Woori mannan Juk Ittnayo (Try to Remember) (2009)

It says we must come across
our destined love someday.
Time will erode
our memories.
there's an exception sometimes.
Even if time erodes everything,
someone remains unforgettable.
Even though the one is
unrequited love.
The memories of my childhood
fill me with warmth.
You do slapstick show
in sleeping.
Are you OK, my dear?
Bad daddy,
you rode it without me!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
You won the race?
What's wrong?
Wake up, In-woo!
Since then, he didn't allow me
to stride more than three footsteps.
Slow down.
Well, what "stride" means, daddy?
I rarely lost consciousness
under daddy's excessive care
But, I happened to pass out
once in a while.
Whenever I passed out,
I had weird dreams.
Sometimes they were
eccentric, or exciting...
I was so happy even in dream.
And, it ended up
with silly dream at times.
But, after I waked up,
I always had this lingering sadness
of which I can't explain.
She just fell down in front of me.
- Oh my god!
- The victim is unconscious.
Please come quickly.
- Well, it's a kind of strategic retreat.
- Look! Wait!
Do you like this picture?
My son, you seem too busy.
So, I text my will to you instead.
- Hey, Soo-Yeon.
- Where are you?
Sorry, Soo-Yeon.
I forgot it.
- I had urgent business.
- Urgent business?
Can I make it up tomorrow?
Do you have any issue
to talk about, don't you?
Yes, I do have.
Mom, stop this practical joke!
Is it funny?
I am very serious.
If you truly love
and long for someone,
you would be born
to the one next time.
That's why you text-messaged
your death will to me
and why you wore
the mask of dad's face?
Yes, I was always wondering
how your dad felt like.
Did you eat?
Of course.
Meal time was while ago.
What time was it?
What time is it, now?
Can I pay the bill, next week?
I will get paid next week.
Pardon me?
You know, our company was merged
into the foreign company.
I am sorry to say this, but
they are restructuring the company.
And, we have to lay off
one of each department.
So, I am the one?
I told you many times
I warned you last time,
remember that?
But, what are these picures
all about?
Who care about this kind
of pictures?
You're doing this
to get me troubled.
Son of bitch.
No need to rush.
Did you already get a betterjob?
Then, you betrayed me
for the better one?
What's this?
Is this a dog or a bird or what?
Son... of bitch...?
You come early.
No? But, you always take
sugar in your coffee.
Actually, I had a blind date
a few days ago.
I might want to say it nothing.
But, it was something for me.
I am serious.
I feel like I'll marry him.
Marry him?
Are you kidding me?
You don't believe in fate,
do you?
But, I am a completely fatalist.
And, this is my fate.
I'm sorry.
I saw your post on internet auction.
Hello. Hello?
I am sorry. I am late.
Here you are.
This is for you.
It's a bit far away from Seoul
but, they'll call you teacher.
Also, you have
to lease your house to
get money
for your mother's hospital bills.
This is the application form
for the job.
Call this number, tomorrow.
I told them all about you, already.
Anyway, why so dry these days?
It won't rain at all or what?
And, I feel tired...
Damn it.
You can see my past life?
I'm not sure if it's past life.
I've seen some visions of others
ever since I was a little kid.
What did you see?
Sometimes, I saw it in my dream
orjust came to me like bam!
OK, then?
Why are you interrupting us?
I have strange dream too.
What dream?
It's always the same.
This lady with long hair untied
It's my turn to tell my story.
Did you see it?
My charm worked on her.
By the way, I am not older than you.
We are the same age, OK?
We look like the same age,
don't we?
No, I won't be able to commute
from Seoul.
That would be great.
Then, I'll pack my bags and
be there soon.
Thank you.
See you soon.
You're a professor, then?
Not really.
Well, almost the same.
They provide me with lodgings.
They're really serious
to have me at their university.
What about you and Soo-Yeon?
Good. Actually, she wanted to
come and see you.
But, she was put on duty.
Instead, she sent you her regards.
You must come across your destined love
again someday.
What did you say?
You must come across your
destined love again someday.
It's what your dad told me though...
Somewhat it's been true
in that I met your dad.
Who are you?
Is it, Gwangduk-li 20, right?
You are from Seoul?
I'm General Park.
Come here.
What are you doing?
Come on!
Is it OK with you?
It's great.
Breakfast is served at 7:30
and dinner at 7.
Meals are not served after 10 minutes
from each meal time.
No meal after 10 minutes,
Yes, Sir.
How long will you stay here?
I'll stay here
until the end of this semester.
Unpack first
and take a rest.
Thank you.
Have we...
Have we met before?
Pardon sir?
Take a rest.
You're lucky to eat.
I was about to clean the table.
Be my guest.
Thank you.
My dear,
say hello to our guest.
He's from Seoul.
I'm PARK In-woo.
Have we met before?
This is my dear daughter.
Ah, Yes.
Is there any problem?
No problem at all.
I'm HwANG Eun-Gyo.
It's nice to meet you.
You have very girlish name.
You're right.
It really sounds girlish.
Your wife is a great cook.
I've never had tasty food like this.
It's me who prepare foods.
Why she looked so familiar?
I get going.
We get going! Hurry up!
We have to catch up the bus
arriving every 15 mins.
My dear.
Please slow down.
Don't run.
You work at the continuing
education center?
Yes, curriculum management is
one of my jobs.
So, you are the one who arranged
things here for me by phone?
Yes, it's me.
Hey, you!
Bow to the teacher.
Good morning.
I'm HwANG Eun-Gyo.
It's nice to meet you.
I'll teach you
to take heartfelt photos.
No smoking, here.
I'm sorry.
Luckily, not yet lighted up.
Wow, it's exactly
what I take in my coffee.
Then, you take two spoons of
sugar and cream?
Don't you think
it's great place to be?
Yes, it's great.
I don't know why I haven't
noticed this beautiful place before.
I wanted to run away from
this town all the time.
The best way to leave rural town was
to go to a university in Seoul.
Well, you can't understand it
cuz you grew up in Seoul.
Have we met before?
You asked me
yesterday, too.
Cuz you look so familiar.
Have we met before?
Have we, right?
Do you know me?
Then, we don't know each other.
Yes, you're right.
By the way, how did you know
I grew up in Seoul?
It was on your resume.
Wow! Nice weather.
Get on.
It's our fortune
to meet each other like this.
Let's celebrate it!
What about
drinking together?
You're joining us, right?
Get in! Come on!
- In-woo, come and sit here.
- Where? Why?
You sit here and
teacher, come here please.
It's OK.
Please sit down.
Let me test what you taught
in the class.
Let me in!
One, two, three!
Drink a shot.
- Please give me one shot, too.
- Sure.
Are you going to drink and drive
Not me, you drive. Excuse me!
A coke for him, please.
Teacher is so pretty
because he's from Seoul.
Pretty is not for a man, gosh.
What's wrong with you?
He's really pretty.
What's your problem?
Please shut out.
You mean cut it out?
It's more appropriate.
What a narrow mind you are!
He just wanted to make a joke.
By the way,
do you have a girl friend?
Yes, I do.
Then, are you married?
No, not yet.
She's just girl friend.
In-woo, are you OK?
Are you all right?
Yes, I am OK.
What a stubborn girl.
I can drop you off at your house.
It's not easy for you to make U-turn.
We'd better walk home from here.
What about Karaoke?
Enough for tonight.
Go home or your wife'll kill you.
I want to hang out
more to sing.
You better go home.
OK, I got you.
Yes, sir?
Come and check this.
This is my first time
to take a photo. Is it good?
Yes, very good.
Take it. It's souvenir for you.
Well, I'd better get going.
- Be careful of driving.
- OK.
Let's go.
I am sorry.
I thought I saw something.
Did I do wrong in my past life?
Why things go wrong everytime?
Excuse me?
Do you believe in past life?
Can I ask you something?
Please send me one of my stuffs
that I left on you.
That's from our time at university...
I can't sleep.
Don't be late for breakfast.
Let's go, doggy.
Thank you for coming all the way.
I'm Gen. Park.
Hope you have a good time here.
It's short for 2 days though.
please seize this beautiful view
with your eyes and hearts
We started this farm stay
a year ago.
I suggested it first.
Because dad seemed Ionely
and we have a plenty of empty rooms.
But now, dad is more into it.
Last night...
Excuse me of last night.
I don't get drunk easily.
Can I ask you something?
What did you see that night?
You told me you saw sometihng.
That was... a warrior on horse.
My dear, my dear?
Take your breath and hold it.
And, hold your bow at 45 degree.
Don't shoot it in hurry.
Both of you and bow can be hurt.
My dear!
Any volunteer to try it out?
It looks difficult.
Give it a shot.
- Me? No, thank you.
- Go and give it a shot!
Do I shoot now?
Are you OK?
I'm fine.
I just feel dizzy.
I'm sorry.
It's OK, my dear.
Dinner is ready.
- Wow, it looks very delicious.
- Did you make everything Gen. Park?
By the way,
why do people call you Gen. Park?
Don't you think
I look exactly like Mr. General?
- Anyway, nice to meet you all.
- Nice to meet you, too.
My dear.
This is the famous Andong beef,
not imported meat.
Please accept my apology
in sending wedding invitation by SMS.
Hope you come
and wish us the best.
SMS death will
and even wedding invitation...
I told you she's not for you.
You'd better let go.
Don't say that.
She's for me.
Don't you get it? She sent you
wedding invitation.
Anyway, I'll come down
to see you soon.
Understood? I get going.
Talk to you later.
I met someone today and
I feel like marrying her.
Check her out.
Isn't she great?
What wedding you mean?
He hanged upon me?
I'm so sorry. It took so long.
What were you about to say?
Your past life.
You're right.
My past life...
Do you like rainy day?
You feel stuffy
when weather is dry.
Dry weather drives
you crazy, right?
I can't stand dry weather.
So, what's my past life?
No, it can't be.
I see.
Don't touch me.
In-woo, hurry up.
Turn and close it.
And, push the shutter button.
It's easy.
I'll take a picture of you.
Where's In-woo?
My dear has some business
in Seoul today.
She's gone already.
Your package arrived yesterday.
I forgot to give it to you.
Thank you.
When did you arrive?
Just now.
Are you off, tomorrow?
Hold it up a little more.
Turn it further outward.
- Turn it more?
- Yes.
We're ready.
Please sit down.
Everything's OK?
Granpa, look here.
Can you adjust your collar?
Arert you hungry?
Let's have dinner out.
Is it OK that your father is waiting
for us to come for dinner?
Arert you fed up with
my father's foods?
Since you left me, honey,
there's no one help me with this.
Wow, this is
real ancestral food table.
Yes, help yourself.
So do you.
You worked hard for me today.
My pleasure. I really enjoyed it.
How long have you done this?
Taking a picture
for a portrait of the deceased?
It's been long
since I did it at university.
Something wrong?
You seem to go to Seoul often.
Not quite often.
Just once a month.
Is that for business?
No. Just for regular checkups.
Are you done?
Let's get some air.
I'm on my way home.
Talk to you later.
Your father called?
I think,
your father really care about you a lot.
He overprotects me.
He always says that
he owed me a lot in past life.
Past life?
He's just saying.
My mom passed away
when I was little.
He felt sorry that I should
grow up without mother.
He didn't have to feel sorry.
Rather, I should thank him.
Whenever I walk along
this stone wall,
I imagine people from Chosun Dynasty
show up at the corner.
Sound stupid, isn't it?
Not at all. I told you
I saw a warrior on horse
the other day.
I understand how you felt like.
I feel like that
long time ago,
someone stood here and
saw the same moon like us.
I am not sure
if they saw the moon here or not.
But, I am sure
the moon gets you tender feeling.
Here you are.
who remember that?
Did you eat?
Of course.
It's past dinner time.
You know you're late?
I asked to let me help him.
I want to see you
to ask you something.
You graduated
from Dongkuk University?
And, you joined the photo club
when you were freshman.
Ah, you're right.
I knew it.
From now on,
I can sleep well.
What are you talking about?
You told me that
we haven't met before.
But, we've met before.
I went to the same university.
Not all students at the same university
know each other.
Did you already know we went
to the same university?
I didn't think, it's important.
Well, I went to the university
but, I couldn't graduate.
That's why
you didn't tell me that?
Nothing important.
So, you want me
to call you senior?
Did you take these pictures?
Of course, I did.
This photo's taken on the alley
when I arrived at your house in Andong.
Teacher, hurry up.
Watch your steps.
Two, three, OK!
- Class dismissed
- Yayyy.
Have fun!
Can you turn around?
Please smile.
Wow, it looks great!
Did you make this
by yourself?
Of course, I did.
Museum pictures?
Yes, he's here.
Can we ask you a favor
to take pictures
of university museum
for PR brochure?
Yes, my pleasure.
Mr. Senior...
Actually, I have something
to tell you.
Something to tell me?
Take it easy.
I'll call you back soon.
I'm sorry. I got something urgent
in Seoul and have to go.
It's OK.
Have a nice trip.
Thank you.
Have a sweet dream, tonight.
You sound cheesy.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Soo- Yeon
I'm sorry. Earlier I was panicked
cuz we fought over wedding gifts.
Wedding gifts?
You know, brides are nervous
before a wedding.
And, we release the stress
to family and close friends.
Family and close friends?
You know me better.
Don't you think
you're cruel to me.
We were in love.
I'm sorry. Who asked you
to come down?
Hi. Are you home now?
I'll call you back.
I'm taking a shower.
I know.
I love you, too.
Mr. HwANG called a day.
He has a urgent business in Seoul
and can't have a class today.
Does he need to make up
the class?
He's coming back tomorrow?
It's sunny day!
Is there anyone
bullying you here?
What do you mean?
Everybody is nice to me.
You look tired than before.
Any worrisome?
If I were born again,
it'd be better to be a woman.
They don't trust my mental ability
or what...
I need guardiars approval
in order to apply this.
Why do you want this?
Organ donor is good thing.
I am not sure how long I can live.
I want to do something good
before the end of my life.
Don't do this to me.
It's a bit much, mom.
I am not doing this
to give you hard time.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Think about your dad.
If there had been an organ donor,
he wouldn't have died.
So what, now?
I know, it won't make him alive.
But, that's why I want it more.
I've never done good things
for others.
But, I wish I could do it
even after I die.
So, please sign on it.
Do it for me.
So, did you sign on it?
Yes. What should I do?
She really wanted it.
Not a single woman, here.
By the way...
what about your life in Andong?
You seem to settle down there.
You have a girlfriend there?
Yourjunior colleague
from the same university!
How did you know that?
It's me with the third eye.
Actually, I have something
to tell you.
You shit on me?
- No, Sir. I didn't mean it.
- Then, what did you mean?
Hey, take it easy.
I told you
I didn't mean it.
Don't stop me!
I'm sorry.
It's all misunderstanding.
Don't stop me!
- I'm sorry.
- Don't stop me!
Even an earthworm will
respond to your action.
You son of bitch!
I'm not an earthworm.
You drive me crazy.
How many times I have to
tell you I am a victim.
That son of bitch...
They picked on me first.
Hey, stop it.
Hey you!
- I feel stuffy without raining.
- Is he your friend, right?
He's so called...
a friend of mine
but, older than me.
I've been listening and seeing
it for 4 and half hours...
- Shit. I keep telling you.
- Get him away!
- Can I charge my cellphone?
- Yes.
Hey you, earthworm!
Wriggle, wriggle.
Hey, mister.
Wait a minute.
Have we met before?
This phone is turned off.
Please leave your message...
Hey doggy.
He's not coming home today.
What shall I do?
I know, I know. You think,
I deserve a better guy.
But, he's the one I like.
Are you OK?
I think, I am punished.
What's up? You're such a player
that nothing gets you down.
About what?
Actually, I had something
to tell you
when you come back to Seoul.
What's that?
Not now...
I'll visit you in Andong
and then,
talk about this there.
Mr. PARK Seung-Hwan
& Mr. HwANG Eun-Gyo.
You can go.
Mister, wake up!
- What the hell...
- wake up!
I'm home,
In-woo and Gen. PARK.
All began on that day, 5 years ago.
What's wrong?
You have only 30 days till SAT.
Do you really want to be stuck
in far countryside?
If you don't study,
you can't even be around Seoul.
Open your text book again.
It's 257 page.
you may go home.
I can do it.
What are you doing?
Study hard!
is your class finished?
Do you want me to be a dumb
in good health?
My dear, come with me.
Give me your backpack.
Actually, thanks
to overprotective dad,
I could graduate in good health.
That was my wish though...
Instead of an university in Seoul,
I had to go to the hospital in Seoul.
This is my uncle's house
where I stay for medical checkups.
- Good to see you.
- It was my first time
that I left Andong and visited Seoul.
You're grown-up and pretty now.
It's my cousin,
once our family's shame.
Just a moment!
Hey, hurry up!
What's going on?
After 5 times trials for SAT,
he finally got in the university
and became loving son again.
He's the one who gave my cousin
the funny nickname, old hag.
Can you chin up little more?
- That's what I found out later though.
- Me?
Listen to him.
OK, be ready.
One, two. Three.
Dad wanted me to go to
an university around our hometown.
But, I didn't.
Cuz it was my first chance
to have my own freedom.
And, I didn't want to miss it.
I finally could make it to
the same university with my cousin.
Give all the books
returned just before.
We are asked for 3 to 3
blind date. Let's go!
I can't.
I have to go for part time job.
No way, they are prep students
of flight attendant.
I heard they're hot.
Wait a minute. They are all your
type with long straight black hair.
You make sure that
we are the same age of freshman.
Smile, please.
My anticipation of college life
did end shortly before a year.
My dear.
- You wake up?
- In Andong,
An old tomb was excavated
on the construction site of housing.
According to the local academy,
remains of the tomb such as
love letters and shoes
threaded of womars hair
dated 400 years ago and once
belonged to LEE Eung-Tae.
Especially, the love letters were
written by his devoted wife
who had longed for her
deceased husband forever.
I don't know since when
I have had the same dream.
Maybe, it's after I watched
the news on TV.
But, unexplainable sadness
lingered even after I woke up.
I got better after I returned
to Andong.
But, I had to go to the hospital
in Seoul, once a month.
It was the day for hospital
when it happened.
It says we must chance upon
our destined love someday.
If the chances are repeating,
they tend to become destiny.
But, I couldn't wait doing nothing.
Instead, ask and it will be given to me.
People say you can create
your own love.
Or is that
what destiny means?
- And, I might not be able
- In-woo.
To have much time left.
Coincidence or destiny?
I happen to know
the right person for the photo class.
Don't worry. I'll let him call you
to talk about the job.
Can I give him
your contact number?
- Sure.
- OK.
You didn't know?
She collapsed again.
She might be in critical condition.
So, she was moved to Seoul.
Can you believe
that I have had the same dream?
The dream
repeated over and over.
How come I realized
our destiny too late?
What the dream meant
and, who the lady with long hair
was in the dream?
Long long time ago,
a lady was chased by someone.
The lady
who looked exactly like you
was me in the past life.
In our past life,
I was you and you were me.
Let her go free
just once for me.
She's the one
I love.
She's just a child of the traitor.
If you don't tell anybody,
nobody knows
she's the child of the traitor.
I'm sorry.
I already knew who she is.
If you get in my way,
I can't let you go, either.
I see...
If you insist,
then, I have no other choice.
You couldn't imagine
how happy I was
only because
you always stood behind me.
Whenever you felt gloomy,
my heart was aching.
Whenever you smiled,
my heart was shined.
Whenever I thought about you,
I was happy even in agony.
But, I was useless
for your pain.
There's belief that we could
be reborn to our beloved one,
if we truly love and long for
the one.
So, I've decided I wouldn't
lose you like this again,
if I could be born once more.
I've sworn I would protect
my love even by sacrificing my life.
Why did you make
Do you want to do good thing alone?
Let me join you.
And, you're my guardian.
Thank you...
It's reported that a Korean medical
operation team succeeded in
the organ transplantation of
unprecedentedly complicated case.
A patient, who had been suffered
from multiple malfunctions,
was transplanted with heart, kidneys
and lung altogether from one donor.
Excuse me...
Have we met before?
Try to remember...
In 1998, an old tomb was found
on the construction site in Andong.
It was the tomb of a man who
died at early age, 420 years ago.
In the tomb, love letters by
his devoted wife were buried
together with shoes threaded
of the wife's own long black hair.
The love letters
and the shoes have been
exhibited at the museum
of Andong Univ.