Shogun Assassin (1980)

When I was little,
my father was famous.
He was the greatest samurai
in the Empire.
He was the Shogun's decapitator.
He cut out the head of 131
lords for the Shogun.
It was a bad time
for the Empire.
The Shogun just stayed inside this
castle, and he never came out.
People said his brain
was infected by devils
And Daddy's is brought in with evil.
The Shogun said his
people were not loyal.
He said he had a lot of enemies,
but he killed more people than that.
It was a bad time.
Everybody living in fear.
But still we were happy.
My father would come home to mother,
and when he'd seen her,
he would forget about the killings.
He wasn't scared of the Shogun,
but the Shogun was scared of him.
Husband ...
Maybe that was the problem.
I had a bad dream.
Don't be afraid.
Bad dreams are only dreams.
What a time you chose to be born,
Daigoro !
At night, mother
would sing for us.
My father would go into the temple
and pray for peace,
He prayed for things to get better.
Then one night ...
The Shogun sent his
ninja spies to our house.
They're supposed to kill my father
But they didn't.
That was the night everything changed.
Azami ...
Azami, your dream has come true!
Dai ... Daigoro ...
You must protect our son.
They will pay
In rivers of blood.
That was when my father
left his samurai life
and became a demon.
He became an assassin,
who walks on the road of vengeance.
And he took me with him.
I don't remember most of it myself.
I only remember the Shogun's ninjas
hunting us wherever we go.
And the bodies falling ...
And the blood.
You are marching toward death
wherever you go,
you cannot escape the Shogun.
My father hardly ever talks anymore.
We just go a little farther everyday.
At night, we make a fire,
have our tea
and we listen for the ninjas.
We never make a sound.
Sometimes he tells me about the past
and about mother.
I try not to think about it
but my father can't
help it.
Sometimes he gets lost
in the past.
I have decided to escape
and defy the Shogun.
Today I will begin walking the road to hell.
But you will choose
your own way.
So ...
soon you may be seeing heaven.
Choose the sword
and you will join me.
Choose the ball
and you'll join your mother
in death.
You do not understand my words,
but you must choose.
Come, my boy.
Choose life or death.
Your mother would be happy.
My own son will defy the Shogun.
You are my child.
Assassin with son.
By order of our lord Shogun,
in the name of Emperor Gonigi,
son of heaven.
You now have two choices:
Swear eternal loyalty to your master,
or commit harakiri
with your son.
You are wrong.
I have a third choice.
You mad man!
We command you!
He defies the Shogun's orders!
Seize him! Stop him!
What are you waiting for? Kill him!
Can't you see he's a devil?
Kill him!
You fool, bow
before your Shogun.
We see you are trapped.
You can never escape
your fate.
Some death with honor in duel
with my son, Lord Kurando.
Why don't you accept?
If you win,
the Shogun will not
challenge you anymore to come back.
How about it?
Accept this offer
or die here
Defeat my son in a
in a fair fight
and you will win your freedom.
I agree.
My son Kurando, the massacre
and his little bastard.
My strategy will not fail
What's his karma!
Sun in the heavens
blind the eyes of this mad wolf.
Fly Kurando, my boy.
Fly to glory.
Sometimes we come to a town,
but it is bad for us.
Because we are
not like other people.
The towns are dangerous.
The Shogun's ninjas are
Our rooms are nice,
and we have hot baths.
Anybody could be a ninja
Even a pretty girl
or a nice lady.
And you never know who.
Oh, how cute!
Oh, merci? Thank you very much. Thank you.
Can I bring it out to the back?
This way inside, please, thank you.
But sometimes you have to take a chance,
if you want to take a bath.
Let's rinse your feet.
Matsu! What shows you coming for this guy?
You let that man in here!
It's just the kind of beggars!
Oh I too can see!
But don't you realize he's
a masterless samurai?
They reek of troubles!
If he doesn't pay,
he'll become violent.
This person involves first of us.
Sorry, sire, there's been a mistake,
we have no...
Can I pay now?
And, would you keep this for me?
One thousand pieces of gold.
Oh, so much?
I hope it's enough.
Thank you very much, I am honored.
Thank you.
Matsu, idiot servant!
We must wash their feet.
Oh, a strong little samurai boy!
I'll wash your feet.
Thank you.
Can we go?
Mostly, we just keep moving.
It's safer that way.
That's how I get my education.
Just seeing things
and always watching out for ninjas.
Sometimes I fall asleep,
but my father never does.
That's good, because one time
when I was sleeping,
the Shogun sent his
soldiers for me.
Assassin, show yourself!
This is Lord Bizen
your old comrade.
I bring a message from my father,
your former master.
You have won your liberty,
but not your son's.
Your son's life will be
payment for your foul crimes.
The slow death of your son
will be an example to all men.
Where is he?
Turn him over!
Prepare to witness his agony.
He is the son of a mad wolf.
Kill him!
Bizen, my son, you fool!
The wolf lured you to your grave.
But I will risk the life
of all my sons
to see his head on a stake.
Farewell, my son.
Listen to me, Lone Wolf.
I want your head now.
You can not kill me.
By my eternal vow I will destroy you!
You and your son are cursed
for evermore!
Bring your ninjas.
I will kill them all!
I, Lord Kuragawa and
my ninja group greet you.
We are here to report
the Shogun's wishes.
My ninja women exists
to serve our master's move.
We hunt a man
called Lone Wolf
who fought a duel with our Shogun's heir.
What was the outcome of this duel?
Tell, please.
What can we do?
We have orders to kill him,
it won't be easy.
You fool!
Maybe Lone Wolf
would only toy with you.
May you want to see?
These are your men?
Show me your strongest man.
Junai, find the way from the ground.
Try to escape from the room.
This is your best man?
Lone wolf would swallow him!
My women will execute him.
Always on the road, we stop
a lot at temples,
to pray for the souls of the dead.
That's how Kupel can find
my father.
And they hire us to kill someone
they are scared to kill themselves.
They put up pictures of
a wolf on their temple gates.
My father leaves a message.
Then we meet in secret.
Message... road side...
Lone Wolf must be near.
I am Hirado, local clan's chief.
We hear you will kill
a man for money.
They call me Lone Wolf,
assassin with son.
In fact they say that..
But you have to show me who you are,
something to assure me.
The Shogun must have sent him.
Is it enough proof?
Tend to him.
Assassins are paid in advance.
Bring the money.
Check, please.
We need your help.
The men of our clan are proud
and dare to defy the Shogun
who's taxing us without mercy.
He takes 2/3 of our harvest,
and still think we cheat him!
That is why he has sent
his fanatical brother, Lord Kiru,
to infiltrate our brothers
with many ninja spies.
The Shogun's brother's methods
His ninja scours terrorize our people
by night with his supreme torturous methods.
Even now, they are probably
report him to Kiru.
But even worse, now the Shogun
is sending special escorts by ship
to bring Lord Kiru
safely home.
Three brothers are called
the "Masters of Death".
There are few who heard of them.
One brother uses the claws.
Another fight with a club.
The third uses nailed fists.
Together, they've killed many men.
We beg you, kill Lord Kiru
before they escort him across our borders.
You have our unworthy prayer
for the success of your mission.
We hope you will not fail.
The future of our clan
depends on you
When we're on the mission,
I keep count of how many ninjas
my father killed.
He says not to keep count
Always to pray for
their souls.
But if I don't keep count,
I don't know how many
souls to pray for.
So I keep count.
So far it's 342.
I am the Supreme Ninja!
Father, are you cold?
We've met Lone Wolf.
Now may I suggest you put
your troops against him.
He fought and killed
all but two of them!
So what happened to your swordsmen
will happen to you too, next?
Sorry, but your women are
all dead.
This is intolerable.
He intimidated you.
Don't worry, we are very
sure he'll lose his power
when he's without his son.
So you see, the little boy
is the way to him.
Daigoro ...
Prepare to die, Lone Wolf!
Shameless thieves!
You torture my boy.
The well is very deep.
Surrender now, or your
boy will drown.
Cheer up, Lone Wolf.
I refuse.
It is a certain death.
Throw away your sword.
Kill him if you dare.
It doesn't weaken me.
My son and I ...
already have embraced our fate.
Almost too heroic for one
without another son.
In the sight of death,
my son will not give up.
Ninja, now you shall see ...
You will wish you have been wiser.
Soon you'll stand by your mother's side.
This was the first time
I ever saw my father
spare the life of an enemy.
He should have killed her,
but he didn't.
Maybe it's the way she looked at him
Maybe she reminded him of someone.
To find the Shogun's brother,
we had to take a ship.
It was fun.
But there are too many people
on the ship.
Too many dangerous people.
All aboard!
All new passengers, get out
your money, please!
The Shogun has many enemies.
Get rid of them, or the same
will happen to you.
With son?
Masters of Death ...
Let me off at the next stop!
- Don't worry! I'll be the one they ha...
- Let me off!
- Do not do something!
- Do something!
It makes me sick!
Those swines will butcher anyone
who walks in their way.
It's just bad taste.
Never mind.
They'll never make it to shore.
I will seek to revenge.
Sorry to bother you.
Will you return my knife?
Very strange.
These cases are filled with oil
instead of soy sauce.
Someone plans to burn the ship?
Scum to drink sake!
I'll teach you to hurt
innocent people like that.
Good. Stay belong.
Beings from hell. Now you roast!
Listen to me.
You are trapped with a child.
In case you escape,
you should know:
We recognize you. The Shogun will
never forget about what was.
We've sworn to deliver
Lord Kiru.
But we will not attack you, as long as
you make no move against him.
If you move, you will see some bloodshed
You'd be wise not
to follow us.
Even your mystic play is no match
to the Masters of Death.
Daigoro, be brave.
There's no fire.
We must warm ourselves or die.
Hokeno. You saved me.
You are trembling.
More afraid of peace
than war?
We felt bad
leaving her there.
We knew she would have to
go back to the Shogun ...
And commit harakiri.
She was a ninja, and she
had failed.
We went on, looking for
the Shogun's brother.
They are here.
They must be near.
I sense the rebels,
I feel them somehow.
Where can they be?
Watching us.
No attack.
Be very careful.
So ...
We have our reunion.
Now we will show you
"Masters of Death."
Come on.
How could you throw your sword?
Your technique ... is ...
When cut across the neck...
a sound like wailing winter wind is heard...
I always hope to cut someone
like that someday...
to hear that sound ...
But have it happen to my own neck
is ridiculous!...
You can't touch me!
I am the Shogun's brother.
The Shogun is nothing to me.
I guess I wish it was different.
But a wish is only a wish!