Yankee Buccaneer (1952)

Rendezvous ship Essex sighted.
She flies the Navy pennant.
Sound the three-gun
recognition salute.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Farragut.
Yes, sir.
This is your end
of the line.
l don't know what the
Navy wants you to do,
but good luck
in your missin.
We'll do the best
we can, sir.
The cargo trunks will go with
you. Surplus rations to follow.
Whatever's in store for them, they'll
need a little comfort, poor devils.
Like music to me ears,
Captain, singing a little song.
''Link, you're going home.' '
Three times l heard the tune
now. ''Link, you're going home.' '
They finally sent relief. l
thought they'd forgotten us.
Not the Navy, sir.
They might misplace a ship now and then,
but they never lose one permanent-like.
Have all hands report to service
quarters. They'll be boarding us soon.
Aye, aye, sir.
Can l start the scuttlebutt,
sir, about going home?
Yes, Mr. Link,
start the scuttlebutt.
NARRATOR/ Latitude 14 degrees
north, 74 degrees west.
The middIe of the
Caribbean Sea,
and a young navaI officer
named David Farragut
who is destined to pIay an important part
in one of the strangest stories ever toId
about the United States Navy.
OFFlCER: Starboard watch,
inward turn!
Why, it's
Midshipman Farragut.
Lieutenant David
Farragut reporting, sir,
with new orders for the
captain of the Essex.
Carry on with your
orders, Mr. Farragut.
The Essex is to embark upon
a secret missin so hazardous
that the Navy Department
gives the ship's complement
the choice of staying aboard or
transferring to the Lexington.
We've been in these
waters a year now.
l was under the impressin
we were setting sail for home.
lf such members of the
complement are transferred,
it's to be within
the next hour.
May l ask what this
missin calls for?
Here, sir.
To be opened eight hours after sail
has been set from the rendezvous.
The necessary cargoes
are alongside in the boats.
That's all they said?
Nothing about rotating the
ship and sending it back?
These men need a rest.
As an officer, l just
carry out my orders, sir.
l learned that
as a midshipman.
You had a lot to learn as
a midshipman, Mr. Farragut.
You've more to learn now
that you've been commissioned.
Pity l can't continue
teaching you.
the news l bring you now
will not sit lightly.
The Essex is not
going home.
lnstead, we've been ordered on
a secret missin by the Navy,
a missin so
filled with risk
that future service aboard
this ship is voluntary.
All men wishing to
transfer to the Lexington,
step forward one pace.
You seem to have
lost your command, sir.
lt's only fair to
tell you, men,
rumor has it that the Lexington
is not returning to the States
but continuing to Africa
for extended service
against the slave traders.
But, Captain...
Something you didn't learn
as a midshipman, Mr. Farragut,
a ship can't sail
without a crew.
Now go back and tell your
captain we're pulling under way.
l'm to remain aboard the Essex
as your executive officer, sir.
A ship this size doesn't need
any added commissioned personnel.
Orders from the Navy Department
because of the nature of the missin.
l trust you will find time to
continue your teaching, sir.
Secret missin to who knows where, a
homesick crew with a year's service,
and a new square-pants executive
officer from Washington.
Very well.
Stand by to make sail.
Good evening,
Mr. Link.
Keep steady your course.
l'll be back shortly.
What course? With them
new provisions aboard,
we can sail on for a year
from anywhere to nowhere
and back again.
Just keep your
course, mate.
As long as your keel ain't run aground,
you ain't got no cause for complaint.
Well, Davey, me lad,
you sure have grown.
Lieutenant Farragut,
Mr. Link.
Can't you
recognize an officer?
Brass buttons
and all.
Seems like only yesterday you
was a squirt of a midshipman
l was fetching
out of the drink.
For which l'll
always be grateful.
Well, petty officers
must be getting scarce.
l see they've
made you a chief.
About the time the Captain
got command of this ship.
We're all up in the service
these days, Davey-lad.
l expected him to be
an admiral by now.
He's got what it takes, all
right. All guts and no heart.
Ain't no sense in keeping
that grudge forever.
As an instructor, it was his
job to chew midshipmen off,
and just between us two,
you gave him plenty of cause.
When a man's religion is the
book of naval regulations,
he's gotta be
sour inside,
and our captain's a
very sour man, Mr. Link.
You're wrong, Davey.
He lives by the book, sure,
but he's never stepped out
of line with the men yet.
You know what, Link? l'm
just waiting for the day.
What day?
When he takes that one big step,
when he makes one move from here.
l'll bet a year's pay
that day never comes.
Well, now, then maybe l could
offer a suggestion or two,
for better officer
relations, mind you.
What l mean is, if l knew what
we was up to on this cruise...
The orders are sealed. You and
the men will know when we do.
Mr. Farragut, l'd like
to see you below, sir.
Aye, aye, sir.
One more thing,
The Lexington, she really wasn't
going to service in Africa?
lt's like the Captain
said, Mr. Link.
He's commissioned, all right.
He's even lying like an officer.
Come in, Mr. Farragut.
Sit down, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Mr. Farragut, you served
under me as a midshipman,
and as student and instructor,
our relations were, shall we say,
somewhat strained.
However, since you've been
designated my executive,
through no choice of ours,
we serve together again.
Yes, sir.
l would like, then, to have
the following understood.
l'll expect nothing more or less of you
than of any other officer in my command.
You'll be judged solely
by your actions on this ship.
lt's a new book, Mr. Farragut.
What goes on the pages is up to you.
Do we understand each other?
We do, sir.
We're eight hours out from
rendezvous. Time to open this box.
Aye, aye, sir.
Jolly Roger?
What the devil, l...
This is incredible.
To use a ship of
the line for this...
We're to lose our
identity, Mr. Farragut.
''Orders are to remove all
visible naval identification,
''both in armament
and dress,
''to act independently
of government restrictions
''in seeking out the pirate
fleet operating in these waters
''and report such findings to
the United States naval base
''at Charleston for
flotilla action.' '
Do you mean they want us
to act as pirates, sir?
Throw away all the
discipline and order
l've worked these
past years to maintain,
take a crew that's
overdue for leave
and ask them to volunteer
for this kind of duty,
and l'm the one who has to
go up there and tell them.
Yes, Mr. Link?
Good evening, sir.
l was just wondering if there
was anything you might be wanting
before l retire to
my humble quarters.
l suppose you heard
every word.
Every word, sir.
And how do you think
the men will take it?
l just figured out a few things that
might ease the pain, so to speak.
lt's always darkest before
the dawn, they say, Captain.
Then roust them
out at dawn, Mr. Link.
Aye, aye, sir.
That'll be all, Mr. Farragut.
See you at formation.
Yes, sir.
Yo, ho, ho, and
a bottle of rum.
All gear will be weighed
down and cast over the side.
You'll find suitable
clothing in these cargo cases.
Officers will go through
their belongings
and destroy any papers
bearing identification.
We're not to put
ashore at any time,
and should we be forced into
action, remember we are privateers.
We can expect no aid or
recognition from our government.
Now, since we
are all volunteers,
we realize the importance
of our missin.
The pirates in these waters
are raiding our merchant ships.
The bureau in Washington can't spare half
the Atlantic fleet to track them down.
We will find them and
let the Navy do the rest.
This is our job.
Gentlemen, we are now a ship
without a country.
Mr. Farragut, prepare
ship for missin.
Aye, aye, sir.
Square away on deck, men.
What's the course?
West by...
Well, what are
you smiling at?
Nothing. Nothing
at all, sir.
She's still dipping, sir. l'm
afraid we're in for a rough one.
l'll go forward and take a
fix. Who stands the late watch?
Mr. Farragut, sir.
Have the mate send Mr.
Farragut my compliments.
l want to see
him on deck.
Aye, aye, sir.
Give us a hand, mate.
Captain. l didn't know...
l mean, that it
was you, sir.
The phrase ''comrade
in arms'' does not mean
slapping the Captain
overboard, Mr. Link.
What's that rum
casket doing on deck?
Well, l was figuring,
this being a pirate ship,
we should have the rum casket
where all can see it, sir.
l'm not aware l made you officer
in charge of ship alterations.
Now, get rid of it,
and report back to me.
Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.
l suppose next they'll want me
to do a hornpipe from the rigging.
Lieutenant Farragut
reporting as ordered, sir.
l'm sorry, sir,
but that getup...
l'm glad my appearance
delights you.
May l say you look more in
character out of uniform?
And what's that medallion
around your neck?
Does it bear any
personal identification?
No, sir. lt just
says Guierre,
the name of the new training ship
from which l was commissioned.
Get rid of it.
But, sir, it's my good-luck piece.
l'm sure it couldn't be identified.
l said get rid of it, Mr. Farragut.
What goes for one goes for all.
l took a fix.
The winds are rising
with every indication
we're in for a big blow.
You ever handled
a ship during a storm?
No, sir.
This is your chance.
Storm should hit its peak
during your watch.
Keep the lifeline secure, and
report any structure damage.
Come with me.
Yes, Chief Petty
Officer Link?
Reporting as
ordered, sir.
Continue your account
of the rum casket.
Well, like l was saying, a
privateer needs a rum casket on deck,
like in those
stories and songs,
so l borrowed the
rum from sickbay.
But this is not a privateer.
lt's a United States man-of-war.
Rum rations are for the sick.
You know the law of the sea.
lt's confusing, sir. First,
we're pirates. Then we're Navy.
lt gets a fellow all
muddled up in his thinking.
lf l may say so, sir, l
think Mr. Link has a point.
The rum should
be left on deck.
A very good
suggestion, Lieutenant.
And Mr. Link should be responsible
for it at all times, sir.
l'll guard it with
my life, so help me.
Do that, Mr. Link.
Guard it 24 hours a day,
and when this tour of duty is
finished, l'm going to break it open,
and if there's as much as one mouthful
missing from the present count,
you'll lose your rank
and your pensin.
But, Captain...
Carry on.
Yes, sir.
Stand your watch, Mr. Farragut.
You want me, l'll be below.
Yes, sir.
l mean what l say, Lieutenant. l
don't want to see that medallion again.
You ever see
a big blow, Mr. Link?
Of course,
Well, they're commanding
ships nowadays.
Just thought you'd
like to know.
Lifelines secured, sir.
Order the watch below.
Keep the deck
clear of crew.
Aye, aye, sir.
Keep her steady
into the storm.
Get below! Let's
clear the planks.
Step with it, mates!
Help! Help!
Did you hear that, sir?
LlNK: Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Help! Help! Help!
Cargo's free on
the foredeck.
Count to 35, mister, then
throw her hard to starboard.
lf she hits some waves
broadside, she'll crack in two.
lt's hard to starboard on the
count of 35. Now start to count.
Aye, aye, sir.
Three. Four.
Six. Seven.
Eight. Nine.
Ten. Eleven.
Twelve. Thirteen.
Fourteen. Fifteen.
Sixteen. Seventeen.
Eighteen. Nineteen.
Davey-lad, l...
Twenty-one. Twenty-two.
l can't call the deck watch...
...or they'll all find out
about your blasted thirst!
Now, grab my arm on the
count of 33. Twenty-eight.
And lurch out at 35. You
got that? Twenty-nine.
Rudder smashed!
Rudder smashed!
Get below without a word. But, Davey...
Not a word to anyone,
you understand?
You weren't on deck. This evens
us up, Mr. Link. Now move on.
Aye, aye, sir.
Where away, mister?
Full starboard command
from Mr. Farragut, sir.
The rudder's
been busted.
Stand general
Stand to general
Full starboard. Was that
your command, Mr. Farragut?
Aye, sir.
Full starboard
into a storm?
The deck cargoes
broke loose, sir.
You've got a crew.
Why didn't you use them?
l was afraid the men
would be chopped down
by the loose end.
They're sailors.
A common seaman wouldn't
yield to starboard in a storm.
Can't get through
without a rudder.
We'll have to lighten our
load and try to roll over it.
Jettison all bulk
cargo and supplies.
We won't hold out
a week like that, sir.
l don't envy you,
Mr. Farragut.
You won't be the most popular man aboard
after we ride
out this storm.
lf we ride it out.
What's the damage,
Mr. Considine?
Well, the check chains on the
rudder have been carried away, sir.
They could be reset to last
until we head to port.
How long will
it take?
Two, maybe three hours.
The Caribbean is
shark water.
l won't risk men down there that
long. Thank you, Mr. Considine.
Aye, aye, sir.
Still west by
northwest, Mr. Farragut?
West by
northwest, sir.
We're drifting into
the Gulf Stream current.
With luck and some wind for our sails,
it will carry us to the West lndies.
There, we'll take on provisions
and repair the damage.
That's if we don't run
into the pirate fleet first.
Without a rudder,
we'd be a sitting target.
Carry on, Lieutenant, and
pray for clear sailing.
Oh, Captain?
l'd like to volunteer
for salvage-diving duty, sir.
l'm aware of the many things
on your conscience, sir,
and also that a rudderless
ship of short rations
takes longer to
reach its destination,
but l won't let the
sharks get any part of you.
l want my executive officer to
stand court-martialed on both feet.
Word from sickbay, sir.
Doctor confirms report.
lt's scurvy that
Harrison's down with.
Any fresh food or
potatoes left aboard?
No, sir.
Mr. Farragut?
Yes, sir?
The men need a tonic.
Break out a rum ration
for ship's complement.
Mr. Link will
supervise. Carry on.
Aye, aye, sir.
l'm sorry for showing me thirst,
Davey-lad, and causing you all this hurt.
Let me tell
the Captain...
Secure all hands
for rum ration, Mr. Link.
Then we'll have our say.
Aye, aye, sir.
Forsythe, draw
ration for one.
Christie, draw
ration for one.
Rum issue
completed, sir.
Thank you,
Mr. Redell.
Well, that does it, Davey-lad.
Now for old Link's ration.
l suggest you save some of that until
after we fix the rudder, Mr. Link.
The rudder? l ain't
fixing no rudder.
You heard the Captain say
those fish bite hard.
Topside at eight bells. We're
responsible for this mess,
and l couldn't be in
much more trouble.
Bring a lubber hose from the
forecastle, and not a word to anyone.
But you're not
listening, Davey.
Eight bells, Chief.
The blooming gold braid knew
how hard l worked for this drink,
they'd make me an admiral
for my drive and spirit.
All clear, Davey-lad.
Now, my idea is to replace
the shackle on the stay chains.
But it ain't enough.
She'll break away again.
lt's worth a last chance
to try to sail her in.
There's no guarantee
we'll drift to port
before the food runs out
and the scurvy gets worse.
Hand me that
lubber hose.
Now, two pulls on this rope
brings me up. Lower away.
Stand-by watch!
On the double!
Get below. l'll take
care of him.
You all right,
The shark
almost got me.
No chance to fix
those stay chains.
But you were told not to try to
fix the stay chains, Mr. Farragut.
You will remain to quarters
until further orders.
Aye, aye, sir.
Better fetch the doctor.
That won't be necessary,
sir. l'm quite all right.
Porter, sir. Look.
LlNK: lt's the wind, sir.
lt's come.
We'll be blown
into the currents.
lt appears, Mr. Farragut, in
spite of you, we may reach land.
Bosun, all hands.
Loosen all canvas.
Square away
and stand by.
All hands!
Six days of this drifting.
Those topsiders don't know
where we're headed.
Farragut's the one.
What with his navigation,
we'll never see home again.
Mr. Redell.
Yes, sir.
You're sure these
figures are accurate?
They've been
double-checked, sir.
Even at half rations, there's barely
enough supplies for three days more.
ln that case, we'll
cut to quarter rations.
lnform the crew
and officers.
Aye, aye, sir.
SAlLOR: Hungry, you say?
Now, how can that be? You
ate yesterday, didn't you?
Sure. Why, look at him.
He's fat as a pig.
Why, l'll bet if you was to
put a nice juicy leg of lamb
in front of him
right this moment...
What's all the
fussing, lads?
We was figuring what
we was gonna eat next,
the mainsail
or our shoes.
That's enough from you. Mend
your nets and be quiet about it.
SAlLOR 2: Land ho!
Where away?
Dead ahead.
Land, sir.
Where away?
Dead ahead, sir.
Take soundings for it.
Anchor at six fathoms.
Prepare landing
Aye, aye, sir.
Now, Mr. Farragut, if
you'll join me in my cabin?
Yes, sir.
By my calculations, we're somewhere
along the Mosquito Coast, in here.
We've reached a natural harbor, so
we'll have a chance to fix the rudder.
You'll take a party
ashore and provisin up.
Now, this is Spanish territory, and,
as pirates, we have no landing rights.
My orders are to
create no incident.
Do l make
myself clear?
Very clear, sir.
Move ashore and
get the provisions.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Farragut.
l'm putting you in charge
of this expedition
because l need my gunnery
and salvage officers aboard.
You'll please me no end
by accomplishing one missin
without breaking any
naval regulations.
And if we run
into trouble, sir?
You know the answer.
To save the ship and the
nature of the missin,
l'd be forced to abandon
you and sail away.
Has the Captain any instructions
in the case of that emergency?
The men will have
to fend for themselves.
lt shouldn't be too difficult
for you, Mr. Farragut.
You've worked alone during
most of your naval career.
Come in.
That'll be all,
Mr. Farragut.
Yes, Mr. Redell?
Good news, Captain.
The doctor reports our single
case of scurvy's in check,
and with fresh supplies coming aboard,
there's little chance of another outbreak.
Yes, sir, l'd say we
have nothing more to fear.
Mr. Redell, with
Mr. Farragut loose ashore,
there's always
something to fear.
Secure craft.
Mr. Link, forward.
Separate the men
into small groups.
Pick anything from the
trees and land that's edible.
Aye, aye, sir.
On the double, Link.
This is strange country.
Oh, relax, Davey-lad. Ain't
a thing gonna bother you.
Water beakers
are filled, sir.
Well, that's about
the last of it.
Fire the completion
signal, and we'll move out.
Very good, sir.
Yes, sir?
You seen Link?
Not since he and Beckett
went off scrounging, sir.
lt's past time they were
back. l'm going to check. Here.
Take two boats back to the
ship. Leave a crew for me.
We'll return presently.
Aye, aye, sir.
Crew on boats one and
two. Stand by to return.
I mash 'em
I muck 'em
I grow 'em
I truck 'em
Yo, ho, ho, it's
the Iife for me
I mash 'em
I muck 'em
Mr. Link, what in
blazes are you doing?
A method of mine, sir,
for refilling the keg,
crushed wine
with me own feet.
Add a little alcohol
from sickbay,
and we've a drink onboard
for emergencies.
Beckett, are you in
on this? Well, l was...
He's with me, sir,
by my instructions.
l told you once before
our accounts are squared.
Now, l've seen none of this, Mr. Link.
lt's all your problem to explain away.
l'm heading back
for the boat.
We shove off in short
order with or without you.
As the saying goes, Beckett-lad, looks
like l put both feet in it this time.
Report, Mr. Considine.
Rudder's been fixed, sir.
She's ready to go.
Mr. Redell.
Shore party all onboard?
Well, not exactly, sir. Mr. Farragut
and Mr. Link aren't back yet.
What happened to them?
They'll be along, sir.
Along? What do
you mean, along?
Well, that's all Mr. Farragut said,
Captain, when he ordered me back.
Farragut again.
Probably dreams of capturing
the island single-handedly
and raising the
American flag.
ls that all you
have to say?
lt will cover my
sentiments for now.
Then l will speak.
You are the Captain of
the ship in the harbor?
No, lovely lady,
l am not.
But you're an officer
of that ship.
Well, for the
present, yes.
l wish to buy passage.
Well, isn't it customary to ask
where a ship is bound for first?
lt does not matter,
and l pay gold.
A beautiful woman from
nowhere ready to pay gold
for passage to anywhere?
lt doesn't make sense.
Do l or do l not
get passage?
No, you don't.
My ship is a privateer.
We can't...
l was afraid such an
emergency might arise.
Shall we go?
l have little choice,
but as for my captain,
that pistol will do no good.
His stomach is
made of steel.
How long we
gonna wait, Mr. Link?
We've waited long enough.
l got that feeling.
l'm going after him.
lf we ain't back by dusk,
you go back to the ship.
But, Mr. Link...
Do as l say.
lt's Mr.
But what with?
Davey-lad, we were
just going after you.
Who are all
these characters?
These characters carry the
wardrobe of our passenger.
Passenger? You know we
can't take a passenger.
And just in case
you're not convinced...
Yes, l guess we can
take a passenger.
Beckett, have those lndians stow
the gear, and we'll move out.
This way.
Davey-lad, what's the
skipper gonna say about her?
l shudder to think, Mr.
Link. l shudder to think.
Captain Porter, sir?
Long boat approaching.
All hands onboard?
Hard to tell, sir.
Mr. Redell?
Yes, Captain?
ls that a woman?
ls who a woman, sir?
The woman in the
boat with Mr. Farragut.
That ain't no woman, sir.
That's Mr. Link.
Since when does a chief
wear skirts and blouses?
Give Mr. Farragut my compliments.
Ask him to join me with his companion.
Aye, aye, sir.
Compliments of
the Captain, sir.
He requests that...
l know, Mr. Redell.
lf you'll
follow me, please.
Captain Porter,
this is...
Yes, Mr. Farragut?
l am the Countess Margarita
La Reguna, and l wish passage.
This ship carries
no passengers.
That's what l told her, sir,
but she can convince you.
lndeed. How can
she convince me?
With that pistol she carries
in her traveling bag, sir.
l'll relieve you
of your sidearms.
There's no pistol here.
Believe me... Would you
wait in my cabin, please?
Mr. Redell will
show you the way.
This way, Miss.
Mr. Farragut, at what
now seems an eternity,
you brought orders for this command
to seek out the pirate fleet.
Since then, you have
smashed my ship in a storm,
risked lives
against my orders,
and now, at the point of
a gun which l cannot find,
you've brought a female
passenger onboard,
but no pirates, Mr. Farragut.
We've been so busy
covering your mistakes,
there's been no
time for pirates.
l doubt if Captain Kidd himself
could have scuttled this missin
more successfully
than you have.
Now, what about
this woman?
lt's as l said, sir.
She paid some lndians
to bushwhack me,
then forced me to
bring her aboard.
What does she
know about this ship?
Nothing, sir.
Very well. Follow me.
We'll put her ashore.
Put her back in
place, Beckett-lad.
And no officer's
the wiser.
Yeah, but if
the Captain...
The Captain's got
his head full now.
A lovely lady is all the
wine an officer needs.
Countess, there's no sense wasting time.
l've given orders to put you ashore.
But l will pay well.
l have gold.
The lndians didn't
take it from you?
The lndians
were my friends.
They protected me
when l left Foxardo.
We've drifted into the heart
of the Spanish territory.
Suppose you tell me the truth.
There was no gun, was there?
No gun, sir. l brought her
aboard because she needed help.
You realize this is a further
admissin of your guilt, Mr. Farragut.
Yes, sir.
All l want is the truth.
Now, Countess,
what is the truth?
That l am Portuguese,
but for many years, l've lived in
Brazil, so now l feel that Rio is my home.
You're a long
way from home.
Too long.
But when Napoleon
overran Europe,
the royal family and many of the
nobility, my family among them,
fled to Brazil, taking with
them their priceless belongings.
Now, with all
the danger passed,
the King has returned
to his throne in Portugal.
Well, isn't that
where he belongs?
lf he so chooses,
but many of us
do not feel the same.
Like you Americans,
we prefer the New Worid
with its freedoms and its
opportunities for all,
and we'll fight for this
independence of thought and action.
But l don't see
quite how all this...
The King demands
a return to Portugal,
not only of ourselves but
of all our woridly goods.
Which you refused?
lf a young country is to survive,
it must have trade alliances.
All our gold and valued possessions
are collected for that purpose.
Just where do you fit into
all this political maneuvering?
My father and l were
returning from England,
where the trade
alliances were made.
ln payment, our ships sail
from Rio in three months
with all our
fortunes on them,
unless l stop them.
Why do that?
My father carried sailing
instructions for our fleet.
ln Havana, we were attacked
by Portuguese agents.
l managed to escape,
but my father was killed,
and his papers were stolen.
With these plans known, our
ships are sure to be attacked,
and they must be warned.
Suppose all this is true, you must
realize that we are privateers.
We do not head toward Rio.
But at least you
sail the seas,
and there is chance of transfer
to a vessel bound towards home,
but on land, l have
no chance at all.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir.
The lady's baggage.
Bring it aboard,
and prepare to sail.
Aye, aye, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
l must warn you,
this is a privateer, and
you must assume all risks.
You're aboard as a political refugee
asking passage. l take no sides.
l understand.
Very well, you may
use this cabin.
l'll double
up with Mr. Farragut.
lf you'll excuse me,
l'll get underway.
What did you do
with that pistol?
lt served its purpose.
l slipped it into the water.
Besides, it was
bare of ammunition.
Very well done,
Your Highness.
You lied for me.
lt was appreciated.
Lovely lady, please pray that
l grow to be a very old man.
Why, l will,
but why?
Because only a man past 90
will smell salt air again
after the Captain
finishes with me.
Set course a big circle,
and close the gaps.
lf there are any pirate ships
in these waters, we'll find them.
Aye, aye, sir.
When the spinner goes over the rail, the
number of knots on the line to run out
during a 28-second interval is equal
to the speed of the ship through water.
After a few more lessons, Captain,
l'll be ready for my master's paper.
When you sign on your crew, l hope
you'll think of me as first mate, perhaps.
l think not.
Somehow l can't imagine you
as anything but a captain.
l'm not sure
that's a compliment.
Well, of course it is.
There's something most
impressive about a man
whose only thoughts are of his
duties and responsibilities.
Perhaps before too long l'll be less
bound by duty and responsibility.
Time for your afternoon
stroll, Countess.
l hope l haven't
kept you waiting.
Oh, no, l've been
well occupied.
Would the Captain
care to join us?
Why, yes.
Yes, of course.
Mr. Farragut, cargo secured? Yes, sir.
Watches posted?
Yes, sir.
Sick report filed?
Yes, sir.
You're very efficient,
Mr. Farragut.
Thank you, sir.
SAlLOR: Sail ho!
Where away?
Bearing fine on
larboard quarter.
Can't get her colors, but she
flies the recognition pennant.
How is she heading?
Starboard tack,
closing fast, sir.
Up helm.
Back your topsail!
Square away fore
and main! Belay!
Mr. Farragut?
Yes, sir?
ln view of our missin, l'd like
to avoid a fight if possible.
However, if it
comes to a showdown,
pipe stand to quarters, Mr.
Farragut, and clear for action.
Aye, aye, sir. Stand to
quarters! Clear for action!
She's hoisted her colors, sir,
but still wants recognition.
Can you
make her out?
Not yet, sir.
She wants our
colors, sir.
She'll have to wait.
Why doesn't the
Captain show his flag?
Well, you see, ma'am,
we're privateers-like.
We got no country.
Awkward, ain't it?
We better get something on that flag
mast before they blow us to bits.
Quarters cleared
for action, sir.
My glass, Mr. Link.
Aye, aye, sir.
Now, Countess, l suggest
you go to your cabin.
l prefer to take
my chances on deck.
ln that case, l must insist. l can't
assume responsibility for your safety here.
Mr. Redell.
Yes, Captain?
Take the Countess
to her cabin.
Aye, aye, sir.
This way, Countess.
CAPTAlN: White field, green
St. George's cross.
Portuguese, sir.
CAPTAlN: First-class
ship of the line.
That means she carries
twice the guns and crew
that we have aboard.
Now we're
really in for it.
l've tried to avoid hoisting
our colors with a girl aboard,
but the missin
comes first.
Shall l break
out the flag, sir?
Not yet. Save it
as a surprise.
lt should have
some shock value.
Meantime, have the men draw sidearms,
and prepare for heavy action.
lf we have to fight, Mr.
Farragut, let's be sure to win.
Aye, aye, sir.
And still she
flies no flag?
No, sir.
Fire another warning across
her bow, close across her bow!
Stand by bow gun.
That didn't
miss by much.
lt missed, didn't it?
Stand by and hold fast.
Mr. Farragut, secure the
pennant from the flag box,
and break it aloft
at my command.
Aye, aye, sir.
That ship bearing down on us has
twice our range and firepower.
We've got to get 'em in tight
before we let go a broadside.
l want them in so close you can
spit in their eyes after loading.
Light your ready matches,
cast loose, prime and stand by!
Closer in.
We'll show those pigs
who refuse us recognition.
Stand by to fire!
Mr. Farragut.
Yes, sir?
Break her aloft.
Aye, aye, sir.
Hold your fire! Run up the
parley pennant, quick. Quick!
She runs the
parley pennant, sir.
All stations stand fast.
What do you
think, sir?
That he wants to talk, Mr. Farragut,
so we'll talk. There's little choice.
Let me go!
Let me go!
So you're privateers?
You're pirates.
You're black-hearted pirates.
Redell, take her below
and lock her cabin.
Aye, aye, sir.
Now, Mr. Farragut, shall
we go back to the war?
Make fast for parley.
Aye, aye, sir.
Make fast for parley!
l am the captain of this
ship. You wish to talk?
You speak bravely, Captain.
Perhaps because you know
your safety is assured.
l know of no agreements
concerning me.
You are wise, Captain.
Secrets should be well-guarded.
No doubt it serves a
purpose to have you at sea,
but in the future, it should be
wiser to identify yourself sooner.
My men live for
the cannon's roar.
Until we meet again.
Full half turn
and all sail.
All hands remain
at battle stations.
l don't know what it's all about, but
it looks like the last of them, sir.
l wonder, Mr. Farragut.
l wonder.
This narrow escape has made me realize
how wrong it was to keep you aboard.
When our provisions run out, l
shall return you to the islands.
You'll be safer there.
So the pirate captain
returns me to Del Prado.
l should not
be surprised.
Del Prado?
Are we to pretend
that the Governor General
of the Spanish possessions in
the lndies is unknown to you?
Believe me, Countess,
l know nothing...
l cannot.
l've seen too many of your sort
while imprisoned at Foxardo.
lt is for your safety alone
that l must return you to land.
Must we continue this
playacting, Captain?
There's nothing you can say
to overcome your actions.
ln that case,
l'll be blunt.
ln a fortnight, our provisions will be
gone, and l'll return to the islands.
At that time,
you'll be free of us.
And Del Prado will hold you
high in favor, be assured.
l'm truly sorry that
you think so ill of me.
She wants no part of it.
She told me so.
The Countess also
told me other things.
What other
things, sir?
She mentioned a Spaniard
named Del Prado,
Governor General of the islands,
close in contact with the pirates.
Yet we've seen no pirates, Captain.
The Countess has,
at Foxardo.
All banded together and giving
up plundering the shipping lanes,
but for what, Mr. Farragut? For what?
That gold
from Brazil.
Exactly. ln some way, they're
working with the Portuguese.
That's why we got
off with our lives today.
But you say this
Del Prado's Spanish.
They have no part
in this quarrel.
Our rations will last us
a fortnight and no more.
Then, l'll be justified in
returning to shore for supplies.
Course east
by nor' east!
East by nor'
east, sir.
l think we'll find the answer
to this mystery of the sea
on land, Mr. Farragut,
at Foxardo.
Ah, my good Captain,
how does it fare?
l have news of
great importance.
More so than you
will find in that book.
You are wrong,
my friend,
for in the books are the
answers to all of Man's problems,
and you have a problem, dear Captain.
lt is written all over your face.
l encountered pirates.
Why was l not told
that some of them
were still at sea?
But Captain Scarjack
assured me...
Nevertheless, the pirate
flag was flying.
Only my quick thinking
prevented bloodshed.
l have given no orders
since you left weeks ago.
lf that is so,
then why...
You say they
flew the pirate flag.
That is strange,
for l have kept our
bargain to the letter.
l was about to board her,
for she flew no colors.
Then, as we came in contact, the
skull and bones rose from her mast.
You spoke to
the Captain?
Yes, but he
told me nothing.
l did not press the point since
our crew is not in my confidence.
Furthermore, l believed
him to be under your orders.
This Captain, did he
speak your tongue?
No, he spoke the language
of the American colonials.
He's ready to
speak, my lord.
Bring him forward.
Perhaps my lndian brother is convinced
that telling the truth is much easier
than a visit to the tower.
Speak out. Where is she?
What does he say?
She went aboard a ship that
had stood by for provisions.
The men spoke a strange
language that she understood.
Take him away.
l wondered how the Countess
escaped me, Poulini.
Now l know. She was aboard
that ship you encountered.
What makes you so sure?
Since her escape, no other
ship has touched these shores
without being searched.
Hello, Del Prado.
l wish you would not address
me so. lt does not look well.
l will try to
remember, Count.
l'm glad you're here,
Captain Scarjack.
Poulini claims he
encountered pirates.
They flew
the pirate flag.
And l say they
are not pirates!
Every pirate ship in the Caribbean is
at anchor, waiting for the word to move.
Then, my colleagues,
they are not pirates.
Also, they are
not Brazilians,
or they would have left these
waters when the Countess came aboard,
yet they stay.
Then who are they?
Unless l am mistaken,
they are the American Navy.
Sailing under
a pirate flag?
This confuses
me, l admit,
but if they are concerned with
us, they will return again.
You see, Poulini, the
answers are all in the book,
and, as Homer says,
Man's mind, when
tempered with time,
will return to the
scene of the crime.
We will wait, gentlemen,
patiently, for our American friends.
Good evening, Mr. Farragut.
l hope l'm not intruding.
Well, Countess, this
is a pleasant surprise.
Your cabin door's been locked so long,
l thought you'd thrown away the key.
lf you had knocked tonight,
you would have found it open.
l wish to talk
to you alone.
Now that's a change
in tactics l approve of.
There's quite a bit l want to say to
you and very little time to say it in.
Then we sight
land before long?
By this time tomorrow.
And am l still
to be put ashore?
Those are the Captain's orders.
Don't judge him too harshly.
l know he feels
it's for your good.
To be delivered
to Del Prado?
You'll be delivered
to no one.
l'm to go ashore and
find your lndian friends.
l wish l understood
you better.
At times, you seem of
gentle breeding.
You're considerate.
You're kind.
You make me feel as if l
can turn to you for help.
You can.
Then try to show your Captain l'd be
safer here onboard than put ashore.
And if l try, will you
do me one favor in return,
no matter what his answer?
Then if you have to leave
this ship, and only then,
wear this medallion
around your neck.
To what purpose?
Say as a bond
between us,
until l can prove
my good intentions.
Guierre. A ship
you sank, perhaps?
There's no dishonor
attached to it.
lt's brought me luck.
l hope it does
the same for you.
You're most convincing,
Mr. Farragut.
l hope the Captain
finds you that way, too.
But since we know he's
involved with pirates,
why not fight him
out in the open?
Our orders read to find,
not fight, the pirate fleet.
Your present missin
is to search for food
but, more importantly, to learn
just where these ships are anchored
and if Del Prado leads
them or protects them.
And if l meet
Del Prado face to face?
CAPTAlN: Tell him... Tell
him that we know of his plans
and hope to aid
in their fulfillment.
Explain that you've
been sent ashore by me
to find out if he
welcomes our proposal.
Point out that we'd be a
fine addition to his ranks.
What about the girl?
You've convinced me,
Mr. Farragut.
The Countess will remain onboard until
l'm sure she'll meet no harm ashore.
Thank you, sir.
But please remember,
should you fail in the
missin, expect no help from me.
My job is to
save the ship.
l understand, sir.
Oh, Mr. Farragut.
Yes, sir?
Good luck.
Thank you.
Join me, gentlemen.
The wine is superb.
l drink with
my own kind.
Now, what is
it you want?
l see, my dear Scarjack, that our
social levels will never be joined.
However, l have news.
The so-called pirate ship has
returned, as l said it would.
Her sails have been sighted. She
should drop anchor before long.
Good. l'll rake
her bottom.
Oh, no, Scarjack,
you will not rake her.
You will leave the ship and the crew
to me to dispose of as l see fit.
You're daft. She'll make a grand prize.
You seem to forget that l'm still an
official of the Spanish government.
My country is at peace
with the American colonies.
But what do
you suggest?
Plans have been brought to
me by my agents in Havana.
They contain
the sailing date,
armament and course to be
followed by he Brazilian ships
in their run
from Rio to London,
also, a point marked well on the
map where we will intercept them.
And soon, l hope. My
men are growing restless.
They've been holed
up too long on shore.
We still have
time, my friend.
Time we'll use to dispose
of our American friends.
You will then be free to
sail with the knowledge
the Brazilian ships
will not be warned.
l'll drink to that
with pleasure.
Help yourself,
Remember, once the
gold is secured,
we no longer need the
protection of the Portuguese.
l will take care
of Poulini.
Good. And one thing more, my friend.
Only you and l will know
the place of interception.
l suggest we
remain friends,
or eventually the entire Spanish armada
will breathe down
your dirty neck.
l'll not cross you.
To my King,
whose supreme generosity allows
you to share in the prize,
for helping get back
what is rightfully his.
Of course, Poulini,
drink up. Drink up.
Ready to shove off?
Yes, sir.
Remember, find out what you
can, but don't risk the men.
l'll do the
best l can, sir.
Don't worry. She'll be
here when you return,
and, Mr. Farragut,
l'll be here, too.
Shove off.
As before, Mr. Link,
and on the double.
Supplies can wait,
Davey-lad. We got company.
Gonna do something about it?
Yes, l'm going to hear
what he has to say.
You are the leader of these men? l am.
Then, seor, you will tell
your men to come with me.
And if l
choose not to?
That would
be a mistake.
We're to be
taken prisoner?
Not prisoner, seor.
We merely want to ask some
questions about your ship.
Very well. l'll leave a
guard for the longboat.
l will leave the
guards. Now, shall we go?
Link, that ambush means
they know something's up.
You've got to get back and tell the
Captain to sail away before it's too late.
What'll you do,
being left behind?
We'll figure
that out later.
l'll not leave you,
Davey-lad. You'll go back.
That's an order. l'll get you
loose as soon as l find a chance.
Buck. Jack.
All right,
get set.
Take care,
Herd them
into the castle.
Ahoy, man afloat
off starboard rail!
Can you
make him out?
No, sir, but he's plugging to us.
Heave him a line.
Aye, aye, sir.
CAPTAlN: Haul away.
Bring him up.
What happened?
Those Spaniards knew something
was up and ambushed us.
Davey picked a fight to spring me loose.
He told me to tell
you to sail out of here
before they
get the ship, too.
Get him some rum.
We're out
of rum, sir.
Wouldn't you know?
Go on, get
out of here.
They left two guards
at the boat on the beach.
They took the rest of them
back to the castle.
l'll get some boys
and go after them.
We can't go
after them.
You mean you're gonna let
Davey rot in that place?
He knew the risks.
Sure he did, like the time he
took the blame during the storm.
lt was my life he saved
by turning the wheel.
l was pegged to the side
while sneaking some rum.
There, l feel better
for telling you.
Captain Porter,
she's gone,
the Countess.
We checked the ship.
She's nowhere aboard.
Are you sure?
Positive, sir,
we looked all over.
lf she's jumped ship, there's
nothing we can do about it.
But Davey... l can't
endanger the lives of the men.
Well, then how
about volunteers?
l'm sure the boys would rather fight
than let their shipmates rot in a cell.
You realize a raiding party is
in direct violation of my orders?
Yes, sir.
That l could be court-martialed
for landing armed men
on the soil of
a friendly nation?
Yes, sir.
All right, let's go.
Mr. Redell, get me some
powder fuses and flint rock.
Watchers, lower the boats.
The rest of you draw arms.
Well, Mr. Link, you're
probably witnessing the end
of a long and honorable naval career.
Yes, sir, but what
a way to go, sir.
So my young friend
feels better, huh?
l don't believe
l've had the pleasure.
Then allow me to
introduce myself.
l'm the Count
Del Prado,
Governor General of His
Majesty's Spanish possessions.
Del Prado?
You speak as if
you've heard the name.
No. No, l was just trying to
see if my mind still functions.
lt was a silly gesture to
try to escape like that.
There was no need for
such heroics, you know.
Now, shall we talk?
Who are you and
what is your missin?
l sail a ship.
We haul cargoes.
And fly the pirate's flag. This l know,
but who are
you really?
Who flies the pirate flag but pirates?
l have never heard of
such men from the colonies.
Even colonials
have a price.
A profound observation
from one as young as you.
The ship l sail is
well-manned. We seek a charter.
Perhaps, if l
am convinced,
there is a task l would...
Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
She was caught by the
guards, swimming ashore.
Obviously not contented with
life aboard your ship, Captain.
ls that true, Countess?
Was the Captain's
treatment that bad?
He is no captain, and if he were,
l would have still freed myself.
So you're not the
man l seek, after all.
Place yourself in
our position, Del Prado.
lf we are accepted
here as friends,
the Captain has ample
time to come ashore,
and if not, he can
just sail the ship away.
What happens to you
if he sails away?
Chances one takes
in this professin.
l was uncertain as to the
reception you would afford us,
but now that our defenses
are down, we can talk.
Ask the lady about us.
She was onboard when the
pirate flag was raised.
ls this so?
He and his men are the
breed you do business with,
and l want no
part of them.
l imagine this
is yours.
l was in the
Spanish Court
when the Guierre was
sold to the Americans
for the specific purpose of becoming
a naval officers' training ship.
The purchase was widely
heralded to all Spanish subjects
as a token of
our friendships.
Or do you wish to tell
me you pirates attacked
men-of-war, too?
Now, who
are you?
Very well.
You will have
a short time
to decide that telling
the truth is less painful
than the tortures
of my chamber.
Take them
to the tower.
Davey, did Del Prado tell
the truth? You're not pirates?
We're American
men of war.
Our missin was to
break up this conspiracy.
And l betrayed you.
You couldn't know.
l could have
trusted you
and did when you
gave me the medallion,
but then l overheard you
talking to the Captain
and thought you meant to
hand me over to Del Prado,
so l escaped.
To this.
l'm truly sorry,
not for myself
but for you and your men and
the failure of your missin.
We knew the risks.
You didn't.
So many times l wanted to
explain but wasn't able to.
l understand.
A little late but still in time for
all my doubts of you to be resolved.
And all your questions?
So far, so good,
Signal the boats
to come ashore.
Aye, aye, sir.
Pull them ashore.
All ashore, sir.
Spread the powder along
the edge of the footpath.
Aye, aye, sir.
What time does the guard
change at the castle?
l guess he doesn't
savvy us, Captain.
We'll just have to cut his head off.
No! No, no,
seor. l tell.
The guard, it change
again at the midnight time.
How many in
the guard?
Sometimes less.
You see yourself
as they ride to castle.
And l know just where
we can observe them from.
Tie him up.
Aye, aye, sir.
Powder set as ordered, sir. Good.
All ready
to go, sir.
All right, Mr. Link, let's have
some shore leave in Foxardo.
Follow me, and
keep a sharp lookout.
Through experience,
l have discovered
that the ancient methods
are most effective.
l venture that, in future times,
more ingenious devices will be used
in gaining confessions. However,
for the present, this will suffice.
Unpleasant, isn't it,
to share all this with
other political prisoners?
Since your crew have not the
detailed information l seek,
it is you
l turn to.
Very well, then.
We will proceed, huh?
l'm afraid there's a limit to
nobility, even for Americans.
Guard change
Tie and gag him.
Quiet now, until we
find out where...
That's where!
Let's go.
l wish you could share this
drink with me, my friend.
lt would refresh you.
lt is not my nature
to be inhospitable.
l apologize for
your discomfort.
Now, may l ask again
what your missin is?
Bring her here.
Look there.
Look there, l say.
Maybe this will convince you
once and for all, my friend,
that l mean
to get the truth.
Now, do l get
the information,
or must the Countess
face the rack, too?
You patriots are all
alike. Resist to the last.
CAPTAlN: To the
very last!
You're Del Prado,
l presume.
l am the
Count Del Prado,
Governor General of his...
That's all l want to know.
Take him.
Are you all right?
Yes, thanks
to you, sir.
Mr. Link,
you're hurt?
l feel just fine. l
mash 'em. l muck 'em...
- Beckett, take
care of Mr. Link.
He has a bellyful.
Let's shove off.
All right, let's move out.
Open up.
But it is past time. The gates
remain closed after midnight.
This is
special detail.
They lie!
What is the cause
for alarm?
They have kidnapped the Count
and ridden towards the beach.
Follow me.
Everybody in the
longboats! Hurry!
That'll take care of them
till we're ready to fight.
l doubt that they'll fight
with the Count onboard.
We can rest
easy for a spell.
You have committed a great
blunder in bringing me here.
l represent the
Kingdom of Spain.
You also represent
a pirate fleet.
The King may
not approve of that.
He'll know such
charges are a lie,
unless you can
furnish proof.
You'll furnish it yourself
before you leave this ship.
l'll not say a word.
Very well.
Mr. Farragut?
Yes, sir?
l take it we're still
masquerading as pirates.
Therefore, l suggest we act
out the end of this drama.
Run out
the plank.
aye, sir.
Run out the plank.
Aye, aye, sir.
But surely you can't
be serious about this.
l'm too deeply involved
to stop short now.
Mr. Beckett.
This'll keep you
from seeing the sharks.
Bosun, pipe the plank.
All right, walk
him down.
Captain Porter?
l submit.
Mr. Redell.
Aye, aye, sir.
Untie him.
This map,
it tells of the pirates'
rendezvous with the Brazilians.
Thank you for
your cooperation.
Now, l demand to be put
ashore as quickly as possible.
So you will be.
The moment we reach our
fleet base in Charleston,
l'll escort you ashore
personally. Mr. Redell.
This way,
Your Highness.
l'll have you broken
from the service, l will.
These documents are to be handed over
to the proper authorities in Charleston.
lt appears, Countess, that your fleet
will have a safe crossing, after all.
For a while, l was
afraid he wouldn't talk.
For a while, Mr. Farragut,
l was more afraid than you.
Oh, Captain Porter?
Yes, Mr. Farragut?
l just wanted to
say thank you, sir.
Weigh anchor!
Hands, make sail!
Braces and sheets!
Take her as she fills.
Set course north by
northwest for Charleston.
A fine cruise, sir.
'Tis a shame for Lieutenant
Farragut it might end so badly.
After what
l've done,
l've a feeling the
court-martial will be mine.
grown up.
Yes, Mr. Link.
l daresay this cruise on
the Essex has made us a man.
The End @