Frankenstein (1931)

How do you do?
Mr. Carl Laemmle feels
it would be a little unkind
to present this picture without
just a word of friendly warning.
We are about to unfold
the story of Frankenstein.
A man of science,
who sought to create
a man after his own image,
without reckoning upon God.
It is one of the strangest tales ever told.
It deals with the two great
mysteries of creation:
life and death.
I think it will thrill you.
It may shock you.
It might even horrify you.
So if any of you feel that you do not care
to subject your nerves to such a strain,
now is your chance to, er...
Well, we've warned you.
... dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Down. Down, you fool!
Come on!
Hurry, hurry.
The moon's rising. We've no time to lose.
Here he comes!
He's just resting.
Waiting for a new life to come.
Here we are.
Look, it's still here.
Climb up and cut the rope.
- No!
- Go on. It can't hurt you.
Here's a knife.
Look out!
Here's the knife.
Here I come.
Is it all right?
The neck's broken. The brain is useless!
We must find another brain.
That'll do, gentlemen.
And in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen,
here we have one of the most
perfect specimens of the human brain
ever to come to my attention
at the university.
And here, the abnormal brain
of the typical criminal.
Observe, ladies and gentlemen,
the scarcity of convolutions
on the frontal lobe
as compared to that of the normal brain,
and the distinct degeneration
of the middle frontal lobe.
All of these degenerate characteristics
check amazingly with the history
of the dead man before us,
whose life was one of brutality,
of violence and murder.
These jars will remain here
for your further inspection.
Thank you, gentlemen.
The class is dismissed.
Herr Victor Moritz.
- I'm so glad you've come.
- What is it, Elizabeth?
- Oh, you've heard from Henry.
- Yes. The first word in four months.
It just came.
- Victor, you must help me.
- Of course I'll help you.
I'm afraid.
I've read this over and over again, but
they're just words that I can't understand.
"You must have faith in me,
Elizabeth. Wait."
"My work must come first,
even before you."
"At night, the winds howl
in the mountains."
"There is no one here."
"Prying eyes can't peer into my secret."
- What can he mean?
- What does he say then?
"I am living in an abandoned watchtower
close to the town of Goldstadt."
"Only my assistant is here
to help me with my experiments."
- Oh. His experiments.
- Yes, that's what frightens me.
The day we announced our engagement,
he told me of his experiments.
He said he was close to a discovery so
terrific that he doubted his own sanity.
There was a strange look in his eyes.
Some mystery.
His words carried me right away.
Of course, I've never doubted him.
But still, I worry. I can't help it.
And now this letter. All this uncertainty
can't go on. I must know.
Victor, have you seen him?
Yes. About three weeks ago.
I met him walking alone in the woods.
He spoke to me of his work, too.
I asked him if I might visit his laboratory.
He just glared at me
and said he would let no one go there.
- His manner was very strange.
- Oh, what can we do?
- If he should be ill!
- Now, don't worry.
I'll go to Dr. Waldman,
Henry's old professor in medical school.
Perhaps he can tell me
more about all this.
Victor, you're a dear.
You know I'd go to the ends
of the earth for you.
I shouldn't like that.
I'm far too fond of you.
I wish you were.
- Victor.
- I'm sorry.
Good night, Victor.
And thank you. Thank you.
Good night. And don't worry. Promise?
I won't.
- Victor!
- What is it?
- I'm coming with you.
- You can't!
I must. I'll be ready in a minute.
Herr Frankenstein is a most
brilliant young man, yet so erratic.
He troubles me.
I'm worried about Henry.
Why has he left the university?
He was doing so well
and he seemed so happy with his work.
You know, his researches in the field
of chemical galvanism and electrobiology
were far in advance of our theories
here at the university.
In fact, they had reached
a most advanced stage.
They were becoming dangerous.
Herr Frankenstein is greatly changed.
You mean changed
as a result of his work?
Yes. His work.
His insane ambition to create life.
How? How?
Please tell us everything, whatever it is.
The bodies we use now,
dissecting them for lecture purposes,
were not perfect enough
for his experiments, he said.
He wished us to supply him
with other bodies,
and we were not to be too particular
as to where and how we got them.
I told him that his demands
were unreasonable,
and so he left the university
to work unhampered.
- He found what he needed elsewhere.
- Oh. The bodies of animals.
Well, what are the lives
of a few rabbits and dogs?
You do not quite get what I mean.
Herr Frankenstein was
interested only in human life.
First to destroy it, then re-create it.
There you have his mad dream.
- Can we go to him?
- You will not be very welcome.
What does that matter? I must see him.
Dr. Waldman, you have influence
with Henry. Won't you come with us?
I'm sorry, but Herr Frankenstein
is no longer my pupil.
But he respects you.
Won't you help us to take him away?
Very well, Frulein.
I've warned you.
But if you wish it, I will go.
- Fritz!
- Hello.
- Have you finished those connections?
- Yes, they're done.
Well, come down, then, and help.
We've lots to do.
Look out!
If this storm develops as I hope,
you will have plenty to be afraid of
before the night's over.
Go on, fix the electrodes.
This storm will be magnificent.
All the electrical secrets of heaven.
And this time we're ready.
Hey, Fritz? Ready.
- Why, what's the matter?
- Look.
There's nothing to fear. Look.
No blood, no decay.
Just a few stitches.
And look. Here's the final touch.
- The brain you stole, Fritz.
- Yes.
Think of it - the brain of a dead man
waiting to live again in a body
I made with my own hands.
With my own hands.
Let's have one final test.
Throw the switches.
In 15 minutes, the storm
should be at its height.
Then we'll be ready.
What's that?
- There's someone there.
- Shh! Quiet.
Send them away!
Nobody must come here.
Here. Cover this.
Whoever it is, don't let them in.
Leave them to me.
Of all the times
for anybody to come! Now!
I'll show them, messing about
at this time of night. Got too much to do.
Wait a minute! All right, all right!
Wait a minute, I'm coming.
- It's Dr. Waldman, Fritz.
- You can't see him. Go away.
All right, knock! You won't get in.
- Henry!
- Frankenstein!
- Henry!
- Frankenstein!
- Open the door!
- Let us in!
Who is it? What do you want?
You must leave me alone now.
It's Elizabeth! Open the door!
- Henry!
- Frankenstein!
- What do you want?
- Open the door!
- You must leave me alone.
- At least give us shelter.
- What's this nonsense of locked doors?
- Henry!
Elizabeth, please, won't you go away?
Won't you trust me just for tonight?
- You're ill. What's the matter?
- Nothing. I'm quite all right. Truly I am.
Can't you see I mustn't be disturbed?
You'll ruin everything.
My experiment is almost completed.
Wait a moment. I understand.
I believe in you.
But I cannot leave you tonight.
- You've got to leave!
- Henry, you're inhuman. You're crazy!
Crazy, am I?
We'll see whether I'm crazy or not.
Come on up.
You're quite sure you want to come in?
Very well.
Forgive me, but I'm forced
to take unusual precautions.
Sit down, please.
Sit down!
You too, Elizabeth. Please.
A moment ago, you said I was crazy.
- Tomorrow, we'll see about that.
- Don't touch that!
I'm sorry, Doctor, but I insist.
Doctor Waldman, I learnt a great deal
from you at the university
about the violet ray, the ultraviolet ray,
which you said was
the highest color in the spectrum.
You were wrong.
Here, in this machinery,
I have gone beyond that.
I have discovered the great ray
that first brought life into the world.
Oh. And your proof?
Tonight you shall have your proof.
At first I experimented
only with dead animals,
and then a human heart, which
I kept beating for three weeks.
But now I'm going to turn
that ray on that body,
and endow it with life.
And you really believe
that you can bring life to the dead?
That body is not dead.
It has never lived.
I created it. I made it with my own hands
from the bodies I took from graves,
from the gallows, anywhere.
Go and see for yourself.
You too.
Dead, hey?
Quite a good scene, isn't it?
One man crazy,
three very sane spectators.
Test the batteries.
Look. It's moving.
It's alive. It's alive!
It's alive. It's moving. It's alive!
It's alive! It's alive! It's alive!
- It's alive!
- Henry, in the name of God!
In the name of God?!
Now I know what it...
Henry is well, but he's very busy.
He said he would
get in touch with you soon.
Don't worry about him, Baron.
He'll be home in a few days.
You two have it all arranged,
haven't you?
You think I'm an idiot, don't you?
But I'm not.
Anyone can see with half an eye
that there's something wrong.
And I've two eyes,
and pretty good ones at that.
- Well, what is it?
- You're quite mistaken, Baron.
What's the matter with my son?
What's he doing?
He's completing his experiments.
Why does he go messing around
an old ruined windmill
when he has a decent house,
a bath, good food and drink,
and a darned pretty girl to come back to?
Would you tell me that?
- Baron, you don't understand.
- I understand perfectly well.
There's another woman,
and you're afraid to tell me.
Pretty sordid experiments
these must be. Huh!
- Oh, but you're wrong!
- And how do you know?
If you please, Herr Baron,
the burgomaster.
- Well, tell him to go away.
- But he says it's important.
Nothing the burgomaster can say
can be of the slightest importance.
Good day, Herr Baron. Frulein.
Well, what do you want?
If it's trouble, go away.
I've trouble enough.
- Oh, there's no trouble, sir.
- What do you mean, "no trouble"?
There's nothing but trouble.
- I brought you these flowers.
- Thank you, Herr Vogel.
Both in my private and official
capacities as burgomaster...
Yes, yes, yes, we know all about that,
but what do you want?
What I really want to know is
when will the wedding be, if you please.
Unless Henry comes to his senses,
there'll be no wedding at all.
- But the village is already prepared.
- Well, tell them to unprepare.
But such a lovely bride...
Such a fine young man,
the very image of his father.
- Heaven forbid.
- But, sir, everything is ready!
I know that!
Don't keep on saying so, you idiot!
There's nothing to cry about.
Good day, Miss Elizabeth.
Good day, Herr Moritz.
Good day, Herr Vogel.
Good day, Herr Baron.
And good riddance to you.
There you are. Huh! You see how it is.
The whole village is kept waiting,
the bride is kept waiting,
and I am kept waiting. Henry must
come home, if I have to fetch him myself.
No, no, Baron. What about his work?
Stuff and nonsense.
What about his wedding?
There is another woman...
and I'm going to find her.
Come and sit down, Doctor.
You must be patient.
Do you expect perfection at once?
This creature of yours
should be kept under guard.
Mark my words, he will prove dangerous.
Poor old Waldman.
Have you never wanted
to do anything that was dangerous?
Where should we be if nobody tried
to find out what lies beyond?
Have you never wanted to look
beyond the clouds and the stars?
Or to know what causes the trees to bud?
And what changes
the darkness into light?
But if you talk like that...
people call you crazy.
Well, if I could discover
just one of these things -
what eternity is, for example -
I wouldn't care
if they did think I was crazy.
You're young, my friend.
Your success has intoxicated you.
Wake up and look facts in the face!
Here we have a fiend whose brain...
Whose brain must be
given time to develop.
It's a perfectly good brain, Doctor.
Well, you ought to know.
It came from your own laboratory.
The brain that was stolen from
my laboratory was a criminal brain.
Oh, well.
After all, it's only a piece of dead tissue.
Only evil can come of it.
Your health will be ruined
if you persist in this madness.
I'm astonishingly sane, Doctor.
You have created a monster
and it will destroy you.
Patience, patience.
I believe in this monster, as you call it.
And if you don't, well,
you must leave me alone.
But think of Elizabeth. Your father.
Elizabeth believes in me.
My father? He never believes in anyone.
I've got to experiment further.
He's only a few days old, remember.
So far, he's been kept
in complete darkness.
Wait till I bring him into the light.
Here he comes. Let's turn out the light.
Come in.
Come in.
Sit down. Sit down!
You see? It understands.
Take care now,
Frankenstein. Take care.
Shut out the light.
Sit down.
Go and sit down.
- It understands this time. It's wonderful.
- Frankenstein, where is it?!
Quiet, you fool!
Get away with that torch.
- Aagh!
- Quick!
Fetch the rope, quick.
Stop pushing.
- Get him to the cellar.
- Shoot it! It's a monster.
Quiet. Quiet!
Stop that! You'll have
the whole countryside on us!
Come away.
He has the strength of ten men!
Here, give me that!
Come away, Fritz.
Leave it alone. Leave it alone.
Listen. What's that? Who's there?
It's Fritz!
Come on, Doctor. Quick, hurry.
Get back.
Get out!
Come on, quickly.
He hated Fritz.
Fritz always tormented him.
Come, pull yourself together.
- What can we do?
- Kill it, as you would any savage animal.
We must overpower him first.
Get me a hypodermic needle.
- It's murder.
- It's our only chance.
In a few minutes, he'll be through
that door. Come, quick. Hurry.
- Got it?
- Yes, here it is.
- It's very strong. Half-grain solution.
- Good. Now then.
You stand there. When he goes toward
you, I will make the injection in his back.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Get back! Back!
Dr. Waldman. Dr. Waldman!
- Are you hurt?
- No, I'm all right. It's nothing.
See who's at the door.
What's happening? Elizabeth and
your father are coming to see you.
- Keep them out.
- Too late!
They must not see that.
Here, quick, give me a hand.
Henry, hurry, get that blood off your face
before your father and Elizabeth get here.
Well, er...
Pretty sort of place for
my son to be in, I must say.
- Is that the front door?
- Yes, this is it.
I don't like it, but...
here goes.
There doesn't seem to be
anybody in the place.
What a... What a forsaken place.
Are you trying to burn it down, eh?
What's that for, eh?
Well, what's the matter with you? You
look as if you've been kicked by a horse.
- Where's Henry?
- Why...
- Well?
- He can't be disturbed just now.
Oh, can't he? Huh!
I'll soon settle that nonsense.
Victor, where is he?
This place seems
to drive everybody crazy.
Oh, heavens... What's that?
I beg your pardon. I am Dr. Waldman.
Oh, are you? I'm Baron Frankenstein.
Perhaps you know what
all this tommyrot's about.
I... I'll be shot if I do!
I advise you to take
Henry away from here at once.
Well, what do you suppose
I'm here for? Pleasure?
Where are you, my dear?
Oh, there you are.
Let's see what's up the awful stairs.
I don't know how the deuce
I'm going to get up 'em, but...
Leave them alone.
No banisters or anything else...
How much further?
Come in.
- Henry.
- Elizabeth.
Victor! Dr. Waldman! Come quickly.
- My dear, what have they done to you?
- Poor Fritz... It's all my fault...
Get him on the sofa.
Have you got any brandy?
Quick, quick, quick.
Here, I'll do that.
My boy... Now, now...
Now drink. Drink this.
There. There, that's better.
I'm going to take
you home with me, Henry.
No, I can't. My work. What will happen
to the records of my experiment?
- We will preserve them.
- And...
I will see that it is painlessly destroyed.
Yes, yes. Leave it all to me.
Poor Fritz. All my fault.
There, Henry.
You can't do any more now.
You must come home
until you get well again.
You'll soon feel better
when you get out of here.
It's like heaven being with you again.
Heaven wasn't so far away
all the time, you know.
I know. But I didn't realize it.
My work. Those horrible days and nights.
I couldn't think of anything else.
Henry, you're not to think
of those things any more.
- You promised.
- All right.
Let's think about us.
When will our wedding be?
Let's make it soon.
As soon as you like.
For three generations,
these orange blossoms
have been worn at our weddings.
Your great-grandfather wore this, Henry.
Looks as good as new now, hey?
And here. Here is one to make
the best man look still better.
on your mother's head, Henry.
Today, you'll make me very happy
by doing the same for Elizabeth.
And I hope, in 30 years' time,
a youngster of yours
will be carrying on the tradition.
And now, how about a little drink, eh?
My grandfather bought this wine
and laid it down.
My grandmother wouldn't let him drink it.
Bless her heart.
Here's to your very good health.
Well, are you all full?
Yes? Come along.
Here's a health to a son
of the House of Frankenstein.
A son to the House
of Frankenstein.
Here's a jolly good health
to young Frankenstein.
Young Frankenstein.
Give the servants some champagne.
This stuff's wasted on 'em.
Well, well, well.
Go on, mop it up.
It'll do you good.
- House of Frankenstein.
- To the House of Frankenstein.
Now then. Now be off
about your business.
Listen! Listen to 'em!
The boys and girls of the village
are out here.
It's extraordinary how friendly
you can make a lot of people
on a couple of bottles of beer.
Tomorrow they'll all be fighting.
No doubt!
- They're calling for you, Baron.
- Hey-ho.
Well, I suppose I'd better show myself.
Thank you all very much indeed.
I'm very pleased to see you all,
and I hope there's plenty of beer.
There's lots more where that came from.
You stay here, Maria.
I'll just take a look at my traps.
Then we'll go to the village
and have a grand time, huh?
- You won't be long, Daddy?
- Oh, no.
If Franz comes by,
tell him I'll be back soon.
Daddy, won't you stay
and play with me a little while?
I'm too busy, darling.
You stay and play with the kitty, huh?
- Bye, Daddy.
- Goodbye.
Be a good girl now.
Come on, kitty.
Who are you? I'm Maria.
Will you play with me?
Would you like one of my flowers?
You have those, and I'll have these.
I can make a boat.
See how mine float?
No, you're hurting me! No!
- Henry.
- Elizabeth!
How lovely you look.
But you shouldn't be here.
I must see you for a minute.
Why? What's the matter?
Could you leave us for a moment?
Why, of course.
- Why, what is it?
- I'm so glad you're safe.
Safe? Of course I'm safe.
But you look worried. Is anything wrong?
No, forget my foolishness.
It was just a mood.
There's nothing the matter.
Of course there isn't!
Henry, I'm afraid. Terribly afraid.
Where is Dr. Waldman?
Why is he late for the wedding?
He's always late. He'll be here soon.
Something is going to happen.
I feel it. I can't get it out of my mind.
You're just nervous.
All the excitement and preparation.
No. No, it isn't that. I've felt it all day.
Something is coming between us.
I know it. I know it!
Sit down and rest. You look so tired.
- If I could just save us from it.
- From what, dear? From what?
I don't know!
If I could just get it out of my mind!
I'd die if I had to lose you now, Henry.
Lose me? Why, I'll always be with you.
Will you, Henry? Are you sure?
I love you so.
Sure. How beautiful you look.
Henry! Henry!
What's that? What's that?!
Henry! Dr. Waldman!
- What about Dr. Waldman?
- Henry, don't leave me!
- No, darling, you stay here.
- Henry! Henry!
Dr. Waldman's been
murdered in the tower.
The monster.
He's been seen in the hills,
terrorizing the mountainside.
He's in the house.
He's upstairs!
It's in the cellars.
It's Elizabeth! Come on.
What is it?
- Don't let him come here.
- No, no, no, darling. It's all right.
- Don't let him come here.
- It's all right, darling. It's all right.
Oh, look! That's Maria!
Silence! Silence! Silence!
What is it?
Maria. She's drowned.
My poor man.
Why do you bring her here to me?
But... But she has been murdered.
Silence! I'll see that justice is done.
Who is it?
- How is Elizabeth now?
- I don't know.
She's still in a daze. Just looks at me
and says nothing. It's maddening.
Easy, old man. She'll be all right.
- Our wedding day.
- Steady.
Your wedding will be
postponed a day at most.
- A day? I wonder.
- What do you mean?
There can be no wedding while this
horrible creation of mine is still alive.
I made him with these hands,
and with these hands I will destroy him.
- I must find him!
- I'll go with you.
No. You stay here and look after Elizabeth.
I'll leave her in your care, whatever
happens. You understand? In your care.
Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!
You will search the woods.
Those are your group.
- We'll get him!
- Quiet!
Herr Frankenstein.
You will take to the mountains.
Those are your people.
I... I will lead the third group by the lake.
And remember... remember...
get him alive if you can,
but get him!
Quiet! Search every ravine,
every crevasse,
but the fiend must be found!
Are you ready?
Light your torches and go!
Frankenstein, mountains!
Lake party, this way!
Come on, boys! Keep together.
You search there.
The rest, come with me.
Look lively! Come on! Come on!
Herr Frankenstein! Herr Frankenstein!
Come on, men! Quick! This way!
Which way did he go?
Which way did he go? Tell me! Tell me!
Over there.
You stay here and take care of him.
The rest, follow me.
Come on! Come on, quick!
No, come back! This way.
Herr Frankenstein!
Herr Frankenstein, where are you?
I think he's up there. Come on, follow me.
Fire. Fire!
Help! Help!
- Listen.
- Help!
It's Frankenstein.
That way!
This way! Come on, hurry! Hurry!
Look, they're there!
Turn the hounds loose!
There he is! The murderer.
He's alive.
Bring him down to the village
and let's take him home.
Burn the mill!
Burn the mill! He can't get away!
Have you got it? Come on, hurry.
Quiet, quiet.
Well, go ahead and knock.
Well, well, well, what's all this?
What do you want, hey?
What's this?
If you please, Herr Baron,
we thought that Mr. Henry could do with
a glass of his great-grandmother's wine.
Fine old lady, my grandmother.
Very foreseeing of her
to prevent my grandfather drinking this.
Mr. Henry doesn't need this.
As I said before, I say again,
here's to a son
to the House of Frankenstein.
Yes, indeed, sir. We hope so, sir.