The Conjuring 2 (2016)

After all we have seen,
and very few things we cringe.
But this...
This continues to haunt me.
Two months before our intervention,
the Lutz family fled their home in the middle of the night.
He is affirming that the house was haunted.
The church contacted us to ask us for help.
They wanted to see if we could confirm activity ...
that Lutz had registered.
Okay, are you ready?
Let's start.
I want you to keep silent and close their eyes.
Imagine a halo of a very bright white light.
Will protect them.
A year before they moved Lutz,
a young man named Ronnie DeFeo,
brutally murderer her entire family in this house.
We hoped to discover whether the murders ...
They were motivated by simple anger.
One and ...
Ronnie DeFeo, as stated in the Court ...
He was under the influence of something demonic.
What did you do?
What did you do?!
Honey, are you okay? Do you see?
Lorraine, what you're going on?
- I have to see. - It's over.
It's over, it's back.
What's going on?
He wants to show.
Lorraine! Lorraine!
Heaven? Heaven?
It's okay.
It's okay.
This is the closest I'll be Hell.
The research of Ed and Lorraine Warren in the Amityville case ...
drew media attention and ...
He puts them under the eyes of the general public.
Meanwhile, after a possession that many would compare ...
with Amityville, was taking place thousands of kilometers away,
in Enfield, England. This event would involve ...
to Warren in one of his cases more diabolical.
Based on the true story.
Kit and I'll elope us tonight with his friend Michael.
He wants to meet you, by the way.
Never mind, if my mom finds me, I'll be dead!
Well, better not find out.
I return the table of spirits we did.
I think I'll let Kit, give me a French kiss.
What? Do not invent!
What are they doing?
Janet, give me that!
And go in, two. Already!
Ma-Ma-Ma-Margaret ...
Margaret! Johnny!
Janet! Billy!
Hello, How is your day?
Not so good.
Why? What happened?
It's a long story, then I'll tell you.
What-what-what happens, Bi-Bi-Bi-Billy?
Already Peter shut up!
- You're a lesbian. - What, you're talking about your mom?
- Thanks Camilla. - No problem.
Is an idiot, ignore it.
SSS-si ...
I will not be able to pay the rent this month.
You have to call them.
No, talk to them, and I communicated with you.
I'm very calm!
What I do not understand is why you can not help me?
Do not! He has not paid a penny of pension in three months.
We arrived!
- Perfect. - Hi Mom!
Thank you and good afternoon.
Tell me if you do not have enough problems, so that,
your manager call me to tell me he saw you smoking?
It is not true! I was not smoking,
- I promise. - You bought cookies?
Are not you listening? I talked to the lady on the phone Mor,
How can you stand there and lie to me like that!
- I'm not lying! - Of course.
The whole school knows.
He was smoking with Camilla.
Shut up, you're a liar Johnny!
Mom, di-di-you said ...!
No Billy, do not buy damn cookies ...
Why we not have money!
Here comes Mom.
Stop playing with that and brush your teeth.
It's okay.
Hey, it seems that the whole city is burning.
- Look what I found. - Cookies!
But you said you-we had no money?
Well, anyway I wanted to quit.
- Margaret? - Si?
Already you have your uniform for tomorrow?
If Mom, I'm preparing.
- Johnny, you brush your teeth? - I'm doing.
Billy quickly to bed.
I'm coming mom!
- Yes I'm going. - Fast...
YES - NO - Where'd you get that?
Camilla and I did in school.
Well ... it was not very good.
And it really works, I swear!
And we asked many things.
Come, I'll show you.
Very good,
What I ask?
I know what you want.
My sister and I want to know,
if is there any spirit that wants to communicate with us?
Will he return home dad?
Is there a spirit that answer my question?
Do not worry,
It is a stupid game, not real.
- Why did you hit the door ?! - Was not me.
What a child you are!
The smoking surprised!
I not think you should overwhelm Pegg.
You know who smokes several cigarettes at school, right?
If many.
But it does not bother me what he did.
But the fact that no longer listens to me Peggs.
It's just a phase.
I could punish her, but I feel very bad,
because I know that's not really their fault.
It's your dad.
And it was very hard for her when she left. Poor dear.
But I have to do something, I can not ignore it, do not you think?
I hate to ask, but what did you tell Richard anything about this?
I would, if ever I see.
The idiot.
Now I have to do both jobs,
I'm half the mom was, I'm ...
I'm bad Pegg.
Of course not Peggy. Do not be so hard on yourself.
Damn thing!
Back with more Ghost Hunters Royals.
Ed y Lorraine Warren...
that tell us about their experiences in Amityville house.
Now I talk to my next guest, Dr. Steven Kaplan.
Who says research ...
Warren did the spell of Amityville ...
It has no validity.
Because it says?
It has already been proven that Amityville was completely false.
But that was never tested.
Of course!
The Lutz family invented all to benefit from all the publicity.
That is not true!
Listen, we see it all the time.
It is easy to see it from outside,
and shatter the story,
but something different is being there and experience it firsthand.
I have to go to the moon to know that it is not made of "green cheese".
Listen, Ed Warren has never seen a house ...
who does not believe that this bewitched.
While his wife ends ...
blowing smoke and jingles ...
everyone starts to believe in those things.
What kind of doctor is exactly?
Please Warren, have some class, will you?
I will not have class with someone ...
that comes to tell lies about us.
Be very careful when you call someone a liar!
What are you going to do about it?
We talk in these programs to inform people.
But every time I open my mouth,
- Another one of those idiots ... - Ed!
Academic ...
It appears, to undo what we did.
- Please calm down now. - I know, I know.
I know, I will tell ten.
I count to ten!
Well Billy, are you ready to sing a little?
MAN Stoops
Once upon a stooped man
And he walked hunched over a kilometer
He found a coin ...
Quiet, please try again.
He found a coin bent ...
On a step stooping
He bought a crooked cat to ...
... and caught a crooked mouse ...
And they all lived together in a house stooping
MAN Stoops
Good Guy!
you are becoming very good.
- Now eating a cookie. - Cookie!
Come here.
And to bed the two.
- Goodnight Mom. - Rest well.
I do not want you to eat a lot, or wake up thirsty at midnight.
Not many.
I will not do it.
You promise?
- Good night, kids. - Good night mom.
Help me.
- Janet? - Please!
Janet, Janet wakes up, you're dreaming.
This is my home!
Do not! It is not.
Get out of here!
Who you are?
What are you doing here?
I'm playing with Billy.
Leave Billy alone.
Janet, who do you talk?
You need to get out of here!
- You're the one who is invading! - Oh Janet, wake up!
I'll tell my mom, if you do not stop.
- I'll break your neck! - Do not!
Please no!
- It'll die with Billy! - Do not.
Hey Janet?
- Do not! - Janet, quiet.
Quiet, I'm here.
Go back to sleep.
Get out of me!
Leave us alone! Do you hear me?
Janet, but what you do! There's nobody there.
This is my home...
Billy, what's up?
- There's someone in my store. - What?
There's someone in my ti-shop!
You see? Nothing. It was just a nightmare.
That's it.
To your room.
Oh my God!
I almost had a heart attack, what are you doing down here?
I think I'm a sleepwalker, again.
What do you mean again?
You're good?
Have you fever.
Come. Let's go back up, okay?
I think you're not going to school tomorrow.
Come back to bed, okay?
Hodgson residence.
Hi Mom.
Yes, a little.
I had breakfast, so I'm not that hungry.
Yes, here I am.
You know when will you return home?
Yes. Bye, Mom.
My home!
You got up early.
I could not sleep.
- You are inspired? - I would not say that.
I had a crazy dream.
I saw this thing when I woke up.
I could not get my head around, so ...
I thought this would help.
Hey, I know I'm no Picasso, but,
I do not think that is too bad.
We have to stop.
We can give lectures, but no new cases.
In at least one time.
It's okay.
Would you tell me why?
If you are advertising programs and ...
We will not do it.
- Good Morning. - Good Morning.
Good Morning.
Do you trust me?
You know yes.
Trust me now.
And why would you do that?
As if sleepwalking way again.
Janet, what happens? What do you have?
There's someone in the room!
No one. What are you talking about!
Mom! There's someone in our room!
Closet doors, began to move.
Janet, I swear to God, if these inventing ...!
By God, I hit!
Were they playing with this?
Taking turns to panic each other?
No wonder they can not sleep!
But Mom ...
No, I do not want to hear another word!
Now back to bed two!
I saw it with my own eyes.
The damn thing went through the whole room.
- What? - And good?
And I walked through the house.
From top to bottom, no one.
And did you enter the room of Margaret and Janet?
Yes, between the rooms.
Even down to the basement, I did not see anyone.
What are you doing?
We teach you to ring the bell when you want to go to the bathroom.
Did you leave out Billy?
The po-police are here.
What are you doing here?
- I called. - What?
It is that someone must estarles playing a joke, right?
- So ... - Probably, yes.
So I did not personally see that man, ma'am?
But I do not think he is inventing.
Not this time.
Well, I think there must be some explanation.
Lord, why we are here, yes?
Get me a kitchen chair.
It comes from inside the wall.
And that? Will mice?
damn giant mice.
Well, uh ...
Nothing we can do about it.
We can present a report and explain it if someone asks.
But that's all.
A report?!
Ah, how brilliant!
With every problem there is a form to fill damn!
True, I can not believe it.
I heard.
I think this is out of our hands.
I know the priest of the Church. I ask you to come.
What happen?
Who is she?
Go there...
Who you are?!
Tell me who you are!
Mom! Mom wake up!
What do you want?!
Sorry Lorraine.
You're good?
I'm fine.
- Mrs Hodgson. - If?
My name is Kent Allen of television Wide Angle.
I would like to talk to you about ...
that happened at home last week.
And how did you find out?
Police officers filed a report and ...
It has surprised many.
I do not want my business come out on television, if you do not mind!
- Good day. - Is it still going on?
Why if the case will know its history ...
and give them the opportunity to get help.
- It's on? - Here we go.
Behind the doors of this house,
apparently normal, in the heart of London.
A family lives a nightmare.
PRIMARY ENFIELD - I went up and looked out the window,
clear as water, I saw the small Janet ...
HAZEL GUARD SHORT CRUISE - fly across the room, like floating.
GRAHAM MORRIS PHOTOGRAPHER - So reentered and indeed ...
there were blocks toys flying around the room.
One hit me so hard, it made me bleed.
I saw when the chair slid one on the ground.
OFFICIAL OFFICIAL HEPPS PETERSON - A distance of several meters.
OFFICIAL OFFICIAL HEPPS PETERSON - The review looking wires ...
but I found nothing to explain it.
Maurice Grosse is an engineering consultant ...
investigating these incidents ...
Society for Psychical Research.
MAURICE GROSSE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT - I do not think there is a single question about it.
The large number of incidents documented in this case ...
It is really shocking.
But Anita Gregory,
parapsychologist and academic London Polytechnic ...
He is not convinced.
GREGORY ANITA parapsychologist / LECTURER / SKEPTICAL - The protagonists of the case are children.
And children are very clever with his jokes.
At the center of these horrifying incidents ...
Janet Hodgson is 11 years.
Recently you interviewed Janet and sister of 14 years, Margaret.
What will happen then leave him stunned.
How does it feel to live in a haunted house?
I do not know. You never get used.
Because we were a normal family, before all this.
It has gotten worse since Mr. Grosse began to speak.
What do you mean?
He asks questions.
Answered a knock yes, two strokes no.
That kind of thing.
And what do you think will happen if we talk now?
Anyone there?
If there is someone there, you want to communicate?
I repeat, is anyone there?
It is not a music box, is it?
Janet, are you okay?
Janet, do you feel good?
Stop calling me Janet Ya!
Is not that your name?
Janet is asleep ...
and I'm talking about.
Well, and how do I call?
What's your name?
You do not belong here!
Mi nombre es Maurice Grosse.
Who are you?
This is my home!
So go now.
No, this is not your house.
Now, what is your name?
Heel, heel ...
Very good.
Bill, Bill, Bill.
Bill what?
My name is Bill Wilkins.
And I have 72 years old.
Where you come from?
I come from the grave.
How was your death?
I lost my sight and I had a hemorrhage.
I fell asleep and died in the chair in the corner.
Why did you come here?
I just like to hear them scream.
Why do not you leave me alone ?! us
Shut up, bitch!
Janet, daughter ...
- You love well? - Sorry.
Peggy, what will I do?
Well, you do not have to think about tonight and ...
you and the kids can stay as long as they want.
Ma-mom ...
Billy, you should be ready to go to bed.
Vi-I came to see if you wanted cookies.
Thank you.
He bought a crooked cat and mouse caught a Pitchwife
There was a stooped man ...
and walked a crooked kilometer.
No. Mom!
- Mom! Mom! - What's up? What happen?
What's up?
- The man hunched over. - What did you say?
What are you talking about?
The slouching.
Calm down and tell me what happened.
- What happened? - What?
I do not know, I think it was a nightmare.
The stooping man came and ...
He rang the bell bent.
And so his soul bent ...
She sank in Hell bent.
He killed his family bent over ...
laughing and bent over laughing.
Janet, no!
Oh Lord!
Ask for an ambulance!
This is my home!
So go now.
No, this is not your house.
Now, what is your name?
Heel, heel ...
Very good.
Bill, Bill, Bill.
Bill, what?
My name is Bill Wilkins.
And I have 72 years old.
What tells them that voice?
It seems confused.
Are you senile?
The voice on this recording,
He comes from a girl of 11 years.
And the family went to the church for help?
Yes, but ...
the truth is that we did not want to get involved.
The case has become a circus.
They are calling it the Amityville England.
Are you afraid that is a farce?
The ability of the Church to help depends on the reputation of the people.
And what do they want us to do?
We want to travel to London.
For three days. That are...
our eyes and ears unofficial.
You. Do not have to do anything.
If this is a farce, they turn around and leave.
But if it is not ...
then there is a family in London ...
who it is desperate for our help.
Well thanks for your confidence Father.
- Just let me know. - Agree.
I told him I would talk.
There is nothing to talk about.
Heaven, you heard him.
They do not want us involved, and we report only to observe.
We have rejected many cases,
but when it comes to a family, we have not denied.
I had a vision in Amityville.
It was the same I had 7 years ago.
It was a premonition of your death.
And it is that why you aislaste eight days?
Why you saw me die?
You also have seen.
The demon of your painting is real.
Both have seen the same inhuman spirit.
It is a warning, if we keep doing this ...
you'll die.
Your visions are a gift from God.
And if God shows you my death, he does something.
Maybe you should prevent it from happening.
Come on. We do not shy away from fights.
If we go and do this ...
you have to promise that we will only observe.
If something becomes dangerous in some way,
we say to the church and back.
Promtemelo Ed!
I promise.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren,
I'm Maurice Grosse, thank you very much for coming.
Did I seem to stay in the house ...?
Are Hodgson, is that correct?
It is always better to be on site.
Yes I agree.
It's here.
We arrived.
Ed, we recorded shocking things.
I think you impress much when see it.
Great, I would like to hear those tapes.
You have very interesting things.
Nottingham Vic. Hi Vic.
- Hola, Ed Warren.
- Hola.
How are you?
And she's Peggy, Peggy Hodgson.
- Pleased to meet you, Ed Warren. - How are you, how are you?
- My wife Lorraine. - Pleasure.
- How are you? - Hello.
Well, I'm Pegg.
Give children a kiss from me.
Yes of course.
- It was a pleasure. - Equally.
And here we are, Peggy.
Please stop.
We're just Janet and I, you know.
My other children are with them.
This is where the girls slept, but ...
- I did not use it anymore. - Why not?
This is where most of the activity has occurred,
we worried that someone would get hurt,
so we keep it closed.
Do I understand that Janet has levitated?
That also happened here?
- Repeatedly. - If.
We also have pictures of that.
I would like to hear the version of Mrs. Hodgson, if you do not mind.
Neighbours donated crucifixes.
And I hung up hoping that things no longer move.
- It has worked? - Do not.
There noises all night.
Hi, I'm Lorraine.
Do you mind if I sit down?
You know why I came?
Well, your mom told me what is happening,
and I'm here to help where I can.
You want to talk about it?
When I was your age,
I visited my mom in the hospital,
and ... I saw an angel.
I was...
right next to the bed of a small,
and tenderly he stroked her face,
and then he stopped.
And then he looked at me.
Of course my mom and nurses did not believe me ...
but knew it was real.
Look. I know how it feels.
I know what it is to lose your friends, because you are different.
But I also know that ...
a person can change everything.
Just open up to her.
How did you know you could trust the people with you hits you?
I did not know, I did not know it. I was hurt many times.
And I took a long time, but ...
I finally found a man who believed me.
And what did you do then?
I married him.
I'm very tired.
I can not sleep.
Before I went to nursing school.
And let me sleep there.
Because I was exhausted.
But not even that.
Everyone is afraid of me.
I do not have friends.
I can not go anywhere.
It makes me feel I'm not normal.
Listen, that thing that you do this ...
He wants you to feel that way.
But why?
Because ... That strengthens it.
More or less when it all began ...
Janet began to wake up here, in the middle of the night.
Because it is the place where Janet says,
Bill Wilkins died right here.
Where did they removed?
My ex-husband bought the house with furniture when we moved.
If you do not mind me asking, but ...
Is your ex-husband is still present?
Sorry to hear it.
Is there any possibility of reconciliation?
He had twins with a woman from another street.
I take that as a "no".
Yes, there has been a lot to digest.
All the music was the day he left.
I know sometimes must feel so ...
No, literally it took all disks.
My kids loved Elvis collection.
He does not know how they have suffered.
And now all this is happening.
I spent now is not coincidence,
negative entities feed on the emotional suffering.
Kick you when you're on the ground.
That does not seem very fair.
No, it really is not.
Do you know when the word is about to speak?
And when it does, do you feel that the voice comes from within?
It's like talking behind me.
Like I used.
Ever he tells you things, just you.
What only you listen?
That tells you?
He says he wants to hurt you.
When told you that?
Right now.
Do you really need that?
We want to prove to the Church that is not changing the voice itself.
If you have something in your mouth will prove,
it is not a kind of ventriloquism.
And you should sit there? Why...
I do not like to see her sitting in that chair.
I know it's difficult, but the spirit was a kind of attachment.
And Ed will contact easier, if you sit there.
You will be fine.
Are you ready for this?
I think.
It EN 21 December 1977
We are Ed and Lorraine Warren,
reunited with Peggy and Janet Hodgson,
also present, Maurice Grosse.
Well, go ahead.
If there is anyone here who wants to contact us,
We're all ears. Speaks.
What do you want from this girl and her family?
He says he will not talk, if you. They keep looking at me like that.
Thats weird! I wonder why not?
Earlier he had shown no signs of shyness.
And if we get back?
Do you think if we talk?
Try again.
What do you say Bill?
And we gave privacy.
Come and talk to us.
Here I go...
Do I speak with the spirit that is tormenting this family?
That is what I am?
That's what I do?
And I have come to get a high.
Do you know who I am?
And, est bien.
Your father called you "Edward".
It is not true!
My father called me Ed, like the others.
Come on Bill, you're not a psychiatrist ...
and I did not come to talk about my father.
Let's talk business, what do you say?
Why do not you leave these people alone?
Because this is my house!
This is not your house.
Yes it is!
I came to see my family.
And they are no longer here.
It's because you're dead.
If your family lived here, now no longer does.
Where are they?
I do not know, maybe I could help if I knew.
I do not need your help!
And why not transcend better?
Because I do not believe that.
Why not?
What would be wrong to go to Heaven?
I ... I'm not a man of Heaven.
I have news for Bill ...
what you think, I do not care.
See this?
Help! This ... not me ... Go ...
Help! This ... not me ... Go ...
Do you detect a presence?
No, on the contrary, I detect nothing achievement.
It could be ...
hysterical neurosis.
That would explain the multiple personalities and ...
I do not think it's that.
I can not explain, my heart tells me I should believe them.
I heard that voice, with my own ears.
But all that accomplishment feel is their own fear.
Can not see beyond.
I do not think I can sleep so far from you.
You'll have to.
When we return home, I will repay.
Oh love, I do not like to do that!
It is that this helps me sleep.
So I know I'm not going anywhere.
I do not smoke mom.
Camilla that day at school.
He had a cigarette in hand,
but seriously not going to smoke it, I swear.
I just wanted to see me in front of her interesting.
It was stupid.
Ay amor!
I regret not have believed you.
Ay querida!
Janet? Oh Lord!
- Relief. - Janet!
- Mom ... - Janet!
Please take me, there's someone here.
I can not open it!
Mom, help me!
- Mom! Mom! - Janet!
- What happen? - Is anyone there with Janet.
I can not open it!
Go find the key. Already!
Janet resists! Already we go!
Help me!
Here's the key! The key!
Come on!
Janet, as we go.
Janet dear!
Take it off. Please Take it off!
There was someone here!
I saw it with my own eyes.
And did this to my child.
This is the bite that Janet received the first night.
It has faded a bit, but it still looks.
It is quite clear, is missing two teeth.
So is. And it's too big to be a child.
So you think it was the spirit?
Does that Bill Wilkins?
Investigate the previous owner,
and it turns out that the father of the owner lived there.
His name was William Wilkins.
And he died from bleeding in the brain, in that chair.
All that she said is true.
public information, indeed.
He could hear the story of a neighbor.
And the time that Janet was teleported around the house while he slept?
That is just as valid as saying that levitated above her bed.
Someone was there when it happened?
No, but here I have pictures of that too.
Yes, there are.
I put the camera in the girls' room,
wait down with the remote control,
and I pressed it when I heard movement.
I have to accept that, on his knees ...
and his body upright position seems to be jumping.
What do you mean? You were there last night, you saw it with your own eyes.
Peggy was the one who saw someone attacking Janet.
But she teleported to a room locked from the outside,
for the love of God!
And what about your voice?
How do you explain that?
What I think is ...
The first time he did that voice ...
It was in front of the television cameras.
And he could not do it with water in the mouth,
until they turned.
So, perhaps the spat,
and he took another sip before to turn over.
A year ago I cheated a family of Welsh,
who pretended to be possessed by demons.
I honestly do not know what's worse, demons,
or people who take advantage of our willingness to believe them.
The demons.
They are worse.
But they must recognize that it is suspicious.
And you honestly believe that the girl is faking?
And what about Peggy?
He's using the whole thing as an excuse,
for the city to give you a better home.
Already he made the process!
I'm not saying that is a hoax.
Sometimes what we do, we require a leap of faith.
To believe, when no one else does.
So, do you really believe them?
Yes it is.
But the Church can not do anything without proof.
We need.
Yes. And I'll make some calls to see if it is possible ...
get video recording equipment.
Meanwhile Peggy and spend time with children.
They need to be a family again.
- Returned! - Hi Mom, arrived.
Already they returned!
What is all this?
Mr. and Mrs. Warren bought them.
I hope you do not mind, some of our American culture.
Of course not.
Billy! I missed you!
Hi. I missed you.
Do you ever have upset a bully?
Peter, at school. He's always bothering Billy.
And tell me, what do you do when you bother?
Eee-they defend me.
Well, because the spirit of this house looks like that bully.
And it's bothering Janet.
So they should defend her,
as they will defend you.
the family is based.
This on the other hand, is a lost cause.
Oh, damn it!
It seems everything has stopped working,
for no reason.
Because we have music in one way or another.
Is that who's guitar?
It was Dad, but gave it to me.
Yes, you pay me?
Let's see.
I'm rusty, so,
They promise not to laugh.
All about you.
Wise men say that
only fools rush
Thank you.
Dont laugh.
But I can not help falling in love with you
Should I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can not help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely ...
Hi Peggy, we're here.
sea ...
Dear so
Some things are meant to happen
Everyone already.
Take my hand, take my whole life too
Since I can not help falling in love with you
Since I can not help falling in love with you ...
Thank you very much!
Oh Lord!
It's so small and light!
Why are you doing this?
Do we help people like us?
When you were little,
Have you ever gave you afraid there was something under your bed at night?
In my bed ... If hiding something underneath.
something grabbed my hand and pulled me down.
It was too dark to see under there,
but I ran as fast as I could.
You know what my dad did?
He took me to my room,
and he told me I had to face my fears.
I was very scared,
but then I remembered something I had said a nun in catechism.
God always helps those in need.
Take a crucifix, I had on my bedside table.
And I told the thing was there ...
that best outside,
or God would give him a beating.
It was the best thing my father did for me.
Of course I only did because I really did not believe me.
I took years to find someone who did.
And you know I did?
You married her.
You've already heard the story, right?
How's it going here?
It's ready,
I also noticed the closet door.
And if you want, also reviewed the washing machine.
No, I could not ask that,
- There is a disaster down there. - Please!
How bad could it be?
Can not be!
Everything is still quiet in?
Yes, thank goodness. Yes.
It would be awesome, do not you think?
We could prove beyond any doubt ...
that there is another life ...
after this.
Really would, historical.
Is that why you do it?
Why do you want to be part of something "historic"?
This is not a laboratory,
it is someone's home.
And I think, help that family is what matters.
No, I'm sorry, I do not mean that.
My daughter died in a car accident,
some years ago.
After that, I started ...
experience things ...
I think he wanted to communicate with me.
And yes that would help me to know that is ...
I do not know.
This is not.
Oh, great!
I think I found it.
Here it is.
Come to help me...
Yes. Almost.
What is that?
There's something behind you.
Quiet! Come here!
He attacked me.
I attempt to plunge into the water.
Oh God, look!
- Oh no, do you rasguaste? - Not a scratch.
It's a bite, I bit like he did with Janet.
- Janet, you give me another? - If!
What do you have?
What do not you see?
I do not see what?
In the kitchen...
Tell me what you see ...
He's playing with knives.
Hidden in the dark.
Johnny, what are you doing?
Johnny, no!
Johnny no, do not go!
Remember what Mr. Warren said.
We will not let that bother us.
This is our house.
Johnny, please come back!
What happened? What happen?
Janet disappeared! And he was here with us!
- Ven. - Ay no!
Be careful.
- Mom! - Johnny?
Ed, what happens?
Johnny is in!
- No. - Mom!
- Johnny! - Behind.
- Johnny!
- Aprtate.
Where are they?
Where are they?!
- Oh my love, come here. - Mom!
- You're good? - Mom!
It is good love.
Where is Janet?
Where's Janet ?!
Hey. I'm listening to something here.
Ay And, cuidado!
You want ... Leave me ... ...
... Leave me ...
- Janet? - Calm down, you're right, come.
I have you. Watch out.
It's over.
I'm here my love.
How did he get in there?
You're all right, honey.
What is that?
May l...?
What happen?
She's faking.
I have proof.
So far his leap of faith.
My daughter is not inventing anything. I've seen things.
He was surprised in flagrante pretending something.
No, that's not possible.
They do not saw the room?
How can a 12 year old girl throw a table? Is...
It's over! You understand it?
For the sake of your daughter, do not do it even more difficult.
He could not have done it alone.
How dare you!
Do you think I motivate this?
What about the police?
- It's over. - They are also in this?
I'm fine.
What about you. Both?
We believe, right?
We want to help.
But if the Church sees this video,
all this will end.
They want to distance themselves from anything that ...
remotely resembling a farce.
I want to leave, please.
Ya vyanse!
Get out of here!
Perhaps they can contact the spirit in some way,
communicate directly with him.
I can not.
Believe me try.
Sorry, but I do not detect anything here.
So would it?
They give hope and then the snatch.
We do not like this at all, like to you.
We will tell the Church, all that we saw,
but the only conclusive proof we have ...
It is a video where Janet feigns an incident.
What no, there have been dozens of incidents genuine?
You might want this.
And just because he faked once,
- Not at all change the fact ... - It changes everything.
We are agents of the Church,
Peggy seek us although we had not missed here.
Maurice did a good job.
The relied, when no one else did.
Thank you.
But sometimes you have to give a vote of confidence.
Believe, when no one else does.
This does not feel good.
I know.
You really did?
But why?
He said, that would kill.
But he forced them to leave.
Is not it too coincidental,
who has mounted an incident in the only room in the house,
I had a video camera recording?
Help me to open my players.
Roll it up and put it at the beginning.
Remember those strange and confusing messages Janet said?
Well, Bill.
- If. - There were two, right?
This is the first.
Help! This ... not me ... Go ...
Help! This ... not me ... Go ...
- We thought he was referring to himself, right? - If.
Listen to the second.
I ... want ... Let ... me ... Leave ...
If I have right about this ...
Help me! This did not want to let go ...
I came here...
To see my family.
But they are no longer here.
I believe...
I want to go now.
- But I can not. - Why not?
She wants...
with despair.
And nearly he has.
Tell me how to stop it.
I'm given ...
and I am changed.
I was there, your first breath.
And you did not choose me.
But I'll accompany,
to death!
Wait, you do not understand ...
Please tell me...
Honey, you're bleeding!
What's going on?
The spirit of old,
it's just a pawn.
He was locked,
to control the will of Janet.
Who? Who locked?
Something inhuman. Something that took a blasphemous way, to attack my faith.
There is a demonic presence in that house.
Go for Vic. Before you leave, we must return!
Mom help me, please!
Mom, please!
Mom help me!
For the love of God, leave us alone!
Margaret, no!
Johnny, are you okay?
- Come on. - Mom?
We have to go.
Come out children.
They Peggy Go home!
- Are not you going avenir? - I can not help Janet.
No, Janet!
I do not understand, first say it is not real ...
and now it is.
Inhuman spirit blocking their ability to see.
The spirit of man,
He could not escape, until we left the house.
All you have lived has been a manifestation of something demonic.
The old, the slouching, was only a mask,
so we did not see the true evil in that house.
In my view, he wanted to help, but I was afraid.
What he told me was, a kind of conundrum.
Something like...
I am given and I am changed,
I was there, your first breath.
And you did not choose me.
But I will accompany you to death.
Your name,
one chooses, we would get when we are born.
Exact! Know the name of the devil ...
It gives us power over him, to banish him.
Yes. Sure, but we do not know its name.
Or maybe yes.
And why would we sign this?
You should think that somehow we know.
And then they will do now?
Inhuman spirit, which doubles the gift of Lorraine ...
it's too much for me.
Janet Bring the Church, before the murder.
What happened?
Thank heaven coming, Janet is there.
- Ed, are you okay? - If.
I'll go back.
No, Ed! No!
- Peggy, stay here! - No no...
Wait in the car with the kids! Wait...
Get in the car.
Come up, come up!
You also Peggy, come on!
Can not be!
I can not open it.
- I'll try. - Shit!
We have to tear it down!
- Okay, wait here. Yes. - Hurry up!
Ed sky, waiting there.
- Wait, now comes Vic -. I can not wait.
I will overtake.
No, Ed no!
You can not face it alone.
You need us to help.
Ed, please! Please! Just wait for me...
Por favor Esprame.
I can not lose you.
I'm really scared.
I know.
I also.
But I have to help her.
But what about my vision?
I know I promised something dear ...
but I have to do it.
I love you, Lorraine.
Ed, no!
No no...
Help me!
Janet, where are you?
Help me!
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What's your name?
What is your...?
What's your name?!
If you know what your name.
I asked you.
Tell me who you are!
You told me.
You told me your name.
And I wrote it!
I need my Bible.
Why? What's up? What?
The name of the demon, gives us power over him.
Once upon a stooped man
And he walked hunched over a kilometer
He found a coin stooping
On a step stooping
He bought a crooked cat to ...
... and caught a crooked mouse ...
And they all lived together in a house stooping
Joke! Joke!
Let me go!
- No Lorraine, no. - I'm going in.
Let me come to me. Lorraine!
Janet, no! No!
I have you.
I have you.
Oh Lord!
- Janet! - Ed!
Your name gives me dominion over you devil.
And I know what your name is.
You Valak.
El blasphemous.
The layman ... well Salido snakes.
On behalf of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You'd condemn back to Hell!
- I have you! - Ed!
I got it. Janet!
- Oh Lord! - Agree.
- Ed, are you okay? - Check it.
Janet? Oh my God! It's okay?
I'll call an ambulance.
Sit daughter.
Here you go, you take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath. That's.
He'll be fine.
You should look.
- The saved. - Do not.
You saved us.
What I told you was not meant to be?
But you believed in me.
Without you, I would not have succeeded.
Thanks for coming back.
Come, sit. Sit down.
Listen out...
This has kept me safe,
since he was a child.
I want you to keep it.
And when you grow ...
looking for someone in need and give.
It's a deal?
I'm very lucky.
You said a person makes a difference.
I have two.
Enfield incident would become one of the cases ...
most documented in the history of the paranormal.
Peggy Hodgson lived the rest of his life in Green Street house.
In 2003, he died peacefully sitting in an armchair in the room ...
right in the place where Bill Wilkins died 40 years ago.
A translation of TaMaBin