Without Men (2011)

1995 - 2011 Jerdian Subtitle Ltd
Men Without 2011
It was once a place
very, very far ...
What do you mean by different?
I've seen everything here, guns, poor people ...
There's nothing different here.
Listen. You may want to cover stories
on Castro's escapades.
That would be different.
Let's see if you can make the difference between
a journalist ... employed and unemployed.
What kind of story you want to write?
I need money to stay here
and to reach VICAS.
Do you understand?
Listen to me.
I am the one who put a roof
in your head
So your house is actually my house.
Want a story?
Here it is!
I paid two U.S. dollars for it.
But I can not read.
Can you read me?
It's a little early
bedtime stories.
Maybe your story can
you're shit out of you.
My name is Father Rafael.
And this is my journal.
Life here in Mariquita, is beautiful.
It is different,
compared to a normal village.
It is a church, a hairdresser and
a town called Perestroika.
Unfortunately not enough
Church to keep in business.
We have many women
our beautiful village.
And there are days, so to speak, when
wearing coat becomes unattractive.
People in our stable
are not real men.
As long as women know their place.
However, it is a woman
Rodrigues Rosanda Huanda of Valdez Ramirez,
likes to keep everything under control.
All the men in town,
want to marry her.
I can not imagine why.
You have let his wife manage the family money?
You were in school?
Every time you bathe?
I would like to become a police officer
If I could escape the fear of death.
I have a TV.
No need to go to school.
I bath every Monday and Friday.
Yes, I would let his wife manage the budget,
If so beautiful as you.
Only a police officer?
Can be sergeant or Mayor.
Life in Mariquita, was that a large community.
But like any story,
It only takes a few revolutionaries,
to ruin everything.
Long live the Revolution!
Friends, people are armed.
We ask you to join,
to release the country,
of imperialism.
There's room for one person only.
-But I will kill!
Are important for the city, mother.
Heated as something happens to you,
I want to say that
I always loved
that I slept with Huahine.
For it was nice to me.
What can I say?
Are the head, sometimes.
Good luck!
Where the mayor, Mrs.?
I do not want to kill someone.
Up to you. What do you want?
Everybody in trucks.
Hello, ladies.
There are men in the house?
-No, sir.
God has blessed us
two beautiful girls.
How do you call beautiful?
It moves.
Mommy? Mom!
Are true?
-Priests, always tell the truth.
Who told you that?
What happened?
Women were lost.
Without their men,
did not know how to be women.
Rosalba has decided to become man,
a woman, a woman-man
and to do what they did.
Do not look at me. The man's job.
Do not get up punk.
A real man.
When you repair the installation?
Where is my milk?
-Do not milked yet.
Maybe you should one of my dresses.
Are you sure you need them.
Father! When it's available ...?
-Rosalba, the code is available 24/24.
Promise me you'll come to church.
There will be unfortunately.
Good evening.
General I Ivarla,
and here for mobilization.
All men to make a step forward.
Where are the men?
-There are no men.
Who will give us food?
Who will repair the electrical system?
Who will refuse?
What should we do if we
Men tell us what to do?
Who will give us money for shopping?
This town needs a strong leader.
How to have a strong leader
If we have a strong man?
But I?
What about you?
-Why are not my primary?
Do not know nothing, loser.
-I know to give orders. This matter.
My husband was mayor.
-Will be only for a while.
Until the government will send
someone to lead.
I or madness.
Take the job.
Let's go.
I promise to send men soon.
A good evening.
Rosalba was about
to make everything better.
God help us all.
It is true that you
to be your assistant, primarito?
My store of
increasingly fewer customers.
Now that men have gone,
no one is hurt.
Nobody wants condoms
and fewer women taking aspirin.
Yes, I need an assistant.
Going to turn this city.
Ladies, please!
Men will come soon.
Until then do what you say?
Because I say so.
-Sure you that you are a man decurci?
If a man can
I can do that too.
There is weak sex.
Remember. The vagina can carry
more pain than penises.
What makes a man?
Everything was perfect in their peaceful village.
So when the devil came.
I knew that he is, because it was
disguised in a woman.
And the man could see through
bra cups size C.
And I knew that is the devil.
I'm in heaven.
Ms. Cleotilde Huaniso,
at your disposal.
Looking for a place to stay permanently.
I do not think you'd like to stay here.
Are private.
We have our ways.
I can do some tortigas delicious.
Confidential CALS AND ...
I do not know what that means but I
I need more confidence.
Can I sit in the guest room,
If you do not mind my chicks,
-And Castro.
You went from feminism to communism?
Do not you love to read
before you climb in bed?
Do not know how to write or read.
We do not need. Why?
We are women!
The school was closed
after the men left.
We have taken up and the teacher, Mrs..
-Miss. I was married.
All men that
I knew they were pigs.
There are no men here.
-This is great!
Terrible ...
But wonderful.
Can I help you?
No, I think.
I want to talk with the mayor,
not the cleaning woman.
I am the mayor.
Have you been a teacher, Mrs. ... Cloeptilda?
-Miss. After having spent almost ...
20 years in chastity, I have the right to the title of Miss.
Very impressive resume for a year.
Army? Surfer,
But what you did before?
Personal reasons
I will not answer the question.
No doubt,
you can do the job, but who are you?
How are you? Do you have relatives? You waxing or shave?
You hermaphrodite? What are you doing?
You have someone else do the work, primarito?
Maybe so.
Actually I did not.
Ladies? Girls? Come!
I bet you know more
about men than you.
Name? Please?
-The Gringos.
So I called the barracks.
-How can a barracks without men.
That's why we're here.
To get bored.
And 6 hours have passed 2luni 13zile
since I have not had sex.
And so we do not have anything else to do,
We train in female contact.
In this profession, you're not too old
to learn something.
Sexual positions, and personal pleasures.
What should you do is you
vaginal muscles contract
and to collect.
I know to do that.
Now to do this in two ways.
Right here above. It barge in May
tender part of your corpuilui.
If you know how to play with you,
you go directly to the moon.
Call it "The Place of Happiness"
Yes, Gordon, I received the text.
Men who eat women Amazons?
Tell me something.
Eat mushrooms there?
I want the story to Sunday.
Head, kill me with days.
I have three days to a village to find a feminist.
Make it happen. Because if you do not,
I'll put on the first page
presidential elections.
I do not care about anybody who is president there.
Please do not hang me in the nose.
Need to discuss procreation program.
It is one of the needs
main parent.
We need to focus on
electricity and clean city.
There are obligations to God that we
ensure the survival of our people.
I know.
Therefore there will come a truck full of men.
Roads is blocked.
No mailman can not come here.
women have to say that we have boys.
So the village will survive.
Lord. Show us the way ...
No, Lord.
With all due respect. Lord,
I can not.
I do not want.
God can not.
I obey your command.
I am your servant and if that's your desire,
then I will.
I will!
No parent, you represent
morality in the community.
It's not my idea.
It's his idea.
If you still have a village
we have not been mayor.
You'll do those children.
It's divine desire.
I heard his voice.
Ladies and ...
Our city is in danger of extinction
if not reproduction.
But there is hope.
Father Rafael, is ready to quit
to his vow of chastity,
to help us survive.
Are willing to risk eternal life,
to serve you.
And how will we serve?
Campaign lies in reproduction
impregnation of 20 women.
And we pray that some little children to be boys.
It's absurd.
-To play.
All women under 40 are allowed.
-It is not correct. And I like to have sex.
Participants will visit Father waiting.
What kind of visits?
And out of respect to God,
room that will have sex,
Take off all icons.
Without sentimenete.
Not to make love with Father Rafael,
Body of Christ?
-So be it.
Even trrebuie to do that, first, with a priest?
Your first sexual experience
vague to be meticulous.
There will be a place of passion.
I mean, like, do not squeeze my nipples
while having sex?
I think the father of Raphael, not a good lover.
-You say it's my husband,
God rest him.
When a priest and he had made?
Do not.
-You gonna do for me.
-But I have not done it since my husband died.
5 years, 11 months and 7 days ago.
Remember the steps?
-Not again, Mommy.
What steps?
First step. Put them in limab
mouth and spinning it in circles.
Step Two.
IAI put hands on your breasts and lemon shaped.
Step 3. Check if excited.
And if flaccid,
make it hard as stone.
I never did.
Do not expect anything from you.
You're an angel.
I've always wanted to sleep with an angel.
Not to put my tongue in your mouth.
I am Christian.
Not our language.
All right.
Like this?
-Father can I be over?
Cramps. I have cramps.
273 visits were made.
The rebels fired the bullets,
and I with blanks.
Good parent.
I'm ready for duty.
I can not do that.
What about visits?
Not higher.
When I could not,
revolatat the girls.
We've used.
-If you can not make copies,
What's the point to be a man?
I gave my Ciresica.
You were on my own Kamasutra.
And I asked you money on Sunday.
-Ladies, the Bible says razbdarea is a virtue.
I know nothing of that book.
I want a book that does not agree
with between love between batrbati.
I think I know what it is.
Do you have your period.
Father of village fled.
It is a story about women.
Can not finish it.
You need to be told something.
Kid must be more!
Sir. Wait.
That is my journal.
Are you the father of Raphael.
I'm sorry.
This is mine.
Everything there is true.
Yes, it's true.
Do you?
-A place full of wild amazons?
I can not do boys.
Call the front page story.
Do not know what happens in Marquez.
God tells me everything.
We need a new mayor.
-We do not have electricity.
And are not men.
My flowers have faded,.
Calm yourself!
I'm leaving. Let's go girls.
More quickly.
We should move.
-I say all briefly.
Would not it be better to live
together in equality?
Go to hell. All.
With chickens and cows that your damages.
Do you think that behind those mountains,
you a paradise?
Without violence and poverty?
A place like this, should
to create for ourselves.
I can not believe we made the bitch!
I think it's better to milk the cow
than to lose my house.
All I need is 5 eggs
for me and my sister.
The rest we can share.
Who knows. If you do not eat,
perhaps weak.
It's my chicken.
-Give me them!
Ceasu has stopped?
-I hope not Breuna sign.
Now you need someone deajutorul ...
how to say ...
more skilled in your profession.
To join forces, so to speak.
Are you crazy?
I do not join forces with the woman.
You wanted to see me primerito?
Ceasu say they stopped
men lack?
It may make sense.
Time is of essence for achievements ...
I want to create the concept of women's time.
I could call.
The concept of women's time!
What time is it?
I do not know.
What about menstruation?
This is a female condition.
We have menstruation calendar.
Instead of 30 days,
We have 28 suns.
And at 28 suns,
a woman must have a goal.
Or something to prove something.
I wanted to be strong.
-But you are the strongest in town?
I wanted to smile more.
It should.
You have a beautiful smile.
You should go.
You have to wait, to figure out
As we go affairs.
Can you tell me Rosalba.
Well ... Rosalba.
Next job was to collect
all animals on a farm.
Rosalba insisted that Ubalina to give cow.
Rosalba had to share her husband.
Have grown lemons, all summer.
They used for food,
drink and hair.
Women have decided to make love, not war.
War was invented by men.
They made the cleanest village and
everyone had to work.
How many women are required
to change a light bulb?
Here, only one.
Maybe two, would be a better idea.
I knew it would be so hard.
-Nobody said it would be so hard.
Time women.
I think from now on like this are Handcrafts.
For God.
It would be better to say something good.
I do not dismiss chief.
I most certainly the first page.
A city with women in the realm of men.
Women in the realm of men?
That's all my career.
I went through it.
What do I do here is important.
It's not a metaphor.
Tell me it's real.
I want to write that story,
and to come back as fast as you can.
It needs more contrast.
Father, let's go.
I'll go in this village.
No, Gordon.
You must do this alone.
Do not go back to those bitches.
I told you. ALA village is full of
women charged and ferocious.
I read the log.
There are women who eat men.
I want to show me where is the village.
I do not.
What I say for a jacket? -No!
Pesos? -NO!
-You Americans.
With pockets full and Larry King.
Do not go there regardless
how much money I give, Gordon!
Those women we will have dinner.
-At least I make a map?
How SSPE saying that you have?
Miss Cleo, why run around dressed like that?
We took thousands of generations that
woman to reach perfection.
Why should I hide?
I could penalize you
indecent clothing.
Yes. Why not do that?
Should not.
Do not you think that certain parts of
body should be covered
because they are sensitive?
There are naked,
I dress just as natural.
After all ...
We are women, right?
Just us.
Put your clothes back.
Good primarito.
Look good.
You have beautiful breasts, primarito.
-You have some very beautiful mole.
You do not have moles?
-I have one here.
I think I see one here.
Do you? There you are male?
No. I think you're beautiful.
You have one here.
And one breast.
I have a question for you.
Suppose that you have feelings
for everyone.
And those are not natural sentimenetele.
Do you have feelings for Cleo?
I've never felt this way for a woman.
This inaninte to see them boobs.
Breasts that must appear on a flag.
Cleo think it's a passionate woman.
First, send a poem,
on scented paper.
The second and most important,
not tell anyone.
I want to feel something for a woman.
Do you think is wrong?
Love can not be wrong.
As hatred can not be right.
Me and Cecilia are in love.
Once I was with Cecilia here,
When a piece of ...
they broke and fell between her breasts.
I have not told anyone.
And caused me to take it from there.
I said yes, but only if you can take with teeth.
We together since then.
I am so happy.
Hall asked me to give you that.
A poem dedicated to a loved one
The Guarniso.
Your charm won me, lady.
We must do something.
Do you love me?
As much as I love you?
Please tell me so.
Yours, Rosalba.
I can not compete with it.
I can not control the heartbeat.
And I felt so debalansata.
If you do not like me as I like her?
You do not have to write your goals?
I came to give you that.
I swear I do not know what it says.
Do not have time to read it now.
We are working on our goals.
So you have to do too.
I will.
This poem is dedicated to Rosalba.
Beautiful city hall of Mariquita,
night I dreamed of your kiss.
They were so sweet,
that when I looked in your eyes,
I found sugar on your lips.
I can not wait to fall at night.
Meet me at the river.
Yours sincere,
Cleotilde Garniso, identification number,
I like it.
Of course he likes me.
Maybe I left behind,
but all you have to "come over here"
Come water, primarito.
It's hot.
3, we sink. Ready?
I do not.
You only live once.
Baby? Tonight should be
to announce our goals.
I plan to announce that we
two are in love.
Hull, we talked about it.
Must remain secret.
You are so weak.
Intotdeauan in shadow.
Why not do what you want?
And you can be a leader.
If you say something to someone, you will regret.
I'm warning you.
I told Cleo.
-How did you dare to tell,
If I told you not to do that?
Manoli Morals Francisca Rodriguez.
I have betrayed your trust.
I forgive you.
Not to rub your feet dirty.
However it does not rub properly.
Primarito, do you think would be possible
to take a leadership position?
I was assistance, but can be a doctor.
Anything is possible.
Do it yourself.
When I created "Women's Time"
I said that we must find some purposes,
something to change us.
But to celebrate,
I love them more.
If something good that
we know well, is to love.
Unconditional love, foolishly and blindly.
I mean, are
Cleo in love.
And I of Rosalba.
I love Cecilia.
And I on Manoli.
And The Gringos and I are in love.
What smell, Marita?
What is it?
Smell the soil type (I)
Smell a man.
Do you think it's dumb?
-No, no.
I'm not dumb.
Who are you?
I'm Gordon Smith.
It's dirty.
-Give clothing.
We want to wash.
Smell of man.
Who sent you Mr. Gordon?
-Not sent me one.
I am a journalist.
I heard of a city
the Amazons giant
and found a way to get pregnant.
What do you want?
I want to write a story about you.
You wait outside,
until we discuss?
I can eat it alive.
-I remain here.
Does not mean literally.
-We do not eat people.
It's great!
Ladies, please. Enough!
You caused the problem, I would ask you to leave,
but will be dark soon ...
You will leave tomorrow morning.
Ladies, will give you what you want.
He's gone!
I think it's sweet.
-Man can be the enemy, but we like some of them.
I have not seen it
long man.
We do not want to look like whores,
but we feel like whores.
Do not let peace be
destroyed by hormones.
Nobody talk to him.
If you write about us, we will destroy.
Who will sleep with him first?
You interviewed rebels.
I was wondering if you saw my son.
His name is Alberto Algel Albacca.
It's short, has beautiful eyes,
I thought no one wants any man here.
I want those we love.
I'll let you know if you find it.
It's a church.
I see no statue of Jesus.
I decided not to talk to you.
Listen, are not typical foreigner.
-What kind of alien are you?
I like to think that
what you do here is amazing.
What do you expect to get from this article?
-Glory, wealth, Pulitzer ...
-If it's respect,
I think we need both.
A barabt and a woman can
do the same thing.
I think men want to
prove some of the world.
Why not try to prove you something?
You can be an example
What can a woman.
To build cities
to release the men.
You can be part of history.
You can make a part of history.
Sit down.
Your story must be told.
I do not know where to start.
Why did you talk to him?
-I will make an example.
We can change
who believes the world!
It's not about him.
I saw you look at it.
What do you mean?
Can you still you like men.
Take me with you.
I lost my virginity to a priest.
I wanted to show you pussy.
Sorry, ladies,
but I have to go.
Do not know what you lose, Mr. Gordon.
Mr. Gordon, I think we should
Write article about this village.
I have a job.
I do not want to be fired.
I won resptul.
And you can do the same.
-Look in the mirror.
I can not. I'm sorry.
I have an article and a plane to catch.
Do it for us.
I think about it.
Stranger, left flowers, perfume
and pads behind.
S back on earth men.
But God needed him
His grand plan.
Are you crazy?
-Pretend you dead.
Thus we get rid of war.
I thought you were killed in the village.
I pretended in front
my wife to escape.
But rebels are parsed.
Someone's coming.
We try to find the village of Mariquita.
You know where he is?
I think so.
Mother's there?
Cecilia. Please.
I can not return.
You can give a map.
Cleo, get up.
I hear voices.
And I'm still mad at you.
-Voices Men.
Mother ...
What are you doing?
I turned.
I'm the mayor now.
-You're back?
I am a little mentally unbalanced.
But I'm alive.
I'll keep you safe.
The village that was safe without you.
If you leave, you must arrest for
you ignored the mayor's order.
Where are the rest of the people?
I do not know.
You're so quiet.
She is my new girlfriend.
Do you remember your nurse.
You fuck my nurse, mommy?
These are the only clean clothes that you have?
Now you know what it means to wear a dress.
You have to sleep here until
women decide what to do?
Good evening
I want to go back to the village where
all women were subject to men.
I feel castrated.
These people will not stand
finally, right?
Maybe you want them out,
But I want my son.
I'll pay if you have sex with them?
Should not cook for us.
We need to defend
feminism with ovaries.
No. What about men's rights?
What happens if
resolve conflicts that femeiele?
Without violence.
What do women most?
, To rub.
Domnelor and you.
We gather today as new and
men to do something complicated.
To communicate.
Women talk more
-And men do not listen.
Do not let men anywhere,
only if they adapt.
Here we are equal.
I do not. We know very well that we are not equal.
I think that propritetile
to my mine.
And I want to get my wife back.
If it is still my wife.
Want to tell me that Rosalba
became, you know ...
Why do not you ask?
All right.
You are confused.
-The one who's confused you.
That when doing
Ubalina love and called me.
That was a misunderstanding.
I'm sorry if I hurt.
Can you forgive me?
Can we stay?
Why you ask permission?
Shut up.
That's this town.
She belongs to me.
Mine is bigger than yours.
I'll be on their side?
And you?
I'll turn my back?
I love this woman.
No matter how the head is believed,
I love everything.
You are traitors.
Where the hell is my article?
Our cover article!
Just kidding.
A village led by women who want to survive?
Impossible. A myth.
A legend.
-Tell me you did not destroy
article to protect them.
Why would I do that?
-I think it was a good vagina.
You know what Gordon.
Men can have the will,
women will always win.
I think in the end, Gordon found
something more important than the article.
An American consciousness.
If you say, you have to go.
I can not do that.
What to do?
What is right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is time to stop the fight.
Who is stronger,
smarter ...
or who is right.
Must live together as a
society with equal rights.
I learned to live without you ...
and live with you.
I want to be happy.
The devil has been defeated.
Life is back to normal.
Cleo, wait!
Do not go.
-Need to know.
Love men?
Or you love women?
I love you.
You see the story with a happy ending,
for Rosalba,
must learn to control how everything ...
Miguelina and Angel,
were blessed with a child.
I do not know if boy or girl.
Hulio, no longer thought of as
wear dresses size 8.
The Gringos and Lucretia, teach ... biology?
Cecilia learned to drive.
Now we have to let it down.
Women and men worked together
as long as man knew his place.
That does not mean that God
will not send a real savior.
Not a happy ending until I say.
In the name of God, are here
absolve you of all sins.
Are you ready to receive me, baby?
1995 - 2011 Jerdian Subtitle Ltd
Men Without 2011