Winx Club 3D: Magic Adventure (2010)

Rainbow Presents
Winx Club: Magical Adventures
An Iginio Straffi Film
Made by Rainbow CGI Animation Studios
A Rainbow Production,
in Association with SKY
to the famous planet Magix...
...where girls come from
every corner of the universe... discover its many secrets.
It is here at the renowned
Alphea School...
...that young fairies learn
and perfect their powers.
Potionology, biotransformation
and magiphysics...
...are just a few examples
of the many courses offered here.
Alphea is run by the
acclaimed Headmistress Faragonda.
Just a few kilometers away...
...lies the notorious
Cloudtower School for witches.
Run by Headmistress Griffin,...
...this school offers courses
on nasty spells and cruel curses.
If you are a kind,
warm hearted girl...
...who would love
a set of glittery wings,...
...then Alphea is
just the school for you.
But if you're leaning more towards
boiling cauldrons...
...and macabre apparel, Cloudtower
will have a flying broom...
...and a pointy hat
waiting for you.
Let's get back to our live coverage
at Alphea...
...where both schools are just about
to kick off the new school-year.
Right behind me on the VIP platform
no one's missing.
And Alphea's most famous alumni
are here too:
The courageous and spunky
Winx Club!
Name: The Winx Club.
Profession: Guardian fairies
of the Magic Dimension!
Relationship status: Super taken!
They've saved the World...
...from the threat of
the Ancestral Witches...
...and they brought
Sparx back to life.
A kingdom found it's princess
and that princess found her parents.
Bloom's destiny is to become Queen
and to sit on the throne of Sparx.
Or in Eraklyon if she marries Sky!
We here at "It's Magix"
have met with Bloom's parents:
Queen Marion and King Oritel.
A wedding? Why not?
Bloom's happiness is the only thing
that matters.
Sky's father is a man of few words,
and rude ones at that.
Get lost!
I haven't got time for this garbage!
These six Winx are living
in their time of enchantment...
...and the magic continues.
We're on the air?
These hors d'oeuvres are scrumptious.
But now back to
our two headmistresses...
May all of you students
do your very best!
Or your very worst!
Remember, magic must be used
with care and intelligence.
And for noble causes;
not petty things like chores!
Oh please!
Why waste your time...
...when a simple spell will force
someone else to do them for you?
What's with those three over there?
Why arent they eating?
They totally eat,...
...if the menu included lizard guts,
and sheeps, eyes and...
They're turning everyone
into toads!
Now now girls, that's enough,
calm down.
Stormy, Darcy,
now is our chance!
Ready, Icy!
Well well, look who it is;
the bad taste trio.
Leaving the party already?
But the music hasn't started yet.
Only you three would find
something like this funny.
You fairies are no fun at all.
Now that's overdoing it.
When the going gets tough...
...the Winx get tougher!
Alright, if you wanna play,
let's play!
Sun Storm!
Plasma Wall!
My outfit!
Enchanted nymphs!
Andro's Hurricane!
All right.
Globe Lightning.
Defender Plate!
Morphix Blob!
Polar Rose!
Stella Sta.
You've gone too far.
The Power of Harmony!
Why must it end like this
every year?
It's just a prank!
Perhaps, but who bombarded Alphea
with a tropical storm last year?
And who stuffed the cake with
roaches and snakes the year before?
Well you're the one who insists on
having this party every year.
How many times have I told you?
Witches and Fairies just do not mix.
Harmonic Attack!
Hey, weren't there three of them?
Stella, did you miss me?
Sun Dance!
Shadow Ray!
Do you have the compass?
- Yeah of course! Come on.
Gather the toads... fairies
and don't let them get away.
Come here,
you're safe now.
Witches and toads,
this is really cramping my style.
You are one ugly froggy,
you know that?
Have you ever seen a pretty one?
We'd better get them back to normal
as soon as possible.
Well done girls.
You stopped the Trix,
but more importantly,... protected your friends!
Thanks Headmistress Faragonda,
but we've got a problem.
Get them off of me! They're getting
slime all over my clothes!
Be careful Stella, remember,
they're still Alphea fairies..
We didn't do so well...
If Bloom would've been with us,...
...this would've been over
in 132 point 35 seconds.
You know,...
...they probably don't have a
witch and toad problem on Sparx.
she's missing all the fun!
That's all from Alphea.
Wake up sleepy head, you can't
spend all day doing nothing.
It's so beautiful!
- Good morning
- Princess.
Are you ready for
another day of lavish glory?
Today you try on
your winter wardrobe.
Really? Already?
Yes already, the palace tailor needs
to adjust all 56 of your dresses.
You don't want to end up like
the Duchess of Irulean, do you?
Of course you don't!
She wore the same hair clib
for two gala receptions.
Thank you, but there's no need
for all of this, really.
A princess is always in need
of pampering, it's in the rules.
Here we go, dress number one!
Off with the nightgown!
Oh I'm so excited!
Here we have a nightgown
with a dreamy cloud trim and...
...just a dash of mystery!
Where did these slippers come from!
Let's toss these!
The feet of a princess deserve
top-notch treatment.
There! Perfect fit!
How beautiful.
Breakfast is served!
A well balanced diet is vital!
And what a treat we have today.
Lightning Fish from the Lost Island.
Eating it raw
does wonders for your skin.
And your hair!
It makes princesses,
even more beautiful!
Where'd she go?
Hi Mommy, hi Daddy, can't stop,
I have to free my breakfast!
Your majesty, your highness!
Forgive us,
please but the princess is...
I think she went that way.
There you go.
Daphne, where are you?
Daphne? Is that you?
- Hello Blooom.
- Hello big sis!
Nice entrance, impressive!
Did I scare you?
Well, of course you did!
Without you, life here
at the palace would be so boring!
What were you running from,
little sis?
Everyone here
just bosses me around.
Mom and Dad too?
No, not them.
They're fantastic.
It's just the rules,
the 56 dresses,...
...the fish
that's good for your skin.
And your hair!
It makes princesses
even more beautiful.
Trust me, it tastes horrible.
I don't even wanna know.
And what do you think of
all this princess stuff, honestly?
You'll get used to it in no time,
I hope so.
Now, how about some good news,
you do have good news, right?
Oh yeah! Did I ever tell you
about the rose petal massage?
Bloom! Where have you been?
I was just with Daphne.
Well there's something
we want to show you.
What? What?
It's a surprise, so close your eyes.
Are we there yet?
Just be patient sweet heart.
We're almost there.
Alright Bloom, open your eyes now.
Mommy, Daddy! Thank you!
She's beautiful.
Her name is Peg,
she's a gift from your Father.
Oh dad, thank you!
Your mother
has something for you, too.
I thought this would be perfect.
Thank you! It's beautiful
Well, what are you waiting for?
Let's see what you can do!
But I don't really know how to ride.
- Hold on, you'll see!
- Are you sure?
Okay Peg,
be on your best behaviour now.
There's someone I want you to meet.
There you are!
I picked this for you.
Is something wrong,
Princess Bloom?
Not anymore.
You sure? You don't look
so comfortable on that horse.
Oh stop!
She has a name.
Hiya Peg.
What do you say
we teach the princess how to ride?
When learning to ride, there are
just three rules that never fail.
Don't be afraid,
close your eyes, and hang on!
Wait here Peg.
So, how do you like the Royal life,
It's exhausting,
I don't know if im cut out for it.
You're perfect.
There is not a girl sweeter
or more...
when it was us down there?
How could I forget,
that's where I asked you to marry me.
And made me the happiest woman
in the Magic Dimension.
But, why did you have
those bushes trimmed?
Those bushes use to make
that corner so much more romantic!
We could be alone,
no one could see us.
Well, that's exactly why.
Bloom, there's something
I have to tell you.
Starting a conversation like that
usually means bad news.
Not this time,
at least, I don't think so.
I don't know where to begin.
Well, look. We've been through
a lot and we've always succeeded.
But now I'm asking you to accept
the most difficult challenge of all.
- Which is...
- Living together, forever
Bloom, will you marry me?
- Oh, Sky!
- Is that a "yes" or a "no"?
- It's "yes".
A big fat yes.
- Alright!
The whole Magix has to know it!
- When?
- When?
- The first day of spring!
- The first day of spring!
- Mission accomplished, my lords.
- Good.
Did you "bump into" those fairies?
Those stupid girls
didn't notice a thing.
Darcy got what you requested.
Well done! Those know-it-alls
will soon get what they deserve!
Those Winx destroyed our prison
thinking it would wipe out evil,...
...but instead they set us free.
Enough chatter! Where is it?
Yes! The compass of Revealed Secrets.
The key that solves all our miseries.
And unveil the hidden,
like the Village of Pixies.
We need you witches
to get our powers back.
We are finally free,
but weak without our powers!
Find the Pixies!
Wipe out all of the positive magic
and we'll rule once again!
We'll do it with pleasure!
This is the moment
we've all been waiting for!
I have some great news!
A king's happiness
is the happiness of his kingdom.
I wanted you to be
the first to know!
Bloom and I are getting married
- What?
What's wrong?
It's out of the question!
You, you mustn't!
What are you talking about?
We love each other!
Forget about love!
You will not marry Oritel's daughter!
Don't ask me why, just promise
you will not marry her!
But this is crazy!
What are you hiding from me?
Tell me!
The truth it is a curse
that has been tormenting me for ages.
What curse?
And what does
Bloom have to do with it?
I want to know the truth!
It's here Sky, it's always been here.
Hidden in plain sight.
Too much to bear
and too big to erase!
All I could do was hide, but the
time has come for you to see it.
Out of fear, I betrayed a dear friend
that condemned the entire city.
I've never confessed this to anyone.
I just wrote it down for you
so that one day you would understand.
The kingdom of Sparx suffered
a terrible injustice and... was all because of me.
The only way to make amends is
by not marrying the Princess and...
...hoping that she'll forget you
What was done
can never be forgiven.
Have you been in touch with Erendor?
I've been trying to reach him
for a few days but, look who it is.
Morning Bloom, you look chipper.
You vanished without a trace,
wonder why.
Oh right, Sky is back.
- Did you go riding with Peg?
Mom, Dad.
Sky asked me to marry him
Oh Bloom!
What wonderful news!
I'm so happy for you!
- I really hope so.
Have you already told
your foster parents?
What do Mike and Vanessa think?
Mom, he just proposed,
gimme some time!
Sorry! You know how it is!
This kind of thing
doesn't happen to us every day!
Listen, Bloom...
Sparx is an ancient kingdom
and according to tradition,... is the King who has to choose
the princesses husband.
It's an important tradition!
But what about Sky?
Isn't he perfect?
Well I guess he is a king,
a young one.
But a king nontheless.
But the hair of his is
so long and blonde!
- Daddy...
- Bloom, of course he's perfect!
It will be the most fantastic
wedding in the history of Sparx.
We'll invite every Royal family
in the whole magic dimension!
I'll start the guest list right now!
Oh, yes, of course!
Bloom, there's something
I have to tell you.
We have a problem.
Poor princess.
- She's devastated, your majesty.
- She won't stop crying.
Why would he do this to me?
My dear sweet little one.
I don't know what drove him to this.
But I'm sure that when you look him
in the eye, you'll understand.
He hurt you.
But before you go see him again,
you've gotta be tougher than you are.
Come on,
you are so much stronger than this.
Just take a break from the World,
and take all the time you need.
When you're ready,
show them what you're made of...
...and fight for
everything you believe in!
Because you'll win!
Feel better now?
I'm going to speak with Sky!
He owes me an explanation!
You will do nothing of the kind,
Our daughter
can take care of herself.
No one treats a Sparx princess
like that!
He proposes to her,
then abandones her! It's insane!
Erendor is a man of his word.
It's a pity
I can't say the same for his son!
This is a disgraceful insult,
but I know what to do about it.
And im going to do it now.
Breaking news: An exclusive
"It's Magix" breakthrough story!
There's nothing more glamourous
than a royal wedding.
Stay tuned!
Princess Bloom of Sparx... about to announce
plans for her upcoming wedding!
And who is that lucky man?
- Did you catch that?
- That's impossible.
There is no way she'd go and decide
to get married just like that!
Not without consulting us first! Or,
at the very least, just telling us.
Yeah, to tell us she went crazy,
I'm calling her right now.
Bloom would never hide something
like that from us.
Hold it! Time out!
There's gotta be some kinda reason.
All I know is that the TV show got
the story before we did!
I hate that show. I'd rather watch
a full day of commercials.
She's not answering!
Her cellphone's off.
Then there's only one thing to do!
Tecna, Musa, Stella, Flora!
How did I miss so many calls?
Good morning princess!
We don't have much time
to dress you!
And put your face on!
- What's going on?
- Today will be a great day!
The more beautiful you are,
the happier you'll be!
- Wait...
- Come on, come on!
We don't have all day!
Can I help you?
I'm telling you!
It has to be some kind of mistake!
Only those on the guestlist
may enter.
I need to see Bloom.
- Only those on the guest..
- On the guestlist may enter.
Yes, I'm aware!
I won't waste anymore of your time.
Why don't you watch
where you're going!
Watch where I'm going?
There's a princess in that palace
hoping to meet her Prince Charming.
And he very well could be one of us.
What's the point...
I hope Bloom has a good explanation
for this wedding business.
And more importantly,
why she didn't invite us!
- Hello.
- Can I help you?
I'm Flora, the princess of Linphea.
My friends and I are here
to see Princess Bloom.
Sorry. Only aspiring
husbands-to-be are allowed.
And frankly,
you do not look the part.
- But... we just... wanted to...
- Can I help you?
- You listen here!
- Can I help you?
We may not be on your list,
but we need to get in there anyway!
Sorry. Only
aspiring husbands-to-be are allowed.
I didn't express myself properly.
I am Stella.
Princess of Solaria,
Winx Guardian fairy, and above all...
...Bloom's best friend.
Now get out of my way Mack.
Let us through!
Come on girls.
Back here!
They may be able to win battles,...
...but they don't stand
a chance against an angry girl!
Especially if it's me.
Wow, how pretty!
Bloom must be loving it here!
Get out.
Knock knock! Can we come in?
I heard
they're giving away shoes here.
Literally, throwing them at you.
- Girls!
I'm so happy to see you!
Bloom! That show said something
about you and Sky getting married!
Married? Me?
No, Sky just left me.
Sky just left you?
Okay, let's take it from the top.
The world's gone mad.
My world's gone mad...
Sky asked me to marry him.
Then two days later
he changes his mind, and now...
- Hello girls.
- Hello... King Oritel.
And now, I'd like someone
to tell me what's going on!
The kingdom of Sparx
has it's traditions.
As I've told you before,
remember, Bloom?
But every rule has its exception
which is...
...why you will choose out of the
young men I have gather for you.
- But I want Sky, daddy!
- Sky?
- But you deserve much better darling.
- You... You can't be serious.
Okay, I get it,
this is just a joke. Right?
I've never been more serious,
The princes I've summoned...
...are the best the magical dimension
has to offer.
At short notice anyway.
- But, Sky...
Sky? He's a part of your past.
Your future awaits you
in the throne room.
Come down in ten minutes.
Okay, Bloom's right.
The world has gone mad!
This kingdom
has some strange traditions.
Forget traditions!
There's no way
I'll marry a total stranger.
Relax, Bloom,
you won't have to turn them down.
They're all going to turn you down.
Leave it to us, Bloom.
- I think we know what to do here.
- What's that?
I'm not so crazy about the make-up,
Am I not beautiful?
Make-up is not meant to cover.
Rather, it's to excentuate
her natural beauty!
Or maybe to sway someone's opinion
in the right direction.
Come on!
Let's not keep our guests waiting.
Suitor number one!
- That one is so mine!
- Get in line!
Prince Strufus
of the Planet Scarab.
Looks like our devious plan
is about to backfire on us.
Wow princess! You are a knockout!
Sorry about that.
When I hyper-salivate
I tend to fall apart.
You're right, Tecna. You
saw him first, so he's alll yours.
Looks like
it's going to be a long day.
- There are no more princes, princess.
- Thank godness.
Sorry, am I too late?
Oh, alright...
And you are?
Prince Elios
from the Kingdom of Akron.
Help! Can someone please
call the fashion police!
Hey, what are you doing?
If that is the royal attire...
...can you imagine
what his regular clothes look like?
Sky, is it really you?
I had to see you, Bloom,
to explain.
You'll find the truth in here.
- What is it?
Read this and you'll understand,
I'll find a way to make things right.
And we'll be together again soon.
I promise.
Somebody catch me.
Oh, Bloom!
You've made up your mind!
I'm so pleased!
Prince Elios from
the Kingdom of Akron.
- Yes, your majesty.
- Where exactly is Akron?
I don't think
I've heard of it before.
Akron is so far away,
you wouldn't believe.
Took me...
took me forever to get here.
Really... Guards!
What are you doing?
Treating the Princess of Sparx
the way you did was...
...a big mistake, young man.
It's Sky!
Please don't be so quick to judge,
sire, I can explain!
How can I trust you now?
You broke in here only to play games
with my daughter's feelings!
What is going on in here?
Back off!
Let him speak!
Sire, in here...
I don't care what's in there.
You've betrayed this family's trust.
And now you leave me no choice!
Sky of Eraklyon,... are hereby banned forever
from the Kingdom of Sparx!
- Sky, wait!
- Let him go!
The princess of Sparx will never
marry a man, who can't keep his word.
Are you asking me to choose between
my love and my kingdom?
Well that's an easy choice, dad.
Way to make your daughter
feel at home!
Sky, wait, please!
Over there!
Hey, wait up!
- Where are you going in such a hurry?
- Didn't you hear the princess?
- Get out my way, or I'll...
- Or you'll what?
Well done, little Peg.
Bloom, I'll fix everything,
then I'll come back for you!
Princess Bloom!
- Come on, Let's go back, Bloom.
- No, I've had it with all this!
I'm leaving!
You coming with me?
- Of course!
Let's see.
Looks like we're here.
- If that thing is right.
The compass is never wrong, this way.
- Yes!
If we multiply the illumination
factor of each lamp... the square root
of the refractive average,...
...the darkness should be reduced
by sixty-four percent.
Whatever you say, Digit.
The important thing is that...
...these new lamps make our village
look super sparkly!
- Less talk and more help, Chatta.
- Little more to the right, Lockette.
No, sorry now more to the left.
- No problem, Tune! I'll fix it!
- How adorable.
- It's the Trix!
What are you doing here
and what do you want from us?
- From you? Nothing
- Can we talk about it?
A change of clothes
was just what we needed.
- Bloom.
- Girls!
Mom! Dad!
What the...
- Digit, the Trix are hurting them!
- Tune! No!
- Chatta!
- Piff! Look out!
Amore, no! Go back!
- What next?
- This way.
That's it.
The tree of life.
This is the heart
of the Magic Dimension.
It keeps the balance between
positive and negative energy.
I can feel it's power
just running through me.
The negative and the...
Ow! It burned me!
Are you sure about this?
It's a very powerful spell and we..
We have the power
of the Ancestresses!
And now we'll use it to shut the
positive energy and summon them here.
Are you scared?
- No! Honest!
- Ready?
- Yes!
Then let's do it.
In the name of the mother
of all witches, we command you.
Shadow rise up.
Grand darkness, rise up...
...and extinguish
the light of all goodness.
The positive energy's so intense!
Soak up
the Tree of Life's vital energy.
We command you, Dark Energy,
rise up!
May the positive energy wither
in the Great Shadows presence.
It's working! The Fairies' magic
will vanish with it forever!
What's happening to me?
I think I've lost all of my powers!
Me too.
Something terrible is happening!
I know.
Faragonda! Please help us!
Once again, nicely done girls!
All positive energy is gone!
Now that there is only dark magic,...
...we can take over Magix
and no one can stop us!!
The Pixies!
They're in danger.
- Stella?
- We've gotta go!
I've lost contact with my networks.
I can't reach them.
What's going on!
My magic doesn't work!
- We've lost our powers!
- What do we do?
We need to talk to her!
I think she would know what to do!
But how, my PDA isn't...
It's Digit!
There you go, this should work!
Tecna? Winx?
Girls! Can you hear me?
- Yes, headmistress! Can you hear us?
- Yes, I can! Are you alright?
- We're fine, but what about you?
- And the Pixies?
After the Trixies left,...
...the Pixies saught refuge here
at Alphea, with me.
What those witches
have wanted from them?
And what happened to our powers?
The Trixies emptied this dimention
of all positive magic.
Those three wimps?
How did they pull something
like that off?
I couldn't say.
The only thing I know is that they
tipped the balance of magic... attacking the Tree of Life.
Well, what can we do?
For now, stay there in Gardenia,
where it's safe.
As soon as we know exactly what's...
- Oh no! The we're losing connection.
- Bloom! Take care of yourself!
- You too, little one...
To challenge me in my own house!
After what he did to Bloom!
Sky must be punished.
It's his fault we've lost Bloom!
What is it?
It's what he tried to give you.
It's a confession.
I think we owe that young man
an apology.
There's not even enough room here
for a t-shirt!
All done, next!
Hey, wait.
Take a number!
A number?
Haven't you ever been
to a deli on Earth before?
You need to take a number
for the bathroom.
It was Mike's idea.
- Next breakfast group!
- Thanks.
Mike, you just ate,
no seconds!
This house is just
way too small for us.
It would be best
to make ourselves useful.
- No powers, remember?
- Oh really?
What do you guys think is harder?
Saving the world or doing chores?
Actually, it's truly been
quite refreshing.
No powers, no help,
just relying on ourselves.
I kinda like it.
- Sweating! Gasping for breath!
Count me out.
But it was so nice to see
the results of our labor.
Sure it was totally exhausting
and our bodies took a toll...
...but in the end you feel
a certain kind of gratification.
Hold on there a sec.
Are you telling me
that manual labor is fun?
It really is!
You should try it sometime.
You really gain a lot
through magic.
But there are so many things
you miss out on.
What's wrong with Bloom?
I think she just needs
a little alone time.
- I need to talk to Bloom.
- Please, come on in.
- Sky!
- Bloom! My Love!
I've missed you so much.
- I'm sorry about what happened.
- No, don't be.
I should be the one apologizing
for how my father reacted.
He was just trying to protect you.
Will I hold you again?
It beats a simple phone call.
Yeah, and it's less dangerous
than horseback riding with you.
- We've always belonged to each other.
- Yes.
Bloom, I know what happened
to the positive magic.
- What?
- It's a long story.
And it started with my father
and the destruction of Sparx.
Come to Eraklyon as soon as you can,
Timmy will be coming with the Owl.
We've gotta leave, girls.
There isn't much time.
Leave? Where to?
We're going to Eraklyon.
Here we go again...
Bloom's at the park
with her girlfriends.
Then I shall order my guards
to bring her home.
Because I have something to tell her.
- I don't think that's a good idea.
You'd better go talk to her alone.
- Mike's right.
Is this some kind of a plot?
Three against one?
Remember, Bloom's wellfare is the
only thing we care about.
Nothing else matters.
I can't quite put my finger on it
...but you've changed
since the last time I saw you.
He has since found out...
...that being the father of an
eighteen year old girl isn't easy.
the enemy's attacking me from within.
You should listen to Mike.
He and Vanessa raised Bloom,...
...and whether you like it or not,
they know her better than us.
It hasn't been easy for me either,
my friend.
Our kids grow up so quickly...
...and just when you think
you've got them figured out...
...they've grown some more.
- Bloom told us about your discussion.
Bloom has quite a temper,
we know, but...
She loves you.
There's nothing parents
and their kids can't resolve.
They just need a litte time.
- Time... something we've never had.
- Bloom is our daughter.
But you are the ones
who raised her. I envy you.
If you wanna know
what you've missed, get comfortable.
If they say a picture is worth
a thousand words...
Then a film
can tell the story of a lifetime.
Ok, it's recording!
Come on Bloom, you can do it!
Good girl!
Don't cry baby, say hi to Daddy.
- A little help here.
No, no.
There it goes.
Come on Sky, don't be shy.
No, no, no.
- Come on, Sky, please.
- Stop it.
Go and talk to her.
What are you doing here?
- I was just talking...
- I need to...
- Not you! You!
- I have to talk to you.
If you're here to tell me to forget
Sky again, then forget it...
I'm going to go see him now.
- No, Bloom, wait, don't go.
- Let me give it a try.
Bloom, wait.
I just came to say bye
to you and Vanessa.
I'm sorry,
I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Don't worry
I know sometimes...
...the relationship between parents
and children can be difficult.
It was hard for us, so I Imagine
what they are going through.
Give them some time. It's not easy
being a father, trust me.
Are you kidding?
You've been a great father!
I'm actually over that.
We're about to deal with something
much more important.
Go and save the universe
like always, right?
And don't worry about your parents,
I'll talk to them.
Are we ready?
Thank goodness, you don't have
any more parents, Bloom.
We'd be here all day!
Eraklyon, here we come!
That's impossible!
Our power!
It's not all here!
I can feel a presense, the presense
of something that shouldn't exist.
No, it can't be!
The Tree of Goodness
how can it still be growing?
This tree is supposed to be dead!
I don't understand!
There's still positive magic
somewhere in this dimension!
Destroy it, sister! Or we'll never
be able to rule the dimension!
Crush it!
I saw it.
Yes, Eraklyon. It's on Eraklyon.
Erendor! This is Erendor's doing!
He still possesses the ancient power.
Ancestral Witches.
What is it!
How dare you interrupt us!
- Let us Trix handle Erendor.
- Yes, why not?
Then it is decided.
See to it
that Erendor returns our "gift".
King Erendor is a good for nothing.
He better not have lost it!
Go find the hourglass that we
gave to him. Bring it back at once!
How do you like the new clothing
line I've created?
- It's beautiful, Stella.
- Alright, Timmy, you can look now.
I couldn't even if wanted to.
I gotta land this thing.
- Just admit it. You've missed us.
- I missed you so much, Flora.
Oh Nabu, it seems like a lifetime
since we've been together!
I guess we've been busy
saving Universes.
Someone really missed you.
That's not exactly what I meant.
You mean the one
who always makes me smile?
Nice outfit!
- It's perfect for our journey.
We're going to head to the city
of Avram, the forgotten city.
I'll catch you up
as soon as we're on the Galleon.
This way, everyone.
- Let's go, Nabu!
- Where are we going?
- To the city of Avram.
What, are we gonna fly there?
You'd be surprised
of what wind can do.
We're so high up!
I know you all have
a lot of questions.
Well, you'll get all the answers
when we reach Avram.
Avram is a dark city dominated by
the Ancestral Witches magic.
It's corrupt and evil.
All things, living and otherwise,
don't work according to our rules.
Even the technology is backwards.
So we can't use the owl
to get there?
Afraid not, cupcake.
Here in Eraklyon,
the Galleon is the only vehicle...
...that doesn't use
advanced technology.
How creepy... The waves of dark magic
seem to go forever.
Not exactly what you'd call a picnic.
- I've always loved playing Pirate!
A flying boat!
I wish my yacht could fly!
The galleon may not have
jet propulsion.
But we'll have the wind behind us
all the way!
Can't ask for much more, Tecna.
But as you can see,
all tech is rendered null and void.
Hey guys,
what's going on down there?
No powers. No technology.
I'm the most useless fairy!
- Just a minute.
- We're almost ready down here.
This is awesome!
Ready to go!
Weigh anchors! Let's go!
Remember the crystal container
I brought to Sparx?
It holds the truth, the key
to understanding everything.
It reveals the past and shows us
how to save the future.
I read it, Bloom.
It all Started in Avram.
It used to be the most stunning
city on Eraklyon.
Those ruins are
the results of my father's dishonor.
Eighteen years ago,...
...The Ancestral witches tried to
conquer the magic dimension.
The Company of Light
was founded to stop them.
They were a group of powerful heroes
and wizards led by your parents.
I know that much.
Before the witches attack
this kingdom,...
...they found out that my father,
...and your father
had an alliance.
- It's good to see you, my friend.
- Let's get going.
My father was to protect Sparx
until your parents returned.
But the witches destroyed Avram...
...just to show my father
how powerful they were.
They scared him
into accepting their terms.
They would spare
all the other cities of Eraklyon...
...if he would let them attack
For the sake of his kingdom,
my father agreed.
Here, this hourglass contains
pollen from the Tree of Life.
The tree of good and evil.
It will protect your planet
from the flood of dark energy...
...that will engulf all nearby
kingdoms when we destroy Sparx.
Many worlds
will come crashing down,...
...and you can call yourself lucky
to watch it all!
So my father watched
and Sparx collapsed.
And he was plagued
with the burden of guilt.
Since then, the Ancestral Witches'
dark magic consumed Avram.
Lost spirits roamed freely
through it's streets.
No! Leave me alone!
I had no choice!
My father often returned to Avram
desparately seeking out answers.
Until one day...
The tree's pollen
gave life to a new plant.
And that's what
we must find in Avram.
So the Tree of Life's energy
still lives within that plant!
My father only opposed our marriage
to protect you.
The son of a traitor
doesn't deserve to marry a princess.
Oh, stop it.
Your father was basically
forced to make that decision.
He's suffered enough
just living with it.
Those Ancestral Witches
are the only ones to blame for it.
If we save the Tree of Life, we can
finally put an end to this all!
I love you, Sky!
The honey moon is supposed to be
after the wedding,... let's get this show
on the road...
...and let's try not to turn it into
a chick flick.
Riven, save the jokes
for the comedians.
We have no idea what to expect
when we reach Avram.
But we do know that... girls will be in a lot more
danger without your powers.
Riven will demonstrate...
...the obstacle course we built
for you girls to work out on.
You set a new record, Riven!
Sixteen seconds!
And that record's
about to be broken again!
Fourteen seconds.
Now that's a record!
Now let's see how well
everyone else can do!
Excuse me? I thought
we were just enjoying the show.
Oh, come on, it can't be any worse
than doing chores in Gardenia.
Open your eyes!
Come on, you can do that.
Hey, watch out!
Hey! Come on, you can do it!
- Yeah!
- Here we go!
Maybe it is worse than chores, Musa.
I don't get it.
I accounted for the speed
and weight distribution.
Guys! Get me down.
I don't even know
how I got up here.
Maybe we should start
with something simpler.
Hey, stop!
Bloom, whats up?
Helping Tecna.
What, what's wrong?
Is this an illusion
or am I seeing double?
You might need some new glasses!
Sorry, didn't see ya there!
- What are those?
- They're evil twin holograms.
We're close to Avram,
this is an effect of the dark magic.
So lets give them a taste
of what we learned during training!
Like how to fall?
- Oh no, Nabu.
- Yup, that was me.
Atleast I think so.
- I'm sorry, honey!
Come on.
- Oh, no!
- And now?
You're an impostor!
Sky, behind you! And one!
And two!
- Four!
- Five!
And you're beatiful!
There comes a time when
every girl has to let herself go.
There's only one true Nabu!
They're all disappearing.
Way to go!
We sure showed them who's boss!
- But it wasn't because of us, Stella.
- Really?
Pretty sure it was those
black clouds of death over there.
grab something and hold on tight!
We're almost through!
That is Avram!
Oh no, the propellers!
We're gonna crash!
Split into two groups
and grab those main lines.
- What now, Bloom?
- Pull!
Now do you have a plan
for stopping this rhinocership?
Okay Specialists,
here's where we come in.
Hold tight! Almost!
Who are you?
What do you want?
Actually you should be asking
"Who sent us?"
The Ancestral Witches!
The Withces want their hourglass
back. Where is it?
I'll never tell you!
You don't frighten me.
Go play your games somewhere else.
Is that a challenge?
Drop him!
You thought you could fool us?
You may have destroyed
the hourglass, but not the pollen.
That pollen is the source of life,
so it can't die. Tell us!
Where did you hide
the Tree of Life's magic pollen?
I'll never tell you!
Which hand did you break it with?
We'll let the proof reveal itself!
This is not cool!
Messes up my hair!
- Is everyone alright?
- We're all good.
Just another another day in the life!
- Yeah, us too.
More or less.
- So which way?
- It's anyone's guess.
But don't trust anything around here.
Our best bet is to split up
and cover more ground.
But isn't that dangerous?
Nothing glamourous
about this place anymore.
Alright, let's go.
Hey, wait up!
Avram is really a nice,
hospitable place!
Bloom, what happenned to...
Where are you?
This is ridiculous.
I can't see further than my nose!
There they go!
Before we lose them again!
Come on. Hurry.
Watch it!
- Release him, now!
- It's a trap!
The girls are on Avram!
They need your help, go!
Be quiet!
- Go!
- Okey.
Is it me, or does it feel like
the walls are closing in on us?
We have to keep going
until we find that tree!
What about the others?
Do you think they're okay?
They'll be okay.
My father assured me.
- Let's look for them!
- Trust me! Don't worry about them.
It's Stella!
Come on, Sky!
What is this?
Oh my... What happened to
Stella and Brandon?
Over here. This place
makes my brain wanna barf!
- Wait for us, we'll come to you!
- Hold on!
We'll never figure this place out.
Let's try going back.
- Hurry up, Stella, run!
- I'm running as fast as I can!
- Looks like you were right!
- Stella!
Come on, over here.
To think this would've gotten easier.
Almost out!
Sky, wait!
Sky! Sky!
- You guys okay?
- From the looks of it, yes.
I don't like the sound of that.
Not one bit!
Come on, let's get outta here.
- What the...
- Those are the lost spirits.
They're coming through the walls!
That's it!
I knew this place was haunted!
Stella, no!
Let's get out of here!
When I saw you fall...
- It's okay, it's okay.
It's just an illusion.
Hey, slow down!
- Sky?
- I'm okay but... The tree!
I don't see anything.
I'm sure I saw it!
There's just a huge crack
in the ground over there.
It's an illusion.
Close your eyes and run!
I remember.
Don't be afraid.
Close your eyes
and hang on!
Trust me!
Now what?
Darcy! Stormy!
We're going to wipe you out
once and for all.
You don't stand a chance now that
we're the ones with all the power.
Now say "goodbye"
for good this time.
You've still got a lot to learn.
Did you miss us?
So the old hags are back again?
Don't you belong
in a museum somewhere?
I should have known
it was you all along.
These girls
couldn't have pulled that off.
How dare you call us girls.
Can a girl do this?
You honestly thought
that would work?
I've already defeated
your puppeteers once.
I hope you enjoyed your vacation
from our imprisonment.
It's time we take you back!
Because of you my daughter Daphne is
dead and my kingdom was destroyed.
So now it's about time
I make you pay!
Wall of Shadows!
Come on!
Time's up, Oritel!
Now it's your daughter's turn.
- Come to me!
- But why?
So sorry,
we'll have to reschedule.
- That a girl, Peg.
- We made it!
Come on Sky!
Bloom, be careful.
I wouldn't be surprised
if these were bottomless pits.
Can you feel it, Sky?
Good energy.
It's alive inside of this sapling.
The tree is overflowing
with positive magic.
It's calling to me.
It's so small and so fragile.
And you thought you were gonna live
happily ever after.
- Father!
- Surprise surprise, "Your Majesty".
I'll let you guess who led us here.
He's been useful.
But like all old things
they all get tossed away.
Aw, what a tragedy.
Now scram
or I'll toss you in with them!
The Ancestral Witches!
They didn't die at Obsidian.
Nice work, Icy,
your job is done.
Now, run along,
so we can enjoy our triumph.
Run along?
I stole the secret compass.
I destroyed the tree of life.
I found the sapling,
so now I want my reward!
Well, what did you have in mind?
I want to succeed where you failed!
I want to put an end
to this story forever.
Just let me go!
I'm only dragging you down!
- No!
- Oritel, please!
You're risking your life for me
and I...
I know what you did!
and I know you had no choice!
- Please, don't make excuses for me!
- I'm not making excuses.
I truly understand.
In your shoes
I probably would've done the same.
- Bloom!
- Now you!
That was just an icy statue.
Take this!
Peg, no!
Icy! Wait!
You're going to...
The tree!
You stupid witch!
Destroying the sapling releases
all of the positive magic at once!
The tree!
What the...
Our powers!
They're back!
The illusions are fading!
It's the pollen!
What happened!
Who freed the positive magic?
We're safe!
- Father!
- I'm my old self again!
I really am!
- Daddy!
- Bloom!
What are you doing here?
Well I was just passing by
when I thought...
I wonder what Bloom's up to.
Just trying to do my best,
little one.
Uhm, guys?
Is Peg supposed to be eating
those leaves?
Peg! Stop it!
You're gorgeous!
You fool!
You've completely reversed
the dark energies' dominance.
I thought
that destroying the seedling...
...would destroy
the positive energy as well.
Well obviously not you,
arrogant little brat!
One fairy?
Big deal.
I can take her out
with my eyes closed.
Well, keep them closed because
you don't stand a chance against six.
Getting our powers back.
Almost better than shopping.
We're back and better than ever!
Dragon Fire!
Lightning Strike!
Shadow Vortex!
I'm not into shadows.
I like to shine!
Sonic Blast!
You've ruined everything!
Your punishment will be merciless!
Stop! Stay back!
Get over here!
We are the super Trix!
Girls! Be careful!
What happened?
Come play with your new friends.
Watch it!
Is that all you got?
Come on!
Say goodbye, Winx!
Sky, my son...
I finally did what I didn't have
the courage to do back then.
Protect Sparx!
- Erendor!
- Oritel.
Your forgiveness is
what has made this life worth living.
You hideous creatures!
You destroy everything that's good
just for fun.
But not anymore!
I'm so sorry.
King Oritel,
let's get rid of them for good!
I'll help the girls with the witches,
you sticked to the monsters.
Peg, over here!
You might've beaten this sword with
trickery once, but not this time!
Bloom, now!
Winx convergence!
Oh, no!
That spell used
the last of the pollen's energy!
The positive magic is fading again!
We failed!
We couldn't protect the Tree of Life.
Just, just maybe...
There's still a chance.
The pollen is all that's left.
I collected some
before the rest was blown away.
If the tree comes back to life
the magic'll come back too.
Even the most powerful magic
may not relieve this pain.
Sky, Oritel!
What the...
Thank you, King Oritel!
- What's that sound?
- The good magic!
It's... it's coming back!
How is this possible?
is the soul of good magic.
Oritel! Your actions...
And your sacrifice have restored
the balance in Magix.
The magic! It's back!
Come here Cupcake.
We did it! Together!
I'm sorry that life pitted us
against one another.
Yes, but we showed destiny
a thing or two!
Kids, Sky,
I owe you an apology.
- King Oritel.
- Daddy, you don't have to.
Please, let me finish.
Sky forgive me
for doubting your courage.
There's no one better for my daughter
And Bloom...
I'm so proud of both of you.
Come here, Peg!
Now we can go back home!
Last one to the Galleon
does double chores!
No fair, we don't have wings!
There's no way
I'm doing more chores!
Come on!
Here they come.
Keep your eyes on the road!
Come on, girls!
- Ta-da!
- Stella!