Wings of the Dove, The (1997)

- Kate.
- Merton, no !
- Where did you go all morning?
-Went to the park.
All on your own ?
l was supposed to meet a friend.
She didn't turn up.
Too much powder.
Close your eyes.
Try to look as if you've
worn it all your life.
lt's yours.
- Do you remember my niece ?
- Kate.
l didn't recognize her.
You've quite transformed her.
Yes, l know. She's finally
left her wretched father.
l've been trying to arrange it since
her mother died. She's my ward now.
- You'll just have to
come and see us more often.
- She doesn't look very happy.
She will be.
This life is still new to her.
- Does she know anyone here ?
- Just you for the time being.
Well, l shall have to go
and say hello.
How are you settling
into your new life ?
- l'm very comfortable.
- You look preoccupied.
- l'm not used to all this.
- Your aunt's something of
an expert at these occasions.
How do you mean ?
She has a wonderful eye
for who fits best with who.
She suggested l be your guide.
Over there in that corner,
we have Lady Baring and her daughter.
- Do you see them ?
- Yes.
Now, what Lady Baring has to do
is somehow manoeuvre her daughter...
from that side of the gathering
to the other...
without falling in the fountain.
- Do you see the man
in the red waistcoat ?
- Yes.
- He's the target.
- Why ?
Because of
his father's bank account.
The Barings have to pay
for their castle somehow.
As do we all.
- You have a castle too, Lord Mark ?
- Well, it's seen better days.
l spend more time
in my London home.
But you must let me
entertain you in both.
With your aunt, of course.
Of course.
Thwack. Robin Hood
couldn't have shot straighter.
That's ridiculous. The upper class
isn't going to change of its own accord.
- Why should it ?
That's exactly what l'm saying.
They're only using reform to fool us.
- The supposedly radical--
- Who's behind this class conspiracy ?
l'm not saying it's a conspiracy.
They're just protecting themselves--
Kate ! Hello.
A little too blind to see.
- l completely disagree.
- That's the most cynical
point of view l have--
- Excuse me.
- Hey. You can't just leave
in the middle of an argument.
l just have.
l thought she'd forgotten
her old friends.
l didn't expect
to see you here again.
- So how was the wedding ?
- Awful.
Didn't Aunt Maud find you
a suitable husband ?
She tried.
Have you thought
any more about my offer ?
l haven't thought about anything else
since the day l met you.
The same thought for a whole year ?
Must be very tiring.
Why don't l go straight to your Aunt
Maud and ask for your hand in marriage?
- All right.
- What would she do ?
- Aren't l good enough for you ?
- You're not good enough for her.
- ls that really necessary ?
- For the time being.
To see what you can get
out of her ?
l never went to her.
lt was she who settled on me.
- Please, let me go.
- l thought you liked the rain.
l'm drenched, Merton.
Please, let me go.
- Not until you promise.
- No.
All right, l give up.
- You know my conditions.
- l'm not going to marry you.
Then we are gonna get
very wet together.
l promise.
- So where's my ring ?
- Merton.
l need proof.
Kate, is that you ?
- Lord Mark has
been waiting all afternoon.
- l'm sorry.
l got caught in the rain. l didn't
know you were coming, Lord Mark.
No, don't worry.
lt was an impromptu visit.
l came to invite you both
for lunch tomorrow.
- l'm afraid l can't tomorrow.
- Why not ?
- l've arranged to meet a friend.
- One of your old friends ?
- Can't you arrange
to see her another day ?
lt's too late to cancel.
l'll get my driver
to send her a note.
Where does she live ?
l'm sure it'll be all right.
l don't need to send a note.
Yes, hello. l was wondering if
Mr Merton Densher was in the office.
- Kate ?
- Do you know when he'll be back ?
N-N-No. No. That's all right.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Kate ?
- lt's open !
You look surprised to see me.
Yes. Yes, l am.
l'm sorry.
l couldn't get away until now.
- l have to finish this.
- Don't pretend you can concentrate.
l don't have any choice. l should've
done this when l was waiting for you.
- Where were you ?
- With Maud.
- And what did she buy you this time ?
- Nothing.
You should've come with me then, 'cause
l could've bought you nothing too.
lt's much nicer here
than l thought it would be.
Nice enough to move in ?
Ooh, l'd have to see
the rest of the house first.
What if l didn't
let you leave tonight ?
What would happen ?
l'd be penniless,
cast out of society,
and l'd be stuck with you.
Good. Well, we'll open
a bottle of something,
and in the morning,
everyone will know about us.
- l'm not good at being impulsive.
- Well, maybe if you just...
fell asleep
and l didn't wake you up.
- Maybe--
- l won't fall asleep.
One day,
you'll get tired of me.
l think it'll be
the other way around.
No, it won't.
Cabbie !
Hyde Park, please.
- Can we go to Olds Street instead ?
Nice to see ya.
So, is this welcome home then ?
Does your aunt
know you're here ?
That's why l've come to talk to you,
Father. l want to leave her.
- And go where ?
- Somewhere else.
With someone else ?
Your journalist ?
- You'd leave your aunt for him ?
- Yes.
With everything
she can do for you ?
l love him.
How long do you think
you would last without money ?
- l don't know.
- Of course you do.
- How about your mother and me ?
How long did we last ?
- l love him.
You think l didn't love her ?
How long--
How long did we last
before all the money ran out ?
Took a month for me
to begin stealing from her.
lt was living like this
that killed her.
Do what Maud says.
- She's forbidden me to see you.
- Then she's right.
There's no limit to what
your aunt can do for you.
Marry me to someone
l don't love ?
Marry you well.
Do you really think
you'll see any of that money ?
l already do.
She sends me
a few schillings each week.
Her driver brings it 'round.
Then l'm part of your... bargain ?
How else do you think
l'd survive ?
Don't look at me like that.
We're the same, you and l.
And l could've told you about
the lawyers and others l had to pay...
to keep your father out of jail.
Did you tell me about
the secret trysts in Hyde Park ?
Tiny room in Soho ?
A dirty pub in Fleet Street ?
- That has nothing to do with you.
- Yes, it does.
l won't let you make
the same mistake as your mother.
lf you see your friend
ever again,
l can't be responsible for you.
Or your father.
Then tell Miss Croy l'm not leaving
until she comes down and sees me.
- l've already told her.
- Then tell her again and again,
because l'm not leaving
until l talk to her !
She doesn't want to see you.
lt took exactly a week.
We left New York on the 14th
and arrived in London yesterday.
l'm so glad we're here.
Milly looks completely transformed.
We were originally gonna go straight
to Venice, but l told Milly,
l can't come to Europe
without visiting you.
Well, you'll just have to
persuade her to stay a little longer.
She takes all the decisions.
l'm just a companion.
You're not very talkative.
You haven't given me
a chance.
Black suits you
perfectly tonight.
Has anyone
ever told you not to stare ?
- Do you know her well ?
- l wish l knew her better.
Why's everyone
so fascinated by her ?
She'd be the Queen of America
if they had one.
World's richest orphan.
She's worth millions.
Then why aren't you
sitting next to her ?
Well, your Aunt Maud
wouldn't let me.
l finally caught you on your own.
Lord Mark's been
monopolizing you all evening.
Yes, but he's been staring
at you the whole time.
So have l.
l think your aunt's
a little drunk.
Oh, she's never drunk.
That would interfere.
- With what ?
- All the plots she is hatching.
- You make her sound like a witch.
- Oh, no.
- She can't fly... yet.
Milly !
- Psst.
- Kate !
l saw you from the bus.
l thought you were running away from me.
No, not at all.
l didn't see you.
- What are you reading ?
- Tennyson.
Who were you visiting ?
Just now ? Some friends.
- Milly.
Excuse me, is this
the foreign language section ?
Let's see.
Well, if l'd have been the owner,
l'd have thrown you both out.
- But why ?
- Because that part of the
book shop is reserved for men.
- Why ?
- You saw the pictures.
Exactly. l saw them. Have l changed ?
Have l suddenly become corrupt ?
Mm. lt's a gradual process.
Look at Kate.
- There's nothing corrupt about Kate.
- Mm, of course there is.
lt's in her eyes.
Can't you see ?
There's far too much going on
behind those pretty lashes.
l think we're going to leave you
until you've sobered up.
He must be in love with you
to behave like that.
God, l hope not.
How do you do, Mr Densher ?
Do you know who he is ?
He's a friend of the family.
Where did you find
your friend ?
She was invited.
l wasn't.
lt was one way
to get to see you.
- Did you get my letters ?
- Yes.
- Why didn't you write ?
- l didn't see the point.
So why have you come now ?
Did it hurt ?
ls that what you wanted ?
l hurt... so much.
You can't imagine.
lt was your choice.
Just have to wait.
l want you to go back
and kiss her... with that mouth.
You came with her.
l'll come and see you soon.
Poor Mark.
He invited you
to his country house.
- He invited you too.
- Only to keep you company.
He's not my type.
- No ?
- Mm-mmm.
- What is your type ?
- That friend of yours at the party.
Which friend ?
The one who came in
with the older woman.
Merton Densher ?
He was beautiful.
- What's your article about ?
- Hospitals.
- What do you care about hospitals ?
- Oh, l care about a lot
of things that you don't know.
- For example.
For example,
there's a doctor at King's.
He runs a little surgery
on the side for whores.
He charges one pound, one schilling
for issuing virginity certificates...
and two pounds
for sewing the ladies up.
He operates on 12-year-old girls...
and sends them back out on the streets
to earn the money to pay him.
And he's just been elected
to the Royal Society.
For example.
- Are you censoring it ?
- l'm editing it for you.
- lt's very angry.
- Well, it's supposed to be.
So angry,
you've left out a word.
- Have you heard of a Sir Luke Strett ?
- Of course l have.
- Why ''of course'' ?
- He's a leading blood specialist.
A very respected doctor.
- Why ?
- He's a friend of Milly's.
- Who's Milly ?
- Oh, my best friend of the day.
- Oh, yes, the American girl.
- How did you know she was American ?
- By her laugh.
- You're such a snob. She liked you.
That's because
she doesn't know me.
- You're not nearly as bad
as you'd like to be.
Everything's going to be fine.
- Ah, wonderful !
- Milly ?
- Kate !
l'm here with Merton.
- You haven't met Merton
properly before, have you ?
- No.
- Hello.
- Hello.
l want to show you something.
Kate's been talking
about you all afternoon.
l was almost sure we'd bump into you.
- lt's funny how that happens, isn't it?
- Hmm.
- l hope she was saying
nice things about me.
- Oh, yes, very nice things.
- You've made quite an impression.
- Well, so has she.
What are you doing here,
the two of you ?
Looking at paintings.
Of course.
l was hiding from the rain.
Well, l'm sorry
to have to leave you,
but if l don't go,
l'll be late for work.
lt was a pleasure
to meet you. Goodbye.
- Well, l hope l didn't scare him away.
- Oh, no. No.
lt's not what you're thinking.
- No ?
- No.
He's an old family friend.
- Oh, damn.
Look at my view, Milly.
lsn't it wonderful ?
What's your secret, Milly ?
lt's secret.
My theory is you can't really live--
can't truly live--
until you trust someone
with your secret.
lt's a good theory.
Yes, it is.
Shh. l just want to talk to you.
l-- l want to explain.
Mark, you have to go.
l need her. That's why-- That's why
l pay her all the attention.
- That's why l ignore you.
- You don't ignore me. You're drunk.
l love you, Kate. You.
l need Milly's money
to keep my home.
l have to marry her,
but it doesn't have to be forever.
What are you talking about ?
She's ill. She's very ill.
Everyone in New York knows about it,
all my friends there.
- And when she's gone--
- Get out.
- Get out right now, or l'll
tell her everything you said.
- Every word.
- l just--
l swear, Mark.
All right.
l just wanted to say how...
sorry l am
for ignoring you today.
Shh. lt's me.
- Are you all right ?
- lt's freezing in my room.
Sleep here.
What's wrong ?
- Uh--
- What ?
These wretched aristocrats
can't even heat their houses.
- Good day.
- Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
May l take that ?
- Merton !
- Hello.
- Hello.
- This is my friend, Susan.
- How do you do ?
- Kate told me
she was meeting you here.
- No, she was busy today.
l must have got the wrong day.
Well, she's getting ready
for Venice.
- Venice ?
- Yes, she's coming
with Susie and me to Venice.
- Susie's got to
convince Aunt Maud first.
- l said l'll try.
Will you sit with us ?
Thank you, but l really must
get back to work. Goodbye.
Shall l walk you out ?
- Kate hadn't told you
we were going to Venice ?
- Well, l hadn't seen her.
- Are you and Kate old friends ?
- ls that what she told you ?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- Why don't you come with us ?
- To Venice.
Why not ?
That's something
only a princess would say.
And you look down
on princesses ?
Especially princesses.
- Where were you ?
- Here.
So why was l there ?
Couldn't get away.
Do you hate me a little more
for standing you up ?
You didn't just stand me up.
You set me up.
- Did you like her ?
- No.
- Did she like you ?
- Well, she asked me to come to Venice.
- Why don't you ?
- Why should l ?
Because l'll be there,
and Maud won't.
- What about poor old Milly ?
- Why ''poor old Milly'' ?
- She wants to be with you on her own.
- She'd rather be with you on her own.
Look, l'm not going to Venice.
You want to see me,
you see me here.
- Don't you think she's beautiful ?
- No.
- l won't get jealous.
- No, l don't think she's beautiful.
l do. l think she's the most
beautiful woman l've ever met.
Then l'm sure you'll have
a good time together in Venice.
Susie will be there
to look after us.
Susie's a glorified maid.
The two of you will do as you like.
- l had plans for you this summer.
- l'm sorry.
- And if l say no ?
- l'll still go.
No matter what the consequences ?
l'll have to ask Milly for help.
lt didn't take you long
to find a new patron.
- She's a friend.
- Call it what you will.
You're still for hire.
- When will you be back ?
- That's entirely up to her, isn't it ?
You'll need something nice
to wear around Milly.
People might think
you're her servant.
Yes, l have something
for Mr Croy.
Look, l know he's here.
Please give him this.
l'm sure you'll find
everything in order.
Oh, wait, Eugenio.
Let's see it in the dark.
- ls this all yours ?
- lt's ours.
- Thank you for bringing me here.
- Mm, thank you for coming.
lf you ever get bored,
you can invite anyone you want.
- Why should l get bored ?
- lf you do.
- Who would you like me to invite ?
- Whoever you like.
Shall l ask Merton ?
l already have. He said no.
Do you want me to ask him ?
Only if you want to.
Only if you want to.
He's your friend.
l hardly know him.
All right then.
We won't ask him.
- Shh. Shh.
lt's all right, darling.
Shh. Shh.
- Try to rest, my sweet.
Shh. That's it. That's it.
what made you change your mind ?
- Oh, l was always going to come.
- No, really.
lt just took a little time
to scrape the money together.
This place was recommended
by a friend.
Well, l thought he was a friend
until l arrived here.
Well, here it is.
Buon giorno.
Notice the splendid stucco work,
the elegant stone motifs.
This stupendous building is a classic
example of early Venetian craft...
and was used as a model for many
of the great European palaces.
lf you'd like to follow me
in an orderly line.
- Buon giorno.
- Buon giorno.
- My roommate Giuseppe.
This way, ladies.
Here we have the legendary
baths of the Palazzo Dentia.
Surely this was modeled after the great
Byzantine steam house in Constantinople.
Yes, but many would argue that
that miraculous monument...
pales against the splendour
of this-- this later masterpiece.
How much are you paying
for this, Merton ?
- Three, three, three.
- We have to take two boats.
- But there's plenty of room.
We can all get on.
- There's no point in trying
to speak ltalian, Merton.
l'll take this one,
and you and Milly take the other one.
Diego's flirting with me.
What's your ltalian like, Milly ?
l can't see him in the dark.
How's Merton ?
Merton, say something.
- You're drunk, aren't you ?
- Mm, that's not such a bad idea.
Milly, tell him
l promise to be quiet.
- She promises to be quiet.
- Tell her it's too late.
- lt's too late !
- Why ?
Milly. Milly.
- Closer. Come closer.
- Kate ?
- Hmm ?
Oh, l think l'll wait outside, Milly.
l don't like heights.
- Susie ?
- lt's a long way up. Are you sure ?
- Merton, will you come ?
- l'm not good with heights either.
- You should've gone with her.
- Why ?
'Cause she asked you to.
lt was rude to say no.
- Why do you want me
to be with her all the time ?
- lt isn't all the time.
Well, last night,
for example.
- l don't want her to feel left out.
- She doesn't care.
Of course she does.
She's in love with you.
She hardly knows me.
That doesn't matter.
lt's the way she is.
- Are you all right ?
- lt's just so hot. lsn't it hot ?
- lt's not that hot.
- lt is close.
- Do you feel dizzy ?
That's better.
- You all right ?
- Yes, l-- l'm fine.
l'm fine. l'm fine.
Thank you.
There's nothing to worry about.
lt was just a dizzy spell.
- Can we see her ?
- She's asleep.
- We'll see you later.
- Good.
- You heard what Susan said.
- Susan was lying.
Why should she lie ?
Milly's dying.
She can't be. She looks fine.
- How do you know ?
- Lord Mark told me.
- Why didn't she say anything ?
- She didn't want us to know.
- lt doesn't make sense.
- lt makes perfect sense.
She's come here to live,
not to die.
She doesn't want our pity.
What does she want ?
Your love.
How long have you known
she was ill ?
- l wasn't sure until today.
- But you knew before ?
That's why you wanted me
to come to Venice.
For her.
For her...
and for us.
For us ?
We're all she has.
This is so exciting.
l can't believe we're here.
Susan ?
We go over the bridge.
Merton, dance with me.
- You don't look yourself today.
- Really ? How do l look ?
You look wounded.
Your eyes are big and sad.
Would you rather
be dancing with her ?
- With Kate ?
- Unless you've got
a soft spot for Susan too.
l'm perfectly happy
dancing with you.
You're a beautiful liar.
Well, that looks good.
Will you wait for me ?
- We'll lose them.
- Good.
Where did they go ?
They're probably waiting for us
back at the fountain.
l thought
l'd lost you tonight.
This is the first time
l didn't feel sorry for her.
She was so happy
dancing with you.
l'm going to leave you
alone with her.
What are you talking about ?
What we were
talking about before.
Don't look at me like that.
You've thought the same things.
You want me to seduce
a dying girl ?
And you really think she'll
just leave me all her money.
- Yes.
- Why ?
Because l know her.
l know how she loves.
And how do you love ?
Show me how you love.
l don't understand.
lf you don't understand me,
then l don't understand you.
We won't find them, darling.
They'll come back here.
Kate ?
We looked for you everywhere.
- All you had to do was tell me.
- Tell you what ?
Please don't lie to me.
What do you want me to say ?
l want to know if you love him.
Why did you leave ?
- Because l had to talk to him alone.
- Why ?
To tell him l didn't love him.
Milly, l'm going to go
back to London...
Because of me ?
Because of you,
because of Merton...
and because of me.
l'm in your way.
Don't be ridiculous.
Would you really mind
if l left ?
Yes, l would.
Please don't lie to me.
l don't want you to hate me.
l won't.
Yes, you will.
lf l stay, you will.
- Buon giorno.
- Buon giorno, signore.
Good morning.
ls Kate still sleeping ?
l've just taken Kate
to the ferry.
l didn't know she was leaving.
She decided last night.
She asked me to tell you
how sorry she was...
that she didn't have
a chance to say goodbye.
l hope you won't
be leaving too.
l like it here.
l'll take that back
to England with me.
- And you know the prow
is much heavier than the stern.
- Really ?
lf it weren't, the gondolier would be
completely off balance and he'd fall in.
Well, l would never
have thought of that.
l'm frighteningly clever,
aren't l ?
Anyway, that's not the prow.
That's the stern.
No. That's the prow.
That's the stern.
- That's the prow, and that's the stern.
- No.
- l think they should
demolish the whole place.
- How can you say that ?
lt's true.
lt's a very good idea.
- You'd knock down the basilica ?
- l'd raze the whole of St. Mark's.
-You're just arguing for the sake of it.
-Not at all !
Think of all the wasted space.
Thousands of square feet for two cafes
and a handful of myopic tourists.
- And what would you build instead ?
- Houses for the poor.
Oh, that's completely unfair.
That is so unfair !
- Why ?
- Because you're using
an emotional argument.
- How could l possibly disagree ?
- Well, don't.
- Agree with me and admit you've lost.
- Never !
- You've lost.
- Never.
- You've completely lost.
You've totally lost.
- l have not lost !
He didn't say he'd visit.
He just said we'd meet.
There's no reason
why l can't go to him.
- You can't go out in this rain.
- Why not ?
What could the rain
do to me ?
Si ?
l was going to come and see you
when the rain stopped.
The rain hasn't stopped
for three days.
Come in.
Susie thinks
you've been avoiding us.
Why would l do that ?
That's exactly what l said.
What have you been doing
in your hideaway ?
Pacing the room.
Drawing on the windows.
Packing your bags ?
And unpacking them.
Why did you stay ?
l have nothing to go back to.
Your work.
Oh, l don't believe in any
of the things l write about.
l fake passion.
l fake conviction.
l believe in you.
Why ?
l just do.
l have a good feeling.
A good feeling ?
l think everything's going
to happen for you, Merton,
sooner than you think.
How do you know ?
With certain people, l know.
Are you all right ?
l was trying to impress you.
l'm going to make a fool
of myself tonight.
l know it.
You're drunk, aren't you ?
Not as drunk as l'm
pretending to be.
- How are we going to get you home ?
- We're not.
- We're going to get you home first.
- Milly.
- l'm walking you home.
- No, you can't.
l can.
All right, then.
You walk me there,
and l'll walk you all the way back.
l know
it must be difficult to write...
when you're with her
all the time,
but please try,
if only to reassure me.
ln my head l follow you
around the streets and canals.
Sometimes l see you touch her,
and l'm suddenly scared.
This square doesn't
look familiar.
l'm walking you home.
That's the agreement.
All right.
Are you sure you know the way ?
- Yes.
- Ah !
So that must mean that you're
taking me the long way around.
Why would l do
something like that ?
l dread to think.
- is this really a good idea ?
- And now we go back.
- We have to go all the way inside.
l told you l was going to
make a fool of myself tonight.
l don't want you to.
l'll only let you
take me home...
if you promise
to come see me tomorrow.
l promise.
And the next day.
- And the day after that.
And even if you don't
write back,
read this letter again
and again,
and every time
she looks at you,
and every time she smiles,
don't forget
l love you more.
Where is everyone ?
- Why isn't anyone working ?
- Don't be upset.
Of course l'm upset. How can they
restore it if no one's working ?
You can always come and see it
another time. lt won't go away.
Milly ?
- Milly ?
Milly ?
Milly ?
My dearest Kate,
everything l've done,
l've done for you,
only it gets harder every day.
She's alive, Kate,
more alive than anyone
l've ever known.
My dear Kate.
Such a pleasure.
What could be so urgent ?
- What is it ?
The lady's a little fatigued.
- Nothing's wrong ?
- Nothing's wrong.
Bye !
l want to talk to Miss Theale.
She wants to see no one.
- Tell her it's me.
- She said no one.
She's very tired.
Has anyone else been to see her ?
An Englishman ?
Miss Theale had a visit
this morning.
Lord Mark ?
Tell Miss Theale
l came to see her.
Tell her.
Basta. Cosi. Grazie.
ls she sick ?
ls she dying ?
Did you know ?
Will she see me ?
l think so.
lf she asks you, just say no.
Tell her it isn't true.
What isn't true ?
What Lord Mark told her.
What did he tell her ?
That you've been with Kate,
all the time.
All what time ?
From the beginning.
l saw him in the piazza...
at Florian's,
through the window.
l hardly know him.
- Why did he tell her that ?
- He wanted to marry Milly.
He knew she didn't want him.
She told him. He knew that.
What did he want ? Did he want to
hurt her ? Did he want to kill her ?
- How did he know about Kate ?
- Kate must have told him.
That can't be true.
Who else knew ?
l was hoping you'd find
a way to see me.
All you had to do was ask.
l couldn't do that.
lt had to be a little difficult.
You look well.
Apparently not.
You've heard l'm ill ?
l went out yesterday morning.
l feel better in the mornings.
lt's such a big city, but l thought
l might see you wandering around.
l thought the same.
Where did you go ?
San Marco, the Rialto.
All the places we went together.
Maybe we just kept missing each
other-- me turning the corner
just as you went the other way.
l thought of that
so l stayed in the same place...
and waited for hours.
And we still
didn't see each other.
When will you go
back to London ?
l'm not going anywhere.
What will you do here ?
The same things we did before.
Do l look like l can
climb a church scaffold ?
You can do anything you want.
Not any more.
l can't fool myself forever.
lt isn't true, Milly,
what he told you.
- lt isn't true.
- Look what Mark brought me from London.
- Milly, please listen.
- Look at the print on the box.
lt's Ophelia drowning,
or someone dying, anyway.
-He didn't notice until the last moment.
You should have seen him.
He was so embarrassed.
- He kept trying to turn the tin
on its side without me noticing.
- Milly.
He never does anything
quite right.
He came here to hurt me,
and he brought me a box of biscuits.
What he told you--
it isn't true.
l told him that myself,
and then l sent him away in the rain.
But you believed him.
Milly ?
- What can l do to persuade you ?
- Don't.
We're beyond that,
you and l.
l love you.
Both of you.
l'm so sorry.
l'm so sorry !
''My heart is sore pained within me...
''and the terrors of death
have fallen upon me.
''Fearfulness and trembling
have come upon me,
''and horror
hath overwhelmed me.
''And l said, 'Oh, that l had
wings like a dove...
'''for then
l would fly away...
and be at rest.'''
Merton ?
You couldn't hear me ?
l was next door.
When did you get back ?
Fortnight on Friday.
Well, l couldn't rush
to you, could l ?
l was keeping
to our wonderful system.
- She was my friend too, Merton.
- Of course she was.
Our great friend.
- The three of us--
- Stop it.
Why did you tell Lord Mark ?
- Tell him what ?
- About us.
You knew he'd go to her.
And what about all your plans ?
l was scared of losing you.
This is for you.
Open it.
- lt's addressed to you.
- lt's from Milly.
- Aren't you interested
to know what it says ?
- l know what it says.
- She's made you rich.
- Take it.
lt's your prize.
Why did you give me the letter ?
l wanted to see what you'd do.
You'll still get her money.
Burning a letter
doesn't change that.
l'm going to write
to her lawyers.
You want me to persuade you
to keep her money.
ls that what you want ?
l'll never take her money.
l love you, Kate.
l love you too.
What are you thinking about ?
You're still in love with her.
l was never in love with her.
While she was alive, no.
l'm sorry, Kate.
l'm so sorry.
lt doesn't matter.
lt doesn't matter.
She wanted us to be together.
We will be.
l'm going to write
that letter.
Do whatever you want.
l want to marry you, Kate,
without her money.
ls that your condition ?
Am l allowed one too ?
Of course you are.
Give me...
your word of honour--
your word of honour...
that you're not in love...
with her memory.
Milly ! Milly !
Come closer. Come closer.
l believe in you. l just do.
l have a good feeling.
l think everything's going to happen
for you, Merton, sooner than you think.
With certain people, l know.