to do is be
hanging out with one...
Outside of work.
And, for all I know, you just
want to hang out with me...
so you can get a role in some
Well, can I at least get your
I don't give my number out to
I found love once.
And I know I'll probably never
find it again.
So stop wasting your time on me,
That was amazing.
Really, a really nice
If you read like that...
she would be stupid not to offer
you the role.
What are you doing in here?
Just reading lines for River's
We're late for work.
What the fuck are you doing in
It's a man's own mind, not his
enemy or foe...
that lures him to his evil ways.
Excuse me?
Are Wulfric and Ivy working
Wulfric and Ivy?
The hell is that?
They work here?
No they don't.
Where do you guys work?
At a bar called the Hideout.
Wait a minute.
There you are.
Didn't know if you were coming
after what happened the other
That was a real fucked up thing
of Wulfric to do.
Stay away from her.
Don't be mad at me for something
he did.
I was just trying to enlighten
Open you up to new experiences.
So I went back-
So I went back-
So I went back tot he Hideout
and had a drink.
Oh, you did?
I asked for you and Wulfric...
but no one knew who you were.
You asked who?
The bar-back.
Probably thought it was comedic.
He didn't seem like the comedic
What's that?
Sounded like a car.
Promise me you'll always come
find me.
You sick, delusional,
hypocritical slut!
All this time you pretend like
you want to...
When you knew me all along you
stalker bitch!
Why don't you come back here...
and say it to my face, you
little whore!
Fuck you, River!
Don't you dare fucking come
I never fucking loved you.
Jordana, we have to go.
River! Look at me, River!
My meds!
Your meds?
In the cabinets!
Well isn't this a nice surprise.
If I would've known I would've
worn something nicer.
I like what you're wearing.
You're reading the Confederacy
of Dunces?
Yeah, I really like it so far.
That is one of my all-time
favorite novels.
What are you doing here?
Right. Yeah, it's a laundromat.
I live down the street.
So do I!
Careful, you tell me where you
I could be some creepy
I'm... I'm not...
You never called me, June.
I was a little hurt.
I'm sorry. I meant to, I still
It's just I... Liz has had me so
slammed at work and...
I... she's actually still
worried about where...
all her stuff is right now. So
I have to go.
You're working on a Saturday?
Yeah, stuff we're working on is
all due next week...
so we're crammed.
Top secret mission, huh?
It was nice running into you
Do you want to come over for
dinner tonight?
I told you how I feel about
So let me change your mind.
I'll cook for you.
Okay. Yeah.
My place. Text me and I'll send
you the address.
Alright I will.
Where you at, June...
Oh god...
Hey you.
You look great.
Thank you, so do you.
Why don't you let your hair
River, I'm not used to all this
special treatment.
Well get used to it.
I'll be right back.
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic voice message-
Fuck, June.
Answer the goddamn phone, June!
Where did you learn to cook like
As with anything, practice makes
Thanks for giving me a chance,
I know I said we wouldn't talk
about work, but-
Honestly, I feel that you would
be perfect for...
the role that Liz is casting
right now.
I don't know, June...
I wouldn't wanna mess up what
we've got going on here.
No, don't be silly.
Tomorrow's the last day we're
So you should come in.
Stay away from her.
Promise me you'll always come
find me.
River, do you hear me?
So, did you try on the skirt of
little Miss Casting Director?
I had such a great time tonight.
I don't know how to thank you.
You just did.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I did what I had to do to get
the audition.
You don't sound too excited.
River, look at me.
What is it? What's wrong?
Whose is it?
Who do you fucking think?
Everything I've worked for just
went down the drain.
If she keeps it, I'm gonna have
to move back to Tahoe.
Don't say that. Hey. Hey! No.
You have to take care of it.
What the fuck is he doing over
He's starting to piss me off.
Probably contemplating suicide.
Because I'm here.
Spending time with you.
I'll take care of it.
I'll go appease him.
Liz, this is River Miller.
Hey. Rough night, neighbor?
Wait a minute...
Aren't you...
Yes you are! You're Young John
from Supernatural! You live next
Do you mind actually coming in
and helping me with my lines?
That- I mean, I could use your
professional opinion.
Do you have any concept- I'm
sure you don't...
Of how hard it is for me to get
to sleep at night?
Things that go on in my mind...
Thing that would play over and
Stuff that I have to deal with!?
I'm so sorry, I didn't- I had no
Someone was next door listening.
I've got to meditate for two
hours in dead silence...
before I go to sleep. 'Cause if
I'm gonna wake up in a puddle of
in a fucking anxiety attack!
So could you mind just keeping
it down?
Sure thing.
I feel ya.
We can't do this anymore.
We can't do this anymore.
We can't do this anymore.
Do you want to go before me,
bro? I just...
I don't know I think it would be
a good move for me.
Strategically. It's nothing
against you.
If you aren't ready, that's
fine. Are you ready?
I mean you look... Ready? You
know I like to help people out.
You know spur of the
moment stuff.
Sometimes you get in there
you're not ready. You're ready.
Whatever it is, it comes off
more natural.
Either way, what's the big deal?
It's Liz. You know Liz, right?
She's awesome. Awesome.
Sweetheart. Really.
She loves me.
So when are call backs, baby? I
want to clear my schedule.
Uh, you know. It could be days
or weeks.
It was good?
Good. Yeah, great.
Okay, great. Bye!
Bye. Matt?
Hey, Jamie!
Oh my god, River. Are you okay?
What happened to you after I
I had a rough night.
I feel like you should have
stitches or something.
I'm okay. It's fine.
You sure?
Casting sessions over, buddy. I
nailed it. Come on, smile.
It looks better on you.
I can try and get you a later
call time.
Really, it's not a
big deal.
I'm in character.
Liz, this is River Miller.
Let's see. Short. Short. Some
feature no one's ever heard of.
Another short. Wow. Such an
impressive resume.
Who represents you again? It's
not like that matters.
I don't have time for this.
Let's get started. Scene 1.
Do you want me to slate?
What do you think? Hurry.
I'm River Miller, and I'm here
to read for the role of Cain.
We can't do this?
What do you mean we can't do
If he ever found out, he would
kill us.
But that would mean...
It's over! Forget about us!
That's enough.
What? We didn't even... We didn't
even finish the scene.
Yes. Yes, we have.
Why couldn't you just let him
That's all I needed to see.
He was amazing. You didn't give
him a chance.
I've been in this business for
I know what I'm talking
Did you miss me?
Oh yes, you did.
You said I couldn't find you.
You thought you could get rid of
me that easily, didn't you?
You thought we were done.
We will never...
Be done.
I'm going to name her Jordana.
Oh you poor thing. You didn't
Now, if I untie those, are you
going to be a good boy?
Okay. Shhhh...
You think I want fucking kids?
One fucking kid would
ultimately end my life.
The devils are here...
Hell is empty... The devils are
Stay with me.
Why?! Why?! Why JORDANA?!
Jordana, please! Please Jordana!
Promise me, you'll always come
find me.
I love you.
River, did you hear me?
I want to stay with you here
I'm going to name her Jordana?
I'm glad you took care of it.
It's for the best, trust me.
You'll find her in the darkness.
- There's no such thing as death.
- There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no such thing as death.
There's no su...
Oh my god...
So nice to finally meet you,
We've heard so much
about you.
All good things I hope.
No, actually. Terrible things.
Shut the fuck up!
You already killed her.
Don't you remember?
I love you!
I love you!
My name is River Miller. I am 27
years old.
I have no problem getting my
hands a little dirty...
To ensure that things are done
Some might find it a little off.
Strange perhaps...
but there is a method to the
There are only 2 relevant human
and Fear...
What would you do if you ever
lost me?
All others are meaningless.