Winterstilte (Winter Silence) (2008)

Foul demons of the earth and air
From this their wonted haunt exiled
Shall flee before thy presence fair.
We bow us to our lot of care
Beneath thy guidance reconciled
Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer
And for a father hear a child!
We have to get help.
Father has fallen down
by the Gloria rock.
I confess to almighty God and
to you my brothers and sisters...
...that I have failed to do good,
and have done wrong.
I have sinned in my thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
My thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
My thoughts, my thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
Through my fault, through my fault...
...through my most grievous fault.
I confess to almighty God and
to you, my brothers and sisters...
...that I have failed to do good,
and have done wrong.
I have sinned in my thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
My thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
My thoughts, my thoughts,
my words and my deeds.
Through my fault, through my fault...
...through my most grievous fault.
I took her dancing at the fair
And there tumbled from her hair
A rose so red.
I picked it up and gave her this
and asked for just a little kiss.
But no, oh no, she said
I never kiss, I never kiss.
When the dance had come to an end
She gave me both her hands
For me to hold.
In my arms she lay, so sweet
My heart did e'er so warmly beat
But no, oh no, she said
I never kiss, I never kiss.
But when the hour had come to part
She spoke directly from the heart
These lovely words:
You may, oh worthy cavalier
Steal now my virgin kisses dear.
Never let the memory fade
Of Marotshka, the Polish maid,
the Polish maid.
To Polish regions I did ride
To fetch Marotshka as my bride
I found her not.
I did look here, I did look there
But did not see her anywhere.
I ne'er discovered where she stayed
The Polish maid, the Polish maid.
Until I near an oak tree found
Her lifeless body on the ground
Oh heavy load.
And in her hand a note she had
With just some written lines that said:
In all my life I kissed once merely
And paid so dearly, paid so dearly.
Ave Maria
maiden mild
listen to a maiden's prayer
thou canst hear though from the wild
thou canst save amid despair
the murky cavern's heavy air
shall breathe of balm
if thou hast smiled
then, Maiden
hear a maiden's prayer
Mother, listen a suppliant child
Ave Maria
Hail Mary, full of grace...
...the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb...
...Jesus, your child
conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Pray for us sinners now...
...and at the hour of our death.
Please, don't...
No mother, please, don't.
No, please, no!